Call from iPhone what to do. How to call an extension from an iPhone. How to call an extension from a mobile

One of the main advantages of the “app age” we live in is that apps exist to do just about anything (remember the “There’s an app for that” campaign for the iPhone?). And one of the interesting categories of mobile programs are VoIP applications that will allow making voice calls over the Internet, bypassing traditional telephone communications. The obvious advantage of this type of communication is that it saves money on calls. In addition, many programs give you the ability to communicate with your loved ones even in situations when the cellular signal is poorly received or not at all. In this article, we will talk about 9 mobile applications that allow us to use our gadgets to make voice or video calls. free or at extremely low rates.

1. Viber

This application is at the top of our rating not only because it allows you to make calls absolutely free, but also because it integrates into your phone book. This means that to use the Viber service, you do not have to log in every time, as is done in the same Skype. In addition to iOS, the company plans to release an Android application in the near future, which will allow it to further expand its presence in the mobile market. It is also worth noting that the sound quality when using this program is often in no way inferior to traditional GSM networks. The main obvious disadvantage of the program is that in order to use it to make calls, both parties must install this application.

2. NetTalk

Although all the delights of this application can only be felt by residents of the USA and Canada, we cannot but tell about it, at least to express the hope that one day this grace will descend on our region. Unlike Viber, which only allows you to call other users who have the same application installed, NetTalk is able to call all landline phones in the US and Canada for free. The application is arranged very competently and requires a minimum of settings from the user. Voice quality is as great as Viber and it's free. With NetTalk, you can also record conversations and import contacts from your phone book to call them later over Wifi and 3G. All that remains is to wipe away the tears of envy and move on.

3. Fring

Fring, which is hardly a newcomer to the VoIP market, runs on its own network like the competing Skype. At first, the company allowed making Skype calls through the Fring application, but after a while Skype decided to close this shop. Since then, Fring has released many versions of its app for multiple platforms, including iOS and Android. And the latest update of the program includes the long-awaited support for voice calls over 3G. Another similarity with the functionality of Skype is the ability to make cheap international calls to phones using the Fring Out service. In our opinion, the main disadvantage of Fring is the inability to see which network (Aim, Gtalk, Facebook, etc.) your friends are currently on. Otherwise, Fring is a great solution.

4. Tango

Unlike the apps described above, Tango specializes in free video calling with iPhone and Android. It is the only application that allows communication between device owners based on different platforms. However, many users complain that the program is unstable and extremely moody. In defense of Tango, we note that with the release of the updated version, these indicators have significantly improved. Therefore, if you are the owner of an iPhone and want to chat via video with your friends who have smartphones on Android, then click on the link above and download this application if you do not have it yet.

5. Nimbuzz

Nimbuzz, like Fring, once allowed calls over the Skype network until the latter blocked the feature. Nimbuzz is one of the leading players in the IM cross-platform market. Like Fring, this program allows you to make free calls to other devices with the Nimbuzz app installed, as well as make cheap calls to phones around the planet. Many who have ever used Nimbuzz remain faithful to it for years. This is largely due to the fact that the application features a completely customizable user interface, which you will not find on competing products. Nimbuzz recently announced that it had reached the 50 million user milestone. Congratulations to the developers and adding to the above that Nimbuzz is truly a cross-platform product that runs on every mobile platform available on the market.

6. Vonage for Facebook

Vonage is one of the leading names in the VoIP market and has its own iPhone app. However, this free software product is different from others in that it allows you to call your Facebook friends for zero cost. To do this, you need to get your friends to install this application, and when they do it, your life will immediately turn into a fairy tale. Separately, I would like to note the sound quality, which is simply excellent, as well as the simplicity of the interface, which allows you to make calls as quickly as possible.

7. TalkBox

This application differs from others in the most fundamental way. The popularity of TalkBox has only recently started to grow, but more and more users are finding many advantages in this application. In TalkBox, you just press a button and you can talk to your friend in real time using something like voice SMS. Having used TalkBox for several months, we could not notice a single error or incorrect operation of the application. TalkBox functionality also includes voice chat, one-click photo transfer, audio sharing on Facebook, and dialog saving. In short, we cannot resist recommending this application to you.

8. Vtok

And here is another program that can win the hearts of users quickly and for a long time. Vtok allows you to make video calls to your Gtalk friends. If you're on Android and just upgraded to version 2.3, don't worry: Gingerbread also works great and lets you call your friends on Gtalk whether they're currently using a mobile device or sitting at their computer. The app is conveniently laid out and works flawlessly. It is also possible to first chat via Vtok, and then go to the camera (both the rear and front cameras of mobile gadgets are supported). Of course, this is just a godsend for active Gmail users.

9. Skype

Of course, we also could not fail to mention this giant. With more than 600 million active users and recently sold to Microsoft for $ 8 billion, Skype is the true king of VoIP in both mobile and desktop. The iPhone app supports video calling, which is not the Android version yet. Nevertheless, both there, and there, the sound quality is excellent, however, we cannot fail to mention one drawback of the application's user interface. Many are maddened by the fact that when the iPhone camera is working in the application, it is impossible to carry out text correspondence. Perhaps in the near future Skype will realize that this is extremely inconvenient and will make the appropriate changes. For the rest, as you might expect, there is simply nothing to complain about.

Of course, if you go to and search for the phrase "free calls", you will find many times more applications. However, in this article we have collected the most coveted software products for the iPhone using VoIP technology. If you disagree with something and have some ideas of your own on this score - do not hesitate and express them in the comments.

For a long time the function Facetime in iOS is a popular and very convenient means of communication. Many users have appreciated the opportunity to make video calls to their families and friends around the world for free. However, do not forget that in addition to the video, Facetime also implemented the function of audio calls.

It is noteworthy that it can be used to make voice calls in order to save money, for example, for calls to "other" networks or while in roaming.

What is FaceTime Audio?

This useful feature allows you to make voice calls using your iPhone, iPad, Mac or iPod touch using Wi-Fi or 3G / 4G with an Internet connection. The technology known as VoIP has been used in telecommunications for quite some time, but Facetime it is optimized for a better communication experience among product fans Apple.

To make voice calls, you just need to activate on your device Facetime and connect to the internet. In this case, it is not even necessary to know the subscriber's phone number - the function uses his email address (if the service Facetime activated on his device).

Why Use FaceTime?

First of all, the service is completely free. This means that you can save paid minutes of your tariff plan by using it to make calls over Wi-Fi while at home, at work or in a cafe. It is noteworthy that in this way you can even make free calls abroad.

It should be noted the high quality of communication. Used Apple AAC-ELD codec provides high resolution audio but low bit rate and minimal latency. Thanks to this, with Facetime audio the voice sounds much richer and clearer than using a regular telephone connection.

Unlimited data plan for iPhone and iPad () allows you to communicate even without connecting to Wi-Fi. Plus, you don't need an iPhone to make voice calls - iPod touch or iPad owners can also take advantage of Facetime.

Is FaceTime free or paid?

FaceTime is completely free. Since the connection is via the Internet, it must be sufficiently stable for a good connection. In addition, when using 3G / 4G, you need to remember about the tariff plan, unless, of course, it is unlimited.

How to turn it on Facetime on an iOS device?

1 ... Open the Settings app and go to the section Facetime.

2 ... Click on the item " Your Apple ID for FaceTime", Enter your account details and click" To come in».

After option Facetime will be activated, you can safely choose subscribers (device owners Apple, with the option enabled Facetime) you want to contact. In this case, to make a call, you can specify both a phone number and an email address.

How do I make calls using FaceTime?

It is very easy to activate the function. This usually happens immediately when setting up the smartphone settings (data entry is required). To check, just open the card of any contact who has an iPhone or iPad.

1 ... Find the option Facetime under the subscriber's phone number - there should be two icons on the right (camera and phone).

2 ... Click on the phone icon to make voice calls. Accordingly, for a video call, you must click on the icon with the camera.

IOS progress does not stand still and never ceases to amaze us with its simplicity and ease of use. More and more new features are constantly emerging that allow you to use Apple phones quickly and easily.

This article will focus on a very simple and convenient feature that will allow us not to waste time calling numbers using the extension system.

What is an extension number?

For example, when calling a company or organization, every second person is faced with a situation when it is necessary to transfer to an extension number in a certain department and connect with the person you need.

You need to switch to the numeric keypad, listen to all advertisements, select the number you need, which takes time.

But are there really no easier ways that do not require so much time, allowing us to immediately get through to the department we need?

Of course there is, just very few people know about it.

Not every iPhone user knows that their phone has the ability to call an extension number.

Below we describe in detail how to call an extension from an iPhone.

How do I call an extension from my mobile?

For example, suppose you call a company and want to speak to the sales department. You know both the main phone number of this company and that you will be asked to enter the number 2 to contact the sales department.

To bypass all advertising messages and long instructions that all conversations in this company are recorded, just dial the main number of this company, and then, hold down the asterisk on the numeric keypad for a few seconds. The asterisk will then turn into a comma.

After the comma, enter the number 2, that is, the sales department of the company we need. Call.

You can use as many commas as there are extensions to enter. A comma is the so-called pause after each number. This trick will help you save time when you call.

In addition to "pause", there is also a "waiting" technique.

Extension standby

In case the extension number cannot be entered without listening to the computer conversation to the end, the waiting reception will display the extension number until you give the command to enter it yourself.

The FaceTime application allows owners of Apple mobile and computer equipment to make voice and video calls among themselves, and completely free of charge. And its main feature is the excellent sound quality and the transmitted picture. Let's figure it out how to call Face Time from iPhone to IPhone.

Making a call

The first step is to activate the service on your smartphone. To do this, go to iOS settings, to the FaceTime tab. Open "Your Apple ID ..." and log in with your own ID (this is the same as an account in the App Store or iTunes).

Next, activate the checkbox opposite the FaceTime column. Then you should see the message "Waiting for activation". Wait for the process to complete. If necessary, fill in the data in the forms below.

During a call byFacetime do not forget about traffic consumption. If you have a limited internet connection or a per-megabyte payment, then a long conversation can cost a pretty penny. In this case, it is better to call the subscriber via voice communication, without video transmission.

It is quite convenient to make calls through the Phone application. Find the desired contact in the device address book and open it. The FaceTime column contains two icons: a camera and a handset. The first is responsible for a video call, and the second is for a voice call.

But starting this way is only suitable for cases when you plan to dial someone from your contact list. But in Face Time this is not necessary. If you open the corresponding application on the iPhone, you will be able to make a call, knowing only the mobile number or email address of the interlocutor. Moreover, it does not have to be added to the phone book of the device. In the future, repeat the call will exit the "Recent" section.

Transfer of a regular call to FaceTime

In the iPhone, it is possible to transfer a regular telephone conversation to FaceTime. To do this, call the other iPhone through the call app. Just above the red "Hang up" button, you will find the desired item. When you press it, the conversation will switch accordingly.

Greetings! When you have several iPhones in your family, then you are a very rich person, many people prefer to use one Apple ID account for all these devices. So what? At first glance, everything is really very convenient! For example, a game (program) was downloaded on one gadget, and it instantly became available on another device. Plus, there is no need to remember the data of several accounts at once. It would seem that happiness has come. Live and rejoice!

However, it is not in vain that Apple recommends creating a unique Apple ID account for each iPhone. After all, there are also enough problems with the simultaneous use of accounting (by different people on different iPhones). For example, iCloud backups. And if Apple ID is stolen, all gadgets on which this identifier is activated fall under attack.

There is another problem that is associated with the use of one Apple ID on multiple iPhones is the synchronization of the call and call log. We will talk about this today.

Brief description of the situation. When making a call from one iPhone, the data instantly appears on the other. The same situation with missed and incoming calls. They called you, you didn't pick up the phone, and a notification of this is immediately displayed on all other iPhones with your account. It turns out that the call history and call log will be common for all iPhones on which your Apple ID is entered.

Conveniently? Of course. But this call log sync is only good when all these iPhones belong to you. Otherwise, questions are possible - we are all curious and suspicious people :) But okay, now it's not about that, but about how to get rid of it.

Use different Apple IDs

The most correct and correct decision. We create our own, unique account for each gadget and the problem will disappear by itself. Yes, this will take some time, and it is not always convenient for various reasons, but later on there will be some advantages.

In addition to stopping the synchronization of calls on the phone (which is already good!), It will be possible to use the iCloud account for each iPhone separately (and this is an extra space for backup), and in the future, protect yourself from various surprises (such as synchronization sms, Safari browser tabs and others).

Finally, here's another instant way to get rid of repeated calls on different iPhones - "just" turn off the Internet and that's it. No internet - no synchronization.