How much does an ipad weigh 3. iPad lineup. Apple Tablet Preview

The new iPad was eagerly awaited. Apple in the second version of the device did not please with a super-resolution display, ordered to wait for the third iPad. The iPad 2 "just" received a thinner body, a processor with a graphics subsystem and a camera. Fans had to wait until spring 2012 for the new display. And now, when the iPad 3 with a new screen has finally come out, voices are heard again that, they say, it will somehow be a little bit revolutionary. But is it worth asking more? Developers have not yet been able to increase the battery life of devices (perhaps this is the main problem of tablets) or install there such powerful processors as in stationary PCs. With the display resolution, a breakthrough has happened - and that's already a lot.

A display called Retina is the main trump card. Other changes in the parameters are somehow related to the "maintenance" of the screen (new processor and more capacious battery). The innovativeness of the display with the naked eye is not visible to everyone and not immediately. But many owners of the second iPad have already discovered the obvious difference in image quality and began to sigh with envy. Where and how the advantages of the display are manifested, what benefits a screen with a resolution of 2048x1536 unavailable on any other device promises to the user, we will try to make out in our review.

Package and design

The device comes with a power adapter, a cable, a pin for opening the SIM card slot, as well as a brochure and traditional branded stickers with apples.

Outwardly, the third iPad is practically no different from the second. Like the second, the third iPad has no ends thanks to the highly rounded back cover. The body has become a little thicker (it was 8.8 mm - it became 9.4 mm), the tablet became heavier, apparently due to a more capacious battery installed to power a powerful screen.

The control buttons have also not changed in comparison with the second version of the device: the Home key, the power button, the sound switch and its regulator. Speakers and a proprietary connector for a cable or docking station are located on the bottom end of the case (more precisely, on the smooth surfaces between the back cover and the front panel). Above is a 3.5 mm headphone output and a power button.

Retina display

If you already own an iPad 2, then the main question for you is whether my old device is worth the new one. The most important thing here is not to accidentally bump into the screen of the new iPad, since what you previously thought was a wonderful display can be completely disappointing in comparison with the new Retina screen.

Compare the enlarged screenshots of the iPad 2 and iPad 3 screens:

The display is really great. This is not to say that he is downright fascinating, but there is an explanation for this. There are practically no applications, games and sites designed for such a resolution. Of course, Apple did its best before the presentation of the new product and transferred the corporate website to mega-resolution, but it is difficult to find other content for this display. Of course, over time, games for iPad 3 will surely appear, but for now we can simply note that images, letters and colors on Retina look several orders of magnitude better. By the way, due to the increase in resolution, the number of icons on the display has not increased. Everything remains the same - twenty icons.

Of course, we could not resist the temptation to test the various capabilities of the tablet on the new screen. Maps, for example, work exactly the same as on the second iPad. One could expect that they will display a large area, but no - they have not yet been adapted for the new resolution. But the display's capabilities are revealed when viewing photos in high resolution, and even when reading, when the number of pixels allows you to increase text and images without losing quality.

Therefore, we draw the first conclusion - the new iPad will become the choice of users reading from TFT displays or working with graphic files. The screen is great, and it makes the iPad 3 a clear favorite among other tablets on the market.


The story about the browser, in fact, will be a continuation of the story about the Retina display. The browser is the same - the familiar Safari. The situation is better here than with cards. The branded Apple browser on the iPad is able to place sites on the full screen that are laid out in columns. But when faced with the "rubber" design of sites, the browser displays their web pages in a peculiar way, violating the author's layout of the site. But in general, the innovations of the new iPad contribute to the fact that the images are well drawn (thanks to the new screen), and page loading is high speed (thanks to the powerful processor).

As in previous versions of Safari, the browser does not support flash. For this reason, videos on some pages may not play.

Evaluating the work of the third iPad on the Internet in general, we again come to the conclusion that the new screen needs new content and layout. It is unlikely that site creators will specifically develop versions of sites for high resolution Retina display. But as a device for surfing the web, lying on the couch at home, the iPad 3 pays off, even with the aforementioned display problems. Non-specialists usually simply do not notice such trifles.


Viewing photos is another opportunity to appreciate the potential of the new display. An example is the display of images from the Heritage program.


And this is how screenshots from video games look like. The image quality is beyond praise.


But the quality of the video on the screen of the third iPad is not much different from the picture on the iPad 2. Despite all expectations, even video at the maximum resolution of 1080p is quite comparable to 720p (this is the maximum video resolution for iPad 2). Plus, large 1080p files take up too much memory. And if there is no difference in quality, who in a sober mind will upload huge films in 1080p? In addition, common "low" resolution formats such as DVD rips are great here.

We figured out the display as a whole, and now let's pay attention to the capabilities of iOS 5, installed on the third iPad. The terrible truth about the iPad 3 is that apart from a new screen and innovations in the form of a more powerful processor and battery, the tablet is no different from the previous model. So the owner of past iPads will be painfully familiar with the filling of the device. For those users who are just getting ready to plunge into the wonderful world of iPad's iOS 5, let's go through the functions and applications that will be most in demand by these lucky ones.


The second iPad had a weak rear camera, frankly. In the new version, the tablet received a full 5 megapixels, so now the iPad 3 has a camera not worse than the iPhone 4. But not better. And in general, making photo shoots on an iPad is a dubious pleasure. But if there are amateurs, let's say that the camera shoots well. There are problems with focusing, noise is detected in low light, but the automatic white balance is adjusted without problems and works very clearly.

Videos can be shot in Full HD 1080p high definition at 30 frames per second. Videos, by the way, are better in quality than photos. The picture is sharp and saturated, and with sudden movements, the image is not blurred.

For both photos and videos, you can enable geotagging, that is, assign geographic coordinates to images and videos.

iPad 3 as a reader

There is hardly a person who decides to buy an iPad 3 exclusively as a reading device, but according to statistics, the main occupation of tablet owners is reading books and documents. What opportunities does the iPad provide us in this regard? Here's what: in addition to the main Apple iBooks reader, there are many free and paid applications for the tablet. But even the standard iBooks is very pleasing: visually, the page turning is just bewitching! The program allows you to read e-books in EPUB and PDF formats, which is very cool, since you can find books in these formats on the RuNet in almost any online library. Books are leafed with pleasing visual effects that simulate the flipping of pages in a real book.

PDF documents

Files in PDF format, which are simply impossible to read on 6-inch readers, are played much better by the iPad. Moreover, documents are read better on Retina than on the iPad 2. Files in the A5 layout can be placed on the entire screen without resorting to scaling. The advantages of the new screen will manifest itself in the greater clarity and contrast of the letters. A4 format is more difficult to read: just like on the second iPad, the part of the text you want to read needs to be enlarged - you won't be able to read the entire page at a comfortable scale, since a 10-inch screen is too small for that.


Even in the second version of the iPad, notes were made a separate application. The program is quite straightforward. Single-level notes - you can add text, take screenshots or take pictures from the camera. There is a much more convenient alternative for the application in the form of the Evernote program.


Maps look great on the new screen. If necessary, they are easily scaled using multi-touch.

The iPad has Wi-Fi positioning, although it is often not very accurate. But it supports the creation of routes - you can choose car, pedestrian and bus options for moving from point A to point B.


From one version of the iPad to another, the mail practically does not change. So in iPad 3 we see all the same two-column mode of the mailbox - on the left all the headers of letters are displayed, and on the right in a large window we see an open letter.

It is possible to automatically configure the receipt and sending of letters from addresses of services Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, MS Exchange, MobileME and AOL. But in general, the mail is not impressive and is suitable in this form for those users who receive and send only a few letters per day. More active users will most likely prefer to use some third-party email application, like Gmail, for example.


Despite the fact that iPad 3 does not support flash, they decided not to deprive users of the pleasure of watching videos on YouTube. The popular video service is available through the corresponding application. It is very convenient to use it.


This application allows the user to make calls with Wi-Fi, if your interlocutor also uses FaceTime on the second, third ipads or iPhone 4. When you call, you can switch from the front camera to the back and show the interlocutor, for example, the environment around you in the room.

Photo Booth

This utility is designed to create photo effects when shooting. You need to select an effect, start shooting and the image will be processed taking into account the selected effect.


The Settings section hasn't changed since iPad 2.

Case heating

The first lucky ones who bought an iPad 3 managed to flood the Internet with screams that the new tablet is heating up so that it burns your hands. We tested the device for overheating and we can state: yes, the iPad heats up, but not so much. There will definitely not be burns.

When using the most popular entertainment on the iPad 3, which for the absolute majority of users will be reading books, surfing the Internet and playing games, the tablet does not heat up at all. And only when you seriously load the processor with such processes as processing graphic files or launching a powerful toy, heating of the lower left part of the rear surface of the device is detected. Plus, your iPad heats up when it's plugged in and you're running the same high-performance apps. In these situations, the heating is noticeable, although it is still quite tolerable for the hands. This fact can hardly be attributed to serious problems, since ordinary users rarely run programs that seriously load the processor.


Although the second iPad did not suffer from performance problems, the third managed to surpass it in this area. Apps open at supersonic speed, browser pages load very quickly, and even games with "heavy" graphics run an order of magnitude faster.

Operating time on one battery charge

Contrary to expectations, the presence of a powerful display had practically no effect on the battery life of the device. We make a nod to the powerful battery, the capacity of which has increased to 11560 mAh. The manufacturer initially assured the public that the third iPad would run at least as much battery life as the second. And it turned out to be true. In the Internet mode, that is, with the wireless modules always on, iPad 3 lives for almost 11 hours. When watching a video with communications turned off, the tablet works for about 10 hours. Finally, when reading a book without using Wi-Fi / 3G modules, iPad 3 lasts more than 11 hours. The results of the second iPad in the same modes are best for a couple of tens of minutes, which allows us to conclude that the battery life of the old and new models is quite comparable.


Moving on to the final part of our testing, where we will determine the merits and demerits of Apple's iPad 3 tablet and make a final verdict on the iPad 3.


  • no software differences from iPad 2 (the same iOS 5, the same set of programs);
  • non-prevalence of content under a resolution of 2048x1536 (sites, games and applications);
  • inability to use the 4G module;
  • heating of the case.


  • retina display, with a resolution of 2048x1536 not available on any other device;
  • more powerful processor, increased performance;
  • better camera compared to iPad 2;
  • powerful battery (the possibility of long battery life);
  • identical branded accessories from iPad 2 (fits iPad 3).

As a result, we can conclude that Apple has once again presented a landmark product that has several undoubted advantages and advantages over competitors. This is a more powerful processor and is absolutely crazy for a tablet 2048x1536 screen resolution. Plus a new camera that migrated from the iPhone 4s. Of course, there is still support for 4G, but it is not relevant for Russians, since 4G from Yota uses a different frequency in Russia.

Obviously, the iPad 3 is better than the iPad 2, but as we can see, the second version of the device has not been discontinued and both of these modifications are sold in parallel. The second iPad has become a kind of budget version, and the third is a top-end one, more expensive and has advantages that Android tablets do not yet have. Thus, you can decide on the purchase based on your budget.

And if Android models are able to successfully compete with the iPad 2, then the hero of our review has no competitors yet. You can even say that there are just tablets and there is a third iPad. Although there are several more than decent devices among the models on Android, in our opinion, they have not been able to compete on equal terms with the iPad 3.

iPad 3 super display

Everything you do with your new tablet iPad 3, you will have fun and all this thanks to the super display on the unique Retina technology. Retina display has 2048-1536 resolution, rich color saturation, and an astounding 3100 thousand pixels. That's four times more pixels than the iPad 2 and a million more pixels than an HDTV. These pixels are so close to each other that your eyes cannot distinguish individual ones at a normal viewing distance. If you don't see pixels, you see the whole picture.

iPad 3 double speed

New A6X processor Is our most powerful mobile chip in a tablet.It doubles the performance of all graphics applications compared to the A5X.And this allows the iPad 3 to feel not in competition, because the heaviest toys will fly, andapplication launch is much faster and smoother movement ingraphic games that add realism to the stunning Retina display.And with the improved image signal processing built into the A6X processor, you can take photos and videos without any brakes.

IPad 3 review

IPad 3 features 3.1 million pixels on a Retina display, advanced processor and graphics.How much does this affect battery life?Almost no way, technology does not stand still, and therefore you can use up to 10 hours of Internet surfing, read books, correspond with friends or play, in a word, do whatever you want, and you have all this for 10 hours without charging.

Supplied applications... It comes with all the apps you make every day and makes them extraordinary. A map from your next adventure. Then shoot it in 1080p HD. Ask Siri to help you find the best pizza in town. Watch broadcasts or movies. Read a bestseller or magazine. Check your email. Sending messages. Or stay connected face-to-face over FaceTime. You will be amazed at how much useful stuff you already have.

FaceTime on iPad puts you face to face - even when you're miles apart.You can make a video call over Wi-Fi or cellular, so if you and your friends or family members are very far away, then just make one touch and they are on your screen.And now with the new FaceTime HD camera, everyone can get an even better view of you and your surroundings.You can also use it to take self-portraits or record 720p HD video.The 5 megapixel camera has an iSight backlight sensor that captures great looking photos whether it's sunlight or candles. When taking photos, the large, beautiful Retina display becomes a large, beautiful viewfinder - giving you plenty of room to compose your shot. Autofocus press to focus, and press to set the exposure function means every photo you take instantly becomes frameworthy. And with built-in face detection that automatically balances focus and exposure in up to 10 faces, there's more room for smiles.

Advanced Wi-Fi The built-in iPad 3 is now 2x faster than any previous generation iPad. With dual band Wi-Fi (2.4GHz and 5GHz), 802.11n Wi-Fi and channel bonding support, download speeds can reach up to 150 Mbps. Many of the things you do every day will happen much faster.

The next generation of cellular communication is before LTE.If you want to connect to the Internet even if you don't have Wi-Fi access, your choice IPad 3 with Wi-Fi + 4G... It now supports even more ultra-fast cellular networks around the world - including LTE wireless networks and other modern networks such as HSPA, HSPA + and DC-HSDPA. So you can download, stream, and browse the web at a staggering speed, without a contract or long-term commitment.

Siri Is an intelligent assistant who will help you achieve your goal, just ask and she will find the answer to everything. Talk with Sirias if in person: Ask “? Do I need an umbrella "or"? Did the Giants Win Last Night "or"? What is Sunday BBQ time. ”Siri not only understands what you say, he knows what you mean. She figures out the right applications to use to find the right answer. Then, just like your personal assistant, Siri gives you the information you need.

iPad 3 specifications

IPad 3 display

  1. Retina display
  2. 9.7-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit, multi-touch display with IPS technology
  3. 2048-1536 resolution at 264 ppi
  4. Oleophobic anti-fingerprint coating

IPad 3 processor

A6X processor This is a quad-core chip with a graphics core and clock purity of 1Ghz

iPad 3 camera
  1. 5MP photos
  2. Autofocus
  3. Face recognition
  4. Back light
  5. Five lens elements
  6. Hybrid IR cut filter
  7. ƒ / 2.4 aperture
  8. Click to focus videos or still images
  9. Photo and video geotagging

FaceTime HD camera

  1. 1.2MP photos
  2. 720p HD video
  3. FaceTime video calling over Wi-Fi or cellular
  4. Face recognition
  5. Back light
  6. Click to control exposure for video or still images
  7. Photo and video geotagging

Video recording

  1. 1080p HD video recording
  2. Video stabilization
  3. Face recognition
  4. Click to focus while recording
  5. Back light
Network support for iPad 3 + 4g
  • Model A1459 *
    • LTE (bands 4 and 17)
  • Model A1460 *
    • CDMA EV-DO Rev and Rev. B (800, 1900, 2100 MHz)
    • GSM / EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
    • UMTS / HSPA + / DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz)
    • LTE (1 band, 3, 5, 13, 25)
  • 802.11a / b / g / n Wi-Fi (802.11n 2.4 and 5 GHz)
  • Bluetooth 4.0


  1. Built-in 42.5Wh lithium polymer battery

Fans await the release of each new model of Apple tablets with special hope, because these are both new "chips" and wider opportunities for users. So the release of the iPad 3 model was marked by the emergence of the latest Retina display, which at that time was distinguished by incredible image quality. I wonder what pleased the developers in the new iPad 4 model?

The appearance of the gadget has practically not changed, which greatly delighted fans of the Apple brand. Indeed, according to experts, the iPad 3 case was recognized as the most optimal.

The only external difference from the previous model was the smaller system Lightning connector, which replaced the traditional 30-pin dock connector.

The dimensions of the tablet, as before, are 241.2 × 185.7 × 9.4 mm with a weight of 652-662 g (depending on the presence of a cellular module). Maybe some users were expecting more miniature from the new model, but let's remember the increased capacity battery, which mainly affects the thickness of the device.

The front panel of the tablet is covered with a protective glass with an oleophobic coating that reliably protects the display from accidental bumps and scratches. Above the screen is mounted the lens of a new 1.2-megapixel front camera, and under it, as before, there is a hardware key "Home". Apple developers deliberately left the matrix bezel wide enough, which makes it possible to comfortably hold the case without touching the touch screen with your fingers.

The back panel is made of anodized aluminum, which together with smoothly beveled side edges forms a single piece. At its top there is a power button, a headphone jack (3.5 mm) and a black plug for a mobile antenna. The lens of the main camera is built next to it. The bottom of the rear panel houses a speaker and Lightning connector.

On the left side of the case there is a Micro-SIM slot (relevant for a model with 4G), on the right - a rocker key for adjusting the volume and a "Mute" slider, which also blocks the automatic orientation of the image.


The Apple iPad 4, like the previous model, uses a Retina display with a resolution of 2048 x 1536. With a 9.7-inch screen, the pixel density is 264 PPI, which makes the screen look more like a glossy magazine page. The pixels are completely indistinguishable, so the reality of the image is amazing. This time, the developers made the right choice. Why look for other solutions when this display is considered the best of all 10-inch tablets. The only drawback is the lack of anti-reflective coating, which users of Apple gadgets have discussed a lot.

The IPS-matrix is \u200b\u200bmade using the same technology, therefore, it combines natural color gamut and maximum viewing angles. Its quality is especially noticeable when compared with previous generations of displays. The positioning of the capacitive sensor has become more accurate and, in addition, it has a warm color gamut with improved image detail.

Speed \u200b\u200band functionality

If we talk about the main differences between the iPad 4 and iPad 3 models, then they are more related to their filling. The new tablet uses a 1.4 GHz processor - Apple A6X. A four-core PowerVR SGX 554MP4 with a performance up to 76.8 GFLOPS is used as a graphics coprocessor. An interesting fact is that the leading Android models contain up to 17 cores in the graphics system. Despite this, their performance is several times inferior to Apple tablets.

The new solution was the placement of RAM. It is placed outside the processor die and is implemented on two 512 MB chips, that is, the total capacity is 1 GB.

Permanent or flash memory is installed with a capacity of 16, 32 or 64 GB. For the January 2013 model, it is 128GB.

There are three communication block options for the new tablet. Two of them can be used for data transmission over cellular communication such as 2G / 3G / 4G, but at the same time they cannot work in our CDMA / EVDO networks and do not support domestic LTE frequencies.


The iPad 3 uses an outdated 0.3MP VGA model as the front camera. The iPad 4 has a 1.2MP front camera and supports 720p HD video capture. Of course, like the previous one, it is designed only for FaceTime communication, but the picture quality has become much better.

The main iSight camera hasn't undergone any changes. It also has a 5MP resolution and supports 1080p / 30fps HD video with image stabilization. At the same time, high clarity, color reproduction close to real, autofocus, tap focus and face detection function are supported.


The new Retina display and hardware capable of supporting high-definition graphics have resulted in increased power consumption. This also forced the developers to significantly increase the battery capacity even in the iPad 3.

Like its predecessor, the iPad 4 has a 3.7V 11560mAh (43Wh) lithium-polymer battery, which is only 0.6mm thicker than the 25Wh battery. This innovation still keeps Apple tablets in the lead in battery life.

See for yourself, from a single charge, the iPad 4 tablet allows you to watch videos for up to 10 hours, listen to music or audiobooks for 140 hours, or stay on standby for a whole month. It's hard to find similar numbers among other models when you consider the graphics quality and system performance.

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the tablet uses a miniature 8-pin Lightning interface, which is almost 80% smaller than the outdated 30-pin interface. Now the connector has become completely reversible, so you can not be afraid to insert it the wrong way.

Characteristic iPad 3 iPad 4
Dimensions: height / width / thickness (mm) 241.2x 185.7x 9.4 241.2x 185.7x 9.4
Weight 652 BC 662 BC
  • Retina display
  • Diagonal: 9.7 inches
  • Resolution: 2048x1536
  • Pixel density: 264 PPI
  • Retina display
  • Diagonal: 9.7 inches
  • Resolution: 2048x1536
  • Pixel density: 264 PPI
Video processor 543 MP4 Quad-core graphics PowerVR SGX 554 MP4
CPU Dual-core A5X 1.0 GHz Dual-core A6X 1.4 GHz

Wi-Fi model

  • Wi-Fi (802.11a / b / g / n)
  • Bluetooth 4.0

Wi-Fi + Cellular Model

  • Wi-Fi (802.11a / b / g / n)
  • Bluetooth 4.0
  • LTE, 3G


Wi-Fi model

  • Wi-Fi (802.11a / b / g / n; 802.11n at 2.4GHz and 5GHz)
  • Bluetooth 4.0

Wi-Fi + Cellular Model

  • Wi-Fi (802.11a / b / g / n; 802.11n at 2.4GHz and 5GHz)
  • Bluetooth 4.0
  • GSM / EDGE
  • CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B


SIM card Micro-SIM Micro-SIM
Main camera
  • ISight camera
  • 5-megapixel matrix
  • Autofocus
  • Face recognition
  • Back light
  • Five-element optics
  • Hybrid IR cut filter
  • Aperture:? /2.4
  • ISight camera
  • 5-megapixel matrix
  • Autofocus
  • Face recognition
  • Back light
  • Five-element optics
  • Hybrid IR cut filter
  • Aperture:? /2.4
  • FaceTime HD camera
  • 1.2-megapixel matrix
  • 720p HD video
  • FaceTime video calling
  • Face recognition
  • Back light
  • FaceTime HD camera
  • 1.2-megapixel matrix
  • 720p HD video
  • FaceTime video calling
  • Face recognition
  • Back light
Video recording
  • Quality: 1080p HD
  • Focusing
  • Image stabilization
  • Face recognition
  • Back light
  • Quality: 1080p HD
  • Focusing
  • Image stabilization
  • Face recognition
  • Back light
System interface 30-pin Lightning
    10 hours of surfing the Internet on Wi-Fi, watching videos and listening to music

Tablet computers from Apple have made a real breakthrough in mobile technology. It was after the first iPad earned undoubted success around the world that other manufacturers began to work on their products. In many ways, they repeated the "apple" computer, which deservedly became the prototype.

To date, the latest generation is the iPad Air 2. It should be recalled that in addition to the main line of large products, Apple also launched a line of compact, almost 8-inch iPad Mini tablets. The latest at the time of this writing is the iPad Mini 4.

In this article, we would like to tell you about two somewhat outdated but still decent devices that continue to be in demand.

iPad 3 (specifications)

The first object in our review will be the third generation iPad - a tablet computer introduced back in 2012. This is the first device to have improved modules (processor, display, battery), due to which the tablet received more features than the iPad 2 had.

For more information on the iPad 3 specs, read this article.


Let's start with the screen, which measures 9.7 inches (measured diagonally). Unlike its predecessors, this device is equipped with Retina - a display capable of reproducing colors more realistic and high quality. Its glow in the dark is provided by LED technology. In order for the device to recognize several taps at the same time, the sensor is built on the basis of MultiTouch.

The 2048 x 1536 screen is covered with a special oleophobic layer, due to which it does not show fingerprints of the user working with iPad 3. The characteristics of the computer, as you can see, are impressive, especially considering that all this was presented back in 2012. Even now, the iPad looks good compared to its competitors.


In terms of the number of megapixels, the camera is not the most outstanding here - only 5 megapixels. But thanks to the technical stuffing and the autofocus function, the pictures on the iPad 3, the characteristics of which we are studying, come out first-class. The advantages are also the video stabilization function and the ability to geolocate the content to the place where the shooting took place. There is also the possibility of automatic face recognition, with which you can conveniently take photos for social networks.


Perhaps the processor specifications announced for the Apple iPad 3 will tell little to people who understand gadgets at the level of the average user - this is a dual-core Apple A5X with a 4x graphics accelerator and a total clock speed of 1 GHz. When compared with modern (including budget) devices, these data cannot be called high. But in reality, the opposite is true - smartphones with a frequency of 1.3 GHz are able to "slow down" and create problems when working with "bulky" applications, while the iPad 3, whose technical characteristics are relatively modest, works flawlessly. Customer reviews have repeatedly confirmed this.

In the comments about the tablet, users note a few key points. Design first. It is to him that we pay attention first of all. Like all Apple products, the third-generation iPad is beautifully, concise and tasteful. As users write, nothing more. The second is the interface. The iOS operating system has not only a simple and easy-to-use architecture, but also can please with attractive graphics. These two factors - design and "friendly", as they say, interface - that's the basis of what attracts iPad devices. And what can we say about performance! Any page in the browser, book or document, movie or online game - all this on this device simply “flies” regardless of technical requirements. For this, many users fell in love with Apple products, and in this they can be understood.

iPad Mini 3: specifications

Another device that I would like to talk about within the framework of the article is an almost 8-inch compact tablet from the iPad Mini line, released in the third generation. This version also has innovations that have not been seen in Generation 2. In particular, a fingerprint scanner (Touch ID technology) that allows you to identify the owner of the device. The model was released in 2014.

A little about Touch ID

For the first time, Apple used the ability to unlock a device without passwords and a pattern on the iPhone 5S. The third generation Mini tablet, it just so happened, came out in parallel, and it is logical that the same scanner is installed on it.

It has two advantages - simplicity and safety. The first is expressed in the fact that entering the menu does not require additional movements - just press the button, and you are already on the main table of your device. The second (security) means that no one but you can open the data. And you yourself, as happens with passwords, will not lose access to the tablet - it is simply impossible to forget to put your finger on.

Additionally, Apple promises that with a finger scanner it will be possible to pay in stores in a second using iPay technology.


More precisely, the diagonal size of the device is 7.85 inches. In all respects, the model is smaller than the rest of the iPad family - this is its main difference. As with all Apple tablets since Model 3, iPad Mini 3 features a Retina display for maximum color fidelity. There is also a coating that protects against the appearance of fingerprints, and technology that reads simultaneous pressing at several points.


If the characteristics related to the Apple iPad Mini 3 are compared with the parameters of the iPad 3 model, then you will notice that the cameras here are identical. All the same iSight technology, and all the same 5 megapixels, autofocus and face detection. Plus a 1.2-megapixel front camera has been added, allowing you to take "selfies". Considering the size of the devices, you can see that the Mini product line is better suited for this type of photography.


Due to the smaller dimensions, different processors are installed on compact Apple tablets. In particular, the Mini 3 has a Cortex A7 with an additional graphics engine that allows you to run the most productive games at maximum resolution.

In addition to power, the processor on the iPad Mini 3, the battery specifications of which we are also interested in, is optimized enough to be able to ensure uninterrupted operation of the device for 10 hours. This is a really great battery life for a device of this size!

If you remember, then we talked about the first two generations of the legendary tablet on the pages of our online magazine. Today we show you the technical specifications of the latest iPad 3, which was unveiled in March 2012.

So, what new awaits us? Firstly, the device has become somewhat thicker (about half a centimeter), it is heavier, has a much more powerful processor, a larger-resolution camera on the back (five megapixels), a reinforced battery, and a screen whose resolution is four times higher than from the predecessor. The operating system is iOS 5.1. Interestingly, many of the parts for the tablet were created by Samsung's direct competitor to Apple. Despite the confrontation, the firms continue fruitful cooperation with each other.


Dual-core Apple A5X with quad-core graphics chip.


Retina, 9.7-inch diagonal LED-backlit,
Type - IPS.
Multi-touch support.
Resolution - 2048 x 1536 pixels, 264 ppi (pixels per inch),
Anti-fingerprint oleophobic coating.

Supported wireless standards

Wi-Fi (802.11a / b / g / n)
Bluetooth 4.0 technology
Wi-Fi + 4G for AT&T models: LTE (700, 2100 MHz) 3; UMTS / HSPA / HSPA + / DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM / EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
Wi-Fi + 4G for Verizon model: LTE (700 MHz) 3; CDMA EV-DO Rev. A (800, 1900 MHz); UMTS / HSPA / HSPA + / DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM / EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)

Cameras, photo and video recording

5MP iSight camera
Focus by touching the screen
Face detection when taking photos
1080p HD video recording up to 30fps
FaceTime VGA camera with photo and video capture at up to 30 fps
Geotagging photos and videos


Built-in 42.5 watt lithium polymer battery
Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi-Fi, watching videos or listening to music
Up to 9 hours of web surfing in the operator's cellular network
Chargeable by charging or USB in a computer

I / O connectors

30-pin dock connector port
3.5mm stereo headphone output
Built-in speaker
Micro-SIM card slot


Light sensor

Geolocation capabilities

Digital compass

Audio playback

Frequency response 20 Hz - 20 KHz
Supported audio formats: HE-AAC (V1 and V2), AAC (8 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Store), MP3 (8 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3 and 4, Audible Enhanced Audio, AAX and AAX +), Apple Lossless, AIFF and WAV Dolby Digital 5.1 audio transmission via Apple Digital AV Adapter (sold separately)

TV and video

AirPlay Mirroring to 2nd and 3rd generation Apple TVs at 720p AirPlay video streaming to Apple TV (3rd generation) up to 1080p and Apple TV (2nd generation) up to 720p
Video mirroring and video output support: up to 1080p with Apple Digital AV Adapter or Apple VGA Adapter (sold separately)
Supports 576i and 480i video output with Apple Composite AV Cable (sold separately)
Video Format Support: H.264 video up to 1080p, 30fps, High Profile level 4.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in.m4v, .mp4, formats; MPEG-4 video up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in m4v, .mp4, formats; Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280 by 720 pixels, 30 frames per second, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi format

Support for email attachments

View files of the following formats: .jpg, .tiff, .gif (images); .doc and .docx (Microsoft Word); .htm and .html (web pages); .key (Keynote); .numbers (Numbers); .pages (Pages); .pdf (Preview and Adobe Acrobat); .ppt and .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint); .txt (text); .rtf; .vcf (contact information); .xls and .xlsx (Microsoft Excel)

Weight and dimensions

Height - 241.2 mm
Width - 185.7 mm
Thickness - 9.4 mm
Weight - 652g (Wi-Fi model), 662g (4G model)

Contents of delivery

USB dock cable
10-watt USB charging