Refresh 5 iPhone the call does not work. My iPhone has lost sound - what should I do? What to do if all else fails

Recently, we often hear that someone's iPhone suddenly lost sound, and having studied and checked everything that is possible in programs, modes and settings, an independent solution to the problem was never found. Why is there no sound on the iPhone, and for what reason did the mobile gadget behave this way? What could have happened?

Why did the sound disappear on the iPhone? There may be several reasons

  • Dirty audio channel. This problem may be faced by those iPhones that have been in operation for more than one year, or those whose owners use the device in places where dust or small debris accumulates. The audio channel could simply be clogged with small dirt or dust particles, resulting in lower audio playback volume and significant degradation of audio performance. Therefore, a dull sound with crackling, wheezing and rustling, and in other cases the absence of sound at all, may be due precisely to a clogged audio channel. To eliminate this "scourge", just clean the channel.
  • Ingress of moisture. If liquid gets under the body of the device, it can cause the sound to disappear on the iPhone. Due to the effect of moisture on the "insides" of the device, oxidation of microcircuits may occur, which will lead to "glitches", during which the phone will independently activate and deactivate the "headset connection" mode, despite the fact that the headphones will not even be connected to the device ... In such a situation, the sound disappears completely, and neither changing the settings nor restarting the device can return it. You are unlikely to be able to cope with this violation on your own. The most reasonable, in this situation, would be to contact the service and repair center, where the master will clean all oxidized contacts, and also replace the damaged elements.
  • Mechanical violation of the integrity of the speaker. The iPhone speaker can be damaged by mechanical or physical impact, be it a shock, fall, or strong shaking of the device. In such a situation, the replacement of the damaged part, that is, the speaker, is required. It will probably not be possible to professionally cope with this breakdown on its own. But replacing the speaker in the hands of the master will take no more than an hour. He will definitely determine why the sound disappeared on the iPhone.
  • Soldering the sound chip due to falling or impact. The iPhone 4, as it turned out, often suffers from sound problems. This is justified by the poor-quality soldering of the chips, in comparison with its predecessors and the iPhone 5 and iPhone 6 models that came out later. Thus, after a fall, strong shaking or shock, the microcircuit responsible for controlling the audio playback may be unsoldered. The repair of such a breakdown is carried out in a service center, where the master will either re-solder the native microcircuit, or install a new one.
  • Problems with the headphone jack. There is a little trick, if the sound disappears, then you can insert and pull the headset into and out of the connector several times, and it is desirable to pull the plug sharply. The sound should appear 10-15 times. Sometimes it helps bring sound back to your gadget.

The reasons sound fade in iPhone there may be various malfunctions and malfunctions, which mainly lie inside the device itself. In order not to make things worse, it is best to entrust the repair of the device to professional specialists. And in order to prevent damage, you should be more careful with your phone: do not drop, bump, shake, wet, or get dirty.

A small video about why there is no sound on the iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6+ when recording a video. Telephone repair:

Hello everyone! In general, the missing sound on the iPhone is not a very standard situation, since it certainly does not turn off by itself. However, you do not need to immediately prepare for the worst, because this phenomenon can be caused not only by any mechanical problems, but also by software problems, which is much easier to solve. So, what to do and how to fix sound problems on iPhone, let's go!;)

Naturally, we will not talk about such a banal thing as checking whether the vibration mode is on, the do not disturb mode () and whether the volume slider is turned to maximum - we need to check this first. Let's get down to business and first we need to decide where there is sound and where there is not.

Here are some situations ...

The sound on the iPhone has not completely disappeared - it is in the headphones

In principle, the partial loss of audio signals is usually characteristic of software problems, but not in this case ...

So, we plug the headphones into the iPhone and check. If there is sound in them, and when you pull it out, it disappears, plus when you adjust the volume, divisions are not added (it feels like the volume buttons do not work), then I congratulate you, you are in luck.

The whole problem is in the charging or headphone jacks. Either dust has got into them, or they have oxidized from contact with water (how to proceed).

And thus the iPhone "thinks" that something is constantly connected to it - a docking station or the same headphones. By the way, this problem is more typical for older devices with a 30-pin connector - such as iPhone 4, iPad 2, etc. Why? It's just that the connector itself is larger and, for this reason, the likelihood of contamination is higher.

What do we do? It's simple - in most cases, neat cleaning of the connectors helps.

Carefully! With a toothpick or other object (it is highly desirable not to be metal, since you can scratch or bend the contacts), we clean out all the accumulated dirt or dust from there. After that, we reboot the device. Then, just in case, we insert and remove the charging and headphones several times.

By the way, if the contacts are exactly oxidized (for example, after contact with liquid), it may happen that the device will have to be disassembled in order to clean not only the outside, but also inside.

If you do not have such knowledge, I highly recommend contacting the service center, since during self-repair, in addition to sound, you can break something else - for example, the Home button cable and get this one.

Sound disappeared everywhere - iPhone is completely silent

Here everything is already a little more complicated, since there can be any reason - software and hardware.

  1. everything from the phone (after taking care of the backup or).
  2. We update the firmware or, if it is already installed the latest, then just boot the iPhone. Without restoring from a backup! Recover later when you find out the reason for the loss of sound.
  3. Check if the sound has appeared.

If after all these manipulations there is no success, then the problem is clearly "iron" and consists in ... yes, in anything!

Bottom cable, board, buttons, audio codec, etc. Therefore, without hesitation we go to the service center. If the phone is under warranty and you didn't do anything with it (dropped, hit), then just after a while you will receive a new device (). If there is no guarantee, then the situation is certainly worse, but not particularly critical. As a rule, repairs associated with the lack of sound do not take much time. And the money is worth the sane.

And finally, a common truth - if there is no sound in one of the lower speakers, then everything is fine with you. Why? Because there is only one speaker at the bottom of the iPhone.

P.S. There is one more sure way - put "like" and all problems with sounds will disappear. It helped me, let's try! ;)

The method was tested on iOS 4.3.1, but it can also work on iOS 5 and 6.

Sound problems on iPhone, iPod, or iPad can be caused by a physical issue or a software glitch.

If the problem started after you dropped your device, then most likely it is a physical problem and you will have to contact a service center.

You can fix problems with a software glitch yourself.

1. Increase the volume

Perhaps you just turned the volume down.

Turn up the sound using the volume slider. The sound level is adjusted separately for the speakers and for the headphones (when connected).

When headphones are connected, an indicator with the inscription "headphones" should appear. If “headphones” appears when headphones are not plugged in, there is probably a problem with the headphone jack. Try cleaning the headphone jack gently.

2. Reboot your device

If the volume is set correctly, but there is still no sound, then restart the device. Maybe this will help.

3. Identify the problem

No sound from speakers or headphones?

Check for sound from the device speaker, then try connecting headphones.

Check the sound

  • when a call comes in (receiving SMS)
  • when listening to music
  • in running applications.

If the sound is consistently heard through the speakers and through the headphones, but there are problems with the sound, for example, in applications, then most likely this is a software glitch. The partially missing sound is most likely a software glitch.

I had sound when listening to music through speakers and through headphones, but the sound in applications only worked when headphones were connected.

I solved the problem like this:

Launched the app and inserted headphones. I used the keys to increase the volume and at that moment I pulled out the headphones from the jack. The volume started to increase, the sound in applications started working!

Perhaps resetting the settings will help:

Settings - General - Reset - Reset all settings

The settings will be reset to factory settings, but all information (contacts, notes, music, videos) will remain.

If you have completed the first two points from this article and there is no sound from the speakers, but there is in the headphones, then there is a high probability that this is a physical problem.

Try to push the device on the top and bottom of the speaker, tap this part lightly. If the sound appears, then it is a physical problem. You need to contact the service center.

If you are unable to identify the problem, you can try updating the device firmware.

If you have a device with a jailbreak and you installed programs from cydia, then problems may be related to this. In this case, a firmware update can also help.

The question of why there is no sound on the iPhone can arise even among the owners of completely new smartphones, not to mention the owners of the 4 series models. For example, when you turn on the headphones, music plays both in them and in the phone at the same time. Either the system sound is completely absent, or it appears and disappears, or ... Situations are very different. As a rule, such complications appear for two reasons: mechanical damage and software failure.

The problem does not arise out of the blue: if there is no sound on the iPhone 5S or some other model, this means that the smartphone was dropped, allowed moisture to enter, worn without a protective case in a dirty pocket, inaccurately connected and disconnected headphones or installed unlicensed software from dubious sites ... All this, and by no means a factory defect, in most cases leads to problems.

First Steps If Sound Is Missing on iPhone

First of all, you need to identify the essence of the problem. If the sound in your iPhone is not completely lost, and the music is playing simultaneously in the headphones and the speaker, or it does not play, but the sound turns on with an incoming call or SMS, this means that the loop contacts are dirty or oxidized. On the forums, you can find a lot of recommendations on how to clean them with a needle, toothpick and alcohol. But in most cases, such self-activity only aggravates the situation and leads to more serious breakdowns. It is best to entrust the solution to this problem immediately to professionals. They will diagnose and quickly replace the failed parts.

You may have lost sound on iPhone 4S after using headphones. This means that the phone simply did not respond to the disconnection of the external device. Try plugging in the headphones again, setting the volume to maximum, and pulling the plug out of the jack relatively abruptly. After that, the normal operation of the speaker should be fully restored. Nothing has happened? In this case it is necessary to replace the upper cable together with the connector. More accurate information will be given by specialists after diagnosing the device.

Other reasons why there is no sound on iPhone

Does the phone work normally when listening to audio files and watching videos, but all or part of the music is missing from all applications? It can be argued that a software glitch has occurred. In this situation, restarting the smartphone or resetting all settings, which will be updated to factory settings, sometimes helps. At the same time, all notes, contacts, video, audio and other files will remain in place, as specialists will make a backup copy of the data.

After installing an application, the sound disappeared in the iPhone 5 or another model? This means that the new program is disrupting the smartphone. It must be removed immediately, after which the phone must be rebooted. Did not help? Contact the service center for flashing.

Often, the owners wonder why there is no sound on the iPhone, if the smartphone is completely new, for example 5C. And such misunderstandings arise due to forgetfulness or banal inattention of the owners. So, when performing some manipulations, the silent mode is accidentally turned on or the volume is reduced to a minimum. Try going into settings and turning off the Mute function, or simply adjusting the Volume level.

Lost sound in iPhone, but can't fix the problem?

If the above manipulations did not bring any result and there is still no sound, this means that the matter is most likely in mechanical damage, which can only be eliminated at a service center. Consider if you dropped your smartphone on a hard surface, and if you are sure that no water got into it. In any case, do not try to disassemble the phone yourself, as this will definitely lead to serious damage. Apple devices aren't cheap enough to experiment with.

To identify problems, professional diagnostic equipment is required, which is available only in specialized workshops. Even a complex iPhone repair will be much cheaper than buying a new device, so you shouldn't try to save money. Our service specialists will be happy to advise on all issues. They will promptly carry out repairs of any complexity, leaving for your home or office. Call us!