An unknown skype contact has appeared on Skype. In the next update, Skype will import from contacts. So, what is the right way to behave with new internet friends?

The program provides an excellent opportunity to add users from the notebook to your contact list, who also use this application... Using this function, your list will be replenished with recommended contacts that were not previously in it.

Recommended contacts are user accounts that are in your account microsoft recordsand also in the phone book. However, they must be registered in Skype. This does not mean at all that the service sent them a request to be added to the contact list on your behalf. If you want, you can simply delete them as a whole group or separately, and also completely disable this function in the "Settings" section.

When you click on the recommended contact in the list, the Contact via Skype button will be displayed. You may not know this user at all, so before calling or sending a message to the recommended account, you must send an invitation.

If you know each other and have exchanged confirmed data, the user is automatically added to your contact list. Then there is no need to send an additional invitation - you can immediately start communicating.

By adding to notebook new entries, the list of contacts will be replenished by those of them who use this application. If you delete or block the recommended contacts, the system will not prompt you to add them again.

Application designed specifically for installation on mobile phone, makes it possible to contact people close to you without even going directly into the program itself. After opening the phone book and choosing the desired name, you will be prompted to make a call using the utility. If you do not need such a function, you can easily disable it by going to the appropriate settings.

Displaying recommended contacts is especially important for newly registered users who have not yet managed to add the names they need to their list. This option will greatly simplify this task for you and save a lot of time! In addition, acquaintances, colleagues, friends and relatives can add you according to the same principle.

The circle of your friends and acquaintances is growing, and most of them have Skype, so you need to add these new people to your contact list. Finding and adding a contact in Skype is very simple. To add a user, select the "Contacts" item in the Skype menu, the "Add a new contact ..." sub-item.

A window for adding a contact will appear. The procedure for adding is based on the basic data of users: login, surname and first name, e-mail address, phone. All fields are optional, fill in only what you know for sure.

In case you are looking for a user on Skype by login, phone or e-mail, the search result should be one person. The program will display his photo, name and country and region. Click the Add button.

If the search is conducted by first and last name, then Skype can display a whole set of contacts of the same name. You can find out which of them you need, according to the additional data of users, if you click on their name or photo.

After clicking on the "Add" button of the desired contact, Skype will display a request window for the exchange of contact information. If you are adding your close friend, and he is waiting for your request, you can simply click on the "Send request" button. If you are adding a certain acquaintance, then be sure to write your own greeting text so that the recipient of the request understands who is writing to him, does not reject it and does not add you to the list of blocked users.

Next, Skype will display additional add options for the contact. You can enter the user's phone number (not forgetting to click on "Add number") if you are going to call him via Skype or rename him in your contact list as you like (by clicking the "Rename" button). If you don't need to add or change any data, just close the window, click on the "cross" or to add another user, click on the "Add another contact" link.

The new user in your list will be grayed out until the person you sent the request to accepts it and adds you to their contact list.

The figure below shows what should be done to your interlocutor, whom you add to the list of Skype users. He should click on "Request permission" and click on the "Add to contact list" button.

After confirming the request to exchange data, the user in the Skype list will be displayed (in most cases) green or pale green, depending on whether he is online or not.


When the user has downloaded and installed the Skype program on his device, he must go through the registration procedure account... In order to carry out text correspondence, conversation or video communication, you need to add the contacts of the interlocutor. Let's look at the question of how to properly expand the list of used contacts and how to block unnecessary users.

Find and add a contact to Skype

To add a user to your list, you first need to find it. The procedure for finding and adding new interlocutors consists of the following actions:

  1. Launch Skype and go to Search in the menu.
  2. In the line that appears, you need to enter the user's personal data: last name, first name, phone number or login.
  3. When the contact list appears on the device screen, select the desired user.
  4. Through additional option send a request to the user, after confirmation of which he will be added to your list.

Skype may prompt the user to pull up the list of contacts to the program from social networks. This feature has some limitations. Using the additional function, you can import several accounts at the same time. To do this, you need to complete the following procedure:

  1. In the additional window, select the Import contacts section.
  2. To access social networks, you will need to enter a username and password, which are not saved in Skype. Then, using the simple prompts of the application, complete the necessary actions.

Remove or block unwanted contact

In the event of certain life circumstances, users may need to block the interlocutor in Skype. If you are tired of spammers, scammers or constant calls and messages from unwanted users, you can fix the situation by blocking a contact. There is a black list in the program where the user can add the interlocutor he does not like. There is also a general registration of users in Skype, where you can send your complaint about a specific user. In order to block a user, you need to carry out such simple manipulations:

  1. Run the program and go to the Contacts section in the menu.
  2. Find the unnecessary one in the list of users and click on it with the cursor.
  3. In the additional window that appears, the program will offer Block user.
  4. Confirm your consent by clicking on the block option.

Additionally, you can remove this user from your contact list and report spam. After this procedure, the unnecessary interlocutor will not be displayed in the list, will not be able to call and write. At any time, you can remove a contact from the blacklist and continue communication with him.

Can I see general contacts

Unlike other similar programs, Skype does not allow you to view your friends' contacts. Application developers believe that this function violates the confidentiality of user communication. The lack of this opportunity will be able to protect against interference with personal life.

However, in Skype you can see the number of friends of each user. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Start the program and find in the Contacts menu.
  2. Select the one you need and click on its name or login.
  3. In the additional window that appears, select Personal data. Here you can find the number of contacts, date of birth and place of residence. If a Skype user does not want to share his personal information, he can close access to it. This can be done both for all users of the application and for individuals.

What to do if contacts are missing

One of frequent problems Skype users is the disappearance of the contact list from the account. This causes certain difficulties in using the required functions of the program. Let's take a look at how to fix this.

It happens that users unwittingly make changes in the program settings. For this reason, contacts may disappear. To check the settings, the user will need:

  1. Download the application and go to Contacts.
  2. Then click on Lists and All.

If the problem is caused by changes in the settings, the list of friends will return and you can continue your conversation in the previous mode.

In order to never face the problem of disappeared contacts, it is recommended to make a backup copy of them. To do this, go to the Contacts section and select the Advanced - Make Backup copy contact list. Next, you need to determine the place to store it and Save. Now you can restore the list of users at any time.

When the required account has disappeared due to accidental deletion, you can restore it using the following actions:

  1. In the program menu, find the Recent item in the View section.
  2. In the list that appears, you can find contacts of users with whom you have recently had a correspondence or conversation. Thus, you can restore the disappeared contact.

To my computer. In this lesson, we'll show you how to work with contacts. Adding contacts (or importing them from services like Facebook or Outlook) is the first step to using Skype, that is, for calls, chat and video calling.

To add a contact:

Accepting a contact request

In Skype, you add contacts to your account (and contacts to you) by requesting contact information. When you receive a request, it appears as an alert at the top of the Contacts tab. Just click on the alert to open a panel where you can add, skip or block a person.

Importing contacts

Skype can help you find many people by importing your contacts from other accounts, such as Facebook... Of course, Skype's ability to import all contacts is limited, but it's a great way to add more than one person at a time.

To import contacts:

It's important to know how to deal with unwanted Skype callers and how to protect yourself from spam, phishing, and other fraudulent messages. The first step to security is setting your privacy settings so that only people you know can contact you. (Configuring privacy settings is described in the previous tutorial).

You should also look at the contact safety tips in this lesson to know how to deal with a suspicious call, message, or contact request.

Blocking contacts

There are several reasons why you might want to block someone on Skype. The person may be sending you spam or phishing your personal information, such as your bank account number. On the other hand, you may need to block someone you know because of their inappropriate behavior, such as annoying calls.

You can always block or skip a suspicious request for contact information immediately after receiving it. Alternatively, you can accept the request (for example, if you possibly know the person) and block it later. To do this, just press right click mouse on the contact name on the Contacts tab and select Block this user.

When you block someone on Skype, you can also report their abuse (spam, phishing, etc.) if the situation warrants it. Read more about this on the Skype website.

Spam in messages

In a word spam often referred to as unsolicited emails or advertisements that arrive via email. Unfortunately, you can also receive spam on Skype, in the form of instant messages from strangers.

Spam messages can contain phishing and malware, so you need to know what to do if you receive a suspicious Skype message.

  • Never reply to or follow links sent by a spammer.This may be tempting, but it will only confirm that you have read the post. Then spammers may think that you are a good target for them and send a message from some malwareto find out your credit card number or something else important.
  • ... This will signal Skype to track this account. If suspicious activity is noticed behind it, Skype will be able to protect other people from this spam.

Phishing and other types of fraud

Many spammers don't try to sell you anything - they try to access your information, or even steal money from your bank account. Frauds can be reported in different formsbut they usually work on the principle of promising something too good or making you think that something bad will happen if you don't "take action."

Phishing Is a type of fraud in which someone claims to be an employee of a bank or other trusted organization in order to steal your personal information. Phishing messages are often given a touch of urgency, for example, they can write about “unauthorized charges” on your card so that you send them verification information.

  • Never reply or follow links sent by a scammer... Even on Skype, someone can easily use the login and logo of a trusted existing company to look “official”. Any link can lead you to a questionable site. To get to a site you trust, always type in its address yourself or use your bookmarks.
  • Block the user and report their behavior... This will advise Skype to stop scamming and take action against that account.

good evening dear readers, today they sent me an interesting question, which had never been asked before. The topic of a short article was the question of adding strangers to your friends list in the world famous skype application.

Indeed, how often do you receive such requests? Indeed, in most cases, when you try to read something about a user, you come across a blank page. Where to put it simple language, zero amount of information about a person is provided. I will share with you what I know myself at the moment, I will try to tell you why someone is breaking into your friends "headlong".

Strangers on Skype

A question about suspicious strangers was sent to my site by a girl. She describes her situation like this. Too often I began to receive requests for adding friends from people whom I do not know at all. We are not familiar with them, have never corresponded, and their nicknames (logins) are mostly not Russian. Most likely these are foreigners, how to properly respond to such offers of friendship that these people want from me?

Perhaps many of you have encountered similar situations not only on Skype. But what is their meaning, the purpose of such requests, has the same purpose. I will begin to tell you about them. All of them can be divided into two categories, in the first case it is the search for communication. In the second, this is hacking your account and not necessarily skype.

The desire to make friends, find new friends and get a lot of new communication

From the title, you have already made a small conclusion and it is correct. In most cases, we receive requests to add friendships for the purpose of interesting communication. After all, probably you shouldn't say that there is a general in Skype, open search... Any user can by setting a certain filter and specifying an approximate search parameter to get exactly to your account. Your name or surname could have attracted him corny, a lot of sympathy can arise at one time or another in our head.

it is not surprising that in most cases people from other continents, completely different worldviews, mindset and simply with a different way of life, can ask for us. After all, they spend whole days talking with people who live nearby - this is a kind of routine, sometimes a very boring occupation, so people write to the other end of the earth to talk with a person who lives differently, thinks differently and possibly devotes his life to others goals.

"Reflection in the mirror", communication with the purpose of hacking or spam.

It's good if a person is driven by the desire to communicate, but this is not always the case. There are in our time a lot of "smart-ass" users who pursue completely different goals. Their main task is hacking, you should not think that this is your Skype hacking, because we believe that we have nothing to take on Skype and if they hack it, we will simply register new account... This is the most important delusion skype program just an intermediate step towards obtaining general access to your data.

The main goal is to get your mail accounts, e-wallets, pages in contact or classmates. Any target can be social network, I will try to explain in order where this desire comes from.

Let's say you are playing any online game and at some point your envious people, armed with good knowledge, wanted to access your pages in order to send themselves gifts or defeat you with fraudulent methods, "play for you." Information about your logins and passwords is stored on your computer, you specify the login from Skype in any of your pages or games.

The cracker finds this login, creates a "left" page for himself, sends you a friend request and starts a conversation with you, which after a while leads to the fact that you are offered to view a file, a picture, download an interesting melody, or simply follow a link to some some interesting information, and when you follow a link or download a file to you in parallel, a separate program, a worm, a Trojan and other harmful viruses, is quietly installed, which send all your secrets to their owner by mail or other resources.

Thus, the crook gains control, control over your data and creates illegal actions.

Wanting to chat or just spam

In addition to hacking, there are several more popular areas, PONTS and SPAM. Where by "show-off" I mean the behavior of people who sit all day and add themselves a huge number of friends, and then they boast that I have several thousand friends, I'm great, I'm cool and everything like that. Which, in principle, is not dangerous for you, but in the case of spam, there may be unpleasant consequences.

The meaning and concept of spam is the constant mailing of advertising information in order to promote some resource, you may often be offered to buy something. Moreover, spam in some cases can be very annoying, and sometimes it can be in the form of a pleasant mailing with quite normal information.

But sometimes it happens that your login or mail falls into the list, the "golden" list of spammers, when several dozen robots can send mail to your address, automatic programs... Then you will receive dozens of friend requests or hundreds of spam messages every week.

So, what is the right way to behave with new internet friends?

I will advise you to ignore unknown people and put them on the black list, and if you nevertheless decide to show politeness or interest, maybe there is a desire to chat, then feel free to communicate for your pleasure.

But in no case and under any pretext, do not follow the links that the interlocutor offers you. Do not download the files offered to you as interesting pictures and melodies.

Be competent in your decisions, install on your computers latest updates antivirus software, they will dramatically increase your online security.

If you still got into trouble and screwed up somewhere, then just remember the site voron-xak, write to me through the ask a question section and as soon as possible I will try to solve any problem with you. As always, I look forward to your comments and additions.