Setting up the high frequency block. Instructions on how to tune a radio on a radio from various manufacturers How to tune a radio station on a radio

Every radio receiver has settings for a certain frequency, most of them even have fixed settings, which is very convenient. If the receiver is digital, that is, it has electronic tuning, then fixing one or another radio station on a specific channel will not be difficult. This process will be a little more difficult to occur on receivers with a regular tuning scale. But, in any case, the user manual describes in detail how to set up the radio and how many stations you can store in its memory. However, all this can be done only after purchasing this very radio. Many people are faced with the problem of choice these days, because there are so many different models in stores.

For those who want to listen to all radio stations, an all-wave receiver is the best option. And if it has the ability to receive VHF waves, then it will be simply happiness, because such receivers can also pick up radio conversations. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to choose a radio receiver, for what purposes will it be used and what should it be like? If it is a “cabinet” receiver, then the standard FM and AM bands will be sufficient for it. For “portable” and “hiking” receivers, it is better to be able to “listen” to all frequencies, since hiking can also be in unfamiliar areas, where the radio can broadcast on any frequencies. With “portable” ones, you can just play around and eavesdrop on other people’s conversations if they use walkie-talkies.

If you can’t buy such a receiver, then you should think about how to assemble a radio receiver so that it can “hear” in the required range. To do this, you need to be a radio amateur, or have one of them as very close friends. You can, of course, scour the Internet and look for step by step instructions for assembling a radio receiver. But there are also pitfalls, because not all the necessary parts can be bought; some you have to make yourself. Therefore, if you have a friend who is a radio amateur, then you can ask him how the radio works, what parts you can buy, and which parts you need to make yourself and how, and most importantly, from what? After the answers to the questions have been received, you can begin to search for the necessary parts, both for the receiver and parts for the parts for your radio.

You will have to do a lot of shopping, look in the pantry for old equipment and rummage through it in search of the necessary parts. After this, you will have to spend a lot of time with a soldering iron in your hands and use up several grams of tin and wires. And now, when all the parts are ready, you will need to turn to a friend with the question of how to make a radio receiver so that it works reliably and for a long time. It doesn’t matter much what the radio receiver will be like. Both homemade and purchased receivers receive radio waves. If he brings pleasure to his owner, then he will fulfill his purpose.

You can use a radio to pass the time on the road. Typically, drivers prefer to listen to music that is unobtrusive, so that it plays in the background and does not interfere with steering. An autoradio is most suitable for this, which first needs to be configured. But many people don’t know how to properly set up the radio on their car stereo.

Basically, setting up the radio consists of several simple steps. The broadcast range is selected and radio channels are searched and stored in the tuner’s memory. The search for radio stations occurs either automatically or manual mode. In the first case, radio channels are stored in descending order of broadcast quality.

Let's take a closer look at how to configure the radio on common car radios.


If you are wondering how to tune the radio to Pioneer radio, don't worry, setup is very easy. At automatic configuration Pioneer presses FUNC, followed by BSM. To start searching for radio channels, press the right or up button; after finishing, the music of the first radio station found will turn on.

For manual installation In BAND mode, press >>| for a long time. A search will be launched for any first station within this radius. After which the device will stop scanning and start playing the found station. Then you will need to save it, to do this, hold down the key for a long time the required number. If you do not need the found station, you need to press the right key and hold it. Scanning will continue until a new station is found.

With this function, you can store up to 6 stations in the first bank. After this manipulation, press the BAND button and get into the second bank, it is shown on the display as F2. In the second bank, you can similarly store up to 6 stations in memory, and there is also a third bank. Most often there are three banks, but there are more. As a result, if you have three banks, you will have 18 stations active and saved. Now you know how to set up the radio on your Pioneer radio.


Setting up the radio in the Sony radio will also not be a problem. Searching for stations is usually carried out in two common ways: manually or automatically. Automatic memorization of radio stations:

  1. Turn on the radio. Long press the Source button and wait until TUNER appears on the display.
  2. The range is changed by pressing the Mode button. If you press the joystick, a menu of options will appear.
  3. Rotate the joystick until the VTM option appears. Radio channels are assigned to numbered keys as standard.

To manually scan and save you need:

  1. Turn on the radio and start searching for stations.
  2. After it is found desired radio station, you need to press a number key from 1 to 6, after which the name “Mem” will appear. Note: when saving a radio station on a digital number that already has a radio station, the previous one is automatically erased.

Thus, you can set up a radio in a Sony radio in 5-10 minutes.


After pressing the MODE button, select the Radio function, then RADIO and the saved band with the broadcast frequency will be displayed on the screen. Pressing BND selects the desired broadcast band.

Press and hold the >>|| button.

Then click the button >>|| for selection desired station. If these keys are not pressed for up to ten seconds, everything will return to its original operating mode.

Setting in automatic mode and scanning of selected radio stations

Search for existing radio stations in memory:

Briefly press the AS/PS key to start searching for saved radio channels. Any station can be listened to for about a couple of seconds. To automatically save radio channels, hold down the AS/PS key. The receiver will tune in to six optimal stations that are the most powerful in this broadcast range. This option can be applied in any wavelength range. Once the automatic storage of stations is completed, the receiver will stop scanning them.

To tune into a specific radio station, press the >>|| button, this will scan and select radio channels with the best reception signal. By pressing the >>|| button, you can manually select the station you want. Hold down the key numbered 1 to 6 for about a couple of seconds to memorize the channel under the desired key.


When tuning stations, it is possible to leave 30 FM radio channels and 15 AM channels in the tuner.

Installing stations manually:

  1. Select a broadcast band by pressing the TUNER BAND key.
  2. Click on button 4 to set the station.
  3. Hold down the key with any selected number on the panel to memorize the station in the radio's memory. The selected number will begin to blink, after which you will see the station stored under the selected number. For example: To tune to station number 14, press the +10 key, followed by the 4 key for approximately three seconds or more.
  4. To store other radio stations in the device’s memory, you need to repeat steps one through three. And to change the settings of the entire station, you need to repeat the entire process from the beginning.

Tuning stations in automatic mode:

Stations will be given numbers by increasing the frequency range.

  1. Select the range by pressing the TUNER BAND key.
  2. Press and hold the AUTO PRESET button on the panel.
  3. To set a different range, you need to go through steps one through two again.

To replace selected stations in automatic mode, you need to use manual installation.


Kenwood radios offer three types of autoradio settings: automatic (AUTO), local (LO.S.) and manual.

  1. Press SRC until “TUnE” appears.
  2. Press FM or AM to select a band.

For automatic setup, click >>| or |.

When manual settings after all the above steps, ST will light up, indicating the found station.

WinAmp. It's very easy to listen to music files in mp3 format. But she still has one interesting feature- This is listening to radio stations. Of course, such functions will not surprise anyone; sometimes it is enough to go to the website of a popular radio station and listen to the Internet broadcast. But WinAmp offers users almost 9000 radio stations. And it doesn’t just offer, but sorts by style, direction, language and country.

How to set up a radio in WinAmp

To set up the radio correctly, you need to WinAmp player additionally install the WinAmp Library component. It is available for downloading from the Internet from the manufacturer's website. After downloading and installing the additional component, launch WinAmp. Let's start setting up the radio. Go to “Settings” and in the Online Media tab set the number of radio stations to listen to. By default, there are only 600 stations installed, but on the Internet their number is in the thousands. We set the value with a margin of 20 thousand. We exit the player and start searching for radio stations.

Select Internet Radio from the menu. Then in the window on the right we activate the Refresh button. The list of available radio stations will begin to download. From now on you can listen to radio stations.

To configure the radio correctly, you need to filter the list by style and direction. To do this, you can specify several types in the Genre menu - classical, rock, pop, jazz, etc., and you can also select countries. If the user’s list of priorities includes not only music, but also news, then you can activate filters by topic - politics, sports, regional news. In addition, there is a function to search for radio stations by name. Having selected the radio station you are interested in, activate playback either using the Play button or double-clicking the mouse. You can add your favorite radio stations to your “Favorites” list.

Using the WinAmp player, you can find many unexpected radio stations on the Internet. Foreign radio amateurs often broadcast “intercepted” police or air traffic control radio communications on the Internet. In a word, surveying radio broadcasts is just as entertaining as simply surfing the Internet. It will take several months of time and a substantial gigabyte of traffic to study radio stations.

Please note that WinAmp in radio mode consumes approximately 62 megabytes of Internet traffic per hour of listening. Radio stations transmit at 128 kbit/s, so owners of limited packages should take this fact into account.

You will need just one chip to build a simple and complete FM receiver that is capable of receiving radio stations in the range of 75-120 MHz. The FM receiver contains a minimum of parts, and its configuration, after assembly, is reduced to a minimum. It also has good sensitivity for receiving VHF FM radio stations.
All this thanks to the Philips TDA7000 microcircuit, which can be bought without problems on our favorite Ali Express.

Receiver circuit

Here is the receiver circuit itself. Two more microcircuits were added to it, so that in the end it turned out to be a completely finished device. Let's start looking at the diagram from right to left. The now classic low-frequency amplifier for a small dynamic head is assembled using the LM386 chip. Here, I think, everything is clear. A variable resistor adjusts the volume of the receiver. Next, a 7805 stabilizer is added above, which converts and stabilizes the supply voltage to 5 V. Which is needed to power the microcircuit of the receiver itself. And finally, the receiver itself is built on the TDA7000. Both coils contain 4.5 turns of PEV-2 0.5 wire with a winding diameter of 5 mm. The second coil is wound on a frame with a ferrite trimmer. The receiver is tuned to the frequency using a variable resistor. The voltage from which goes to the varicap, which in turn changes its capacitance.
If desired, varicap and electronic control can be abandoned. And the frequency can be tuned either with a tuning core or with a variable capacitor.

FM Receiver Board

I drew the circuit board for the receiver in such a way as not to drill holes in it, but to solder everything from the top, as with SMD components.

Placing elements on the board

Used classic LUT technology to produce the board.

I printed it, heated it with an iron, etched it and washed off the toner.

Soldered all the elements.

Receiver setup

After turning it on, if everything is assembled correctly, you should hear hissing in the dynamic head. This means that everything is working fine for now. The whole setup comes down to setting up the circuit and selecting the range for reception. I make adjustments by rotating the coil core. Once the reception range is configured, channels in it can be searched for using a variable resistor.


The microcircuit has good sensitivity, and a half-meter piece of wire, instead of an antenna, can pick up a large number of radio stations. The sound is clear, without distortion. This circuit can be used in a simple radio station, instead of a receiver on a supergenerative detector.

Dear visitors!!!

If we compare outdated and modern models of radios, they of course have their differences both in design and in electrical circuits. But the basic principle radio signal reception- not changeable. For modern models radio receivers, only the design itself changes and minor changes are made to the electrical circuits.

As for tuning the radio receiver to the wave, receiving transmissions in the ranges for:

  • long waves\LW\;
  • medium waves \NE\,

- usually carried out using a magnetic antenna. In ranges:

— radio sound reception is received via a telescopic \outdoor\ antenna.

Figure 1 shows appearance And graphic designation receiving antennas:


    magnetic \antenna DV and SV\.

Reception by magnetic antenna

Figure No. 2 shows a visual representation of how radio waves bend around obstacles \for mountainous areas\. The radio shadow region is represented as a zone beyond the reach of radio waves by the receiver.

What is a magnetic antenna? — The magnetic antenna consists of a ferrite rod, and the magnetic antenna coils are wound on separate \isolated\ frames. The ferrite rod of a magnetic antenna for different radios has its own diameter and length. The winding data of the coils, accordingly, also have their own a certain amount of turns and its own inductance - for each of these magnetic antenna circuits.

As you understand, such concepts in radio engineering as each individual magnetic antenna circuit And magnetic antenna coil, - have the same meanings, that is, you can formulate your proposal in one way or another.

In radio receivers, a magnetic antenna for DV and SV is mounted in the upper part. In the photograph, the magnetic antenna looks like an oblong, cylindrical rod made of ferrite.

If each coil \circuit\ of a magnetic antenna has its own inductance, then it is designed to receive separate ranges of radio waves. For example, according to electrical diagram radio receiver You observe that the magnetic antenna consists of five separate circuits \L1, L2, L3, L4, L5\, two of which are necessary for the received range:

  • DV \L2\;
  • NE \L4\.

Other circuits L1 L3 L5 are communication coils, one of which, say L5, is connected to an external antenna. This explanation is not given specifically for each diagram, because the meaning of the symbols in the diagrams may change, but it is given general concept about the magnetic antenna.

Reception-on telescopic antenna

telescopic radio antenna

Depending on the radio receiver circuit, the telescopic whip antenna can be connected either to the input circuits of the long and medium wave bands through a resistor and a coupling coil, or to the input circuits of the short wave band through an isolating capacitor. From the taps of the coils of the DV, SV or HF circuits, the signal voltage is supplied to the input of the RF amplifier.

Winding data - antennas

The winding on the circuits is made with a single or double wire. Each circuit has its own inductance. The amount of loop inductance is measured in henry. To independently rewind a circuit, you need to know the winding data of this circuit. That is, you need to know:

  • number of turns of wire;
  • wire section.

All the necessary technical data for outdated models of radios could be found in reference books. At this time, there is no such literature for modern models of radios.

For example, for receivers:

  • Mountaineer-405;
  • Giala-404,

— the winding data of the coils coincided with each other. That is, let’s say the communication coil \and there are several of them - in the diagram\ with its designation, it could be replaced from one receiver circuit to another circuit.

A circuit malfunction is often associated with mechanical damage to the wire \accidentally touching the wire with a screwdriver and so on\. When repairing a circuit \rewinding it\, the number of turns of the old wire is usually taken into account and then the same number of turns are performed with a new wire, where its cross-section is also taken into account.

In this article, we have partially gained an understanding of sound reception by a radio receiver. Follow the section, it will be even more interesting.