Systems for automated insertion of regional advertising. Regional broadcasting in multiplexes The Europeans were able to reach an agreement

Regional programs (news, topical programs) are available in digital quality on the TV channels of the first multiplex “Channel One”, “Russia 1”, “Match TV”, NTV, “Channel Five”, “Russia K”, “Russia 24” and “TV” Center", as well as on the radio station "Radio Russia" 99.72% of residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Insertion of regional content into digital signal produced using distributed program modification (TPM) technology. General principle TRM consists of dividing the federal multiplex signal into independent transport streams. TV channels that do not require regional modification are transmitted in one stream. In others, there are television and radio channels that are subject to modification. At the regional branch of RTRS, local insertion into the necessary television and radio channels is carried out, and only they are sent to the satellite a second time for delivery to the region’s repeaters. Repeaters equipped with a special device - a replayer - re-stitch the multiplex together, including TV channels with regional content.

To meet the needs of broadcasters for local advertising, RTRS has developed a technical solution for seamless insertion of advertising into the multiplex stream. Advertising is inserted in St. Petersburg using a special device - a splicer at a time agreed with the broadcaster.

Providing the country's population with regional digital terrestrial television and radio broadcasting is one of the tasks of the federal target program (FTP) “Development of television and radio broadcasting in Russian Federation for 2009–2018."

Recently, the term “SCTE tags” has been heard more and more often among television specialists. But not everyone is completely familiar with what these notes are, how they work and what they are used for. To clarify, SkyLark Technology turned to well-known industry specialist Alexander Peregudov, who specially prepared an article on this topic for Mediavision magazine. The first part of the article is published below.

Architecture of network broadcasting systems with digital insertion of programs

The fundamental principles and technological solutions for using SCTE-104/35 tags (messages) were developed by the American Society of Engineers cable television- SCTE (Society of Cable Television Engineers). The initial purpose of using SCTE-104/35 tags is to control digital program insertion - DPI (Digital Program Insertion) - in TV broadcasting networks that relay the signal from the central station through channels digital broadcasting MPEG-2 TS transport streams. The term “Digital Ad Insertion” is also used.

As technology develops and the range of functions expands, the ideology of SCTE tags is constantly being improved and reflected in new standards and recommendations. These documents are freely available at SCTE does not impose any restrictions or financial obligations on TV broadcast networks intending to use these methods of managing digital advertising insertion.

This factor plays an important role in the constant development of TV technologies and the emergence of new solutions, equipment and systems. The SCTE-104/35 specifications allow you to manage not only the insertion of advertising, but also other procedures for modifying content in distributed TV systems, including banner and targeted advertising. SCTE-104/35 technology is also used in video-on-demand distribution channels via HTTP, including Adobe Dynamic Streaming (HDS), Apple Live Streaming (HLS), Microsoft Smooth Streaming (MSS), MPEG-DASH.

Linear network broadcasting

The linear network broadcasting model is based on regional retransmission of a program signal generated by the central station of the network (Fig. 1-1).

Figure 1-1. DPI-enabled broadcast system architecture

The program signal of the central station is generated in the program generation center (CPC). In English literature the term Broadcast Operation Center (BOC) is used.

The HD/SD-SDI interface is usually used to transmit the program signal to the compression system. Here, video and audio signals are compressed and multiplexed into an MPEG-2 TS transport stream of a single program (Single Program Transport Stream - SPTS). SPTS, in turn, can be multiplexed into a Multi Program Transport Stream (MPTS). For multi-program compression systems with advanced functions, the term Network Operation Center (NOC) is used.

SPTS or MPTS streams are transmitted via DVB or IP interfaces to regional program relay centers (RPCs), where they are modified by inserting regional content and then rebroadcast to their broadcast territory in the form of modified SPTS or MPTS streams. In Fig. Figure 1-1 shows the path of SCTE-104/35 messages from the source (TsFP) to the final destination - the splicer-server bundle as part of the TsP.


Insertion of regional content must occur during designated time slots in the central station's broadcast schedule. In SCTE documents these time slots are called avails. When translated into Russian, the terms “commercial time slot”, “regional advertising window”, “advertising time slot” and other options are used. Further, the term “slot” will be used as an analogue of the term avail.

At slot boundaries, switching, or splicing, is performed between signals from the main channel (central station signal) and from the input channel (regional station signal). The "center/region" switching point is called the splicing input point - Splice In Point, the "region/center" switching point is called the splicing output point - Splice Out Point.

Splicer functions

Signals are switched in the central processing unit using a splicer. DPI specifications define seamless (seamless) - invisible to the viewer in image and sound - splicing with frame accuracy.

In DPI systems, an insertion time interval (break) is usually considered as a single event of replacing a program fragment in a central station signal with an advertising block of equal or similar timing from a regional station signal. The advertising block includes individual advertising clips.

The splicer receives the transport stream from the central station via the main channel and the transport stream from the advertising server via the input channel. At the input point time, the splicer switches the input channel from the ad server to the output channel. At the time of the output splicing point, reverse switching occurs.

Ad server functions

The advertising server as part of the central distribution center is responsible for playing one or more files that make up a regional break. The insertion of a regional break from the input channel into the main channel occurs within a single session, during which the splicer and the advertising server synchronize their work via a TCP/IP connection to local network TsRP. The SCTE 30 specification describes standardized protocols for interaction between the splicer and the ad server.

Seamless splicing conditions

Seamless, frame-accurate splicing between MPEG-2 TS streams from the central and regional stations requires several conditions to be met.

First, the transport stream from the central station at MPEG-2 splice points must begin with a closed GOP with an I-frame at the beginning of the group and I- or P-type frames within it. When encoding H.264/AVC or H.265/HEVC at splice points closed group must begin with an IDR (Instantaneous Decoder Refresh) frame and end with an I- or P-type frame. Reception of an IDR frame by the decoder means that decoding after the splice point can be performed without using previous frames. In the case of Variable Bit Rate (VBR) encoding, it is recommended to switch to Constant Bit Rate (CBR) encoding in the slot interval. The condition is provided by the encoder as part of the compression system in response to receiving the SCTE-104 control message from the automation system.

Secondly, the transport stream reproduced from files by the advertising server must be formed according to the same rules regarding the formation of the GOP structure. The image and sound parameters and the speed of the generated flow must be the same as that of the flow from the central station. The condition is ensured by proper compression of the ad break files.

Thirdly, the splicer must receive a message about splicing points from the automation system in advance, send the command to the advertising server to start the required break, and perform splicing at the input and output points. The condition is ensured by transmitting the SCTE-104/35 control message from the automation system to the splicer address.

And fourthly, the ad server must start playing regional break files within certain time before the start of the substitution, and finish it after the regional break with the condition that the starting and ending points of the break during playback coincide with the moment of switching channels in the splicer.

SCTE-104/35 messages

The implementation of DPI according to the SCTE-104/35 specifications is based on the transmission of cueing messages about upcoming slots for inserting regional breaks. The term cueing message when translated into Russian is equivalently interpreted as “message with the SCTE-104/35 label” or as “SCTE-104/35 label”. The term cueing message evolved from previous specifications for controlling analogue ad insertion using DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency signaling) audio messages, called analog cue tone. Therefore, sometimes the term digital cue tone is used instead of a cueing message.

SCTE-104/35 messages about an upcoming splicing event are generated by the automation system included in the CFP. The message, among other data, contains the slot start/end time and slot identifiers, which allow each slot to be associated with the required regional content.

Next, these messages are sent to the encoder and multiplexer as part of the compression system, as well as to the splicer as part of the digital processing unit. The splicer relays the message content to the advertising server, controlling its operation.

It should be noted that the use of SCTE-104/35 messages does not guarantee seamless splicing under all possible conditions, but it does ensure frame accuracy of signaling about planned events of switching signal sources in the DRP.

SCTE-104/35 message channels

A message with splicing data is transmitted along the “automation system - compression system - splicer” chain, consisting of two segments.

The “compression system - splicer” segment uses the MPEG-2 TS transmission channel. Here, splicing data (Splice Information Table) is transmitted in SCTE-35 messages in the form of the Splice_info_section bit sequence. SCTE-35 messages are generated by the SCTE-35 injector as a separate elementary private PID data stream, which is multiplexed into a common SPTS output stream along with video/audio PID streams linked to a single Presentation Time Stamps (PTS) time scale. The SCTE-35 PID stream identifier is declared in the Program Map Table (PMT) as an integral part of a program within a Single Program (SPTS) or Multi-Program (MPTS) MPEG-2 TS Transport Stream. For transmission of SCTE-35 messages throughput MPEG-2 TS channel must have several kbit/s in addition to the total speed of video/audio and other data streams. Equipment that changes the composition of programs or the speed of their component video/audio elementary streams must not change the SCTE-35 stream's association with the program or disrupt its association with PTS timestamps.

The “automation system - compression system” segment can use two types of transmission channels. The first option is a channel with feedback via a TCP/IP connection, the second option is a channel without feedback via SDI interface. In both options, the Splice Information Table data in this segment is formatted as SCTE-104 messages (queries). The rules for receiving and sending SCTE-104 messages, as well as storing data in them, are standardized by the SCTE 104 document in the form of an application software interface(API).

Both types of messages are used to serially transmit splicing data from the automation system to the splicer, hence the term SCTE-104/35 messages.

SCTE-104 message channel with feedback

A bidirectional communication channel between the automation system and the injector (Fig. 1-2) makes it possible for the injector and encoder to confirm the receipt and processing of SCTE-104 messages received from the automation system.

Figure 1-2. Generation of SCTE-104 messages in a closed-loop channel

This solution has undoubted advantages, but there are also implementation problems. SCTE-104/35 messages contain data in binary representation. Text data such as XML tags is not carried in SCTE-104/35 messages. This limitation significantly reduces the volume of transmitted data and the bandwidth requirements of the transmission channel. On the other hand, the binary representation of data in SCTE-104 messages places special demands on the TCP/IP network connecting automation and compression systems. This must be a strictly private network, in which the guaranteed delay time for message transmission must be significantly less than the duration of a TV frame. For communication it is recommended to use standard room port (socket) - 5167.

In most implementations of such a channel, the digital processing unit and the compression system are located at a considerable distance from each other and are controlled by different operators, which introduces technical difficulties in creating a reliable TCP/IP connection between them via VPN networks(Virtual Private Network - virtual private network).

SCTE-104 message channel without feedback

The unidirectional SDI interface is a mandatory communication channel between the digital processor and the compression system, and therefore it is logical to use it to transmit SCTE-104 messages. It is common to transmit SCTE-104 messages as additional data in the VANC (Vertical ANCillary) interval of the SDI signal according to the SMPTE 291M standard. The details of mapping SCTE-104 message data into VANC packets are regulated in SMPTE RP2010. Type 2 ANC packets are used, where the packet payload ID is a pair of Data ID (DID) and Secondary Data ID (SDID). The values ​​DID=41h and SDID=07h for VANC packets indicate the transmission of an SCTE-104 message in these packets.

A VANC packet containing SCTE-104 message data can, in principle, be placed on any line outside the active part of the frame. However, it is recommended that the VANC data be placed in the Y channel data stream on the second line after the Switch point defined in SMPTE RP168. In most cases, the 12th line of the first field is used for all SD/HD-SDI resolution standards.

In Fig. 1-3 shows a unidirectional SCTE-104 data transmission channel from the automation system to the injector and encoder as part of the compression system via additional device, called the SCTE-104 inserter. SCTE 104 uses the term Proxy Device to refer to an inserter; SMPTE RP2010 uses the term “inserter.”

Figure 1-3. Formation of SCTE-104 messages in a channel without feedback

The inserter's job is to encapsulate the SCTE-104 message into an SDI signal. The inserter is controlled by an automation system, has SDI inputs/outputs, and a broadcast program signal is supplied to the input. SCTE-104 defines a standard API interface for managing the inserter from the automation system over the TCP/IP network in the digital processing center.

SCTE-104 messages generated by the inserter as part of the SDI signal are transmitted from the automation system to the next intra-stream device to the final destination - the injector as part of the compression system. In this mode, the automation system operates without feedback messages from the compression system, according to the principle of the best possible work. For example, messages may be sent multiple times, duplicating notification of the same splicing operation.

On the compression system side, the splicing data from the SCTE-104 message is transferred to the SCTE-35 message using the SCTE-35 injector.

In this arrangement, a unidirectional SCTE-104/SDI transmission link operates between the automation system and the injector. At the same time, an interaction is organized between the automation system and the inserter, which can also be bidirectional when using a TCP/IP or RS-422 connection, or unidirectional when controlling the inserter via GPI contacts. The first option is preferable, which is implemented quite simply, since the automation system and the inserter are part of the same digital processing unit.

The lack of feedback between the automation system and the injector is compensated by the relative simplicity of constructing the SCTE-104 message delivery path based on standard hardware components with SDI interfaces. Equipment that does not change the content of the SDI signal (switches, distributors) almost always misses VANC data. Devices that modify the content of an SDI signal (delay, signal mixing) must correctly pass VANC data from input to output. When the signal passes correctly through the HD/SD-SDI paths, SCTE-104 tags remain tied to the frame in which they were originally inserted.



Annotation scientific article on electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information technology, author of the scientific work - Karyakin Vladimir Leonidovich, Karyakin Dmitry Vladimirovich, Morozova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

An analysis of methods for organizing broadcasting of the First Multiplex in the DVB-T2 standard with an insert is presented regional content in various options for constructing single-frequency SFN digital terrestrial broadcasting networks in the Russian Federation. There are problems with import substitution of distributed program modification technology using a replayer, since Enensys Technologies owns a Russian patent for the DVB-T2 broadcasting method with insertion regional content and a device used in this method. The disadvantage of the technical solutions used in the Russian Federation to implement the task of delivering the regional version of the First Multiplex is the need to broadcast combined T2-MI streams in different regions with uniform parameters established in the Federal Multiplexing Center (FCMC). The uniform parameters established in the FCFM lead to a number of problems associated with different broadcasting conditions based on the territorial location of transmitters, the type and intensity of interference, as well as due to different climatic and geographical conditions of broadcasting on the territory of the Russian Federation. The DVB-T2 broadcasting standard allows for a wide selection of parameters for the created SFN networks to adapt them to operating conditions. Choice required guard interval for a specific topology of transmitter placement. To ensure synchronous operation of single-frequency network transmitters, a time stamp is set based on the resulting time delays of the information signal. The choice of the pattern of carriers distributed in the frame and the type of modulation and coding speed depend on the type and intensity of interference and the geographic conditions of broadcasting. The lack of ability to choose optimal parameters in each region leads in aggregate to problems of ensuring the necessary margins of stability in the operation of SFN networks, assessed by the bit error rate, which can lead to disruption normal operation networks (technical stoppages and technical defects) and underutilization of the capabilities of the created networks in terms of information transfer speed.

Related topics scientific works on electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information technology, author of the scientific work - Karyakin Vladimir Leonidovich, Karyakin Dmitry Vladimirovich, Morozova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

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Text of scientific work on the topic “TV broadcasting methods in the DVB-T2 standard with the insertion of regional content”


Karyakin Vladimir Leonidovich,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Radio Communications, Radio Broadcasting and Television, Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (PGUTI), Samara, Russia, [email protected]

Karyakin Dmitry Vladimirovich,

Ph.D., senior system engineer of the Russian representative office of Juniper Networks, Moscow, Russia, [email protected]

Morozova Lyudmila Alexandrovna,

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Organization of Production, PSUTI, Samara, Russia, [email protected]

Key words: DVB-T2 standard, multiplex, federal target program, regional content, backbone network, regional network, replayer, SFN network, synchronization, guard interval, modulation, coding.

An analysis of methods for organizing broadcasting of the First Multiplex in the DVB-T2 standard with the insertion of regional content in various options for constructing single-frequency SFN digital terrestrial broadcasting networks in the Russian Federation is presented. Problems of import substitution of distributed program modification technology using a replayer are noted, since Enensys Technologies owns a Russian patent for the DVB-T2 broadcasting method with the insertion of regional content and the device used in this method. The disadvantage of the technical solutions used in the Russian Federation to implement the task of delivering the regional version of the First Multiplex is the need to broadcast combined T2-MI streams in different regions with uniform parameters established in the Federal Multiplexing Center (FCMC). The uniform parameters established in the FCFM lead to a number of problems associated with different broadcasting conditions based on the territorial location of transmitters, the type and intensity of interference, as well as due to different climatic and geographical conditions of broadcasting on the territory of the Russian Federation. The DVB-T2 broadcasting standard allows for a wide selection of parameters for the created SFN networks to adapt them to operating conditions. It is necessary to select a guard interval for a specific topology of transmitter placement. To ensure synchronous operation of single-frequency network transmitters, a time stamp is set based on the resulting time delays of the information signal. The choice of the pattern of carriers distributed in the frame and the type of modulation and coding speed depend on the type and intensity of interference and the geographic conditions of broadcasting. The lack of ability to choose the optimal parameters in each region leads in aggregate to the problems of ensuring the necessary margins of stability of SFN networks, assessed by the bit error rate, which can lead to disruption of the normal operation of networks (technical stoppages and technical defects) and underutilization of the capabilities of the created networks in terms of transmission speed information.

For quotation:

Karyakin V.L., Karyakin D.V., Morozova L.A. Methods of TV broadcasting in the DVB-T2 standard with the insertion of regional content // T-Comm: Telecommunications and transport. - 2016. - Volume 10. - No. 4. - pp. 41-46.

Karyakin V.L., Karyakin D.V., Morozova L.A. Methods of TV broadcasting in the standard DVB-T2 with inserts regional content. T-Comm. 2016. Vol. 10. No.4, pp. 41-46. (in Russian)

1 Introduction

The digital terrestrial television and radio broadcasting network of the Russian Federation in the DVB-T2 standard is intended to cover the population of the Russian Federation with digital broadcasting of the teleradio program package of the first multiplex in accordance with the Federal Target Program.

The list and order of television and radio programs included in the first multiplex are determined by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. At the same time, mandatory publicly available TV programs included in the first multiplex in each region are subject to modification in accordance with the requirements of broadcasting organizations.

The issue of choosing the architecture of the digital broadcasting distribution network is of particular importance, since the choice of this architecture directly determines the design of single-frequency SFN (Single Frequency Network) digital broadcasting networks in each region, the quality and cost of communication services provided by the Federal State Institution 11 "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS) to broadcasters.

One of the important criteria for the quality of communication services is the probability of technical defects and technical stops, i.e. the likelihood of disruptions to the normal operation of the digital television broadcasting network. A necessary condition high quality digital radio and television broadcasting services is to ensure a certain margin of stability of SFN networks in terms of the number of bit errors when receiving programs from the First Multiplex in the service area.

Unlike DVB-T standard DVB-T2 broadcasting has greater flexibility in the creation of single-frequency SFN networks and includes a number of features that allow for more efficient regional modification of television and radio programs, especially when using satellite delivery of signals to transmitting stations.

The purpose of this work is to analyze methods for organizing broadcasting of the First Multiplex in the DVB-T2 standard with the insertion of regional content in various options for constructing a digital terrestrial broadcasting network in the Russian Federation.

The digital terrestrial network of the Russian Federation consists of 82 regional networks, in the center of each of which there is a regional center for the formation of multiplexes (RCFM).

The federal version of the first multiplex and its temporary duplicates to ensure broadcasting in 5 broadcasting zones of the Russian Federation L, B, V, G and M must be delivered to all RCFM by satellite links communications. The transmission of the First Multiplex signal via satellite communication lines is carried out in encrypted form.

To compare different options for building a network, it is accepted that in each region, with the exception of Moscow, the Moscow region, Sapkg-Petersburg and the Leningrad region, three television and radio channels will be modified: “Russia 1”, “Radio Russia” and “Russia 24”.

2. Composition of the software network replacement system

digital terrestrial television and radio broadcasting of the Russian

Federations of the DVB-T2 standard

The software replacement system for the digital terrestrial television and radio broadcasting network of the DVB-T2 standard has a structure.

consisting of federal complex program substitution (FKPZ) and regional complex of program substitution (RCPZ).

The FKPZ (Fig. 1) includes not only the equipment of the Federal Center for the Formation of Multiplexes (FCFM), but also part of the equipment of federal broadcasting companies, in particular, the equipment of the hardware studio complex (ASC), in which the generation of control signals for the replacement system is carried out.

dec ■ y l-* FCFM

; f Channels\deliveries)

Federal Broadcaster 1 i Federal Broadcaster 2 \ Federal Broadcaster N:

Rice. I. Scheme of the federal complex of irogram substitution

The regional complex of program replacement includes the equipment of the regional center for the formation of the RCFM multiplex and the equipment of ASK of regional broadcasting companies. In addition, the RKPZ may include additional equipment located directly at radiotelevision transmitting stations (RTTS) of a given region, in particular, equipment for inserting regional content - a replayer (Fig. 2).


G Channels\

Regional broadcaster i | fc-ni dmtvvki)

: Regional Hangman 2

| Repin's broadcaster NÎ

Rice. 2. Scheme of the regional complex of program replacement

3. Schemes for constructing a digital terrestrial broadcasting network

A generalized diagram of the distribution network of the first multiplex is shown in Fig. 3.

The following abbreviations have been introduced here: FCFM - federal center for the formation of a multiplex; RCFM - regional center for multiplex formation; FASK - federal hardware and studio complex; PACK - regional hardware and studio complex; FNMS - federal terrestrial backbone network; RNRS - regional ground distribution network; PZSSS - peripheral earth station satellite communications; Remote control DVB-S2 - transmitting device of the DVB-S2 standard; DVB-T2 remote control - transmitting device of the DVB-T2 standard; PrU is a receiving device of the DVB-T2 standard.

Below we consider various options for the formation of a regional version of the First Television and Radio Broadcasting Multiplex and carried out comparative analysis these options in terms of the technical and financial resources that the implementation of each of them will require.

T-Comm Volume 10. #4-2016

T-Sott Volume 10. #4-2016

The use of this option was not provided for by system projects for the digital terrestrial broadcasting network in the Russian Federation, however, it is currently recommended)