How to disable the children's Internet option on a megaphone. How to disconnect a child under supervision from MTS: methods. Locating the child

Telesystem Megafon is constantly expanding the range of its services. In the arsenal of the company, new tariff plans, useful options and additional packages... One of them was the "Children's Internet" option from Megafon. Thanks to her, the child will be protected from unwanted sites and "bad" content. However, he will be able to freely use Internet resources from the white list. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the presented option in more detail.


After activating the function "Children's Internet", parents will be able to protect their children from streams of web garbage and "uncensored" wandering in the open World wide web... Parents can independently select malicious sites and blacklist them. The base of unwanted sites is updated every day.

Let's make a reservation right away that for correct work the function "Children's Internet", you first need to install certificates on the child's phone, which can be downloaded on the official page mobile operator... And also on the site you will find detailed description functions and the algorithm for its activation.

The service in question is available for connection on any Megafon tariff plans. By activating the function, the subscriber will be able to use it throughout the country. However, the option will be inactive outside the Russian Federation.

The option has some limitations, there are not many of them, but the subscriber should know about them:

  1. Megafon's "Children's Internet" package does not work with browsers such as Opera, Opera Turbo, Opera Mini, etc. For the service to function correctly, you need to use browsers such as Mozilla, Firefox, etc.
  2. The child cannot independently deactivate the service, since there are no special system requests or options for deactivating it through the Personal Account. However, parents should still set a password to deactivate the service. The password can be any word invented by the parents.

How to connect "Children's Internet" to Megafon

Before connecting the package, you need to know how to connect the “Children's Internet” service correctly. And the main rule for activating the "Children's Internet" function on Megafon is that only persons who have reached the age of 18 and, accordingly, have a passport, can start the function.

As for the activation methods, there are several of them:

  • one of the most popular is the sending of the system USSD command. To do this, the parent just needs to dial the number combination * 580 * 1 # on the mobile and press the call key. Immediately after sending the request, an SMS notification will be sent to the adult's phone about the option activation;
  • you can also simply connect to the service by sending a text message. To do this, send an SMS to 5800 with the word ON. If the activation is successful, the parent will receive a response SMS with the corresponding content;
  • it is possible to enable the service in the Personal Account. To do this, go to your page and select the "Services" category. After switching to the category, you will see the entire list of services available for connection. You just have to select the desired option and click the "Enable" button. By the way, if you have not yet registered in the TV system's LC, the registration itself will not take you much time, for authorization you just need to fill in a few empty fields;
  • it is also possible to enable the function by calling technical support at 0500. After connecting with the operator, inform the employee of the company about your desire and then follow the instructions. However, in this case, you should be prepared for the fact that the service worker may request personal information. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and prepare a passport, or at least remember codeword, invented by you at the time of registration in the TV system;
  • and the last activation method is a trip to the nearest office of a mobile operator (with a passport). In this case, all that is required of you is to come to the Megafon office center and ask a network worker to help with your question.

How to disable the service "Children's Internet" MegaFon

As mentioned above, the child cannot turn off the service being used on the phone on his own. However, if the fidget is quite savvy and can enter your passport data into the necessary columns, you just need to come up with a code word for deactivation.

The mobile operator offers a choice of three ways to turn off the service. Below is a detailed algorithm of actions on how to turn off the "Children's Internet" Megafon.

The company "Megafon" collects its own database of sites containing content of a certain level. These include:

  • advertising products for adults;
  • containing information materials for the adult target audience;
  • online casinos and similar;
  • porn sites;
  • sites with obscene materials;
  • resources through which drug trafficking is made;
  • phishing sites.

The service allows a parent to block access from any mobile device that the child uses to the specified resources.

Having connected it, parents can not worry that their child will end up on a porn site, or order a couple of kilograms of TNT.

Sites where you can buy drugs or find instructions on how to create a hydrogen bomb at home are also banned. Agree, this greatly facilitates the task of parents, who personally cannot constantly track all the resources visited by their child.

You do not have to worry that while surfing the Web, your child will end up on portals that copy and save your credit card information or passwords from the Internet bank. Information protection and virus protection are additional bonuses that can be obtained by activating this service.

Filtration of unwanted content is performed automatically after the option is enabled. To work correctly with some sites operating over the HTTPS protocol, you will need to download a special certificate from the Megafon website to the device from which you access the Network.

The undoubted advantage of the "Children's Internet" is the fact that the child himself cannot delete this service - the company representatives have provided such an opportunity.

Service activation is free. The price for use is 2 rubles per day, the subscription fee is charged daily. If necessary, you can refuse it if it becomes irrelevant.

Will the child himself be able to turn it off?

This question worries many parents. As already mentioned, the company representatives have foreseen this possibility. But small risks still remain.

If a teenager uses the Internet with such a restriction, he may well be smart enough to find the passport data of the parent on whom the SIM card is issued, and using contact center remove the blocking access to "interesting" resources.

But not all teenagers are able to think of this, and restrictions of this kind are usually set for children aged 4-12 years. And they, as a rule, do not really understand technical subtleties, so you don't have to worry.

Refusal options using USSD commands or simple SMS messages are not provided for this option.

Disconnection methods

In total, company representatives offer three options for disabling the option for parents. Let's look at each of them in detail. You can see what are the ways to turn off the mobile Internet on Megafon on your phone.


To use this method, pUK1 code required your sim card. If it is not there, then you will not be able to disable it in this way.

Send a message to service number 5187 with one of the text options to choose from: “Off”, “Disable”, “Off”, “0”, “otkl”.

In response, you will receive a message with the text: “Send to given number command PUK1 [space] 00000000, where 00000000 is your PUK code number ”.

Enter the text in the specified format in the reply message, not forgetting the spaces. Please check the PUK1 digits carefully before sending.

Especially for parents who want to protect their child, the company " Mobile TV systems"Has developed the" Children's Package "service. Today, the modern flow of information often contains content harmful to persons under the age of majority, manifested in various advertisements, spam and propaganda. A service from MTS Children's Package will help to avoid all this.

In this material you will find out what this option is, what opportunities are provided and how the service is connected or disconnected.

Children's package from MTS

The service is intended primarily for the convenience of parents. With the baby package you can:

  • Monitor the balance of a personal account, replenish it (including the function of automatic payment).
  • Safe mobile connectionfully customizable.
  • Control of the child's location using a special USSD request.

Works on all tariff plans (, and others), including archived ones.

Detailed list of package features:

  • With the activated baby package, the child will not be able to send and receive SMS messages, as well as call all known short numbers.
  • All incoming spam in the form of mailings and advertisements will be disabled on the number.
  • You can independently set up a blacklist of numbers to protect your child from communicating with a circle of unwanted persons.
  • Two lines included. Even during a conversation, the child will see that the parent number is calling and will be able to answer it, while the second line will remain on hold.
  • Accurate definition of a geographic location without Internet access. Everything happens through feedback with a GPS satellite, that is, you can turn off access to the network. This function can even be used on push-button telephones old model.
  • The child can independently notify the parents of his whereabouts by sending a quick USSD request.

How to connect

Take the child's phone and dial the following combination from it: * 111 * 1112 # and press the Call key. After a few seconds, information will appear on the mobile screen, here you need to enter the number "1" (Connect) and click "Answer".

Within a minute, you will receive a message containing data on activating the Baby package service. Next, you need to add the numbers of the parents (those persons who will be able to control the service). The operator has provided for the ability to link two numbers.

Instructions for adding a parent number:

  • Send a message with the text "8XXX1122334 PARENT" to short number 1112.
  • Confirm the binding of the number by replying to the message.

Important: Cyrillic input, i.e. Russian, is not supported on older phones. In such cases, use the following text: "RODITEL 8XXX0001122".

Locating the child

In order to determine the exact address of the location of the owner of the number, use the following instructions:

  • Send a message with the text "GDE 8XXX0001122" to 1112.
  • A few minutes after the request is processed, an SMS notification will be sent to the parent number with information about the child's current address.

Important: Mobile Telesystems provides 50 definition requests per month. The service works when a child is in the Russian Federation.

Configuring call and SMS restrictions

The parent has the right to make self-configuration to limit communication of the child. To do this, you need to go to, located at Authorization requires entering a username and password.

AT personal account you can create a "black list" of numbers for incoming and outgoing calls and messages (or separately). The number must be written in international format with a country code.

The advantage is that you can additionally configure the ban time, that is, the time schedule for when you can call and write SMS, and when not.

How to disable

It should be noted right away that the child will not be able to do this, even if he has access to two mobile devices. To disconnect the Children's Package from MTS, the owner of the SIM-card must personally appear at one of the company's representative offices and inform about his intention.

Only after the user is identified by passport data, the service will be stopped. No other methods are provided and do not exist.

The cost

Activation of the option is free, but the service itself is paid and is provided on a monthly basis to owners of MTS SIM cards of any tariff planother than corporate. The cost is 100 rubles, while sending SMS short number 1112 is not charged.


Dear visitors, below on this page are reviews of the MTS baby package. After reading them, you can get answers to your question and always ask it in the form of comments. Also, you can participate in the discussion and reply to other users. Please argue the review with truthful information, be respectful to each other and do not use obscene language.

Parents always want to control their child, especially while he is small, and this is possible with the MTS Parental Control service. Mobile operator MTS takes care of its customers and their little children, therefore it offers a very useful service on favorable terms of connection and use. This function can be connected to a mobile phone, however on computers it is connected much more often.

What is the "Parental Control" service of MTS

Mobile operator MTS allows you to monitor your children c. This option will serve as an excellent protection for the child and will not allow him to view unwanted information on various sites on the Internet. After all, all adults understand well that social pages overwhelmed with information that negatively affects the development and consciousness of the child. It is for these purposes that Parental Control was developed, which is very popular among those people whose children are still schoolchildren.

With the "Parental Control" service from MTS, a filter is installed on the desired device: a mobile phone, stationary computer or laptop. It is this filter that will protect the child from unnecessary browsing on the Internet.

Connection and cost of the "Parental Control" service of MTS

The option from the mobile operator MTS, offered to parents to protect their children, is a paid package, when activated, funds in the amount of 1.5 rubles are withdrawn from the balance every day. You can learn how to check yours. But if you want to disable this service, this operation will be free of charge, which allows MTS subscribers to use the Parental Control option, check how it works, whether you like it or not, and, if desired, disable it at any time for free.

Activation of the MTS Parental Control service is possible in several ways, but in any case, it is necessary to set up the service for both parents and children, i.e. establish a connection.

  1. Using the child's account, you need to log in to the official MTS website. Then find the section "Blacklist - Parental Control" and install the service. An SMS message with a confirmation code will be sent to your phone. Everything is now ready.
  2. Connection via SMS - command. To do this, you need to send an SMS - message with the text 442 * 5 to 111. The command is typed without spaces or quotes. After a while, you will receive a confirmation code from the MTS operator. After you go through the confirmation, the "Parental Control" service will be installed.
  3. Also, connection is possible with uSSD assistance - teams. To do this, dial the command * 111 * 72 # and press the call. USSD - the MTS command is typed without spaces and quotes.

After the operation, it was time to connect the mobile phone of the MTS subscriber to the child's mobile phone.

  1. To do this, one of the parents, on whose phone the child protection service in the Parental Control social network will be installed, must dial the command on his phone 442 * 4 without spaces and quotes to the MTS 111 number, and press the Call button. The monitoring service for your child is now available to you.
  2. Also, a parent can use the USSD command to connect and send the combination * 111 * 71 # from his phone.

When connecting this service to a computer, and not a child's mobile phone, you just need to dial the command * 111 * 786 # without spaces and quotes, then click on the "Call" button. Also, the parent can use an SMS message and send text 786 to the MTS 111 number.

When you connect the Parental Control service to your computer, you will need to go to the MTS Internet settings on your computer and install a filter with the same name for the service.

Settings for the MTS Parental Control service on the child's phone

There are several options for setting up a filter on your phone:

  1. Basic setting, i.e. you can activate a ban on sending or receiving some calls or messages from the child's mobile phone. To do this, you need to configure "". Using the "My MTS" service, you must enter the child's phone number, and then send a request. After accepting the terms, make the same settings on your child's phone.
  2. Advanced setting of "Parental Control". It is the same as the previous option, only here you can view all calls from the child's phone that are blocked. After connecting, the confirmation process takes place within three days.

Disabling the "Parental Control" service of MTS

If you want to stop using the Parental Control service from MTS, you can do it in several ways:

To disable the "Parental Control" option on your computer, you need to call 0890 and disconnect from the service. It is also possible to do this in the settings of your personal account.

To disable the option on mobile device, you must contact the MTS office with a refusal statement.

The Internet is full of safe and sometimes useful educational and entertainment resources that even children can use. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of inappropriate content on the Internet that is far from intended for children. The second danger is the activities of scammers and hackers, and some children also spend too much time on the Internet, almost never leaving their room in their free time.

Some parents resort to extreme measures - prohibiting the child from using the computer by setting a password on it. However, this does not always lead to the desired result, often children either take offense or throw tantrums. There are many solutions to this problem that will not be perceived as painfully by the child.

Parental Controls from Microsoft - special functionthat protects children when they use the family computer.

It affects three aspects:

To enable parental controls, you must create a separate account for kids. It will allow the child to use only approved programs and visit the sites approved by the parents.

Note!Make sure you have a password set on your own before creating a new account. Don't tell it to your child.

Step 1... From the Start menu, open Control Panel.

Step 2. Select "User Accounts" and open the "Manage Another Account" section.

When the account for the children has been created, you can proceed directly to setting up parental controls.

Step 4. Open the User Accounts section of the Control Panel again.

Step 5. Now, in addition to your own, the new one you just created is reflected there. Open a child account.

Step 6.Click Install parental control».

Step 7. A new window will open all the options that parents can customize at their own discretion.

Step 8. We adjust the time of using the computer. Highlight the time when working at the computer will be prohibited or allowed.

Step 9. Setting up games. First of all, decide if the child can run games that have no rating, and then set an acceptable age category in your opinion.

Step 10. Select from the list of all programs installed on your computer those that you can run. Do not mark browsers to restrict your child's access to the Internet.

Parental control via router

Many modern routers have built-in child monitoring functionality. Everything is already foreseen, users can only make personal changes.

Step 1. Open your router settings in a browser by entering one of the addresses you see in the screenshot below into the search bar.

Step 2. Enter your username and password.

Step 3. Go to the "Internet" section.

Step 4. From the menu on the left, select Parental Controls. The essence of this function is to impose restrictions on each individual device that connects to the home network.

Step 5. Modify the settings by adding a time rule and address filtering. First, create a new time rule.

Step 6. Come up with and write down a name for this rule, set limits that satisfy the interval of Internet use. In the "Applies to" section, check only the devices your child uses, this could be a laptop, phone or tablet.

Step 6... You can also enter multiple URLs that will not open from the devices you select.

Remember to save all changes and reboot your router if possible. The main advantage of this method is the ability to restrict a child's access to the Internet not only from a computer, but also from any other device that he uses at home. These restrictions will not affect mobile phones and tablets with SIM cards if the child does not connect to Wi-FI.

Control software

In addition to the built-in functions discussed above, there are many third-party programs that also help limit children's access to the Internet.

This company's first offering on the parental control software market. The program offers cloud-based filtering and website blocking from 70 different categories (drugs, porn, gambling, violence, etc.).

It is possible to create your own lists of prohibited sites based on your needs.
If necessary, most of the settings can be overridden by the parental password.

The program works on the latest windows platforms, MacOS, iOS and Android

The program has a very clear, easy-to-use interface. Features include: monitoring social networks, customized time frames for games or applications, the ability to track text messages and calls. The internet filter detects sites with inappropriate content in real time and blocks them.

Questudio works on Windows, macOS, Android and iOS. Some additional features (such as blocking games, tracking location, etc.) are available by subscription

Features: Protection for Internet-connected game consoles such as Xbox One, automatic blocking of fraudulent sites.
The competitive advantage of this program is the ability to apply parental control settings not only to individual devices, but also to the router, which allows you to filter absolutely all traffic that passes through it.
It's free software for parental control, it keeps track of: who the child communicates with, what sites and programs he uses. She keeps a detailed log of activity.

It does not restrict access, but allows you to monitor the child's online activities. Unfortunately, not all functions are available in free version, but even without them it remains a fairly well thought-out tool for ensuring child safety

Video - How to Add an Account and Set Up Parental Controls in Windows 10