How to make a full version of Skype from a preliminary version. Skype UWP preview preview

Skype is perhaps one of the largest video conferencing platforms, with over 300 million active users and several tools to satisfy all the requests that these users have. Lots of mobile and desktop devices, multiple operating systems, personal use skype or skype for business - these are not all the factors that skype is capable of fulfilling. And for several years users have already got used to the fact that skype can solve any problem of voice and video communication. For many, skype is the "de facto" best software for communicating with friends, relatives or colleagues. Now I will try to help you find out which version of skype you need to use on different devices and for different tasks.

Skype for desktop

Today there are three versions of Skype for operating windows systems, Mac and Linux. Which can be downloaded from here. These three versions are the foundation of Skype's development today. All new functions are first tested on the desktop versions of Skype, and only then they appear on other platforms.

Skype for Windows

The oldest skype version, the development and conquest of the voice communication and video conferencing market began with it. User interface has been fine-tuned over the years, but the overall layout of the contact and chat windows has remained unchanged.

Skype for Windows

One of the features included in the latest version is the ability to choose which hardware to use. You can easily select the desired webcam, change the audio source and microphone, and calibrate the audio. This functionality is not available in Mac and Linux versions.

Skype for Mac

Just like Skype for Windows, Skype for Mac is considered the flagship product. Therefore, you can configure the sound settings for the microphone and speakers in the same way.

However, since the version is strictly for Mac, some features, especially experimental and test ones, are not available. For example, Skype Translator is only available for Windows and in the pre-release version of Skype. But this does not mean that this feature will never appear in skype for Mac. As soon as the developers decide that the function has successfully found its use on the Windows version, then it will immediately appear on the Mac.

Skype for Mac

Skype for Linux

Android version

You can download on Play Market

iPhone and iPad versions

You can download on App Store

Windows Smartphones and Tablets

Download from the Windows Store

BlackBerry smartphones

Download from Amazon Appstore

Skype for Xbox One

The developers of Skype simply could not ignore such a popular game console. This is perhaps a very interesting application on Xbox, especially after the release of Skype 1.8, in which Microsoft added several new features: introduced a function for video calls, viewing photos sent from mobile phones to Skype for Xbox One.

Skype for Xbox One

For example, Skype Windows Mobile, Android and iPhone users will now be able to send photos to Skype Xbox One users. Moreover, if the latter receive several photos at once, they will be able to view them on the TV screen as a slideshow.

Skype for Wearable Devices

The smartwatch version of Skype is currently running on Apple Watch and Android Wear. For Skype to function on your watch, you need to install the application on your iPhone or Android and synchronize your watch with your smartphone. Then users of the watch will be able to read messages and reply to them using voice dialing. Text messages are not possible to send, but you can send emoticons to users.

Apple Watch

Android Wear

Skype for TV

Despite the fact that Microsoft removed the Skype app from TV app stores in June 2016, many users can still install Skype for TV. For example, users samsung TVs can do this according to the following instructions.

If you like to often gather on the couch watching the TV with your loved ones to be with your family, even if you are hundreds of kilometers apart, then you will really like Skype for TV. Free video link with high-quality image (thanks to the TV on which it is possible to install Skype) makes you see family faces as often as possible.

Skype for browser

If you are using a computer that does not have installed version Skype, for example in a cafe or library, you can launch your browser and go to The Skype web platform allows video calls, audio calls and text chats. You can even make group calls or add new contacts to your list.

Skype for browser

However, the web version has limitations regarding audio hardware and webcam settings. The volume can only be added or decreased, and the microphone can only be turned on or off.

Skype for Business

Skype for Business is the paid version of Skype that enhances Skype for business meetings. For example with using Skype meetings You can create a group call with up to 250 participants at once. The traditional desktop version of Skype allows you to communicate with no more than 25 interlocutors.

Skype for Business

With the optional Skype Meeting Broadcast feature, you can host a webinar for up to 10,000 attendees. Any skype version can participate in such webinars.

In addition, Skype integration with Microsoft Outlook allows you to search for any employees in your company and schedule a meeting with them in Outlook.

Skype preview for the anniversary version of Windows 10

The idea of \u200b\u200ba preliminary version of Skype is purely a test one. Users can test Skype and send feedback to developers through the Windows Feedback app.

The Skype preview replaced the integrated Skype video calling and messaging apps with desktop computers and large Windows tablets. The decision to launch the Skype app with combined functionality was based on the feedback received. Users have expressed a desire for a single platform for managing text and voice conversations. A Universal Platform for Windows or UWP app works the same on any windows versions 10 of any device. This means that the computer, tablet, phone and other Windows devices now have the same functionality.

One of the most talked about features of the Skype Preview (Download) is the direct integration of bots into the interface. Bots are artificial intelligence programs that allow you to execute many useful tasksfor example, search for news, summarize data across web pages, play games, and more.

There is such a variety of platforms for communication on Skype today. In the very near future, we can expect global changes only from the preliminary version of Skype, but it will affect all Windows-oriented devices. Now the preliminary version of Skype is being actively tested and it is not yet possible to say the exact date of the first stable release. Subscribe to the newsletter of interesting materials from our blog and the exit new version Skype will be one of the first to know.

Since the acquisition of Skype by Microsoft in 2011, many significant developments have taken place in the evolution of this video and voice telephony service. Among them - the emergence of new ways to access Skype, in particular, alternative to using the desktop client program for Windows. A functional, but at the same time, resource-intensive and ad-packed desktop program Skype is not the best option for owners low-power computers... To maintain online status and not miss an important call, all the capabilities of the desktop skype programs not necessary. For these purposes, since 2015, which is integrated via a plug-in into all popular browsers, and more recently - also a standard application for Windows 10. But only in the version of the system with the anniversary update. At the time of this writing, Windows 10, updated to, has a preview version of the Skype app. More about it below.


The Skype app for Windows 10 did not occupy a new niche in terms of access to Microsoft's video and voice telephony service. It replaced the discontinued predecessor - the Metro (Modern UI) application of the interface created at the time for Windows 8. From its predecessor, the new Windows 10 application inherited only the limited functionality of Skype and the emphasis on the audience of users of touch devices. The interface of the new application has been completely redesigned. Now it matches the design and organization of most of the standard Windows 10 applications with the inherent ability to change the theme from light to dark and vice versa, with a side ribbon of tab sections on the left.

The application, as mentioned, is stock, it does not need to be installed from the Windows Store. It will itself appear among the regular arsenal after windows updates 10 to the Anniversary Update, or if you installed the latter from scratch. In the main window of the application, access to the last contacts is realized, and by switching to the "Contacts" section in the side menu on the left, we will get access to all added subscribers in alphabetical order. The main part of the window of this section is reserved for the search field.


The third section, the application tab, “Bots”, is a novelty that was not in the predecessor application for Windows 8, neither in the web version of Skype, nor in the desktop version for Windows. Bots are a format of additional Skype functions implemented as artificial intelligence. Bots exist in the form of robotic Skype subscribers, and you can communicate with them by text messages, but so far only in English. Bots can search for news, music, pictures, horoscopes. You can even just chat with bots. True, the dialogue will proceed according to the previously created scenario, and the bot is not something that the Slavic mentality will not understand, it even needs to answer in English from the number of phrases-blanks offered by it in the chat.


The application settings section offers little: enabling / disabling messages and calls from all or unfamiliar subscribers (those not from the contact list), enabling / disabling sound signals, the ability to synchronize Skype with the People application, changing the theme, etc.

We should also mention the possibility of using the voice mail function. Using the link from the application settings section, we will get to the web interface of our Skype account in the browser window, where the option to activate sending and receiving will become available voice messages by email or mobile phone (subject to confirmation).

To change the theme, you need to restart the application.


When you click on the profile button inside the application, you can also change a little: the mood indicator (by the type of statuses in social networks), the status of online presence, the mobile number. Links for Skype account replenishment are implemented as separate options. And to edit other profile data, you can follow the "Account Management" link in the Skype web interface.


At the very bottom of the application window, there is a button for the dialing form for making calls to mobile numbers and landline phones, some organizational options, as well as a button for creating conversations - group chats, where you can communicate with several subscribers using text messages or in the format of video conference. The option to create conversations, along with a list of recent contacts, is present in the main window of the application, on the right side of it.

To create a conversation, you need to select several subscribers and click "Create" below.

The created conversation will be displayed among the last skype contacts... Calling the context menu on it, the conversation can be added to favorites, and then it will also be displayed in the contacts section. AT context menu we will also get access to two control options. One of them - "Leave Conversation" - does not delete the conversation, but makes it inaccessible for activity. The second - "Open profile" - opens the side panel for editing its parameters. In the conversation profile, in particular, you can get a link to join the group chat for everyone.

You can create a video conference while communicating with one of the subscribers. The second can join the conversation, if at the moment of communicating with the first on the screen of transferring his image, select “Add participants to this call” among the set of options. In the form that appears, you need to select the second subscriber from among your contacts.

Screen demonstration

Another useful feature in the collection of Skype options in the process of communicating with a subscriber is "Screen display". This is a demonstration to the interlocutor of what is happening on his computer screen. The ability to select a screen if several of them are connected to the computer is not provided. The main screen will be displayed by default. Perhaps this nuance will be improved in the future, but so far the demonstration function does not work correctly even for the main screen.

Application flaws and overall score

Again, at the time of this writing, we are dealing with a preliminary version of the Skype application for Windows 10. In the Feedback and Suggestions application, users complain about periodic departures from the account, the inability to copy part of the messages (only in full) and other shortcomings. There are negative reviews about the function of bots, but they are not about their technical imperfection. The people are indignant about their existence in principle.

Well, in general, as for the application format itself, it is quite successful. It is more convenient and functional than its predecessor for Windows 8. It was created in a single format with standard windows applications 10, which makes it easier for beginners to master it. It uses a minimum of computer resources, is fast and does not freeze, as often happens with a desktop program. Probably, after the completion of this application, desktop Skype can be abandoned altogether.

Have a great day!

Question: I want to try a new version of the interface. How do I sign up for a trial version of the Skype 10 program for company employees?
Answer: all users in Windows 10 can subscribe to skype program for Windows 10 by employees. You can register to try The preliminary build version of Skype 10 does the following:

Skype 10 apps (version 12)

  1. Go to application settings.
  2. Select under Settings Skype Apps Preview .

Skype app 10 (version 14)

  1. Start Skype for Windows 10.
  2. Go to page application parameters.
  3. Switch to help and your feedback and suggestions.
  4. Please select join the preview in the section Setting Skype Apps Preview .

B. how to determine the presence latest version?
Answer: Check the version number. In Skype, select your profile, then scroll down and tap about... The latest version of Skype 10 is the 14.x version of the app. If you are a version of the application from 12.x or lower you have not been updated to the latest version yet.

Q. How do staff members give my feedback on the new build?
Answer: Your comments and feedback are important for us to improve the experience in Skype 10 before launching it to a wider audience. Leave your feedback, select an option report a problem in our ... menu or leave feedback in the app Hub servers their feedback and suggestions .

Q: I signed up for Skype for Windows 10 Preview at my company. How to get updated versions now ?
Answer: The build will update through the repository like other repository updates. 24 hours after you may need to register before receiving updates.

Question: which version of Skype to use on Windows 10?
Answer: 10 users, we suggest Skype 10 - recommended versions, how they can work with this operating system integrated functions that facilitate sharing with people or groups from to windows platform 10 including:

Question: when updating to find out last news Does building Skype for Windows 10 by employees, My history, contacts or credits affect?
Answer: When using Skype for Windows 10 (version 12), contacts, history and credits will not be affected when the company employees are updated to the latest version. The update acts like other store updates. Data account will be saved.

If you are using a different version of Skype before upgrading to the latest version, employees will continue to log on to the computer, but only the log from the previous year will appear in the updated client. A log more than a year old is stored locally on your computer, and backup copy is not created in the cloud. We recommend that you export it and save it in your own cloud storage... Check your Skype version with before updating to the latest Skype for Windows 10 preview.

Question: I have Windows Phone... How do employees get the latest builds?
Answer: Skype for Windows 10 (version 14) is not supported for Windows Phone. Skype for Windows 10 (version 12) support for existing windows users Phone will be provided.

Q: what happened to SMS sync for Windows Phone?
A: SMS syncing for Windows Phone is not supported on Skype for Windows 10 (version 14). You can continue to use Skype for Windows 10 (version 12) as the default messaging app on your Windows Phone.

Q. how do I leave the program?
Answer: you can leave the Skype 10 preview program, go to settings Skype Apps Preview within Skype and selecting the item leave preview... You will need to uninstall Skype and install from the repository to immediately receive the old assembly.

With the release of the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, we're constantly announcing new features. This week, a preliminary version of Skype 11.9 was released for computers and phones under windows management 10. This update allows you to reply to SMS from windows devices Mobile, connects you with Skype users for Business worldwide and includes additional features to improve your Skype experience.

Do more with SMS Relay

The SMS Relay feature is now available for Skype preview users. It allows you to send and receive SMS and MMS directly from your Windows 10 computer if Skype for Windows 10 Mobile is the default messaging app. With SMS relay, your phone is never out of range again. Send and receive text messages, broadcasts and photos directly from your computer using a single view of SMS and Skype conversations.

To take advantage of this opportunity, install the preview version of Skype on your Windows Mobile device and on your computer. To enable SMS Relay, set Skype as your default SMS messaging app. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Launch the pre-release version of Skype on your Windows phone and select “Make Skype your default messaging app” in the settings.

Skype for SMS

  • Launch the preview version of Skype on your Windows computer and in the settings select “Enable Skype on this device to sync my SMS messages” (“Enable syncing of my SMS messages via Skype on this device”).

Skype teams up with Skype for Business

Skype Preview now lets you connect with Skype for Business users around the world. Today's update lets you connect with friends and family using Skype for Business, Microsoft's unified communications platform. You can send to a loved one short message suggesting to have lunch together or make a video call to mom on a business trip - Skype preview and Skype for Business bring work and business communications together.

To get started, click on the "Contacts" element and enter your work address email contact person in the search box. If this person is registered with Skype for Business, their work email address appears in the search results. Select this address and send a message to the subscriber - they will be sent a request to add a new contact via Skype for Business. When the request is accepted, you will be able to see the status of the contact person, exchange instant messages, and make direct voice and video calls.

Additional improvements

This update also includes additional featuresthat make calls and conversations easier in the Skype preview, including the following:

What to expect in the future from the preliminary version of Skype?

We work closely with Windows developers to create additional features to help you work even more efficiently with Skype. builds your Windows experience around the people who matter most to you. Through the taskbar, you can easily connect with friends, family and colleagues. We are also working on the SMS relay function for Android. Stay tuned for the Skype Blog to stay informed about news and updates.

As always, we'd love to hear from you. You can search for Skype in the Windows Reviews app and vote for a popular topic or create your own. For the latest news and tips, follow us on

The rumor that a certain preview versionSkypeWindows 10, quickly flew around the Network. And some users wondered: what exactly is this program, and what advantages will it give the ordinary user of the Tens?

What is Skype for Windows 10 Preview

According to Microsoft itself, the so-called preview version of Skype for Windows 10 is intended to replace the disparate calling and text messaging applications on mobile Windows and desktop operating systems. Of course, the desire to bring all this to a common denominator is very commendable. The decision to create such a single version was made by the developers based on feedback from users themselves, who wished to more efficiently use the workspace on the screen. And this is really true not so much for desktop as for mobile OS.

At the same time, you can safely continue using the classic version of Skype. Of course, if the user has it.

It is gratifying that the preliminary version of Skype is also available in Russian. So this will definitely make it easier for a Russian-speaking user to master the application.

Key features of Skype preview

Of course, Skype would not be Skype if it did not allow subscribers to call each other through voice and video communication. And, of course, you can do it. And still completely free.

After launching the preview, the user will see following buttons and will access the functions:

  • Main Menu Button - View notification and feature icons here;
  • Last conversation - accordingly, the list of the user's last conversations is located here;
  • Contacts - a list of available contacts;
  • Bots - from here you can manage available bots, add them, enable, disable, etc .;
  • Help - accordingly, here you can go to the user support page;
  • Program settings;
  • Profile - you can manage your profile data, top up your balance, change your status, etc.;
  • Conversations - a list of available conversations;
  • Call buttons.

The interface of the preliminary version is quite interesting for its compactness. It's easy to learn and intuitive. Mainly, all the most requested functions are located in the left side menu. By clicking on this or that button, you can access the functions here.

The program still allows you to exchange text messages in individual and group chat, insert emoticons, mojis, and files into your messages.

At the same time, some more advanced features may not be available yet. However, the developers promise that in the very near future they will correct the situation and gradually expand the functionality of Skype.

How to start using the preview version of Skype

Anyone who has Windows 10 and, of course, Skype on their device can get an offer to start using its preview version at any time. However, you can always refuse and continue working with the classic version.

To enable the preliminary option, you just need to click on the Start button on the left side of the Desktop and among available programs choose to launch Skype. When asked about updating the application to the latest trial version, you must answer in the affirmative and wait until all the necessary software components are downloaded.

After restarting the program, you can start using the new Skype.