The benefits of cloud technology. The use of cloud technologies in information systems. How much does it all cost

Given the specifics of the implementation of the scientific and educational process using distance educational technologies, it is possible to single outthe following advantages of cloud services:

availability for any personal computers and mobile devices, which provides savings on high-performance software and hardware systems on the side of educational institutions (users of cloud services). Cloud service clients can access their workspace anywhere they connect to the Internet;

the reliability of cloud services is ensured by the fact that the software and hardware platform is located in specialized data processing centers (DPCs), which include 100% redundancy of the network and hardware infrastructure;

economic benefit. Platforms such as Google docs do not require educational institutions to purchase licensed software, configure and update it.

Disadvantages cloud servers are:

the need for a constant connection to the Internet. In settlements remote from information and communication centers, the likelihood of technical and technological problems in accessing the Internet can be great. On the other hand, with the development of 3G, 4G technologies, satellite and mobile transport media, this disadvantage will be practically eliminated in the future;

limited software scaling. Many cloud services provide a minimal set of tools for setting up a service workspace. Accordingly, the user often cannot optimally customize his work area;

inaccessibility of implementation of these technologies for small companies due to the high cost of software and hardware "cloud".

The concept of the cloud computing model is often viewed in two ways, some see it as security risks and new "threat vectors", but at the same time, this system has new opportunities to improve security. Improved infrastructure observability, automation and standardization - all these capabilities increase the level of information security. For example, if we use a predefined set of Cloud interfaces in parallel with centralized identity management, along with an access control policy, then we significantly reduce the risk of customers accessing unwanted resources. Security measures such as the execution of computing services in isolated domains, the use of encryption to data, significantly increase the safety of information, reducing its loss. It should be added that the use of automatic initialization and restoration of executable images will reduce the space for attacks, allowing a number of legal aspects to be addressed.

How to "increase the number of virtues"?

Ensuring security in the cloud environment is a rather difficult task, due to the additional risk that arises due to the fact that often important services are provided by third-party organizations on the basis of outsourcing. This significantly complicates aspects such as data availability and confidentiality, maintaining integrity, and service availability.
Cloud Computing is about transferring control of operations and data to a cloud service provider from the client organization. Including the tasks of installing service packs, configuring firewalls can be transferred to the cloud service provider from the end user.
The consequence of this is the need for customers to establish trusting relationships with suppliers, while assessing the risks, how competently they will configure and manage security tools on their behalf. This relationship is important because customers, even though their workload resides in the Cloud, are solely responsible for the protection and compliance of their critical data.
It is precisely because of the risks associated with outsourcing services that some organizations prefer hybrid or private models over cloud environments.
Other parties at Cloud Computing are also demanding a review of risk and security. The reason for this is the difficulty in locating the physical storage of data. Previously visible security processes in such a system are hidden by layers of abstraction, which in turn creates compliance and security challenges.

Significant security differences between traditional IT and cloud environments stem from the massive sharing of cloud infrastructure. Very often, users who represent completely different organizations and at the same time have different levels of trust have the same set of system resources.

At the same time, such moments of today's dynamic IT environments as workload balancing andSLA , offer a large number of opportunities for data corruption and misconfiguration.

Of course, shared infrastructure requires a high level of automation and standardization of processes, which will contribute to more high degree safety by eliminating the possibility of operator error.

However, the risks inherent in large-scale infrastructure sharing suggest that issues such as isolation, compliance, and identity should be given high priority in Cloud Computing models.

And yet, what is the main advantage of "clouds"?

One of the main benefits of the cloud is cost savings. However, some analysts cite examples in which the total total cost of owning a "cloud" solution may be higher than in the classical scheme, in this regard, it is necessary to assess the economic efficiency. The initial costs required for the deployment of a "cloud" information system are lower than with the classical approach, but in the future their significant growth is possible. For example, Richard Jimark (Hyperformix), Amy Spellmann (Optimal Innovations), and Mark Preston (RS Performance) have conducted a detailed analysis of the prospects for an online store, which will have to make a choice between running its own server or using Amazon's cloud computing service. For both options, the costs and the amount of energy consumed were calculated for two years in advance. These calculations showed that the cost of a site built with Amazon will initially be lower than the cost of an internal server. However, over time, they will begin to exceed them, even taking into account the saved energy. This is explained by the fact that the customer needs the solution not from time to time, but constantly, and the ever-increasing cloud computing will require more and more computing power, which increases the payment for the "cloud". In addition, the rental price includes such costs as development, software maintenance, hardware maintenance, and the customer pays for the services directly from the supplier. As a consequence, and taking into account the risk assessments described above, it is recommended to work out "cloud" projects so that the solution provider creates the entire infrastructure to order, on the principle of "private cloud", and there is no rent for using this resource. Naturally, it will not be possible to completely abandon the supplier's services, because technical support, and project improvements, and support are needed. However, their cost and performer's labor costs will be similar to the classical scheme, which will not affect the final cost of the project for the customer and, accordingly, the economic efficiency of the "cloud" in comparison with the usual classical model.

A. F. Kuznetsov, A. A. Shabanov


Annotation. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud technologies, examines the main aspects of their construction. The importance of cloud services in the automation of modern business is shown.

Keywords: cloud technologies, cloud computing, service provider, internet.


Abstract. The article considers the advantages and shortcomings of the use of cloud technologies as well as the main aspects of their construction. The importance of cloud services for automation of modern business is proved.

Keywords: cloud technologies, cloud computing, service provider, Internet.

The development of a modern innovative economy is inextricably linked with the use of computers, the creation of information systems for various purposes. The high need for information for management purposes and the rapid development of information processes have highlighted the creation of components of its infrastructure, covering computing technology, communication facilities, methodological and software support, technologies of auxiliary activities. Cloud computing is one of the most important elements of this infrastructure today.

The topic of cloud computing is one of the most relevant today. Like all new ideas that can change the already established methods and rules of organizing and creating solutions, the "cloud" approach has both supporters and opponents. The matter is not limited to debates and reasoning. There are already a number of ready-made solutions and technologies that allow both organizing a local computing cloud within an enterprise, and using the resources already available, adapting their solutions for the possibility of their implementation in the cloud. We will consider the main aspects of building cloud technologies, their importance in automating modern business, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages of using Cloud Computing.

It is believed that the theory of cloud computing originated in 1960, when D. McCarthy announced the assumption that someday computer computing will

carried out with the help of popular utilities. The ideology of cloud computing gained fame in 2007 due to the rapid development of communication channels and the exponentially growing need for both business and private users to scale out their own information systems.

In April 2011, the analytical firm Forrester Research presented a forecast for the development of the public cloud computing market until 2020. According to the report, by 2020 the volume of the cloud market will be $ 160 billion (see Fig. 1).

Figure: 1. Projected volumes of the cloud market.

Cloud computing is established, proven to exist, and is used by many leading business and industrial companies.

The essence of the cloud computing concept is to provide end users remote dynamic access to services, computing resources and applications (including operating systems and infrastructure) over the Internet. The emergence of the hosting industry was driven by the emerging need for software and digital services that could be managed internally, but which would be the most economical and efficient at the expense of economies of scale.

Computing clouds are made up of thousands of servers located in data centers that run tens of thousands of applications that are simultaneously used by millions of users. An indispensable condition for effective management of such

large-scale infrastructure is the most complete automation. In addition, in order to provide different types of users - cloud operators, service providers, intermediaries, IT administrators, users of applications with secure access to computing resources, the cloud infrastructure must provide for the possibility of self-management and delegation of authority.

The concept of cloud computing has significantly changed the traditional approach to delivering, managing and integrating applications. Compared with the traditional approach, cloud computing allows you to manage larger infrastructures, serve different groups of users within the same cloud, and also means complete dependence on the cloud provider.

The most common examples of cloud applications that most of us come across in everyday life: Skype is a service for communicating over the Internet, Yandex.Disk is a service for storing and exchanging files.

If we talk about business companies, then initially they brought mail and Web servers, video conferencing systems to the cloud, then analytics and financial accounting systems were added. But this list is far from complete today.

One of the first technological innovations underlying cloud computing is virtualization technology. Virtualization of physical server resources allows them to be most efficiently distributed between applications. Each of them sees only the resources assigned to it and assumes that a separate server is allocated to it, that is, in this case, the approach "one server, multiple applications" is implemented, but the performance, availability and security of server applications remain the same. In addition, virtualization solutions are the ability to run different operating systems on partitions using the mechanism for emulating their system calls to server hardware resources. Virtualization is based on the ability of one machine to do the work of a number of computers. This is made possible by the distribution of its resources across multiple environments. With virtual machines and servers, you can host multiple operating systems and multiple applications in a single location. Therefore, the problems associated with any physical and geographic restrictions disappear. In addition, the virtual structure has a number of undeniable advantages: energy saving; cost optimization; increasing the efficiency of using hardware resources; improving work safety; improvement of the recovery system in unforeseen situations; relatively high availability of resources; ease of use and control for the user.

Virtualization is important, but not the only technology at the heart of today's cloud paradigm. Other technology trends that have served as a prelude to modern cloud computing include Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Application Service Provider (ASP), ITIL / ITSM, and others. Some of these concepts included very specific new technology approaches, while others were primarily used for marketing purposes (for example, ASP).

The ubiquity of high-speed Internet connections has made it possible to intensively exchange data with computers in the cloud. The maturation of Web 2.0 technologies has made it possible to run rich web applications directly in a web browser window, rather than running them on the local computer or in local network... The development of the Internet has also contributed to some of the success of cloud computing.

Cloud computing has absorbed many ideas from previous concepts, and therefore initially they are more versatile in nature: they can be understood as a technical paradigm, and as a marketing term, and as a promising direction for R&D and academic research. In fact, all the ideas that have accumulated in the industry over the previous one and a half decades have been invested in cloud computing.

Due to the relative novelty of cloud technologies, the question of the feasibility of their implementation causes a lot of controversy and discussions. Making an effective decision on the implementation of cloud computing is a complex task that requires a complete analysis of the enterprise, the environment for which we propose to deploy the so-called remote desktops. Here are the most important advantages and disadvantages of using Cloud Computing.

First of all, the most important advantage of using is a low initial investment in IT: you do not need to invest in the purchase of equipment, software, configuration and technical support networks. Cloud-based companies across the board say that while improving productivity and efficiency at all levels, whether in the office or remotely, they have a solution that can grow with the company and expand to meet business needs. This decision can very well fit into the business plan of the enterprise. With Cloud Computing, the enterprise gets a solution immediately and at a low monthly rate. This brings us to the next benefit when evaluating the use of cloud computing. Cost optimization,

a low, flat monthly fee for using remote space in the form of a subscription to essential services, driven by the fact that Cloud Computing can provide economies of scale and low cost of operation. Software licenses do not need to be put on the balance sheet of the organization, that is, there is a reduction in liability, since the service provider assumes the obligations of licensing and uninterrupted operation. Flexibility and scalability of solutions for organizing and reorganizing work with communication and information space is another advantage of using cloud services, one of the important scalability features is the ability to increase or decrease network machines in a workgroup. And also add new working solutions. Easy to maintain, a paid, one-stop, all-inclusive IT service, no need to install and maintain servers, update software, or worry about software and hardware compatibility. The information space becomes a large, abstract infrastructure, with the ability to allocate resources, in which they are allocated and released at the request of the program during its execution, easy transfer of applications to the desired memory location. Another plus is the absence of long-term contracts and obligations to service providers.

Accessibility from any computer via Internet protocols is also an indisputable advantage. Although it is still difficult for an ordinary user to imagine modern cloud services as an alternative to their own hard drive, they more often use them as a link between their home computer and mobile device... Therefore, computer manufacturers are trying to introduce an increasing number of users to cloud services by developing convenient applications for work and leisure.

Despite the obvious advantages, the very concept of cloud technologies has received a lot of criticism from various angles. The main complaints against Cloud Computing in relation to the environment of a single information space and to corporate users are security, control, instability of the cost structure, and potential deterioration of business agility. The main issues are related to security, uncertainty about whether data in the cloud is sufficiently secured. And is there any possibility that the owner of the data center himself decides to use the data entrusted to him. The downside today is also the need for reliable broadband Internet access. There are a number of less obvious problems with using Cloud Computing: the need to constantly make a fixed

a monthly fee, whereas in the case of field software, the costs are substantial at first, but then amortized; the situation with software products and licenses located on the server is not clearly defined, Cloud Computing is the least transparent method of providing external services, the management of such a system can become problematic.

One of the most important is the issue of privacy - this issue is constantly discussed among the main cloud computing vendors.

But, if the organization still uses cloud services of a public or private cloud, then they must fully comply with the confidentiality requirements of the organization of a single information space at the enterprise and ensure compliance with all rules and laws. It should also be borne in mind that the so-called set additional funds management that can be added by the tenant is limited and does not always close the gaps in some cloud services.

Despite all the doubts, cloud technologies have tremendous opportunities for development. Confirmation that this is not a temporary hobby, but a new path for the emergence of high technologies, is the following fact: no matter how strong the contradictions between the three giants representing the platforms of the information space, namely Microsoft, Apple and Google, no matter how different the views, all three companies link their future directly with cloud technologies. Today, the benefits of cloud technologies can be felt even by those people who are not associated with software development, web technologies and other highly specialized things.


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Benefits of "cloud" technologies

The main advantages are as follows:

· Resource pools. In a private cloud, all resources are pooled to achieve high efficiency and scalability while allocating resources for specific tasks. By distributing resources from a shared pool across multiple tasks and business units, IT can improve the efficient utilization of existing resources.

· Elasticity. Once resources are pooled, the IT service can automatically increase and decrease the amount of resources allocated for specific task... In fact, this allows you to quickly scale services to meet business requirements.

· Self-service. When requesting, configuring and managing IT services, service providers and consumers use an online portal or system designed to automatically provision resources.

· Absolute control. A private cloud is built on the resources of your organization. This means that you have absolute control over all aspects of the architecture and processes in your cloud.

Let's look at the advantages of the "cloud" using the example of a private "cloud" created on the Microsoft Windows Server 2012 platform with support for the identity system Windows Server ActiveDirectory, Hyper-V virtualization and deep application analysis with SystemCenter. This cloud is a convenient solution for implementing a private cloud in the enterprise.

Microsoft's private cloud solves the following tasks:

· Helps to focus on key points for the business with the help of application service management;

· Allows you to manage a hybrid "cloud" model through shared management, identity and development in private and public clouds;

· Provides the scalability and flexibility of the "cloud" model of computing on existing resources, and at the same time allows you to maintain full control over the infrastructure;

· Works on different platforms and with different low-level "shells" (hypervisors), including Hyper-V, VMware and Citrix;

· Make the most of existing IT investments and expertise.

Benefits of Microsoft's private cloud

Comprehensive virtualization platform

Increased scalability and performance

· Integration with public "cloud" services

Continuous availability

Economic efficiency

Management efficiency

· Flexible options for development - locally and in the cloud

Scalable and elastic infrastructure

Open environment for developing standard and network applications

Access from any device, from anywhere in the world

Fully functional Windows environment at any time

Increased security and data protection

Cross-platform approach from start to finish

Microsoft's private cloud supports Microsoft and third-party low-level skins, operating systems, and development platforms to leverage existing skills and infrastructure investments.

Cloud solutions tailored to the needs of the organization

Microsoft helps you control applications wherever you choose to deploy them. Only Microsoft provides shared governance, identity, and development tools that run in both the private cloud and the public cloud windows environment Azure.

Best-in-class performance

In private cloud environments, more and more companies are using Microsoft virtualization technologies to deploy server-side applications such as Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Exchange, and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, as well as packaged and custom business applications. These customers receive significant benefits: optimal use of resources, increased level of business continuity, more flexible and efficient management solution.

Server virtualization in Windows Server 2012

Hyper-V is a technology provided as a standalone product or integrated role for Windows Server; it is a virtualization platform that helps you leverage cloud computing within your organization.

The role of Hyper-V virtualization in Windows Server 2012 will help increase server scalability and performance and enable a more efficient interaction with cloud services.

More secure multi-tenant architecture

Virtualized data centers are becoming more widespread and many IT organizations and hosting providers have begun offering infrastructure as a service (IaaS). The IaaS model provides a flexible virtualized infrastructure — "Server Instances on Demand" —for multiple organizations (tenants). Such solutions must ensure safety and be isolated from each other.

Hyper-V supports multi-tenancy and provides new security and isolation features; virtual machines remain isolated even if they are stored on the same physical network or on the same server. Additionally, the Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V virtual network switch (ExtensibleVirtualSwitch) supports third-party extensions that improve networking and security. The end result is a turnkey solution that reduces the complexity and requirements of any virtual environment.

Flexible infrastructure

Flexibility is needed to simplify management and to access virtual network... New network virtualization features in Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V provide the ability to go beyond VLAN implementation. A virtual machine can be placed on any host, regardless of its IP address - locally, on a server or in the "cloud" - the network infrastructure becomes truly invisible. Now migration of virtual machines and virtual machine storages is carried out independently of each other and without restrictions, including outside the cluster environment.

Scale, performance and density

An enterprise needs to run the largest workloads in its virtualized environment. To help him, the current beta version of Windows Server Hyper-V provides support for up to 32 virtual processors and 1 terabyte (TB) of memory for Hyper-V guests and up to 4,000 virtual machines per cluster. Additional features include resource accounting for showback (internal accounting) and chargeback (external clients) scenarios, support for OffloadedDataTransfer technology, and improved service to meet minimum bandwidth requirements (even for network attached storage).

High availability

To ensure the availability of virtual machines as required - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or depending on a service level agreement - Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V offers out-of-the-box solutions to help your enterprise meet its needs at no additional cost. Some of the capabilities that can help improve availability include support for incremental backups, enhanced cluster environments with support for FiberChannelHyper-V virtual adapters in a virtual machine, parallel live migration, and new Hyper-V Replica features. Windows Server 2012 replicates virtual machines to another location and ensures that the load is transferred to another organizational unit in the event of a primary hardware failure.

Flexible virtualization platform

Regardless of the specific stage life cycle IT, the enterprise must have multiple virtualization options. It may be embarking on virtualizing the first group of workloads to reduce IT costs. Perhaps trying to standardize or automate the environment to improve reliability and be able to respond more quickly to business needs. Or it creates a private cloud for flexibility - anywhere, anytime you need it.

A dynamic, shared architecture allows workloads to scale and improve reliability, including creating a private cloud.

Have you already decided to use cloud services? Or maybe you are still thinking, weighing all the pros and cons? This article is aimed precisely at helping you decide to describe all the pros and cons of "cloud services".


+ Cheap equipment.
You no longer need to buy expensive computers with huge performance and a lot of memory, you no longer need inconvenient CD and DVD drives. Now all your information will be stored on the "cloud" and most of the calculations will be done there. The user no longer needs bulky computers or laptops, because now they have enough compact netbook for full-fledged work.

+ Increased productivity of personal computers.
Since most programs will now be launched remotely via the Internet, there will always be a sufficient amount of free resources on the computer. A good example is Panda Cloud antivirusthat will scan your computer for viruses remotely using the company's powerful servers. According to the estimates of professionals, this reduces the load on the computer by about half.

+ Reducing costs and increasing the efficiency of IT infrastructure.
The servers of ordinary companies are on average loaded at no more than 15% of their capacity. But in some periods there is a need for additional computing resources. Thus, the company's servers are either idle or cannot cope with their work. Moving to cloud computing will address this waste of resources. Now you will use only the amount of computing resources you need, and the cost of equipment and its maintenance will be reduced by up to 50%. If a large company is concerned that its data is being processed "on the side", then for such a company it can build its own, personal "cloud".

+ Minimization of service problems.
Every year there are fewer and fewer physical servers (with Cloud Computing technology), so it becomes easier and faster to maintain them. As for the software, it is already installed, configured and constantly updated in the "cloud".

+ Minimizing the cost of purchasing software.
Now, instead of constantly purchasing new programs for all employees, a company needs to purchase a program for the "cloud" once. Often the cost of programs for use over the Internet is lower than the cost of their counterparts for personal computers. This program will be used only by those users who need it. And the cost of maintaining them in working order is completely reduced to zero. Sometimes you can order the rental of a program (example: rental 1c).

+ Automatic software updates.
At any time, when the user launches the remote program, he will be confident in his safety. Programs will always be updated to latest version - without the need for checks or tracking updates.

+ Magnification computing power.
If the power of a personal computer is always limited by its own, then it is no longer necessary to have a powerful computer to calculate complex problems. Users can run the most complex tasks, as all calculations take place on the "cloud". In fact, users can easily and cheaply work with a supercomputer without much purchase.

+ Unlimited amount of stored data.
When storing information on a server, users can forget about restrictions hard drives... Cloud is very flexible and automatically adjusts to the needs of the user. Typically, the available volumes of cloud services are in the millions of gigabytes of free space.

+ Compatible with any operating system.
For the "cloud" operating system plays no role. Mac, Windows or Unix users can easily exchange documents among themselves. Access to programs occurs through web browsers, which are equally installed on any operating system.

+ Compatibility of document formats.
If users use the same cloud-based document management software, they will never have incompatible documents and files. This is simply not possible. The most striking example is Google Docs, which allows many people to maintain one documentation at the same time. All you need to access is any computer with a web browser.

+ Simplify collaboration for groups of people.
When working in the cloud, it makes no sense to constantly send each other new versions of documents - they are always available in the most recent version. And any change that anyone makes will instantly be seen by the entire team working on the material.

+ Permanent access to documents.
No one else in the company can forget required files or folders. Whether at home, at work or on vacation - if you have the Internet, then your documents are nearby.

+ Availability.
Users can connect not only from a computer, but also from any other device that has a browser, be it a phone, smartphone, tablet or netbook.

+ Protection against data loss (or theft of physical media).
If you sent data to the "cloud", then it will automatically save them and send copies to spare servers that may be located on different countries and continents.


-You need constant access to the Internet.
All cloud services require an Internet connection. If there is no connection, then you can work only with those documents that have been downloaded to the local computer. If you have lost access, then you have no programs, documents and files.

-We need fast and high-quality Internet.
If you use the Internet of old generations, then you will have to change it. To work with clouds, you need a constant, fast and high-quality Internet. However, in the modern world, this thing is easily accessible to any person at an affordable price.

-Cloud programs can be slow.
Some operations associated with large volumes of information transfer can be performed slower than using the program installed on personal computer... Also, the speed can be reduced by slow Internet or congestion of servers through which data is transferred.

-Not every program is available for remote access.
For instance: Microsoft Excel much more functional than its Google Docs counterpart.

-The security of your data may be at risk.
But only “maybe”. If your cloud encrypts data well and makes permanent backups, then no complications should happen.

-If you have lost data in the cloud, then you have lost it forever.
This fact. There are no exceptions. Fortunately, losing data in the cloud is difficult and not everyone can do it even if they want to.

Despite the fact that there are more pluses than minuses, everyone chooses what is most effective for his task. We hope you will make the right choice.

The cloud technology market is growing steadily and gaining new users every day. Leading business structures and government services are increasingly coming to understand the ease of use of cloud computing, and by the end of 2014, Russian businesses ranked 34th in the world in terms of the introduction and use of cloud computing, an increase of 35% compared to the previous year. The bulk of consumers are fast-growing small and medium-sized businesses

Is everything so cloudy?

Like any other technology, this one has its pros and cons.

Pbenefits of cloud technologies:

    All information is available from any device, be it a PC, tablet, smartphone, etc. - connected to the internet. Here and the plus is that the user is not tied to a specific workplace.

    Reducing the cost of purchasing expensive powerful computers, servers, there is no need to pay for the work of an IT specialist to maintain a local data center.

    The necessary tools for work are provided automatically by the web service.

    The high level of manufacturability of computing power, which is provided to the user, allows you to store, analyze and process data.

    Services are paid for only as needed, while payment is made only for the required package of services.

    Modern cloud computing can provide the highest reliability, besides, only a small number of organizations can afford to maintain a full-fledged data center.

Disadvantages of cloud technologies:

    To work with the "cloud" requires a constant internet connection.

    The user cannot always customize the software used for personal needs.

    To create your own "cloud" will require very high costs, which is not advisable for new enterprises.

    "Cloud" is a data warehouse that can be accessed by attackers using system vulnerabilities.

Leading IT companies and engineers have long disputes about the pros and consuse cloud technologies... There were also cases of forecasting problems and losses of confidential data in the "clouds" due to the wide demand and influx of users. But experts still point out that the benefits and usability of cloud computing outweigh the risks.

Cloudy prospects

The problems with the development of cloud technologies in Russia are quite simple. First of all, this is the imperfection of the legal framework. The second reason is the insufficient spread of broadband Internet access, both in the regions and in the central part.

IDC, Russia Vertical Markets 2013-2018 IT Spending Forecast, 2014

The disadvantages of cloud technologies include and some subjective reasons why a large number of enterprises are not ready to use cloud services... This includes mistrust of service providers, fear of using several services at once, and lack of standards that regulate this area.

Despite cons of cloud technologies and existing problems, in Russia they are already being used, and the prospects for their successful development are favorable.

Sky-high results

Advanced information technologies today often play a major role in the success of an enterprise - the speed with which a business reacts to changes in the market must be the highest and outstrip competitors. Its profitability and success directly depends on this. therefore cloud problems today are widely discussed and resolved. Experts argue that there are a number of tools and capabilities that will allow you to use the full power of cloud technologies, despite their shortcomings. This is a lot of work and not only for developers. The concept of cloud technology is really important, as it can be a turning point in doing business and bring it to a completely new level, which means, to bring income not only to the management, but also to the state.