Wordpress wordpress. Advantages and disadvantages of WordPress. What platforms is WordPress suitable for

Have you wanted to create your own personal website or blog for a long time? Want to share your news and thoughts with others? Or maybe you want to make money on this? However, the question arises as to which engine to create. But, in fact, everything is simple - Wordpress CMS is an excellent solution for such a problem. The engine itself is very popular, both among novice web developers and among specialists who have already created more than a dozen of their sites. First of all, this popularity is due to the fact that the engine has very flexible settings. Absolutely everyone can customize it for themselves and create a blog that is never like the others. The fact is that although the application is small in size, it is very effective and has a wide range of settings, functions and options. And how many opportunities open up before you using this engine! With a very flexible settings you can create, for example, a blog calendar or a photo gallery. You can also create powerful news portal with automatic posting. In addition, statistics show that even large sites, with a huge number of visitors, running Wordpress CMS have never crashed! This is impressive.

If you are a beginner and want to try yourself as a web developer, then this engine is exactly what you need. There is a special section in the appendix, which contains all the detailed and detailed information about site building. Plus, you are encouraged to learn how to create a very simple blog. To create your resource, you are provided with more than 200 templates. Therefore, you can definitely find what you like. In addition, additional plugins can be installed. Distinctive feature the engine is that it is distributed absolutely free. Anyone can download it from the official site to try their hand. You don't have to pay for anything!

Key features and functions

  • a unique engine designed to create blogs and websites;
  • distributed absolutely free, anyone can download from the official site;
  • the presence of a huge number of templates for creating your resource;
  • the ability to install additional plugins;
  • sites running on this engine withstand a huge number of visitors every day;
  • training mode is built in for beginners;
  • there is a section with the most detailed and detailed information about site building;
  • has a rich functionality;
  • is in demand among real specialists;
  • it is possible to create both unpretentious blogs to publish your entries, and entire news portals.

Considering the wishes of some of my readers, who vote for the corresponding item in the sidebar on the right, I decided to start publishing materials for beginners. More precisely, I already posted articles in this category when I wrote about smart copyright and, therefore, we will continue to fill the section with interesting materials. Only now I'll start, perhaps, from the very basics and will develop the topic gradually - as it happens in real life. What is the very first thing you have to face? - correctly, - !

WordPress is a blogging system that is completely free. Moreover, it is open source, that is, you have full access to the source code - you can change what you want, as well as develop various plugins to extend the basic functionality. You can download wordpress on the official website of the system - wordpress.org ... Just by going to the main page, you will see a small introduction and a link to download the latest stable version of cms. At the moment it is

When you click on the link, you will be taken to download page. There, in the upper right corner of the text, you will find a link to the archive for downloading in zip or tar.gz format. Slightly above the description in 99% of cases there should be an inscription "WordPress is also available in Russian." By clicking on the link, you will be redirected to a page where you can download wordpress with the installed Russian localization.

Have we will have a separate post on the Russian versions of the system, while we are just considering the issue as a whole. Again, we are looking for links to download wordpress on the page and select the format we need.

Let's go back to the download center.There you will also find descriptions of various features of beta releases or so-called developer versions of the system. They are released a little earlier, but may contain certain bugs, which are eliminated during the testing process. For most users, I would of course advise you to wait final versions... In the menu on the left, there is also a funny item called "Download Counter", which says that at the time of this writing, wordpress has been downloaded by over 2 million and 755 thousand users worldwide. Impressive!

Also in this download section there is a "Release Archive", which contains all the versions of the system for many years of development, and you can, for example, download wordpress 2.3.3 to remember "how it was", from some nostalgic feelings or to conduct experiments ...

It should be replaced that on the official site wordpress.org you can download not only setup filesbut also find yourself suitable plugins or templates for your blog. In wordpress inside, we have corresponding sections devoted to these issues - all the necessary information is collected there. Let's talk a little more about the wordpress engine itself. The site discussed above is certainly good, but not the only one... There are many projects on the network that are in one way or another devoted to the system (after all, it is very popular). Alas, I have not come across such English-language resources, but in Runet I would single out 2 of them.

  • Firstly, it is completely logical to include the mywordpress.ru project here - something like a Russian-speaking community associated with this cms. In the corresponding section you can download the latest version of wordpress with Russian localization.
  • Secondly, this is a well-known assembly from lecactus, which offers its own translation for the system. As far as I understand, this localization was more "human" or something, and not simple translations of certain English words into Russian. Although, to be honest, I did not really delve into it, although in some projects I used this particular option. A positive aspect of the assembly is the presence of a regular version for installation and a whole set with the necessary modules and edits, fixed bugs. It can be seen that the author approached the matter with all seriousness.

What concerns me is i think it is best to download wordpress from official site - be it Russian or English version. It doesn't really matter to me how certain words are translated inside the admin area, but I know what can be done so that users can see only Russian translations and texts on the site - so there is no need for special localization for me personally. Moreover, versions from third-party developers come out with a certain delay, which in case of critical updates or something similar may not be a very positive moment.

What version (assembly) of wordpress do you use?

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A few words about this CMS

Time has proven that children are the fastest in computer novelties. They
almost from birth they get to know the riches of the virtual world. Once upon a time
there were filmoscopes that made it possible to demonstrate a soundless cartoon in
dark room on a smooth wall. Now children watch cartoons online, great
managing the mouse and knowing which link to follow to find your favorite
the game. These are the inevitable achievements of progress. Now every schoolchild can with
easily create your own personal page or site dedicated to interesting for
the topic, while parents timidly take their first steps in social networks... On
in fact, children "do not discover America", but simply know how to use modern
CMS WordPress that makes the process of creating a website accessible and understandable.

Due to the peculiarities of age associated with the absence of fear of a step in
unknown, children can more widely use WordPress capabilities without fear
experimenting with something new. In no case should you refer the CMS
WordPress is among the children's entertainment. This is a real work program,
widely known and popular among website builders. She carries within herself
huge potential that opens up to users step by step. She
as functional as its user is. At the initial stage
assimilation, the widespread use of all kinds of templates is practiced, which can
offer the internet in abundance. For more advanced users, WordPress gives
a chance to realize ideas and ideas of your own making. Although the basis for them too
provided by the "omnipotent web". Based on the focus and topic
developing site, there is a selection and loading of plugins. At the same time, in addition to functional work, WordPress also provides high level site security,
which is achieved by periodically updating the program.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Today I decided to offer you a material that will tell you how and where to download, and subsequently install, the WordPress engine for your site manually with a description of all the details.

Almost all modern paid hosting allow you to produce fast WordPress. However, firstly, everyone has the right to alternative way, and secondly, manual method will allow you to understand some of the nuances, along the way to acquire useful knowledge, well, and to penetrate deeper into the very essence of this action.

In general, this publication will not be superfluous for some webmasters who are used to bringing everything to perfection and will help to understand many important points. I will say more, manual installation of WP is more reliable in many ways.

How to download WordPress for free and bind the database using wp-config.php

The first step is to download the WordPress CMS files to your computer. Installation package the latest version of the engine in the original is in English, but there is also a Russian-language version of the official site, from where you can download Wordpress in Russian for free:

After downloading, you need to unpack the archive, which has the extension .zip. You click right click mouse over the archive and choose from context menu "Extract all ..." and unpack the distribution into a folder selected or created specially for this:

Then you need to find the configuration file wp-config-sample.phpwhose content looks like this:

Fragments underlined with red lines need to be edited. To understand what to replace, you must have ready base MySql data (database creation is described in detail). At the last step of this operation, the resulting information will be given:

Now all this data needs to be written instead of the fragments highlighted in the previous screenshot in wp-config-sample.php. Moreover, the first three lines, underlined in red, usually change, and the next three, highlighted in brown, remain unchanged (but not always), this nuance will need to be clarified with your provider. Of course, those who, like me, are Sprinthost clients do not need to do this.

  • Recording "Database_name_here" based on the example, replace it with "wellsturbo_wn01" (database name);
  • Instead of " username_here " also set "wellsturbo_wn01" (username). In most cases, the username and database name are left the same to avoid confusion. But "username" may differ from "database_name", and you can configure this yourself already when creating a database. In any case, they will differ if you add new users to a specific database later;
  • Change the value "Password_here" to "9Tezog9Hw726L35gf" (password for accessing the database);
  • The next three parameters usually do not need to be changed, but, as I said, it all depends on your hosting settings.

Next, we proceed directly to editing the configuration file. To do this, you can use any suitable program. For my part, I can recommend Notepad ++ (). So, after the changes made, the content of wp-config-sample.php will look like this:

Now we save the changed file in the same folder, but first it must be renamed to wp-config.php... By entering the necessary information into wp-config, we thereby we link the database with the site... This completes the preparatory part, you can proceed directly to uploading WP files to the hosting server.

How to upload WordPress files and install the engine on hosting

Before installing WordPress on hosting, be sure to make sure that the provider's server meets the following parameters: pHP version must be at least 5.2.4, and MySql must be at least 5.0. I strongly doubt that any advanced hoster may lack suitable characteristics, but I must warn you. In addition, the following conditions must be met before installing the engine:

  • Be available registered (see about checking for availability and buying a domain name);
  • For correct work future project on which the site will be located.
  • Database Mysql is required, I mentioned this above.

So, it's time to download Wordpess to the web server for subsequent installation. Of course, you can use the hosting control panel interface for this. Appearance file manager there can be anything, it all depends on the type of admin panel of your hosting provider. Sprinthost, for example, uses a panel created on, so the page for uploading files looks like this:

If you want to install the engine through the admin panel interface, then it will be more efficient to download the packed WP archive from your computer to the server, unpack it (the capabilities of any modern provider allow you to do this without problems), and only then modify wp-config.php accordingly by described above scheme.

However, I will describe the process of loading WP using Filesill (full story). Work with files using specialized software convenient and practical, that's why I recommend this method to you. So, open Filezilla and connect to the server.

After the connection is established, on the right side of the program window, which is responsible for displaying the folders of your web projects, open the root directory of the site where we will install WordPress. In our example, this is “ vkusnyi-sait.ru.»:

The root already contains the public_html directory, which contains the index.php file, which is responsible for displaying the hosting provider stub indicating that the site has already been placed on the Internet. It can be easily removed. So, we will upload WP files to this directory.

Now on the left side, which displays the directories on your computer, open the "Wordpress" folder, which was formed when unpacking the downloaded distribution kit. Then select all the files in it, using the Shift key on the keyboard, right-click and select the "Upload to server" option from the context menu that appears:

With this action, you initiate the download of WordPress to the server. During the online download, you will see the files gradually appear in the right half of the open Filezilla window. After the process is complete, check the "Failed transfers" line at the very bottom, where files that for some reason have not been downloaded will be marked. In this case, they will need to try again.

But such situations occur extremely rarely, basically the operation takes place without a hitch, without a hitch. So after all wordPress files will be hosted, you will need to address bar browser enter the following line:


It goes without saying that you will have to replace the “vkusnyi-sait.ru” domain with your own in the URL. After that press ENTER, as a result of which the installation manager form should appear:

Fill in the fields where you indicate the name of the site, username, and not your own, but absolutely arbitrary, which will further serve as a login when entering the admin panel (so you yourself understand, the more difficult it is, the better). As for the password, the installer immediately offers a ready-made tricky password, so you can leave that too.

Also check the box if you want your project not to be indexed search engines (say if you're going to use it for testing). But for a full-fledged site that you plan to promote in full, of course, you don't need a tick. After these simple actions, press the button "Install WordPress"... As a result, after a short time, the following picture will be shown:

Everything, the engine is installed. Using the selected username and password, you can immediately enter the panel wordPress managementby clicking the appropriate button, and produce a freshly baked site.

It is advisable to record the authorization data and keep it in a safe place. By the way, a very safe and convenient tool for storing passwords is one that I have been using with success for quite some time. After installing WordPress, the permanent login link will look like this:


Naturally, you must enter the name of your website or blog instead of vkusnyi-sait.ru into the address bar of your browser. On this page there will be a branded WordPress form for authorization:

That's all for today. Subscribe to receive fresh materials that I hope will be informative and useful for you. As a final step, I propose to watch a video, which offers, in some way, an alternative option for installing WP through the interface of the administrative panel of one of the hosting providers.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Modern technologies allow anyone to create their own web resources without even having full knowledge of HTML, CSS or PHP. All this is possible thanks to, among other things, such programs as site content management systems (or CMS - Content Management System).

At the moment, the owners of more than 25% of resources on the Internet and almost 60% of those where this or that CMS is installed use WordPress! These figures indicate an almost total leadership in popularity of the WP engine, which is not surprising, since it has a lot of advantages, which we will talk about below.

In addition, in this publication I set myself the task, first of all, to give a general overview indicating the official website, a forum where you can get answers to current questions, a codex with a description of all the functions used in WordPress and other useful resources. In general, you will find here a lot of interesting material and necessary links that will help you in the future to solve practical problems.

What is WordPress and what are the advantages of this engine

Answering the question asked in the title, I will say that WP is free program with open source code (its obvious advantage), designed to automate the process of creating websites and managing their content.

Initially, WordPress was intended mainly for blogs, but in the course of the development of the engine's functionality, it turned into a real universal and now allows you to create a variety of ones, from one-page pages to online stores.

At the beginning of the article, I touched on the topic of the popularity of CMS WordPress a little. In order not to be unfounded, here are the results of a study conducted by iTrack. Almost 5 million people were interviewed in the sample. First, look at the chart showing the popularity rank among all paid, ad-hoc and free engines (as of June 2015):

Now take a look at the picture that came out when comparing only free CMS:

In both ratings, the advantage of Wordpress in Runet is quite evident. Well, in the world it is even more tangible. What features of WP allow it not only to gain and strengthen leadership positions, but also to strengthen its relevance among users? Let's try list all strengths WordPress:

  • Naturally, users are attracted by absolute accessibility, that is, the WordPress engine can be downloaded and installed for free
  • Serious ones make it possible to carry out high-speed automatic installation WordPress directly to the server where your website will "reside"
  • There is just a huge selection, and if you wish, you can find quite high-quality Russified themes
  • No less grandiose list of plugins () that are able to complement the functionality in the required direction (just select the one that suits your website)
  • Full access to Russian versions of Wordpress, and absolutely full and correct, which also adds whists to it
  • An intuitive interface through which, in principle, all settings can be made, including editing templates (although these actions are best done using specialized editors like Notepad ++, having connected to the hosting via FTP)

How can you eliminate the cons of WordPress

Of course, nothing is perfect in the world, WP also has its drawbacks. But all the shortcomings can be quite successfully eliminated by competent measures taken by you. I guess I i will list negative sides that came to my mind, while also providing links to helpful articles that describe the steps needed to troubleshoot potential problems.

1. WordPress is very often the cause of duplicates, which is not welcomed by search engines, as a result of which there may be problems with indexing (in Yandex and Google) and lowering of positions in the ranking of website pages. At one time, I devoted a lot of time to the fight, which in the end, to my satisfaction, straightened the situation.

2. Websites and blogs running Wordpress put quite a serious load on the hosting server, which can cause unpleasant things in the form of slowdowns, which leads to a deterioration in the PF of users (about behavioral factors details) and, as a result, to lower positions in the search engine results.

But this problem can be solved. To do this, it is enough to take the appropriate actions to speed up the site (you can familiarize yourself with the necessary measures for internal optimization). By the way, in order to find out in more detail what kind of problems you have, use the tool from Google, it is very effective.

Well, the main means of reducing the load for WP is the excellent Hyper Cache caching plugin (its settings are described in detail), which is perhaps the best solution. After you install it and configure it correctly, you will immediately notice the result.

In the end, you can reduce the load and speed up the site with a simple transition, which provides more resources. However, I recommend doing this only after the rest of the body movements are insufficient.

It is quite possible that the lack of hosting resources is due to the fact that the attendance of your project (and, therefore, the number of requests to the database) has reached a critical level for the current tariff plan... In this case, the transition to a higher tariff is the only possible way out of the situation.

3. Another disadvantage not only of WordPress, but of all free CMSs is the relative distrust of search engines to young websites and blogs that use them. The fact is that the availability of such site management systems frees the hands of those figures who are trying to "cut money in an easy way", churning out massive amounts of HS (th ... sites).

Law-abiding masters also suffer from this, who spend a lot of their energy on creating websites for people (SOM). But even this drawback is completely leveled out over time.

If over the course of several months search engines see that your project is regularly updated with content and you do not violate the rules set by search engines, further promotion of your website will be relatively cloudless, and if you put in maximum effort, then truly successful.

In this regard, I would like to add that Yandex and Google treat websites on WP more favorably compared to other free CMS and they are excellent, which has already been proven many times.

WordPress.org homepage and other useful resources (codex, forum, reviews)

To complete the picture, it is also necessary to note those web resources that are directly related to the WordPress site management system and on which you can get a lot of useful and interesting thematic information if you decide to create your web resource on this particular engine.

Of course, it is logical to indicate the official site WordPress.org as the first in this list, but for Russian-speaking users, of course, WordPress in Russian is of great value. The latest version of the Russian distribution of the engine directly from the main page ru.Wordpress.org.

If you look closely, the home page contains useful links into various sections that may be useful for certain purposes. Here, let's say codex WordPress (on this webpage) for every possible aspect including PHP functions. With its help, you can go through independent full-fledged training.

The systematization of functions is provided by the API (Application Programming Interface) documentation, which you will find in this section of the official website. Additionally I provide instructions for working with one of the WordPress API references in video format:

Of course, this information intended mainly for developers (plugins, themes, widgets, etc.). However, it is quite possible that you want to do in-depth study WP, then this video will be very useful. Although experienced webmasters (myself included), not being developers in the full sense, very often use codex sections to implement one or another functionality.

I cannot but mention another useful resource with documentation - WP-Kama, the owner of which Timur has repeatedly provided me with effective assistance, since he is a real professional in this field.

Next, of course, you should name the section of the official site, which is the support forum where you can chat with other users or solve almost any problem that may arise on your site or blog running on WordPress.

You will definitely find the necessary information on your problem if you leaf through the list of questions and answers on the desired topic:

Just remember that to communicate with users and publish your message you need to register on the forumby filling out a simple form on this web page (although it is in English):

Enter the username (username), which you choose to communicate on the forum, address email and your website URL (if you already have one). Location, Occupation and Interests are optional for now. The whole additional information add later in your profile if you wish.

At the top you can check the Mailing List checkbox to subscribe to the mailing list. Also don't forget to check the box in the reCaptcha form "I am not a robot" before pressing the button "Register"... After registration is complete, a password will be sent to your email address, with which you will enter your profile. You can use username or email address () as a login:

In addition to the features described above, home page Wordpress.org includes links to sections where you can find a huge number of plugins to install on your web resource, as well as themes, the choice of which is also wide enough.

There is another very useful resource WordPress.com, which is essentially a blogging platform on which you can create your personal diary, website or blog within a couple of minutes, including on an absolutely free basis. But this is a topic for a separate publication.