How to open a public page in contact. Public - what is it? Where to get advertisers

Hello, dear readers of my blog. As you know, the language of social networks is teeming with various terms. Fortunately, many of them, for example, “community”, “page”, can be understood by everyone, but some can be confusing. One of these words is “public”. Many people don’t see the difference between him and the community, but there is one. If you want to know what these terms are all about, this article is for you.

What is a public?

Public – what is it? This is an abbreviation of the phrase “public page” - a kind of mini-blog on a social network that anyone can and has the right to start. Most often they are associated with the social network VKontakte, but they are also found on many other resources, for example, on Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and even Vibir (here we're talking about O group chat, the content of which can be seen by every user).

Why do people create public pages?

The format is convenient in that anyone can visit it, while groups can have closed access. That's why it's called a public page.
Discussion of certain topics is not of great importance here - public pages, for the most part, are created to familiarize themselves with information, music or pictures. Here, just like in communities, you can add videos and various recordings to the wall. Comments are available on some public pages, but there are also those where they are closed. Of course, there are topics for discussion in public pages, but they are given second place.

Besides, popular publics are an excellent platform for advertising. Absolutely anyone can advertise in them - from some super fashionable wristwatch to various communities and profiles on social networks. This is one way.

How does a public page become popular?

Information among users is distributed not only through the public wall, but also through reposts of various news by other users or groups, which is a kind of advertising. Thus, through the pages of friends or communities, those users who have never heard of it or have not looked for it will learn about the page. In short, word of mouth comes into force and attracts more and more people to the public page, making it popular.

But we must not forget about the most important things. For example, being competent is one of the fundamentals of her success, because, as you know, people are greeted by their clothes.

More than once I became interested in some groups and pages, seeing reposts or advertisements, but when I went to them, my interest immediately subsided, since the design was either simply plain, unattractive, or terribly ridiculous and tasteless. Anyone would want to fix their gaze on something attractive.

The second, most important thing, is the content of the public. Each person has his own interests and preferences, so you can always find your subscriber. But this does not mean that you can not worry at all and post everything - under no circumstances! The number and contingent of subscribers directly depends on the quality of the content. It is important to take a responsible approach to the selection of content, otherwise there can be no talk of success.

And of course, the creators of the public - the admins - play not the smallest role. How often are updates available? In what form? How do they treat their subscribers? How do they improve their “brainchild”? All this directly affects the popularity of the page.

How to create a public VKontakte page?

Becoming the owner of your own public VK page is easy, you just need to take a few simple steps. For your convenience, I will describe and show you each of them.

First of all, register in VK if you don’t already have your own account. If you have one, go to your page, go to the “My Groups” menu and click the “Create Community” button.

Now you need to enter the name of your community, I already wrote about that. Remember that the name is the first thing that attracts attention; it should be catchy and memorable. Select the type of community - “Public Page”.
The last step is to select the theme of the page.

You will be offered a large number of different directions, one of which should most accurately show the essence of your future mini-blog. All that remains is to click the “Create Community” button. Ready! Congratulations, you are now a public admin! But just creating a public page is not enough, you need to make it popular!

The service will help you get your first subscribers . I have already written about this in detail on my blog, so if you decide to start promoting, I advise you to read this article. Do not forget that it is not quantity that matters, but quality, so try to attract users directly with the content of your public page, and not with money.

Well, that’s all, now, I think, you have an idea of ​​what public is all about! Interested? Then get to work quickly! If you liked this article, you can recommend it to your friends and subscribe to my public page .

Good luck to you in all your endeavors! See you again!

Good day! Friends, have you noticed that over the past few years the number of all kinds of public pages and communities on social networks has increased several times and continues to grow? Moreover, if previously all of them were created for one or another objective reasons that were not directly related to the social network, now the lion’s share of all these communities are created only in order to make a profit from subscribers. It should be noted that the income of the community owner depends on the number of the latter. Therefore, not only a competent creation plays a huge role, but also promotion groups. Since creating such a source of income requires minimum investment, I decided to tell you about how to make money from a group in contact, relying only on your own knowledge and skills.

We create from scratch

Before you start calculating how much money you can make from a contact group, I suggest you first create one. This can be done by anyone registered in this social network.

You will need very little: decide on the topic of the blog, which would be interesting to a large number of people and would encourage them to subscribe to group updates. I will not talk about this in detail in this article, since I devoted a separate review to this issue. I highly recommend him for information for everyone who is seriously thinking about how to make money in contact on groups.

Having decided on the thematic focus of the public, you will need to take care of it high-quality design. Give free rein to your imagination, experiment, think about what the content of the group should be so that more and more people join it. more users.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that well-chosen graphic accompaniment (pictures) of the text will allow significantly increase the number of followers your public. If you can find your own flavor for the group and present it correctly, then you are guaranteed hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

Let's start to unwind

Well because creating a public page is only half of it, it's time to discuss. In order for the community to be popular and new users to join it, you need to take care of a certain amount posts on his wall. That is, every person who finds himself in the public space should see fresh and original content and want to subscribe to group updates. You can learn more about the rules and subtleties of promotion in a separate article devoted to this issue.

Promote VK pages and publics using Brobot

Popular ways to monetize your group

There are a great many options that allow you to make money on VKontakte groups. I suggest you overview of the largest and most popular, which bring the highest income.

Earnings from advertising

Considering that not so long ago the social network introduced new system ordering advertising, problems regarding how to make money in contact disappeared by themselves. Now the volume of your earnings and its timeliness will depend on how many subscribers there are in your group. The more targeted and active followers you attract to your public page, the more money you will receive.

Today, anyone can contact you, as the owner of the community, with a business proposal for advertising in the public. You agree on the cost of such a service and post on the community wall. Anticipating questions about how much advertising in a group costs, I will say that its cost can and should fluctuate. You will negotiate the price of posting with each client. individually. Unfortunately, most customers have no idea how much advertising costs in a well-promoted group, the number of subscribers in which has exceeded 100,000 people.

For convenience and orientation, I suggest you price list example indicating prices and traffic in the “typical billionaire” public.

Since settlements for such transactions occur through systems such as WebMoney or Yandex.Money, it is possible risks associated with deception. Neither you nor the customer can be 100% sure that an advertising post will be placed after making an advance payment or that you will receive money after publishing an advertising message. In order not to become a hostage to such an unpleasant and controversial situation, it makes sense to include in the transaction intermediary. In this case, its role is taken directly by the social network. As a result, the price of advertising increases significantly.

Alternatively, you can add your own group to the official advertising exchange VKontakte or to any other third party service.

Top advertising exchanges VK

  • Sociate
  • Plibber

List of services

  • vktarget
  • v-like
  • vkserfing
  • Likesrock

Complete appropriate tasks on them (in your case, publishing advertisements and messages), and get paid for it. The cost of completing such an order will depend on the number of followers in your public page. For every new 1000 subscribers, the price of tasks will increase by 20-30 rubles.

In principle, this option is good not only for earning money, but also because attracts new subscribers to your group. As soon as you understand how to create high-quality advertising in contact, customers will begin to line up for your services.

Sending invitations to community members

This is another unusual option for making money on a social network. Let's imagine the following situation: some kind of event, to which the organizer wants to invite subscribers of your public. It is quite obvious that he cannot do this without your help. That is why he creates a meeting on VKontakte, registers your group in the “Organizers” column and proceeds to mass mailing meetings. You receive good monetary gratitude for such assistance. The size of the “thank you” will again depend on the size of your community and its audience.

Collect target audience for business with

Earning money from affiliate programs

I will not repeat myself once again and tell you about the advantages CPA networks, but I’ll just say that this earning option is also available in the case of VKontakte groups. If you know, then the following services will be very useful to you in this matter:

  1. LEADS.SU – specializes in providing financial services. The program allows you to work with offers from advertisers of the service and pays you for the fact that attracted users have fulfilled the necessary requirement on the customer’s (advertiser) website;
  2. – this is not only over 1000 offers for affiliate programs, but also the availability exclusive offers. Not only will a personal manager be assigned to you, but you will also be able to contact a direct advertiser at any time;
  3. kredov – famous for the stability of payments, a decent number of offers and a wide range of modern tools;
  4. mastertarget – a service where you can receive commissions both for placing orders for goods or services, and for booking test drives or consultations. The service features a radically new advertising format;
  5. aleba – working with this service will allow you to collaborate with professional analysts and personal manager, use unique tools, segment the audience to increase conversion, study detailed statistics on completed transactions online.

There is also an opportunity to earn money from affiliate programs. various services. Just choose a niche that you are good at and go for it! If your topic is the creation and promotion of websites, try affiliate hosting programs. If you are interested in earning money without any investments, it makes sense to give preference to affiliate programs of CAP services.

For people who are actively investing on the Internet, it is quite possible that they will be interested in affiliate programs of Forex or those projects in which they are direct participants (these could be HYIPs, or they could be services trust management in the stock or foreign exchange market).

If you don’t want to engage in sales yourself, you can take advantage of the affiliate opportunities of online stores. Just post a link to the seller in your public page and receive a commission for every completed transaction. Today they are extremely popular affiliate programs Aliexpress, Ozon and E96. The latter, by the way, pays a commission of 10-20% of the purchase amount. That is, if an order worth 10,000 rubles was made using your link, then you can earn up to 2,000 rubles from this.

Earning money on goods, online store

An excellent option for making money would be to create a group that works according to the principle online store. For example, you purchased a batch of Chinese watches, placed relevant advertising posts on your public page and started selling the product. The main difficulty in this case is choice of delivery system and payment principle for the order. Depending on how popular your store is, you can receive 300-2500 rubles of net profit daily.

Today it is very popular to make purchases by wholesale prices in China, then sell goods with a certain margin online. You can post exclusively product advertisements in your online store, or you can dilute your feeds with informational posts that will be useful to your customers.

How to make money selling a group in contact

Another interesting way to make money from groups is to sell them. That is, you need to promote the public as much as possible, attract as many subscribers as possible to it, and then put it up for sale. The price of your item will be influenced not only by the number of followers, but also group activity. In other words, it is important for the buyer that the community is “alive” - there are active discussions in it, people comment on posts, share them on their pages.

Quite a few businessmen promote groups online only to sell them later. Having understood the algorithm of actions, very soon you can begin to receive quite large incomes from such activities.

In principle, making money on a VKontakte group is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It’s much more difficult to come up with and create a public page that would be interesting large number of users. If you set yourself the goal of creating an original and unique community that will attract a wide audience, then you will never have problems with monetizing it. Do quality work and enjoy the results. I wish you great profits and, as always, see you soon!

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. We continue to get acquainted with Internet terminology (a little earlier we looked at why, how to correctly call email - and also so that in the future your interlocutors will be confused with this).

Today we have the word “public” on our turn. Not to say that it was super popular, but quite common. Mostly he is tied up. Sometimes, however, you can find the word “public” used in relation to (or even), but since VKontakte is much more popular in RuNet, so this term is most often associated with it.

So what is a public? Let's see.

Public in Contact

Actually, in many other networks it is possible to create similar public pages, which serve, on the one hand, as a source of necessary and interesting information for visitors, and on the other hand, they allow their owners to make good money. And since the matter is mutually beneficial, the publics will continue to “bloom and smell.”

We continue the series of articles about community formats. In the last article we talked about how to create an open group.

Today we will talk about public pages, or, as they are also called, public pages.

The public page format is suitable for you if you often post any news, plan to publish subscriber content on behalf of the group, and want to promote through the personal pages of subscribers (but for this you need to try very hard and engage the audience with content).

Creation of a public

When creating a public page you need to enter:

  1. Name
  2. Community type(in our case, a public page)
  3. Subjects. This is either a “community of interests, blog”, or “Page of a company, store, person”. Selected depending on the challenges facing the community.
  4. Broad topics. This, in fact, is what your page is dedicated to – cars/motos, beauty and health, etc. Please note that for the “Community of Interests, Blog” type there is your own list of topics, for the “Company, store, person page” type there is your own list.
  5. Narrow topic. Its presence or absence depends on the broad topic chosen.
  6. The first difference from the group– you need to indicate the type of community and agree to the VK rules.

In addition, you can indicate the date of foundation of the company (in a group this is not possible)

Setting up partitions

Let's move on to setting up partitions. The following sections are available on the public page:

  1. Wall. There is no such setting; the wall in public areas does NOT turn off.
  2. Links. They are also available in groups, but here it is a switchable option.
  3. Photo albums. Like all other content, can only be posted by page administrators and editors. Let us remind you that in a group you can open general access to add content.
  4. Videos.
  5. Audio recordings. In most cases they are not needed, but are useful if the page is related to music or audiobooks.
  6. Documents. This tab does not exist, it is only in groups =)
  7. Discussions. Unlike groups, they are located in the right block of the community, and not above the wall.
  8. Materials. There is no such tab, it is only in groups.
  9. Events. A special tab for adding links to events held by the public. A group with an event is created in literally 2 clicks. This setting is only available on a public page.
  10. Places. Using this setting, you can add, for example, a company address to a public page. Not available in groups.
  11. Goods. Everything is the same as in groups.


You can enable/disable comments on posts. Also, as in the group, it is possible to add a filter for obscene language, as well as configure keywords, comments with which will be automatically deleted. For example, mentions of competitors or words indicating that the message is spam.


In this section you can add links to any VKontakte group, or to any website. In most cases, it is best to only add links to projects that are directly related to your group (for example, a link to an event that your group is organizing, a link to your website, etc.)


In this section, you can see the list of members of your community, as well as the black list - it will include people whom you have banned for violating the rules.

Life hack: when viewing members through this section, the people who most recently joined the community will be located at the top.


Disabled by default. When enabled, users can contact the community via private messages. An administrator/editor can add group messages to left menu to always see the presence of new incoming messages.

Add a greeting and it will be visible to anyone who opens a new conversation with the group.


You can add an application that fits the format of your work with subscribers - sending messages, questionnaires, collecting applications, etc.

One application can be installed in a community at a time.

Location of sections on a public page

By default, with all partitions enabled, the location looks like this:

When filling out the sections, they will be located like this [picture clickable!]:

Please note that if products are disabled in the public, then photo albums will NOT move to their place, as in a group, but will be located only in the right block.

Location of public pages on subscribers' pages

The list of publics is located below the user's friends list. Thus, people who visit a person’s personal page can see which public pages are most interesting to the page owner, this is the so-called TOP 5.

The public automatically gets into the top 5 at 4th or 5th place for the person who just subscribed to it, and then gradually drops down if the user interacts little with the community content.

This concludes our review of the public page format, and next time we will look at events (meetings) in detail.

Hi all! I have already written an article on a similar topic and the article gained great popularity. Therefore, let's talk again about how to make money on the VKontakte public page or on your group.

In this article, I’ll tell you point by point how to create a public VKontakte and how you can make money on a public VKontakte. I made money from public pages and continue to make money to this day. It may not be much, but it still brings something.

How to make money from a public page on VKontakte

There are several types of income. More precisely, it is one thing - advertising, but your roles in it may be different. Wherever there is an audience, advertisers will definitely come there!

You are the creator of the public

If you are the creator of a public page, you earn money by placing advertisements for your advertisers. You are the luckiest of all))) You are also an employer.

You are a public administrator

Make money as a public administrator It's also possible. And some earn good money. If you get a job with the administrator of a large (million-dollar) public website, you can earn 15,000 rubles. The essence of the work is to fill the public with interesting posts, accept applications from advertisers, place advertisements, exchange advertisements with other publics, etc. In general, do everything that the creator of the public did. You earn from a small salary of 3-4 thousand rubles and a percentage of advertising.

Search for advertisers

You can simply start looking for advertisers for large public pages. You agree with the creator on a special price for you or on the percentage that you will receive from the advertisers you attract. The earnings here are small, but still available without any investments. I'm more interested in the option with specials. price, this is when advertising costs you, roughly speaking, not 300 rubles. per post, but 200. That is. you sell it for 300, and keep 100 for yourself.

How to create a public page on VKontakte

Creating a public page is the easiest thing. Paste the link into your browser and go simple settings. Here is the link .

How to promote a public page on VKontakte

First, decide on the topic of your blog. See what people read the most or make a post on your favorite topic. All my public pages are about business and making money. It’s just that this topic is close to me and it’s more profitable.

When you have decided on the topic and the public is ready to go, you begin to fill it with good content and invest money in advertising. Yes, yes...specifically to advertising in other public pages. Therefore, get ready to allocate a little money for this. When ordering advertisements, ask for page statistics, and also be sure to take into account the activity of likes on posts. If there are a lot of likes, then the public is well read. And statistics can be boosted by advertising. The type of advertising that works best is “Start the message, then the clickable phrase “Read in full”, which leads with a link to your public page and a picture.” This way, people will come to you to finish reading your interesting post!

How much can you earn from a public page on VKontakte?

On average, earnings will depend on the topic of the community and the number of readers. From my own experience, I can say that a public page of 40,000 people brings in about 5,000 rubles a month, and 300,000 people bring in 30-40 thousand, if the statistics are good and the topic is more serious. Maybe a little less or a little more.

Where to get advertisers

They will come to you themselves. You can, of course, use all sorts of exchanges and register your public there, but VKontakte will soon open its own exchange for advertising in public pages and then there will be many more advertisers.

Fly in the ointment

Everything would be fine, but there are a lot of people who want to make money from their public, and in order for your public to have an advantage, you have to try. Nowadays it is becoming more difficult to develop a public page, because... There are really a lot of them, but you can always come up with something interesting.

I'll finish with this. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. I will answer everything! The following articles will discuss even more types of earnings in various fields and on VKontakte in particular, so subscribe to blog updates! We are VKontakte.