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One of the most beloved topics on seo-forums is the TCI: "How to increase the TCI?", "Raising the TCI with pay-as-you-go", "How much does it cost to raise the TCI?" etc. etc.

If the issue of increasing the TCI worries people so much, then perhaps it is mega-important? Maybe the traffic on the site depends on the TCI? Or the more TCI, the higher the sales? Not at all. Yandex Subject Citation Index (TCI) is one of the most ancient and confusing SEO myths. Let's figure out who needs a TCI and why, and does your site need it?

What is TCI?

What does the TCI depend on?

Yandex, as usual, is secretive, so the formula for calculating the TCI remains a mystery to everyone. But from the official definition itself, it is clear that the TCI is formed from an assessment of the quality and number of links to the site. And yet, it is very important (!): Links should come from sites that belong to the same topic as your site. Therefore, the index is called "thematic".

Affect TCI DO NOT affect TCI
  • Links from sites where TCI\u003e 0
  • Links from sites of similar subjects
  • Links from indexed sites only
  • Links from moderated directories (very good if the site is registered in directories such as).
  • Links from trust sites
  • Links from message boards, forums, blogs, network conferences, social networks, unmoderated directories and other resources to which anyone can add links without control from the resource owner (source Yandex.Help)
  • Links from sites located on free hostingif they are not described in Yandex.Catalog (source Yandex.Help)
  • Links closed from indexing by tags and
  • Links from sites dropped from the index (as a result of Yandex sanctions or erroneous actions of the webmaster)
  • Links from site mirrors (they are glued to the main mirror and are counted as 1 link)
  • Links from duplicate content (if the same article with outgoing links is placed in different sources, then the search engine will count these links as 1)
  • Links from sites that have their own TCI \u003d 0

And a couple more notes:

  1. About the degree of influence: The more links go from the donor site, the less the weight of each link. And, accordingly, on the contrary: the fewer links on the donor site, the more significant the link that you got, and the more likely it will affect the TCI.
  2. About outbound links: links from your own site, on the contrary, "squander" the TCI, because in this case, you share your "authority" with those you link to.

NB! Please do not take the last point as a call to destroy all links originating from your site. If the site is created for users, then the presence on it useful recommendations - a natural phenomenon. When you recommend good sites of your own topic, it increases the level of trust of search engines to you.

How and when does the TCI change?

The minimum value of TCI \u003d 0, the maximum is absent. TIC with a value from 10 to 200 has a scale step of 10, up to 500 - step 25, up to TIC 1000 - 50 and then - 100.

For example, one of the most cited resources of the Runet, Wikipedia, today has a TCI \u003d 88000. Interestingly, history shows that its TCI dropped to zero twice and rose again.

Changes in TCI values \u200b\u200boccur at the time of Yandex updates (2-3 times a month). Yandex never warns about updates and does not make them on schedule. So for site owners it is a surprise every time (but everyone is used to these surprises).

After the next update, you may notice that the TCI fell / rose / remained unchanged.

How to find out the TCI of the site?

You can check the value of the site's TCI for today and see the history of its changes using Yandex.Webmaster (site indexing → History → TCI):

True, the Yandex Webmaster keeps the history for only 3 months.

There is also a good analytical service -, which stores history since September 2011 (enter the name of your site in the search bar, click the "Check" button and you will see the history at the bottom of the page).

Why did the TCI drop to zero?

It also happens that one fine day the owner of the site discovers that his (with such difficulty "grown up") TCI has suddenly disappeared. It could have happened by following reasons:

Why do you need a TCI?

But this is perhaps the most important question. It is possible to increase the TCI, but is it necessary? The TCI does not affect the positions in the search results in any way, even more so on traffic and conversion.

TIC was needed by those who sell links from their site. The higher their TCI was, the more expensive they could sell links, since they were considered "weighty". But against these sites, the last AGS was introduced, which we talked about above. So now the TCI of link selling sites is under great threat.

If you have a commercial site that sells products, or informational portalcreated primarily for users, the TCI you DO NOT NEED. You need good search positions and content that will attract users.

Some argue that along with the growth of TCI, positions also grow. This is possible, but NOT because of the TCI. Just one of the factors that affect rankings is your link profile. By improving it, you simultaneously improve your position and TCI. But there is no direct relationship between these two concepts.

You can have zero TCI and be in the TOP. For example, the regional website of a furniture center, which we promoted during the year, still has a TCI \u003d 0, but at the same time it reached the TOP-10 for 100+ queries, and traffic increased from 250 to 3000 users per month.

Instead of a conclusion

Despite the fact that only a lazy SEO does not talk about TCI, no one has 100% reliable information about this indicator. When Yandex discloses its "classified materials", then we will find out whether our guesses and observations are correct or not. In the meantime, we summarize the facts that we are sure of:

Fact number 1. TIC does not affect Yandex search results.

Fact number 2. The TIC serves to determine the site's place in the corresponding Yandex.Catalog heading.

Fact number 3. TIC depends on the quantity and quality of THEMATIC donors referring to the site.

P.S. If you are still interested in the TCI, then we can hardly help you, but if you need good positions in the search results of Yandex and Google, then for you and your site:

  • complex search engine promotion (3 tariffs for different budgets);
  • a special program for young sites (3 tariffs for different levels of site preparation).

Sites. At the same time, to build a ranking of issuance for a particular search query, robots evaluate sites according to various indicators. In terms of website ranking, metrics such as thematic citation index (TIC) and (PR)... Both of these indicators are highly dependent on the site's policy regarding external link mass and have a decisive impact on the site's search engine ranking results.

Thematic site citation index

It's no secret that the collateral effective work the site is effectively promoted in search engines. At the same time, it is important that the site gains high positions in popular search engines such as Yandex.

Popular search engines have a huge user audience that can potentially visit the promoted resource. In order to achieve this and attract the attention of users to the site, it is necessary to promote it not only in the ranking of search results, but also in specialized services such as Yandex.Catalog.

Monthly in this service sometimes order 4 million users, but this is not a guarantee that this will automatically give the site an enviable traffic rate. In order to attract Yandex.Catalog users to the site, it is necessary to bring it to the first positions in the search results. The Yandex search engine ranks sites in a rather specific way. The principle of ranking is based on the assessment of all resources applying for participation in the issue, according to certain indicators, one of which is the TIC, or the thematic citation index.

In essence, this indicator is an identifier of the effectiveness of the policy pursued to work with the external reference mass of the resource. The TIC indicator depends on how much external links posted on the network and on which sites they are published. In order to increase the site's ranking in Yandex.Catalog, it is necessary to strive to increase the index of the thematic citation index. The most the right way to achieve an increase in the value of this indicator is to carry out optimization measures aimed at the external link mass of sites.

In particular, it is necessary to strive to ensure that as many external links as possible refer to the promoted resource. But it's not just the quantity but also the quality. It is extremely important that links are placed on the network not randomly, but this was preceded by painstaking work on the selection of the most suitable sites.

Experts recommend gradually increasing the volume of the external link mass to increase the thematic citation index, giving preference to thematic sites. In this case, the so-called link explosion will not occur, and the weight of external links will noticeably grow.

PageRank of the site

Promotion in Yandex, no doubt, is important for the site, but it is equally necessary to pay attention to other popular search engines. In particular, in order for a sufficiently large number of users to come to the site, it is necessary to promote it simultaneously in all the most popular search engines, in particular, in Google.

Website promotion in this search engine also requires paying great attention to the issues of working with external link mass. Like Yandex, the Google search engine evaluates sites, including by the weight of their inbound links. However, the assessment of the external link mass in this case is carried out according to another indicator, namely - PageRank (PR).

This indicator differs for all pages of the site and indicates how much trust a particular section arouses in search robot... In general, the value of this indicator ranges from 1 to 10. A sufficient PageRank is considered at the level of 4-5, but if the PR value is 6, this indicates that the promotion was made at a high professional level.

In order for the site to be ranked higher in the ranking of the Google search engine, it is necessary to strive to increase the value of this indicator.

To determine which direction to go in order to increase the PageRank value, it is necessary to determine what it depends on. Among the main factors that have a decisive impact on the level of this indicator, it should be noted the total weight of the external link mass. Accordingly, in order to increase the indicator, you need to increase the weight of each link and all of them in aggregate.

This can be done in two ways - extensive and intensive... In the first case, we are talking about increasing the weight of the external link mass by increasing the number of external links, in the second - by increasing their quality. The quality of the external link mass largely depends on the correct selection of donor sites for its placement.

Experts advise placing links on authoritative network resources that are dedicated to the same topic as the site being promoted. Another way to increase PR is competent internal linking - placing internal links on the pages of the site, you can increase its authority in the eyes of users and search engines. And, of course, we must not forget about natural links, which have the greatest weight and go to the site as a reward for high-quality informative content.

Filling the site with interesting and frequently updated materials, you can provoke users to refer to the site from third-party resources. Such inbound links have the greatest impact on the outcome of a site's ranking in search engines.

What is TCI? Any novice webmaster asks this question. This abbreviation stands for a thematic citation index. This is one of the most important site ranking metrics. It shows the degree of authority of external factors of the Internet resource from the point of view of the Yandex search engine. And Google, by the way, reflects the so-called PageRank.

How is TCI calculated?

TIC is determined by analyzing external links to the specified resource. Many depend on their quality. The transmitted weight of external links is the similarity of the subject of the resource that links to your site.

At the same time, it is worth knowing that Yandex does not take into account links from:

  • other pages of the resource;
  • resources not indexed by Yandex;
  • various kinds of forums;
  • message boards;
  • unmoderated directories;
  • various network conferences;
  • sites that are located on free domains and hosting, which are not described in the Yandex Catalog.

By the way, according to experienced web developers, trying to predict or calculate the TCI of your site yourself is a futile business. It is better to focus your efforts on building a link mass from sites that have a similar theme to your project. Then you will soon find that the citation index of your resource is growing steadily.

Do not forget that the TCI does not affect the ranking of resources in the search results. It only ranks web resources only in specific sections of the Yandex Catalog.

How often is the TCI updated?

Previously, the TCI changed every week or a couple of times a month, but now this happens much less often. If the TCI of the site does not grow for too long, although they made any efforts for this, pay attention to when the last update of Yandex was. You can track this, for example.

How to find out TCI

Oh, generally easy! 🙂 In different ways. You can, for example, get the button code here (from Yandex). It is possible through Yandex Catalog by clicking on this URL (instead you must enter the address of your site). Or through the service Or, as, perhaps, most more or less experienced SEO-optimizers do, install a special plug-in for your browser (how to do this is a topic for a separate article).

There are many more ways, use the search to find out.

How to increase TCI?

With the help of a big TCI, people make a lot of money selling links. Therefore, this is probably the most interesting question, which can be fully disclosed only in a separate article (,), but basic concepts I will give about this right here.

To raise the site's TCI, you need to do one thing - to get as many thematic links as possible. Think about how you can do this ... You can simply buy eternal links in GoGetLinks and MiraLinks, for example.

And here are some tips for "homeless people" (well, for those who have no dough): 😉

  1. First of all, make a site for people, not for search engines. This means that your site should be filled with unique and interesting content. Moreover, it should be unique () not only from the point of view of search engines, but also from the point of view of visitors who will visit your site. Then they will talk about it, refer to it, and the TCI will grow and grow.
  2. with other sites that are similar to yours. In this case, be sure to pay attention to whether Yandex takes into account the weight of this site and what TCI this resource already has, how many pages are in the index, age, and so on.
  3. You should not use prohibited methods, the so-called "", to build up TCI. This may entail the most serious measures on the part of Yandex - from full zeroing TCI values \u200b\u200bto a complete ban of the entire site. It's not even just for the "homeless", it's for all newbies. After all, if a person is experienced, he knows what he is doing, right?

A thorough study of the License to use the Yandex search engine will help in this matter. Do not violate the provisions of this document, because removing a site from the ban is a laborious and time-consuming business, it may even take you several months, but it will be easier in general. If it occurs to you to try the black methods of cheating the TIC, think about the possible consequences.

P.S. Here. Now you know what TITSKA is. It is also called "belly". TIC 0 - thin, no belly, TIC 10 - thin, thin, 100 - such a small round fat man, 1000 and more - fat 🙂 Something like that. And what is the TCI for your site / sites, blog / blogs.


Hello dear bloggers! We are glad to see you again on the pages of our resource.

Such heated discussions are sometimes held between Runet webmasters on the forums that it is sometimes very difficult for a beginner trying to find out the answer to any question of interest. One of the most discussed topics is the topic of the site and everything related to it.

The topic of today's conversation is which tit is considered good. Indeed, in discussions they often write that the site should have a good thematic citation index. And how much is this in numerical designation? For what purposes do you need to increase the number? Is a unit of 1000 always better than a unit of 100?

The thematic citation index is an important indicator for newbie SEOs, because most often their efforts are directed towards selling links on the web. Titz shows how often your resource is cited by other related websites. The key point here is the word "thematic". Top managers of the search giant Yandex have repeatedly stated that for them the weight of thematic links is more important than external links in general. In other words: if a web project is referenced by people working in the same field, then it contains relevant and useful information for specialists.

At the same time, it should be noted that tic does not independently affect the ranking, but only in combination with other indicators (by the way, we talked about this in previous articles).

Below we will find out why webmasters devote significant efforts to increasing the number of copies. What does an increase in this indicator give? In addition, let's talk about whether you need to pay attention to how to build up the particles.

If you take two sites with the same particles and analyze their traffic, you can see that it differs significantly. This proves once again that tic does not affect search results. Of course, you can argue: the compared resources contain a different number of articles, and some of them are more relevant than others. This is the reason for the differences in numbers.

But even if we take two sites of approximately similar topics with the same number of articles and a thematic citation index, their positions in the search results may differ significantly.

So do you really need a tit at all? Yes, it has a significant impact when it comes about buying and selling links through exchanges or posting systems. Moreover, in this case, the number is the main pricing factor - the price of the link is the higher, the higher the citation index.

The second factor that needs to be taken into account is that particles are taken into account when ranking sites in Yandex.Catalog. This has long been proven in numerous webmaster forums. Although experienced bloggers still give in to this axiom of doubt. After all, if the site is in the directories of the search giant, then it is a priori authoritative, functional and contains up-to-date information. This means that there is no need for him to strive to build up particles. For other sites, the question of how to get particles remains open.

What tit is good and how to type tic?

Novice webmasters often ask:

  • What size is necessary in order to have good earnings on the site?
  • Do you need financial investments for this and if so, which ones?
  • How much profit can you expect?

Although unambiguous answers to these questions cannot be found on the forums, but practical observations bison SEO-optimizations prove that:

  • Titles and investments in the purchase of links are parallel concepts and do not depend on each other. Much more important is what kind of links they are, where and how they are bought, and what their subject matter.
  • Tietz largely determines your future earnings. But they also depend on the quality of the website (low-quality resources may not be missed by some systems, for example, Gogetlinks), pr, the number of pages, the topic of the project, etc.
  • It is possible to make money on sites with good prices by selling links and posts.

The minimum level of particles, which will allow you to make money on selling links, is 10. However, having received the coveted top ten and starting to make the first profit with it, you should not be very happy. After all, there is no guarantee that Yandex will not take away 10 units at the first update. Especially if you are not paying attention to link building for your site. There is a regularity here: there will be no tita if there are no incoming links to the site.

"Golden mean"

We found out how particles are transmitted and what it affects. And what is the optimal indicator of the thematic citation index, at which it will bring constant stable income?

There are many examples when the owner of an Internet resource made a decent profit from 10 numbers, but the flip side of the coin shows that the massive trade in links from such a site leads to a loss of their quality. Naturally, no one wants to buy links from a spammed site.

We can give this advice: if you want the sale of links from the site to be successful, you need to strive to increase at least to the level of 20. Having such an indicator, you get a decent chance of gaining the trust of SEO optimizers, which will entail the first income ...

Please note that from the number 20 of the site, you need to sell links in a small amount. Their number can be increased in proportion to the increase in the thematic citation index.

How to glue sites for tits?

Many people say that glued particles do not give anything, do not affect anything, and in general, this is 0. In fact, this is not entirely true.

Domains are usually glued together for the following reasons:

  • the owner wants to change one domain to another, while maintaining traffic and units.
  • with the main domain are glued together similar, different only by a typo or located in a different zone.
  • combining sites similar in subject matter.
  • gluing for fraudulent purposes (for example, with a site with TOP 10).


So we talked about another topic that is very relevant among webmasters: why and how to promote a site on units, as well as which unit is considered good.

Analyzing and evaluating this indicator will open up many opportunities that allow you to earn decent money. In the world of Internet business, a thematic citation index, as several generations of SEOs have found out, opens many doors.

It can be briefly summarized that by good tick we mean such a minimum mark, which will give the maximum return (that is, a good profit from selling links). But keep in mind that this relationship cannot be linear, since certain costs are needed to build and maintain particles.

From practice, we can say that it makes no sense to increase the number of copies more than 50-100 in order to sell links.

Moreover, most often the concept of "good particles" is identical with "particles greater than 0" (that is, 10).

In order to check the particles and find out if your site has a good indicator, you can use special algorithms. By the way, we talked about them in previous blog articles.

We hope that the information about which particle is optimal will be useful for beginners in the field of web technologies. If so, then don't forget to share it with your friends and colleagues. To do this, just send them a link to our blog!

We are looking forward to new productive conversations with our subscribers. We look forward to active discussions on current topics about website promotion.

Best regards, Ivan Balashov!

Sales Generator

Reading time: 16 minutes

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The TIC parameter is recognized by Yandex as obsolete, and is no longer one of the defining parameters in search results. In September 2018, it was replaced by a new parameter.

The article contains information on how this worked.

In this article, you will learn:

  • What is the TCI site
  • How does it differ from PR
  • How to measure site TCI
  • How to increase it
  • In which directories to register a site to increase the TCI
  • What you absolutely can't do in pursuit of a high TCI site

The same laws apply in the Internet space as in life. If the resource is in demand and interesting to users, then it brings the owner a good income. In the process of promoting a resource, it is worth paying attention to a number of indicators, one of which is the site's TCI. In this article, we will explain what this parameter is and how to measure it.

What is the TCI site in simple words

TIC is a Thematic Citation Index. This term determines the authority of a resource based on the analysis of incoming links from other Internet platforms, with the help of which they often carry out SEO optimization and promote the site in search engines.

To get to know the TIC of the site better and understand what it is, it is worth returning to the original concept of "Citation Index" (CI).

It depends on the number of references to the material or its author, shows how "authoritative" scientific publications are. To calculate the indicator, the total citation volume, the Hirsch index, etc. are used.

The thematic Citation Index differs from the original one in that it takes into account not only how many links lead to the site, but also how high-quality they are. They are usually unequal, since the material can mention both a well-known publication in the field with a good reputation, and an entertainment type portal that is very far from the topic.

Even more simple language, then the Thematic Citation Index refers to the technology used by Yandex (Yandex CY), which determines the authority of resources and takes into account the quality of links from other Internet resources. The qualitative characteristic is taken into account as an addition to the quantitative one, it is also called the weight. This indicator is determined taking into account the similarity between the focus of the site and the resources that link to it.

Thus, the Thematic Citation Index is not just the total weight of links (as opposed to the citation index), but the sum of all weights, that is, it is not just a quantitative characteristic. For a convenient orientation in the authority of resources, the TCI shows rounded values.

It is on its basis that the main site relevance rating is mainly assessed in the Yandex.Catalog headings. If the indicator is high, then the resource will occupy a relevant position in Yandex.Catalogue.

For Yandex search results, Thematic Citation Index is one of the main ranking parameters. But a high score can be relative to the relevance of the resource. Sites with a high TCI are the ones that are most often referenced by third-party resources. A striking example is Wikipedia.

the site's TCI is recalculated from time to time and has a system of ups. The initial indicator is 0 and up to 10 is displayed as 0. The first minimum indicator is 10, then - 20, 30, 40, 50 and up to 200 the scale step is 10. Up to 500 TCI is added by 25, to 1000 - by 50, then it goes with a step of 100.

A simple example of the influence of TCI on site positions

According to many inexperienced SEO specialists, the ranking of resources depends on the TCI. Of course, there is this influence - but very indirect. Let's give an example.

Suppose you are the owner of an Internet resource promoted by the request "Buy a car" (site 1) and a site for which the query "Audi salon - new cars" is used (site 2).

Site 1 has 10 links, which together weigh 10, according to its key. On the site 2 - a thousand for the promoted key with a total weight of 1000. After the apa, resource 1 has a TCI 10, and 2 - 300. But when you enter the query "Buy a car", the position of the first will be higher. It follows that the number of links is not so important for promotion as their quality.

site ticks and PR: what's the difference

Now let's talk about what a TCI and PR site is.

The thematic Citation Index is calculated for the entire Internet resource as a whole. When selling and buying links, this is one of the main indicators for establishing their value. For example, one from a site with a zero index will, on average, cost around 0.9 rubles in SAPE, and with a TIC of 10, the price will already be 1.95 rubles.

Additional information about TCI:

  • Thematic Citation Index can only have the following values: 0, 10, 20, 30, ..., 250, 300, 350 ... 1000, 1100, 1200, etc.
  • The greatest weight was achieved in 2010 by the Rambler rating (about 250,000). At the moment, the most significant TCI belongs to Yandex and
  • TCI updates are made approximately once every 1-2 months.
  • The term TCI was developed in Yandex, and therefore this indicator is taken into account exclusively by this search engine. Although some suggest that, for example, the Russian-speaking Google will also make this indicator one of its many ranking factors.
  • tCI cannot be substituted with internal data. This can only be done by external links.

PR (PR, PageRank) - the weight of a specific page of the site (an indicator exclusively for Google). It is calculated in a separate order for each of them. The cost of links from a page with PR is higher than from pages where there is no PR.

Additional information about PR:

  • PageRank can take the following values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Only three sites in the world have a value of 10 (more precisely, only three pages), but an ordinary webmaster can achieve even 5 is almost impossible. Most of the Internet resources have indicators from 0 to 3.
  • Each subsequent value of the PR is almost six times more difficult to obtain in comparison with the previous one. For example, there is almost no difference between 0 and 1. But between 4 and 5 it is very noticeable, between 7 and 8 even more, etc. This is due to the fact that PR has a logarithmic scale of weight.
  • PR is often called "PR".
  • The ups in this category are carried out about once every eight months (and recent data indicate that there will be no more of them at all).
  • PR is developed and used exclusively by Google.
  • PR, unlike TCI, can be raised inside the resource, regardless of external links.

How to check the TCI of a site in Yandex

3 tools to check your site's TCI online

How to increase the TCI site

  • Development of quality content.

You write engaging, useful text content that uses specific keywords. Your material is read by users, it arouses their interest, and people link to it or copy it to their resource, indicating the source.

From the very beginning, everything was built according to this scheme. The increase in TCI should occur naturally. That is, you create interesting and useful content, the project develops, and the audience starts linking to you anyway.

  • Commenting on blogs.

If you run your own blog, then, of course, you read others, the subject of which is similar to yours. Share your experience and impressions, leave comments.

So, on some projects, links in the comments are not closed from indexing by search engines, and they also perfectly convey the weight, albeit small.

Blogs of this type are also called dofollow. It is easy to find them - through Google or Yandex.

  • Registration in the profile of trust sites.

You find trust sites and register on them, after which you put a link to your resource in your profile.

Of course, there are difficulties with finding trust sites, especially those whose profile links were not closed from indexing. But everything is real.

  • Exchange links or articles.

To improve your work efficiency, it is better to exchange links with sites with topics close to yours. Ideally, you should not exchange directly, but approximately according to the following scheme: link to site "A", after which site "A" links to site "B", and site "B" already links to you.

  • Buying links.

There are many exchanges on the Internet today that allow you to buy and sell links. You can start with SAPE. This is an exchange that offers temporary links to be purchased. The main thing here is not to buy everything, but to use special sapofilters, which can also be found on the Internet.

You can raise the site's TCI in one more way - by buying perpetual links on the relevant exchanges. The advantage of such links is that you pay only once, and they work for you for a long time. In addition, by purchasing links to projects with high traffic, at the same time, you can increase your traffic.

  • Articles.

How to increase the site's TCI? This can be done with the help of articles. You will need to select only thematic sites for the subsequent posting of an article with links to the promoted resource.

Make a choice in favor of sites that are present, for example, in the DMOZ catalog. The highest quality and most popular exchange of perpetual links is Miralinks at the moment.

White directory of sites in high TCI

Link directories with high TCI and trust are quite rare. As a rule, SEO-optimizers and webmasters, having tried to confirm the site in popular places like DMOZ (Yandex.Catalog was closed in December 2017), are interested in where else it can be placed to increase the level of trust in search engines.

  1. Rambler.

It is necessary to install a counter, but the catalog has several advantages. The site is checked up to two days. Moderation has tightened compared to the earlier period. In this regard, links from here have become more trustworthy. Plus, you get free traffic.

  1. List.Mail.Ru.

Registration in the catalog is both paid and free. If you register for a fee, then get ready to give 12 thousand rubles. Remember that if a resource is placed in the directory, its positions in Mail.Ru search results increase significantly.

  1. FastStart.Ru.
  1. Promotion.Su.

Intuitive and user-friendly interface. Registration as soon as possible. The confirmation period takes up to 30 days.


4WMZ on a paid or free basis for a period of 3-6 months.

  1. Starogo.Net.

Business portal. You must select a heading and click on the "Add link" button at the bottom of the page.

  1. Uaport.Net.
  2. Vsego.Ru.

Registration is free, easy and fast.

  1. Main.Ru.

It's easier to register here than on any other service.

  1. Ulitka.Ru.

A directory that has existed for a very long time.

  1. Top2Web.Ru.

Also a directory with sites.

  1. Orgindex.Ru.

The service accepts sites with a Subject Citation Index of at least 20.

The list is constantly changing as new, high quality, white site directories appear. You need to track updates.

3 more ways to raise the site's TCI on your own

  • Exchange of buying / selling sites. This is the most optimal option for buying a domain with a TCI, since you can immediately check the availability of an AGS at the resource and select the topic you need for it.
  • Domain auction. Some users purchase big names or sites with high TCIs and then resell them during auctions.
  • Search for free domains. This is a whole business system. Many simply wait for the release of resources with a high TCI, after which they immediately acquire them, and then resell them at a domain auction.

Of course there are others additional ways, for example, write an email to the resource owners about the expiration of the domain renewal period (20-30 days before the end). Alternatively, you can simply search for HS sites with high TCIs and offer to redeem them.

Why is the site's TCI not growing

If the TCI of the site does not move from zero and does not grow, then Yandex has a reason for this. The problem is that it is sometimes difficult to identify these grounds. Therefore, to obtain the desired effect, it is worth adhering to certain rules for building links and avoiding annoying blunders.

Let's dwell on the most common mistakes newbies make when increasing the Topical Citation Index:

  • Low quality donors. Links from low-quality resources will have no effect. What is “poor link quality” cannot be explained so quickly. A separate article can be devoted to this topic. First, to determine the superficial quality of sites, you can use resource analysis services.
  • Links from sites of other subjects. If the sites that link to you have a different topic, then the weight transferred by them is very small.
  • All links lead to home page ... It is forbidden to put them exclusively on one page on the resource. Of course, if it is not a one-page landing page on a separate domain.
  • Identical anchors. Be sure to use different anchor links.
  • The presence of noindex and nofollow tags in links. The links included in these tags are taken into account by the search engines. The order of ranking documents for key queries depends on these links in a certain way. But they do not convey the weight of the TCI and the PR of the site.
  • The presence of hidden links usingJs. It has become very popular on link exchanges to hide backlinks using JavaScript. It also doesn't transfer weight.
  • Redirects... Another factor that interferes with the transfer of weight to links.
  • Different mirrors... Resources with www and without Yandex are perceived as two different domains. Inexperienced users often forget about this, referring to both. If this happens, you need to use a redirect from the secondary mirror to the main one and register the host directive in the robots.txt file. This will allow you to glue the domains and TCI.
  • Links purchased or received are not indexed. It happens that an inexperienced SEO optimizer, having bought links, did not add them to the queue for indexing in Yandex. Do not naively assume that all resources, without exception, participating in link exchanges, have taken care of the quality indexing of their sites. This is not true.

All of these errors have one thing in common. And all the advice on how to avoid them can be summed up in one phrase: "Links should look as natural as possible." In this case, the observance of the above technical points is mandatory.

Often, authors in their posts say that links do not transfer weight immediately, but only months later. In our opinion, this is an unsubstantiated statement. There are many cases when sites that have appeared recently, put down links and literally in the first or second update receive a high Thematic Citation Index.

Why is TCI falling

Consider the reasons for the fall of the site's TCI:

  1. Yandex began to calculate the TIC of the site using a new algorithm... This is common and ubiquitous. Even if the change in the calculation scheme did not directly affect your resource, it could affect the link donors who have lost the Subject Citation Index. Consequently, you will also receive less weight from them.
  2. Over time, some Internet resources close links from indexing. As a result, they stop transferring the TCI to your site.

Why TCI equaled zero

If the TCI of a site has dropped from 10–20 to 0, this is one situation. But if your indicators were higher and they dropped to 0, this means that Yandex canceled the TCI value.

Yandex can do this if it sees that you are selling links, if they are used to manipulate the search engine and for the TCI itself. In addition, if the site lacks content that is unique and useful to visitors, it can also be reset to zero on this basis.

So, if possible, get rid of copy-paste and make sure that the content is of high quality. Here, your assistants will be services that allow you to check the uniqueness of the text material.

Generally speaking, despite the fact that you can still make good profits from link exchanges, you should gradually move away from them and develop projects in a different direction. The fact is that in any case, exchanges will eventually exhaust themselves and cease to exist.

What can not be done in increasing the TCI site

As soon as you start building a blog or website, do not order various catalog runs. Firstly, your resource is still quite young, and secondly, Yandex has known about this system for a long time. You risk getting banned.

Does the Thematic Citation Index boost social bookmarking run? Not. All social bookmarking directories are nofollowed, so they don’t convey any weight.

The main advice that I would like to give is not to make a link explosion, that is, not to create a situation when hundreds of resources suddenly began to link to a blog. Yandex will definitely not let this through and will drive you under one of the filters. If you take any action, do it gradually so that it looks as natural as possible.

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