Basic rules of safe behavior. Basic rules of safety behavior in everyday life for children What are the safety rules

Electric current in everyday life
The importance of electricity in human life is very great. In everyday life, that is, in everyday life human, electric current is used both for lighting living quarters and for powering various household appliances. With the help of these devices you can cook food (electric stove, oven), wash and iron clothes ( washer, iron), clean the room (vacuum cleaner), keep food fresh for a long time (refrigerator), etc.

Household electrical appliances facilitate the work of housewives, reduce the time for doing housework. They are also valuable because they do not smoke and do not leave ash.

All household electrical appliances are connected to the network using a connecting power cord and a plug.

Safety precautions and rules for handling electrical appliances
When handling electrical appliances, you must strictly follow the safety rules (violation of these rules can cause accidents):

  1. Under no circumstances should you touch bare wires carrying electric current.
  2. Do not use your fingers to check for electric current in appliances or wires. In order not to damage the insulation and to avoid short circuits (flashes of flame), do not pinch the wires with doors, window frames, fix the wires on nails. It is necessary to ensure that electrical wires do not come into contact with radiators, water pipes, telephone and radio transmission wires.
  3. Children should not be allowed to play at the sockets, stick pins, pins into them, pull the wires, as this can lead to electric shock.
  4. Do not hang clothes or other items on switches, rollers and wires, as the wires may break. By touching one another, they will cause a fire.
  5. It is dangerous to turn on and off light bulbs and household appliances with wet hands. Replace burnt-out light bulbs with the switch off.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to use household electrical appliances through which current flows (the appliance "bites"). When turning the devices on and off, the plug must be taken by the plastic block, not by the wire.
  7. Appliances that boil water, prepare food (electric kettles, pots) must not be plugged in when empty. They need to be filled with water by at least one third. When water is poured into a kettle or pot, they must be turned off.
  8. Care must also be taken to ensure that the cords removed from the appliances do not remain connected to the power outlet, as accidental contact with them could result in electric shock.
  9. You need to turn on and off any electrical appliance with one hand, preferably with your right hand, without touching the water, gas and heating pipes.
  10. To avoid a fire, household electrical appliances must be installed on special supports (ceramic, metal or asbestos) and at a safe distance from objects that catch fire (curtains, curtains, tablecloths).
  11. Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended or instruct children to watch them. This could lead to fire.

In a narrow sense, a safety standard is a rule, either binding or prohibiting. Moreover, the obligation or prohibition should be associated with the existence of a source increased danger or an object of increased protection. Safety rules are co-
the number of duties and prohibitions that the subject must comply with in order to exclude or minimize harm caused by a source of increased danger, or to prevent any source of danger from causing damage to an object of increased protection.
A.A. drew attention to this circumstance. Ter-Akopov, dividing the special rules into two types: technological and safety. "Technological rules determine the content and sequence of operations, they mainly provide the conditions for obtaining the desired result." 1 "Special safety rules govern the procedure for handling various items that present an increased hazard, which may have material, physical or organizational expression."
"The use of sources of increased danger requires careful legal regulation their operation and strict adherence to established rules. It seems that social progress is associated with an ever-increasing overgrowth of special safety rules, the emergence of which is associated with the constantly expanding "front" of the offensive of technology that requires increased attention. This process places special demands on the human factor ...
The fact that the human factor is not at the proper level and does not meet safety requirements cannot be recognized as a basis for refusing to operate sources of increased danger. The technical and legal culture, the security system should be improved in parallel with the complication of sources and an increase in social responsibility. In this issue, one has to choose: either the benefits that modern energy and technology provide (but one has to "pay" for this with physical health), or social backwardness, retreat into the "safe" stone age .3
A.A. Ter-Akopov is certainly right. However, there are great doubts that people will give up the benefits of technical civilization. We are too lazy. There is little hope of increased accountability. Humanity, riding on planet Earth, is like a child who climbed into a running car and randomly pulls all
1 Ter-Akopov A.A. Responsibility for violation of special rules of conduct ... P. 14. 1 Ibid. P. 15.
Ter-Akopov A.A. Responsibility for violation of special rules of conduct ... P. 30.
chaga. Therefore, until humanity has "matured", one should rely more not on culture and responsibility, but on simple and understandable safety rules, the main of which should be the commandment - "nothing new without a guarantee of safety."
A security measure can be clothed not only in a security disposition (rule), but also in the sanction of a legal norm. In all branches of law, there is a variety of sanctions that provide for the enforcement of security measures.
A sanction providing for a security measure is applied in the case when the source of increased danger is the properties of a person, to whom, for whatever reason, a sanction providing punishment cannot be applied. The difference between disposition (rule) and security sanction is not fundamental. Their mechanism of action is the same. We can say that the sanction is a “safety rule squared”. The security sanction is unambiguous and categorical. It is strictly defined and leaves the minimum to discretion.

More on the topic Safety rules:

  1. 21.6. Violation of the rules ensuring the safe operation of transport (Article 268)
  2. Violation of safety rules during mining, construction or other work

Live in modern world not only interesting, full of all the benefits of civilizations, but sometimes it can be dangerous. Danger can lie in wait for every person anywhere, it is impossible to predict where you will have to face such a situation. That is why everyone should know which emergencies he may be expected to be led properly in their presence. In this article, we will analyze the rules of safe behavior, and also consider how you can protect yourself and your loved ones in such cases.

Safety in nature

Many townspeople like to spend their weekends, especially in summer, away from the city. Rest away from the noisy metropolis in the fresh air relaxes well, energizes, but you need to know that such a trip to nature ends well and goes without incident, you need to carefully prepare.

If we consider the rules of safe behavior in nature, then the following points must be included in them:

  • If you do not plan to spend the night in tents, then it is better to return home before dark.
  • With poor knowledge of this forest, it is better not to turn far off the beaten paths.
  • If it so happens that you get lost, then you need to listen well. Maybe the barking of dogs or the noise of passing cars will tell you the right direction.
  • The rules of safe behavior in nature are not recommended to be located next to an anthill, hornets' nests.
  • The attractive berries on the bushes can be deadly poisonous, so if in doubt about their edibility, then it is better not to risk it. It is especially necessary to warn children about this.
  • It is better to take drinking water with you, taken from the nearest water source, it can be contaminated with pathogens of various diseases.
  • In order not to provoke animals to music, it is better not to turn it on loudly.
  • Going into nature, instead of perfume, it is better to use special fluids to repel insects.
  • Having decided to fish, you need to make sure that fishing in this place is allowed, otherwise you can earn a decent fine.
  • An even greater punishment will follow for causing harm to organisms listed in the Red Book and hunting at the wrong time.

It can be concluded that in order for outdoor recreation to bring only benefits, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of safe behavior.

Outdoor safety

Quite often it happens that living in a multi-million city is more dangerous than in a remote village. This is because people in cities live in isolation from each other, no one cares about other people's problems. Even passing by a person in need of help, not everyone will come up and offer to help. To somehow protect yourself, you must follow the rules of safe behavior on the street. These may include the following guidelines:

  1. Going to work or home from work, especially in the evening, you need to carefully consider your route.
  2. Children must be sure to tell their parents where they are going and when they will return. This is not a restriction of their freedom, but elementary safety rules.
  3. You should not drink any drinks with strangers, otherwise you can become a victim of scammers.
  4. In the dark, it is better to bypass abandoned construction sites, buildings and non-residential objects.
  5. Walking along the sidewalk and seeing a group of drunk young people or inadequate teenagers, it is better to go to the other side.
  6. Children should know well not only their first and last name, but also the address, as well as the names of their parents.
  7. Teach children not to engage in dialogue with strangers, especially when they start asking personal questions.
  8. If they are trying to drag you into someone else's car, an entrance, then you need to shout loudly and do your best to attract attention to yourself.

Only by observing all the rules of caution, vigilance, you can protect yourself from unpleasant situations on the street.

How to behave in public places

Public places include all places that are public for use. These include:

That is, leaving the house, each of us immediately gets to where there are a lot of people, which means to a public place. Even at school, at the classroom hours, children are taught the rules of safe behavior in public places. They not only allow you to be polite with other people, but also help to avoid various unpleasant situations. Here are some of these rules:

  • Trying to take a seat in any type of transport, do not push everyone with your elbows.
  • If you accidentally stepped on someone's foot, then you must definitely apologize.
  • Elders always give way and place.
  • In winter, when there is ice on the sidewalks, old grandparents often fall. You shouldn't laugh, but you should come up and help the person to get up, pick up his things. Moreover, such a situation can happen to anyone.
  • In a theater, a museum, one must behave politely, not shout, while watching a movie, for example, in a cinema, one must turn off the phone, and not speak loudly.
  • If you have a cough, cover your mouth with a handkerchief when sneezing or coughing to avoid spreading the infection or infecting other people.
  • Currently, there is a ban on smoking in public places, you should not run into a fine. If you care about your health, then other people should not suffer.
  • You cannot litter, if you ate a candy or an apple, then the candy wrapper and the stub should be thrown into the trash can, and not on the lawn.

Each person should be able to behave in public places, and the task of parents is to instill these rules in their children, and it is better to show by example.

Road safety

In the city, we are everywhere surrounded by roads along which a large number of vehicles move. To protect yourself from injury, you must follow some rules of safe behavior:

Failure to follow these simple rules can end in tragedy.

Transport safety

Almost every one of us uses public transport every day. Traveling on it requires adherence to special rules:

  • Children must not be allowed to go swimming without an adult, the child must always be in full view of the parents.
  • You need to swim only in the places designated for this.
  • If you do not know well the bottom of the river, then it is better not to risk it.
  • You should not try to cross a river or lake on a bet, you can not calculate your strength.
  • You can not swim to a state of chills, as in this case, the risk of seizures increases, and respiratory arrest may occur.
  • If you suddenly find yourself in the center of the whirlpool, then you need to take a lot of air, dive under the water and, making a sharp dash to the side, try to swim out.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is especially dangerous before bathing, do not let your loved ones go swimming alone in this state. It is important to be careful near any body of water, because even a shallow stream can be fraught with many dangers.

Rules of safe behavior of the population during an earthquake

In areas where such natural disasters often occur, the population should be informed about the correct behavior during an earthquake. These recommendations are not difficult at all, but they will help save your life:

Such rules of safe behavior of the population during an earthquake should be explained to citizens in such areas in advance in order to avoid unnecessary casualties.

Terrorist threat

We live in a time when such a threat can be close to any person. That is why already in schools they learn the rules of safe behavior in the event of the threat of a terrorist act. Adults and children should be aware that:

  • If an ownerless item, a bag and so on is found, then it is necessary to inform the law enforcement agencies about it.
  • Moving in transport, walking along the street, you should always pay attention to abandoned things and suspicious objects.
  • You cannot try to figure out for yourself what is in the bag or package.
  • Do not create panic among the gathered people.
  • Parents must explain to their children that any object found on the street can be dangerous.

The rules of safe behavior in the event of a terrorist attack can be useful to everyone, so it is advisable to study them and, if necessary, follow them.

Criminal situations

Criminogenic means criminal. Anyone can get into such a situation. The rules of safe behavior in situations of a criminal nature may look like this:

Knowing the rules of safe behavior in character can save lives in some cases for you and your loved ones.

Safe internet

At present, it is difficult to imagine your existence without World wide web... Most spend a lot of time there. Already kids, not yet knowing letters and numbers, understand phones and computers better than some adults.

The World Wide Web is not only a lot of useful information, but also a threat, especially for children. Therefore, parents should explain to their children and ensure that an important rule of safe behavior on the Internet is observed. Adults also want to know about these rules.

  1. No passwords may be shared with others or sent by email.
  2. When registering on sites, try not to post personal information and photos of your family, address of residence. Teach your children the same.
  3. Don't make appointments with people you meet on social media.
  4. Don't join suspicious communities.
  5. Children need to know that not everything they see on the Internet is true.
  6. It is necessary to protect children from the possibility of visiting sites for those over 18 years old.
  7. Periodically review the history of which sites your child visits.
  8. Download music, movies and any information from trusted sites to avoid computer virus infection.
  9. Before starting to work on the Internet, a good anti-virus software must be installed on your computer.

The World Wide Web is a great blessing for a person, you can glean a lot of useful information, find an answer to any question, but it is also a great danger, so you need to follow the rules of caution and explain them to children.

In the modern world, a person can be trapped almost at every step. Even sitting at home in a comfortable chair, you can become a hostage, become a victim of criminals, feel the tremors of an approaching earthquake. And then what can we say about the street, visiting reservoirs, driving on transport. Given all this, of course, you should not isolate yourself from the outside world, but knowing and observing the necessary safety measures is simply vital.

We all live in a modern and complex world, where, unfortunately, there are many dangers that lie in wait for us on the path of life. In order to protect yourself in this or that difficult situation, or to avoid it altogether, you need to know: what emergencies there are and how to behave if a disaster occurs. Consider the most common situations that occur in everyday life and learn how to protect yourself, as well as your loved ones.


In the chemistry room:
- to coordinate experiments with the teacher;
- read the labels with the substance and follow the instructions;
- get acquainted with the properties of substances;
- to carry out experiments with volatile substances under thrust;
- close containers immediately;
- sniff, directing the air with your hand and cannot be tasted;
- do not eat.

In the physics room:
- do not connect devices to the network without the teacher's permission;
- upon finding a malfunction, turn off the device;
- do not touch bare wires and capacitors.

In physical education lessons:
- start the lesson with a warm-up;
- check the serviceability of the simulators;
- insure yourself on gymnastic apparatus.

In technology lessons:
- with cutting and piercing tools, direct the cutting surfaces away from the body;
- body position must be stable;
- parts of clothing should not fall under the cutting edge;
- remove chips from the tool.


What danger can there be from students?

- They can extort money from you. Or valuables. Do not flee from the extortionists. Most likely, they will catch up with you and beat you. When you demand to give money or something of value, give it back. Life is more precious. But if you do nothing at all, it can happen again. Therefore, you need to ask for help, do not pretend to be a "tough guy". You need to turn to people you trust. We hope they are parents and a class teacher.

-Do not go to the school toilet if there is a large company or an unfamiliar adult is standing there.
-If a stranger comes to school for you and says that mom (dad, grandmother) sent him and offers to go with him - refuse.
-Friends urge you to prove your courage and prowess. Persuaded to steal something from a store or from a car. Do not be fooled by the primitive: "What is weak." This is not prowess, but a criminal offense. You're not that stupid.
-It seemed to you that you met the same person on the way to school, or he began to appear nearby often. Tell your parents and ask them to see you off and meet you, change the route. It must be safe. Move along the illuminated streets, avoid parks and woodlands. Remember: the short road is not the best! By shortening the way home, you risk shortening your life.


Life in the city is more dangerous than in deserted and wild places. In the stone jungle, people are usually isolated from each other. This indifference to other people's problems plays into the hands of criminals. And they take advantage of it. There are frequent cases when crimes are committed in a dark entrance, at a transport stop or in a quiet park. If we adhere to some elementary rules, then the likelihood of saving our life, health, dignity from criminal encroachment will increase significantly.

- Before going outside, plan your future route and choose the safest route.
- Let your parents know where you are going and when you will return. This should not be interpreted as restricting freedom, control and corrosiveness of adults who violate their rights.
- If possible, be on the street with friends. Be picky about your acquaintances. You are treated to ice cream or juice - politely decline. Psychotropic drugs can be mixed into the "gift". Remember that when drinking alcohol with random people, you may be mixed with something. If something is offered, then you need to be able to say "no". To make it easier to refuse, practice at home with friends in the form of a game. One offers something (smoke, escape from school, try a drug), the other should be. This seemingly easy exercise will help in real life to refuse obsessive people.

Try not to show up in infamous places. Try not to walk in deserted places, stay away from construction sites, reconstructed and abandoned buildings, avoid remote areas of parks and squares.
- It is necessary to develop the habit of carefully looking around, getting into a new place.
- If you happen to return home in the evening, try to avoid the short road through yards, dumps, wastelands and poorly lit streets. In dark neighborhoods, walk down the middle of the street.

If you are walking along buildings in the dark, stay away from them.
- Walk along the sidewalk towards the direction of the traffic (so that you cannot approach the car from behind).
- If a car drove up to you and the driver behaves aggressively, shout and run in the opposite direction.
- Avoid coming close to standing vehicles with the engine running.
- Seeing ahead of a noisy group of teenagers, cross the street.
- Turn around and check your suspicions if you feel someone is following you.
- When entering and exiting public transport, be most careful, squeeze your bag with valuable things.
- Do not show your wallet and its storage location to strangers.
- Keep your money in your inside pockets.
- Do not enter the staircase, especially the elevator with strangers.

Younger students should know well their home address, telephone number of both home and work parents.
Never accept sweets, gifts, money, an invitation to drive a car from strangers.
It is extremely dangerous to agree with strangers to go or go, ask them to do something (for example, find a lost cat or dog, bring things, play together, take pictures with them).

Do not engage in conversation with strangers. Especially when they are trying to find out where and with whom you live, where your parents work, etc.

If you see people fighting on the street, do not get involved in the fight. Go around this dangerous place and tell the adults to call the police.
If a group of people stops you with questions like “there’s no light” or “what time is it,” keep driving, answering on the go that you don’t smoke or that you don’t have what they are asking about. Thus, you will prevent them from surrounding you and make it clear that you are not scared.
If they grab you on the street and try to lead you into the entrance or push you into the car, or just try to drag you somewhere - shout, push back, call the police, by any means attract attention to yourself. If it happened indoors - shout "Fire!" Usually everyone who hears you responds to this cry, because the fire is dangerous for everyone.


Never run into the road in front of an approaching vehicle. This is dangerous because the driver cannot stop the car immediately.
The road must be crossed in specially designated places along the pedestrian crossing.
Go to the roadway only after making sure that there is no approaching traffic on the left and right.

After getting off the bus, do not run out onto the road. Wait for the bus to leave, and only then, making sure there are no cars, cross the road.
It is dangerous to use skateboards and rollerblades on the roadway.
Do not run out onto the road outside the pedestrian crossing zone, in this place the driver does not expect pedestrians and will not be able to instantly stop the car.

It is dangerous to play ball and other games near the roadway, it is better to do this in the yard or on the playground.
Know how to use a traffic light.
Remember! Only strict adherence to the Rules of the Road protects all of you from road hazards.


Expect transport only at stops that are marked with signs, do not go out on the road.

Enter and exit the vehicle only after they have come to a complete stop.

Do not jump into vehicles on the move, do not stand on protruding parts and steps of cars.

Bypass the bus and trolleybus from the back, the tram from the front.

In case of an accident on the bus, use doors and ventilation hatches to exit.

In the event of an accident in a trolleybus or tram, jump out of the passenger compartment without touching the handrail, as the carriage may be energized.

- Do not run along the escalator, do not put things and do not sit on the steps and handrails, do not stand with your back in the direction of travel.
- Do not hesitate when leaving the escalator.
- Do not go close to the edge of the platform, do not go beyond the boundary line.
- Do not go to the carriage until the train stops completely.
- Do not try to retrieve objects that have fallen on the rails yourself.
- When falling on the rails, or quickly get up and run along the train
towards the stairs, along which you can climb the platform, or lie down in the chute between the rails, covering your head with your hands, with your head against the movement of the train.
- In the carriage, in any dangerous situations, use emergency communication with the driver: press the button, tell the car number, take your time, tell me what happened.

- Do not sit in the front seat unless you are 12 years old.
- Once in the car, fasten your seat belt.
- If a collision is imminent, put your feet on the floor, wrap your head in your hands and pull on the seat belt. In the back seat, lie on your side.
- If there is an accident - squeeze out the front or rear window with your feet or break it with any heavy object. After getting out, help the rest get out, get a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher from the car.


Remember: it is dangerous to indulge in matches, lighters, they are intended for household needs, but not for games. Even a small spark can lead to a large fire.

It is dangerous for young children to use household electrical appliances, such as irons, kettles, televisions, turn on gas stoves, etc., heat the stoves themselves, and light fires.

Fires most often occur for the following reasons:
- careless handling of fire, playing with flammable objects;
- violation of fire safety rules during the operation of household electrical appliances, stoves.


First of all, call the emergency services on "01".
Report that the exact address is lit.
If there are adults nearby, you need to call them for help. Under no circumstances hide during a fire in secluded places (under a bed, in a closet, in a closet, etc.), it will be difficult for firefighters to find you.
If the room fills with acrid smoke, cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth, bend over to the floor and leave the room immediately.
Know for sure that there are two saving exits from the house: if you cannot leave through the door, call for help from the window or from the balcony.
If a fire broke out in your apartment and there is an opportunity to leave it, run out into the street, do not forget to close the door tightly behind you and immediately report the fire to the first oncoming passers-by so that they call the firefighters.
A fire can occur in an entrance or in another apartment. If there is fire or smoke in the entrance, do not leave the apartment. Open a window or balcony and call for help.
During a fire, you cannot use the elevator: it can stop between floors.
If your clothes catch fire, fall and roll to bring down the flames.
If you burn your hand, for example, put it under a stream of cold water and call adults for help.


The main thing: do not go to the forest one by one, it is very dangerous. Tell your relatives (friends) about your route and time of return.

What to take with you to the forest?
When going on a hike or just into the forest, be sure to take with you the most necessary things, namely: a compass, a knife, matches, salt, a small food ration, light spare clothes. Pack matches and clothes in polyethylene so that they do not get wet in case of rain. It is advisable to wear bright clothes: in case of searches, it will be easier to spot you in the forest.

How to navigate the forest?
Before entering the forest, find out where the main landmarks are: roads, rivers, streams, settlements, in order to schematically represent the boundaries of the area in which you will walk. Determine the cardinal directions on the compass so that you know in which direction you will need to return. If you do not have a compass, then remember which side the sun is shining from, when you return it should shine from the other side.

If you get lost
First of all, don't panic. Calm down, take a few deep breaths, rest for a few minutes. While you are resting, remember where and how you walked, listen for sounds that indicate the proximity of people. Be aware that in silence (especially in the evening) the audibility of various sounds is as follows:

- car movement along the highway 1 - 2 km;
- car movement on a dirt road 1 km;
- rifle shot 2 - 4 km;
- conversation - 250 m;
- loud shout 1 - 1.5 km.

But take your time to go for the sound. It is necessary to check its direction several times. The sound is better heard on the slides when the wind dies down.
Going out in the forest to a stream, a small river - go downstream, the water will lead you to people.
While in the forest, do not take unfamiliar berries and mushrooms in your mouth, they can be poisonous.
Remember! They will look for you, but salvation largely depends on your competent behavior in the forest.


To avoid trouble, follow the rules of conduct on the water:
- do not go swimming unaccompanied by adults;
- swim only in specially designated and equipped places;
- do not give false alarms;
- do not swim behind the safety signs and do not swim close to passing ships, boats, boats;
- it is dangerous to swim far, as you can not calculate your strength;

If you are caught up in the current, swim diagonally to the nearest bank;
- if you are caught in a whirlpool, take more air into your lungs, immerse yourself in the water, and make a strong dash to the side, swim out;

When bathing, do not drive yourself to chills. With hypothermia, convulsions may occur, respiratory arrest, loss of consciousness may occur;
- avoid heatstroke, do not stay in the sun for a long time;
- it is dangerous to jump or enter the water abruptly after prolonged exposure to the sun. When cooled in water, a sharp reflex muscle contraction occurs, which entails a cessation of breathing;
- observe the drinking regime.
Remember: when by the water, never forget about own safety, be extremely careful!




Pedestrians should cross the railway tracks only in the established places on pedestrian decks or bridges and in places where signs "Crossing the tracks" are installed.

Before crossing the track on the pedestrian flooring, you must make sure that there is no moving train, locomotive or carriage.

When a train, locomotive or carriage approaches, you should stop, let them pass and, after making sure that there is no moving rolling stock on adjacent tracks, continue the transition.

When approaching a railway crossing, citizens must carefully monitor the light and sound alarms, as well as the position of the barrier. You can cross the track only when the barrier is open, and in its absence, before crossing the tracks, you need to make sure that a train, locomotive or carriage is not approaching the crossing.


Walk on train tracks.
Bypass the standing train at a distance of less than 5 meters from the carriage or locomotive, and between the standing cars in the "gap" at a distance of at least 10 meters.
Use the railway paths as footpaths.
Cross or run across the tracks in front of a nearby train, if the distance to it is less than 400 meters.
Cross the track immediately after the passage of a train of one direction, without making sure that there is no train following the opposite direction.
Cross railway crossings when the barrier is closed or when the red signal of the crossing signaling light is displayed.
At stations and railway tracks, crawl under the wagons and climb over automatic couplings to pass through the track.
Walk along the railway track closer than 5 meters from the end rail.
Walk along railway bridges and tunnels that are not equipped with walkways for pedestrians.
Crawl under a closed barrier at a railway crossing, as well as go out to the crossing when the barrier starts to close.
On electrified areas, climb the contact network supports.
Approach an electrical wire lying on the ground at a distance of closer than 8 meters.


Boarding (disembarking) the cars should be done only after the train has stopped completely.
The exit from the cars and boarding in them must be done only from the side of the platform or landing platform.
Small children should be held by hand or in arms!


Drive on roofs, footboards, carriage transition areas.
Embarkation and disembarkation of the train.
Lean out of the windows of carriages and doors of the vestibules on the way of the train.
Stand on steps and transition platforms, open carriage doors while the train is in motion, delay the opening of automatic doors of suburban trains.
Travel on freight trains without special permission.
Driving drunk on trains.
Leave children unattended on boarding platforms and in carriages.
Carry flammable and explosive substances in wagons.
Get out of the cars at the inter-track and stand there when the oncoming train passes.
Jump from the platform to the train tracks.
Arrange various outdoor games on the platform.
Run on the platform next to the carriage of an arriving or departing train, as well as stay within two meters from the edge of the platform while the train passes without stopping.
Approach the train carriages until it stops completely.
Stop the train without permission.


By coincidence, any person can be held hostage by criminals. At the same time, they, criminals, can achieve any goals. In all cases, your life can be a bargaining chip for terrorists. Seizure can take place in transport, in an institution, on the street, in an apartment.

If you are taken hostage or kidnapped, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules of conduct:
- the most important thing: do not panic;
- do not allow actions that can provoke attackers to use weapons and lead to casualties;
- endure hardships, insults and humiliation, do not look into the eyes of criminals, do not behave defiantly;
- if necessary, fulfill the requirements of criminals, do not contradict them, do not risk the lives of others and your own, try not to allow hysteria and panic;
- ask permission to perform any actions (sit down, get up, drink, go to the toilet);
- If you are injured, try not to move, this will reduce blood loss. Remember: your goal is to stay alive.

Remember that having received a message about your capture, the special services have already begun to act and will take everything necessary to release you.

During the operation of the special services on your release, strictly observe the following rules:
- lie on the floor face down, cover your head with your hands and do not move;
- in any case, do not run towards the employees of special services, it is dangerous;
- if possible, stay away from door openings and windows.

If you find a suspicious item that may be explosive

If the discovered object should not, as it seems to you, be "in this place and at this time", do not disregard this fact.
If you find a forgotten or ownerless item on public transport, inform an adult or interview people around you. If the owner is not identified, immediately report the find to the driver, conductor.
If you find a suspicious object in the entrance of your house, ask your neighbors, perhaps it belongs to them. If the owner is not identified, immediately report the finding to the police by phone "02" or to the rescue service "01".
If you find a suspicious item in a school, hospital or any other institution, immediately report the finding to the administration.
In all these cases:
- do not touch, open or move the find;
- fix the time of finding the find;
- move as far as possible from the dangerous find;
- be sure to wait for the arrival of the operational investigation team;
- do not forget that you are the most important eyewitness.

Remember: appearance the subject may hide its real purpose. As a disguise for explosive devices, ordinary household items are used: bags, packages, boxes, toys, etc. Therefore, any item found on the street or in the entrance can be dangerous.

Do not take any action yourself with finds or suspicious objects that may be explosive devices. This can lead to their explosion, numerous victims and destruction!


  • Do not grasp the wire hanging from the post.
  • Do not touch exposed, poorly insulated wire.
  • Do not use electrical appliances in the bathroom.
  • Do not use defective (sparking, hot) electrical outlets.

Before plugging the power plug into the outlet, make sure that it is from the device you are going to plug in.
Do not handle the power plug with a wet hand.
Do not drive a nail into the wall unless you know where the hidden electrical wiring goes.
Make sure that sockets and other plugs do not spark, heat, or crackle. If the contacts are dark, clean them and remove the cause of the loose connection.

Walking under high voltage power lines is not recommended. The electrical voltage they create in the air has a harmful effect on the body.
Avoid getting close to the broken wire: step voltage may strike. If, nevertheless, you have to cross a dangerous zone near a wire lying on the ground, you must do it by running: so that at the same time only one foot touches the ground.
When entering a trolleybus, do not touch its side with your hand. The trolleybus body may be energized due to insulation breakdown. It is better to jump into the trolleybus rather than get out: so that there is no situation when one foot is on the ground and the other is on the trolleybus step. Electric trains and trams are not dangerous in this respect, because they are always grounded.


- Do not approach an unfamiliar dog and do not show him "signs of attention".
- If the dog is behaving aggressively, never turn your back on it or run away.
- Walk away from the aggressive dog, not fussing or taking your eyes off it.
- Do not aim at the dog, do not pick up a stick or stone from the ground.
- Try to give commands in a loud and confident voice: "Fu!", "Stand!", "Sit!"

If the dog is ready to jump, take a stable posture: put your left (if you are right-handed) arm slightly bent forward, wrapping it with a jacket, jacket, scarf, and press your chin tightly to your chest.

If the dog rushes at you, hit him (very hard and accurately) in the nose, groin and stomach.
If your dog succeeds in knocking you to the ground, protect your throat. A humane attitude towards a dog in such a situation is inappropriate.


Don't answer strangers on the phone.
- Do not open the front door to anyone (even acquaintances) without parents.
- Do not enter into conversations with anyone through the door.
- Check if the door is securely closed.
- In a dangerous situation, use the police phone 02, ambulance 03, fire department 01, gas service 04.
- If there is no phone:
- knock your neighbors with a metal object on the radiator or on the wall;
- go to the balcony and call for help.


Never divulge your passwords to anyone. They are your main secret. Come up with your own unique password that no one can guess about. Do not write down passwords on pieces of paper, do not store them in open access... Do not send your passwords by email.

When registering on sites and in in social networks try not to provide personal information (phone number, address of the place of residence, school, place of work of parents, etc.) - it can be available to everyone, even those you do not know!

- Remember that a photo posted on the Internet is available for everyone to view. Try not to post photos that show your family, school, home and other personal information.

- Try not to meet those with whom you meet on the Internet.

- Remember that many people tell lies about themselves on the Internet.

- On the Internet and social networks, try to communicate only with those with whom you personally know. Think and consult with your parents before adding a stranger to your “friends” list.

- Do not use your webcam when communicating with strangers, remember to keep your distance from strangers.

- Respect your interlocutors on the Internet. Never, under any circumstances, threaten others, post aggressive or provocative material. Be friendly. Do not be rude.

“Remember that even on the Internet there is netiquette. If you write a message in capital letters, then the interlocutor may think that you are yelling at him.

- Do not join unfamiliar communities and do not distribute informational, provocative and aggressive materials and messages at anyone's request.

- Not everything that you can read or see on the Internet is true. Do not be lazy and double-check the information in other search engines or ask your parents.

- Remember that there are sites that are not intended for children, do not go to sites "for those who are over 18", on indecent and aggressive sites. If you came to such a site by a link, close your browser using the “ctrl + alt + delete” keys.

Tell an adult what you saw, learned or learned new.

- Do not under any circumstances indicate your phone number or email address, do not send SMS from it to unknown numbers on the Internet.

- If you received a message from an unknown address, it is better not to open it.

- If you thought that your friends are sending you "strange" information or programs, ask them again if they sent you any files. Sometimes scammers can act on behalf of strangers.

- If you want to buy any service or game on the Internet, contact an adult. He will tell you how to avoid being scammed.

- Do not download files, programs or music without consent of adults - they may contain viruses and harm your computer.

- Ask your parents to install an antivirus and a special softwarethat will block the spread of viruses.


Criminogenic means criminal. Crime statistics speaks of the multifaceted nature of the criminal situation, it is impossible to give any specific recommendations for all occasions, one can only recommend to behave more carefully. Trust your intuition. If you feel uncomfortable in a place or situation, leave.

If you find yourself in a situation that seems dangerous to you, then it is very important to seize the initiative. It depends more on you, on your composure and your willpower. For example, rude young people may come up and ask: "What are you staring at?" You need to be calm and not rude, as aggressive young people are just waiting for this. You can simply answer: "What reasons can I have to look at you?" Answers of this type to some extent relieve a tense situation and not always the aggressor can immediately find an answer. In order not to aggravate the situation, it is better to never shout or speak rudely to the aggressor. Also, do not turn your back to him, wave your hands, gesticulate. You should not talk to the aggressor in a commanding or disrespectful tone. In a tense situation, it is very important to be able to listen and make sure that the conversation does not stop, because as soon as an aggressive person or you run out of arguments, he can rush at you. Forensic experts believe that there is a greater chance of not being physically assaulted if there is no resistance. Although this is unnatural to human nature. Of course, during an attack, you need to assess the situation and your capabilities, think about the consequences and only then take any retaliatory actions.

If in a dangerous situation you decide to run, then do it as quickly and suddenly as possible, while calling loudly for help or another option - turn around and go towards the pursuer, boldly, looking into his eyes and walk past him a couple of meters. Don't let him come close to you.

If it was not possible to avoid contact, make an attempt to exert mental pressure, act assertively and boldly, but you need to be ready for an attack.

- In the event of an attack, bite, scratch, boldly apply self-defense measures. Sometimes even an attempt to resist dramatically reduces the criminal's desire to continue the attack. The offender expects to find only a passive victim in you, so any resistance on your part will catch the offender by surprise and may confuse him.

- The main rule is not to panic, to act in cold blood, using your mind and ingenuity.

- Do not provoke your opponent to aggravate the conflict, do not respond with rudeness to rudeness, insult to insult, this can push him to aggressive actions.

- In case of real threats and attempts to take possession of your things, it is better to give them back. Decide for yourself once and for all what is more precious to you - things, money or life.

- A very effective weapon on the street is an ordinary whistle. It can not only cause confusion for the criminal, but also attracts the attention of police patrols.

- Try to remember the offender's appearance, paying special attention to scars, tattoos, what he is wearing.

- Remember: your greatest victory will be when you avoid physical contact in a conflict situation.

- If you happen to be a witness of a bandit showdown, a shootout, you must lie on the ground face down, arms outstretched in front of you so that you can see that there is nothing in your hands and you do not pose a threat.


In every city these days, specially trained people walk the streets trying to talk to both children and adults. Their sole purpose is to generate interest in the totalitarian sect. What it is?

A totalitarian sect is an organization of people that restricts freedoms and human rights and poses a danger to life and health.

She achieves her goals by deceiving and confusing the consciousness of people.
Often, sect members think they are the smartest and know the truth that others do not know. Their only purpose is money and power.

Sectarians are not always easy to recognize. They often hide under the guise of an educational center, religion. These people will smile at you a lot, listen carefully and show kindness with their whole appearance. In reality, their main desire is to make the victim believe. They love to tell the meaning of life and how to achieve success. After establishing friendship with a new person, they will force him to work for the sect, pay money and honor it. Remember, this is all cheating!

Any sect is an organization whose leadership wants to receive unlimited power, influence and money. The masks here are very different - philosophical, religious, psychological ... The sect can pretend to be a charitable committee, a university, English courses or psychological training.

Sects are Satanist, Protestant, Pagan, Oriental. One thing unites them: hiding behind words about good and truth, they separate people. Those who are with them are their own, good, those who are not with them are bad, enemies.

All the activities of the sect are aimed at making you stop thinking. Then you can be twisted as you like: make you work for free and around the clock, lie and steal from others.

Sects are cunning and flexible. They appeal to very intelligible and clear psychological needs: not to be alone, to find interlocutors, to feel involved in a group of like-minded people, where they will accept you for their own. And once you get there, in six months you will not recognize your parents. If you try to leave the sect, you will eventually leave ... from the window. And it all started so great: you found new friends and the meaning of life in addition ...

So, let's draw up a few rules in order not to fall into a totalitarian sect:

1) Be cheerful and purposeful. If something doesn't work out in life, cry less, and instead take it and do it! Don't hang your nose. Remember that solving problems every time makes you stronger.
2) Listen and consult only with those you can trust. First of all, these are parents and teachers. Parents can praise or scold you, the teacher will give you an A or a B, but they will never wish anything bad.
3) Learn history and other sciences. All knowledge (even mathematics!) Helps a person to understand the laws of nature and life.
4) If you meet people who are somewhat reminiscent of those we talked about, leave them immediately.

Dear guys, these simple rules will help you not only avoid sectarian networks, but also go towards your goals with your head held high.


How to survive in a crowd of people?

The best rule of thumb is to get around it far. If this is not possible, under no circumstances should you go against the crowd. Constantly predict the situation. Be sure to consider the surroundings and your location.

If the crowd has carried you away with it, try to avoid its center, edge, dangerous neighborhood of shop windows, bars, fences, turnstiles. Dodge everything motionless in the way - pillars, pedestals, walls and trees. Otherwise, you may simply be crushed. Do not cling to anything with your hands - they can break.
Zip up if possible. High-heeled shoes can cost you your life, as can a loose lace.

Throw away your bag, umbrella, free your hands. If you have dropped something (anything), in no case try to lift it - life is more expensive. In a dense mass of people, with the right behavior, the probability of falling is not as great as the probability of being squeezed. Therefore, protect your chest with your hands locked in a lock, folding them over your chest. Another technique - bend your elbows elastically and press them against the body. Pushing from behind should be taken on the elbows; protect the chest with hand tension. But if you do fall, you should protect your head with your hands and get up immediately. It is very difficult, but it is possible using this technique: quickly pull your legs towards you, group up and try to stand up with a jerk. It will hardly be possible to rise from your knees in a dense crowd - you will be knocked down. Therefore, one foot must rest on the ground and sharply straighten, using the movement of the crowd. But I repeat - it is very difficult to get up, preliminary protective measures are always more effective.

At a rally, demonstration, in a crowd, you, against your will, may be a participant in political extras or mass riots. You should not approach aggressive groups. Stay away from the police. During the suppression of riots, you can suffer from the harsh measures of its employees. Do not lose control of yourself, do not make sudden movements, do not shout, do not run - otherwise, you may be mistaken for a violator or instigator of disorder. Demonstrate peace and tranquility with all your appearance. If you are detained, do not try to immediately prove that it was done illegally, do not turn law enforcement officers against you.


  • If you have to communicate a lot on your mobile phone, do not keep it near your ear all the time. Buy yourself some headphones. This will partially mitigate the effect of ultra-high power radiation
  • Keep in mind that not all mobile phone devices have the same radiation intensity: some more, others less. Therefore, when buying a phone, be sure to ask to see a copy of the certificate for your chosen model, which will indicate that it complies with the FCC standard. And this means that it does not exceed the already high radiation rates.
  • When choosing a telecom operator, give preference to the one with the most extensive network of repeaters. Because the more the phone strains in search base stationin order to communicate, the greater the dose of electromagnetic waves emitted by it becomes.
  • Do not choose small models of mobile phones, they are more powerful than large ones.
  • Many people like to use their mobile phones in fixed-route taxis and in cars to have fun on the road. You shouldn't do this. Because the radiation of the mobile is reflected from metal case machines, increasing power several times.
  • By the way, for the same reasons, it is also better to take off glasses in metal frames during a conversation.
  • By typing desired number, do not press directly to your ear - it is during the connection that powerful radiation occurs. Therefore, follow the process of the call, looking at the screen of the mobile phone, and only after the connection has occurred, bring it to your ear.
  • Keep the phone at least 2 m away from the bed to keep yourself away from the field it radiates.
  • If the number of "antennas" on the screen of your mobile has decreased, then you are in a zone of weak signal coverage. This happens in the premises of train stations, airports, subways, in basements. Try to avoid using mobile phone in such conditions, because the intensity of its electromagnetic radiation increases several times.
  • Try not to talk for more than three minutes.
  • Take at least 15 minutes breaks between calls.
  • Make sure that the total number of conversations per day does not exceed one hour.