Prog for checking hdd in Russian. How to check a hard drive for bad sectors. Why Hard Disk Errors Occur

Today we will talk about such a critical part of a computer as a hard drive.

Sometimes users complain about the system slowdown, its frequent freezes, the appearance blue screens death BSOD, system errors, the loss or damage of files and / or directories, etc., not suspecting that the point is not at all in buggy Windows, clumsy drivers or viruses.

The problem is in the hard drive, which slowly began to crumble. This is where the hard drive checker comes in handy.

To understand the further content of the article, first consider the principle work hard disk.

In addition to detecting errors, there is also a function to automatically correct them and restore the ability to read and write to hDD.

In addition to diagnosing hard drives, the tool can also be used to diagnose removable media (USB, SD cards, etc.).

Close all programs and applications before checking the disc.

Click Start, write "My Computer" in the program search field, select the item found by the system. In the central window we see a list of hard drives.

Clicking right click mouse on the hard disk, which you want to check, select "Properties".

Go to the "Service" tab and click the "Run check" button, in the window that opens, put the checkbox "Automatically fix system errors" and click the "Start" button.

For initial diagnostics, these settings are quite enough.

For more detailed diagnostics, you need to select one more check box in the "Check and repair damaged sectors».

In this mode, the check may take longer than in the previous one.

If the drive you selected is the system drive, i.e. an operating system is installed on it; the disk must be disconnected when checking.

In this case, the system will display a warning window and offer to perform a check before the next running Windows ("Schedule disk check").

If the drive you have selected is not the system one, there is no need to restart the computer; the system will offer to disconnect it before checking.

You need to click "Disable" in the appropriate window, after which the check will begin.

After the end of the check, we will see a window with its results.

The presence of bad sectors is the first sign that the hard drive will fail over time.

Therefore, in order to avoid losing valuable information, we recommend not to waste time and immediately copy all valuable data to another physical hard drive.

Useful information:

Overview of third-party programs for testing drives

To diagnose a hard disk, there is a fairly large number of various utilities of various functionality and convenience with free or paid licensing.

It was developed by the Belarusian programmer Sergei Kazansky, is absolutely free, has a small size (up to 1 MB) and works with hard disks at the port level, i.e. at the lowest level, which allows you to achieve high performance.

Due to these characteristics, the program is preferred by service center specialists.

In addition to more complex tasks, the program allows you to perform a number of tasks for the average PC user:

  • perform low-level testing,
  • determine the average value of the access time,
  • control the noise level,
  • erase information without the possibility of subsequent recovery and much more.

Among other things, the program is able to work in windows environment and DOS.

DOS mode is relevant when the operating system cannot be loaded and it is necessary to check the hard disk.




Has a wide range of functions;

Works in MS DOS and MS Windows;

Has a simple interface.


The project is not developing and some of the widespread versions of the utility have an English interface and do not support work in 64-bit OS.

The problem is solved by downloading alternative versions of the program created by the community.

Hard disk checker: Victoria

Let's take a quick look at the basic steps to test a hard drive using Windows version programs .

We choose a disk for the test and make sure of the correctness of the choice.

Go to the SMART tab and perform SMART testing of the disk by pressing the "GET SMART" button. After testing, pay attention to the following indicators:

    The status - in our case GOOD - everything is in order with the hard disk.

    Reallocated sector count - number of bad sectors. If this value is greater than zero, then there are bad clusters on the hard disk that have been replaced with spare ones.

    HDA Temperature - hard drive temperature. Temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius can cause hard drives to fail quickly.

Go to the "Tests" tab, in which we will test the surface of the hard drive.

In the corresponding fields, you can specify the start and end sectors of the scan, this option will allow you to perform a selective test of the hard disk.

Note! If the write mode is selected, all data on the hard disk will be lost.

We indicate what the program should do in case of detection of bad sectors - ignore (ignore, leave unchanged), erase (delete), remap (replace a bad sector with a good one) and restore (perform recovery).

To start, press the "Start" button. During the test, information about the number of sectors tested in quantitative and percentage terms is available to us.

The presence of red sectors or sectors marked with Err X - indicates the presence of sectors in which the system can write something, but not read - hence the problem with access to some files and directories.

The sectors marked in orange can become bad sectors after some time, so if the number of orange and / or Err X sectors is high, you should think about replacing the hard disk.

Victoria - check and fix bad sectors of the HDD (hard disk)

Hard disk checker: how to diagnose the error?

The hard drive is a very important component of any computer. At the same time, he is sensitive and susceptible to various problems. So, broken sectors on the surface can lead to a complete failure of work and the inability to use a PC.

It is always easier to prevent a problem from occurring than to deal with its consequences. Therefore, every user who wants to prevent possible problemsrelated to incorrect work HDD, it is important to monitor the presence of bad sectors.

Sectors are units of information storage on a hard disk, into which it is divided at the production stage. Over time, some of them can become faulty, inaccessible for writing and reading data. Bad sectors or the so-called bad blocks (from the English bad blocks) are physical and logical.

Where do the broken sectors come from?

Physical bad blocks can appear in the following cases:

  • Manufacturing defects;
  • Mechanical damage - falling, air and dust ingress;
  • Strong shock or shock while writing / reading data;
  • Overheating HDD.

Such sectors, alas, cannot be restored; one can only prevent their occurrence.

Logical bad sectors appear due to software errors caused by viruses or a sudden power outage while writing to the hard drive. Every time the HDD is checked before recording, it is not performed in problem areas. At the same time, physically such sectors are completely serviceable, which means that they can be restored.

Signs of bad sectors

Even if the user does not check his hard drive, bad sectors will still make themselves felt:

  • System freezes, especially when writing and reading data from the hard drive;
  • Sudden reboots and unstable PC operation;
  • The operating system generates various errors;
  • A noticeable decrease in the speed of performing any operations;
  • Some folders or files won't open;
  • The disc makes strange noises (creaking, clicking, tapping, etc.);
  • The HDD surface is warming up.

In fact, there may be more signs, so it is very important to be careful about the work of the computer.

What to do if broken sectors appear

If bad blocks appear as a result of physical impact, such as dust and debris inside the device, or malfunction of disk elements, then this is very dangerous. In this case, bad sectors not only cannot be corrected, but it is also impossible to prevent their further appearance every time the system accesses data written to disk. To avoid complete loss of files, the user needs to reduce the use of the hard drive to a minimum, rewrite data to a new HDD as soon as possible and replace the old one in the system unit with it.

Dealing with logical bad sectors will be much easier. First, you need to test with a special program that will help you find out if such a problem exists on your disk in principle. If it is found, then it remains to start fixing errors and wait for them to be eliminated.

Method 1: using a health diagnostic utility

You can find out if there is a problem with your HDD using specialized software... Crystal Disk Info is simple, affordable and free. Its functionality includes complete diagnostics of the hard drive, in the report of which you need to pay attention to 3 points:

  • Reassigned Sectors;
  • Unstable sectors;
  • Fatal sector errors.

If the status of the disk is marked as “ Okay”, And next to the above indicators, blue lights are on, you do not need to worry.

But the state of the disk is “ Anxiety!" or " Bad»With yellow or red lights signals that you need to take care of creating a backup as soon as possible.

You can also use other utilities to check. In the article at the link below, 3 programs are selected, each of which has a function for checking bad sectors. It is worth choosing a specific utility based on your experience and knowledge for its safe use.

Method 2: using the built-in chkdsk utility

Windows already has a built-in program for checking the disk for bad blocks, which copes with its task no worse than third-party software.

Check Disk Utility or chkdsk.exe is a tool in Windows 10 that investigates disk corruption. This tool turns on automatically when the computer encounters a sudden shutdown or detects a corrupted file system. In a few cases, it is recommended to run this tool, but in other cases, Windows launches it itself, depending on the nature of the errors. CHKDSK scans the disk space and verifies that the integrity file system has not been compromised - and if it finds any logical errors, it fixes them. Let's take a look at how to use the CHKDSK tool to check and repair your hard drive in Windows 10/8/7.

Checking errors and recovering bad sectors on the disk

What exactly does this tool check? It's very simple, it checks in 5 steps: checking the underlying structure of the file system, checking file name associations, checking security descriptors, finding bad clusters in user file data, finding bad and free clusters.The command line format is similar to chkdsk [Disk:] [options]and has the form chkdsk c: / f / r / x. Please note that the local drive C: is indicated, if you need to check the entire hard drive, then remove C: and the command will look like this chkdsk / f / r / x... If you need to check and restore a USB flash drive, then specify the volume letter instead of C :. Let's dive deeper into the advanced options, which can be very helpful in fixing hard drive errors.

  • Open a command prompt as administrator and enter the command chkdsk C: / f / r / x to scan the hard drive for errors and press Enter.
  1. C - Local disk or the one you want to check. If you want to check the entire hard disk for errors, then just issue the command chkdsk / f / r / x
  2. / f - Fixes the bugs it finds.
  3. / r - Searches for damaged sectors and repairs them.
  4. / x - Performs unmounting of the volume before checking it, if necessary.
  5. I have brought more significant commands into one at once, but you can see additional commands by typing in the command line chkdsk /?.

It would be logical to consider such an action as checking the hard disk for errors and bad sectors... Naturally, both of these articles are a logical addition to the article "". But the knowledge you gain today can be applied not only when buying a used laptop, but also in everyday life... For example, you can check your hard drive to see if you need to prepare to buy a new hard drive or it's too early.

Like any component of a computer, a hard drive is not durable. Therefore, it is useful to track its wear. Moreover, the life of a conventional magnetic hard disk (HDD) is affected by such factors as poor transportation and careless handling. For example, if he fell or was hit by something (or against something), then this greatly contributes to the premature appearance of broken sectors. Either way, checking your hard drive for errors doesn't hurt.

By the way, I want to note that SSD drives (solid-state) are not as susceptible to shock. Unless of course you hit him with a hammer. Think about it now,? But also broken hard drives subject to restoration.

Useful on the topic:

  • - solution
  • programmatically

What are bad sectors?

Normal sectors and broken

A hard disk consists of many units of information storage, which are called sectors. Sometimes, for one reason or another, it happens that information cannot be written to a sector or cannot be retrieved from there. This indicates a failure in the sector. In other words, such sectors are called broken... The second name is bad blocks (English Bad Blocks).

Broken sectors are physical and logical. The physical ones are lost forever, but the logical ones can still be restored. Further details.

Physical broken sectors

What causes the physical bad sectors to appear? There are many reasons. The most common ones are as follows:

  • Rejects in production
  • Mechanical damage:
    1. A fall
    2. Ingress of dust, air or moisture
  • Strong shake when writing / reading information

As we have already said, physical bad sectors cannot be restored. But now you know how you can provoke their appearance and you will avoid such actions.

Logical broken sectors

The logical bad sectors are physically fully functional, but the system recognizes them as not working. What are these errors related to?

  • Software errors
  • Impact of viruses
  • Power cut off abruptly while recording information

Logical broken sectors can be easily fixed, which means they are not as dangerous as physical ones.

Signs of presence

How to understand if there are bad sectors on the hard disk? What are the criteria for determining this? The best way - this is, of course, checking the hard disk with special programs. But it happens that the computer does not behave the way it should. The incorrect operation of the hard drive speaks of itself, even without using programs for checking.

The main signs of the presence of bad sectors:

  1. Sudden system reboots;
  2. The operating system generates various kinds of errors when loading;
  3. System freeze during intensive work with the hard drive (reading / writing data, especially in large volumes);
  4. Unreasonable decrease in computer performance;
  5. Some files or folders do not open;
  6. Winchester cracks too loudly;
  7. Increased temperature of the hard drive.

These, of course, are not all signs, but these are the most common ones in which checking the hard disk for bad sectors will reveal a large number of them.

How to check the hard disk for errors and bad sectors?

In order to check the hard disk for bad sectors and errors, you can either use the system windows utility or by special programs from other manufacturers that will determine the state of the hard drive and show other equally useful information about it. First, let's deal with system utility to check the hard drive - chkdsk.

Chkdsk system utility in Windows

Run utility chkdsk (check disk) it is possible both through the command line and simply through the properties of the hard disk. lets go simple wayhard disk properties... So, step by step instructions:

  1. We go to "My Computer", we see physical hard disks (or their volumes).
  2. Right-click on the hard drive that you want to check for errors.
  3. We select the item "Properties";
  4. Next, select the "Service" tab;
  5. Click on the "Check" button.

The process is described for Windows 7, but for other versions, I think it is not very different. The essence is the same, you will understand.

If you want to do check system disk (the one on which Windows is installed), the system will warn you that it is impossible to do this now and offer to check the hard disk the next time you turn on the computer. Thus, you can immediately reboot and observe the entire verification process in a special environment even before starting Windows.

When checking, be sure to check the box "Correct errors". Otherwise, what's the point of such a check?

Checking the hard disk with special programs

There are many special programsthat can tell you in detail about the health of your hard drive. The principle of their work is very similar to each other.

Programs for checking the hard disk for bad sectors and errors:

  1. Data Lifeguard Diagnostic... The program was developed by the hard drive manufacturer Western Digital, but it is suitable for testing hard drives of absolutely any manufacturer. Choose Advanced Test Mode for more accurate results.
  2. HDDScan... Performing the check, in the settings you need to select the "READ" item to check the sectors for the speed of reading information. Under no circumstances choose "ERASE", if you have the necessary information on the hard drive, you will lose it. You can select it only if you copied all the data from the hard drive.
  3. Victoria HDD... Perhaps one of the most best programs to analyze the hard disk for bad sectors and errors. Can work as under windows managementand under DOS. Its capabilities are so vast that it draws on a whole separate article. Wait soon.

Programs for checking the hard disk differ from the system utility in broader functionality and more human-readable information. However, when working with them, you need to be careful, otherwise you can lose important information by overwriting it with emptiness (zero). And this is even worse than erasing information. Because after erasing, you can still restore it (read,), but after overwriting with zero, you are unlikely to restore it.

Conclusion about bad sectors of the hard disk

Learning about the restoration of the broken sectors of hard disk, you can recover errors on flash drives and other drives in the same way. But most importantly, now you will not buy a used laptop with a spilled hard drive. Namely, this is what they say about the hard drive, which is already barely working, that it pours.

The program Victoria HDD we will look at it in more detail, so the topic "checking the hard disk" is not considered closed yet. Stay with us, subscribe to new articles, bookmark the site.

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Programs for checking the hard disk in Russian are collected in this section. All programs can be downloaded for free with activation keys.

Victoria HDD is a program developed in Belarus by programmer Sergei Kazansky. Designed for comprehensive monitoring of all kinds of flaws and malfunctions of the computer's hard drive, proofreading S.M.A.R.T. data and the rest important information... You can quickly download the program in Russian on this site. The program has not been updated for a long time, but this has not yet affected its popularity. It can be used for the operating room windows systems x64 (64 bit), for example, windows 10 and windows 7. Download Victoria for free ...

With the help of this simple development, you can not only get a lot of information of interest to you on the existing system, but also, in particular, find out the current state of the hard disk, which is no less important. Now it is worth being a unique and special person who will apply many of his incredible character traits and will try to be a more wonderful and special member of society, who wants to constantly admire and actively go towards the goal, no matter how difficult it may be on the chosen path. Download…

The CrystalDiskMark program is a kind of utility for conducting comparative analysis or testing how fast hard drives can act on a PC. If you need to test the speed of your hard drive, then CrystalDiskMark is what you need. It also allows you to make amendments if needed. The main advantage of the program is that it does not require installation at all, and it is also simple and easy to use. What do you need…

HDD Health is a highly underrated program that is capable of performing very useful functions, namely, to identify failures and problems in hard drives that are based on SMART technology. main feature utilities is that you can do this in advance, thereby avoiding problems and damage to equipment. Another undeniable advantage is the constant mode of operation, and not a temporary system scan. This will allow you to instantly learn about problems with the performance of the hard ...

CHKDSK is a multifunctional softwarewhich allows you to check your hard drive for system faults as efficiently as possible. This product was developed directly for Windows 7, therefore the standard operating system you can find similar functions that have a name - command line... Unlike system technologies, this program allows you to quickly and reliably check all sectors of the disk for damage. In the event of a malfunction or conflict situations, the utility itself performs the elimination ...

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EVEREST - computer program, which should carry out diagnostics, tests, as well as settings so that the devices work optimally. The application continues to evolve, each time new features should appear. If you are interested in this utility, then on this page you can download it for free in the Russian version. I would like to note that this program is rightfully considered one of the best and most popular in its field. Is different ample opportunities, in terms of presenting a complete, detailed ...