The mouse works. How to enable a mouse on a laptop keyboard. We have looked at the reasons, and now we will describe the solutions to our problems with connecting a wireless mouse to a laptop or computer

Controlling the cursor with a mouse greatly simplifies and speeds up computer work compared to manipulating keyboard keys. When the mouse does not work on any laptop, it becomes much more difficult to control. Let's figure out how to solve the problem - the actions depend on the type of manipulator and the OS installed on the laptop.

If the computer does not see the mouse, first switch the pointing device or wireless adapter to another USB connector. The port may burn out, become dirty, or oxidize and stop transmitting signals. If that doesn't help, reboot your laptop. If the mouse on your computer still does not work, proceed to the next steps.

When following instructions, all actions can be performed only from the keyboard - move through the menu with arrows and the Tab key, enter sections using Enter. To open the context menu that usually appears with a right click, use Shift+F10 or Shift+Fn+F10 for the multimedia keyboard.

You can control the cursor on a laptop using the built-in touchpad or an external mouse - wired or wireless.


More often they use compact manipulators connected to a USB port. Older copies connect to the PS/2 port - if this is the one you use, connect it to the USB connector using a PS/2 adapter. Check the operation of the mouse on another computer - if it stops working on yours, then the problem is with the PC.

Consistently connect the pointing device to all USB ports if you use passive hubs without additional food, plug the mouse directly into the connector. Disconnect other devices connected to the USB connectors - if the manipulator starts working right away, the laptop controllers do not have enough power for all gadgets. In this case, purchase an active USB hub, which additionally plugs into a power outlet.

A possible cause of the problem is that USB ports are disabled in the BIOS, so the laptop does not see the USB mouse. What to do in this case? Go to the BIOS - when the computer starts booting, press the Del or F12 key several times (you will see the exact combination in the signature on the welcome screen). In the menu, go to “Advanced” or “Integrated Peripherals”, there activate the function sub-items and USB controller.

If no problems are found in the computer and connectors, the manipulator itself is faulty. Inspect the cable to see if there are any kinks on it, and the mouse itself. Wipe the wheel and optical lens with alcohol wipes - contamination will interfere with the operation of the sensor.


When the computer doesn't see the demon wired mouse, proceed like this:

  • See if it is turned on. Find the switch at the bottom and set it to the “On” position.
  • Check the battery; when it is low, the cursor will freeze on the screen. Insert a new battery or recharge the battery.
  • Move the receiver to a different USB port.
  • If the manipulator was turned on, turn it off and turn it on again.
  • Clean the sensor window with a cotton swab.


If you have problems with the touchpad, check to see if the touchpad has been disabled. Find in top row function keys rectangle image, press this button together with Fn. This combination.

Check system settings Windows:

  • Launch the “Control Panel” from utility routines or by calling the function control by pressing Win+R.
  • In the “Equipment” block, go to the “Mouse” item.
  • Open the touchpad control tab - its name differs depending on different manufacturers.
  • Check if the option to turn off the panel when a touch mouse is connected is enabled

Finally, wipe the touchpad wet wipe– an abundance of greasy fingerprints makes the sensor difficult to operate.

On Windows

To figure out why an external mouse does not work on a laptop running Windows, use a number of built-in tools.

Troubleshooting Wizard in Windows

The problem diagnostic utility will help you quickly fix a number of problems in a semi-automatic mode. To launch it, find your manipulator in the list of equipment in the “Control Panel”. Click on it from context menu call "Troubleshoot".

The utility will start troubleshooting, and at the end you will see a list of problems found. If they can be corrected automatically, the wizard will do so. Otherwise, you will only see the name of the fault.

Manipulator settings

If the diagnostic utility does not find any problems, and the mouse still lights up but does not work, check its settings. To do this, again find the manipulator in the list of equipment in the “Control Panel”, click on it and call up “Settings”. Check the set cursor speed, button assignments, and any sticking.


Driver failure can render any device inoperable. Go to "Device Manager" through the properties of "My Computer". In the list, find the “Mice” item - if next to some device you see exclamation mark, its driver does not work correctly. Click on it and select “Update Drivers” from the submenu.

Also find required file You can find it on the manufacturer's disk if it came with the mouse.

On Apple MacBook with Mac OS X

If your MacBook doesn't see your wireless mouse, reconnect it bluetooth device:

  • Open system settings
  • Go to the Bluetooth item.
  • Hold Ctrl and click on the mouse name in the list, select “Delete” from the submenu.
  • Disable and start the arm using the button on the bottom side.
  • Wait for the device to appear in the list.

You can restore control of USB ports by resetting the parameters:

  • Turn off your laptop.
  • Disconnect the adapter and battery.
  • Press the power button for 3-5 seconds.
  • Insert the battery and turn on the laptop.


We've sorted everything out possible problems With computer mice. Don't forget to first restart your computer and insert the device into a different connector - these simple steps will resolve most problems. A regular check an antivirus will prevent many malfunctions - spyware can disable drivers and system utilities.

The society in which a person lives has never been static, it has always been in development. The development of society has resulted in many things, including scientific and technological progress. The result of scientific and technological progress is the emergence of computers. The first computers appeared in the 1960s and from that moment on they became an integral part of human life. But what to do if the computer or some part of it, for example, a mouse, breaks down?

Currently, there are several types of computer mice:

Since there are several types of mice, there may also be several reasons for failure.

Why doesn't a wired mouse work on a laptop?

Currently, there are several reasons why a wired mouse may stop working. The main reason is related to common problem computer. In this case, the cursor stops moving on the screen. To solve this problem when the mouse stops working, you just need to restart the computer. If this method does not help, then you need to pay attention to the computer drivers. This is done through “My Computer”:

  1. From the My Computer menu, select Properties.
  2. In “Properties” section “Hardware”.
  3. In Hardware, go to Device Manager.
  4. The last step is to select “Mice”.

If the driver’s operation is disrupted by something external, a yellow rectangle will light up on the screen. If the problem is not with the driver, its name will appear on the screen. Solving the driver problem is quite simple - download new driver from the Internet or from disk. The mouse may also not work because the wire connecting it to the computer is broken. The wire may be chewed or simply bent. In this case, only buying a new device will help. If this is not possible, then try wrapping the chewed piece with electrical tape, but then buy a new mouse.

Problems with wired mouse may also be related to a USB port issue. The port may be clogged with dirt and dust and the mouse cord may not reach its final point. In this case, you need to move the mouse to another port and clean the idle one.

IMPORTANT. If the wired mouse is working normally, then the light on the bottom of the case should be on. If there is no light when connecting, then something is wrong.

But what to do if the light is on, but the device still does not work?

The mouse on the laptop does not work, but it lights up - what should I do?

The following situation very often happens with a wired mouse: the light on the case is on, but very weakly. In this case, the device will work - the cursor does not move on the screen and the buttons do not respond to pressing. There may be several reasons for this:

  • Problems with the device lens;
  • The board is damaged;
  • Problem with the mouse contact responsible for power supply;
  • Problems with the LED.

The most common of all the above problems are mouse contact problems. In this situation, it is best to give the device to service center, so that it can be disassembled and re-soldered by professionals. Also, the service center will tell you whether it makes sense to repair it, or whether it’s easier to spend 300 rubles and buy a new mouse.

Many people choose not to use a wired mouse with their laptop. This is due to the fact that many laptops now have a touchpad - touch mouse, built directly into the panel. The touchpad has certain advantages:

The touchpad also has disadvantages, but they are much fewer than the advantages:

  • It is quite easy to touch it accidentally and the operation will be performed incorrectly.
  • The touchpad is inconvenient to use when performing delicate work - computer games or editors.

Despite all the advantages of a touch mouse, it can also have problems.

Why doesn't the touch mouse work on a laptop?

The touchpad may not work for several reasons. Among them there are very obvious ones - liquid was spilled on the laptop, it was knocked or dropped, but there are also those that are not easy to understand. As a result of these breakdowns, the touchpad may work intermittently - respond poorly to commands, the cursor may move slowly and even disappear from the screen. But the touchpad may also break completely and not respond to user actions in any way. If the touchpad works intermittently and the cursor disappears from the screen, then most likely this is due to contamination of the panel. In this case, you need to wipe the panel with a damp cloth, and then do not touch the touchpad with wet hands.

ATTENTION. Never touch your laptop with wet hands. This is reflected in both touch controls and the keyboard.

If the user's hands are dry and clean during use, then most likely the problem is in the sensitivity settings. They are configured in the control panel using a wired mouse.

In a situation where the touchpad does not work at all, you need to solve the problem using the computer settings. It often happens that the touchpad turns off by itself. To do this you need:

  1. Connect a wired mouse and launch Control Panel.
  2. In the “Equipment” block, select “Mouse”.
  3. Open the touchpad control tab.
  4. Check all activated options.

The touchpad can also be connected using hot keys. They are different on all computers, but are in the range from F1 to F12.

If the touchpad is connected but still does not work, check the motherboard. The cable that connects the touchpad and the board may be damaged. As a result of use, the cable may break off or open. Such a breakdown goes away when the contacts are repaired.

If other components of the device do not work together with the touchpad, then the problem lies in motherboard the entire computer. This breakdown can only be repaired at a specialized service center.

You can also fix the touchpad by reinstalling the device driver. This is the same technique as when repairing a wired mouse.

The mouse on the laptop lights up, but does not work

Very often people check the operation of the touchpad by how it lights up. If the light is bright, then the computer works without interruptions, and if the light is dim, then difficulties in the operation of the device are guaranteed. But what to do if there is light, but the device does not work? Most likely, this problem is due to the fact that the sensor is not clean enough and therefore does not respond to hand touch. After cleaning the panel everything should work. If this does not happen, then take the computer to a service center so that the problem can be sorted out by professionals. To prevent a person from having problems with the touchpad, you need to follow some rules:

  • Transport your laptop carefully.
  • Don't eat over it.
  • Do not touch the panel with dirty hands.
  • Clean your touchpad.
  • Update your drivers on time.

If all types of mice work normally, then the user is left with one question: how to connect them to the computer.

How to turn on the mouse on a laptop?

How the mouse turns on depends on its type. For example, very often the touchpad turns on automatically. If this does not happen, then you need to type a certain key combination.

Connection wired and wireless mouse must be done using the control panel. There you can also change the button parameters (the left button can perform the functions of the right button and vice versa). In the Control Panel, you can change the appearance of the cursor in different situations. The cursor can be standard, or it can be individual in each situation. You can also customize the pointer and wheel settings. This is all done to make it as comfortable as possible for the user to work on the computer.

Hello, Dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to help you understand the issue of why the mouse does not work on a laptop. Most often, the mouse on a laptop stops working for no reason, for example it worked yesterday, but stopped today. I noticed that this question is being asked more and more often on forums, so I want to describe the solution to the problem on my blog.

Those whose mouse on their laptop stops working simply throw it away and go to the market and buy a new one. But I can't understand why? After all, you can solve the problem yourself. To find out how, read on.

And so, at one point, your mouse stopped working, and even your laptop stopped seeing it. in some cases the mouse simply lights up and shows no signs of life on the monitor screen. In this case, I advise you to listen to me carefully, because my solution helps in 80% of cases.

Mouse does not work on laptop

The reasons for your mouse not working on a laptop can be different. It may be that it just broke, but it can break for a number of reasons:

  • the mouse may simply burn out. try connecting it to another laptop.
  • There may be a problem in the wiring, a button or wheel has stopped working.
  • there may be a problem in the plug and much more.
  • Here are some people who asked me the question: Why doesn't the mouse work on my laptop?? I can’t answer this question right away; I need more detailed information. There are times when you connect a mouse to a computer, and it just lights up but doesn’t work. In this case, I advise you to connect it to another computer and if it works, then the problem is in the laptop. And subsequently the language bar begins to disappear.

    The mouse in the laptop does not work due to static voltage!!!

    Yes-Yes!!! It's because of him! Don't believe me? To make sure you need to do the following:

  • Turn off your laptop and disconnect it from power supply. i.e. pull out the plug from the socket.
  • Disconnect the battery from the laptop.
  • Now press the power button on the laptop and hold it for about 20-30 seconds.
  • Once done, insert the battery back into the laptop and try to start it.
  • Did it work? I told you so! Having completed the points that I described above, you will simply discharge your laptop from static (static voltage). Such procedures are also suitable for desktop computer, only there is no battery and you just have to disconnect it from the mains power and press the power button. In some cases, this procedure is suitable if your laptop simply stops turning on.

    I forgot to tell you, dear readers, that there is a commentator competition on my blog, and if you are not going to strengthen WiFi signal then I advise you to take part and win cash prizes. In order to win you just need to comment on my articles!

    How do you like it? Now you know why Mouse doesn't work on laptop? I think you know! The mouse on the laptop did not work due to static voltage. If I could help you, then I ask you to help me too, click on the buttons social networks, share the article with your friends.

    Many users, when problems arise with a computer mouse, prefer to contact workshops, and most often, due to the relatively low cost of budget models, they simply buy a new one.

    Don’t rush to go to the store, take a little time, and we’ll tell you what to do if the mouse on your laptop doesn’t work.

    Reasons why it doesn't work computer mouse not much, but initially you need to decide on the initial data:

    • what type of control is used (mechanical, optical)?

    • Connection method to laptop (wired, wireless)?

    • What interface does it use to connect to the computer (PS/2, USB)?

    What to do if a wired mouse does not work?

    However, the thing to keep in mind here is that a USB mouse, unlike a PS/2 mouse, is a plug-and-play device. What does it mean?

    Based on the main concept of Plug-and-Play devices, they do not require additional configuration - the operating system automatically, “on the fly”, recognizes objects and makes changes to the overall configuration.

    Thus, in the case of a USB connector, configuration changes will be made automatically without the need to restart the laptop, and in the case of a PS/2 connector, a reboot is not necessary.

    If all else fails, try restarting your computer, regardless of the interface you are using. In some cases, this method is effective and efficient.

    Also try removing the USB mouse, rebooting the laptop, entering your username and password to log in operating system and only after downloading, insert it into one of the USB interfaces.

    Next, you should try changing the connection interface on the laptop; perhaps one of them is not working correctly (“burned out” or frozen), this is a fairly common reason, perhaps the most common among the others.

    The ideal option would be when you have the opportunity to replace the mouse with the same one, in whose performance you are 100% sure. In this case, the working model should be inserted into the slot in which the current one is installed.

    Remember the difference in interfaces described above and if you install a device with a PS/2 interface, do not forget to restart the laptop.

    It's also a good idea to test your mouse to see if it works on another computer, not necessarily a laptop. Everything is simple here, if you inserted a working device into the laptop and it does not work, the problem is definitely in the laptop.

    If your mouse does not work with a laptop, but works on another computer, the problem is again with the laptop.

    In some cases, the mouse may not work correctly, which manifests itself as slow cursor movement on the display or periodic lack of communication with the mouse.

    Static voltage as one of the reasons for a non-working mouse

    In some cases, the device may not work as a result of static charge accumulation. Also, quite often, USB interfaces burn out for this reason.

    Let us note the fact that this problem typical for both wired and wireless mice. The solution to this problem is to remove the existing static voltage.

    To do this, follow the steps below:

    1. Turn off your laptop.
    2. Turn off power to the laptop by unplugging the power plug from the electrical outlet.
    3. Disconnect battery.
    4. Press and hold the laptop's power button for at least 30 seconds.
    5. Install the battery.
    6. Turn on the power of the laptop by connecting to an electrical outlet.
    7. Turn on the laptop, go into the operating system and check the functionality of the mouse.

    What to do if your wireless mouse doesn't work?

    The first and most common reason why a wireless mouse refuses to work is dead batteries. To test this thesis, insert other working batteries into the wireless mouse.

    Please note that the batteries may not be completely discharged and may even work in other devices (such as the remote control), but the mouse will not work.

    Advice! In order to prolong the operation of the wireless mouse, we recommend using rechargeable batteries rather than batteries. This will allow you to choose batteries with increased capacity, and also periodically recharge them, rather than buying new ones.

    In some cases, wireless mice may freeze. To get her out of this state, use special button turning on/off the mouse - turn off the mouse and turn it on again after a few seconds.

    As a rule, this button is located under the mouse, in some cases it is represented not by a button, but by a lever.

    One of the problems may be the lack of a signal from the transmitter installed in the USB port of the computer. Try pulling out and inserting the transmitter, you can also change the location of the transmitter by installing it in another USB interface of the laptop.

    If all of the above attempts to restore functionality were unsuccessful, try the functionality on another computer; the mouse may be faulty.

    In this article we tried to review all possible reasons when a wired/wireless mouse does not work, and also looked at ways to fix them.

    Greetings everyone!

    Not long ago I observed a very interesting (even funny) picture: at work one guy, when his mouse stopped working, stood and didn’t know what to do - he didn’t even know how to turn off the PC... Meanwhile, I’ll tell you, many actions that users do with the mouse - can be done easily and quickly with the keyboard. I will even say more - the speed of work increases significantly!

    By the way, I fixed the mouse for him quite quickly - and that’s how, in fact, the topic of this article was born. Here I want to give some tips on what you can try to restore the mouse’s functionality...

    By the way, I will assume that your mouse does not work at all - i.e. The pointer doesn't even move. Thus, in each step I will provide the buttons that need to be pressed on the keyboard in order to perform this or that action.

    Problem #1 - the mouse pointer does not move at all

    This is probably the worst thing that could happen. Since some users simply weren’t prepared for this at all :). Many people don’t even know how to enter the control panel in this case, or start a movie or music. We'll deal with it in order.

    1. Checking wires and connectors

    The first thing I recommend doing is checking the wires and connectors. Wires are often chewed by pets (cats, for example, love to do this), accidentally bent, etc. Many mice, when you connect them to a computer, begin to glow (the LED lights up inside). Pay attention to this.

    Also check USB port. After you have corrected the wires, try restarting your computer. By the way, some PCs also have ports on the front side system unit and on the back - try connecting the mouse to other USB ports.

    In general, basic truths that many people neglect...

    2. Battery check

    This applies to wireless mice. Try either changing the battery or charging it, then check again.

    3. Troubleshoot mouse problems using the wizard built into Windows

    Windows OS has a special wizard that is designed to find and automatically fix various problems with the mouse. If the mouse's LED lights up after connecting it to the PC, but it still doesn't work, then you need to try using this tool in Windows (before buying a new mouse :)).

    1) First, open the execute line: press the buttons simultaneously Win+R(or button Win, if you have Windows 7).

    2) In the execute line, write the command Control and press Enter.

    3) Next, press the button several times TAB (on the left of the keyboard, next to Caps Lock ). You can help yourself arrows . The task here is simple: you need to select the section “ Equipment and sound ". The screenshot below shows what the selected section looks like. After selection - just press the key Enter(this will open this section).

    Control panel - equipment and sound.

    5) Next using the buttons TAB and arrow highlight the mouse and then press the button combination Shift+F10 . Then you should see a properties window containing the coveted tab “ Troubleshooting "(see screenshot below). Actually, open it!

    To open the same menu: select the mouse (TAB button), then press the Shift+F10 buttons.

    By the way, after checking there may not be any instructions for you, but your problem will be fixed. Therefore, at the end of the check, click the finish button and restart your PC. Perhaps after a reboot everything will work...

    4. Checking and updating the driver

    It happens that Windows incorrectly detects the mouse and installs the “wrong driver” (or there was simply a driver conflict. By the way, before the mouse stopped working, did you not install any hardware? Perhaps you already know the answer?!) .

    To determine if everything is ok with the driver, you need to open device Manager .

    1) Press the buttons Win+R , then enter the command devmgmt.msc(screenshot below) and press Enter.

    2) Must open "device Manager" . Pay attention to whether there are yellow exclamation marks next to various types of equipment (especially in front of the mouse).

    3) To update the driver: just using arrow and TAB buttons highlight your device, then press the buttons Shift+F10- and select "update drivers"(screen below).

    4) Next, choose automatic update and wait for Windows to check and install the drivers. By the way, if the update does not help, try removing the device (and the driver along with it), and then installing it again.

    Perhaps you will find my article useful the best programs for auto-update:

    5. Testing the mouse on another PC or laptop

    The last thing I recommend in case of a similar problem is to check the mouse on another PC or laptop. If she doesn’t make money there, there’s a high probability that it’s the end for her. No, you can try to get into it with a soldering iron, but what is called “ game - not worth the candle«.

    Problem No. 2 - the mouse pointer freezes, moves quickly or slowly, jerkily

    It happens that the mouse pointer seems to freeze for a while, and then continues to move (sometimes it just moves jerkily). This can happen for several reasons:

    • : in this case, as a rule, the computer slows down in general, many applications do not open, etc. I described how to deal with CPU load in this article: ;
    • system interrupts“work”, disrupting the stability of the PC (more on this in the link above);
    • problems with hard drive, CD/DVD- the computer cannot read the data in any way (I think many have noticed this, especially when you remove the problematic media - and the PC seems to hang down). I think many people will find the link about assessing their condition useful. hard drive: ;
    • some types of mice“require” special settings: for example, a gaming computer mouse - may behave unstable if the checkbox is not unchecked increased pointer accuracy. In addition, you may need to install utilities included on the disk included with the mouse. (it’s better to install them all if problems are observed) . I also recommend going to the mouse settings and checking all the boxes.

    How to check mouse settings?

    Opening control Panel, then go to the section “ Equipment and sound". Then open the “Mouse” section (screen below).

    • pointer speed: try changing it, often moving the mouse too fast will affect its accuracy;
    • increased accuracy of pointer installation: Check or uncheck the box next to this item and check the mouse. Sometimes, this checkbox is a stumbling block;
    • display mouse trail: If you enable this checkbox, you will see how the mouse movement leaves a trace on the screen. On the one hand, some users will even find it convenient (for example, you can find the pointer faster, or, if you are filming a video of the screen for someone, show how the pointer moves) , on the other hand, many people consider this setting to be the “brakes” of the mouse. In general, try it enable/disable.

    Mouse adapter: usb->ps/2

    Problem No. 3 - double (triple) click works (or 1 button does not work)

    This problem most often appears in an old mouse that has already worked hard. And most often, I must note, this happens with the left mouse button - since the entire main load falls on it (even in games, even when working in Windows).

    By the way, I already had a note on this topic on my blog, in which I advised how easy it is to get rid of this disease. It was about in a simple way: swap left and right button at the mouse. This is done quickly, especially if you have ever held a soldering iron in your hands before.

    Replacing the right one with left button mice.

    If you didn’t, there are two options: ask a neighbor or friend who does something like this; or go to the store for a new one...

    By the way, as an option, you can disassemble the mouse button, then take out the copper plate, clean it and bend it. This is described in detail here (though the article is in English, but everything is clear from the pictures):


    By the way, if your mouse periodically turns on and off (which, by the way, is also not uncommon) - 99% of the problem is in the wire, which periodically comes off and the connection is lost. Try securing it with tape (for example) - this way the mouse will serve you for many more years.

    You can also get in with a soldering iron, having first cut off 5-10 cm of the wires in the “right” place (where the bend happened), but I won’t advise this, since for many users this procedure is more complicated than going to the store for a new mouse...

    WITH advice about the new mouse. EIf you are a fan of newfangled shooters, strategies, action games, some modern one would suit you gaming mouse . Extra buttons on the mouse body will help increase micro-control in the game and more effectively issue commands and control your characters. In addition, if one button “flies”, you can always transfer the function of one button to another (i.e., reassign the button (I wrote about this above in the article)).