Creating a virtual server. What is shared hosting

You have probably noticed that recently it has become popular to transfer company servers to a virtual environment, and in this video I propose to consider such virtualization options as VPS and VDS virtual server.

In fact, VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server) and VPS (Virtual Private Server) are the same concept and mean virtual dedicated server.

The principle of creating a virtual server is as follows.

On physical server an operating system is launched that helps create these same virtual servers, which is called a hypervisor. It allows you to completely isolate virtual servers from each other. Thus, the operation of one VPS cannot affect the operation of other servers, they cannot access files or network packets and content random access memory each other. As a result, you can create any number of virtual servers on one physical machine, as far as the hardware allows. Each such server will have its own operating system and settings. This way, it will appear that you are working on a physical server, but connecting to it remotely.

You can implement this virtualization system either on your physical server or using a cloud service.

Advantages of moving to the cloud:

Cost optimization. There is no need to spend money on purchasing and installing expensive equipment. Since renting a VPS allows you to avoid large one-time costs.

Saving on resources. According to statistics, resources of own equipment are rarely used by more than 50%. At the same time, a virtual server can be created with exactly the parameters that are needed today. You can customize the number of cores, disk capacity and RAM, so as not to pay for redundant configuration.

Operational organization of work. You will spend from a week to a month to buy and install your server. Selecting equipment, payment, delivery, connection, configuration - all this takes a lot of time. When creating a virtual server, you only need 5 minutes and the VPS, with the required configuration, is ready to go.

Easy scaling of resources - you can increase or decrease VPS parameters in just a couple of minutes. You pay only for those resources that you need here and now.

Reliable storage of information. Since the data is stored in a mirror Raid array, then the information is duplicated on two independent media and if one of them fails, your data will not be lost.

ROOT access. You are provided with full admin to manage your VPS. You can install any software, operating systems and change any settings.


The need for a constant stable Internet connection, since if the Internet is disconnected, all work will be paralyzed.

Subscription fee – you will have to pay every month subscription fee for equipment rental. But, here it’s up to you to decide whether this is more of an advantage or a disadvantage, since the configurations may be different, and therefore the cost of subscription service.

In this video we will create a virtual server through a cloud service

As you can see, on home page The service immediately gives you the opportunity to specify the server characteristics you need through the configurator. Thanks to this, you can immediately see how much it will cost to rent this server per month or per day.

You can also test the operation of a virtual server for free; to do this, just leave a request to connect a test virtual server. As you can see, the test period is quite short, for individuals 1 day, for legal entities 3 days. However, the developers accommodated me and are ready to provide 5 days of free testing for my subscribers. To do this, you just need to inform the manager, who will call you back after sending the application, that you are a subscriber to the “IT Training Center”

Well, now let's see how it all works.

We log in to the site using our registration data. At the top of the site you can see how much money you have in your account. If you are working in test mode, then you will be provided with a server with certain settings, but I will not consider a test one, but the operation of the service in full mode.

Virtual dedicated server configurationVPS (VDS).

IN personal account go to the section Virtual servers\Create new\Server name\FTP server.

Templates - I'm interested Windows Server 2016 R2. Next, we select the desired hardware configuration; it is worth noting that for different configurations, the rental cost will change, so choose the best option for yourself, taking into account performance and rental cost.

The number of cores, the amount of RAM, HDD space and hardware, everything is clear with this.

General (not guaranteed) 100 MB/s - provided here maximum speed the Internet channel is 100 Mb/s, but it will be distributed between several servers, therefore, if the Internet channel is loaded, it is not guaranteed that you will receive a speed of 100 Mb/s.

Dedicated 10, 50, 100 Mbps guarantees that you will receive this Internet connection speed, since a dedicated Internet channel will be created for you.

Backup– daily backup server data

Additional IP – if you want to connect an additional network card with an external IP address.

Private the local network – allows you to organize a network between servers without access to the Internet, using internal IP addresses. At the same time, the traffic is completely isolated from other users.

Extended SLA – Extended warranty. NeoServer not only promises 99.99% virtual server availability, but also pays downtime 10 times.

In any case, during the work process, we will be able to change these settings if the need arises.

Next, click the “Purchase” button. Despite the fact that I have less money in my account than the cost of the server I assembled, I can still buy it, since this cost is per month. In the process of working with a virtual server, the cost of its rental will be charged not once a month, but every day, i.e. total cost server divided by 30, this will be the rental price for each day of use. And since I have enough money to pay for one day of server rental, I can buy it J

The process of creating a virtual dedicated server has begun.

After creating the VPS, we have parameters for connecting to the server, via the web console or via RDP remote Desktop.

It should be noted that the presence of a web console is very important factor when choosing a VPS. It will allow you to connect to the server through your personal account, even if the OS is frozen or if due to incorrect network settings VPS has become unavailable.

There is also a snapshot function. It is recommended to create a snapshot before making any significant changes to the server. So that in case of negative consequences, you can return to the moment the photo was taken.

We connect to the virtual server and see that it is no different from a real physical machine, with the same characteristics that we specified at the stage of creating the virtual server.

I’m not very happy with the server slowdown, so I’ll add another gigabyte of RAM to more comfortably demonstrate the practical part of setting up the server (Turn off VPS server \ RAM 2 GB \ Save \ Enable VPS).

Now let's set up our server as an FTP server to see how we can use a virtual server in a real-life situation.

I will not go into details of the FTP technology itself, since I plan to make a separate video on this topic, so I will configure everything as quickly as possible (Server Manager\Management\Add roles and components\Next\Installing roles and components\Select our server\Next\ Web server IIS\Next\Next\FTP server\Next\Install\Close).

Let's create a user to access FTP server (Tools\Computer Management\ Local users\Users\RMB\New user\User12345)

Let's create a folder for FTP access (C:\inetpub\ftproot\TestFTP)

Setting up FTP access ( Server Manager\Tools\Service ManagerIIS\Sites\AddFTP site\Name\Path\NoSSL\Next\Authentication\Normal\Specified Users\User12345\Reading\Done)

Let's connect ( Conductor \ftp://address server \ Enter login and password)

When creating Internet resources and much more, you cannot do without a special virtual server on your personal computer.

About VDS server on your local computer


VDS server- This special program, which can emulate the operation of a similar server, like many hosting providers. Of course, a virtual server is incredibly in demand these days.

The benefits of using a VDS server on your own computer obvious, since it is possible to create sites, check them, and adjust them virtual environment, with the same capabilities as if you had purchased full-fledged paid hosting.

Top 5 hostings in our rating

Advantages of using a VDS server on your own personal computer

From the examples below it is quite clear obvious advantages from using a virtual server on your own personal computer.

For example, you started creating your own website, you learned normally html language, css styles. However, what to do when there is a need to test third-party add-ons and various scripts? This is precisely why a virtual server was invented, allowing you to view and thoroughly test the operation of a web resource without any harm to new downloaded extensions.

In addition to testing scripts or other various additions to a web resource, you may also want to adjust their work in the future, or change them to suit yourself. This is exactly what a modern VDS server is perfect for.

In addition to all of the above, the VDS server is comfortable to use if you change templates for the most popular CMS, since you can see absolutely any changes online.


Today there are a lot various programs, capable of easily creating a VPS server on a regular user's computer. Denver software is rightfully considered the most popular of all applications by many web resource developers. This application is capable of creating an Apache server directly on your hard drive personal computer, and in just a couple of minutes.

In addition, this server is absolutely free and does not require any special settings to operate.

In the third article of the series about organizing a hosting business, we will tell you how to start selling VPS using ISPsystem products. The first material contained step by step instructions by , the second - by .

Virtual server hosting (VPS/VDS) is one of the types of business on the Internet that does not require capital investments in infrastructure. Compared to shared hosting, VPS gives clients greater stability and therefore costs more.

Important! We recommend starting not with technical implementation, but with the business model and legal side of the issue. Define target audience and ways to attract it, develop a pricing policy that is beneficial for yourself and your clients. Learn the legal and accounting framework. Only after this do you proceed to implement the plan.

What you need to get started

A virtual server (Virtual Private Server, VPS) works the same as a real physical server. In this case, several independent virtual servers can run on one physical server.

From a business point of view, VPS hosting differs from virtual hosting in terms of hardware requirements. From the user's point of view, VPS hosting has guaranteed resources (disk, memory, processor), dedicated IP addresses, flexible setup systems and the ability to optimize resources.

While shared hosting is suitable for small websites, VPS is usually used to host online stores and corporate portals.

VPS hosting can be started without your own hardware. For this you will need:

  1. rented dedicated server with hardware virtualization support (one or more),
  2. subnet of IPv4 addresses,
  3. agreement with the payment system,
  4. software for creating VPS,
  5. billing platform,
  6. website for selling services.

Rent a dedicated server with support for hardware virtualization and a subnet of IPv4 addresses from one of . Enter into an agreement with the payment system and domain registrar.

equipment requirements

To start providing VPS services, you will need one dedicated server with hardware virtualization support. For example, on Intel processor Xeon E5. Server E5-2630v2\64GB RAM will allow you to run up to 55 VPS. You need as much RAM as will be allocated to the VPS.

Each VPS is allocated a certain number of IP addresses. Therefore, you will need your own subnet of IPv4 addresses or several different IPv4 addresses. Additional addresses can also be rented from a hosting provider.

Determine rates

When choosing a VPS provider, clients first of all pay attention to specifications and cost of services. The price and quality of services must meet their needs.

Pricing plans are created during first setup software, so think about their content now. When drawing up tariffs, determine your target audience, study competitors' offers and take into account your costs.

For example, a tariff grid might look like this:

Number of CPU cores (Piece)

Disk space (GB)

Incoming traffic (Mbit/s)

Outgoing traffic (Mbit/s)

BILLmanager allows you to flexibly customize interaction with the client. You can set the period for debiting funds, the minimum order period, and the late fee.

Required Software

To sell VPS you need to install three panels: VMmanager, BILLmanager, IPmanager.

Setting up BILLmanager

Creation of tariffs

Details of creating tariffs are given in the article Connecting to VMmanager. However, in its basic form the sequence is as follows:

  1. In BILLmanager go to the section Products - Tariff plans.
  2. Click Create and select Virtual server - VMmanager.
  3. Fill in the fields in accordance with the previously defined tariffs. Click Complete.
  4. Return to menu Tariff plans. Select the created tariff. Click on the button Handlers.
  5. Enable the tariff for the server with VMmanager.

Checking the software operation

Try registering from the site, logging into your personal account, ordering and purchasing the service as a client. If you have any questions, please refer to the documentation or write to the ISPsystem customer service department.

Start selling

Advice: you can obtain materials for promotional campaigns from the registrar with whom you entered into an agreement. Typically, images and text describing services are placed in the section affiliate program. For example, has prepared such materials.


Today I will tell you how to create a hosting campaign. This Lithuanian VPS hosting was chosen because of the lowest tariffs in Europe, as you can see, the S tariff carries 1 GB of RAM, one 2.40 GHz core, 40 GB of disk for a ridiculous 1.99 euros per month (please note that payment is in payment system Webmoney is in dollars). This is quite enough for stable operation several not very gluttonous sites.

I’ve been working with this VPS hosting for four months now, so far there have been no complaints about the work - it just works, and that’s all we need. In addition, it is geographically closer to the European part of Russia and Belarus, on whose territory my sites are largely oriented, than German and Dutch providers, which means the speed of access to the sites will be slightly higher.

Please note that at the bottom of the site the choice of site language is always displayed, including Russian.

So, let's start creating a virtual server

Step 1. Select the VPS tariff needed for our tasks

It is possible to choose a VPS tariff by arbitrarily defining the parameters of the virtual server, as well as select an already formed one tariff plan. I prefer tariff builder to tariffs with set parameters- it's a little cheaper.

By pressing the button Order, we will go to the page for clarifying the service package. It will ask you to first select a payment period (from a month to two years), then an additional IP, after which the final cost of payment for services will be generated.
Continue by pressing the button Continue Order– we get to the preliminary invoice page. And don’t be afraid that the price has increased by the amount of VAT after clicking the button Continue, you will find yourself on the page for filling out your data and if you indicate here your host country other than the EU member states and click on the button Update, then this additional amount will disappear from your account payable. Immediately below, determine one of the four payment methods acceptable to you, agree to the terms of VPS rental and complete the order.

After subsequent registration and payment of the invoice, we proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Install the virtual server operating system

After paying the invoice, go to your personal account in the menu ServicesProducts/services- button View data. Here you will see the main data of your VPS, and below are updated graphs of its main parameters.

Here for a “clean” installation operating system or OS builds along with available VPS control panels, go to the tab Install OS

After a few minutes, the installation will be completed; to display the result, periodically press the Refresh button. Here, to continue setting up the VPS, we need to find out the IP address and root password of the server.

Step 3. Link the domain to the VPS

In order for the domain to be available after installing and configuring the VPS, as well as changing the DNS in the domain name registrar panel, you need to link it to your virtual server. This is done very easily. Let's go again to top menu ServicesDNS management:

As a result, your domain appears below by clicking on it or the word Edit, we will see all the records created for it. And above them we will see DNS addresses, which should be specified in . This And

Attention: if you create a second VPS server and there is a need to move the site to it, do not delete or create again domain zone for the domain in the DNS control panel. To transfer it, copy the IP of the new server and edit the IP name in the domain records to the new one, saving the editing result. After some time (within a few minutes) the site will start working on the new VPS.


Hello friends.

In this article, we will install a local server on our computer for subsequent development and configuration of sites on it.

To do this, we will use a program called Denwer. Its installation is simple and does not require any technical knowledge. Moreover, the installation process is accompanied by prompts.

How to install a local server and whether it is needed at all, read on. Let's start by considering the importance local server.

Do I need a local server?

For beginners, I’ll start by defining the concept of “local server” - this is a server (hosting) that is located on your computer (not on the Internet) and allows you to create and configure websites on it.

I believe that it is necessary to create and further configure the site on a local server, so that later in one fell swoop you can place a fully functional site with all the settings on the Internet. And then immediately fill it with content.

This is what truly professionals in website creation do. Even if we look at people who constantly work with creating websites on various engines, we will see that almost every one of them first installs the site on a local server, then configures it, and only then transfers it to real hosting.

As an example, I’ll show you the menu from Sergei Patin’s course "Joomla 3 - professional website in one day". Look at the sequence in which the website is created.

As you can see, from the very beginning the site is installed locally, configured, and at the end the completely finished resource is transferred to hosting.

Placing a website on the Internet and then setting it up when you need to promote it is unwise.

What if you already have a website? Do you need a local server?

Let's imagine the situation that you already have a website and you are a very avid techie, that is, you like to always delve into all sorts of technical issues and constantly experiment with something.

So, you already have a website and there are already some visitors on it. Although not a large number, they exist. Put yourself in their shoes.

You go to a website and constantly see that the owner of the site or blog is constantly changing something. It changes the location of blocks on the site, the structure, and sometimes the design is new every day. Would you like this? So visitors wouldn’t really like this situation.

Developing, setting up websites, as well as creating designs on a website that is already posted on the Internet is, at a minimum, not professional. Not to mention the fact that it has a very adverse effect on his development and approval in the eyes of search engines and your audience.

Therefore, you need to do all such things on your local computer.

Now we will start installing it, after which you can install your site on your local computer and do whatever you want with it. Visitors will not see these frauds, because... This is your personal computer and no one has access to it. And after you bring everything to its final state, you can easily transfer it in a completely finished form to a real website.

By the way, I also talk about the importance of a local server when creating a blog in my mind map “Plan for creating a quality blog from Konstantin Khmelev,” which you can get by leaving your 1st comment.

Let's move on to the installation process itself.

Install a local server on your computer

The local server is a program. Therefore, you need to download it. We will use the Denwer web server for this.

Go to the official website program and click on the big button.

After clicking, you are prompted to select the program version. Choosing a version old PHP 5.2 and press the button Download.

In the next window we need to enter the data where the link to download Denwer will be sent. Enter your real data and click on the “Get download link” button.

After clicking the button, you will immediately receive an email with a link to download the program. The sender and subject lines of the letter will be as follows (see screenshot below).

After downloading, in the location where you saved the program you will see an installer that will look like this.

To start installing the local server, run the installer.

It asks us if we want to install basic package? We agree.

The unarchiving of the data will begin and will proceed very quickly.

After unpacking the data, the installation of the local server will begin, which will be carried out on the command line. Immediately when it starts, we will be asked to close the browser.

Automatically, when the command line appears, the browser will open with a message that you must close the browser to continue or cancel the installation.

You should also close other browsers if the command line installation will not continue.

After closing all Internet browsers, installation will continue. You just need to follow the prompts that the command line gives.

To continue the installation, press Enter.

I'll install it in another place. In my case it's a disk E folder host.

In the next step, press Enter again.

The next step is to select a virtual disk letter. By default, the program prompts you to select drive Z, since this letter is the last in the English alphabet and it is unlikely that any drive is occupied by it.

I'll leave it like that. You can enter another letter, but make sure that no drive is occupied by it.

After selecting and entering the letter, press Enter to continue installing the local server.

After copying is complete, you must select the Denwer launch option.

There are 2 launch modes, but the program itself recommends choosing option 1. That’s what we do. Enter the number 1 into the command line and press Enter.

  • launch;
  • stops;
  • reboot.

We need these labels. Therefore, enter the letter Y and press Enter.

This was the last step in installing the local server, after which the browser will automatically open with the message “Denwer installed successfully”, and it will also be written that Denwer works with the same ports as Skype.

Therefore, if you have Skype installed, then do what is written in the browser window.

It will also create the desktop shortcuts that we wanted so much.

  1. Start Denwer - start Denver;
  2. Stop Denwer - stop;

All. Our local server is installed. Now all that's left to do is check it out a little. Run it and see if ours is really virtual disk, which will act as a local server, will start.

Before we launch, let's go to the directory where we installed Denver and see what's there.

Since I installed on drive E in the host folder, now there should be such a folder on my drive.

The way it is. And inside the folder there should be the Denver files themselves. We go inside the folder, where we should see the following picture.

There are files. This means everything was successfully copied during installation.

Now let's check whether Denwer itself starts. Let's use the shortcut to launch.

After launching the shortcut, 2 will flash quickly command lines. When they disappear, 2 shortcuts will appear on the taskbar.

If such shortcuts appear, then Denwer is running. A virtual disk with the letter Z should also appear in my case. In your case, with the letter you assigned. Also, this disk should be named similarly to the disk in which you installed Denver itself.

As you can see, there is drive "E", which I installed in, as well as drive "Z", which appeared after launching Denver. They have the same names. Both discs are titled " Local disk". Only the letters are different.

If we go to the virtual disk (Z), we should see the same files and folders in Denver that we looked at earlier.

All friends. This completes the installation of the local server. Now you can start creating a website on it and do any manipulations with the site.

In the next article I will show. You will also find a detailed article with images and a video tutorial there.

By the way, about the video lesson. If someone doesn’t understand something from the text version, then here’s a video lesson that I specially recorded for you.

With this I will say goodbye to you. I look forward to your comments and any ideas for new blog articles. If something doesn’t work out or you have any questions, write them in the comments.

All the best.

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev.