Touch gestures. Touch gestures How to disable swipe up when turning on the phone

Talking about the various capabilities of Android devices, we often use such an unusual word as "swipe". It turned out that many users do not know its meaning. Let's fill this gap.

The word swipe has two meanings at once. In the first case, a swipe is a special gesture when you put your finger on the screen of a smartphone or tablet and move it in the desired direction across the screen. For example, to open the shutter on a smartphone, you need to swipe from the top frame of the device to the bottom:

It is important to note that the word "swipe" in this sense can be used in relation to any device that supports such finger movements on the screen, not only on the Android OS. So, movements across the screen on apple devices (iPhone, iPad) also referred to as swipe.

The second value is the name of the Swype keyboard, which allows you to enter text on the screen of a smartphone or tablet without lifting your finger. The creator of the Swype keyboard (from the English swipe - hold without tearing, slide and type - to type text) is Cliff Kushler.

Currently, you can find many keyboard apps in online app stores that support writing text without lifting your finger from the screen. It is believed that the swipe keyboard allows you to type much faster than a standard keyboard.

The vast majority of modern mobile devices have touch screen, with which you can control the gadget. Those. instead of pressing mechanical buttons, the user controls his smartphone or tablet with gestures and touches on the screen. For a novice user of the Android operating system, which runs a large number of touch mobile devices, at first this way of interacting with his gadget will be unusual. However, mastering gestures occurs almost immediately and does not cause difficulties in the future.

What gestures are used to control android smartphone / tablet

Touch or tap

The touch has a second name - tap. This is the most common touch action. By tapping, you can turn on any functions, start programs, select menu items, activate a parameter, etc. A touch is like a mouse click on a computer. If in relation to the computer they say - click the mouse, then in Android you can hear - tap or tap twice.

Performing this action, you guessed it, is very simple. You need to touch with your fingertip in the right place on the screen. For example, to launch an application, just tap on its icon. If you need to enter text, then just touch in the input field to appear, where you can type text by touching the characters.

Double tap or double tap

Here again there is an analogy with a double mouse click in a computer. True, unlike a computer, where a double click starts the program, in android devices double tap is used to enable and disable the provided functions in programs and to change the scale. For example, to zoom in on a website page while viewing it in a browser, quickly double-tap the screen. To return to the previous scale, you need to repeat a double tap.

Hold tap or long tap

A hold tap or long tap is a kind of analogue to a click. right button mouse, where this action is applied to call context menu with a choice of options. A long tap also opens additional actions in cases where they are provided by the application or by itself operating system Android.

To perform touch and hold, you need to touch the screen in the desired place and hold your finger for a while. As a result, a menu will appear with a choice of actions provided by the application or the operating system.

Swipe, swipe or swipe

Swiping or swiping is used to turn pages, scroll through desktops on the screen, move through lists, menus, etc. Swipe can be either horizontal or vertical. To flip when required by the program or operating room android system, then you need to touch the screen with your finger and without releasing it, slide it in the desired direction, provided by the circumstances (left-to-right, right-to-left, bottom-up, top-down or diagonally).

Touch with movement

Touching and moving in Android OS is analogous to dragging an object with the mouse holding down the left button. As in computer operating systems, in touch devices running mobile operating systems, drag and drop allows you to move objects (folders, files, icons, etc.) from one place to another.

To perform this action, touch the desired item on the screen and do not release your finger. When the object is highlighted, then you can drag it to the desired location.

Pinch in / out or zoom

You can also hear the name of this action as a pinch. It really resembles a pinch of fingers, because to complete it, you need to touch with two fingers the screen of the gadget and, without releasing them, bring them together or spread them apart. As a result of these actions, the image scale on the screen will be changed, if provided by the application.

All gestures in Android are intuitive and uncomplicated. After a short workout, you will confidently control your smartphone or tablet without even thinking about your actions.

It's no secret that holding the Home button or swiping up from it on the home screen causes Android service custom Google Now hints. However, not everyone may find it useful. And for those who appreciate Google's efforts to serve the user, most often they already have Google Now at their disposal on the far left screen, thanks to pure Android or the Google Start launcher. In fact, because of this, very convenient function remains useless. But as always, third-party developers and their Swipeup Utility come to the rescue!

Of course, experienced users will immediately notice that such applications in Google play probably more than a dozen. However, the Swipe Up Utility can prove to have several benefits.

First, let's not forget that Android has left 2.0 behind a long time ago and no longer makes users cry tears of blood. On the contrary, with the arrival of Lollipop and the spread of canons among developers, Google's mobile OS has become a true haven for interface aesthetes. Swipeup Utility, despite the fact that its interface, in fact, was created for one-time application configuration, is made quite in the spirit of the times. Of course, it does not have a floating button or a retractable curtain with a mesmerizing arrow animation, but they are not needed here. But it does have a nice icon and icons for the proposed functions.

By the way, about the functions. Swipeup Utility not only boasts a choice of which application will launch after swiping up (or holding a button), but also offers several system alternatives. Some of them are free, while others require the purchase of a paid version of the application. However, 51.74 rubles is quite a democratic price. In particular, one of the most curious customization options is calling the notification shade. I think such a solution can save a lot of smartphones from a spectacular screen with cracked cobwebs.

Among other things, the app will be disciplined to count how many times it saved you from calling Google Now. Who knows what statistics can come in handy in life.

Application: Swipeup Utility Developer: Adrian campos Category: Tools Version: 1.9.3 Price: Is free Download:

Can't see the virtual Home button? There is a gesture for her return. Read about these and other possibilities below.

Quick option for working with quick settings

When you swipe (press and pull) down, a small row of buttons appears on top of the screen on an unlocked Android device, on top of various notifications (or in the upper corner of the screen on versions prior to Nougat). These are "quick settings" - a series of buttons, one click on which you can activate and deactivate options like wi-Fi networks, flashlight, Airplane mode, etc.

Repeated swipe down will open even more quick settings, such as automatic screen rotation, Bluetooth, hotspot function.

If you want to go straight to all quick settings, swipe from above with two fingers instead of one. This opens the extended view immediately.

Swipe to return the Home button

It is unpleasant when you watch a video or do something else in full screen mode on Android, and the virtual Home button disappears without apparent reasons... It often returns when you tap the screen with your finger. This does not always work, depending on the application you are using. For example, in an application, tapping on the screen will stop the video playback, but will not return "Home".

If the Home button is gone, swipe from the top of the screen. Three navigation buttons will appear at the bottom. touch buttons, one of them will be "Home".

Double tap to launch the camera

It may not be considered a gesture to press physical buttons, but this prompt is too convenient not to be mentioned.

You can launch the Camera in Android at any time, even when the device is unlocked and the application is open. This is done double tap on the power button (if installed android version Lollipop and older).

This is in contrast to the operating system, where there is no shortcut to access the camera in an unlocked state, so you need to launch the Camera application and risk missing a fleeting moment.

New look in the Maps app

The Maps Android app offers so much information that you can forget about the other viewing options available. Swipe down on the screen with two fingers to rotate the image in 3D space, including buildings in 3D (depending on the city).

To return to flat view, swipe up with two fingers.

Pull to refresh the page in Chrome

At first it seems like there is no way quick update pages in chrome browser on Android. You need to open the main menu and click on the button in the upper right corner.

Still, there is an easier way to do the same thing: just pull open page finger down.

Bonus: if you hold the device with your right hand, you can quickly open the main Chrome menu by swiping down with your thumb, starting from the right top corner screen.

Swiping on the address bar to change the Chrome tab

If Chrome doesn't have a refresh button, there is a small Tabs button at the top of the screen, but there's an easier way to switch tabs than trying to hit that button.

Swipe in any direction on address bar Chrome. Swipe to the right opens the previous tab, to the left the next.

Swipe on the "Space" key to move the cursor

When switching from smartphones to Android, the magnifying glass is missing, which appears when you press and hold the word being edited.

However, Android has its own answer to the iOS magnifying glass. On a standard system keyboard, you can move the cursor by sliding your finger along the Space bar. It may not be such an elegant solution, but it is also quite convenient.

To use this feature, you need to install correct settings... Click Settings > Language and input > Google keyboard > Continuous input > Enable cursor control.

Swipe to the left of the Backspace button to delete words

Pressing the Backspace key on your keyboard many times to delete words or entire paragraphs is tedious, so gestures come to the rescue again.

Click on the Backspace button and drag to the left. Android starts highlighting text to the left of the cursor. When the part you want to delete is highlighted, release the button. If you change your mind about deleting, without releasing the button, slide your finger to the right.