How to change the last name without checking the VKontakte administration. How to change the name in VK to English, without checking the administrator. Detailed instructions for changing the name of VKontakte without moderation

Hello friends! Longtime users social network Vkontakte perfectly remember the times when you can change your profile name in a few simple clicks or give 1 vote for it. Over the past few years, the administration has changed the rules of use and tightened the moderation. In this material, we will consider how to change the name of Vkontakte, different ways and how to get around hard moderation.


VKontakte name editing without moderator verification

When trying to change the name of a page in VK, the user faces a huge number of problems when trying to write his own name in English, call himself the name of a fictitious character or assign a brand name to the page.

Such measures had to be taken due to the increased number of fake and advertising pages that annoy ordinary users by sending daily spam or invitations to groups.

It is necessary to immediately clarify that in this method exploited vulnerability available old version engine Opera browser. It is absolutely safe and the page will not receive complaints and it will not be blocked.

First you need to download the Opera browser version 12.17. This release is still widely distributed on the Internet and can be downloaded from any software resource.

Detailed instructions for changing the name of VKontakte without moderation

Install the browser and launch it, then enter the VK page under your username and password. In the right upper corner click on your name and thumbnail, a drop-down menu will appear. You need to select the "Edit" item.

A page will open with editing basic information, we find a field with a name. The standard change of name provides for the introduction of a new name or surname with confirmation of the change in data from the administration during the day. This method works a little differently.

Push right click mouse over the page, context menu, in which you need to select the item "Inspect element". A panel will open with the source code of the page and a selection of items. We point to the field with the input of the name, after which source will move to the desired location.

The entered username is recorded in the web markup, we change it to any other. After that, close the inspection by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner.

Click on the blue "Save" button at the bottom of the page. A notification will appear stating that the new data will soon be displayed in the profile. We refresh the web page, after which we see the name we just entered. This will allow you to quickly and easily change the name to a fake one.

Why doesn't the method work with other browsers

You shouldn't try to repeat this on other browsers. Similar tools for exploring an element are present in every browser, but the way markup and information are handled is quite different.

For example, on newer versions Yandex Browser or Google chrome there are no necessary lines of code, but instead a hidden algorithm in JavaScript. The engines on which browsers work are improving and similar vulnerabilities have long been closed.

How to change the name of VKontakte from the phone without checking

Due to the fact that most advertising accounts operate from a computer, the Vkontakte administration does not require confirmation when editing a VKontakte name from a smartphone application. To do this, install the program through the store Google market or App Store, run and enter under your data.

And go to the program menu by clicking on the rightmost button at the bottom of the screen. The main menu of the page will open. You must click on the inscription "Go to profile" at the top of the program.

A page with basic information will open, this is how other users see it. You need to click on the big edit button.

The settings window will open, where you can change the first name with the last name, gender, marital status and other open information... Change the data and click on the checkmark in the upper right corner, after which the information will be automatically saved without verification.

In what cases can an application be sent for verification

But when you try to enter the "Dasha" option from the phone instead of the standard "Daria" or "Dasha", the system in most cases will require an administrator check.

How to change the name of VKontakte to English

In addition, due to the incomplete algorithm, people with initials in the Latin alphabet were not displayed as a result of the standard search and it was almost impossible to find them. Over time, it was improved and the search began to display the Latin alphabet, and besides, contextually determine similar names.


To change the name of the profile to the English variation, you will have to be abroad or use VPN services. Anyone will go free VPNwhich works like a browser extension. The example will use VPN Hotspot Shield, this is free program distributed through the Chrome Market.

It is necessary to enable VPN, it is desirable to select the US or UK region and go to your Vkontakte page. Due to the fact that the IP address has changed dramatically, the system will consider that this is a hacking attempt and will automatically log out of the account. Therefore, you will need to re-enter your username and password, thereby confirming that this is not a hacking attempt and the direct owner of the account entered the site.

Preparing the page

First, you need to prepare the page a little. You need to go back to editing basic information. On the wall, you can post several entries with English-language quotes and photographs. Put the text in the Latin alphabet or any quote you like in the status. So you can cheat a little automatic system moderation posing as a foreigner during verification.

Now you need to go to the panel with editing the basic information about the profile. Click on the name with the avatar in the upper right part of the working window.

In the parameters, you must enter any name or surname in English. Edit native city to the name of any locality in the country whose IP was used in the VPN. In our case, the UK was selected, so we enter London. In the languages \u200b\u200bsection, select English and at the time of checking it is better not to indicate the presence of Russian or ukrainian languages... We save the entered data.

We enter information about activities and interests in English. If there are some problems with writing in English, you can use a translator and copy the information from there. The main principle that must be followed is filling the page in such a way that it is as similar as possible to a foreigner's account.

With the rest of the sections, you must do the same and fill them in in Latin. Do not forget to save all the information you entered.

Final stage Is a change in the interface language. To do this, go down to the very bottom of the menu on the left and find a small inscription "More". A context menu will appear, click on the last line. A panel with a choice of language will open, click on the item "English".

This completes the preparation of the page. Now you need to wait for approval from the moderator. On average, an application is reviewed from 12 to 48 hours, depending on the day of the week and the degree of operator workload. In some cases, the verification can be completed within 1-2 hours.

Precautionary measures

You should clearly follow the instructions otherwise, an application for changing the name of VKontakte may be rejected. In such a situation, you need to double-check the entered data correctly and the absence of the Cyrillic alphabet in the entered text.

Also, during the check it is better to visit the page only through a VPN service with the same settings. After confirming the name change, you can screw in all the data by writing it in Russian.

I hope this material will help you, change the name of VKontakte without moderation yourself. I would also like to hear in the comments how you edit your profile on VK. That's it for today. Did you like the article? Like it and don't forget subscribe to updates blog. Until next time on the open spaces seovpmr.

Hello dear friends! Today we will talk about changing your data on the Vkontakte social network. In our particular case, we will talk about the name and surname.

What is it for? Well, basically, a change of surname may be necessary if a girl is married and took her husband's surname. Why change the name, this was always not very clear to me. There is an assumption that people want to change it so that no one declassifies them) In some cases, there is simple self-indulgence when the guys just want to insert some of their nicknames instead of a name, etc. Why not just create a separate page for all this pampering is not clear. Well, okay, it's none of my business. My task is to explain to you how this is changing, and in what cases you can avoid moderation. Yes, yes, just changing the name and surname in VK may not work. Because in most cases, such replacements are checked by the moderator, and he is a living person, you never know what can hit him in the head.

Change the name and surname in the full version

And so, go to our Vkontakte account and click on the link "Edit page" under the avatar:

We open a window where in the "General" tab we can immediately observe the fields for entering the first and last name, and here, we can erase the old name or last name and enter new data:

We change and read the hint, in which they write to us that the first and last name must be real and written in Russian letters:

In my case, it turned out to change the name without checking the administrator... This happened due to the fact that I made minor adjustments and changed Anya to Anna. It is possible that if you change names in a similar style, for example Ira to Irina, then you will also avoid being checked by the administration.

Immediately I try to change Anna to Anette, and I am immediately sent for moderation.

If your application is rejected by the administrator, then try to provide your photo next to your identity document to prove that this name is really yours.

How to change the name to English

Here we mean that it should be written in Latin letters. Since the requirements of the social network say that names must be written in Russian letters, there may be problems with changing the name. However, you try to explain to the moderator why you need it. For example, write that you got a job in a foreign company and want to correspond with colleagues, and your name is written there in Latin letters.

A few years ago, it was quite difficult to change the user's personal data on the VKontakte social network. If you read the articles and reviews of site members on this topic, you will see how problematic this process was. The fact is that earlier applications for changing the surname were considered manually. They were checked by ordinary people - moderators, on whom the final decision to change the surname or name depended. Therefore, this process dragged on for several months. In addition, the user had to confirm his identity, for which the moderators could be asked to provide a scan of a passport, driver's license or any other identity document. Complaints from VKontakte participants to the administration were also received about the change of surname as a result of marriage or divorce. And quite often, users' requests were rejected. Yes, and the last name could be changed only once a year and only if the application was considered justified. The outraged members of the forum were extremely dissatisfied with the work of the site and the moderators, about which they repeatedly made posts in the VKontakte groups and on other "negotiating platforms" of the Internet.

In 2009, the procedure for changing the surname on the site became "paid", for which it was necessary to give the collected votes as collateral, which, after successful registration, were returned to the user's bonus account.

Nowadays, everything has become much easier. To change the surname or any other personal data - name, date of birth, place of residence, etc. - now it is special page, where the user can make all the necessary settings and absolutely.

Change last name - no problem

To start changing the VKontakte surname, the user needs to log into his account on the social network. How to do this is hardly worth explaining: if you have registered on VKontakte, then there should be no problems with entering your profile.

Once in your account, under your personal photo, find the link "Edit page", click on it and go to the settings section. The surname is in the "General" sub-item. Here you can also change name, date of birth, gender, marital status, hometown, add grandparents, children, grandchildren, parents, siblings. The second line from the top is devoted to the surname. Use the keyboard Delete key or the arrow button to erase the original text and type a new last name. Below - in the line "Maiden name" - you can write one more last name or leave this field blank.

According to the rules of the social network VKontakte, it is customary to indicate real data. They should be written in Russian - this will make it easier for other users to find you on the site. However, it is up to you to follow the recommendations or still show your individuality. Therefore, in the "Last name" column in the editing section of your page, you have the right to write what you think is necessary. You can change your personal data on the site an unlimited number of times. Only after changing the surname or editing other sections, do not forget to click the "Save" button to fix the final version.

In recent years, social networks have begun to be used to promote goods and services. Users registered accounts, but substituted the names of trademarks or keywords to search for a product. As a result, the administration of social networks, in particular VK, has banned the name change.

Is it possible to change the name and surname of VKontakte

It will not be difficult to change the VKontakte name if the user wants to use his real name. Even if it is very rare and non-standard. In such cases, an application for the authenticity of the name is sent to the administration. After processing the request, the user is allowed to change the name in VK.

Why is the request being submitted? So that people do not deceive each other, and the administration has the opportunity to weed out advertising accounts that have the name of the organization instead of their last name. On the search page, such fake pages come across much more often than the accounts of real people. After all, a social network was created for the interaction of living people, and not advertising campaigns. So users have the opportunity to change the name of VKontakte, but this can only be done with the approval of the administration. According to statistics, attempts to change the last name without a good reason end in failure in 70% of cases.

How to change the name of VKontakte to English

In this case, we mean the spelling of the first and last name in transliteration. There are no advantages to this step. Previously, you could write your initials in English, and no one you know could find you. Today the site administration has finalized search engine... Even if the user writes a name in Russian, the results will still reflect transliterated entries.

Nevertheless, some users may need to change their VKontakte name to English. In this case, there is no need to send a request to the administration. It is enough to specify the USA or any European country in the settings of the “Place of birth” page. Then the username will be automatically translated into transliteration.

How to change the name of VKontakte without checking and approving the administrator

You can change personal data on a social network through a special application. You need to launch the program and go to the control menu by swiping your finger across the device screen from left to right. Then follow the main link under the username and open the page menu by clicking on the ellipsis button in the far right corner. In the menu, select the "Edit" item, enter a new name and surname, save the changes.

Also, without checking the administration, you can change your personal data in the Google Chrome browser, opened through a smartphone. On the social networking site, click on the arrow next to the photo. A page with personal data will open. You must click on the item "Full information", and then "Edit page". All that remains is to update your personal data and save the changes.

How long does it take to check the new VKontakte name

There is no clear time frame for making a decision on a name change. On average, technical support responds to statements of such a plan within 10-15 hours. In any case, you should not write an angry letter to the administration a couple of hours after sending the questionnaire for consideration. This will not speed up the process.

Particularly impatient individuals may try to hack their page and thus change the name of VK. But in this case, you first need to download the program to crack the page. This step threatens to steal not only registration data, but also personal data from the computer.

You can hack your page without third party applications... This requires only the Opera 12.17 browser. You must log in to your account using the browser of the specified version. On the "Edit" page, in the "Name" field, right-click on the "Index element" item.

The browser editing panel will open at the bottom. In the selected line, you need to find your name and double-click to activate the element. After that, you can change the name of VKontakte on the page on the social network. Next, you need to close the workspace and click on the "Save" button on the browser page.

How to change the last name or add a maiden name

To change the name of VK via the Internet browser, you must log in to your account, go to the "Edit" section and click on the "Change Name" button.

The screen will display a notification to the administration that only a real name written in Russian letters can be used. The user needs to indicate the reason for the change of surname.

This is the main difficulty. It is better to indicate the real reason for the change of name. This will increase the chance of making a positive decision.

Good reasons can be:

  • Real change of name and surname in the passport. In this case, the administration may request a copy of the document to confirm the information. If you do not have the opportunity to attach a scan of your passport, it is better to indicate another reason.
  • Marriage. Similarly, you will have to attach a scan of your passport.
  • Honestly admit that the previously used name was fictitious, and now you want to change the name in VK to the real one.

After sending the application, it remains only to wait for the decision of the administration.

Reaching a conscious age, a person seeks to expand his social circle, and often, in pursuit of this goal, creates a profile on a social network. As he grows up, life priorities change, he gets married (gets married), it becomes necessary to change the name and surname in his profile, for example, Vkontakte.

The site administration is jealous of such changes, sending each application to the moderators for verification. This is due user agreement site that clearly indicates - the profile must contain only real data... The application will be approved in the following cases:

  • Change of surname upon marriage;
  • Changes to initials in the passport;
  • Account registration errors.

Do not be alarmed if the moderators, to confirm the identity, ask for an expanded photo of the ID.

Official way to change First and Last Name

Vkontakte provides one way to change initials, through the settings of the user's profile. After saving the new data, an application is automatically generated and sent for consideration to administrators, which can be approved or rejected.

With frequent changes to the settings, the administration may block this feature for an indefinite period.

The solution depends on:

  • Surname Popularity. The less frequently they occur, the more likely it is to fail;
  • Mistakes made while writing;
  • Data realities. If you want to change your name to your school chase, forget it.

All the nuances of the procedure, I contradicted, let's move on to practice. Repeat after me.

1. Open your Vkontakte profile. Click on the location indicated in the screenshot. Click "Edit".

2. In the fields provided, enter a new First and Last Name. Save your changes.

3. As you can see, the change happened automatically, due to the popularity of the specified data.

You may have announcement, what the application has been sent for consideration to the administrators, there is only one way out - to wait.

What if the change request is rejected?

The decision of the moderators comes within 24 hours from the moment of saving the changes. You can find it by opening your private messages. If the application was rejected, and you indicated your real name, send a written one.

2. In the marked fields, describe the essence of the problem in as much detail as possible. Take a photo of the spread of the passport, having previously smeared the series and number, use for this. Attach a picture and click "Submit".

In no more than a day, you will receive a positive response, and the Name and Surname will be changed.

How to change your name to English (written in Latin)

Vkontakte is a multilingual site that supports more than 80 languages \u200b\u200band dialects, but the rules directly prohibit the use of characters other than the language set in the account when writing the full name.

To use the Latin alphabet when writing a surname, we will use a trick.

1. Install the browser extension that allows you to change the IP address. You can use our instructions for or.

3. Enter a new nickname using the English keyboard layout.

After saving your edits, go to home page profile and check the spelling.

Change of surname without verification by the administrator

The creators of the site have provided for the ability to quickly change the pseudonym, without bureaucratic delays. A common reason for changing a surname, especially among girls, is getting married, this is the whole trick. Find a person with suitable data among friends or strangers and “legitimize” your relationship in the site settings.

1. Add the selected person as a friend.

2. Edit your personal information in your profile, choosing in the column "Marital status" - married. Below, select a specific user from your friends list.

3. Wait for confirmation from the other side and calmly change your last name to the one indicated in the other profile.

No matter how absurd this method may seem, but it works flawlessly... If it was not possible to reach an agreement for the "fraud" - with fictitious data and do the same algorithm of actions.

How to change on the phone?

The techniques described above work as in the site version for desktop computersand mobile phones (regardless operating system devices - Android or Iphone).

If you do not find the functionality described above in mobile application, go to mobile version, by the address