Transfer files with redmi 3 to your computer. How to transfer files from Xiaomi device to Windows computer via Wi-Fi. How to solve the problem with a damaged USB receiver

While more and more new devices appear on the smartphone market, users have a wider choice, which is determined by their need for something new and unknown. As a "bonus" to this, various bugs and malfunctions of devices stick to us. And there is one problem that bothers users quite often - in this article we will try to figure out how to properly connect any of the smartphones - Xiaomi Redmi 4x, Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro or Redmi 4 Prime to a PC.

From this article, you will learn about all the main reasons for the problem connecting Xiaomi to a laptop or personal computer and you will learn about all the available ways to resolve them - you just have to carefully read the material below, determine the cause and solution to the problem and eliminate it as quickly and efficiently as possible. Warning: you will most likely need to use additional software, and possibly reset the gadget to factory settings.

Surely each of you has heard the saying "if you don't know the ford, don't go into the water." But many of us broke this rule by purchasing new Chinese smartphones, the functionality of which is not particularly clear for a Russian person. Therefore, today we have to thoroughly analyze each of the problems prepared for us by manufacturers from China. The most likely causes of problems with connecting a smartphone to a "computer" may be:

  • Non-original USB cable;
  • Wrong way to connect to PC;
  • Lack of required device drivers;
  • Device system errors and more.

Of course, this is not a complete list of all possible reasons - in life there can be several tens of times more. However, these are basic. Next, we will describe in detail every method we know to resolve this problem and will not only show you how to connect your phone to a PC, but also tell you how to make this process as simple as possible. These tips will help even if your laptop cannot see the phone connected to it.

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What to do if your phone won't connect

Download original device drivers

In order for the device connected to the computer to start functioning correctly, several different processes start working in both devices at once. Often, the process of launching them is automated, but if you are reading this article, then, most likely, this is not the case in your case. It turns out that the computer cannot automatic mode find the driver you need and install it yourself, and as a result, synchronization does not take place, and your Xiaomi does not connect to the PC. If you are using the original USB cable to connect the two devices, then we can rule out that this is the problem. Also try different yUSB ports on the computer - both in front and behind, since it is quite possible that the connector itself does not work.

Did not help? This means, as you originally intended, download the driver, install and check the result by reconnecting the phone to a PC or laptop.

If the connection is in camera format

After we looked at the two most commonly used ways to fix the error, let's look at the third one - although it is simple, it is unusual. It happens that the smartphone is connected to the PC in camera mode, where the photos you took earlier are displayed on the phone. In this case, try to transfer the files you need from your PC to the folder with the photo, and then from there through file manager - to specific destination folders. But this method is suitable for those who do not want to bother and look for the true root of the problem.

Other ways to solve the problem

Terminal usage

In order to use this method, you need to have root-rights, first you need to install a program from the Play Market called Android Terminal Emulator - with its help you will open access to the gadget as uSB stick... After installing the program, connect the phone to the computer and write the following commands in the program:

  • su (root-rights enabled) + confirmation of the choice;
  • setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage, adb + Enter;
  • reboot (restart the phone)

If you want to connect to the PC via MTP, then in the second command replace mass_storage on mtp and boldly press Enter.

Restore connection settings

In this method, we will use a program that is not available in the Play Store - it is called. Thanks to it, you will be able to access all the connection settings that might disappear after the first selection, which happens quite often. Run the program, and in the second line (Package) choose, and where Class -, then click on Create shortcut and enjoy the result. How to enjoy it? Very simple. You get access to all connection settings by just clicking on the shortcut.

Driver installer

By the way, if we return to the same problem of lack of drivers, we would like to advise you on the program - with its help you will forever get rid of the question why there are none. Download, unzip and install it, then connect your smartphone to your PC. Click on right click mouse on "My computer", go to "Task Manager", find the phone and USB cable that were not recognized by the computer, click on it and select Driver - Update... Then specify the path C: \\ Users \\ ComputerName \\ AppData \\ Local \\ MiPhoneManager \\ main \\ Driver and click on "Further"... Done, problem solved!


Often, the problem of connecting a smartphone to a laptop or computer is hidden in some small things - an unoriginal yusb cord, lack of drivers on Redmi, and so on. In 90% of cases simple ways, described by us in the first part of this article, will forever help synchronize your phone with your computer - you just had to be careful from the very beginning. Choose the option that suits you and connect without problems. But if you are unlucky, and you find yourself in the remaining 10%, the second part of the article will help solve the problem, which describes methods that have been repeatedly tested in practice.

It also happens that this article does not help, and if none of the methods worked for you, then this means that the roots of the problem lie much deeper than you think - most likely, you will have to reflash your device using Fastboot mode, but this We will devote a separate article to the topic.

We really hope that such articles will not be useful to you in reality, but if suddenly there are problems in connecting devices, you already know what and how to do.

Connecting Xiaomi Redmi 4X to a computer makes it much easier to work with the gadget and expand its functionality. Connect helps to carry out a number of manipulations, including:

  • data transfer (music, photos, documents);
  • using a smartphone as a storage device;
  • updating the firmware or installing custom assemblies;
  • debugging, getting Root and systemic changes.

Often, the connection occurs without any problems, but there are times when the computer does not recognize the device. We will consider the popular methods of connecting the device to a PC, as well as analyze the problems that may arise, and options for their solution.

How to connect to a computer?

Almost always the connection should be made via a USB cable. This method will provide full access to file system and the ability to modify the firmware.

Windows XP, newer builds are programmed to automatically pick up drivers for Xiaomi MI4 and other models, so you probably won't even have to do anything.

The only thing to do is to do the following simple steps.

  1. Connect the cord to the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 socket, and insert the other end into the USB connector on the PC.
  2. In the pop-up window on the computer desktop, select what you want to do with the connected device.

This is all that is required by the vast majority of users, but sometimes there are problems during the process, or when connected, only charging is in progress, but files cannot be transferred. This usually happens on devices that do not have a global firmware, so they run localized MIUI builds or custom Android systems.

Problems connecting the phone to the computer and their solutions

Let's figure out what to do if the PC does not see xiaomi smartphone... It is rarely possible to immediately identify the problem, as there are dozens of options. Individual solutions for failures that are relevant, for example, for MI5S, will not work if you do the same for another device. Therefore, only those who are well versed in their phone will be able to understand the problem. Nevertheless, let's highlight the most common ones that are found on all gadgets.

Problem 1. Non-original cable

There is a small chance that trying to make a USB connection that is not original will result in your Redmi 4A not being detected by Windows.

Decision. Make sure the cable is original. If not, then try to find exactly the same one in an online store, from retailers in your city, or order from China.

Problem 2. Drivers

The absence of a set of drivers in Windows for one reason or another will lead to the impossibility of connecting a smartphone to the computer.

Decision. You need to find out if your operating system supports automatic download drivers, check their availability and version, clarify when they were updated and whether they were updated at all. It is important to observe the Windows notifications after connecting the cable to your computer and smartphone. She usually says that the process of selecting drivers is in progress, and at the end she says whether they were installed successfully or not.

If the installation failed, you can download them manually. In the topics of almost everyone xiaomi phones (such as Redmi Note 4X or flagship MI6) there are threads on the forums where you can download fresh drivers... After they are downloaded, you need to do the following:

  1. unpack them (if it is an encrypted archive);
  2. install it in a separate folder;
  3. insert the cord into the phone and PC, click "My Computer" with the right mouse button, go to the "Device Manager" tab, a new connected device will be displayed there, which is the phone;
  4. right-click on it and select "Driver", now "Update", then specify the folder where the drivers were installed.

The instructions help, but remember that the gadgets are unique and the approaches to MI A1 may differ from those that are relevant for the same Xiaomi Redmi 3 Pro. If it doesn't work, refer to the topic of your device on the forums, read instructions and tips. Almost 100% chance that there will be a hint.

Reason 3. Wrong connection method

Usually this does not happen, but all sorts of cases do.

Decision. Check again that the cable is firmly seated in the socket and that the USB port on the PC is working.

Reason 4. Errors in the firmware

Crashes occur in custom and sometimes official firmware. It is difficult to solve such a problem; it is often done in a radical way.

Decision. You need to do a factory reset or change the firmware if the first option didn't help.

It is worth doing this as a last resort, when you have already tried to do everything that is written in the article, and also studied the topic on the forums. The flashing of Xiaomi MI5 and Xiaomi Redmi 3S will be different, so look for a separate detailed instructions... Remember to make a backup.

A better option would be to ask a question to knowledgeable people or take your Xiaomi Mi Max or Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 or another smartphone to the service. After all, there is no 100% guarantee that a flashing will help fix everything, and an inexperienced user can do such things that problems with connecting to a PC seem like a trifle.

Other ways to solve problems

Be sure to try these tips too, if others did not help, they will help you avoid the firmware.

Active camera connection

If the device is not recognized as a file drive, then you should try turning on the camera, this may help to work around the problem. To do this, the files that need to be reset should be transferred to the smartphone gallery, which will be available, and then moved to desired directory on the machine. By analogy, drop documents, for example, from the Redmi Note 3 Pro smartphone, first to the gallery, and then to the PC.

Enabling USB Debugging

This often helps to eliminate difficulties with connection, you can activate debugging through developer mode. It is not difficult to turn it on, you need to click on the MIUI version 7-10 times in the "About phone" settings (if you have a custom on Android, then in the same paragraph tap on "Build number" the same number of times).

  • In MIUI, go to Settings → Advanced → For Developers. Find "USB Debugging" there and activate it.
  • On Android go to Settings → For Developers and enable USB Debugging.

Connect your phone to your computer and watch if the choice of connection method appears in the shutter, if yes, then click on MTP or "File Transfer". If there is no selection and the machine is still not visible to the PC, then USB Debugging did not help.

Terminal usage

The method is complex, it is for experienced users or for those who are not afraid to sit and understand their smartphone. It is suitable for any model, even if you are faced with the fact that the old MI2S will not connect to the computer in any way, the method will certainly help.

You need:

  1. download Android terminal emulator in Google play (you need Root rights to work);
  2. write the line "SU", confirm the action, then enter "setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage, adb" and press "Enter";
  3. restart the phone by typing "reboot" in the terminal;
  4. download QCustomShortcut (the application allows you to access the connection adjustment, but it is not on Google Play, so download from the Internet);
  5. write “” in the “Package” field, and fill the “Class” block with the text “”;
  6. tap on "Create Shortcut" and you're done.

Now, when you go through the shortcut, you will immediately be taken to the connection settings selection menu.

If none of the above recommendations helps, then you should consider taking your phone in for repair or reinstalling the operating system.

Mi devices that run on the MIUI proprietary operating system have wide functionality: for example, we have already talked about how to wirelessly transfer files from a Xiaomi smartphone to a Windows PC. Today we'll talk about how to activate MIUI drive mode and how to connect a Xiaomi smartphone to a computer via USB.

A USB connection is most often required in two cases:

  • you want to quickly dump all photos to computer from your Mi smartphone
  • or you want to work with system partitions (installing application cache and more)

For this, Android and MIUI, in particular, have two connection modes: USB stick (Media Device MTP) and camera mode (Camera PTP). If you have the original firmware without any modifications, these two connection options will be available after connecting the Mi smartphone and PC.

In order to quickly and efficiently transfer photos to your computer, select the camera mode by activating the slider. Your computer will open a folder with photos in MIUI (or offer to install software for working with photos). Attention: in camera mode, even if you select "Open device to view files", you will not be able to access the system partitions, only folders with photos will remain visible.

To get to system partitions your Mi smartphone, choose MIUI connection in storage mode. After that, you will open all the available sections and folders of the device. Attention: be careful when working with files of the MIUI system.

If, for some reason, MIUI does not connect to your computer and the smartphone / tablet connection modes are not displayed, it may be a matter of custom firmware. It may also come in handy, the proprietary application Mi PC Suit, how to set it up,.

If the phone does not connect to the PC on its own, you will have to do it manually. In the menu "USB-connection to a computer" there is a subsection media device (MTP) - you must put a tick on it. You need to click "connect USB as a storage", if necessary. A dialog box will appear in which you must click OK.

With the advancement of technology and the emergence of new gadgets, it is important to understand how to connect multiple devices. This is necessary for high-quality data transmission, as well as in order to expand the functionality of each of them. If you have a Xiomi smartphone, then, for sure, you have already thought about how to connect your phone to a computer. We propose to study in detail the options for implementing these plans.

The easiest way is to connect your Xiomi smartphone via USB. Typically operating room windows system versions from XP and above is able to automatically find drivers for recognition mobile devices and providing work with them through a computer. Therefore, you usually just need to do the following:

  1. Insert the USB into the phone, and its other end into the computer connector.
  2. Choose in the pop-up window on the computer monitor what exactly to do with the new device.

This method helps most users, but sometimes problems arise. For example, the computer may not recognize a new connection, in other words, it “does not see” the smartphone. Accordingly, it is impossible to work with files on it via a PC.

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Problems connecting Xiaomi to computer

It is extremely difficult to pinpoint exactly what caused the problem. Theoretically, there are many options why the connected gadget is not recognized by the computer. It is highly likely that you will not be able to figure this out yourself without special training. If we talk about the most common causes of the described problem, then we can highlight:

  • Using a non-original USB cable;
  • Lack of required drivers;
  • Using the wrong connection method;
  • System problems.

Simple ways to solve the problem

The first problem is the easiest to solve. It is possible to qualitatively connect the computer to the Xiaomi gadget only when using the original cord. If you have lost it, it is better to buy a new one than to look for alternatives.

You should also know for sure the features of the operating room. windows systemsinstalled on your computer. Can it download drivers automatically? Have you already installed the driver you need? Has it been updated, and if so, when? You should know the answers to all these questions.

How to download drivers?

If you are not sure that the latest version of drivers for working with the Xiaomi gadget is installed on the computer, then it is better to play it safe and. Sometimes oS PCs crash and cannot automatically find the correct driver on the network and install it. Therefore, we will act in manual modeMoreover, the problem is solved quite simply.

  1. Download the drivers from the link above and unpack them.
  2. Install the downloaded driver by selecting a folder for it on your computer.

Having connected the gadget to the computer, you need to click on "My computer" right-click, get into "Task Manager" and find a phone and cable that were not initially found by the system. By clicking on any of the items that appear, follow the scheme "Driver" - "Update" and indicate the current path to the drivers.

If the problem really was a driver mismatch, then after doing the described manipulations, you can effectively connect your gadget to your computer.

Setting up via phone

It is also possible that you cannot connect a smartphone to the PC because the latter does not have the appropriate settings. It's easy to check this too:

  • Go to the "Settings" section on your mobile phone;
  • We go through the following path: "Advanced" - "For Developers" - "USB Debugging" - "Enable".

Once done, connect the USB to your computer again to see if it helped. this method... If not, then do not despair - perhaps the problem is a little more serious, but it can be solved.

Connect in camera mode

Many smartphones, while not connecting to a computer as a file drive, are nevertheless recognized by them when the camera is turned on. This makes it possible not to solve the connection problem, but to work around it.

For example, if we want to drop a file from the computer, then we can send it to the folder with the files, and only then, through the phone itself, transfer it to the location you need. By analogy, if you need, on the contrary, to drop a file from your phone to your computer, you can first move it to the gallery, and then drop it on your computer.

But, again, this will not solve the problem, it will only allow you to get around it. Suitable for a single use in time trouble, but on an ongoing basis is unlikely to be convenient.

Difficult ways to solve the problem

If you are determined to resolve the issue, you will have to make an effort to understand the problem. Next, we suggest learning more complex methods on how to connect Xiaomi to a computer.

  1. Through the program Android terminal emulator... The app is installed on your phone via Google Play, allowing you to access your phone like a USB drive. In the program window that opens, you need to request obtaining superuser rights in the root folder. To do this, write the letters SU (Super User). After that, we prescribe a much longer command: setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage, adb and press Enterconfirming your actions. Restart the gadget by specifying the R command.
  2. Through the program. In Play Market application you will not find, so download from the link from the previous sentence. The program allows you to access the connection settings. It often happens that after the first choice, the settings fly off, and this application will help solve problems. For this in the field "Package" need to insert "", and in the field "Class"""... It remains to click on "Create Shortcut"to complete the task. By clicking on the shortcut, you will access the connection settings.

Firmware change

This is also not the easiest way to resolve the issue, but we decided to put it into a separate category. Globally speaking, the problem with the inability to connect the phone to the computer can depend on three components:

  • Computer;
  • Phone;
  • USB cable.

And if, in the case of the cord, you need to look for a problem in mechanical damage or its compliance with the gadget model, then in the first two cases, one way or another, bugs in operating systems are to blame.

How do we most often "treat" the problems that have arisen on a PC? Right, reinstalling Windows... For phones, such a categorical decision may be to change the firmware. Few people use today official firmwarepreferring to download for free pirated versions... Therefore, problems and malfunctions often arise.

You can install the new firmware on your phone yourself in Fastboot mode, but can you guarantee that new firmware will be better than the old one, and its change will solve the problem? If not, then it is better not to risk it, but to give the phone to specialists for checking so that they can form a comprehensive idea of \u200b\u200bthe problem and solve it. Yes, this will require certain financial costs, but you will be satisfied with the result. In addition, if specialists give a guarantee for their work, then this allows you to be sure that such a problem will not bother you in the foreseeable future, and it will be easy to connect your smartphone to a PC.

Smartphones have long ceased to be devices exclusively for communication. Now these are true multimedia centers. And sometimes users have to transfer images, music and other content to them. But how to do it right?

So, you can connect Xiaomi to a computer in order to transfer photos, music and videos in several ways. Almost all of them require an original data cable. Well, or any micro USB cable.

You can also transfer files via Bluetooth, but this method has several disadvantages. First, the computer must have a Bluetooth adapter. And secondly, the data transfer rate is always higher via the USB cable.

Let's look at the main methods of transferring data using a USB cable step by step.

Method number 1. Normal connection

This is the simplest and affordable way... It is suitable for Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus, Remi 3, 5A, Mi6, 4A Mi A1, Note 4 and other devices from this manufacturer. The algorithm of actions is extremely simple.

  1. First, you need to find and install drivers for the device. Please note that this item is relevant only for those who still have Windows XP on their computer. "Seven" and the rest windows versions install the required software themselves. Immediately after connecting the smartphone via USB.
  2. Now you need to connect Xiaomi to your computer using a USB cable.
  3. On the screen of the device, in the menu that appears, select the item "File transfer".
  4. If your computer has windows user 7 and higher, the system will install the necessary drivers for a few seconds.
  5. Once the software is installed, you will need to open Windows Explorer.
  6. The list of devices connected to the PC will contain the desired device (for example, Redmi 4X). You should click on it twice.
  7. Select the drive to which you want to transfer files (Micro SD or internal memory).
  8. We open another explorer window, go to the desired directory and transfer the files to the smartphone.

The above algorithm works in most cases. Photos, music and other content can be transferred from phone to PC in the same way. But what if the computer can't see the phone? This will be discussed when considering the next method.

Method number 2. If something went wrong

It also happens that the first option with Xiaomi phones is not suitable. And it is impossible to drop anything from them onto a PC or laptop for the reason that the computer simply “does not see” the device. There are several solutions to this problem.

  1. First you need to check if the required drivers... If a yellow question mark is displayed in Device Manager while the smartphone is connected to the computer, then there are no drivers. In this case, you need to download and install them.
  2. If everything is in order with the drivers, then you need to try turning on the USB debugging mode in the smartphone. Universal instructions no about this, but this option is in the "For Developers" section. However, you still need to access this item. To do this, go to the "About phone" menu, find the inscription "Current MIUI version" there and click on it 10 times. After that, the message "You have become a developer" will appear. After enabling USB debugging, everything should work.
  3. If the drivers are not installed on the PC, then you need to disable the check digital signature... To do this, load Windows into safe mode (F8 at startup) and in the system settings, disable the digital signature verification of drivers. Then we reboot the PC and reconnect the device to a laptop or computer.

All of the above options help to eliminate all kinds of errors when connecting to a PC. You can transfer a photo from Xiaomi to a computer using the algorithm that was described in the first chapter. But first, you need to sort out the connection issues.

Method number 3. Most radical

It is only used if everyone else fails. Connecting a Xiaomi smartphone to a PC or laptop can be done using the console. Moreover, the console will be used in a mobile gadget. But first, you need to enable USB debugging on the device and get Superuser rights.

  1. Open the console in the device (it will be located somewhere near the superuser icon) and enter "su" in it. We press "Confirm".
  2. Next, enter the command "setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp, adb" and press "Enter".
  3. After that, enter "reboot" and press "Enter".

The device will restart, after which it will be possible to connect the smartphone to the computer in media device mode. Namely, this mode is used for data transmission. The other connection modes are not needed in this situation.

Attention! The latter method of connecting the machine to a computer should be used with some caution. The fact is that when using this particular method, the firmware files are changed. And just one mistake in the command being entered can turn a smartphone into a “brick”.


So, connecting your Xiaomi smartphone to your computer or laptop to transfer files is pretty simple. In most cases, the first method helps easily. But keep in mind that you only need to connect via a USB cable. There is no other way.