How to turn on the flash on your iPhone when you receive a call. How to turn on the flash on an iPhone when you receive a call How to turn on the indicator light on an iPhone 5

Almost everything modern smartphones and tablets are equipped with an LED flash, which is mainly used for photography and as a flashlight. In turn Apple company I found another, no less interesting use for it. Starting with iPhone fourth generation, the flash can function as a flasher to visually signal a call.

Is this flasher necessary?

Initially, the idea of ​​​​using an LED in flickering mode was intended to help people with disabilities (hard of hearing) not to miss incoming calls and SMS notifications. But over time the situation changed. Today, many young people deliberately turn on the flashing lights, thus trying to attract the attention of others to their fashionable gadget. However, this method does not always have a positive effect. Some people may be irritated by such flickering, especially at night.

An LED flasher can help girls quickly find an iPhone in a bag among many different accessories. It's also worth noting that the flicker also applies to the alarm clock. This means that when the alarm goes off, in addition to the melody, frequent LED flashes will be visible in the room, provided that the iPhone is face down. To decide whether the flashing light is useful for you, you should turn it on for a few days on your iPhone. But keep in mind that this will drain your battery faster.

So how do you turn on flash flashing?

The procedure for turning on the LED flasher is extremely simple and can be completed in just a couple of minutes. To do this, you need to go to the “Settings” section and find the line called “Basic”. Then touch the specified line, after which a list with many sub-items will appear on the screen. Among them, you should find and click on the “Universal Access” item. Scrolling through the items in the newly opened section, you need to find and select the line called “Flash warnings”. After its activation, all incoming iPhone calls and messages will be accompanied by a melody with a bright optical effect.

The developers of iPhone running iOS 10 have additionally equipped it with another option – “Flash in silent mode”, which is also located in the “Universal Access” menu. To enable it, the user needs to perform two steps:

  • by moving your finger across the screen, turn on the switch located next to the option name;
  • Move the switch located at the end of the phone to the “Silent” position, in which its orange part will become visible.

After completing these steps, with each incoming call or SMS, the smartphone will vibrate and the LED will flash brightly.

Sometimes iPhone owners complain that for some reason the flashing light does not work immediately after enabling the option. In this case, you should restart the device and try to accept the call again. In this case, you need to keep in mind the following nuance. iPhone flashing periodically is only possible when its screen is turned off. If the device is not in standby mode (the screen is active), the LED will not blink.

How to disable

Disabling the LED flasher on an iPhone follows the same principle as turning it on. To turn off the flash during incoming SMS and calls, you should re-enter the “Universal Access” menu and move the switch on the screen to the inactive position.

By the way, not only owners can turn on the LED blinking function during incoming calls. iPhone versions higher than iOS 5. It is also available in some other smartphones. In particular, activation of the flasher is available by default in devices MIUI firmware, and you will have to install the Flash On Call application on your smartphone with Android OS.

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Unlike other models, iPhone does not have a special notification indicator for incoming calls and notifications by default. Instead, it provides regular vibrations. However, the iPhone has a flash feature that can be used to alert you to incoming calls, messages, and other notifications coming to your device. In this article we will tell you how to turn on the flash when making a call on an iPhone.

When this feature is enabled, when you receive a call or message on your iPhone, the LED will flash repeatedly, which is very convenient when you set it to silent mode. This is a nice addition to the regular vibrations the system already has.

LED Flash Alerts on iPhone – convenient function, which is not known to all users. We suggest you familiarize yourself with how to turn on the flash when making a call on iPhone 5, 6, 7, 8, X and other versions.

This option is available on models of modern versions of iPhones with latest version operating system iOS. Even though this function has existed for a long time, methods for enabling it on older iPhone models somewhat different.

iPhone gadgets of later versions and with iOS systems equipped with flashing LEDs that notify you of incoming calls, messages and other notifications. And later versions starting from iPhone 4 and iOS 5 no longer support this function. The following is a step-by-step description of how to make a flash on an iPhone during a call.

1. Open Settings from the main screen.

2. Click "Basic».

3. Then go to " Universal Access».

5. Click " Flash warningsFlash in silent mode».

6. Switch the notification LED flash to " ON» .

That's all, now the turned on indicator light blinks three times, notifying the user of incoming calls, messages and various notifications. To turn off the notification, you need to switch the setting to "OFF».

This feature is also undeniably useful for people with hearing loss. Also, regular iPhone owners often turn off the loud signal and use only the blinking LED. This shows how useful this feature is.

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How to turn on the flash during a call on iPhone for silent mode?

Your iPhone usually notifies you of a notification using sound signal, vibration or both. But there are situations where loud signals and vibrations fail to attract attention, such as in loud environments such as a nightclub. Or maybe the user simply doesn't want to be bothered by sound or vibration at all.

Solution: LED indicator (flash) on iPhone. It starts flashing brightly whenever you receive a notification. This is the same bright flash you use on your camera or as a flashlight. Therefore, this function is ideal for flashing a signal about incoming calls, messages and other notifications that will be difficult to miss.

If you want the LED flash to automatically activate whenever the iPhone is muted. You need to click the switch on the iPhone 7, be careful, this function is only available on new models.

1. Open Settings from the main screen.

2. Click "Basic».

3. Then go to " Universal Access».

4. After that, scroll down to hearing.

5. Click " Flash warnings" On newer ones iOS versions « Flash in silent mode».

6. Switch the LED flash in silent mode to " ON» .

Now, when the sound is turned off, the LED flash will notify you of incoming calls.

Now when you receive messages, phone calls or any other notifications. The LED indicator (flash) on the iPhone will constantly blink to alert you.

This function is useful in the following situations:

· preventing missed calls, messages and any other notifications.

· attracting attention in loud environments, both at work and at leisure in noisy places.

· use of a light signal together with an alarm clock. (This last use case should be reserved for masochists only. Don't force your brain and go to bed on time);

Now you know what Quiet Mode is, how to use it, and which models it is available on.

How to turn on the flash when making a call on iPhone (Video)

The video shows you step by step how to turn on the flash for an iPhone. It also explains what quiet mode is.

How to turn on flash for calls and notifications on iPhone

Why doesn't the LED flash work on iPhone?

What to do if the function didn't work?

This feature only works when the iPhone is locked or in sleep mode. Some older devices require a reboot to activate this feature. Additionally, your phone must be face down so that you can see the flashing light.

The light should flash even if the phone is in:

· silent mode;

· with vibration disabled;

· with the bell switch on the side panel turned off. (Only on new versions of iPhone).

Visual signals can also be used perfectly in combination with conventional vibrations provided by the system.

Apple originally developed this feature for people with hearing impairments. However, many users liked it. People appreciated the great opportunity to receive visual signals instead of audio signals.


For some context, this idea originates from an old jailbreak setting, but Apple used it as an accessibility feature for iOS 5. It is retained in all modern versions of iOS. Later versions, such as iOS 10, added a secondary option called Flash on Silent Mode. Flash LED assures that this feature is very convenient for iPhone users.

To check if the flash is working, you need to wait for an incoming call or message. You can initiate your notification by setting a short countdown timer. In any case, you will notice that the flash iPhone cameras will flash simultaneously with audible alerts and vibrations. The effect is very intense and can make the phone appear blinding, which is especially noticeable in the dark. However, you need to understand that such an iPhone signal cannot be ignored.

If you have any additions to the article “how to turn on the flash when making a call on iPhone,” leave them in the comments, they will definitely be read!

Apple products always have additional features for people with disabilities. And iPhone is no exception. In its settings, in the “Universal Access” section, there are a lot of functions that are designed to help such users.

Among other things, the option to turn on the flash when making a call on iPhone is available in the settings. This feature is intended for users with hearing impairments. However, it can help everyone else too. For example, this feature may be useful for users who work in noisy environments and therefore miss incoming calls.

If you have a similar problem, then this article should help you, here you will learn how to turn on the flash when making a call on your iPhone.

Step #1: Open iPhone Settings and go to General. If you want to turn on the flash on your iPhone, then the first thing you need to do is go to the settings and go to the “General” section.

Step #2: Go to the Accessibility section and turn on the LED flash for alerts. Once you have entered the “Basic” section, open the “Accessibility” subsection and turn the “LED flash for alerts” switch to the “On” position. This function will be located in the “Hearing” settings block.

That's all. Now, when there is an incoming call, your iPhone will not only play a melody and vibrate, but also turn on the flash. It should be noted that the flash display only works when the iPhone is locked. If the device screen is working, the flash will not blink, although in such a situation it is not necessary.

How to make a flash when calling on other smartphones

By the way, you can implement a warning about an incoming call using a flash not only on an iPhone. For example, on an Android smartphone this can be done using the Flash Alerts 2 application. This application is completely free and you can download it from .

When you first launch the Flash Alerts 2 app, it will test the flash on your smartphone and ask you to confirm that it is working. If the flash is working, you can set various warnings. For example, in order to set the flash to turn on when there is an incoming call, you need to activate the “Incoming Call” function.

Also, using the Flash Alerts 2 application, you can configure the flash to turn on when there is an incoming SMS message or notification from other applications.

How can I make the flash on my iPhone flash when I make a call? Easily! This feature appeared in iOS a long time ago, but with the release it appeared additional option. Now users can not only set the flash to ring a bell, but also set the parameter at which the flash is on iPhone call will only be activated in silent mode. We'll tell you how to do it right now!

In general, the original purpose of a flash on a smartphone is to improve the quality of photo and video shooting. It is also used by the standard flashlight function. However, many owners like to see the flash flash when making a call on their phone. By the way, Cupertino decided to integrate this function not as entertainment, but for users with disabilities. But this does not prevent others from turning on the flash when making a call on their iPhone.


iPhone users with a version of the mobile platform lower than iOS 10 do not have the ability to set the flash to ring the iPhone in silent mode. They only have access to the first option - turn on or off the flash for calls, depending on whether the smartphone is in silent or normal mode. We previously published a detailed one - in essence it is no different from this except for the use different versions iOS.

After completing all the above steps, the flash will now flash brightly during a call to your device in silent mode. We must warn you that enabling this option may increase battery consumption on your iPhone. The function can quickly drain your smartphone.

Today I will tell you about some features of the flash mobile device iPhone. For the first time, an LED flash appeared in the 4th generation model - in the iPhone 4; previous models did not have a built-in flash, but those who wanted could purchase a separate flash accessory (called something like iFlash) and, connecting it to a 30-pin connector, use it. Starting with the 4th iPhone, Apple began to equip all subsequent phone models with a flash; now the LED is located on the back of the phone, near the camera, and its main task is to create sufficient lighting when shooting photos and videos. In addition to the main task, the flash also performs other useful features, which we will talk about today.

How to turn on the flashlight on iPhone

I won’t tell you how to turn on the flash on the iPhone when taking photos, I think I’ll run standard application"" you will figure out this simple task. With the advent of iPhones, a flashlight appeared that works using a flash. Button " Flashlight" is located in the widget " ". To be honest, I use this flashlight more often than flash when taking photos. You come home late, everyone is asleep, you take your iPhone out of your pocket, turn on the flashlight and wander around. Well, or if it’s dark in the entrance, it also helps. It's easy to turn on the flashlight on the iPhone - I wake up the phone Home button and from below I pull out the Control Center, in it I press the bottom left button with the image of a flashlight.

The standard iPhone flashlight uses a flash

The button is turned on and the flash starts working as a flashlight. In order to turn off the flashlight, you can repeat the same steps, but there is a faster secret way to turn off the flashlight on the iPhone - walking around the house with the flashlight on will allow the phone screen to lock (the screen lock time in my settings is 1 minute). To turn off the flashlight, I wake up my iPhone and press the trailing Camera button in the bottom right corner. After pressing, the screen jumps a little and the flashlight turns off; this method is one step faster than turning off the button in the Control Center.

In newer iOS firmware I turn off the flashlight in lock mode like this - I press the Home button and slightly pull the screen to the left, if I pull it hard, the camera will turn on there.

Turn on the flash for an iPhone call

IN iPhone settings There is another possibility of using the iPhone flash, the function is called - LED flashes for warning. By enabling this function, you will not only hear incoming call, but you will also see it with the help of flashlight flashes, this is the indication. I think this feature was designed for people with limited hearing. That is, if a person has difficulty hearing, then the flash on an iPhone call will help to see incoming call in the flickering phone. Many users who do not have hearing problems also enable this function in their phones, this is done as follows:

Launch the standard “Settings” application and select the “General” section.

In “General”, select “Universal Access” and turn on LED flash for warnings. In new versions of iOS, the subsection is called Flash Alerts.

If you have figured out the flashes, then you can set your own melody for an incoming iPhone call -.

Now you will see the flashlight blinking when your iPhone rings, messages or triggers. Warning flashes will only flash when the iPhone is in Lock mode. In the unlocked state (not in hibernation), the warning flashes do not work. Indication of a missed message is possible only if you set up a reminder of a missed SMS.