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Google Play Services - this system application for operating system Android. It was designed to automatic mode track updates of released versions of programs preinstalled on mobile device... The component allows you to ensure stable operation key functions gadget. These include both authentication to Google services and contact synchronization. In addition, using Google play Services, you can access data privacy settings and energy saving services. With the help of the service, the search for applications is accelerated, including in off-line mode. If the Google Play Services program is absent on a mobile device, some applications may stop, not only function correctly, but even start completely.

One of the features of the program is also to improve the functioning of the mobile device operating on the basis of the operating room. android systems... With its help, you can search for software products of interest without any problems, even without connecting to the Internet. In addition, the possibility of more detailed loading of maps and obtaining game experience is provided.
As you know, the developers of the American corporation Google are actively working to eliminate all the shortcomings that were identified in the products being developed. Google Play Services is no exception in this case. The program is updated on a regular basis. Developers make both the elimination of "bugs" and the reduction of requirements for the technical component of a smartphone or tablet. As a result, the program runs smoothly and is much faster than previous versions.

In the event that you regularly use many applications from Google Play, then this program must be preinstalled on the mobile device. It is recommended that you update it to ensure the best performance of the operating system. It should be noted that the software product does not take up much memory on a mobile device and does not in any way affect the performance degradation of an Android smartphone (tablet computer).

Google Play Services is just a necessary application to be installed on the gadget. Most users do not need to run it.

Google Play Services - with this program you can update other programs from the Google Play Service. This application organizes the work of all basic functions, such as authentication in Google services and full synchronization of existing contacts, as well as full access to all kinds of privacy options and better services that save your android's energy using location data. Google Play services will significantly speed up searches required programs, even offline. Google Play services are mainly required to regularly update all downloaded Google apps and smartphone products from the Google Play store. This kind of component ensures good and smooth functioning of basic features, such as synchronization in all Google services.

Thanks to these services, working with programs and game applications on the device becomes much easier, and the search speed in offline format is significantly increased, all maps take on a realistic look. The service, not so long ago, could boast of its unstable work, some users wrote complaints that google services Play devices consume a lot of battery power. To date, services are very effective in treating the resources of a smartphone and now, there are no shortcomings in the application.

Due to the fact that the service has support for a new Service API, this greatly simplified the life of software and game developers, and also gave them the opportunity to use new tools for writing multiplayer games in their work. Optimized for smartphones of any version, Google Play Services will also improve the experience with Google+. There is now a practical auto-fill function when typing text data, as well as synchronization of your phone contacts with those of the Google+ service.

There is also a minus in this product. Since after downloading and installing the service, synchronization begins with all possible programs and games (except for malicious software), then after removing the service, some applications may fail in functioning, up to a complete failure in work. But in addition to the above-described disadvantage, the service did not have any drawbacks and it is more than covered by the advantages. To install, you need to do a couple of clicks in the main menu, and after authorization, everything will start working. All google settings Play is very simple, thanks to them your interaction with your smartphone will be as convenient as possible.

Google Play Servicesfree app on Android regularly updated google programs and maintaining the stability of the device as a whole. The Android platform is owned by Google and as we know, they monitor the stable and correct operation of their applications. Therefore, to quickly eliminate errors and recover from all sorts of failures and created a product called "Google Play Services".

You can install Google Play Services on Android for free by simply downloading the program from the direct link below.

Google has the ability to save setup file new and previous versions programs. Therefore, if you want to download the most new version, in the search bar you need to enter: "download google play services for android latest version". It is she who contains fixes for errors that could occur during a conflict installed applications and system protection. To provide correct work devices, the latest version of the application was embedded in the factory shell of the Android platform.

Drawing an analogy with PC and Windows, we can say that Google Play Services is something like a center windows updates, just on mobile phone, smartphone or tablet.

Features and functions of Google Play Services on Android

1. Opens access to absolutely all applications, games and other software contained in the Play Store. Installation of programs is limited only by the capabilities of your gadget.
2. Ability to link the device to the lists of accounts, which greatly facilitates the use of the phone and tablet.
3. Recovering the device after a system failure. Google Play services allow you to backup data, in the event of a system crash due to a code error or user inexperience. You can save a copy on the Google Disk service, and you can also save files in the device's memory.
4. Automatic update Google Play services is necessary to keep system and user-installed applications.
5. Google Play services contain many routines: music, books, maps and many others, which are created so that the user can make the most of his smartphone.

Update date:

2018-12-12 17:34:19

Latest version:

v14.7.99. (040300.223214910)


from android 6.0 to android 8.0

Application rights:

  • Access to the list of accounts in Accounts Services.
  • Allows the application to change the IP address and port number to connect to the Internet.
  • Allows requesting an authorization token.
  • Allows calling system windows and notifications from the application on top of all applications.
  • Allows reading device startup progress, may slow down the system.
  • Allows reading Google Services configuration.
  • Permission to determine the size of applications.
  • Allows reading feed of subscriptions.
  • Allows editing the feed of subscriptions.
  • Permission to capture video.
  • Allows an application to record audio.
  • Allows access to the device vibrator.
  • Allows reading sync settings.
  • Allows an application to change system settings.
  • Allows writing to sync settings.
  • Application defines exact location devices by network coordinates and Wi-fi points.
  • The app can create and edit google account, including creating new ones.
  • Allowing the application to modify the list of accounts in the AccountManager.
  • Allows turning the device on and off, as well as other operations via NFC.
  • Allows the application to read from external memory.
  • Allows reading information about settings and components of the device.
  • Allows the application to run even after the screen is turned off.
  • Access to information about the network.
  • Allows reading and processing SMS messages.
  • Allows writing to the memory card (used in applications with a cache).
  • Allows reading user data from the contact book.
  • Access to the camera.
  • Flash permission.
  • Permission to access the calendar.
  • Allows reading and processing MMS messages.
  • Must be required by an NotificationListenerService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.
  • The application determines the approximate location (city) of the device by network coordinates and Wi-fi points.
  • Permission to use navigation APIs to interact with the GPS module.
  • Access to information about the Wi-Fi network.
  • Changing wi-fi operating modes.
  • Allows the application to receive phone number from an outgoing call, and with all call forwarding.
  • Allows the application to send SMS messages.
  • Access to Bluetooth paired devices.
  • Access to Bluetooth, with the ability to search and pair devices.
  • Enables Wi-fi Multicast mode, which allows you to discover devices on the same network, even if they are connected to the router via a cable.
  • Permission to create a shortcut on the desktop.
  • Allows the application to change the time zone.
  • Permission to read information about all running applications.
  • Allows reading the call log.
  • Allows reading SMS messages.
  • Allows only writing to the contact book.
  • Allows reading the user's profile (used for relevant ad serving).
  • Allows only writing to the user profile.
  • Allows the application to control the device components: enable / disable device and components, manage notifications (used only in official applications device manufacturers).
  • Allows the app to make any phone calls (including SOS, emergency services etc.), bypassing the standard dialer.
  • Access to Bluetooth pairing, without user participation, opens access to the application to receive calls and SMS (used only by Google applications!).
  • Permission to replace the standard lock screen (lockscreen).
  • Allows the application to make phone calls, bypassing the standard dialer.
  • Changing network operating modes.
  • Allows the application to change the z-order (order of stacking items) in the task manager.
  • Permission to capture video in safe mode.
  • Allows the application to record audio from the microphone.
  • Allows reading low-level system log files (This application can access your personal data).
  • Permission to manage global sound settings.
  • Allows only recording to call history.
  • Allows the application to send information about your activity (route, speed, date).
  • Access to the sensors of the device: for reading the pulse, pressure, etc.
  • Allows reading voicemail.
  • The app can add voice calls to the system.
known to everyone, first of all, thanks to its search engineservice, maps, translator and, of course, mail.

In addition, many have heard of self-driving cars built by the same company, and even about the Loon project, which implies the use of hot air balloonto distribute free Internet to those parts of the Earth where he simply does not exist, and where he is unlikely to appear.

But Google has a huge number of others useful services , which many do not even suspect, and here are some of them:

Google services and tools

1. Google Person Finder

This service was created to help you find and connect with friends and family following a natural or humanitarian disaster. It was created after the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. It was often used after Typhoon Yolanda, which hit the Philippines, and after the Boston Marathon bombings and floods in northern India in 2013.

2. Google Cultural Institute

For art and culture lovers, the Google Cultural Institute offers a look at collections from museums and archives around the world.

With the goal of organizing all information on the planet, google decided to create partnerships with hundreds of institutions and enable people from all over the world to look at cultural wealth online.

This online museum contains a large number of exhibits for future generations.

3. Music Timeline

Despite the fact that this is far from the most sophisticated service from Google, its interactive portrayal of the most popular genres and subgenres of music, as well as artists of the last 65 years, cannot but attract.

On the graph, which can be seen in this service, you will see the history of the popularity of a particular genre, starting from 1950.

You can click on genres to get into subgenres and click on subgenres to delve deeper into the ocean of musicians related to it. You will see the time periods in which this or that artist gained and lost popularity.

And of course, if you click on the album of the desired artist, you can purchase it through the Google Play store.

It's worth noting that Music Timeline is part of the Big Picture Group, a research group that is "exploring how visualization of information can make complex information more accessible, interesting and even entertaining."

4. Waze

This service is not a Google invention. The company bought this start-up in 2013. However, this service is owned by Google and is worth mentioning.

Waze is a navigation app for Android, iOS and Windows Phonefor which the users themselves provide information.

With the application turned on, users can share information about traffic jams, radars and other useful things. In addition, the application can provide information on new routes for drivers based on historical data as well as real-time data.

5. Google Trends

This is one of the well-known services of the company. In addition, as soon as you start to dig into it, study it, you will not notice how quickly time passes. This service has a simple goal - to allow users to study the volume of search traffic for certain words.

You can study the most popular queries on the Internet or insert your own and compare. For example, did you know that in 2014 in Russia people were looking more for information about Sochi than about Ukraine?

6. Google Ad Grants

Many site owners are familiar with the contextual search advertising service AdWords from Google. This service allows you to create effective advertising messages for a fee. But if it comes about a non-profit organization, you do not need to pay to display ads.

Through its Ad Grants service, Google is providing nonprofits with $ 10,000 monthly in AdWords advertising to advance their initiatives and missions.

7. Google Sites

Everything is quite simple here - this service allows any user to build a website from scratch, or using pre-installed templates. Build a website for your growing company, for your family or just like that.

8. Google Crisis Response

Hopefully, you never have to use this service. But if a disaster strikes, this tool can be very useful. This service Connected with government agencies, social services, and others to bring useful information and resources to the right place.

This service allows you to supply the right people necessary things during disasters. The use of new technologies can help save lives.

9. Google Input Tools

This tool allows you to write a message in any language in the world. If you know how, for example, a word sounds in Chinese, then you can write it in familiar letters, and the service will show you how this word is actually spelled, i.e. how it is depicted by the hieroglyph. This service can be installed on computers running Windows