How to start the preview version of skype. Skype UWP preview preview

If you managed to update to the most recent windows versions (and continue to receive updates), you probably noticed that Skype is in it initially. However, for some reason, the name sometimes indicates that it is "Skype Preview"... How to understand this and how does it differ from the regular version of the program?

Introductory information

It's worth starting with the fact that since 2011 Skype is officially owned by Microsoft. Since then, the company has abandoned its previous means of communication - the MSN messenger. And Skype itself was united with other Microsoft services - OneDrive cloud storage, office suite etc.

Now "ten" comes with a preinstalled version of Skype to make it easier for users to basic connection to the service. At first, this solution was more of an experiment. The developers expected to get enough feedback from users to know in which direction to go.

What is the difference between "preSkype" and full

In fact, this is the same Skype in the version from windows Store, to which new features are gradually added. It differs quite little from the classic version:

The "preliminary assessment" program was launched en masse in 2016, but was subsequently phased out. With enough feedback, Microsoft has been able to develop a stable and usable tiled version (although we guess you miss Skype Classic).

Currently (March 2018) preliminary skype for Windows is delivered through the Windows Insider program, along with test builds of Windows. To get it, you need to be a member of the program. Test skype versionsand are available for other OS (Android, OS X, Linux, limited for iOS).

In these versions, changes are tested that will later be included (well, or not included) in the final edition. Now the best way seeing innovation first is joining the Insider program.

So if you see the words "preview", then you are participating in testing innovations from Microsoft. And you can always put a thumbs up for this or that idea. Or down. And the best ideas will then go to the "final".

There are three versions of Skype for the G8 and Ten: the classic desktop version, the Modern UI integrated into the tiled interface, and the preview version. Almost all users of the program probably know about the first two. While practically nobody knows about the third one. Let's figure out that this is a preliminary version Skype Windows 10.


What is pre-Skype? This is a test build with a completely redesigned interface. In addition, new features have been introduced. We are talking about bots that are implemented in almost the same way as in Telegram.

This is the name for special robots designed to perform certain actions. Interaction with them is done through the chat window. A bot is a great automation tool. For example, he will cope with sending news to all users who have activated this option. But he may have other possibilities.

The interface has been greatly simplified, the number of elements has been reduced to the minimum allowable, but the usability has increased. Now two themes are available for the user to choose: dark and light. There are no other customization options.

Attention: it is highly discouraged to use this version of Skype, as it contains a large number of errors and flaws. For example, the current build for Windows 10 has optimization issues. And in the "eight" in the settings menu, you cannot change the volume for headphones and microphone.


Now let's figure out how to uninstall the preliminary version of Skype. It belongs to built-in applications, so standard means the system will not be able to uninstall. But CCleaner comes to the rescue. This program designed for a comprehensive computer cleaning.

  • Go through link and click on Download Latest Version.
  • Open the downloaded document and install CCleaner.
  • Run the program.
  • If it is in English, go to Options - Settings and set the Language to Russian. If it was initially selected, skip this step.
  • Now go to "Service". Find preliminary Skype there and uninstall it.

Question: I want to try new version interface. How do I sign up for a trial version of the Skype 10 program for company employees?
Answer: all users in Windows 10 can subscribe to skype program for Windows 10 by employees. You can register to try The preliminary build version of Skype 10 does the following:

Skype 10 apps (version 12)

  1. Go to application settings.
  2. Select under Settings Skype Apps Preview .

Skype app 10 (version 14)

  1. Start Skype for Windows 10.
  2. Go to page application parameters.
  3. Switch to help and your feedback and suggestions.
  4. Please select join the preview in the section Setting Skype Apps Preview .

B. how to determine the presence latest version?
Answer: Check the version number. In Skype, select your profile, then scroll down and tap about... The latest version of Skype 10 is the 14.x version of the app. If you are a version of the application from 12.x or lower you have not been updated to the latest version yet.

Q. How do staff members give my feedback on the new build?
Answer: Your comments and feedback are important for us to improve the experience in Skype 10 before it opens to a wider audience. Leave your feedback, select an option report a problem in our ... menu or leave feedback in the app Hub servers their feedback and suggestions .

Q: I signed up for Skype for Windows 10 Preview at my company. How to get updated versions now ?
Answer: The build will update through the repository like other repository updates. 24 hours after you may need to register before receiving updates.

Question: which version of Skype to use on Windows 10?
Answer: 10 users, we suggest Skype 10 - recommended versions, how they can work with this operating system integrated functions that facilitate sharing with people or groups from to windows platform 10 including:

Question: when updating to find out last news Does building Skype for Windows 10 by employees, My history, contacts or credits will be affected?
Answer: When using Skype for Windows 10 (version 12), contacts, history and credits will not be affected when the company employees update to the latest version. The update acts like other store updates. Data account will be saved.

If you are using a different version of Skype before upgrading to the latest version, employees will continue to log on to the computer, but only the log from the previous year will appear in the updated client. A log more than a year old is stored locally on your computer, and backup copy is not created in the cloud. We recommend that you export it and save it in your own cloud storage... Check your Skype version with before updating to the latest Skype for Windows 10 preview.

Question: I have Windows Phone... How do employees get the latest builds?
Answer: Skype for Windows 10 (version 14) is not supported for Windows Phone. Skype for Windows 10 (version 12) support for existing windows users Phone will be provided.

Q: what happened to SMS sync for Windows Phone?
A: SMS syncing for Windows Phone is not supported on Skype for Windows 10 (version 14). You can continue to use Skype for Windows 10 (version 12) as the default messaging app on your Windows Phone.

Q. how do I leave the program?
Answer: you can leave the Skype 10 preview program, go to settings Skype Apps Preview within Skype and selecting the item leave preview... You will need to uninstall Skype and install from the repository to immediately receive the old assembly.

After leaving windows updates 10 Anniversary Update we are constantly announcing new features. This week, a preliminary version of Skype 11.9 was released for computers and phones under windows management 10. This update allows you to reply to SMS from windows devices Mobile, connects you with users Skype for Business all over the world and includes additional features to improve your Skype experience.

Do more with SMS Relay

Now for users of preliminary skype versions SMS Relay function is available. It allows you to send and receive SMS and MMS directly from your Windows 10 computer if Skype for Windows 10 Mobile is the default messaging app. With SMS relaying, your phone is never out of range again. Send and receive text messages, broadcasts and photos directly from your computer using a single view of SMS and Skype conversations.

To take advantage of this opportunity, install the preview version of Skype on your Windows Mobile device and on your computer. To enable SMS Relay, set Skype as your default SMS messaging app. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Launch the pre-release version of Skype on your Windows phone and select “Make Skype your default messaging app” in the settings.

Skype for SMS

  • Launch the preview version of Skype on your Windows computer and in the settings select “Enable Skype on this device to sync my SMS messages” (“Enable syncing of my SMS messages via Skype on this device”).

Skype teams up with Skype for Business

Skype Preview now lets you connect with Skype for Business users around the world. Today's update lets you connect with friends and family using Skype for Business, Microsoft's unified communications platform. You can send to a loved one short message suggesting to have lunch together or make a video call to mom on a business trip - Skype preview and Skype for Business bring work and business communications together.

To get started, click on the "Contacts" element and enter your work address email contact person in the search box. If this person is registered with Skype for Business, their work email address appears in search results. Select this address and send a message to the subscriber - they will be sent a request to add a new contact via Skype for Business. When the request is accepted, you will be able to see the status of the contact person, exchange instant messages, and make direct voice and video calls.

Additional improvements

This update also includes additional featuresthat make calls and conversations easier in the Skype preview, including the following:

What to expect in the future from the preliminary version of Skype?

We work closely with Windows developers to create additional features that help you work even more efficiently with using Skype... builds your Windows experience around the people who matter most to you. Through the taskbar, you can easily connect with friends, family and colleagues. We are also working on the SMS relay function for Android. Stay tuned for the Skype Blog to stay informed about news and updates.

As always, we'd love to hear from you. You can search for Skype in the Windows Reviews app and vote for a popular topic or create your own. For the latest news and tips, follow us on

Question: I want to try a new version of the interface. How do I sign up for a trial version of the Skype 10 program for company employees?
Answer: All users on Windows 10 can subscribe to Skype for Windows 10 by employees. You can register to try The preliminary build version of Skype 10 does the following:

Skype 10 apps (version 12)

  1. Go to application settings.
  2. Select under Settings Skype Apps Preview .

Skype 10 app (version 14)

  1. Start Skype for Windows 10.
  2. Go to page application parameters.
  3. Switch to help and your feedback and suggestions.
  4. Please select join the preview in the section Setting Skype Apps Preview .

Q. How do I know if I have the latest version?
Answer: Check the version number. In Skype, select your profile, then scroll down and tap about... The latest version of Skype 10 is the 14.x version of the app. If you are a version of the application from 12.x or lower you have not been updated to the latest version yet.

Q. How do staff members give my feedback on the new build?
Answer: Your comments and feedback are important for us to improve the experience in Skype 10 before it opens to a wider audience. Leave your feedback, select an option report a problem in our ... menu or leave feedback in the app Hub servers their feedback and suggestions .

Q: I signed up for Skype for Windows 10 Preview at my company. How to get updated versions now ?
Answer: The build will update through the repository like other repository updates. 24 hours after you may need to register before receiving updates.

Question: which version of Skype to use on Windows 10?
Answer: 10 users, we suggest Skype 10 - Recommended versions of how this operating system will be able to work with integrated features that facilitate sharing with people or groups from within the Windows 10 platform, including:

  • Windows folder miracle.
  • My users.
  • Windows Mixed Realities.

Question: When updating to find out the latest news about building Skype for Windows 10 by employees, will my history, contacts or credits be affected?
Answer: When using Skype for Windows 10 (version 12), contacts, history and credits will not be affected when the company employees update to the latest version. The update acts like other store updates. The account information will be saved.

If you are using a different version of Skype before upgrading to the latest version, employees will continue to log on to the computer, but only the log from the previous year will appear in the updated client. A log more than a year old is stored locally on your computer and is not backed up to the cloud. We recommend that you export it and save it to your own cloud storage. Check your Skype version with before updating to the latest Skype for Windows 10 Preview.

Question: I have a Windows Phone. How do employees get the latest builds?
Answer: Skype for Windows 10 (version 14) is not supported for Windows Phone. Skype for Windows 10 (version 12) support will be provided for existing Windows Phone users.

Q: what happened to SMS sync for Windows Phone?
A: SMS syncing for Windows Phone is not supported on Skype for Windows 10 (version 14). You can continue to use Skype for Windows 10 (version 12) as the default messaging app on your Windows Phone.

Q. how do I leave the program?
Answer: you can leave the Skype 10 preview program, go to settings Skype Apps Preview within Skype and selecting the item leave preview... You will need to uninstall Skype and install from the repository to immediately receive the old assembly.