All the pros and cons of the iPhone 5. LTE does not work in Russia. New Lightning connector

IPhone 5S sales in Russia began a long time ago. We decided to summarize and put all the dots on "Yo", listing all the pros and cons of the new smartphone.

Let's start with the positive points.

Let's start with the pros. iPhone 5S - all the most modern and convenient

Perhaps the first point is the very novelty of the iPhone. Traditionally, Apple tries to implement in its devices, be it a computer or a smartphone, all the most modern technologies. Best processor, modern modules wireless networks, materials, operating system - every year each new iPhone gets more and more new opportunities. As a result, for millions of people around the world, the iPhone only competes. In the case of the iPhone 5S, this is the iPhone5 (we don't even remember about Samsung Galaxy S4, Htc one, Nokia Lumia 920, Sony Xperia Z).

Secondly, Apple is still one of the few companies in the world that has not yet released their flagships with 5.5 or even 6 inches screens. As a result, half of the world's audience simply refuses samsung models, LG and HTC due to their huge size. At the same time, the iPhone 5S is also comfortable to hold in your hand, put in your pocket and operate the screen with one finger. To work with Samsung Note or HTC One Max has to use a stylus. As a result, for millions of girls or guys who don't need a tablet in their pocket, the iPhone 5S will be the only solution.

Powerful 64-bit A7 processor

As for technical characteristics iPhone 5? The first is a new powerful mobile A7 chip with a 64-bit processor and an M7 coprocessor. So far none of the companies in the world can boast of such powerful solutions in the mobile market - Samsung and LG only promise to announce such smartphones. According to developers from Apple itself, the power of the "filling" has doubled compared to the A6 processor, which was used in the iPhone 5.

In contrast to the statements of the Korean companies, the Geekbench, 3DMark, GFXBench tests confirm this. In addition, even when compared with more powerful smartphones "by numbers", the 5S shows an impressive lead. Personal tests confirm this: Ifinity Blade III runs on iPhone 5S, it works perfectly fast, smoothly and without lags. How many flagships on Android can boast of this? Units.

Battery and operation of the M7 coprocessor

Besides, new iPhone received a more capacious 1560 mAh battery, which is only 160 mAh more than the iPhone 5. It would seem how can you compete with Chinese manufacturers who supply their models with batteries with a capacity of up to 2.5-3 thousand mAh. At the same time, an additional energy efficient M7 coprocessor is used. As a result, some applications using gyroscope, accelerometer and compass do not work with the main processor and save energy.

At the same time, the "gluttonous" Android manages to even eat 3000 mAh in a day when Wi-Fi is running or listening to music. Apps for sports, trackers, apps for monitoring physical activity and dozens of others practically do not waste energy, but they are very popular.

New iSight camera on iPhone 5S

Another important difference between iPhone 5S and iPhone 5 is the new iSight camera with 15% larger sensor, 1.5 micron larger and wider aperture - ƒ / 2.2. At the same time, the photosensitivity of the photo module increased - by 33%, as a result of which photos taken in low light conditions became better. Also, the iPhone 5S received a new True Tone flash, consisting of 2 LEDs, yellow and white, which will provide more natural color reproduction when flash.

Touch ID Fingerprint Scanner

Perhaps the loudest innovation in the iPhone 5S is the Touch ID fingerprint sensor. It is built into the Home button and scans the fingerprint, granting or denying access to the user.

Interestingly, a few years ago, similar solutions already appeared in mobile devicesah, but they "fired", as is often the case, only at Apple. Of course, not everyone will need Touch ID, but it can be used as a convenient and simple way to ensure the security of your data on your smartphone. The sensor can be turned off.

iOS 7 and automatic mobile operating system update

The new iPhone "out of the box" received new iOS... In other things, like previous smartphones, tablets and players.

New OS - new features. For comparison, if smartphones on Android receive new versions of the platform, then six months or a year after the release of the OS, or more often they do not receive them at all.

For the first time iPhone in a "gold" case

Now you can buy a "gold" iPhone.

Of course, everyone expects much more from Apple than a slightly better camera, a more powerful processor, or the presence of some kind of module. You want more from the company, as it was in the days of Steve Jobs. Each announcement is a sensation! Allegedly, the iPhone 5S does not even differ in size from the iPhone 5. But at the same time, the case for the iPhone 5, attachments for photos, docking stations can be fully used for the iPhone 5S.

But what about the cons? No clear breakthrough

What can you scold the new iPhone 5S for?

Small screen

To begin with, since the transition to the iPhone 5 (from 3.5 to 4 inches), Apple has refused to increase the screen size. Allegedly, this is the best option that fits comfortably in the hand, both male and female. Considering the general trend in the market, 4 inches looks outdated solution... Rumor has it that Apple is preparing a "big" smartphone, which will just get a 5.5 or even 6 inches screen, but so far these are just rumors.

In the meantime, we are offered to work with office documents, for example with spreadsheets through Numbers, on a 4-inch screen. Is it convenient? How about editing text or creating presentations? The answer is obvious.

Powerful 64-bit platform

Other iPhone 5S features: 64-bit platform with a powerful processor and coprocessor, a fingerprint scanner, a new camera. The main advantage of the 64-bit platform is the ability to quickly port applications for MacOS to iOS. This can be good for business, but where will the user benefit?

The minimum version of the smartphone includes only 16 Gb of memory. Considering that some modern mobile games take up more than 1 Gb of device memory, this seems very small. But then Apple says: what's the problem? Buy a version with 32 Gb or 64 Gb. But the difference in price is just mocking, and there is no opportunity to use mobile cards (officially - this is Apple's principle, it seems - pulling money from customers).

A fingerprint scanner is a useless and even "harmful" thing

The fingerprint scanner is an interesting thing. The sensor works really well and is fun to use. The first 2-3 days. Then I want to turn it off. In addition, if, for example, your skin is wrinkled after a bath or you washed the dishes, you will not be able to activate your smartphone. And if you cut yourself? The issue is very controversial.

Weak battery

The vaunted battery and economical coprocessor are another "wiring". The user admits that if you actively use the smartphone from 8 am, then it will not last until 10-11. If you claim Apple is best devices in the world, then match it.

More claims can be found, but the new iPhone 5S is clearly not that bad. The question is the logic of choosing a smartphone, a smartphone across a variety of models on the market. Of course, the choice is yours!

From the editor. We continue a series of test reviews of smartphones, cameras, tablets, laptops and other gadgets necessary for a modern person.

This overview is in two parts. In the first one, one of the “Gazeta.Ru” IT-observers tells reasonably about all the advantages of the device in terms of relevance, convenience and prospects. In the second part, another IT-observer describes its shortcomings no less reasonably.

The editorial board invites the readers of Gazeta.Ru to take part in the discussion: if you used a device about which in question in the review, please, in the comments to this material, rate it on a five-point scale and tell us how you liked or disliked it.

Device information is published free of charge. The editors may not share the views of the authors of the published opinions.

Apple, "Gazeta.Ru"

Why iPhone 5s is good: opinion of Dmitry Bevza, “kind” IT-observer of Gazeta.Ru.

The answer to this question is simple. Firstly, this is a new, relevant and "better" iPhone, which in the eyes of millions of fans of the brand competes only with previous model - from iPhone5.

Secondly, Apple can say "thank you" to the rest of the manufacturers who, for some reason, decided that their flagships should be the size of a janitor's shovel and have successfully excluded 50% of humanity from their target audience... I personally know girls who use 5-inch smartphones, but I don't know a single one who would be delighted with it. That is, if you need a top-end device that fits in a woman's palm, or that you can safely put in a men's shirt pocket, then today you have only one choice - iPhone 5s.

So let's look at key features iPhone 5?

The first is the new A7 chip with a 64-bit processor and an M7 coprocessor.

According to Apple itself, its power and speed have doubled compared to the iPhone 5 (A6). Various tests, such as Geekbench, 3DMark, GFXBench, fully confirm this, showing in some cases a more impressive lead. If we are not talking about synthetic tests, which users do not do in real life, but, for example, about games, then the super-sophisticated Ifinity Blade III runs on 5s perfectly smoothly, smoothly and without brakes - personally tested.

The new iPhone comes with a larger 1560 mAh battery, 160 mAh more than the iPhone 5. A larger battery is good anyway, but not only that. Thanks to the energy efficient M7 coprocessor, apps that use the smartphone's gyroscope, accelerometer and compass do not use the main processor, but work with the M7. We are talking about fitness applications, trackers, applications for monitoring physical activity, etc. This algorithm of using two processors increases the time autonomous work smartphone.

I ran two such applications at once - Argus and 24/7 MotionX - both programs know how to work with the M7, and the difference in power consumption between them and physical activity monitoring applications using a GPS module was simply striking.

Argus application with M7 coprocessor

Apple, "Gazeta.Ru"

I personally have a strong feeling that in normal, average use, the new iPhone 5s lasts longer than the five. The device worked for a day by train, and sometimes it worked longer.

The second important point that differentiates the 5s from the iPhone 5 is the new iSight camera. It has a new sensor - 15% larger, increased pixel size - 1.5 microns and a wider aperture - ƒ / 2.2.

The light sensitivity of the photo module, as reported by Apple, has increased by 33%, and pictures in low light conditions - the eternal problem of smartphone cameras - have become better.

Another "trick" iPhone cameras 5s is a new True Tone flash featuring two LEDs, one white and one yellow, for more natural-looking flash.

You can compare the work of the photo-video module iPhone 5s and the camera of one of the best Android smartphones in our test photos.

Among the others interesting features The iPhone 5s cameras have video shooting at 120 frames per second, good stabilization and continuous photo shooting.

An example of a slow motion camera and the operation of the image stabilizer (with vibration from a passing train):

The third major innovation in the iPhone 5s is Touch ID, a fingerprint scanner used to unlock a smartphone. It's right on the Home button. If you want to lock your smartphone for strangers, then this is perhaps the simplest and most reliable solution. Of course, not everyone will need Touch ID, but for many business people it is a more convenient and reliable solution to the problem of keeping confidential data than a digital code.
As for the reliability of the fingerprint scanner, personally for me during testing the gadget it worked flawlessly.

Finally, I would like to note one more point that many IT journalists perceive with disappointment: outwardly, the iPhone 5s is very similar to the iPhone 5. Dimensions, connectors, arrangement of elements iPhone control 5s are completely identical to the iPhone 5.

I understand journalists well, they (we) want something new, revolutionary, preferably with a "wow factor", but numerous iPhone 5 owners who want to change it to 5s have a different opinion.

Remembering the painful transition from iPhone 4S to iPhone 5, many are glad that the iPhone 5 accessories they bought for a lot of money (covers, docking stations, various photo attachments, etc.) are completely suitable for iPhone 5s.

P.S. Forgot the most important thing! Now you can buy a "gold" iPhone.

Apple, "Gazeta.Ru"

What I didn’t like about the iPhone 5s: the opinion of Oleg Karanov, the “evil” IT-observer of Gazeta.Ru

Well, I'll try to act as an evil guy and scold the new iPhone 5S. I'll start with the main thing - the screen. Apple, after "drastically" enlarging the display in the iPhone 5 - from 3.5 to 4 inches - continues to insist that this is the optimal size.

In my opinion, today the very idea of \u200b\u200ba 4-inch smartphone looks outdated. Moreover, if you follow the logic of product presentation, there is an understanding of this even in Apple itself. For example, along with the new iPhones, new versions of programs included in the iWork package (Pages, Numbers, etc.), now free, were shown.

Having cool software that the user actually gets with a new device is great. This software is in demand, since users are in demand for tasks that can be solved with its help.

But let's be honest, Numbers is a spreadsheet app. Are we being asked to work with spreadsheets on a 4-inch screen? Or edit texts?

And so - with almost everything. While it is quite convenient to consume content on a device with a small display, up to a certain limit, it is practically impossible to create it, and today the user is more and more focused on this. In my opinion, in this case, the manufacturer ignores the needs of consumers.

During the presentation, the following components were named as the main chips of the iPhone 5S: a 64-bit platform, a fingerprint scanner and a new camera.

The main advantage of the 64-bit platform, which is also called desktop, is that it features increased performance. But in fact, its advantage is that it allows you to port applications written for MacOS to iOS in no time. This is great for developers and business in general. What does the user get?

The user gets the game Infinity Blade III, which weighs 1.4 GB. Let me remind you that this is a game for a mobile device, which has only 16 GB of memory for storing data (in the budget version of a smartphone).

Having received an excellent tool for work, programmers have completely forgotten about the word "optimization".

You can also watch movies in HD. For example, the movie "Kick-Ass 2" in HD quality weighs 3.53 GB. The platform will cope with all this, it remains only to understand where to cram all this content? An eight-hour flight by plane suggests that you need to have 3-4 films, which is 13-15 GB.

The fingerprint scanner is another brilliant idea. Compared to the scanners you saw in HP or Lenovo laptops a year or two ago, the scanner in the iPhone 5S is a wonderful thing. It really does great first time fingerprint recognition. But two days later, he “forgot” them, and the finger had to be scanned again. It is not difficult if the system only contains your prints - you can scan them at least every day, but if you decide to put your beloved spouse or child into your iPhone, it becomes tiresome. And if your hands are wet after a shower or washing dishes and the skin on your fingertips is wrinkled, then you don't even have to try to use the scanner - nothing will work. In general, a “perfect vacuum hand model” is required for trouble-free operation.

As for the new camera, the updated iSight module has become even better than the camera in the previous iPhone 5. Moreover, it cannot be said that that camera was bad - there were no complaints about it, everyone praised it. But now it is possible to write video at 120 frames per second. And you know what? I tried to do this at a party last Friday at 11pm. And nothing worked out for me, as the phone was dead.

I used my smartphone from about 8 am that day and by 11 pm it was dead. Awkward situation. At that moment, I somehow immediately remembered about the new M7 coprocessor, which was supposed to make the system more energy efficient.

And further. The new iPhone 5S now supports an incredible number of different cellular networks... The device has truly excellent potential and worldwide use. The problem is that for a Russian user it doesn't matter. For example, Lumia 625, which is sold for 10 thousand rubles, already supports Russian lTE networks straight out of the box, and the new iPhone 5S for 30-40 thousand rubles - no, they are there, at Apple, are still deciding something with our cellular operators, test networks, the quality of their work, and stuff like that. Well, the user is waiting.

All of the above does not mean that the new iPhone 5S is bad. The question is different - in priorities and accents. There is a feeling that today we are seeing an inadequate assessment of user needs and prioritization for development, when the marketing effect is much more important than the ability to use a smartphone without recharging for at least two days. And how not to understand the manufacturer - it's so boring!

From the editor. We invite the readers of Gazeta.Ru to take part in the discussion of the iPhone 5s. If you have used the device in question in the review, please rate it on a five-point scale in the comments to this material and tell us what you liked or disliked.

Today we are starting a new column about the pros and cons of iPhones. The first model for this section, I decided to choose the iPhone 5S, because it is the most successful in the history of Apple.

I will tell you everything that I think about this smartphone and I will speak only to the point. The article was written in 2017 and as you understand, the further in the future you read, the less relevant some points about the advantages and disadvantages become.

Benefits of the iPhone 5S

As you can imagine, if the model was very successful, then of course it is worth starting with the pros. Enough time has passed to thoroughly analyze everything.


When the fifth iPhone model came out, in principle everyone was delighted, but they realized that something was missing in this model. With the release of the iPhone 5S, everything fell into place.

Colour. Well, for starters, the changes in the color scheme had a very positive effect. Now the choice has become a little more, because Gold has appeared.

The black color also disappeared and for the first time Space Gray was introduced instead of it, which later became the most popular among this line.

We also fixed the problem with the paint and now the smartphone has ceased to lose its presentation as quickly as it was with the iPhone 5. Even after a year of careful use, everything looks more than.

Design. It would seem that it is already 2017 and four years have passed since its release, but the design is still relevant and people want to buy such a smartphone.

Where have you seen this with Android phones. After the first year, the flagships are forgotten and almost no one remembers them.

The compact four-inch phone is made just perfect. Both the front and the back look very harmonious and modern. Glass inserts at the back are only a plus.

IOS Optimization

Four years later, iOS 10 can be found on board the smartphone and I think that version 11 can also be updated. Thus, the old man can do much more.

Of course, you will not get the latest chips, which may require 3D Touch and other modern technologies. But the main new features and design changes, you can feel personally.

Despite the outdated filling, everything flies quickly enough and there are no global problems. Not as fast as at the start, but you definitely won't get a nervous breakdown.


The gadget market is becoming more and more expensive every day, and when you have a relatively small amount of money in your hands, you just don't know what to buy, especially if you are an Apple fan.

I would not recommend buying new iPhone 5S in 2017. But if money is so tight, then buying this phone, you can get a little bit of Apple magic.

At the moment, this is the most affordable smartphone from Apple, which has the most current iOS. And if we consider the restored options, it will be even cheaper.

Disadvantages of iPhone 5S

We quickly reached the disadvantages, but this cannot be avoided. Now let's talk about the weaknesses of the smartphone, because in the courtyard of 2017 and after the release date, a lot has changed in the world.


First of all, today people look at this very point. Mobile photography has developed significantly in recent years, which has badly affected older iPhones.

The front camera is 1.2 MP and if you are a selfie lover, then the phone can be discarded immediately. The light still makes good shots, but when you compare it with newer models, it's very bad.

8MP rear camera, dual LED flash, f / 2.2. All this is very little to surprise today. In the light of day everything is quite good, but no more.

If you want to start getting carried away mobile photography, which is very fashionable today, then this phone model will definitely not suit you.


S models usually stay afloat longer and in fact this is the lifebuoy for the iPhone 5S today. We have dual core processor Apple A7 1.3 GHz with 64 bit architecture and 1 GB of RAM inside.

Thanks to this, the device will still be able to experience iOS 11 and this is where the privileges of such characteristics end.

I now have this smartphone in my hands and I definitely will not update to version 11. I had a bitter experience with 4S, and despite iOS 8, it was very sad there.

After a year, the phone will no longer be supported and I think not many people will want to buy a smartphone that has so few years of relevance.

New technologies

The nicest thing that you can find here is perhaps the first generation Touch ID and probably the ability to shoot Slow-mo video.

In fact, there is nothing modern here that I would like to see in a modern device. Just a normal smartphone that performs standard functions.

You will not find touchscreen here. home button, 3D Touch technology, dual cameras, dual speakers and much more. This list can be continued for a long time.


This is basically all the basic information I wanted to share about the pros and cons of the iPhone 5S. If you think otherwise, then of course write it in the comments.

It turned out more like the relevance of a smartphone. But in fact, if you are not considering this option for buying, then I don't even know why else to read an article of this nature.

It is possible to talk about the advantages of this or that device only in terms of comparing it with other gadgets of a similar purpose. The main thing that needs to be understood before buying it is what functions of the device are really important in a particular case. So, iPhones compare favorably in terms of design style, OS stability and ease of use; if the user intends to acquire a pocket mini-computer with numerous settings that provide customization of the gadget "for himself", it is better to give preference to an Android-based smartphone.

Let's consider the advantages of an iPhone in more detail.

1. The main advantage is rightly considered the optimization of the operating system, due to the fact that Apple is the developer of both the iPhone itself and operating system iOS installed on it: that is, the operating system was made specifically for the iPhone. The set of characteristics possessed by this device and on which iOS is provided is best known to developers, which means that they are able to optimize the OS.

This is fully observed by users: regardless of the number of installed applications, iPhone does not hang and is distinguished by instant switching between applications. As for smartphones, they have a universal Android OS developed by Google for different models mobile devices manufactured by various companies. Hence the disadvantages of some smartphones: errors in messages, slowdowns, decreased touch sensitivity, etc.

2. Features of shape and body. When evaluating the pros and cons of the iphone, most users mark the phone's shape as exceptionally comfortable, paying tribute to its durability and style. metal case, as well as the ideality of both internal and external assembly, the complete absence of backlash.

3. Optimization of applications. If we consider in this regard, for example, the pros and cons of the iPhone 5s, it easily supports 600,000 applications that will always work without failures and glitches: the AppStore offers only working, optimally suited to the iPhone, proven applications

4. Viral safety. Closed operating Apple iOS systems Provides complete exclusion of viruses: applications get to the iPhone only through the AppStore, where, in turn, only applications verified by Apple are allowed.

IPhones are distinguished by the clarity and brightness of the display; the possibility of a large selection of accessories; Extremely powerful processor with virtually zero battery consumption in standby mode; superb image quality in any light, comparable to the image quality from a SONY HD camcorder.

Users note that the advantages of the iPhone clearly prevail over its disadvantages.

Imaginary and objective disadvantages of the iPhone.

Assessing the disadvantages of the iphone, for accuracy and clarity, it is better to dwell separately on each of the latest models.

So, for the iPhone 5s, according to users, the following are characteristic:

Errors in the operation of motion sensors: users in particular note the incorrect functioning of the sensors for determining changes in the orientation angles of the device, which, according to experts, are associated with problems in the accelerometer.

Slight increase in battery capacity compared to earlier models, which affects battery life.

Lack of performance of standard applications and the iOS 7 operating system, instability of programs and frequent application crashes. The reason for these shortcomings is that the software is not adapted to the 64-bit architecture of the A7 processor.

Inconveniently small size of the Home button. The home button had to be reduced due to the built-in fingerprint scanner that captures fingerprints when unlocking the smartphone and confirming purchases in iTunes Store and the App Store.

Evaluating the pros and cons of the iPhone 4S according to the owners' reviews, you can compare the disadvantages of this model with those already described cons iPhone 5s: Many people are unhappy with short operating times and connection drops. But, in addition, also the screen size, the lack of 4G and the level of 3G reception, the quality of audibility, the difficulty of importing contacts and the fact that there is no support for entering handwritten text.

And finally, the pros and cons of the iPhone 6s - the latest, most attractive model that has firmly established itself on the domestic market. There are practically no complaints about the operation of this device, users are satisfied with both the volume random access memory (1 GB) and the characteristics of a dual-core processor. And although some at first created a parallel with budget smartphones, but the opinion had to be changed due to the excellent speed of work.

Owners of the 6s are also pleased with:

  • naturalness and brightness of colors on the display;
  • optimal viewing angles;
  • an increase in the diagonal (for the iPhone 6 it increased by 0.7 inches);
  • the possibility of video recording at a speed of 240 frames. due to phase focusing;
  • updated iOS 8;
  • exceptional portability and compactness for easy one-handed use;
  • the elegant slimness of the case and the low weight of the device, its pronounced ergonomics and stylish design, emphasized by a number of innovations (roundness of the edges, changing the shape of the volume keys to an oblong, etc.). Thanks to these innovations, the phone fits exceptionally comfortably in the palm of your hand and allows you to press the power button with the same hand;
  • simplicity of built-in standard keyboard without markup additional characters and text input functions using strokes, but with the function of switching languages \u200b\u200bwith one button, high speed, word prediction and a touchscreen.

Complaints about the iPhone 6 are expressed mainly in terms of battery life (not the lowest, but not the flagship one) and stripes on the back under the antennas: not everyone likes them.

In this article, we will consider the Apple iPhone 5 with reviews, its characteristics, pros and cons.

Design, body materials.The iPhone 5c looks nice and neat. Plastic in it is very impractical. Streaks and fingerprints remain on the entire case.

Micro scratches appear quickly, after a week of use, their number gradually increased.

The branded cover in practice turned out to be impractical, since it is made of soft rubber and quickly becomes covered with dust. It sticks to the fabric of pockets of clothes, and it is difficult to get an iPhone in a case.

Dimensions. There are no complaints about this item. The dimensions of the iPhone 5c are perfect, neither thick nor thin. It is convenient to hold and use it with one hand, it is convenient to carry in pockets.

Screen.No flaws were found on the screen. The ideal proportions are maintained.

Control.A convenient button with which you can return to main screen, unlock, call the manager of previously launched applications.

The lever for switching to silent mode is very convenient.

Disadvantages: despite the fact that the tray for the nanoSIM card is made neatly, dust and dirt get clogged between it and the case, which looks sloppy.

Performance.Experience using iOS on iPhone 5 c showed that this is not a lightning-fast system at all. Sometimes programs open in a couple of seconds, sometimes they freeze, there are delays in displaying the interface. The system is no different in terms of speed from Android on HTC One.

Working hours.With an active mode of use (calls, SMS, chat, music), removed from the Apple iPhone 5 c charging, at 10 o'clock in the morning, it was discharged already at 15 pm. After turning off geolocation, the operating time increased by a couple of hours, which is the level of bad Android smartphones.

Camera.The camera of the iPhone 5 c is excellent and fast. Always well defined white balance, excellent image quality at any time of day and weather.

iOS 7.The main screen is a menu of programs and everything else, which is very convenient.

The notification shade located at the top is of little use. Notifications are accumulating and you need to perform additional actions to remove them

The address book in iOS is simple, there is no way to quickly find a phone number using the numeric keypad.

The iOS lock screen is very simple and difficult to get used to after Android.

Gmail works fine on iOS, but Chrome is very slow. In the native iOS-Safari, the browser literally "flies".

iOS is a neat, sleek system in which everything works, but it seems that you are using a phone with additional functions, not a smartphone.

Keyboard.On iOS, the keyboard is very fast. But it turns out to be uncomfortable, since there is no vibration response when touching, no quick access to symbols, even for setting a comma, you have to make unnecessary movements.

Conclusion.The advantages of the iPhone 5c are: good camera and sound, easy to understand OS. Everything else is questionable. Disadvantages - low resolution screen, impractical body, low battery life offline... It is overpriced.