How to prevent pop-ups in Yandex browser. Disable browser pop-ups. System, power saving and hardware acceleration

Before dealing with the question of how you can disable or enable pop-up blocking, you should understand what is meant by this concept.

This phenomenon can be three types:

  • Advertisingembedded by the site owner. It is often useful because it coincides with the topic of the site or is interconnected with it.
  • Intrusive advertising and spam. This phenomenon is caused by the fact that the computer is infected with a malicious virus.
  • User interactions... Such windows are rare, but they are important for full-fledged work with this site, for example, a window with captcha for authorization; a dialog box with confirmation of an action or operation; enlarged image.

Thus, often the solution to the problem is complete or selective blocking, but sometimes the list of exceptions can be useful.

Advertising in Google Chrome

According to standard settings google browser Chrome blocks ads, but this feature can be disabled.

Disable or enable, if necessary, the above function can be in the following way:

  • Launch reviewer Google chrome;
  • In the right upper corner screen, we find the button " Yet" and click;
  • Here we select the menu “ Settings»;
  • At the bottom of the page, select the item " Additional»;
  • Next, go to the section " Privacy and security", and then " Content settings»;
  • Go to the item " Popup windows»And set the switch to the desired position.

Configuring Yandex browser

Yandex Browser is fairly new, but it also has a built-in function of full or partial ad blocking.

In order to disable or allow similar components, as well as add individual sites to the list of exclusions, the first step is to go to browser options... This button is located in the upper right corner of the screen, and clicking on it will open a menu in which you should find a section with additional settings.

Here you need to go to the section “ Personal data protection", and then " Content settings”. This will open a separate section with settings, where the desired block is located “ Popup windows”.

Here you can enable either turn off ban of all viewed sites, and also specify a list of sites of exclusions.

Opera browser

The Opera browser allows you to manage these ads in two ways.

Option 1... You need to click in the upper left corner on the Opera logo, which will open the menu list. Here you need the item “ Settings” — “Fast” — “Popup windows”.

Option 2... If the top line or the “ruler” of the main menu is enabled in the browser, then you can go to the pop-up window management through the “ Tools”.

Settings in Mozilla Firefox

Firefox automatically blocks these ads by default, but this feature can be controlled. To do this, you need to walk the path “ Tools” — “Settings” — “Content” — “Block pop-ups

Here, if necessary, you can specify the site an exception or ask a whole list of them.

Internet Explorer changes

Internet Explorer is quite old, and it was from it that many subsequent browsers adopted the considered blocking function. Manage this process in this browser can in the following way:

  • We open the item “ Service", and then " Browser properties”;
  • After that, click on “ Confidentiality", Then to" Pop-up blocking"And finally open the menu" Parameters”;
  • Here in the section “ Blocking level”You can set the required parameters.

Contextual advertising in Yandex Browser, as well as in other web browsers, annoys many users and distracts them from reading useful information and viewing media content. Motley ads "load" the eyes (in the literal sense of the word!), Often carry (or rather, in the links provided) the latent threat of viruses infecting PCs, reveal unpleasant pictures (pornography, diseases, disasters, etc.). And in the Yandex browser, they slow down the opening of web pages.

In this article, you will find a comprehensive answer to the question of how to disable ads in Yandex Browser. regular means and using the Adblock addon. Let's get acquainted in detail with all the ways to disable, remove banners in order.

How to block banners in other browsers,.

Standard options

1. Click "Menu" in Yandex (the "three stripes" icon).

2. In the drop-down list, click "Settings".

3. In the "Personal data" block, make sure that the "Block shocking ads" option is enabled (A "checkmark" must be checked in its line; if the box is empty, click on it).

1. Open the menu (see previous instructions).

2. Click on the "Add-ons" section.

Note. If you are on the settings tab, at the top of it, in horizontal menu click "Add-ons".

3. In the "Security" block, enable the required modules: by clicking the mouse, move the switches to the on state.

Note. Filters are provided free in the browser.


This add-on removes certain categories of unwanted and potentially dangerous banners, teasers from pages:
Pop-up ads aimed at stealing credentials: with fake notifications of antivirus software about a virus infection of the PC and a proposal to get rid of them, fake SMS from social networks, etc.

Social engineering intrigues: reports of big winnings, advertising of fake weight loss products, predictions, financial pyramids, fraudulent schemes for investing finance.

Shocking content: erotica and pornography, animated pictures with the death of people, illustrations of injuries, diseases, intimate parts of the body.

Obsessions: block windows that pop up after clicking on any area open page.

To perform additional settings for Anti-shock:

1. In the filter panel, click the "More" spoiler.

2. Click on the "Settings" button.

3. In the window that opens, you can do the following:

  • check the box in the "Do not block ..." line so that the blocker does not filter erotic ads;
  • add the site to the "black list" (button of the same name);
  • add URL, domain to the "white list" (option "Exclusions").

4. After creating the settings, click “Finish” to activate them.

Blocking flash data

It is advisable to enable this filter only if the user does not play games, does not use audio and video players created on the Flash platform in the browser, since it blocks all Flash elements on sites: trusted content and animated advertising banners.

The filter is controlled as follows:

1. Click in the panel: More → Settings.

2. In the "Exceptions" panel:

you can remove sites from the base (pre-installed) list;

add a link to a web page, site to the list;

assign an action for the list (Allow, Block, Find content);

read more information about the add-on (link "More").

3. When finished editing, click Finish.

Note. Flash content display can also be controlled through the browser menu in the Flash block.


Powerful integrated third party filter. Blocks banners, video player ads, pop-ups, phishing links. Prevents the loading of viral, potentially dangerous web resources.

After enabling the add-on, its icon appears in the upper right corner of the browser. Click it to go to the setting panel. The following options are available in the list:

Customize option - opens new tab for fine tuning of filtration:

Basic settings - generating subscriptions, displaying statistics, allowing trusted advertising;

Anti-banner - enable / disable Russian, English filters and Liste FR base;

Antiphishing - controls phishing filtering.

White list - a list of exclusions (sites, pages on which you do not need to disable banners);

Custom filter - create, export / import your own blocking rules;

To create a blocking rule:

1. Click the addon icon.

2. In the menu, select the "Block ads on the site" section.

Pop-ups in your browser can trigger unwanted ads, annoying banners, and other annoying features to display ad content. In all browsers, without exception, you can disable the possibility of pop-ups, which will greatly reduce the number of ads in your browser. Using Yandex Browser as an example, you will clearly see how you can disable such windows once and for all without installing third-party software. Follow the instructions in the article and you will definitely succeed.

Open Yandex Browser and look for the icon of three bold stripes in the upper right corner. Click on it. From the pop-up list, select the "Settings" item.

Scroll down the page until you see a large long button “Show additional settings”. Click on it, since this is where the desired parameters are located.

Before you will open full settings browser Yandex. Here you can specify almost all the information that will facilitate your work in the browser and customize it to your preferences.

Find the "Personal Information" option. It will contain two buttons and a small list. Click on the most left button “Content settings”.

First, set your Flash settings to “Find and run only important Flash content”. The parameters of this item are important, since the Flash resolution for all services is fraught with the appearance of pop-up videos, and this is also a kind of new window.

Below, almost at the very end of the list, you will find the Pop-ups section. You only have two parameters for them:
  • Allow pop-ups on all sites.
  • Or block these windows.

However, if you look even lower, then you will notice the button “Manage Exceptions”. This item is very convenient, as it allows you to add exclusion sites from your solution. For example, check the box “Block pop-up windows on all sites”, and in the exclusions field, write down those sites where you need such windows.

You can do the opposite: allow pop-ups, but add untrusted sites to the list of exclusions. So you can easily manage pop-up windows in the browser from Yandex. Don't forget that they lead to unwanted ads and are blocked by default.

Hello, dear site readers! While surfing the Internet, you have probably come across pages where various information is displayed in pop-up blocks. Nothing like that, but she's very annoying. It may offer to buy something, or ask: “Or maybe you are looking for an answer to such and such a question? Write to our expert ... ".

They may not appear immediately, but after you click on the page, close it, or through certain time... Considering that recently a lot of viruses and programs that can harm the computer have been spreading through them, the issue of blocking them is very relevant.

Therefore, let's look at how to block pop-up windows in the Yandex browser using the capabilities of the browser itself, without installing third-party extensions and programs, as well as how to disable their blocking.

Pop-up blocker

If you need to remove such blocks in the Yandex browser, click on the three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner of the web browser and select "Settings" from the menu.

Scroll down the page with settings and click on the "Show advanced settings" button.

In the window that opens, find the "Pop-ups" section and put a marker in the "Block on all sites" field. Then click on the "Finish" button.

After that, when you open the site in the Yandex browser on which they are, then on the right in address bar you will see a crossed out square. By clicking on it, a list of what has been blocked will open.

Allow pop-ups in Yandex browser

In the Yandex browser settings, their blocking is enabled by default. And if, on the contrary, you need to disable it so that you can fill out the registration form, or see additional informationthen do the following.

As described in the previous paragraph, go to the browser settings and in "Personal data" find the section with the desired name. Check the box next to "Allow on all sites" and click "Finish".

Now they will be displayed on all sites where they are provided.

By the way, the browser itself does not recommend enabling this function so that they are displayed on all pages. But what if you regularly visit a certain site and the information that is displayed in them is extremely important to you? Moving on to the next point ...

Pop-up settings

In the Yandex browser, users have the ability to specify on which sites to block or allow them.

If you are allowed on all sites, but there are a couple of those where you would like to disable them, then in the "Content settings" in the already familiar section, click on the "Manage exclusions" button.

A window like this will appear. In the first field, paste the site address, and on the contrary, select "Block" from the list. Then click Finish.

Here you can add all the addresses you need. To remove an extra resource from the list, move the mouse cursor over it and click on the cross that appears in the line to the right.

After that, on the specified pages, pop-ups will be blocked.

If, on the contrary, you have prohibited them in the browser settings, but on certain sites you still need them to appear, then click the "Manage Exceptions" button.

Insert the address of the page where they should be displayed, and select the opposite "Allow". Add everything required pages into this list and click Finish.

Now, on all sites whose addresses are indicated in the list of exclusions, you will be able to view information in pop-up windows.

If you do not know exactly on which resource you will need to allow them to be shown, then it's okay.

For example, we went to a page, and displaying information in such a block is necessary. Click on the crossed-out square in the address bar on the right and in the window that opens, put a marker in the field "Allow pop-up windows on the site."

After that, this site will automatically be added to the list of exclusions, which you filled out yourself a little above.

If you do not want them to constantly appear on this site, then just click on the desired link of the blocked window to view it.

So, without using third-party extensions, Yandex browser users have the ability to quickly block or, conversely, allow pop-ups to different pages in the Internet.

The Yandex.Browser web viewer is the youngest web browsing tool reviewed on our website, but it is rapidly gaining popularity for two reasons: it is like a sibling similar to Chrome and it uses new technologies that make the user experience faster on the Internet. and safe.

High requirements for comfort and security have led to the fact that Yandex Browser has settings related to management in terms of complete prohibition, which is set by default, full permission, one-time permission and full permission to display such windows for selected sites.

Setting up these modes in Yandex Browser is like two peas in a pod similar to the principles, so a user who has worked with a Google browser before will have no problems with a Yandex browser.

So, in order to configure the work with pop-up windows in Yandex Browser, you should go to its settings, for this you need to click the settings icon located near the block of window control buttons:

The page that opens should be scrolled to the very bottom, where click on the button "Show advanced settings".

Immediately below it, a block "Protection of personal data" appears, in which we are interested in the first button "Content settings".

By clicking it, you will go to the additional settings form, which should be scrolled down a little to the "Pop-up windows" block.

You can simply turn on or off the prohibition to show them on all sites, or you can prohibit them from being shown on all sites except the selected ones. You can create a list of favorite sites on which you need to display windows of this type by clicking on the "Manage exclusions" button.

You just need to add the addresses of sites on which windows should be shown not according to general settings, but according to those set specifically for each resource from this list. After entering the site addresses and setting the permission, you should click the "Finish" button.

Managing pop-ups in Yandex Browser is not as difficult as it might seem, since you can enable permissions for sites right when you browse them. If windows are blocked, when the site tries to display a popup window in the address bar, you will see a warning "Popup blocked":

It will soon disappear, leaving behind a reminder in the form of an icon, clicking on which brings up a menu for quick control of browser modes with pop-up windows:

Clicking on the link with the address of the blocked window will cause it to be shown, and if you are convinced that the information on it is useful and safe, you can immediately add the site to the exceptions by selecting the option "Allow pop-up windows on the site ..." and clicking "done" ... This is very convenient because it does not require a whole sequence of actions that must be performed in order to get into the mode of setting exclusions through the settings page of Yandex Browser.