How to indent the first line 1.25. The best ways: How to make a red line in Word. Breaking paragraphs into pages

Dividing text into paragraphs is an indispensable attribute of a properly prepared document or website. Solid text is very inconvenient to read. Its presence is a sign of disrespect for the user. Having seen such a text, the reader is likely to turn to another similar site.

How to make a paragraph in a Word? In the simplest case, they are automatically generated each time you press the Enter key on your keyboard. The "red line" of the paragraph is implemented by pressing the Tab key first. The shift to the right of the cursor of the first line in this case will be fixed 1.25 cm. But the possibilities for formatting paragraphs in Word 2010 are much more. Having carried out and memorized their optimal settings, the user will save time when typing large amounts of text or arranging documents already typed.

When formatting paragraphs, you need to know how to select all or part of them. Most quick way - three-time click on any word in the paragraph. To select a part of a paragraph before / after the cursor, use the Ctrl + Shift + Up / Down arrow key combination.

Paragraph formatting in Word can be carried out visually by means of the upper ruler or by setting and remembering the exact values.

To enable the display of the top ruler, go to the "View" tab, and in the "Show" section, check the box next to the "Ruler" tool.

After that, a ruler appears at the top with four sliders - three on the left and one on the right. When you hover the mouse over them, you can read the purpose of each:

  • bottom left rectangle - left indent;
  • the left triangle with the tip up is a ledge;
  • right triangle point up - indent to the right;
  • point down left triangle - first line indent.

Moving the first and third sliders will change the indent of the paragraph from the left and right edges of the sheet, i.e., its margin. Text overhang is rarely used instead of indentation. The last triangular slider defines the indent of the "red line".

Section "Paragraph" of the "Home" tab


Several of the tools in this section are directly related to paragraph formatting. Each press of the "Increase Indent" tool will result in the shift of the entire paragraph indicated by the red arrow by a fixed distance equal to 1.25 cm (the same value was when the "Tab" key was pressed). The tool to the left of the red rectangle is called Decrease Indent. It returns a right-shifted paragraph the same amount to the left.

The next group of tools in the red rectangle aligns the paragraph text to the left, center, right, and width accordingly.

The last case requires clarification. The following screenshot illustrates the change in the distance between the words of a paragraph when justified.

The drop-down list of the "Spacing" tool, in addition to changing the line spacing, will also allow you to control the spacing between paragraphs.

The following screenshot illustrates the downward movement of a paragraph (indicated by a red arrow) when selecting the line "Add spacing" before paragraph ". Obviously, if you click on the next line, the paragraph will return to its original place.

Dropdown box

The most accurate way to customize the paragraph is in the drop-down window of the "Paragraph" section. Alternative way calling this window - select a paragraph and call its context menu (right-click).

The "Alignment" list duplicates the 4 variants of paragraph text alignment discussed above. In the "Indent" fields, you can specify the exact value of the left and right indentation. Fields "Spacing" are intended for the exact setting of the paragraph spacing before and after it in points (1 pt \u003d 0.35 mm). The user can prevent adding spacing between paragraphs if they belong to the same style.

The "First line" list allows you to optimally adjust the "red line". It's not there by default. When you select "Offset" (or rarely, "Overhang"), the original standard value of 1.25 cm can be changed to any other.

When finished customizing the paragraph, the user can save the selected values \u200b\u200bby clicking Default. In the future, as you type text, they will be implemented automatically. In particular, by choosing the standard "red line" indentation, the user will be relieved of the need to press the Tab key before typing the first line of each paragraph. In this case, the upper left triangle will have a constant position, which is indicated by the red arrow in the following screenshot.

Special formatting

Let's take a look at the practically significant more complex paragraph formatting cases.

Sometimes it is necessary to undo the paragraphing that has been done. How to remove paragraphs in a Word? To do this, you have to remove unnecessary paragraph marks. They are invisible in normal Word work. To display them on the "Home" tab in the "Paragraph" section, click the last tool "Show all characters".

For automatic deletion paragraph mark:

  1. On the "Home" tab open the "Edit" tool and click the "Replace" item;
  2. Open the "Special" list and select the first item "Paragraph mark" in it. A special character will appear on the "Find" line;
  3. On the line "Replace with" enter one space by pressing the appropriate key.
  4. Click "Replace All".

As you can see, a single paragraph appeared instead of the previous two.

When preparing multi-page documents, you may need to make sure that each paragraph begins with new page... In other cases, on the contrary, you need to lengthen the page so that it fully accommodates a large paragraph.

  1. Select all text.
  2. In his context menu click "Paragraph".
  3. Go to "Position on the page".

To introduce a page break after each paragraph, check the box next to the "from a new page" item. And in order to prevent the paragraph from going to another page, you need to activate the "do not break the paragraph" item.

Video: How to make a paragraph in Word 2013/2016?

As you can see in the screenshot, in Word, by default, the "prohibit orphans" item is activated. It blocks the output of the last line of a paragraph on the page separately from its other lines, which is very convenient.

When the document is structured and has a good overall presentation, it is easy for the reader to navigate the text, which makes it easier to read. When a document is pleasant to read, it means that the text is well-formatted. There are quite a lot of formatting elements in the "Word", but this article will touch on the only one - a paragraph. It is also called the red line, which will be done periodically in this text.

Unfortunately, few people know how paragraphs are made in the "Word", or they know, but they do it all the same wrong. The article will cover all three methods: using the ruler, tabulation and the "Paragraph" menu. They perform the same role, but the approach to each of them is different. Therefore, read the article to the end to find a way for yourself.

A paragraph using a ruler

As mentioned above, there are three ways to do it. Now the first of them will be considered - with the help of a ruler. This method is quite simple to use, but it is still not popular enough. Most likely, this is due to its inaccuracy - the length of the paragraph is determined by eye, but if this does not matter to you, then you can safely use it.

So, first you need to figure out where the very ruler is. The fact is that sometimes it is disabled by default and must be enabled. To do this, follow three simple steps:

  1. Go to the "View" tab in the program.
  2. Find the area called "Show".
  3. Check the box next to Ruler.

If you are using the "Word" 2003 version, then you need to click "View" and select "Ruler" from the list.

Defining sliders on the ruler

So, how to turn on the ruler is now clear, but few people know how to use it. In order to correctly make paragraphs in the "Word", you should define in detail each slider on it.

As you might guess, you need to use the ruler, which is located on top. There are only 4 sliders on it - 1 on the left, 3 on the right. We are interested in those sliders that are located on the right side. They can be seen in the picture below.

Let's start at the bottom. The small rectangle slider affects the indentation of all text from the left edge. It is recommended to check it yourself right now by moving left or right. Just do not forget to select all the text or the necessary part of the text.

The middle slider is responsible for the protrusion. This means that if you shift it to the right, all lines except the first in the paragraph will be offset. You can also check this yourself.

Making a paragraph with a ruler

And now we come to the top slider. This is what we need. By moving it, you indent the first line of the paragraph - determine the size of the red line. You can move a paragraph to the right or to the left, depending on your preference.

As mentioned above, this method does not accurately identify the red line. Using the ruler, you can only roughly set the indent. But for clarity, it has divisions. Each digit is equal to one centimeter.

Paragraph using tabs

We have already considered the first way, how paragraphs are made in the "Word", now we move on to the next - to tabulation.

This method, like the previous one, does not give one hundred percent accuracy and loses in many respects to the ruler, but it is impossible not to mention it. With it, you can instantly indent from the left edge, thereby marking the red line. Now let's get down to business.

Tabulation is carried out by pressing the corresponding key - TAB. You can click it and see for yourself. Roughly speaking, when pressed, one large space is put. But if you put such a space before the first line of the paragraph, then visually it will look like a red line.

As for the disadvantages of this method, it is the only one, but quite defining. If the text you typed is quite voluminous, then you won't be able to make a red line in every paragraph at once. We'll have to methodically do it in each of them. Therefore, it is easier to use the ruler or the "Paragraph" menu, which we will now talk about.

Paragraph using the Paragraph menu

Now we will make a paragraph in the "Word" 2007 release, but this does not mean that this method will not work for other versions, there may only be some differences.

So, first we need to get into the "Paragraph" menu itself. This can be done in several ways by clicking the corresponding icon, the location of which you can see in the picture below.

Or by right-clicking on the text and choosing the "Paragraph" item from the menu.

In the "Paragraph" menu, on the first tab, there is a field called "Indent", which is exactly what you need. Pay attention to the drop-down list, above which is written "first line:". Clicking on it displays the options: "(none)", "indent" and "ledge". When selected, no - nothing will happen, the ledge will shift all lines except the first in the paragraph, but the indentation will shift the first line, which is what we need. Select it and enter your value in the field on the right. Thus, the parameters of the red line can be precisely set.

Change the spacing between paragraphs

The spacing between paragraphs in the "Word" is done in the same "Paragraph" menu, so do not rush to leave it. Pay attention to the "Interval" field, more precisely - to its left side. There are two counters there: "Before" and "After". By specifying values, you determine the amount of space between paragraphs.

By the way, all of the above methods make a paragraph 100% in Word 2010. The spacing between paragraphs is set in the same way.


By design control works, term papers, final qualification works, master's theses

For students of the Institute of Law, Economics and Management

Tyumen 2011

Real guidelines prepared on the basis of the following regulatory and technical documents:

GOST 7.32-2001. Research report. Structure and design rules;

GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and compilation rules;

General rules

The student's educational research work (hereinafter referred to as the work) must be done in print on one side of a sheet of white paper of A4 size. It is allowed to submit illustrations, tables on sheets of A3 format, as well as in color.

The title page of the work is drawn up in accordance with Appendices 1, 2, 3.

The text of the work should be printed, observing the following margins: right - 10 mm, top - 20 mm, left and bottom - 20 mm.

The text of the work is printed at 1.5 spacing using the font - Normal, Times New Roman, font size - 14. The saturation of letters and signs should be even within the line, page and entire work. It is allowed to enter into the text individual words, formulas, conventional signs only in black ink and approximately the density of the main text.

The indentation is 5 characters (1.25 cm).

Each new chapter starts on a new page... The same rule applies to other main structural parts of the work: the list of abbreviations, introduction, conclusion, list of sources used, appendices.

The names of the structural elements of the work: "CONTENTS", "LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS", "INTRODUCTION", "CONCLUSION", "LIST OF SOURCES", "APPENDICES", as well as the titles of the chapters of the main part are the headings of the structural elements of the work. They should be centered on the line without a period and printed capital letters, bold, no underlining.

Numbering issues

2.1. The pages of the work should be numbered with Arabic numerals. All pages are numbered in order from the title page to the last page. On title page the number 1 is not put on next page number 2. The page number is printed on the right upper corner page margins without any additional characters (periods, dashes).

2.2. Illustrations and tables on separate sheets are included in the general page numbering.

2.3. The main part of the work should be divided into chapters, paragraphs, clauses and subclauses.

2.4. Chapters should have serial numbers within the work, designated by Arabic numerals with a dot. The chapter heading is printed in capital letters without a period at the end, without an underline. Word wrap to the next line, Roman numerals, mathematical symbols and Greek letters are not allowed.

Each chapter is printed from a new sheet. The distance between the title of the chapter and the following text should be equal to 3 spaces. The same distance is maintained between the heading of the chapter and the paragraph. If the chapter is divided into paragraphs, then there should be no text between them.

2.5. Paragraphs are numbered within a chapter. A paragraph number consists of a chapter number and a paragraph, separated by a dot, for example, 1.1., At the end of the paragraph number is a dot.

Headings of paragraphs should start typing with a paragraph indentation with a capital letter, without underlining, without a period at the end. The distance between the title of the paragraph and the following text should be equal to 3 spacing. If the paragraph is divided into paragraphs, then there should be no text between them.

2.6. Items should be sequentially numbered within each paragraph. The paragraph number includes the chapter number and the ordinal number of the paragraph and the paragraph, separated by a dot, at the end of the paragraph number, a dot is not put, for example, 1.1.1., 1.1.2., And is printed with paragraph indentation. A paragraph may have a heading, which is written with a capital letter, with paragraph indentation. No free line is left between the paragraph heading and the following text. If the paragraph is divided into sub-paragraphs, then there should be no text between them.

2.7. The subclause number includes the number of the chapter, paragraph, clause and the ordinal number of the subclause, separated by a dot, at the end of the subclause number is put a dot, for example,,, etc. A subparagraph can have a heading, which is written with a capital letter, with paragraph indentation. No free line is left between the heading of the subclause and the following text.

2.8. If the title includes several sentences, they are separated by periods. Word hyphenation in titles is not allowed. The period is not put at the end of the title. The heading of the paragraph, paragraph and sub-paragraph should not be the last line on the page.

2.9. If the chapter or paragraph has only one item, or the item has one sub-item, then the item (sub-item) should not be numbered.

Text presentation

3.1. The text of the work should be short, clear and not allow for various interpretations. When stating mandatory requirements, the words “should”, “should”, “necessary”, “required”, “not allowed”, “prohibited”, “should not” should be used. The text is presented in an impersonal form. For example: "... measured ...", "accepted ..." or "... .. refer to ...".

3.2. The text does not allow:

- apply turns of colloquial speech, technicalism, professionalism;

- to apply for the same concept various scientific and economic terms that are close in meaning (synonyms), as well as foreign words in the presence of equivalent words and terms in Russian;

- abbreviate the designation of units of physical quantities, if they are used without numbers, for example, m, s, you should write "1 m, 1 s or meter, second", with the exception of units of physical quantities in the heads and sides of tables, in decoding letter designationsincluded in formulas and figures;

- apply a mathematical minus sign (-) in front of negative values \u200b\u200bof quantities (the word "minus" should be written);

- use mathematical signs without numerical values, for example,\u003e (more),< (меньше), = (равно), ≠ (не равно), а также знаки № (номер), % (процент);

- reduction of words and phrases.

3.3. Abbreviations in the text are allowed only generally accepted:

- in the middle of sentences - "see", "t. e. ";

- at the end of sentences - "etc.", "etc.", "etc.";

- with the name or the name of the institution - abbreviations of academic degrees and titles, for example, Dr. Econ. Sciences Ivanov K.M .; Cand. jurid. Sci. Petrov Yu.S.

- in the presence of a digital designation - "s." (page), "g." (year), "yy." (years), for example, p. 5, 2006

Abbreviations of the following words and phrases are not allowed: "because", "so-called", "in this way", "so that", "for example".

3.4. Names should be written in the following order: last name, first name, patronymic (or - last name, initials, while it is not allowed to carry initials separately from the last name to the next line).


Indent the first line of each paragraph.


When to install paragraph indent, which is also called a red line, it is best to use the text-indent style property. Its value determines how much to shift the text of the first line to the right of its original position. The width of the text block does not change and remains set initially. The amount of indentation can be specified in pixels, percentages or other available units (example 1).

Example 1. Indenting the first line

HTML5 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

First line indent

The Babylonian pandemonium, according to biblical tradition, is the failed attempt of King Nimrod to build a pillar in Babylon up to the sky. God, angry with people for their reckless desire, decided to punish the builders: he mixed their language so that they ceased to understand each other, were forced to stop building and gradually scattered around the world. Hence, as the ancients explained, the difference in languages \u200b\u200boriginated.

In the usual sense, Babylonian pandemonium means disorder, confusion with a large crowd of people.

Result this example shown in fig. 1.

In this article, we will consider how to indent a Word... Paragraph indents in a Word are white space on each side from margin to paragraph. You can indent left, right, or both. And make a paragraph indent the first line in the Word.

How to indent the left in a Word

Left indent means moving the left edge of a paragraph inward to the center of the paragraph. In order to indent to the left in the Word, follow these steps:

  1. Click anywhere in the paragraph you want to move to the left and click the " Increase indent"Available on the" Home "tab, or just press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + M.
How to Indent in Word - Increase Indent

You can click multiple times to create a deeper left indent.

How to Indent in Word - Left Indent
  1. You can delete left indent by clicking the " Decrease indent"Available on the" Home "tab:

How to Indent in Word - Decrease Indent

Or just press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + M. Click several times to remove a deeper indent.

How to indent the right in a Word

Right indent means moving the right edge of a paragraph inward to the center of the paragraph. In order to indent right use the following steps:

  1. Click anywhere in the paragraph where you want indent to the right in the Word .
  2. On the Layout tab, enter an indent value in the Right indent».

How to indent in Word - Indent right

Or use the arrows to set the value:

How to Indent in Word - Increase and Decrease Indent Right
  1. In our example indent on the right in the Word will look like this:

How to indent in Word - Indent right in Word
  1. You can indent left and right in a Word from the same place using the Layout tab, group Indent».

How to Indent in Word - Indent Right and Left

To remove indentation on the right, set the value to zero in the “ Right indent».

How to indent the first line

You can indent the first line of a paragraph inward towards the center. Let's consider, how to indent a paragraph in a Word:

  1. Click anywhere in the paragraph you want make a paragraph indent, and press the command " Paragraph options", On the" Home "tab.

How to indent in Word - Open Paragraph Options
  1. In the window that opens, on the " Indents and spacing", in order to indent a paragraph in a Word, In chapter " Indent", In the paragraph" first line: "select" Indent ". In our example, we made a paragraph indent of 1.25 cm.

How to indent in Word - Paragraph indent 1.25 of the first line in a Word

Also in this window you can indent left and right.

How to indent Word - Indent lines in Word

In these ways you can indent the word.