How to change or delete the start page in the browser. How to change the start page in Mozilla Firefox How to clear the home page in the browser

Do you want to change home page V Mozilla Firefox, but it doesn't change? Would you like to see the site you need on the main page? Next we will talk about how to configure the browser at your discretion.

How to make a start page in Mozilla

The start (start) page is displayed immediately after launching the browser. On it you can see the home or blank page, as well as previously open tabs.

To set up the initial Firefox page to your liking with the resources built into Mozilla, open the menu at the top right and go to the “Settings” section.

In the window that opens, make the “Basic” tab active and pay attention to the “When Firefox starts” item:

  1. Show home page.
  2. Show blank page.
  3. Last opened tabs.

The names speak for themselves, so we will not go into their description. For greater clarity, see the following figure.

Once you have made the necessary changes, click OK for them to take effect.

There are other ways to customize the Mozilla Firefox start page - using add-ons, let's look at one of them.

Speed ​​Dial FVD Add-on

A tool that displays a list of selected sites on the Mozilla Firefox start page. With its help, customization of dils is performed ( visual bookmarks) and changing the appearance of the browser interface.

To install this add-on, go to the Mozilla menu and select the “Add-ons” section. Then open the "Get Add-ons" tab. search bar dial Speed Dial FVD and press Enter.

There is an extension Speed ​​Dial, click the “Install” button and follow the prompts of Mozilla Firefox.

This is what the Mozilla Firefox home page might look like with the extension installed and configured.

How to change the home page in Mozilla Firefox

The Mozilla home page opens in the browser after clicking the button with the “house” icon. It is used for quick transition to the desired site.

There are two ways to set up your home page in Mozilla, both of which do not require installing any extensions. Let's look at them in order.

The first and easiest way is to drag open tab to a pictogram with a house, as shown in the following image.

Then, to set this page as your home page, confirm the action by clicking “Yes”.

The second way is through the Mozilla settings. Open your browser settings and go to the “General” tab, just like you did on the start page.

Near the inscription “Home Page” you can enter your URL address or use the buttons below:

  1. Use current pages.
  2. Use a bookmark.
  3. Restore to default.

It is clearly shown in the following picture.

Want to set up multiple home pages? Then open each of them in separate tab, then in Settings, click the “Use Current Pages” button. They will open in different tabs after clicking the Home button.

The home page in Firefox does not change - what to do?

Sometimes Firefox settings do not change or are reset to the original settings that do not suit you. This may happen due to software you installed on third-party sites, programs that include the Firefox toolbar, or viruses.

Removing someone else's toolbar that changes the search and home page of Mozilla Firefox

These recommendations will be useful for users who want to remove the toolbar Ask, Utorrent, Somoto, SweetIM, seeearch, incredibar, searchqu, MyStart and others. There are several solutions to this problem. First, let's look at Firefox's cleanup feature, which resets the browser to factory settings.

Cleaning function - reset settings and add-ons

IN address bar In the Mozilla Firefox browser, type the following command and press Enter: about:support. In the window that opens, click the “Clean Firefox” button.

Then confirm your intentions. This will remove your additions and changes you made to the settings, and will restore default values, as if you were starting from scratch.

Firefox will close and the cleanup process will begin. Upon completion, a window with a report will be displayed - a list of imported information. Click the "Finish" button and the browser will open.

Please note, this function will remove:

  • History of web surfing.
  • Bookmarks.
  • Passwords.
  • Cookies.
  • Open windows and tab groups.
  • Personal dictionary.
  • Information for automatic filling forms
  • Extensions and themes.
  • Download log.
  • Security settings.
  • Social functions.

Mozilla won't start - find the Firefox cleanup button in the browser's safe mode.

Attention! Don't confuse safe Firefox mode and Windows are different things.

To run Mozila in safe mode, click Shift key and click on the Fireforks shortcut, as during normal startup.

In the window that opens, click “Run in Safe Mode” or “Clean Firefox.” The second button restores the default settings, click the first.

The browser will launch with extensions disabled, hardware acceleration and toolbar settings reset.

Test Mozilla Firefox in Safe Mode. If your problem still occurs, it is not caused by browser extensions or the installed theme. Otherwise, when problems do not arise, they may be caused by extensions, the Mozilla theme, or hardware acceleration.

To get out safe mode, close the browser and launch it again without the Shift key.

To disable hardware acceleration:

  1. Open the Mozilla menu and select the “Settings” section.
  2. Select the "Advanced" panel, and in it the "General" tab.
  3. Uncheck the box next to "Use whenever possible" hardware acceleration».
  4. Save your changes.

The problem is solved - it means hardware acceleration is to blame. You can update your PC's graphics drivers or run your browser without this feature.

To return to the original theme:

  1. Open the Firefox menu and select Add-ons.
  2. Go to the " Appearance».
  3. Select the default theme and click "Enable"
  4. Restart your browser.

The problem has been resolved - the reason is established theme, no - let's dig further.

To disable all extensions:

  1. Go to the Fireforks menu – “Add-ons” section.
  2. Select the Extensions panel.
  3. Disable all existing extensions.
  4. Restart Firefox.

When the browser starts, extensions will be disabled. Check if your problem is noticeable. It’s not there – it’s a matter of extensions. Activate the add-ons one at a time to identify the source of the problem. Found - remove or update the extension, which changes the search and home page in Mozilla.

Other solutions to the problem with search and the browser home page

  • Remove the browser from your computer, then download from the official download page and install again.
  • There may be malware installed on your computer or the hosts file has been modified.
  • Go to the menu – “Settings” – “Protection” – “Exceptions”. Check to see if there are any sites you don't need here. If you find third-party addresses in the “Exceptions”, feel free to delete them.
  • None of the above helped - check the properties of the shortcut for launching Mozilla, this is described below.

Firefox home page does not change - how to fix it?

Does Mozilla Firefox start page appear incorrectly when you launch the browser? Check the Mozilla shortcut. Some programs can change its properties so that when the browser is launched, the page opens third party application, affiliate program or another site you don't need.

  1. Click right click Click on the Firefox shortcut and select “Properties”.
  2. On the “Shortcut” tab, in the “Object” field, only the following should be written:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe

    and nothing else. Of course, if the browser was installed in a different directory than the default one, the path will be different.

  3. If a web address is added to the “Object” field, delete it and click OK. Also, you can completely remove this shortcut and create a new one from the folder with the installed browser.

We return browser settings if they are not saved

The following guide to action may solve your problem of Firefox page not changing and settings not being saved. There is nothing complicated in the steps described below, although you will have to edit some browser configuration files.

Some settings are not saved

Some programs may force Firefox to use specific settings, and you will not be able to change them in the usual ways, like this:

  • Creative ZenCast changes the Firefox agent using Java. The solution is to uninstall Creative ZenCast.
  • Privacy service McAfee antivirus disables (blocks) pop-up windows in the browser. To disable pop-up blocking, open the Muzzler menu - select “Settings” - “Content” panel. Uncheck the "Block pop-up windows" checkbox.
  • Norton 360 enables Firefox's privacy wipe feature, which overrides the browser's privacy settings to prevent cookies, browsing history, and other personal data from being saved between sessions.
  • Some third-party toolbars change the Mozilla home page and search options. You can reset them using the special SearchReset add-on.

If you do not have the programs described above installed, and your browser settings are not saved. Then you'll have to rule configuration file User.js. There's nothing complicated about it. It's done like this.

  1. Open your profile folder by going to your browser menu and clicking on Help (the question mark icon). In the tab that opens, select “Problem Solving Information.”
  2. On next page, in the “Application Information” section, click on the “Show Folder” button.
  3. Close Mozilla browser Firefox.
  4. In the folder that opened in step 3, find the user.js file and run it in . If you don't have a user.js file, these recommendations won't help you.
  5. Delete the lines in user.js with the settings that need to be changed. You can delete all lines, then all settings will change.
  6. Save and close the user.js file.
  7. Launch the Mazila Firefox browser. Now the settings in it should change.

Perhaps in your Firefox versions a program configuration file has been added that blocks changes to some settings or prevents them from being saved. In this case, completely remove the browser from your computer and reinstall it.

No parameters or settings are saved

If the steps described above do not solve your problem, and when you start the program, you constantly see a tab with the message Firefix has been updated. Most likely, the file that the browser uses to save settings is damaged or blocked.

Solving the problem with a locked settings file:

  1. Open your profile folder. To do this, go to the browser menu and click on Help (the icon with a question mark). In the new tab, click on “Information to solve the problem.”
  2. In the Application Details section, find the Show Folder button and click it.
  3. Close your browser.
  4. In the folder that opens, find the prefs.js file, if there is one, then prefs.js.moztmp.
  5. Right click on these files and in context menu go to their "Properties".
  6. Make sure that in the attributes of each of them there is no checkbox next to “Read Only”. If necessary (correct), remove it.
  7. Delete all prefs-n.js files where n is a number, for example, prefs-1.js
  8. Find and delete the Invalidprefs.js file.
  9. Restart your browser, the settings should now be saved.

The settings file is damaged, what should I do?

The settings file may be damaged; we have already described above how to find it. Delete prefs.js, Mozilla Firefox will create another one.

Attention! By deleting the prefs.js file you will lose custom settings in many of your extensions.

Deleting settings files:

  1. Find prefs.js and if there is prefs.js.moztmp, delete these files.
  2. Look to see if there are prefs-n.js files in the profile folder, where n is a number (for example, prefs-2.js).
  3. Remove Invalidprefs.js.
  4. Restart your browser.

If the above solutions to common browser problems are not clear to you. Then completely remove Mozila from your computer and reinstall it from the official developer site.

Every user Google browser Chrome can independently decide whether specified pages will be displayed or executed at startup automatic download previously open pages. If when you start the browser on Google screen Chrome opens exactly the start page, then below we will look at how it can be removed.

Start page is a URL page specified in browser settings that automatically launches every time the browser is launched. If you don’t want to see such information every time you open your browser, then it would be rational to remove it.

How to remove the start page in Google Chrome?

1. Click on the menu button in the upper right corner of the browser and in the list that appears, go to the section "Settings" .

2. At the top of the window you will find a block "Open at startup" , which contains three items:

  • New tab. By checking this box, every time you start the browser, a blank page will be displayed on the screen. new tab without any navigation to the URL page.
  • Previously opened tabs. The most popular item among Google users Chrome. After selecting it, closing the browser and then launching it again, all the same tabs that you worked with in the last session will be loaded on the screen Google Chrome.
  • Specified pages. At this point, any sites that eventually become starting images are specified. Thus, by checking this box, you can set an unlimited number of web pages that you access every time you start your browser (they will load automatically).

If you do not want the start page (or several specified sites) to open every time you open your browser, then you will need to check the first or second parameter - here you need to navigate only based on your preferences.

As soon as the selected item is checked, the settings window can be opened. From now on, when the browser is launched again, the start page on the screen will no longer load.

How to change the start page in the browser - getting rid of webvolta.. and other imposed home pages.

I came across a computer with an unchangeable home page (supposedly the Webvolta search engine or similar pseudo-search engines) the page did not change using normal methods. Let's call

The answer was found on the net:
I quote..

For Mozilla Firefox you will have to do the following.

We remove the intrusive “web…. annoying_page» from the Mozilla Firefox home page

In order to get the Firefox home page back, you need to open the file
user.js, which is located in the directory:

C => Documents and Settings => Username => Application Data => Mozilla => Firefox => Profiles => xxxxxxxx.default

where xxxxxxxx — digital value, different on different computers.

1. Open the user.js file and delete the entries _ http// in the first and third lines. Enter the address of your home page.

2. You can also look at the file prefs.js, located in the same folder, parameter -

user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "_http//");

instead of the required entry chrome://speeddial/content/speeddial.xul, responsible for assigning the speeddial extension as the start page.

View address and assign home page in Mozilla Firefox, you can open the TOOLS => SETTINGS => BASIC tab:

By cleaning the registry and making changes to the user.js and prefs.js files, we can finally assign our home page to Mozilla Firefox, and not the one that was imposed on us by such a “friendly”

The same thing needs to be done in the case of webvolta and other pages imposed on you..
And now how to clean Mozilla:

Clearing cookies in the browser:
* Click the Tools menu in your browser.
* Select "Clear personal data".
* The “Cookies” item must be selected.
* Click "Clear Personal Data Now".

Clearing the cache in the browser:
Edit - Preferences - Privacy - Cache - Clear cache now
Tools - Settings - Privacy - Cache - Clear cache (check all the boxes)
And it’s better to select “Will not remember history” there
And below, where to suggest "do not suggest" links

Well, that's probably all!!!

More from the net...

Last night I came across a problem like this... search engine stupidly infected my computer, in all browsers it’s like the home page and there’s no way to remove it, I went to Wikipedia to see what kind of miracle it was and I liked the history of this search engine - Year 2010 infects users’ computers and forcibly installs itself as a start page... (fortunately it’s not hard to fight this)

I decided to post here how I dealt with this, in case someone has such a problem in the future.

1. To remove an unsolicited search page from webalta from browsers, click on the “Start” button of your OS, then “Run”.
2. In the field that opens, write the command to open the registry – regedit.
3. When the registry editor opens, select the menu – “Edit”, and in it “Find” or Ctrl + F.
4. In the search window that opens, you need to enter webalta.
5. Now click on the “Find” button.
6. Delete those registry files that contain the name webalta.
7. Repeat the search until it produces results.
That's not all, so far we have only cleaned Opera and Internet Explorer.
When I launched FireFox, this webta was still the start page, then I went into the configs and started cleaning everything there.

In the Opera browser, by default, it is set that when you launch this web browser, the express panel immediately opens in the form of a start page. Not every user is satisfied with this state of affairs. Some users prefer to have a search engine site or a popular web resource open as their home page, others consider it more rational to open the browser in the same place where the previous session was completed. Let's find out how to remove the start page in Opera browser.

In order to remove the start page, and in its place when starting the browser, set the site you like as the home page, go to the browser settings. Click on the Opera icon in the upper right corner of the program interface, and select “Settings” from the list that appears. You can also go to settings using the keyboard by typing a simple key combination Alt+P.

On the page that opens we find a settings block called “At startup”.

Switch the settings switch from the “Open home page” position to the “Open specific page or several pages."

After that, click on the inscription “Set pages”.

A form opens where the address of the page, or several pages, that the user wants to see when opening the browser instead of the start express panel is entered. After this, click on the “OK” button.

Now, when you open Opera, instead of the start page, those resources that the user himself has assigned, according to his tastes and preferences, will be launched.

Enabling start from the disconnect point

It is also possible to configure Opera in such a way that instead of the start page, those Internet sites that were open at the end of the previous session, that is, at the time the browser was turned off, will be launched.

This is even easier to do than assigning specific pages as home pages. Simply switch the switch in the “At startup” settings block to the “Continue from the same place” position.

As you can see, removing the start page in the Opera browser is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. There are two ways to do this: change it to the selected home pages, or set the web browser to start from the point of disconnection. The last option is the most practical, and therefore is especially popular among users.

Before the reader gets acquainted with a detailed consideration of the issue of how to remove “Yandex” from the start page, it makes sense to touch upon the main reason for the difficulty that many users have, the name of which is naive inattention. After all, installing this or that software, many of us don’t even pay attention to the fact that the installation windows have a certain “consent” checkbox. Recklessness and short-sightedness subsequently have not entirely favorable results. Now about everything in detail.

Race for the Championship

Every Internet product developer strives to occupy the highest level of demand. The question that arises is: “How to remove “Yandex” from the start page?” - the result of inventive cunning of programmers. Agree, the more difficult the decision, the more time it takes to resolve it. As a result, seeing inexperience, the user becomes a “voluntary hostage” of the Internet game scenario imposed by someone “Yandex: whoever is not with us will be ours!” Let us free you from the excessive care and effective intrusiveness of service developments of professionals. For your attention five in various ways, how to remove “Yandex” from the start page. Let's get started!

Standard option No. 1. When not everything has time to “register”

The web browser does not matter which one it is, it has a diverse set of tools in its arsenal: extensions, plugins, applications and an integrated configuration environment. The principle of their operation is practically no different, but the interface of each of them still has signs of individuality. Therefore, to solve the question of how to remove “Yandex” from the start page, the two most popular browsers will serve as an example.

Google Chrome

In this case, when you launch Chrome, the pages that you specified in the corresponding list will be loaded.

  • Activate the "Quick page..." item in the "Start group" section.
  • In the “Appearance” item below, check the “Show button…” marker.
  • By clicking on the “Change” link, enter the address of the main page (start page).

Now the “Domi” icon will appear at the top of the screen on the left and by clicking on it you will be taken to home page, the address of which was specified in the settings.

Mozilla Firefox

  • Upper left corner “Settings”, in the drop-down menu select “Settings” again.
  • In the window that opens, in the “Home Page” section, enter the required starting address.

Original option No. 2. “Infected” shortcuts

How to remove the Yandex start page if standard methods are powerless? Check the browser icon:

  • Right-click on the shortcut.
  • Select Properties.
  • In the "Object" checkbox, carefully review the path (directory) of the called browser.
  • If you find any “tail” with “Yandex” content, remove the “obsessive trailer”.

Extraordinary option No. 3. Host binding

  • Double click: "My Computer".
  • Opening system partition disk.
  • Let's go to Windows folder, then system32.
  • Enter etc in the search bar.
  • We open the found file, which, by the way, is located in the system drivers.
  • Using a standard notepad, we look at the contents of the data. However, they just need to be removed.
  • Save your changes and enjoy!

Extravagant option No. 4. Influential personality

If none of the above methods have had the desired effect, and everything remains as before (the “uninvited guest” does not leave the browser), most likely the issue of the browser requires “advanced” consideration.

Google Chrome

  • Let's go to settings.
  • On the left side of the interface, click "Extensions".

Mozilla Firefox

  • "Settings" menu.
  • Then "Add-ons" - "Extensions".

Attention: Considering the difficulty of understanding why this or that application is installed, and sometimes the “pest” can disguise itself as anything, just methodically disable them, analyzing the result of your actions by restarting the browser. Having discovered the “culprit” of your misadventures, delete it.

Final option No. 5. Browser “metastases”

Sometimes the question of how to remove the start page of a particular Internet “invader” is solved quite simply.

  • Go to the control panel.
  • Then in the menu of installed programs.
  • Review the list carefully. Various Tool Bar or Conduit applications are the “cancer” of your Internet browser.
  • Uninstalling will solve your problem.

In conclusion

Remember that every search engine is interested in you as a regular user. They may offer you a lot of useful and, in general, free applications, extensions and programs. But if something starts to “stress” you, think about it. Perhaps the answer is somewhere nearby.