Recover recently deleted apps. I deleted the program, how can I restore it? How to recover a deleted program and folder. Recovering deleted programs on a laptop

Storing information in digital form has many advantages, among which the most significant is the amount of data that can be recorded in the minimum unit of memory of a digital device. But this storage method has its drawbacks. If the storage device fails, the operating system crashes, or the user makes erroneous actions, the data may be lost. Fortunately, in most cases, unintentional deletion of files is not permanent, and with the right and timely approach, they can be restored.

Recovering deleted files is possible thanks to the very algorithm of writing information to the hard disk. New files are written not into empty sectors or cells, but over previously deleted ones, physically saved on the disk until they are completely overwritten. That is, when deleted, files are not immediately deleted. Instead, the system erases the first character of the file name and marks the space it occupies as free, leaving the file itself on disk. The exception is SSD drives with the TRIM function enabled, the cells of such media are completely cleared, so recovering accidentally deleted files becomes an almost impossible task.

So, is it possible to recover files deleted from a computer? Yes, quite, unless they have been overwritten with other data. For these purposes, it is best to use special programs, since Windows itself does not have any intelligible means. You can recover files using standard tools only if they have been moved to the Trash, and also if the system has enabled the shadow copy function and / or file history. First, let's look at an example of recovering files deleted from hard diskwithout using third-party programs.

Recovering deleted files using Windows

In Windows 7 and 10, if you open the properties of any folder or file, you can see the "Previous Versions" tab, and in it - a list of backed up objects. Even if files have been deleted past the Trash, just select the version you want backup and click the "Restore" or "Open" button.

But it's not that simple. The fact is that the "Previous Versions" tab will most likely be empty, at least in the properties of directories on the user drive. For copies to be created, protection must be enabled in the system properties for the corresponding partition, that is.

Note: You can return deleted files using the "Previous Versions" function only if they were located in folders, and not in the root of the disk.

It is highly desirable that the system also use the "File History" function, which provides periodic backup content of custom libraries and desktop.

This primarily concerns windows systems 8 and 8.1, which do not have the Previous Versions tab in the object properties. It's hard to say for sure what prompted Microsoft developers to remove it from the eighth version, and then return it in the tenth, however, the shadow copy technology itself was intact.

How to recover files deleted from a computer by gaining direct access to shadow copies will be discussed below, but for now let's say a few words about the "File History". This option appeared in Windows 8 as an alternative to the Previous Versions feature, which was tied to the creation of system restore points. The File History function is independent, but in order to use it, an additional physical disk or flash drive or, alternatively, a network drive must be connected to the computer.

It is very easy to recover deleted data with its help. To do this, click on the "Restore personal files" link, select a folder or a file located in it in the window that opens, and press the button with a rounded arrow.

Now for recovering files from shadow copies in Windows 8 and 8.1. As already mentioned, the “Previous Versions” tab is missing in these versions of the system. So what if you need to restore a specific file, do you really need to roll back to a previous restore point? Not at all necessary.

Open as administrator command line and run the command in it vssadmin list shadows.

As a result, you will get a list of all restore points. Pay attention to the "Original volume" parameter, it will indicate the letter of the drive from which you are going to recover data. Then, having determined the number of the backup (it is indicated at the end of the value of the "Shadow copy volume" parameter), run the following command:

mklink / d% SystemDrive% / shadow //? / GLOBALROOT / Device / HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy7 /

AT this example the restore point is number 7, your value will be different. As a result of executing the command, a symbolic link will appear in the root of the C drive shadow.

By clicking on it, you will find yourself exactly in the shadow copy!

This method works equally well in Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10, but again you need to remember that it makes sense to resort to it if only the function of creating system restore points is enabled on the system.

File recovery using special programs

Above, we examined in detail how to recover files deleted from the Recycle Bin when it was emptied or lost for other reasons using the system itself. As shown above, all of these methods have significant limitations. To be able to recover data directly from disk, and not from backups, you should use special programs, among which there are both paid and free.


R-Studio - powerful professional recovery software deleted files from a wide variety of digital devices, from hard drives to CD / DVD-disks and memory cards. The application supports all popular file systems, rAID arrays, can create images of physical disks and individual volumes. Despite the fact that R-Studio is aimed at power users, the data recovery procedure in it is not complicated.

After launching the program, select the target disk or partition in the left column and click the "Show disk contents" icon on the toolbar.

In this case, the list of deleted directories will be displayed on the left, and their contents marked with red crosses on the right.

Check the boxes of the objects that you would like to restore and select the option "Restore marked" in the main menu. Next, in the window that opens, you will need to specify the folder to save the files, set additional recovery options, if necessary, and click "OK".

If files have been lost due to damage to the file system or formatting, it is advisable to scan the disk by selecting the corresponding option in the main menu.

Media pre-scanning allows for more holistic and in-depth analysis, which means an increased chance of recovering lost data.

Upon completion of the procedure, a new item "Found by signatures" will appear in the list of disks.

Select it with the mouse, click in the right column on the link "Files found from information about the typical features of their data structure", mark the necessary elements in the next window and restore them.

Ontrack EasyRecovery

Another professional commercial product that allows you to quickly and efficiently recover deleted files. Ontrack EasyRecovery has a convenient interface in the form of a step-by-step wizard, which greatly facilitates the work with the program. The application supports data recovery from hard, ZIP and CD / DVD disks, flash drives, memory cards, RAID arrays, and various devices with flash memory.

The recovery procedure in Ontrack EasyRecovery consists of several stages. At the first stage you will be asked to select the type of media, at the second you need to specify a specific disk or partition, at the third you will need to select an operation (in this example, this is recovery).

To do this, select the directory with the deleted files in the tree-like list (it will be marked in green), right-click on it and select the "Save as" option from the menu.

Also you can restore separate filesby doing the same in the right column of the program window. If you switch to the "Previews" tab, you will be able to view thumbnails of the files being recovered, however, this view is available only for images.


Of free software to recover deleted files, you can recommend Recuva... This simple and at the same time effective tool allows you to recover any type of data from different digital media, supports viewing previews of images and hexadecimal code of files of different formats.

Recuva is very easy to use. After starting the program, select the volume in the drop-down list and click the "Analysis" button. The program will scan the media and list the deleted files.

Check the boxes you need, click the "Restore" button and specify the directory to save them.

You can also use the context menu by selecting the "Restore Selected" option in it.

The program has a simple search by file name and its format, you can view basic information - state, date of creation and modification, size and full path.

You need to know about it

So, we examined in detail what to do if you deleted desired file... Using third-party programs in this case it has its advantages, since it allows you to recover files even if the partition is deleted and the file system is damaged, but there is something to remember about. If you accidentally delete or lose files, under no circumstances write any data to the partition in which they were located, as there is a risk of overwriting the sectors containing them.

For this reason, the recovery program should be installed on a "free" partition, different from the one from which you are going to recover. Ideally, you need to remove the hard drive, connect it to another computer and start scanning from it. It is also impossible to save recovered files to the same partition, in this case you risk losing them completely. That is, if you are recovering files from drive D, you should save them to drive C or a USB flash drive.

Often novice users delete from a laptop or accidentally lose the necessary data without knowing whether it is possible to recover deleted files, including on the desktop, and how to do it. Quite simple situations can occur here, when lost documents are literally a couple of clicks away, there can be more serious problems, for which you have to use special applications.

Recycle Bin recovery

All files after deletion while saving standard settings computers fall into the so-called. Recycle Bin is a special folder on the desktop, opening which you can easily recover any deleted information by highlighting the desired object and selecting the appropriate item in the menu. But files can be deleted and irretrievably without placing them in the trash.

Inexperienced users often accidentally delete application shortcuts and documents from the desktop, believing that if they disappeared, then the rest of the program was also completely uninstalled. In this case, many do not know how to recover deleted files. It is very easy to do this, even if the basket is empty. There are two options:

  1. Roll back the system to the nearest restore point;
  2. Find the program in the main menu of the "Start" button and drag the necessary shortcuts to the desktop.

The second option is preferable, but if the lost programs and documents disappeared from the list of the main menu on the computer and you do not remember the directory in which they were installed, you will have to use the first one.

If you are deciding how to recover a deleted folder from your desktop, and the erroneous action was committed recently, then you probably won't even have to go to the trash can. Deletion can be undone by pressing Ctrl and Z simultaneously.

Using a restore point

It is important to understand that rolling back to a previous restore point will not return the program, documents, and files if they were deleted. In this way, you can only return the erased shortcuts on the desktop to their place. Here's how to do it using the example of Windows 8:

A window will open, in which, by default, it will be offered to restore to the most recent checkpoint. If necessary, you can set any other existing restore point.

We use third-party applications

If data and documents have been completely deleted from the laptop hard drive and standard means They cannot be returned to the OS; you will have to use special utilities to recover deleted files. It is important to remember the main rule that increases the chances of successful data return - do not make any write to the partition of the disk with which you will work further.

Recuva is a simple free utility

The most famous and simple application, with which you can recover deleted files is. When installing, select the partition on which there is no recoverable data. The principle of operation of Recuva and other similar utilities is approximately the same:

After the scan is complete, the Recovery Wizard will display on the desktop a list of all lost documents that it has found. Those of them that are marked with a green circle, the utility will be able to recover without any loss... If the icon color is red, then this file most likely it will not be possible to return it - it has already been written over and most of the data and information about the file has disappeared completely.

All that remains is to select the files (to search for specific photos and documents, you can use the corresponding function), select the directory for saving and click "Restore".

PhotoRec is another functional free utility

The name of the program should not be misleading. The utility recovers not only photos, but also most other types of files. Its advantage in the absence of the need for installation is downloaded from the office. site in the form of an archive, unpacked, after which you can work with it. This is an important property for such applications - the program can be immediately downloaded to a USB flash drive and work with it.

The scheme for returning long-lost information is as follows:

  1. After launching PhotoRec, the main window immediately opens, in which the drive is selected in the top drop-down menu - you will have to work with it during the recovery of information. The program also works with their img format images created in other applications.
  2. Below in the window there is a list in which you can select a full scan of the disk or its individual partitions.
  3. Below you can set the file type to scan by clicking File Format. If you skip this action, the program will try to recover any accidentally deleted data that it can detect.
  4. You can specify the folder for saving the recovered information by clicking the Browse button. In addition, the menu File System type will need to select a file system. If you work in windows environment, check the second item. Ext 2-4 is the Linux standard.

Let's compare the reviewed applications

For novice users, PhotoRec is no less suitable than the above described Recuva. It is more powerful - data retrieves files from the computer is often better, but there is still one unpleasant feature. Free PhotoRec does not allow you to view the found files after scanning and select something specific from them. This should be taken into account when working with large hard disks - if you do not specify in advance what files are to be restored, everything will be saved.

The above were considered the most simple free apps to retrieve accidentally deleted information on the desktop or lost documents after formatting flash drives, hard drives and other media.

It is important that PhotoRec, unlike Recuva, is also a cross-platform utility, that is, it can work in any operating environment.

Many Windows users sooner or later face the problem of losing important data. This can happen, for example, if a folder is accidentally deleted or files are damaged by a virus. To recover information in such cases, they exist as built-in operating system applications, as well as special programs posted on the network for free access.

Ways to Reanimate Lost Data in Windows 7

To recover deleted files from a computer running Windows 7, the following methods are suitable:

  • recovery from the basket;
  • using the previous version of the files;
  • application of special software (DMDE, etc.).

The first two methods are standard and do not require additional software installation.

The success of the recovery procedure directly depends on whether, after deleting files, any data was written to the same disk partition where the required information was previously located. This is due to the fact that when recording (copying) new data can overwrite old fragments, without which reanimation will be simply impossible.

Recycle Bin recovery

This recovery method is the easiest to perform, but it is relevant only if, after deleting the information, you have not yet emptied the trash. This happens quite often, so the first thing to do is check its contents:

Using this method, you can reanimate not only one file, but also a whole group by selecting them using the arrows on the keyboard and the Ctrl key.

Working with a previous version of data

The previous version of files is a program built into the Windows 7 operating system that allows you to restore accidentally changed or deleted data to its previous state. This feature is closely related to system restore points and works only on those volumes where system protection is activated. File protection turns on automatically on system partition... For other volumes, it must be manually activated.

Consider the procedure for recovering deleted data in Windows 7 using system protection using the catalog example Program Filesfrom which the Maket DVD folder was accidentally erased:

If files were deleted from the worker windows desktop, then to reanimate them, you should restore the "Desktop" folder, which is located in the system partition in the Users -\u003e "Username" folder.

When working with the "System Protection" application, you need to know some points:

  • "Previous Versions" are created with Windows Restore Points;
  • if the file being restored has changed several times during the day at different times, then in “ Previous version»The change that was relevant at the time the restore point was recorded will be saved;
  • the number and duration of storage of "Previous files" depends on the amount of disk space reserved by system protection.

File recovery with DMDE

DMDE is a software resource that can be used to search and reanimate deleted data on many information carriers (HDD, USB stick, SD memory card, etc.) in Windows OS. A significant advantage of this utility is that it does not require installation.... On the Internet you can find both paid and free version programs. For private use, the second option is also quite suitable.

To recover files using DMDE you will need:

If you use the free version of the program, then you will not be able to restore a folder or several documents at once. In this case, you will need to reanimate one file at a time.

Data recovery with Recuva

Recuva is also a free resuscitation program. It has a minimal number of settings and an intuitive interface, so even a novice user can master it.

If a user has deleted an application on Android, then how to restore it as quickly and easily as possible? There are only two main ways to restore games and applications on Android if you have deleted them:

Reinstalling with Google play.
Using a backup (if it was made earlier).

The first method is the most preferable because does not take much time, completely restores the program that was deleted. The use of the second method is relevant only in cases when there is no Internet access, or the program contained important settings and saves that did not appear after reinstallation.

If you deleted the application on Android, you can restore it using Google Play. And this is done in just a few simple steps (assuming you have an internet connection):

1. Find Google Play on your device (maybe both home pageand in the main menu).
2. Open the program, click on the button consisting of three horizontal lines (it is located in the upper left part of the interface).
3. We find in the menu that opens, the item "My applications and games".
4. Next, click on the "All" tab.

After that, you will see a list of programs that were once installed on your device running Android OS. If the items "Update" or "Installed" are indicated next to the name, then this means that the program has not been removed from the device, therefore it will not be possible to restore it - it is already installed.

If you deleted the application from Android and want to restore it, then next to the name you will see marks: "Free" or an offer to purchase, if the program was bought for a certain amount of money. Therefore, before restoring remote applications on Android, make sure you really erase them from the device's memory, and not just move the shortcut.

To make it easier to navigate, all downloaded and once installed programs that are associated with the user's account on Google Play will be sorted by the date they were installed. The newly installed ones will be at the top of the list. And it doesn't matter if you removed the application from Android or not.

Looking through the list, we find the game or program that needs to be restored, and, accordingly, we restore it, if required.

Therefore, you can safely remove unnecessary applications from Android if there is not enough memory, and then restore them in a few minutes.

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If the list on Google Play didn't help

In cases where you cannot find what you need in the proposed list, then most likely you are using the wrong accountwhich was on Google Play at the time of downloading and installing the desired application that you deleted from Android and want to restore.

Often the reason for the absence of an application from the download and installation history can be its removal from Google Play for each user. Recovery in such a situation is possible only by downloading the apk file from third-party specialized resources. The principle of this method of restoring programs that you deleted from Android is to search and reinstall.

FROM using Android Backup Service can be created backups google accounts... If you have used this functionality, then it will not be difficult to recover files and their data that have been deleted.

To do this, we do the following:

1. Go to the "Settings" menu on your device.
2. Select the "Personal data" section and click on the "Restore and reset" item there.
3. After that, select and enable the "Auto recovery" parameter.

Android Backup Service is not used by all programs, so for some of them you can save and later restore, if they were deleted, only a certain part of the data.

How to restore and transfer Whatspp correspondence - we will tell you in detail:

With Dumpster, you can easily recover any deleted files from a device running under android... In order for you to have this opportunity, everything must be done in the following sequence:

1. First download Dumpster, install it, run it and accept the license agreement.
2. Next, a window will appear with initial setup, where you can set the necessary parameters for Dumpster to work on your device.
3. By clicking on the "Next" button, you start analyzing the memory of your gadget.
4. When the scan is complete, a message appears that the Android Trash is empty. This will indicate the completion of Dumpster configuration.

The recovery process itself looks like this:

1. If any files from your device's memory are erased, they will automatically appear in the Dumpster recycle bin. This can be seen by going to the corresponding menu.
2. If you need to restore files, you just need to find them in the trash can and click on the "Restore" button.
3. After that, they will be deleted from Dumpster's recycle bin, but will reappear in the memory of your device.

This happens to almost everyone with a computer. We all periodically perform the removal of utilities on our devices, which we do not use at all or hardly. But it happens that how to restore now? Very necessary. Or did it by accident. The first thing to do is search the file well. Or in a basket, or in the cloud, or elsewhere. It is quite possible that he will be found. Ideally, you should make backups of all important filesthen everything will be great.

Recuva - file recovery software

There is a special utility for the program called Recuva. She is one of many others, free and paid. Is the last option. We start, that is, we launch it. The “Recuva Wizard” window will open and we click “Next”. The list of deleted files can be shortened by specifying the desired type. But we choose “All files”. Then the location where the file was before deletion. For example, in the event that he was in the basket, indicate the item "In the basket". On the last page of the wizard, click "Start".

If our file is not found, put “Enable advanced search”. It will take much more time, but the results will be better. Deleted files will be displayed, including our program. Select the desired one and click "Restore". Choosing a place to recover. But not the section where the files were previously. The selected data will return to one folder. Now let's see how to restore remote programif it is very important.

Recovering an important program or other valuable information

When you restore programs, in no case should you save all files to the same media from which they are revived. Another rule: all of a sudden your files are very important to you, but they disappeared from the device's hard drive. Then it will be better if you turn off the computer, unplug the disk, so that there is no recording on the HDD, no resume. In this case, you need to contact a special company that knows how to restore the deleted program.

But there is only one problem here. There are no people in the regions who would only deal with the necessary issue. Therefore, they most often use the same programs as ordinary “specialists” involved in many other things: home help, repairs. That is, everything depends only on you. Especially if you removed the program. How to recover depends only on you. Option one is to find a professional.

Magic Uneraser - reliable and easy file recovery

Let's leave aside serious problems, for the solution of which professionals are needed, anyway we will not do it ourselves. So, we will recover any documents, programs, files, music and photos deleted by any means in just a few operations. All folders and files are resurrected, in the literal sense of the word, almost instantly. Magic Uneraser will help you in any way, even if you've lost files on an inaccessible disk, formatted memory, deleted a document or emptied the trash. It makes it easy to recover deleted files. The program will launch the available recovery wizard and start scanning the disk, looking for deleted and lost data.

When the scan result is full, we will be able to see many files, including a program like windows Explorerwhich is very convenient. Magic Uneraser has an invention pre-validation feature. Thanks to this, we will save a lot of effort and time, we will choose for further use only the programs, documents, films, etc. we need.

Programs to recover files you have deleted

The topic of restoration has always been topical, and recently it is even more in demand. Now is the time that the more various material is stored on the hard drive, the more serious the problem will be if it suddenly disappears. It's good at least that at the moment it has become much easier than it was five years ago. First you need to look for how to restore the program without using special utilities. First with the help of everyone possible ways trying to find the remote. If all else fails, then in any case do not save anything or copy to this disk. If you need to install the program in order to recover data, then you need to specify a logical partition or another disk for installation.

If it so happens that it is necessary to use the program, in no case do not rush. First you need to analyze the situation. After all, it may well be that it is possible to solve the problem with windows help TuneUp. When that fails, start using the Recovery Saver program. Although it is free, it can restore folders and files after deletion, data after formatting, damaged file systemsas well as apply the signature basics of all files. Quite enough application system requirements on a weak computer.

What to do if the programs on "Android" are deleted

We will decide how to restore programs on Android. Fortunately, there are special tools, thanks to which you can find deleted files: applications, including lost programs, videos, pictures, PDF documents, and so on. But use a backup and be careful, because everything is a little more complicated in Android than in a computer, where there is more protection. But we will solve the following problem: deleted the program, how to restore it. And she did it on the phone. Most importantly, I used this program every day. In addition, I completely emptied the basket. So now it won't be easy to return it. All recovery must be done with a computer. For example, using the Tenorshare Android Data Recovery program. We installed this utility and proceed.

We must run it as administrator. Then we insert the memory card into the card reader and now connect it to the computer. You need to refresh the window, then you can see the memory disk of the card. Now you can select it and click Start to scan. To search for files that have been deleted, select images and thumbnails, click Recover. Thus, we have to find deleted programs and a lot of everything else. There are many other programs: Minitool Power Data Recovery, Wondershare Dr. Fone, 7-Data Android Recovery.

How to restore the "Word" program after deletion

Recently, Microsoft Word and Rich Text problems have been frequent. Text documents, as well as templates for various reasons stop opening, and it turns out that information in them is not available. I have to restore the program. It can be done effectively thanks to Recovery Toolbox for Word. This utility uses several elements, and now we will see how it looks. First you need to select a damaged template or document. Almost always suitable for this case windows application Explorer. By clicking on the button, we will need to select the available filters in the window that opens in order to select files of the required size (.dot and.dots, .doc, .rtf).

All files, once analyzed, are added to a special list quick access... To select them in the future, it will be quite enough for the user to click on the icon, in the list that opens, move the cursor to the required document, and then click on left button mouse. When Recovery Toolbox for Word proceeds to the second stage, the program will ask on the dialog box whether it is worth starting scanning. The user must answer in the affirmative, after which the analysis of the specified template or document will be launched. Upon completion of the work, the screen will display information that could be restored. A person should look carefully and check that Recovery Toolbox for Word has successfully completed the task.

Continued restoration of "Word"

In the future, we save the recovered information to hDD... To do this, click on Start recovery. In this case, a menu appears, which consists of a couple of items. The first one is Export to MS Word. If we select it, Microsoft Word starts, and it will be created from the damaged file new document... After the completion of the export process, the user can do any action with this document: save it with the desired name, edit it, etc. Context menu has a second item - Save as Plane text. If a person chooses this option, he needs to specify a name and folder for the file.

Now the program will create the document itself and copy all the data into it. When the process of saving all data on the hard disk is completed, the application proceeds to the finishing stage. A report appears on the screen, which contains data on all processes of information revitalization from templates or Microsoft Word products implemented in the current session. As you can see, our task, how to restore the program, is easier than restoring the "Word".

Restoring programs on a laptop

In principle, deleted programs in a laptop are restored in the same way as in a computer, using special programs... That is, first we try to find programs without outside help. If it doesn't work, then we use, for example, Hetman Uneraser. First, load it. Once launched, it will list physical devices and logical partitions connected to the laptop. All memory cards will be listed hard drives, cameras, USB flash drives. Well, now let's see how to restore programs on a laptop.

With the mouse, click on a device or logical partition, and the program will start looking for deleted files. Then you can look at the files and directories - maybe you will immediately see the desired program. To work with damaged files, the possibility of manufacturing and subsequent recovery of information from virtual image available media. You just need to have enough space to create it.

Mounting the previously created image

To do this, select the "Mount Disk" item in the "Service" menu and specify the path to the next DSK image file. Now the program will add folders of logical partitions to the common tree. You can analyze them and recover files. Previously marked sections can be found on any device. If you analyze the storage medium, all the partitions found for it will be found. That is, how to restore the program on a computer is not a difficult question. You need to specify the files, as well as their location on the device. It is recommended to analyze the disk completely, search for all file systems. The program launches quick note of sections by default. After reviewing the disk analysis, you can finally run a full analysis of the device. This will find more sections. Found ones are added to the list tree and become available for further scanning.

Ending Hetman Uneraser action

This program displays the found content for file recovery, which allows you to make sure that the necessary information is returned, quickly select and save files. We put some of them in a special folder: we need to check them if we cannot copy them to our files.

In general, how to restore the program after uninstallation is still the same task. After all, you can find many deleted files, and if you do not want to spend time restoring them all, then you should determine what is the right program... Then everything will be much faster.

Conclusions on recovering memory and other files

We tried to recover various files, and we can draw conclusions on how best to do it. If you start recovering right away, then most likely you will succeed. Well, if you delete everything, and then write new files several times, then for most users the recovery will be useless. Therefore, the task arises after removing the program: how to restore it? The answer, quite possibly, will be - no way. We'll have to look for the desired file somewhere and install it instead of the remote one.