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12. 10.2017

Dmitry Vassiyarov's blog.

What is a VPN connection and why do I need it?


Recently, while surfing the internet, my browser started showing the following message more and more often.

As a rule, such a nuisance happens when a resource is blocked or its ip-address is in a different regional zone. I could fix the situation by installing a virtual private network - VPN. It is about what a vpn connection is, as well as about how to connect it, and I want to tell you in this article.

If at standard connection to The world wide web data transmission between the user and the provider, a public Wi-Fi point is carried out in unencrypted form, then in case of connection to the VPN server, the information is transmitted over a special encrypted channel.

Moreover, the server of his choice travels on the Internet on behalf of the user. That is, between personal computer and a virtual "tunnel" is created by the server, and the provider has no idea which sites the user visits. This can be schematically represented by the image above ⇑.

In fact, a vpn tunnel connects two points, but at the same time, each of them can be connected to other nodes. That is, several tunnels at once can lead to one peer, which will encrypt data on behalf of all network users. This can be clearly represented as follows.

In this case, the vpn node will already become a gateway, and the network following it will become an encryption domain.

But for this scheme to work, the user must have the appropriate software - vpn client, without which it is impossible to create a "tunnel" to the VPN gateway. By the way, don't confuse VPN with.

Why do you need vpn

So, we figured out what vpn is, now we will consider why it is needed.

A VPN connection is required for:

  • protecting logins and passwords from interception when working with unprotected or public Wi-Fi hotspots... Without a VPN, the e-wallets you use and the data of credit / plastic cards with CVV codes, if desired, can easily be stolen by a more or less advanced hacker;
  • ensuring the anonymity of working with the Internet;
  • loading services, in the case when the IP address is located in another regional zone;
  • ensuring the protection of corporate information;
  • facilitating connection setup;
  • achieve a faster internet connection without interruptions.

Install vpn on windows 7

What is a vpn connection and why you need it seems to be sorted out. Now let's get down to practice. Since my PC is running Windows 7, let's consider connecting a VPN with this OS.

Open "Control Panel".

Click on Network & Internet.

Go to the section responsible for network management.

Select "Set up a new VPN connection"

Click on "Configure vpn-connection to the workplace", "next".

In the pop-up window, click on "Use my connection ...".

Now all that remains is to establish VPN connections.

In the pop-up window, enter the address of the vpn server, location (you can specify any, i.e. any site). Check the box next to the last option, but opposite the point about allowing other users to use the connection, you should not check it for security reasons. Click - "next".

Now specify the username and password, as well as, if necessary, the domain (to be entered, as a rule, if a company with a domain controller with a vpn server acts as a user).

In the window that appears, click on "connect now".

After that, the process of establishing a connection will start, and when it ends, the VPN connection on your PC will be configured.

Error 800

It is one of the most common failures that occur when connecting to the World Wide Web.

Often, users who use PPTP and L2TP protocols encounter such an error, connected to the VPN server remotely.

As a rule, its appearance speaks of "internal" problems that are not related to the provider. Error 800 indicates that the computer OS cannot communicate with the remote vpn server.

Among the most common reasons are:

  • cable damage, port breakage network card, power outages, etc.);
  • incorrectly configured connection to global network, blocking the connection by a firewall, etc .;
  • overloading the server, carrying out preventive and repair work.

Correcting the error

First, check your network connection. If it is absent, the corresponding indicator located on working panel on the right, will show a warning sign.

If there are no problems with the connection. Go to the "Control Panel". Here, select "Network and Internet - Network Control Center". Go to the "Change adapter settings" section.

Make sure all connections are working. Enable the ones that are disabled. The appearance of a red cross during the connection process indicates a cable break or a breakdown of the network card.

If problems with network connection no, perhaps the board settings are out of order. Go to "Connect by local network", Click" Properties ", select" Internet Protocol version 4 ", get the IP address, the address of the DNS server.

If this does not help, check the availability of the vpn server. Type cmd in the OS search bar and click OK. Then, in the window that appears, enter ping, as well as the IP address of the server, click Enter.

Problems will be indicated by messages with the following content: "Unable to find node ...", "Timeout exceeded ...". In such situations, you should be patient, since nothing depends on you. And it is likely that the provider is already trying to solve the problem at the current time.

Also, the error can be caused by incorrectly configured VPN connection or system security. In this case, just double-check the correctness of the specified server address, disable the operating systems used antivirus software, firewall. Check your World Wide Web connection again.

VPN browser extensions

I advise you to install one of these extensions if your only goal is to gain access to sites blocked by the provider. Today there are many such add-ons for each of the browsers.

Their installation is almost the same. I will show you how to install an extension for chrome browser using the example of vpn add-ons that I personally tested.

A great add-on for free use is Hotspot Shield. If you wish, you can test its paid version for a week, and then purchase it if you like. To install this browser extension, simply enter in the search bar of the Chrome store ("Customize and manage Chrome - More tools - Extensions - More extensions) - Hotspot Shield, click" ENTER ", and then" Install ".

A symbol will appear next to the menu, click on it, and then decide on the mode of operation - free, demo or paid version. Then connect. When the icon turns green, access to the blocked resources will be open.

As you can see, everything is pretty simple.

Try different extensions, experiment with proxy servers and you'll be sure to find a VPN add-on that's right for you and the browser you're using.

And that's all I have about what a vpn connection is. I hope the post was helpful to you.

There is much more settings a private virtual network than just registering and activating it. Our guide will help you get the most out of this privacy and security tool.

Everyone should use a private virtual network (VPN) regardless of the method of connecting to the Internet: be it a computer or a smartphone. It may sound paranoid, but the real threats do exist, and they only get worse. Attackers can try to intercept your personal information over Wi-Fi networks. And every time you go online, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) has access to everything you send, and Congress has given the go-ahead to sell your anonymous information to advertisers. On the wider Internet, advertisers and spies can track your browsing and your location by looking at your IP address. And it sounds scary.

The point is, the Internet was not designed to protect your privacy. It was created to facilitate the exchange of information, not for user anonymity, privacy, or encrypted communication. While an HTTPS connection does a lot to protect your information, it does not protect against attacks against ISPs or local networks, which in turn is a serious problem if you have ever used a connection other than yours, for example, at a hotel or cafe.
Until a new, more confidential Internet comes along (and may never), using a VPN is the most easy way make sure you share as little personal information as possible. Rest assured: You need a virtual private network.

What a VPN can and cannot

As with other security tools, it is important to understand the limits of VPN capabilities here. After all, you will not hope that the body armor will save you when you fall from the plane or that the parachute will stop the bullet.
When you turn on the VPN, your traffic is routed through an encrypted tunnel to a server operated by the VPN company. This means that neither your ISP nor anyone (or anything) else connected to your router will see your Internet traffic. Your traffic goes to the Internet through the VPN server. If you go to a site that does not use an HTTPS connection, your traffic will no longer be encrypted.

And since your traffic is coming from the VPN server, your real IP is safely hidden. This is important because IP addresses are geographically distributed and can be used to determine your location. And if someone tries to find out your IP address, they will see the IP address of the VPN server. And it can come in handy if you want to spoof your location. By connecting to a VPN server in London, you can make it look like you are accessing the Internet from the UK.
Here's what a VPN can NOT provide: make your traffic completely anonymous. You are better off using services like Tor for this purpose. This excellent anonymization tool can be easily accessed via a dedicated version Firefox browser... Instead of transferring your data through a single intermediary (VPN server), Tor redirects your information through multiple various computers the Tor network. This makes it much more difficult to track your activity and your online presence.

In addition, websites can track your movements through cookies, collection of personal information in the browser, online trackers and other clever devices. Using an ad blocker like Privacy Badger helps suppress these observational pests and also makes it harder for advertisers to track your movement across the web.
Finally, just because you have a private virtual network does not mean that you can forget about basic security rules. Although some VPN services claim to be able to block viruses, we recommend a separate antivirus software for your computer, as it was designed specifically to protect your computer from malware.

You are also better off using a password manager because multiple use of the same password is often the main reason for hacking or infection. Another caveat is to use your usual intuition when opening links or applications in e-mails... Phishing attacks - attacks where an attacker uses a bogus website that has been copied from the real one to fool you into entering your personal information - is so common that it has become almost commonplace, so be careful.

How to choose a VPN

There are a few key points to consider when choosing a VPN. For example, a VPN service should provide you with at least five devices connected at the same time. We also pay attention to whether the VPN service allows using BitTorrent traffic on its servers. Some allow and some don't, so pay attention to this as you don't want to be disappointed with the company you pay monthly to.

Speaking of billing, the average VPN cost is $ 10.53 per month. If a VPN charges more than this monthly fee, it doesn't mean they are ripping off you, but they should be offering something substantial in return. For instance, best interface or a large number of server locations to sweeten the deal a little. Usually you are offered a discount if you sign up for a long-term contract, but we do not advise you to do this until you are fully convinced that you are happy with this particular service.

Please read the terms of service carefully before buying a VPN. This document will highlight what information the VPN service stores and what it does with that information. Many companies claim that they don't log traffic, which is great. Others go further and argue that they don't track user activity at all. And this is important, as the VPN has access to all the information that you are trying to protect from others. In the best service conditions, all of the above points are transparently traced, and in the worst, on the contrary, everything is vague, with a large number of references to details and the law. If you feel as if you are decrypting Petka's letter when reading one of these documents, be sure that you need to contact another service. TunnelBear, for example, explains its services clearly and transparently in easy-to-understand language.

Also, check out where the VPN company is located. Remember that this is not always the physical location of the company, but a legal aspect that indicates under whose jurisdiction the company operates. For example, NordVPN is based in Panama, while ProtonVPN is in Switzerland. This means that these companies are not subject to the data retention law, which allows security services to gain access to the information stored on them. Another example, Hide My Ass VPN is located in the UK, where similar laws are more severe.
The most important thing when choosing a VPN is trust. So if location, price or terms of service don't inspire confidence in you, then try another service.

Best VPNs in 2019:

Paid or free VPN

We recently surveyed 1,000 people on VPN usage. According to our results, 62.9% of respondents say they are unwilling to pay more than $ 5, and 42.1% say they want to use free VPN.
Unfortunately, most VPNs are far from offering their services free of charge. Or at least less than $ 5. But you don't need to rob a bank to be protected. After a trial use of the service for 1-2 months, you can draw up a long-term contract, thereby reducing your costs. Private Internet Access VPN is an excellent and affordable service that only costs $ 6.65 per month (no frills).

Most VPNs offer trial period, which is usually limited in time. Others, like TunnelBear and AnchorFree Hotspot Shield Elite, offer fully free versions of their products, but with some restrictions that do not apply to paying users. For example, TunnelBear keeps a record of its free users... But the free Hotspot Shield version works on advertising. ProtonVPN - creators of secure mail service ProtonMail also has a limited trial period.
The Opera browser has a built-in free VPN and does not charge anything to use it. Opera also offers great VPN apps for iOS and Android separately for free, keeping you protected wherever you go.

Let's get started

Once you install the service, the first thing you should do is download the company's app. There are usually dedicated loading pages for this on the VPN's website. So go ahead, download the app for your mobile devices too; the more devices you protect, the better for you. In most cases, you pay once to subscribe to a certain amount of licenses (usually five), and then you can use the service on any device for which there is a dedicated application.
We found that when VPN for Mac was released, the Mac version of apps App Store may sometimes differ from the versions available on the VPN service website. Apparently, this happens due to Apple's restrictions. Through trial and error, of course, you can find out which version will work for you, but we did it for you in our reviews.

After you have installed the application, you will be prompted for input information. In most cases, this is the username and password that you provided during registration. Some companies, such as Private Internet Access, assign you a username that is different from your billing information to provide more privacy for users.
Once you're logged in, your VPN app connects to the VPN server closest to you. This is done to provide the best VPN speed, as latency and speed reduction increases as the distance between your actual location and the VPN server location increases. That's it: your information is now routed through a secure tunnel to the VPN server.

Keep in mind that you don't need to install the company's VPN app. Instead, you can configure your device's network settings to connect directly to the VPN service. If you are worried about possible surveillance “under the hood” of the application, then this option is well suited for you. Most VPNs have instructions on how to set up your device.

Server selection

Sometimes, you might not want to connect to the server that the VPN app recommends. You might want to spoof your location, use BitTorrent over a VPN, or want to take advantage of some of the customized servers your VPN company provides you.
Many VPN companies include an interactive map in their apps. For example, on NordVPN, you can click on a country to connect to its servers. it affordable way understand where your information is going, and most likely there will be a list of servers you can choose from.

The choice of server depends entirely on what you want to do. For safety and speed, you'd better choose a server near you. To access region-specific content, you must select a server in that region. For example, if you want to watch the BBC, you'd better connect to a tunnel in the UK. Some VPN companies, KeepSolid VPN Unlimited and NordVPN, for example, have dedicated servers for streaming video.

Dedicated servers like these are useful because streaming services like Netflix block VPNs. We are talking about licensed content that is protected by studios and Netflix itself. For example, Netflix has rights to provide Star Trek: Discovery outside of the US, but while in the US itself, you have to pay for CBS's All Access service.
It would also be a good idea to check if your VPN service allows BitTorrent traffic on all servers or only special ones. NordVPN, like many other services, makes it clear that it doesn't allow torrenting. But TorGuard, for example, has nothing against this and allows torrenting on all of the company's servers.

Services like NordVPN and ProtonVPN have advanced security options like Tor access or multi-hop VPN. As noted earlier, Tor is a tool for providing a higher level of privacy. It allows you to access hidden websites in the so-called Dark Web. A multi-hop VPN works in a similar way: instead of redirecting your traffic through one VPN server, a multi-hop connection will drop you first to one server and then to another. Both offerings work for privacy but at the expense of speed.
If you choose to ignore third party applications and configure the network parameters manually, you may have to enter information for each VPN server separately.

Advanced settings

The feature set in each private virtual network differs from service to service, so we can only generalize and assume what you can see before your eyes when you open the settings panel. But we recommend that you read the documentation and try clicking on the buttons. Most the best way learning to use something is to experience it in the end.
Most VPN services include a Kill-Switch feature. Once enabled, this option prevents the computer from receiving or transmitting information over the Internet while the VPN is off. This feature is useful when your computer disconnects from the VPN and can transmit (or receive) bits of information over an unencrypted connection.

Many services offer the option of choosing a VPN protocol. It looks intimidating because the protocols have weird, obscure names, and companies rarely provide information about what happens if the protocol is changed. In general, this is the kind of thing that you can leave alone.
But if you are still interested in this, then OpenVPN is the protocol we recommend. He is in open accessso that it was overlooked by a lot of eyes for possible vulnerabilities. IKEv2 is a good, secure replacement in case OpenVPN is not available. Be aware that on some platforms, like macOS and iPhone, OpenVPN is not always available due to additional restrictions placed on developers.

When to use a VPN

To provide the highest level security, you should use VPNs as often as possible, and ideally all the time. But this is ideal, which is not always achievable. At a minimum, you should use a VPN if you are using a network that you do not control, and especially if it is a public Wi-Fi network. More often than not, we recommend that users configure their VPN apps to run as long as possible. You can always disconnect if it starts to give you inconvenience.

VPN for Android and other mobile devices is a little more complicated, in particular when you get in and out of hotspot often mobile network... Every time you lose and regain connection data, the VPN reconnects as well, which adds a tedious wait. It is also the least likely that your mobile traffic may be intercepted, but we have seen studies that prove it is possible. Considering the fact that law enforcement and intelligence agencies have almost unhindered access to telecommunications data, here's a good piece of advice: use a VPN even while using it. cellular communication... In addition, most mobile devices can automatically connect to familiar Wi-Fi networks. At a minimum, you should use a VPN while connecting over Wi-Fi, because it's trivial to spoof a Wi-Fi network.

Many VPN services provide customization options for how and under what circumstances they should reconnect when the connection is dropped. We honestly can't think of a reason why you wouldn't want your VPN to try to reconnect, so we recommend everyone to make sure the settings are correct.
If you are concerned that a VPN is slowing down your connections or blocking important traffic, then you need to take a look at the split tunneling option. And again, we repeat that different companies give this option a different name, but its essence is that you will be allowed to configure applications that will use the VPN connection for their traffic, and applications that will work normally. For example, TunnelBear includes an option to not tunnel Apple apps so they can run on Mac. Streamers and gamers in need of a VPN will surely be interested in this option.

How to use a VPN to stream over Chromecast or AirPlay

Chromecast and AirPlay let you stream music and videos from your computer or mobile device on speakers, TVs and other streaming devices. But all of them require Wi-Fi, which can be problematic if you're using a VPN.
With VPN enabled, your traffic travels through an encrypted tunnel, which prevents devices connected to the same Wi-Fi network from discovering each other. This is how it should work, because you don't want someone to know what you are doing just by being within range of your network. Sad to admit, it also means Chromecast and AirPlay won't work while you're on a VPN.

The easiest solution is to turn off the VPN, but it's not the only one. You can use split tunneling, as noted earlier, to route only the traffic you want to protect through the VPN. Also you can enable the VPN-browser plugin, it encrypts only browser traffic and nothing else.
Alternative solution: you can install a VPN on your router. After that, all devices connected to your router (from your phone to your smart juicer) will use encrypted traffic. This is a great solution for well-equipped smart homes.

Virtual private networks are not nuclear physics

VPNs may seem like mystical security at first glance, but many companies are working hard to make them easy to understand and use. Most of them are not difficult now. It should be so. And while you’re always reluctant to shell out for protection from potential threats, a VPN is one of the best and easiest ways to protect your network traffic from ... Yes, from everything.

Best VPNs in 2019:

Denial of responsibility: This article is written for educational purposes only. The author or publisher did not publish this article for malicious purposes. If readers would like to use the information for personal gain, then the author and the publisher are not responsible for any harm or damage caused.

A good thing about a private virtual network (VPN) is that it provides the user with a secure or trusted channel with another PC without the need to provide a dedicated communication channel. It is created on top of another network - the Internet, for example.

Windows has built-in tools for establishing VPN connections between computers over long distances. Let's establish a VPN tunnel between two PCs that are controlled by the Windows environment.

Let's create the server side

The connection of remote clients to the VPN network is organized through a special access server. From the incoming connection, it may require the passage of identification and authentication procedures. He knows which users have access to the virtual network. Also, it has information about the allowed IP-addresses.

To set up a VPN access server in the Network Control Center, open the adapter settings change applet. If the main menu of the applet is not displayed, press the "Alt" button. At the top of the applet, the main menu should appear, in which you should find the "File" item, and then select "New incoming connection". Let's consider in more detail.

In the control panel, go to "Network and Internet".

In the next step, we will open the network center.

Let's create a new incoming connection.

The window that appears will offer to choose from existing users or define a new one who will be allowed to connect to this PC.

When adding a new "user" you need to specify the name and password with which he will be allowed to connect to the VPN access server.

In the next step, the Private Network Setup Wizard will ask how users will connect.

It is necessary to indicate that they will do this over the Internet, so check the required option.

The next step is related to setting up network applications that should accept incoming connections. Among them is the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4) component. You will need to open its properties and manually enter the range of IP addresses that are allowed to access the server.

Otherwise, leave this matter to the DHCP server for automatic detection of IP addresses. In our case, we needed to manually define them.

After processing the entered data, the access server will receive the required information to grant the necessary permissions to authorized users. At the same time, the system will prompt the name of the computer, which will be needed in the future.

As a result, we will get the following result. There are no connected clients yet.

Configuring the client

Modern networks are most often built on a client-server architecture. It allows you to highlight the host computer in a networked environment. Clients initiate requests to the server and are the first to attempt to connect to the server.

We have already configured the server part of this architecture. Now it remains to establish the work of the client part. The client must be another computer.

In the network center of another PC (client), we will establish a new connection.

We need to connect directly to the workplace.

Again, let's turn to the network windows Center only now another PC. Let's select the option to set up a new connection. The applet that appears will offer several options to choose from, however, we need the option to connect to the workplace. The wizard will ask how to make the connection. We also need to opt for setting up an Internet connection (VPN).

In the next step, the wizard will ask you to specify the IP address of the VPN access server and assign a destination name. The IP address of the access server can be found on our first computer by entering in command line ipconfig command. The IP address of the Ethernet network will be the desired address.

Then, the system will apply all the entered settings.

Let's connect

Time X for our experiment is to make a client connection to the server side of our network. In the network center, select the "Connect to the network" option. In the window that appears, click VPN-Test (we indicated the destination with this name) and click the connect button.

This will open the VPN-Test connection applet. In the text fields, we will indicate the name and password of the "user" for authorization on the access server. If everything goes well and our user not only registers on the network, but can also fully connect to the access server, then the designation of the connected "user" will appear on the opposite side.

But sometimes, this kind of error can happen. The VPN server is not responding.

Click on the tab for incoming connections.

On the marked tab, open the properties of the IP protocol.

Let's set the option to specify IP addresses explicitly and write down which IP addresses need to be served.

When we reconnect, we will see the following picture. The system shows us that one client is connected and this vpn client (SimpleUser).

Brief summary

So, to establish a VPN network between two PCs, you need to decide which of them should become the "main" one and play the role of a server. The rest of the PCs must be connected to it through the authorization system. Windows has tools to provide a back end for our network. It is configured by creating a new incoming connection, specifying the user, and also applications that should accept the connection. The client is configured by establishing a connection to the workplace, specifying the user and the data of the server to which this user should connect.

This article will take a closer look at the process vPN settings servers in the operating system Windows Server, and also answer the questions: What is VPN and how to set up a VPN connection?

What is VPN connection?

VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a virtual private network that is used to provide a secure connection to the network. A technology that allows any number of devices to be connected to a private network. As a rule, via the Internet.

Although this technology is not new, but recently it has gained relevance due to the desire of users to maintain data integrity or privacy in real time.

This type of connection is called a VPN tunnel. You can connect to the VPN from any computer, from any operating systemthat supports VPN connection. Or a VPN-Client is installed, which is capable of port forwarding using TCP / IP to a virtual network.

What a VPN does

VPN provides remote connection to private networks

You can also securely combine multiple networks and servers.

Computers with ip addresses from to are connected through a network gateway that acts as a VPN server. Previously, the server and router must have rules for VPN connections.

VPN allows you to safely use the Internet when connected even to open wi-fi networks in public areas (shopping malls, hotels or airports)

And also bypass restrictions on displaying content in certain countries

VPN prevents cyber threats from interception of information by an attacker on the fly, invisible to the recipient.

How VPN works

Let's take a look at how a VPN connection works in principle.

Imagine that the transmission is the movement of a packet along a road from point A to point B, on the path of the packet there are check points of the data packet. When using a VPN, this route is additionally protected by an encryption system and user authentication to secure the traffic that contains the data packet. This method is called "tunneling"

In this channel, all communications are reliably protected, and all intermediate data transmission nodes deal with an encrypted packet, and only when data is transmitted to the addressee, the data in the packet is decrypted and becomes available to the authorized recipient.

VPN will keep your information private along with comprehensive antivirus.

VPN supports certificates such as OpenVPN, L2TP, IPSec, PPTP, PPOE and it turns out to be completely secure and safe way data transmission.

VPN tunneling is applied:

  1. Inside the corporate network.
  2. Consolidation of remote offices, as well as small branches.
  3. Access to external it-resources.
  4. To build video conferencing.

VPN creation, selection and configuration of equipment.

For corporate communications in large organizations or associations remote friend from other offices used hardware equipment capable of maintaining smooth operation and security in the network.

To use a vpn service, the following can act as a network gateway: a linux / Windows server, a router and a network gateway on which the VPN is installed.

The router must provide reliable network operation without freezing. The built-in VPN function allows you to change the configuration for work from home, in the organization or in the branch office

Setting up a VPN server.

If you want to install and use a VPN server based on windows family , then you need to understand that client windows machines XP / 7/8/10 this function do not support, you need a virtualization system, or a physical server on windows platform 2000/2003/2008/2012/2016, but we will look at this feature on Windows Server 2008 R2.

1. First, you need to install the "Network Policy and Access Services" server role. To do this, open the Server Manager and click on the "Add Role" link:

Select the role "Network Policy and Access Services" and click next:

We select "Routing Services and remote access"and click Next and Install.

2. After installing the role, you need to configure it. Go to the server manager, open the "Roles" branch, select the "Network Policy and Access Services" role, expand, click right click under "Routing and Remote Access" and select "Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access"

After starting the service, we consider the configuration of the role complete. Now you need to allow users to access the server and configure the issuance of ip-addresses to clients.

Ports supported by VPN. After the service has been lifted, they open in the firewall.

For PPTP: 1723 (TCP);

For L2TP: 1701 (TCP)

For SSTP: 443 (TCP).

L2TP / IpSec is the preferred protocol for building VPN networks, mainly for security and higher availability, due to the fact that one UDP session is used for data and control channels. Today we will take a look at the L2TP / IpSec VPN server setup on the Windows Server 2008 r2 platform.

You can try to deploy on protocols: PPTP, PPOE, SSTP, L2TP / L2TP / IpSec

Go to Server Manager: Roles - Routing and Remote Access, click on this role with the right mouse button and select " Properties ", on the "General" tab, put a check mark in the fields for IPv4 router, select "local area network and call on demand", and IPv4 remote access server:

Now we need to enter the pre-shared key. Go to the tab Security and in the field Allow specific IPSec policies for L2TP connection check the box and enter your key. (Regarding the key. You can enter there an arbitrary combination of letters and numbers, the main principle, the more complex the combination, the safer, and remember or write down this combination, we still need it). In the Authentication Provider tab, select Windows Authentication.

Now we need to configure Connection security... To do this, go to the tab Security and choose Authentication Methods, check the boxes EAP and Encrypted Validation (Microsoft version 2, MS-CHAP v2):

Next, go to the tab IPv4, there we will indicate which interface will accept VPN connections, as well as configure the pool of issued addresses to L2TP VPN clients on the IPv4 tab (Set the interface to "Allow RAS to select adapter"):

Now let's go to the tab that appears Ports, right-click and Properties, choose a connection L2TP and press Tune, in a new window, put Dial-up connection (inbound only) and Connection on demand (inbound and outbound) and set the maximum number of ports, the number of ports must match or exceed the expected number of clients. It is better to disable unused protocols by unchecking both checkboxes in their properties.

List of ports that we have left in the specified quantity.

This completes the server setup. The only thing left is to allow users to connect to the server. Go to Server Manager Active Directory users - we find the user we want allow access push properties, go to the bookmark incoming calls

Many businesses use a VPN to transfer data between computers. For settings VPN Windows 7, XP, 8 and 10 have built-in software that allows you to create a private virtual network in minutes and use it to protect your private information.

Setting via Control Panel

On Windows XP, Vista and later versions of the OS, you can create and connect to the VPN network using built-in software. Let's consider such a connection step by step:

If the remote VPN server receives the correct data, the computer will connect to the new private network within minutes. In the future, you do not need to configure the connection every time, it will be located in the quick connection selection section.

Additional connection properties

For the connection to work correctly, it is recommended to slightly change its parameters. To do this, after clicking the Connections button, select the Properties button in the menu that appears. Also, these properties can be opened through the "" section of the Control Panel.

Follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the section " Are common", Uncheck the" First dial the number for this connection».
  2. IN " Options"Disable the item" Include Windows Logon Domain».
  3. In section " Security"You need to install" Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)". From the checkboxes we mark “ Password Check Protocol (CHAP)"Followed by" Microsoft CHAP version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)».
  4. In section " Network"We mark only the second checkbox (TCP / IPv4). IPv6 can also be used.

Configuring VPN on Windows xp, 7, 8, 10 through the Control Panel is the same in terms of execution algorithm. An exception is the slightly modified design depending on the version of the operating system.

After the connection is established, you need to figure out how to remove the VPN. To do this, just go to the section " Change adapter settings»From the Control Panel. Next, right-click on the unnecessary element and select “ Delete».

Configuring Windows XP Connection

The process of establishing a connection is almost the same as in Windows 7.

Now the connection can be made via the networks menu. You just need to enter your username and password to login.

Creating a VPN Server

This instruction is valid for versions from XP and higher. Unfortunately through standard remedy creating virtual private networks can only connect one user per session.

If you do not create a permanent IP or domain name, then to connect the user, you will have to change the server address every time.

This completes the creation of the server, now you can connect one user to it. Login and password from the previously created account are used to enter.

VPN Server on Windows XP

This instruction is relevant for windows settings 7, 8 and 10. In XP, the settings wizard are used.

In the future, user and IPv4 settings are made as on other Windows versions.

Setting up a connection via Windows 8 and 10

VPN connection on Windows 8 is now easier to use and is done through a small program. It is located in the section " Network» - « Connections» - « VPN».

VPN connection on Windows 10 and 8 is configured not only through " Control Panel”, But also through the built-in program. In it you need to specify the name of the connection, server address and login information.

After entering the data, the network can be started from the connections menu. On this question, how to create a VPN connection can be considered disassembled.

How to create a VPN server errors

If the user has any problems connecting to the VPN, then a pop-up window with a number and a description of the problem will inform about it.


It is the most common one, it occurs when connecting through a MikkroTik gateway with the L2TP protocol.

To fix it, you need to complete 3 configuration steps:

If after these settings error 809 is not resolved, then you need to change the registry. To do this, use the key combination Win + R and enter regedit Next, go to the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\ CurrentControlSet\Services\Rasman\Parameters... Next, create a DWORD parameter named ProhibitIpSec and value 1.

Then restart your PC.


After setting up a VPN Windows 8 may appear error 806... It occurs when the network settings are incorrect or the network cable is connected.

Let's consider a solution to these problems:

  1. Go to the settings for changing the adapter parameters.
  2. Next, create a new incoming connection and add a user with an Internet connection in it.
  3. In the connection properties, select the protocol version 4.
  4. Now you need to go to additional settings TCP / IPv4 protocol and uncheck " Use default gateway on remote network».
  5. Now you need to allow incoming connections in the firewall on TCP port 1723 with the GRE protocol enabled.
  6. You also need to set a permanent IP on the server and configure data transfer to port 1723.

Thus, the deleted server will transmit everything given through this port and the connection will not be broken.


On Windows 7, it occurs when the VPN connection security is incorrectly configured.

In most cases, it occurs when the username and password are entered incorrectly, but it can also appear when the connection is blocked by a firewall or when the access point is incorrect. If all the entered data is correct, then the error lies in the wrong security setting. They need to be reset:

  1. In the properties of the VPN connection, go to the security tab and use the recommended settings.
  2. You also need to assign the item " data encryption required (otherwise disable)". After that, you need to save the changes and turn off the computer to restart.

VPN connection allows you to reliably protect all transmitted data. Thanks to additional encryption protocols, unwanted persons will not be able to view information sent between users and servers. The main thing is to correctly configure the connection to the server.

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