Windows 7 authentication notification tool. How to remove Windows authentication notification. How to remove Windows Xp authentication results notification in a few steps

WgaTray.exe, 329 KB in size, which actually launches the notification itself and the WgaLogon.dll file, 231 KB in size.

How to remove the authentication message in Windows XP.

Launch the registry editor, this is - (Start - Run WIN + R - regedit - Enter)

Next, we find the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify \\ WgaLogon
After that, we delete the entire WgaLogon section (doubters can make a copy of this section beforehand)
We do a system reboot
After reboot, the authentication message will disappear.

How to clear the authentication message in Windows 7

As for Windows 7, we remove it using the RemoveWAT21 program.
Download this program (you can search for it on the Internet)
Remove old activation
Reactivate and permanently remove authentication
Detailed instructions are described in the program itself, the whole operation takes place literally in three clicks.

How to authenticate Windows 7, XP

What needs to be done to remove the annoying notification? Based on the above, the answer suggests itself - delete or rename the files responsible for the notification. Also, when installing update KB905474, the system created copies in the cache, which are located at the following address:

WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ DllCache \\ (WgaLogon.dll, WgaTray.exe)

which can also be deleted.
You can also solve the problem with the notification by making some changes in the Windows registry. The key responsible for the work
notices located in the register at

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\

CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify \\ WgaLogon.

We go to the registry, through Start → Run, type the regedit command and, having penetrated the branch to the WgaLogon key, delete it.

Working with the registry, one must be extremely careful not to commit irreparable mistakes. For those who have no experience or are simply afraid of these manipulations, the Autoruns program will come to the rescue, which gives access to the registry and all the processes running in it. Launch Autoruns, go to the Winlogon tab, uncheck the box next to the WgaLogon key, close the program and reboot. In the presented case, this key is not available, since Fortunately, the system is not affected by this muck. Also, by clicking on the Everything tab, you can access all processes running on the system by cleaning malware and banners.

Option with hosts

Find hosts file, located at:

\\ Windows \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts

open it with notepad and enter the following line at the bottom of it:

Then, by opening access to hidden folders delete the following file Documents and Settings \\ All Users \\ Application Data \\ Windows Genuine Advantage \\ data \\ data.dat.
After that, by going to Windows Update, you update without problems.
After the performed operations, you need to restart the computer.
That's it, now your Windows functions like new.

For a long time, Windows XP updates have included a program that verifies your system for authenticity. Roughly speaking, this software allows the developer to find out - licensed or pirate version operating system installed on your computer. This utility does not block access to the computer, does not ask to send SMS. It only removes the picture from the desktop, replacing it with a black screen, and displays a message: “This copy Windows was not authenticated».

In fact, the program assumes that your system is licensed, but for some reason you failed verification... It was just such an unfortunate incident that happened to my friend. The task was set - to remove the message from the screen, as well as return the picture to the desktop. It was this case that helped me write this article, because those who bought the operating system legally do not have to suffer from such misunderstandings:

In fact, the problem is more than simple to solve. Our main and only tool will be the Autoruns programfamiliar from the article "how to remove a virus from a USB flash drive" ... You can download the Autoruns program from our website.

Uncheck the box next to this program and restart your computer. As we can see, the problem was solved simply and efficiently.
Finally, I would like to say a few banal words. Dear friends, despite all of the above, I strongly advise you to install a licensed operating system on your computer and highly discourage installing all kinds of Windows assemblies "From the Beast" and other "home-grown" system manufacturers.

After the update titled "KB905474 (Windows Genuine Advantage Notification)", in the lower right corner of the screen, you will see - a beautiful sign

“You may have purchased a fake copy of software. This copy Windows was not authenticated. "

two files are responsible for this plate:

C: \\ WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ WgaTray.exe

C: \\ WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ WgaLogon.dll

WgaTray.exe constantly "hangs" in the memory, and if you turn it off through Task Manager, it starts over.

there are several ways to solve this problem.

let's start with registry

To eliminate the sign, you just need to edit the Windows registry.

Attention! Be careful when manipulating the Registry !!!

Go to Start > Execute \u003e a window appears with the name “ Running the program»In it we write regedit and click OK.

The Registry editor opens, in it we look for and delete WgaLogon... To get to desired section you need to go:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\u003e SOFTWARE\u003e Microsoft\u003e Windows NT\u003e CurrentVersion\u003e Winlogon\u003e Notify\u003e WgaLogon(delete).

That's all, actually!

If you are having trouble manually editing the Registry

Download and unzip the file, Run the wga.reg file The Registry Editor dialog box "Are you sure you want to add information from wga.reg to the registry?" - click Yes. The Registry Editor dialog box will appear with a message that the data from the wga.reg file has been successfully entered into the registry - click OK.

After restarting the operating system, the message about the detected unlicensed version of Windows will not alarm!

To whom this did not help, you can use the utilities AntiWGA 3.0, WGAOGA _Kill... Look for download links in Yandex and Google. - more link

All actions with the Windows registry you perform at your own peril and risk.


  1. FPP (Full Product Package), Retail, Box or boxed version, in earlier versions up to XP an optical disk, later a USB flash drive with Windows installation files.
  2. ESD

  3. ESD (Electronic Software Delivery) or E-key, electronic key. An electronic key is bought on the Microsoft website and the distribution kit of the system is downloaded to install it on a computer. also download the necessary documents from the manufacturer's website.
  4. OEM

  5. OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) is the most limited type of license in terms of use. Installed on new PCs, laptops, tablets and other computer devices, when buying a computer device complete with it, it is tied to the device to a specific hardware configuration.
  6. How authentic is your Windows?

  7. Starting from the Xp version and ending with Windows 7, this can be done on the Microsoft website. It is not possible to check new versions of products released after Windows 7 on the website. They are checked themselves and if your copy of Windows is not licensed, then you will be shown a message on your desktop (Your copy of Windows does not have license key, is not under the line), perhaps your version was activated, but the type of error flashed activation.
  8. How does the activation take place when passing from more early version OS on Windows 10. If you have a sub-version of Windows tied to a specific oem \u200b\u200bdevice, as we said earlier. Then when you upgrade to Windows 10, Microsoft servers overwrite your account in which there is a device identifier, key, OS version. Such an update was at the time exit windows 10.
  9. Windows 10 license can be viewed by typing winver in the command line and pressing enter. If the version is not activated, then you will not receive data on this version. Otherwise, in the opposite case, you will see a message like the picture below:
  10. You can also check the authenticity of your version of Windows after 7 by pressing the Win + X key combination and in the menu that opens, click "System"
  11. In the window that opens, the system at the very bottom looks at the activation process:
  12. Highlighted with an arrow in the picture above that windows activation completed. If there are problems with the activation of the operating system, you will be shown a message:
  13. In others windows versions starting after 7 there will be similar messages in the same window.
  14. How to determine the type of Windows license?

  15. The command in the command line will help to determine the type of operating system, first press the key combination:
  16. Win + R
  17. In the "Run" window that opens, type "CMD" and press "Enter". When the command line opens, type:
  18. slmgr.vbs / dli
  19. Confirm by pressing "Enter", who does not know how to work with the command line can read. There is also a great article on this,. You can read the article
  20. Let's return to the type of license and after confirming the entered command to the command line with the "Enter" key, a window with information will open:
  21. Methods for checking the license of the Windows operating system on the Microsoft website:

  22. Check Windows xp and Win7 - Authentication checks if your key is locked.
  23. See all options and questions about windows licenses.
  24. How to find out pirated Windows or licensed, real, junk?

  25. Well, in fact, if you follow the methods used above, then the mouse will not slip through, say, re-activate and everything will become clear. Only do it with command line but not different activators! Well, if you want a software that is in service with you you know where, and without divulging secrets the name Defacto. If this name does not tell you anything, then you can go to the site, everything is told there. I’ll show you how to use this program, because it’s clear why. Defacto can detect not only Windows for pirated copies, but also other paid software. The program connects to the product activation servers and checks whether the product is activated or not, thereby recognizing the pirated version or the real one. Here's an example of a message about signs of pirated copies on a pc:
  26. In general, the program looks like this, picture below. There are three options to start a scan, I think everything is clear with them, but I will expand:
  27. 1.) Scan this PC. It is clear that everyone will installed programs scanned for license violations on a running PC.
  28. 2.) Scan the directory. Select the folder that the program will scan and if it finds programs in it, it will notify you about it.
  29. 3.) Scan network computers... Computers on the local network in the office or at home if you have configured the local network, you can scan all computers in the local network from one computer.
  30. See the picture below:
  31. At the bottom of the program in the footer, let's say there is information on the selected program after scanning, there is also information on icons. Let's say the license is broken or free software. See the picture below:
  32. Well, there is simply nothing incomprehensible in this program, as I initially told you that it exists. The program is paid but there is free test periodenough to learn about multiple computers. If you have any questions left, ask in the comment below or search the site by clicking on the button below.

A quick way to remove a reminder that Windows XP is not genuine.

If you managed to download one of the Windows updates: Windows Authentication Notice (KB905474). Then most likely you will need either anew, or use our short instruction.

Removing the Windows XP Authenticity Results notification is easy, but the customization process becomes obvious only after examination windows registry XP.

The problem with reminders that the copy of Windows XP in use is not licensed is most often encountered after turning on automatic windows updates XP. Thus, the installed updates can lead to some inconvenience for users of pirated copies of Windows. At the same time, it is obvious that completely disabling the system update is not recommended in order to improve the security and stability of the OS.

I think that here is the simplest and reliable way removing the intrusive window with the notification that windows XP copy failed validation for authenticity. Naturally, this setting can be done independently and you do not need to contact the software service.

The Windows Authentication Results notification appears to the user several times:

  • as a message at the very beginning of the download (login and greeting). Usually it appears as a button with a 5-second delay, during which it is proposed to allow or deny further downloading of the pirated copy;
  • after loading the desktop in the form of an icon in the system tray near the clock.

We remove the notification about the results of Windows Xp authentication in a few steps:

To see the changes in the system, you need to reboot the system. It's so easy remove Windows XP Authentication Results notification.