When will analog TV be turned off in Russia? Disconnection of analogue broadcasting in Russia. The miracle will no longer be shown. When and how the transition should take place

On the first day of the new year in Ukraine, draft law No. 3504 "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine" On Television and Radio Broadcasting "(regarding the clarification of the conditions for the distribution of programs of television and radio organizations as part of the universal software service) "Adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in October and signed by the President in early November. One of the most important from the point of view of the end consumer will be that Ukrainian media groups will be entitled to demand payment from pay TV operators for broadcasting channels in their networks.

At the moment, media groups have announced the minimum cost of their content for Pay TV networks, when concluding contracts in December this year. We especially note that channels are sold only as part of packages, so you won't be able to save money by excluding not the most interesting channels from the media group's package.

  • Package of 1 + 1 media channels (6 channels: "1 + 1", "2 + 2", "TET", "PlusPlus", "Unian TV" and "Curlers") - UAH 0.75 per subscriber per month.
  • StarLightMedia channel package (6 channels: STB, ICTV, New channel"," QTV "," M1 "and" M2 ") - UAH 0.75 per subscriber per month.
  • Package of channels "Media Group Ukraine" (3 channels: "Ukraine", "NLO TV" and "Indigo TV") - UAH 0.45 per subscriber per month.
  • Package of Inter Media Group channels (9 channels: "Inter", "NTN", "Mega", "Enter-film", "Pixel", "K1", "K2", "Zoom" and "EuroNews") - 3 UAH for 1 subscriber per month.
  • Channel 5 - UAH 0.1 per subscriber per month.

Interestingly, these prices are indicated with the proviso that media groups will agree on the final cost of the package with each specific operator. At the same time, the final cost of the offer will be influenced primarily by the size of the operator's subscriber base.

According to representatives of media groups, the given price list is valid upon conclusion of the contract until December 21, 2016, and from January 1, 2017, prices may increase several times. An example is the offer of StarLightMedia, which will double on New Year's Eve - from UAH 0.75 to UAH 1.5 per subscriber.

It is easy to calculate that for access to the above Ukrainian channels, providers will have to pay media groups 5 UAH per subscriber per month. The amount is not excessive, but in terms of the number of subscribers (in 2015 there were more than 6 million cable TV subscribers in Ukraine), it may turn out to be quite high - more than UAH 30 million per month. Moreover, according to the established tradition, this amount is likely to be borne by the end user. Alternatively, the TV service can simply be turned off, which is important for broadband providers offering their subscribers TV viewing services along with Internet access.

For example, the Triolan provider decided to interrogate its subscribers over the phone to find out whether to leave channels with an additional charge or turn them off without increasing the monthly fee. In Laneta counts this situation The "ultimatum" of oligarchic media groups and are going to turn off such paid channels... And the largest cable provider Volia has not yet decided what to do in this situation.

In any case, it is unlikely that the adoption of draft law No. 3504 "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine" On Television and Radio Broadcasting "will pass without a trace for the Ukrainian television, cable television and Internet providers. Stay with us, we will keep you informed of the situation.

Perhaps there is no person in Russia who, at least out of the corner of his eye, does not glance at the TV on New Year's Eve, not excluding those who do not watch it in principle - a tradition, what can you do, and creates a festive mood, should anyway ..
However, this year - either patience has run out and the number of claims of viewers has turned into quality, or the people have become more socially active, in Runet, in any case, but such a wave of indignation has never been observed in my memory ...
Tons of articles, remarks, posts and comments have been written about this, to which one cannot but join, because they got home-grown snobs-mediocrities-perverts-TV creators, counting in the old fashioned way on "people hawala".
Here is one of the media materials, in general, giving an adequate idea of \u200b\u200bthe reaction of the general Russian public to the "creativity" of TV men and hastily exhumed pop stars -

"Immersion in Hell": New Year's TV shows shocked Russians and show business Immediately after the New Year, a scandal erupted in Runet related to the New Year's shows, which were shown on federal channels. In the opinion of the majority, some kind of hell was going on on Channel One and Russia 1. Celebrities have also joined in criticizing the television leadership.

So, Max Fadeev admitted on Instagram that he had not watched a single musical show. He got the impression that the TV channels believe that the world froze in 1993.

Impossible repertoire, popular prints, creepy jokes; and all together this is just a dip in HELL! I was sincerely afraid to switch to the First or Second channels, so as not to get into the "past", to a rural matinee at the request of the 80s! How can you bring television to such an ugliness and such tastelessness? I'm in shock! ", -

he admitted.

Fadeev suggests that music leaders have not changed since his childhood. Therefore, incompetent scripts are the height of vulgarity, the composer is sure.

It is a pity for our artists, who out of habit agree to participate in the "Ball with Satan"! Lord, when will these "Songs of the Year" and "Blue Lights" end?))) Stop it, save us))! Amen! In short! Didn't pursue any goals, just, really ... it just hurt! "

fadeev admitted.

Supported by composers and numerous spectators who were shocked by what they saw. Many also admitted that they could not watch the show.

Other Russian celebrities also spoke about the New Year's lights:

Max, I hope this freak show ends soon, -

supported by Miss Universe Oksana Fedorova.

On all channels, the same singing "Leontyevmaliningazmanov". Everyone who was there in 2016, 2015, 2014, 2004 and 1995. Everything is as usual. But for some reason today there is a special feeling of a lingering hellish *** [horror] ", -

sergey Minaev, writer, editor, spoke out.

I understand everything, but something needs to be done with New Year's programs on central television ... It's already impossible to watch this, "

written by Maria Kozhevnikova, actress.

Yuri Loza also expressed his opinion, who has recently expressed himself on any occasion. On December 31, the singer and composer warned in social networks that "something terrible is approaching us - ruthless comedians of all ranks and stripes have already formed a" dull wedge "ready to launch a decisive laughter attack on our brains and souls."

And after the New Year's lights, Loza spoke more specifically:

Yesterday in "Song of the Year" Sergei Lazarev sounded a sore point about the fact that I wrote just one song and have been singing it all my life. And I thought - has a person who has not written anything in her life at all entitled to this? It is clear that the joke itself was invented by the staff satirists, because the host is not able to compose his own master, but he can at least refuse to broadcast obvious nonsense! Should he not know that to get into the "Song of the Year" needs more than talent, skill and the presence of good songs. I have more than a hundred of them, but at my last concert ten out of twenty performed works were never on the air at all, not because they were bad, but because all the airtime was occupied by various paid nonsense. Many in our country think that for getting over the round-the-clock new Year's table to Galkin-Pugacheva-Urgant it is enough to come there with a good song. Trust the professional - this is a delusion. You have to be in the crowd and play according to the proposed rules: in my case - to give your creations to those who are limited in talents and cannot write themselves. Yes to the same Lazarev, for example! .. "-

written by Loza.

Meanwhile, bloggers on the Web even organized a collection of signatures for the petition "Stop the New Year's TV disgrace." They addressed the petition to the leadership of Channel One and Russia 1. So far, there has been no reaction from the top of television.

Have you watched New Year's TV shows, citizens, at least in passing? How is your impression?
We, having turned on the zombie box as a festive background, laughed heartily, outraged, complained, walking along the canals, after which we stopped at Culture with the Spivakovs and Matsuevs, where we completely rested our souls, and in the morning there was a marvelous retro show in the Olympic with a memorable golden classics of the Soviet stage, including the aged, but still vigorous and charming Pesnyary, and the nostalgic recording of a concert by wonderful Joe Dassin from old France that died in Bose.
So - there was a choice, there would be a desire to make it, after all, no one forcibly fastened to the TV screens and did not select the control panel?
Yes, she was also very amused and strained by the hastily pulled out of naphthalene and for some reason reanimated Russophobe Sofa, in search of earnings from the accursed Muscovites, with some kind of Lyada desperately lit all russian channels, as if nothing had happened...
Several comments, from extremely poisonous to complacent and justifying, summarizing the impressions of the past New Year's calf -
Sergey Istomin

Watching all these Lights long ago turned the participants of these programs into familiar drinking companions of the feast. Hence the negative perception. Not everyone can stand to sit at the table with Alla Bodrisovna every year. So the edge has come.

I have not watched these Lights for a long time, although with the proposal "Alla Borisovna! Take your many relatives and go fuck with them!" I agree in principle. But on the other hand, this phenomenon of stagnation in the 90s is widespread in our country. You might think that the eternal Zhirinovsky is so different from the no less eternal Kirkorov. Both are Romanians, too. And Kirkorov, for once, lived to see his professional holiday. All such jubilant performed in multi-colored rooster feathers. This is the only thing that I have noticed. After that, even the most staunch supporters of the meeting in the company with the TV turned it off. Before that, there were seemingly eternal, like a herring under a fur coat, Soviet comedies. Then the fanfare sounded and Putin appeared on the screen in a woolen coat, like Lenin's, but without the usual cap. It was evident that Putin was filmed in studio conditions against a slate green background, and then overlaid the landscape of the Kremlin from the height of a crow's flight. He did not let the frosty steam out of his nostrils. He spoke fluently, but something utterly boring and obligatory for something, but incomprehensible. He offered to cheer up and again rally in front of the face. The people listened to him without much enthusiasm. Purely by tradition, as listening to a priest with a censer at a commemoration. Then the usual fuss and disputes began when to open and pour champagne, and when to drink it and make wishes. This issue is controversial every year. Poured, drank., Ate. The hymn began. Since no one knows the words of the anthem, except in its Soviet version, the old-fashioned aunts sang "Unbreakable Union". The rest were actively swarming with forks in salads, aspic, cucumbers and home-salted tomatoes. Then suddenly the music died down and a happy Kirkorov appeared in ostrich feathers, everyone was sad and drove the celebrating Kirkorov into the cold, since there was no way to switch him. He was everywhere, like an unknown security officer during the broadcast of the next congress of the CPSU. There were no people willing to drink in Kirkorov's company. We went outside to launch fireworks in order to drive out evil spirits according to the Ketai custom. All neighbors also indulged in this activity with enthusiasm. Since no one could synchronize the process of launching squeaks into the heavens so that the abyss trembled and collapsed on Ostankino, the roar was continuous, but not trumpet-Ierekhon. Some were finishing their thundering, others were just starting. The dogs howled and hid under the beds, but the evil spirits did not disappear from the TV. So the NG meeting went.

It's a little funny to read such reviews. After all, you still have to LOOK in order to form an opinion! :))I cannot understand one thing: What do all these Minaevs, Fadeevs, Lozes want? ... Are there any alternative suggestions? So what's the question? Get together on some channel, glory to the Almighty - we have them in bulk, and do something stunning, something unbroken. Poor things have no money, do not have enough producers? Or what? What do you want?

Due to lack of funding, analogue television broadcasts will soon be discontinued. The question of when analog television will be turned off in Russia, and how it will turn out, worries many citizens. We will try to answer it in this article.

What is analog television and how is it different from digital?

An analog system is a system that uses an analog signal to transmit sound and picture. It can be transmitted by radio waves or by cable. Technically, this is a whole set of signals: about brightness, image color and sound. The output is exactly what we see on our screens.

Digital television uses digital standards for sound and video transmission. Today, most of the leading domestic TV channels are already working on them, at the same time duplicating broadcasting on an analog signal. Many countries that have already created a full-fledged digital communication system have completely stopped using analog standards. In the near future, the transition to digital is expected in Russia.

Minister's statement

Recently, Nikolai Nikiforov, Minister of Communications and Mass Media, gave an idea of \u200b\u200bthe timing of this transition. According to him, analog television in Russia will be completely turned off in 2018, since it is at this time that its financial support is planned to end. However, Nikiforov himself does not exclude the possibility that independent financing is possible in some regions of the country, which means that some old television channels will remain.

When exactly will the outage occur analog broadcast in Russia? According to the project, the corresponding will happen by July 1 next year. Anyone can get acquainted with this project on the single portal of the Ministry of Communications.

Of course, television will not be completely turned off, but only its format will change - from analog to digital. And there are good reasons for this.

Why switch to digital?

The technical prerequisites for such a solution have been formed for a long time. Over the past few years, TV receivers of almost all operators have been produced with digital signal support.

In addition, the viewers themselves understand the validity of such a choice. Satellite and cable TV provides more high quality broadcasts, a wider selection of channels. And the possibilities of smart TV are very broad. See for yourself: more than 10 million people have already connected Tricolor satellite, and 20 million viewers have chosen cable TV.

Supporting analogue television in such conditions becomes simply economically unprofitable for the TV channels themselves. Therefore, they are also striving with all their might to change the broadcast format.

Change of formats in Russia and abroad

In the last decade, many European countries have begun to change the broadcast format of the main television channels. Since 2006, the inhabitants of the Netherlands have switched to digital standards, a year later the Swedes and Finns have joined them.

Since 2009, TV channels in Germany, Denmark and Norway have been operating in digital format. They were followed by Great Britain and Poland. When analogue television is turned off in Russia, our country will join this list. It is expected that the first to get rid of the outdated broadcasting system will be the border regions - there are 26 of them.

When and how should the transition take place?

According to the current regulations, in order to completely switch to digital television broadcasting, the population must be provided with this type of signal by at least 95%.

Earlier, Dmitry Medvedev, when he was the President of the country, said that by 2015 there will be a full transition to digital television... He stressed that this will be a key factor on the way to technological modernization. In addition, the disconnection of analogue television was supposed to free up the frequencies that a new channel package - a multiplex - would occupy. However, it was not possible to complete the transition process by 2015, and the question of when analog television will be turned off in Russia remained unresolved.

Largely also because some citizens simply could not afford to buy. However, the regional authorities took it upon themselves to solve the problem and are ready to provide assistance in subsidizing.

Even after analogue television broadcasting in Russia is turned off, citizens will have free access to main TV channels in digital format. Among them are NTV, Culture, Russia-1 and 2, Bibigon and the popularly beloved Channel One.

What does an ordinary user need to know?

Many people are worried about whether it is possible to receive a new TV signal on old TVs. Indeed, outdated equipment only works with analog standards. To switch to digital broadcasting, you will have to buy a set-top box with a special decryption module. However, if you have a newer TV that was purchased after 2008, it is most likely already digital-ready and you will not need any additional equipment.

Analog television differs from digital television in the way of signal propagation. If earlier it was transmitted to a conventional antenna, then modern standards provide for signal transmission via cable or satellite connection. That is, analog television in Russia will soon be completely turned off, and you will need to either lay the cable directly into the apartment, or install satellite dish... The latter option will be the only way out for a summer residence or if you live in a small village.

And yet, when will analog television be turned off in Russia?

Today, 2018 is called the final date for the transition to digital. Prior to that, it was already planned to start this process in 2015 and fully complete by 2016. But the situation was aggravated by economic shocks in the country, which delayed the construction of the necessary infrastructures.

However, it is difficult to name a specific date, since it is likely to be different in each region. Again, the criterion is the number of people able to receive only an analog signal. When they remain less than 5% of the total, this will be a clear sign that the region is ready to move to digital standards. stressed that 2018 is the final figure, and after that analog broadcasting will be completely turned off.

In connection with the entry into force of the new law on television and radio broadcasting, all previously free Ukrainian TV channels are becoming paid.

Providers say: the prices that the owners of the channels (media groups) have set for the right to broadcast are unreasonably high, so they will stop showing them, Vesti writes.

As early as January 1, Ukrainian media groups will have the right to demand from television operators (broadcasting providers - ed.) Payments for broadcasting their channels in their networks. At the moment, the media groups have named the minimum cost of their content for pay TV networks when concluding contracts in December this year in the amount of UAH 0.75-3 per subscriber per month, but they warn: from January, the fee may increase significantly.

Meanwhile, a number of metropolitan providers are already sounding the alarm, stating that they are unable to pay such amounts. As the support service of the Internet and television operator Lanet told Vesti, the company's management is now negotiating with media groups regarding the possibility of reducing the cost of subscription fees, but so far unsuccessfully.

"We will not raise subscription fee... Now the management is trying to negotiate with the media groups. Otherwise, from January 1, we will turn off these TV channel packages ", - we were warned in the customer support service.

We received similar answers from the press services of other providers providing services in Poznyaki and Vinogradar.

“The contracts that we are now being offered to sign contain a lot of pitfalls. at the beginning of the year we will launch broadcasting without a number of popular TV channels, it is quite high, "- told" Vesti "in one of the providers in Poznyaky.

In particular, it comes about TV channels 1 + 1, 2 + 2, TET, STB, ICTV, Novy Kanal, Ukraina, Inter, NTN and 15 others. Meanwhile, media holdings say that the right to benefit from the content they produce exists all over the world and Ukraine should be no exception in this regard.

According to experts, even if providers fail to come to an agreement with media groups and TV channels will disappear from the blue TV screens, the people of Kiev will always have an alternative to the so-called Internet television.

"Although the TV audience remains dominant, its influence is gradually decreasing. Therefore, citizens will always have the opportunity to watch their favorite programs on YouTube," says political analyst Nikolai Spiridonov.

At the same time, experts believe that if access to the "standard set" of TV channels is limited, this could significantly change the information picture in the capital.

"If the law is signed by the president, this may indicate his desire to tighten the screws to political rivals, the oligarchs who own the media. This can be regarded as an attempt to control the media space. Since this law will certainly be reflected in a sharp decline in TV audience," Nikolai Spiridonov told us.

Communications Minister Nikolai Nikiforov announced that in 2018 Russia will be able to abandon analogue television broadcasting. It is assumed that by this time the whole country will be ready to switch to digital television, but not everyone shares the optimism of officials. Lenta.ru found out why after switching to digital, many Russians may lose access to television and how to avoid it.

Why does analogue die?

According to Nikiforov, in 2018 the state will stop subsidizing analog television. This does not mean that it will be disabled. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications "Lenta.ru" explained that TV channels, in addition to the digital format, who want to broadcast in analog, will get this opportunity: for this they just need to agree with the distributor of the signal - the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS). Regional channels, for example, will be able to continue broadcasting analogously.

The transition to digital by 2018 is not new in itself. In 2009, when the excitement around the launch of digital TV in Russia was only gaining momentum, officials made bright plans for a complete transition to a new broadcasting format by 2015, later the plans were adjusted and a new milestone was named - 2018. It was assumed that by that time more than half of Russians would acquire television sets capable of reading a digital signal.

Why is digital better than analog?

Digital TV is different best quality, allows you to fit more channels in one frequency range, it is more resistant to interference. Often, dense urban areas contribute to creating ripples or stripes on TV screens. The digital transmission mode allows the signal to bypass these obstacles and produce a smooth picture at the output.

How is the analogue "smoked"?

The transition to digital television is a worldwide trend. In the West, this process began ten years earlier than in Russia. Abroad, digital broadcasting began in the 1990s, while in Russia the digital broadcasting began in 2000 (in the Nizhny Novgorod region). By now, almost all of Western Europe, the Scandinavian countries, the USA, some CIS and Latin American countries have abandoned the analog format. In 2017, Ukraine plans to completely abandon analog broadcasting in favor of digital broadcasting.

At a time when Luxembourg and the Netherlands completely switched to digital for the first time (in 2006), a government commission was just created in Russia to work out the concept of introducing new TV standards. It was headed by Dmitry Medvedev. After becoming president in 2008, he came to grips with television issues (at the same time an attempt was made to create a public television, which resulted in the opening of the OTR channel with - approx. "Lenta.ru"). In 2009, the Federal Target Program was approved, according to which investments in digital TV broadcasting amounted to almost 165 billion rubles.

It was decided that the new format will come to viewers' homes in multiplexes - packets that are transmitted on the same frequency. The first multiplex included ten federal TV channels - Channel One, Russia 1, Russia 2 (later its frequencies were broadcast by Match TV), NTV, Channel Five, Russia K, Russia 24, Karusel, freshly baked OTR and TV Center.

Seats in the second multiplex were put up for competition. Dozens of channels fought for the right to be publicly available throughout Russia. As a result, REN TV, STS, Spas, Domashny, TV-3, Friday, Zvezda, Mir, TNT and Muz-TV (now - "YU"). Among the channels that claimed but were not included in the multiplex were Russia Today, Dozhd, Peretz, NTV Plus, and Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Channels have to pay a lot for the opportunity to be a member of a multiplex. It was originally planned that the TV companies would be paid annually to RTRS almost a billion rubles each for the construction of the necessary infrastructure and maintaining the signal. Subsequently, annual payments were reduced to 150 million, but from 2019, after the full deployment of the second multiplex, the cost of broadcasting in it may again rise to one billion rubles.

For some channels, this amount turned out to be too high. Thus, the Orthodox "Spas", which, as its CEO says, exists exclusively on donations from viewers, still cannot pay off RTRS, and, as in July, has no agreement with the signal distributor at all.

Before the crisis, the authorities planned to launch a third multiplex, which would also include regional channels, but the idea failed - the idea was recognized as economically unprofitable. As a result, the third multiplex was launched only in Crimea due to the digital infrastructure inherited by the peninsula from Ukraine.

Who can be without television?

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications "Lente.ru" explained that by 2018 98.1 percent of the population of Russia will be covered by digital broadcasting (ten free channels of the first multiplex by the end of 2016 will be available to 98.3 percent of the country's population). The remaining 1.9 percent are small settlements or uninhabited localities, as well as settlements of polar explorers. However, wide coverage does not mean that new television will come to every home, says a top manager of the television company, whose channel is included in one of the multiplexes, who wished to remain anonymous.

To connect to digital TV and watch 20 public TV channels for free, the subscriber's TV must be able to receive a DVB-T2 signal (European digital standard terrestrial television second generation - approx. "Lenta.ru"). However, not all TVs, even modern models, are equipped with such a receiver. In the event that the device does not support DVB-T2, the viewer will have to purchase a special set-top box with a receiver, which costs at least a thousand rubles.

The set-top boxes cannot be called expensive, “but judging by the fact that 30 percent of citizens cannot change their old TV for a new one, they probably do not have the extra money to buy additional devices,” the channel manager suggested.

By the way, in 2012 the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications offered the regions to provide several million low-income citizens with such devices. It is not yet known whether the authorities are planning to help beneficiaries in this.

The interlocutor of "Lenta.ru" asserts that not a single TV channel has yet an understanding of how the final transition from "analog" to "digital" will take place (just as there is no idea of \u200b\u200bthe real losses that they may incur). An abrupt, one-time transition will not happen, he believes: there is a great risk that part of the population will be left without publicly available channels, which could lead to public outrage.