Black screen when loading Windows. Black screen when turning on the computer. What to do? What to do if the screen is black

The appearance of a black screen when loading the operating system may at least cause confusion for the user. What is the cause of the malfunction when a black screen appears when the computer is turned on? In this case, there seems to be a launch, but the image itself does not appear (nothing is shown on the monitor). In some cases, even the cursor is missing, there is no signal, and it is necessary to take measures to quickly correct the situation.

Then how to remove a black screen on a working computer when no image appears on it when turned on? First of all, you need to understand what exactly is the cause of the malfunction. The reasons for such a breakdown include technical and software, but in 50% of cases the user is to blame due to his inattention, and sometimes simple lack of knowledge.

An example from life. A motherboard with an integrated video card was purchased. An additional external video card was purchased to increase performance in games. When assembling the PC, everything was connected correctly and worked perfectly. Further after harvesting or transfer system unit, the wires were disconnected and reconnected incorrectly. The wire from the monitor instead of the external video card turned out to be connected to the built-in one (VGA or DVI connectors are the same on all devices). Naturally, the PC was configured to work with an external video card and it simply would not start with the built-in one. Inattention or ignorance? Draw your own conclusions.

The technical reasons why the monitor does not turn on, the cursor is not visible, and there are no standard labels at boot are the following:

  • The PC is switched to the mode for working with an external monitor (in this case, the absence of a signal is relevant for laptops).
  • Loop malfunction (also a problem that is relevant only for laptops).
  • Malfunction of the video card.
  • The cable was connected to the wrong connector.
  • The cable that connects the system unit and the monitor comes off - again a black screen appears after loading.
  • The monitor is powered off, so it won't start, nothing appears on the screen, not even the cursor.
  • Malfunction of the monitor.

Software malfunctions that lead to a black screen that does not turn on when the computer starts up include:

  • The presence of a malicious program that prevents the computer from performing work. It is because of her that a black screen is shown on the monitor.
  • Inappropriate screen resolution.
  • The refresh rate on the computer graphics card is incorrect.
  • Incorrect operation of the boot loader or drivers.

Solving technical problems

To solve the technical problems of how to remove the black screen, it would be wise to use the following plan of action:

  1. It is required to make sure that the personal computer is turned on. For this, the presence of working light signals, the sound of a working cooler is checked. The cursor does not appear.
  2. It is checked whether the connection cables to the system unit, power cables to the monitor, and whether the button on the monitor is enabled.
  3. If a black screen appears when you turn on the computer, then a check is made where the cable is connected to the socket. If necessary, you can reconnect the cable.
  4. If your computer uses an integrated and external video card, then you need to check to which of these devices the monitor is connected. You may need to switch the cord to a different connector.

Laptops almost always have an output to connect to an external monitor. If, when starting the laptop, you hear the sound of coolers working, which is accompanied by a black screen on the computer, then it is likely that the mode of operation with external monitors was launched on purpose or by accident. On the keyboard, you should find the function keys for controlling the operation of the external monitor and try to turn on the internal display.

The F7 key turns on / off the internal screen, and the F8 key controls the combination of output to the internal / external laptop monitor. They must be pressed at the same time as the function key, which is usually denoted Fn.

Different operating modes are switched by successive pressing of the following key combination: Fn and F8. Considering the question of how to remove the black screen, you can try this methodif the laptop's internal monitor has been accidentally turned off.

If you are sure that the black screen with the cursor was caused precisely by technical problems, and the above steps did not help you solve the issue, there is still no signal, then you should contact the repair company or service center... In this case, you are unlikely to be able to fix the problem yourself.

Solving software glitch problems

If you encounter a black screen after turning on your computer due to malware or software glitch, then it is recommended to follow these steps:

  1. Try booting your operating system in safe mode. If you succeed in this, then you need to continue to follow the steps below. If not, then the only option would be to download operating system using external media.
  2. When the operating system is booted into safe mode, it's worth checking the refresh rate and screen resolution settings. If the computer monitor has not turned on before, then they need to be replaced with the correct ones.
  3. Then the video card drivers are updated. Although Safe Mode is used, it should be done using Device Manager.
  4. If the monitor has been turned on for a long time on the computer, then you need to start the anti-virus program and carefully scan the PC for the possibility of infection with malicious software. Ruthlessly destroy all files that pose a threat.
  5. After completing all the steps, the computer should be rebooted.

When the monitor turns on, turns off immediately, or a black screen appears after switching to a new monitor, do the following:

  1. The old monitor is connected to the computer.
  2. The minimum screen resolution and refresh rate are set to 60 Hz. This is done in a special utility of the video card driver or in the display properties.
  3. The computer connects to a new monitor. Now you need to adjust the screen resolution and frequency for the new display.

There are times when, with the computer in full technical health, the above steps do not help to decide what to do if the computer has a black screen. In this option, you can contact a specialist. Some malware are detected only manually, while antivirus programs will be useless.

Unusual reasons

What to do if the black screen is not caused by technical or by software? A black screen can appear due to the banal carelessness of users, which sometimes reaches the point of absurdity. Before starting to search for complex causes of the problem, it is worth checking your attentiveness:

  • Could you deliberately or accidentally reduce the brightness of the monitor to a minimum? Then you cannot say that the monitor turned on for 2 seconds and goes out, but the image itself is missing.
  • Are the metal parts of the PC "short-circuiting"? Static electricity can enter computer cases. The device will start shutting down suddenly for the user, even when booting up. This problem is often caused by touching the body of elements conducting current, or a large accumulation of dust inside the system unit.
  • It is worth listening to the sound of the cooler. Is the fan running or unusual sounds? Often, due to a malfunction of the cooling system, a sudden shutdown of the PC occurs. To avoid this problem, the computer must be kept clean. It should not be leaned against cabinets, walls, or near batteries.

The problem of a black screen appearing when you turn on the computer is solved by fixing a specific error. If you check the case for static voltage, turn up brightness or replace the cooler, the problem can be solved.

In any case, the appearance of a black screen should not lead the user to panic. In a fit of fear or bewilderment, you can only aggravate the situation. You cannot knock on the system unit and the monitor, this will not solve the problem, or it may even completely disable the computer. It is also not recommended to disassemble the system unit yourself and switch the wires in it if you have no experience in repairing it, and you do not know how the computer works.

There is a very common problem among PC owners - you turn on the computer and see black screen on boot.

What are the reasons for this failure and what to do in this situation is the main topic of this article.

System boot problems

The problem has a wide range of factors provoking it.

In addition, the black screen can also be displayed in different ways, for example with or without a cursor.

Let's take a closer look at the main causes of breakdown:

  • An internal error in the operation of the operating system, due to which it cannot adequately interact with the graphical environment;
  • Failure of the driver for the video card (incompatibility with the installed version Windows);
  • Breaking internal storage computer;
  • Critical violation windows work OC, which interferes with adequately loading it even in Safe Mode;
  • Other conflicts of the hardware department of the PC;
  • The operating system is unable to wake up from sleep mode.

Boot Windows in Safe Mode

Initially, you should try to safely boot the system.

Disconnect from computer external devices, as well as flash media, which could also be the cause of the conflict.

Turn off your computer to terminate all processes causing the black screen.

Then restart it, at the very beginning of which be sure to press the F8 button on the keyboard (Delete, Shift + F8 - depending on the installed operating system).

In the Advanced Boot Options window, select the option you want.

In this case - Safe mode.

If the computer starts up in this mode without any problems, then we can assume that the settings of the system itself have failed.

This additionally includes the appearance of an error after next update in the OS registry, and incorrect operation of drivers.

Here, activating the operating system is the first step towards fixing the problem.

Many people use an unlicensed copy of the operating system, the next update of which sometimes ends up with a black screen.

This is due to the impossibility of passing the "pirated copy" of identification on the Microsoft website.

If so, then after booting in Safe Mode, you will see a warning on the screen about using an unofficial version, which should be licensed.

To get rid of the problem - activate your copy of the operating system.

Equipment malfunctions

Monitor and system unit

A black screen may be caused by equipment problems.

For example, due to poor contact of the monitor with the system unit, when a signal from the video card is not received by it.

The monitor's network cable is not making good contact with the outlet

In this case, check the quality of all connections, and if there is any external damage to the screen, due to which the image may be missing.

If such a problem occurs on a laptop, then the reason is almost always not related to the display, since in order to damage it, a strong mechanical impactsuch as falling or hitting.

In this case, the deformation of the monitor will be visible to the naked eye: color stripes will be traced, areas with dead pixels, scratches, etc.

On a computer, a black screen when logging into the system can cause a breakdown of one of the components of the system unit, so it will need to be studied in detail.

First of all, attention should be paid to the video card, namely the reliability and density of its attachment in the slot motherboardas well as the stability of the supply voltage and cooling (if not passive).

Checking the performance of the video card drivers

Check the status of the video card drivers that may conflict with the system.

To do this, it is necessary to re-launch the operating system in safe mode by activating the video mode support item with a low screen resolution in its menu.

After logging in, go to the control panel.

To do this, click right click mouse menu "Start" and select from the list that appears "Device Manager" .

Select there in the section "Video adapters" installed video card and go to its properties window.

In the tab "Driver" click on the button Delete.

Then restart your computer and install the factory drivers that come with your video card.

You can go to the manufacturer's website and download the latest version there.

If you do not know what drivers to look for - call the tab « Execute» using the keyboard shortcut Win + R.

In the field to open, enter

and click on the " OK».

In this case, a DirectX Diagnostic Tool window will appear, displaying the name of the available video card.

Using the information received, it is quite easy to download the necessary ones.

Elimination of a possible conflict of software components

A characteristic feature of this option is that, after several attempts to restart, the computer still manages to start.

The method of "treatment" will be approximately similar to the previous case, the only difference here is what is needed in the section windows configuration select item "Enable Safe Mode" .

Then, in the top line, sort the installed software by download date.

Now, having looked at the list of installed software, you need to find the culprit of the problem and remove it.

This is best done through third party programssuch as CCleaner, because with it you will get rid of all residual elements after deletion.

To get rid of the suspicious program, you need to go to the section "Service - Remove Programs" and choose the option you want.

Motherboard driver

A black screen is sometimes the result of a conflict between the mother's drivers and the system.

Repeat the previously described steps to remove and install a workable program in their place.

Be careful when working with drivers, otherwise you will not avoid a complete reinstallation of the operating system.

To protect yourself from this, set a checkpoint to which, if necessary, you can roll back the system.

In the event that, after replacing the drivers, the black screen periodically continues to remind of itself, continue to search for the cause.

Try to remove all programs that can cause system conflict, as well as test your computer for various malware.

Start the system again in safe mode and open the control panel by right-clicking on the " Start».

From the list present, select " Programs and Features"And click on it.

Carefully analyze which programs have been installed recently and may cause a conflict.

Remove them with standard features Windows or a third-party program.

One of the best currently is CCleaner.

The program is clear and efficient enough to remove all accumulated file junk.

All you have to do is check the boxes in the section « Cleaning» opposite the desired items.

After the analysis carried out by the program, press the button « Cleaning» and wait for it to complete.

By going to the tab « Service» , you are free to choose the programs to be removed.

Select the one you need and click on the button « Uninstall» .

Registry recovery

Intermittent black screen may also be due to some data corruption system registry malware.

To get rid of this, you should restore it to a fully working state.

To do this, open « Task Manager» using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

In the window that appears, go to the applications tab. Here you need to create a new task by clicking on the button of the same name and entering a value in a special field

Windows 10 makes this easier. Right click on the menu « Start» and in the list that appears, select the item « Execute» .

In the input field, write


and press the button OK.

Windows Registry

The Registry Editor will open.

In it you need to find a line with the name " Shell"And click on it twice.

When the window for changing the string parameter appears, delete all entries of the parameter " Shell", And in the vacant field enter


After that, click on the button OKkeeping the changes made.

The final step is to reboot the computer, allowing the settings to take effect and debugging the registry.

If done correctly, the registry will be restored and the black screen will no longer appear.

System recovery with third-party programs

Debug work explorer.exe you can not only manually, but also with the help of a small utility AVZ.

You must first download and install it on your computer.

The main window of this anti-virus utility contains several menu items, including the following:

  • File;
  • Service;
  • AVZGuard;
  • AVZPM;
  • Reference.

Choose an item « File» , and from the list that appears - » .

After that, the settings window for the restore function will open, in which you need to activate the 8th and 16th lines (restore the Explorer settings and restore the Explorer launch key).

By checking the boxes opposite them, it remains to click on the button Perform marked operations and wait for the end of the process. Upon completion, be sure to restart your computer.


It often happens that a program in startup, or a very large number of them, can cause a black screen to appear periodically.

Reduce the number of starting from Windows programs to a minimum and if it doesn't take away existing error, it will at least speed up the launch of the operating system itself.

Execute given condition easily with the command


which should be registered in the menu window "Run" .

By clicking on the OK button you will be taken to the window Windows Task Manager , in which you should go to the tab.

This tab displays all the programs participating in the joint launch with the OS.

Select all unnecessary programs and click on the Disable button.

System rollback

Solving the black screen problem often a simple rollback of the operating system to a restore point will help.

Although quite often users disable this feature, considering it almost useless.

But with its help it is sometimes quite possible to avoid reinstall Windows, returning to the moment of maximum stable performance.

It is quite possible to perform this operation after loading the safe mode.

Conflict with antivirus software

The inability to launch often provokes a conflict between the OS and the installed antivirus program.

The latter sometimes erroneously locks various system files.

To return the computer to a normal working state, you will need to complete some antivirus processes.

Using a combination of buttons C trl+ Shift + Esc open the task manager window and select on the tab " Processes»Those related to antivirus - complete them.

Remember that this is a temporary measure and with the next start of the system they will be started again. To avoid repetition, you should create specific exceptions for your antivirus application.

If you use the AVAST program, it will look like this.

Go to the application settings window and select the active protection item.

Then go to the screen tab file system and select the section in it "Settings" .

On the left side of this section, find the item "Exceptions" and click on it.

Add the following values \u200b\u200bto the input field - "C: \\ Windows \\ explorer.exe" and "C: \\ Windows \\ immersiveControlPanel \\ systemSettings.exe"... Then click on the OK button.

In order to launch the explorer.exe process, you must use the menu "Run" and enter the name of the process in a special window.

After clicking OK, you need to restart your computer.

Checking and removing viruses

Malware is the culprit in operating system failure like no other.

Therefore, it is necessary to check not only the section with the system, but all hard disk to identify them.

You can do this check in different ways.

One of them would be using the utility 4MRecoverwhich is present on boot disk LiveCD 4MRescueKit.

Another option is to check the hard drive on another computer that has good anti-virus protection.

True, this is not very convenient, since you will have to remove the cover of the system unit and disconnect the drive itself.


Black screen appears during Windows reinstallation

In this case, there are several solutions at once:

1. Use a different media with the image for installation, or write another version of the OS to it

2. Checking the volume with Windows for bad sectors, since they can disrupt the installation process.

The flash drive or disk must be checked for other types of damage. For example, mechanical;

3. It is worth trying to choose another local disk as a system.

Fight against viruses and other malware

Fraudulent software is quite sophisticated and damages not only user data, but also important system utilities.

In this case, the cursor also appears occasionally, besides, it is even manageable.

A virus attack may not be confirmed, but it's worth a try.

Nowadays there are a lot of anti-virus software components on the market, but it would be best to use the development of the laboratory Dr. Web entitled CureIt.

With the help of it, the user is provided with the function of surface analysis of files on a PC, and a more detailed check, this is how the start menu of the utility looks like:

If Windows does not load, you need to take hDD and connect it to another PC.

Using this program is very simple: you just need to "HDD" as well as the strength of the check.

If the above technique did not help, the reason should be looked for in something else.


Create a recovery USB drive and reinstall Windows

One of the most severe methods among all proposed is complete reinstallation existing OS to a more stable one.

In our time, the need to write an image to disk, now it is enough to simply create a flash drive with an installation program.

This can be done simply using any specialized program.


One of the best available is Rufus.

The utility, despite the scarcity of the external interface, copes with its purpose quite well.

Using it is very simple: you just need to use the section "Device" select the NTFS formatted boot volume and image file, and then click "Start" ... View start page applications.

To the website


This program has a slightly larger arsenal of tasks than the previous one.

For creating bootable USB drive it must be reformatted to NTFS.

After running the program, you will see the following window:

and press "Burn hard disk image" ;

3. Choose the path to the image;

The worst case scenario for a black screen is a hard drive failure.

Initially, this reason can be answered if the cursor is visible on the display, as this means that the device is functioning.

If you see a completely dark screen, most likely this is provoked by the fact that the drive simply does not work and, as a result, is not displayed in the system.

Definition of bad sectors

It should be noted right away that broken sectors almost impossible to recover.

However, they can be closed for reading and writing, so they will not interfere with further work. The origin of this damage is of two nature:

  • Logical... It occurs due to the mismatch of the ECC code with the contents of the sector. In fact, these fragments are not broken, but only temporarily unreadable, so they must be repaired;
  • Mechanical... Broken sectors of this kind are caused by strong blows or strong shocks during operation. These particles are permanently out of order and cannot be repaired.

For retrieval and restoration in the operating room windows system there is a built-in check utility - CHKDSK.

This component is launched in two ways:

  • Through the command line... To do this, call the Run menu with the Win + R combination and enter cmd into it. In the window that opens, enter the following values: CHKDSK C: / where C - letter designation the local disk being checked;
  • Through section properties in the tab "Computer" .

If the check shows that there are bad sectors in the PC memory, the utility will offer to restore or close them.

To prevent the occurrence of the damage in question, it is necessary to periodically clean the hard drives from accumulated dust and dirt.

Besides, solid state drives they do not tolerate falls very well, so you must try to prevent them.

To prevent logical damage, you additionally need to defragment partitions from time to time, as well as optimize them.

By adhering to these tips, you will significantly reduce the load on the hard drive and increase its durability.

Black screen when booting Windows 10

Some windows users 10 complain about a black screen instead of the usual splash screen during the boot process. Most often, this problem plagues those who installed Windows 10 by updating more old version OS.

Updated: 03.12. Published: 08.06.2018


When booting Windows (after the logo or entering account) a blank black screen (or a black screen with a cursor) appears.

The problem is relevant for all used versions of Windows from XP to 10.


  1. By default, the wrong monitor is selected.
  2. Unsuccessful installation of Windows updates or graphics card driver.
  3. Aggressive behavior of the anti-virus system.
  4. Damage to the explorer.exe file or its autorun.
  5. Software conflict.


Pay attention to similar symptoms.

  • If we see a black screen right after turning on the computer (the Windows or BIOS splash screen does not appear on the monitor), go to the article The computer does not turn on.
  • If the boot hangs before the operating system splash screen, possibly with a blinking cursor (underscore), the problem may be with the disk drive or boot loader. For more details, see the instructions. Computer loading hangs on the startup screen or black background with a blinking cursor.
  • If a menu is loaded in front of us on a black background, we try to select the usual Windows boot.
  • If there is text with an error code on a black background, you need to investigate it using a search engine.

Below are solutions for the situation when Windows has booted, but instead of the desktop, we see a blank black screen without labels and text (only the mouse arrow can be present).

1. Reboot

Before proceeding with the solution, try restarting your computer again - it is quite possible that the problem will be solved.

2. Restore system files

As a result of the loss of a part of the operating system files, it may work unstable, in particular, it may not load the explorer, leaving us with a black screen.

To check the system for the presence of files with damage or their absence, run the command line as administrator and enter the command:

3. Update Windows or graphics card driver

If the problem started after windows updates or installing / updating the driver for the video card, start the computer in safe mode and try:

a) remove the video card driver. To do this, go to the Device Manager (command devmgmt.msc) - open Video adapters - remove the used adapter:

Then we restart the computer and install the new driver.

b) remove the latest fixes. To do this, open Control Panel (control command or use windows search) - Programs - Programs and Features - Installed updates:

We sort updates by installation date and remove the last ones installed:

4. Multiple displays and default monitor

a) Press the combination WIN + P - a window for selecting the operating mode of multiple displays will open on the right. Trying to choose Computer screen only or Second screen only:

b) When using multiple monitors, try to turn off everything except the main one and restart the computer. If the image appears, check the setting of the main display.

5. Removing antivirus

In some cases, malware removal tools can block an important system file.

Trying to remove antivirus program... To do this, we try to enter safe mode. For reliability, it is worth downloading a specialized utility for removing antivirus from the developer's website.

6. Problem with Windows Explorer

Explorer is the main program in Windows that is responsible for displaying windows. If it malfunctions, you may experience blank desktop display problems.

7. Anti-virus scan

We check the computer for viruses. To do this, you can use one-time utilities such as CureIt.

8. Disable Fast Startup or Hibernation

Fast startup allows you to save the state of the system, which in turn allows it to boot faster. In some cases, such a start of the system can lead to problems of various nature. They are solved by disabling the quick start mode.

We do the necessary settings in the command line. First, we try to disable hibernation mode:

And we restart the computer. If it boots up normally, you can try hibernating again with the command:

If disabling hibernation did not help solve the problem, try disabling quick start... On Windows 8 and earlier versions Dozens of this could be done in the power settings. In new versions, only through the registry, so we will analyze this particular method as universal.

Run the command line and enter the command:

reg add "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Session Manager \\ Power" / v HiberbootEnabled / t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f

* with this command we set the value 0 parameter HiberbootEnabled in a branch HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Session Manager \\ Power.

We are trying to reboot.

9. Autostart applications

10. Reinstall Windows

If the previous options did not help to solve the problem, we reinstall the system.

If the disk contains valuable information, you can boot from windows disk LiveCD and copy the data to external media. After reinstalling Windows.

If you have never encountered such a phenomenon as a black screen, namely, a black screen when starting Windows, then this does not mean that this cup will pass you by. Therefore, our note is intended both for those who have already encountered this problem, and for all other users. personal computer... Let us formulate the problem more precisely: what to do if a black screen appears on the display during the boot process of the computer, and the further progress of starting the machine turns out to be impossible. Very often there is one white spot on this black background: a blinking horizontal line cursor in the left upper corner screen. Such a black screen and cursor plunged more than one user into despair.

At first glance, the situation seems to be a dead end. In practice, it turns out that getting out of it is quite simple. Moreover, there is not one, but several recipes for dealing with a dark display on the computer at the beginning of the launch. We will look at some of them, namely those that lead to success by the most direct route. Many different problems can occur when starting your computer, but this one is one of the most heinous. For the simple reason that an IT neophyte is unlikely to find ways to solve it on his own. So, let's deal with this topic in more detail.

The place where the problem is solved

To localize the problem, you need to get access to windows interface... The only question is how to do this if the system does not want to start. The answer in this case is simple: use the safe mode service. For those who do not know what it is, we will give some explanations. Safe mode of operation of a computer is a mode of its operation in which only the most necessary components are loaded into memory. If Windows can in principle show signs of life, then turning on in Safe Mode will most likely be possible.

To go to a safe moment when starting the computer, you need to hold down a special key (as a rule, this is the F8 key). In this case, the screen will display approximately the following picture with options:

Safe mode is one of the options. There are several variations of this mode with or without network infrastructure support, with support for command line or not. We need the one that is simply labeled "Safe Mode". Use the arrows on the keyboard to move the cursor to this option and press "Enter". After that, you may have to wait.

Unsatisfactory authentication

If you have been using a non-licensed system starting with version 7, then each update will send Microsoft information about the authenticity of your license. And if you don't have such a license at all? If you are using clumsily "cracked" Windows, which literally yells about it all over the Internet? There are three solutions to this problem:

  • Disable system update.
  • Purchase a license.
  • Use a special licensing system cracker.

And then, and another, and the third to do it is quite simple. But our advice to you: pay money for the license and don't worry about anything else. The slogan: "Pay and don't worry" could have been written in large letters on the Microsoft logo. If you do not do any of the above, then any solution to the black screen problem will be temporary. After the next update, you will see this screen again.

The OS will notify you that it knows about your license problems when you start in safe mode. Firstly, the usual background image will disappear, and secondly, a warning message will appear at the bottom of the screen. Like this:

An example of a cracker program: RemoveWAT21 utility can search the Internet for it.

Reason: video card

What should I do if a black screen appears when I have an OS license? I must say that there are many reasons for the appearance of blackness on the display: one of them is the video card of your computer. More precisely, the drivers for the video card. Damaged or "crashed" video adapter drivers inevitably lead to problems of the same kind as ours. If the matter is really in the video card, then you need to restore the damaged driver, preferably by downloading it latest version on the adapter manufacturer's website. For uninformed citizens, we present a list of video card parameters that should be guided by when installing the driver:

  • Adapter manufacturer (NVIDIA, AMD, etc.).
  • OS type: Windows, Linux.
  • OS version: XP, 7, 8, 10.
  • The bitness of the computer processor: 32 or 64 bits.

All these parameters will need to be specified on the page of the site of the card manufacturer, from which the driver will be downloaded. To determine the manufacturer, it is enough to have the DirectX library installed on the system. Type the following command in the Run box: dxdiag. A window similar to the following will appear:

The Manufacturer field contains the equipment manufacturer.

Reason: "broken" registry

Let's move on. You entered the safe registry, you have everything in order with the license, you have updated the video card drivers, but Windows still does not load - a black screen appears. How to start Windows, how to restore it to work? Perhaps the black screen of the computer began to appear due to the accumulated critical errors in the system registry.

For those who do not know what a registry is, we give help: windows registry - a special database containing the settings of both the system itself and the programs installed in it. The data in the registry can also be damaged by a virus.

You can get to the registry data using the registry editor, which is called in the "Run" window with the regedit command. An editor window will appear on the screen:

This window has a left panel with a tree of registry keys and a right panel with registry keys in the key-value format. We will be interested in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon section. And a key in this section called Shell. If this key is empty, then we drive the line "explorer.exe" into its value, and save the changed data. All this is done, as usual, in a safe mode. After that, we restart the computer. After that, a system restore should occur and normal boot progress should be restored.

AVZ utility

When a black screen and a cursor appear after Windows starts up, you can try using the AVZ utility. This multifunctional program able to help in many situations. Usually, after restoring the system with its help, everything starts working normally. But this is a topic for another conversation. Here we will only indicate the very possibility of its use. We hope you found our article helpful and the black screen disappeared from your monitor.

Reading 6 min. Views 1.2k. Published 09.09.2017

Hello! If you see a black screen when you turn on your computer, then this is the first sign that something has happened in its work that prevents the Windows operating system from functioning normally. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, we will list them:

  • Improper shutdown of Windows;
  • Damage to the monitor interface cable or lack of contact;
  • Not loading desktop;
  • Missing Windows license;
  • The components of the system unit do not work;
  • Software problems, lack of drivers;

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons when a black screen appears when you turn on the computer, so we will analyze each of them separately and try to fix the problems ourselves.

Windows boot problems

Probably the most common reason for a black screen is a failure to boot the operating system. Very often it occurs when the system shuts down improperly or the boot area is damaged.

In most cases, this problem occurs when users have an unexpected power outage and the computer is de-energized at the most inopportune moment.

With such an outcome of events, the user will see a black screen when the computer is turned on with options for loading the system.

Here, most often, it is enough to select the "Normal Windows boot" item and wait for the system to start.

If the system does not give you a window with boot options, then you need to do the following:

  • After you have turned on the computer, you must press the "F8" key, the " Additional options downloads ";
  • In this window, you can select three options "Safe Mode". With it, you can boot the system and fix the problem that arose after an unexpected shutdown of the PC, incorrect installation of software or viruses;
  • If you are sure that everything is fine with the computer, then select "Normal Boot"

Problems with the cable or monitor.

Sometimes there are cases when the cable connecting the monitor to the system unit fails. In this case, it is necessary to inspect it for damage. Pay particular attention to the connectors. A fairly common reason is the bent tendrils of the contacts on VGA cables.

To exclude a faulty cable, it will be enough to take a substitute and connect it.

If everything is fine with the cable, then we check the monitor. First, we pay attention to the power indicator (light on the monitor panel). If the indicator is on, then the monitor is powered, if not, then we look at the power wires. Perhaps they are not connected to the network or some contact has moved away.

If possible, connect another monitor, then by all means use it.

Windows desktop does not load.

Another fairly common reason for which a user sees a black screen when turning on the computer is a non-loading desktop. The problem arises after cleaning the computer from viruses. At the same time, the system seems to be loading, but the desktop remains empty: no shortcuts, no folders, no taskbar. If you have a similar situation, then do the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / WindowsNT / CurrentVersion / Winlogon

Black screen at computer startup - Windows is not licensed.

For most users, it is a surprise that a black screen appears on the desktop after updating the operating system. This happens among users of pirated, hacked windows versions... In this case, in the lower right corner, near the clock, you will see the inscription: "Your system is not genuine, buy a license."

If you are faced with this problem, then you have two solutions:

  1. Reinstall the system, and after reinstalling, disable the installation of all updates, but then you risk that your computer may be infected with a virus, for example, such as;
  2. Buy a license for your product and sleep well. After all, the computer will receive all the necessary patches and work more stably.

Unfortunately, there is no other way out of this situation.

The components of the system unit are defective.

Note! Perform all actions with the computer power off. To avoid electric shock.

If the above tips did not help to fix the problem, then most likely there is a problem with one of the components of the system unit.

To begin with, you should open the cover of the system unit and inspect the computer components, possibly clean them from dust and dirt.

Also inspect the motherboard for swollen capacitors, perhaps the reason for all the troubles is in them. Then, most likely, you will need to replace the node, namely the motherboard or solder faulty elements.

Remove the video card from the system unit and clean all contacts. Perhaps oxidation or dust has occurred over time.

RAM can also cause a black screen and system failure to boot. If there are several memory modules, then we take out everything and try to connect one at a time and test the computer startup. If the system starts successfully, we conclude that some memory bar is not working correctly, and we change it to another.

Also, be sure to clean the contacts of all memory modules, perhaps the reason is quite banal, there is no contact between the motherboard port and the RAM module.

Problems with the video card or driver.

In my practice, there were often cases when a black screen appeared when the computer was turned on due to a faulty video card. Since many modern PCs are equipped with a discrete and integrated graphics adapter, you can simply connect a monitor to the integrated video adapter and see if the image appears on the screen.

Overheating is a fairly common cause of failure of discrete video adapters. By the way, if you are not aware of which video adapter you have installed, then read the article -.

Less commonly, the image on the screen refuses to appear due to incorrect installed drivers... In order to exclude this problem download the latest driver for your video card from the official website and install. Perhaps the problem will be solved by itself.

Let's summarize.

Today we have considered a solution to the problem when a black screen appears when you turn on the computer. I hope the tips described in this article will help you identify the cause of the malfunction and fix it. The main thing is to take your time and take a meaningful approach to business.