What kind of chargers can you use to charge your iPhone? Simple rules! How to properly and quickly charge an iPhone, including charging from an iPad, non-original and without a charger. What to do if there is no charging from an iPhone

The reality of modern times is that now there is not a single person without mobile phone. This is normal, because all kinds of smartphones and all kinds of gadgets make life much easier. If earlier you could only make calls, now a mobile phone is just a computer that fits in your pocket. You can call, play, listen to music, go online or watch a movie, and all this is possible thanks to gadgets. But such potential of technology requires constant charging of devices, and the charger can fail at any time. What to do in this case?

For example, let’s take one of the most popular brands of mobile phones, the iPhone. What to do if it is simply impossible to charge it using a charger.

Looking for an innovative solution

How to charge an iPhone 4 without charging if the charger suddenly breaks down or there is no electrified network nearby? This question torments many people today, because without electricity, a mobile phone, or any other gadget, is simply doomed to “starve” to death. Naturally, manufacturers are fighting to increase the energy capacity of the iPhone battery or change the design charger for charging even without electrical network , but so far this is only experimental.

There are quite a lot of portable devices that can help charge your phone, but in practice they cannot compare with conventional chargers, but when there are simply no options left you have to look for an alternative. There are several solutions to the problem related to charging the phone and they really work.

Charging via USB

Manufacturers have only recently begun to make an alternative option for charging the phone, and now when purchasing an iPhone, not only a charger is available, but also a USB cable, which can be a good replacement for a charger.

In case the main charger box fails, you can disable USB, and connect to any power source that has a corresponding input. It could be desktop computer, laptop, tablet or other devices. This method easily solves the problem with charging an iPhone, but we must not forget that the speed of energy supply is significantly reduced. If using a charger a smartphone could be charged in no more than 2–3 hours, then using USB this time doubles.

Charging with the case

As surprising as it may sound, it is now very easy to find a case that not only protects your phone from scratches and shocks, but also charges it. This charging option appeared literally a few years ago, but at the same time quickly gained its popularity. The whole point is that the case in which the iPhone is located is equipped with an additional battery with a capacity of 1500 to 3200 mAh, that is, it can become an excellent alternative charger. The bottom line is that the case does not actually charge the phone, but simply maintains energy in it, due to which the smartphone can be used much longer.

This method often saves you when you have to go out into the countryside or into a village where there are problems finding an outlet of suitable power. In addition to the function of charging the phone, the case is also shockproof, and simply has a beautiful and pleasant appearance. When using the case instead of a charger, the device displays the level of discharge of the secondary battery.

iQ Technologies

Among all the alternative ways to charge a mobile phone, the innovative iQ technology can be called the most popular on the market. The charging system is similar to when a phone recharged from the case, but here the speed of energy transfer is significantly increased. The iQ charger is best used only at home, because it is quite large, although it looks attractive from the outside.

This wireless way iPhone charging has one very interesting feature. The bottom line is that there is no need to constantly connect the cable, and thus you don’t have to worry about injuries to the charging pad. Many people have encountered a problem when the connector falls off after using the phone for a long time and this problem is inevitable. You have to constantly charge your iPhone due to intensive use, but the iQ wireless system easily solves this problem and prevents damage to the charger input.

On the modern market, such wireless charging platforms are presented in different shapes, colors and materials, so there will be no problems with the choice. In addition, it is also important to consider the ease of use of the charging platform.

The perfect way to charge your mobile phone

Using the method using iQ charging is, of course, convenient, but still the plastic quite spoils the appearance of the phone. Even so, the method became the most popular, so manufacturers began not only to work on wireless charging iPhone, but also to think about appearance plates. Today we can say for sure that iQi Mobile has no worthy analogues.

This innovative way to charge your phone combines a silicone case that contains charging plastic. If its thickness used to confuse device owners, now it is about 1.5 mm, which is almost invisible under the silicone case. In addition, if you use the wireless charging method, it remains possible to simultaneously use the charger. Even so, an alternative charger has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • comfortable use;
  • no need to use a mechanical connection;
  • safe operation at high humidity.


  • You cannot use the phone while the battery is charging;
  • the weight and thickness of the phone increases;
  • high cost of a wireless charger.​


Anyone can charge their phone from a computer with via USB, but this is not always possible. Sometimes, when you go out into nature or to another place where there is no electricity, the phone just doomed to completely discharge, and in our time - this is destructive for a person, because communication with the outside world is completely lost. Alternative methods Chargers can be an excellent solution to problems in this case. Many innovative technologies They help charge the phone by converting thermal, kinetic and mechanical energy into charge for the phone, and even despite a large number of disadvantages, sometimes you simply cannot do without such options.

Many of us have found ourselves in situations where the iPhone is about to run out of power in the middle of the day, the smartphone shows only 10% charge and flashes ominously red, and there is no charger at hand. And at the same time, we are in the city center, there are no friends nearby who would borrow a charger. What can be done in this case? We offer five useful tips.

There is no point in giving such obvious advice as always carrying a charger or a portable charger that does not require an outlet. Moreover, in megacities, every second smartphone owner always has a charger with him. But it also happens that we may simply forget to take this vital thing with us, accidentally leaving it in another bag or on the nightstand. Therefore, let’s try to decide what to do if you have neither a charger nor a portable charger in your arsenal.

1. If you are in or near a shopping mall, find a store that has charging lockers. Usually, in some stores of well-known chains there are small cabinets with chargers for various connectors. And while you are trying on clothes, your phone will charge.

A similar service is available, for example, in the Moscow bookstore on Tverskaya Street. Ask the information department to charge your phone - they are unlikely to refuse you.

2. Another simple way is to go to any salon cellular communication and ask to recharge your phone. The likelihood that you will be rejected is very low. But in such cases, it is best to contact the salon of one of the operators - in some such services are taken for granted. In addition, cell phone stores have chargers for all models. You can also go to an electronics store with the same request.

Whether this service will be paid depends on the seller. However, if you have to pay, it won’t be much – 50-100 rubles maximum.

3. There are special terminals for charging phones. Unfortunately, there are not as many of them as ATMs and payment terminals. They are usually located in large shopping centers, cafes, waiting rooms at train stations and airports. There are several wires in the terminal cells that are suitable for all models. This pleasure costs about 50 rubles per hour.

4. Smartphones are known for draining battery faster than regular phones. This happens for various reasons. We want to tell you about a few more life hacks that will speed up the charging process and save energy on your smartphones.

If you have very little time to recharge, then turn on Airplane mode on yours - and charging will go much faster. You can also simply turn off the phone while charging. The smartphone will not consume energy, but will receive it much faster.

5. If you don't have the option to turn off your phone or activate Airplane mode because, say, you don't want to miss an important call, then try turning off unnecessary functions. This could be GPS, Bluetooth, LTE. All these functions take up some of the energy. By turning them off, you can speed up the charging process a little. When using your smartphone, keep these functions turned off unless you are directly using them. This will make your smartphone discharge slower. There is also a classic helpful advice To save energy, reduce the screen brightness and screen auto-off time in the settings.

Today it is impossible to imagine a modern person without a mobile phone. However, it is impossible to imagine electronic gadget without accompanying the full process of operation additional devices, the presence of which is mandatory. For example, a failed charger will certainly doom the “dependent” device to “energy death”. However, the question of how to charge an iPhone without charging, given the great popularity of the “yield” Apple brand, requires special coverage. Several of the most original technological innovations will be presented to your attention, allowing you to “pump up” Californian gadgets with the much-needed power of electricity for their batteries, of course, without the “participation” of the standard charger provided.

In search of promising technologies

First of all, the question requires some specification. After all, each of us knows that without the influence of a certain type of energy, none of the known inventions of “human genius” will be able to function. Therefore, the question of how to charge an iPhone without charging does not yet have a complete answer. Of course, some attempts by developers to change the principle of “life support” of the phone were successful. It goes without saying that the standard memory will undergo dramatic changes in the near future. The problem of “expedient universality” already has several fundamental excellent solutions. However, today it is not yet possible to “globally decouple” mobile units from commonly used power outlets. However, how to charge an iPhone or other “brainchild” of the electronics industry when there is no access to the “benefits of civilization” is already a realistic reality. But the low efficiency (efficiency) of the developed and, by the way, mass-produced devices and at the same time the not thoroughly thought out “mechanism” for supplying a certain charge power somewhat distances it from being a full-fledged alternative to a 220 W source or another rating of the generally accepted standard of centralized electrification. As a result, we are seeing an ever-increasing need for and genuine interest from manufacturers... It is these facts that are pushing developers to find the most appropriate technological solutions.

Review of the most effective methods of “energy refueling” without using a standard power supply

Method No. 1

Perhaps, let's start with the most basic, but not always accessible, option for powering a mobile device. Perhaps you don't know how to charge your iPhone from your computer. So let's take a look this method charging, which, as you understand, implies the use of a laptop, tablet or device equipped with If the operating level of the battery has become critical, and your device is “tired” of warning about it - the screen blinked and went out, you need to connect it to any available device, having the necessary port. Thanks to this, you will be able to answer the question of how to charge an iPhone without charging with a practical action.

Not demanding method No. 2

Today you can buy a charging case. That is, the design feature of such a device will be the presence of a built-in battery, the capacity of which varies from 1500 to 3200 mAh. Which allows quite long time use the phone without power. A convenient case is not only ergonomic and aesthetically attractive. The in-demand device will help to effectively solve the problem of how to charge an iPhone without charging, and will also provide shockproof properties to the device. Moreover, protection against mechanical damage to the back of the iPhone is guaranteed in any version of the charging case. The indicator on the front panel of the device shows the battery level, thanks to which the user can always visually determine the level of performance of the auxiliary battery.

Not quite an easy way #3

Of course, iQ technology - a definitely innovative option for wireless charging - helps to effectively “refill” the battery capacity without the difficult moment caused by connecting a 30-pin connector to the connector. The question of how to charge an iPhone without charging will no longer express unrealistic hopes. At the same time, the comfortable method greatly facilitates many operational tasks, and in particular, it is the most gentle way to restore the electrical potential of the battery. Since wear and damage to the contact pad of the iPhone is a natural inevitability due to intensive use of the phone, as a result of which the device often has to be recharged. The attractive design of the module, which is an intermediary element between the charging station and the battery of the mobile device, is mounted on back gadget, and the installation process is not complicated and does not require special tools and installation skills. On the market, these are products that are presented in a variety of designs. The color, texture and material of the “intermediate device” are available to the user to suit almost any preference. The only disadvantage of such a memory can be considered the necessarily accompanying process of “upgrading” the device, which increases the “waist” of the smartphone by several millimeters. However, sometimes the question of how to charge an iPhone is resolved not only in this way...

Improved method No. 4

Today, the iQi Mobile project presents a slightly improved version of the new power standard. Despite the “freshness of the idea,” the market for goods for mobile devices There is an increasing trend in consumer demand. The qualitatively modified charger, which has received wide recognition in user circles, allows for wireless “filling” of electricity into the phone’s battery. The main advantage of the new product is a critically reduced induction plate (receiver). The problem of how to charge an iPhone without charging and without “disfiguring” the design is becoming completely solvable. After all, the thickness of the additionally installed element is only 0.5-1.5 mm and is practically invisible under a thin layer of silicone frame. This fact sets iQi Mobile apart from previously implemented wireless power standards. The connection condition can be considered important: a flexible connection to the Lightning port does not in any way complicate the user’s subsequent actions, primarily related to the use of the 30-pin Iphone port. Agree, this greatly simplifies many moments of mandatory access to the sometimes extremely necessary system connector of a mobile unit.

Several arguments in favor of wireless storage

  • No mechanical connection torque (direct contact).
  • Possibility of safe operation in unfavorable environments (moisture, dampness).
  • Ease of use (mostly).

A little about the disadvantages

  • Cost, size and weight are increasing.
  • The time parameter of the useful action of electrical energy significantly exceeds the standard version (taking into account the efficiency of the original charger).
  • It is not possible to use the phone while the battery is charging.

Summing up, or Energy prospects for iPhone

You know how to charge your device from a computer. But what do you do when you're camping or find yourself in a situation where there are no standard power sources available? Today there are devices on the market that can charge mobile devices using alternative methods of generating electricity. These are original technological solutions in the form of converting devices that convert mechanical, thermal, kinetic, magnetic and other types of energy into the voltage and current required by your device. Of course, there are many more disadvantages and shortcomings in the available devices than we would like. Price, weight, dimensions and other disadvantages hinder the path to achieving absolute perfection. But time passes and technology develops...

Today it is impossible to imagine a modern person without a mobile phone. However, it is impossible to imagine an electronic gadget without additional devices accompanying the full process of operation, the presence of which is a mandatory necessity. For example, a failed charger will certainly doom the “dependent” device to “energy death”. However, the question of how to charge an iPhone without charging, given the great popularity of the “yield” Apple brand, requires special coverage. Several of the most original technological innovations will be presented to your attention, allowing you to “pump up” Californian gadgets with the much-needed power of electricity in their batteries, of course, without the “participation” of the standard charger provided.

In search of promising technologies

First of all, the question requires some specification. After all, each of us knows that without the influence of a certain type of energy, none of the known inventions of “human genius” will be able to function. Therefore, the question of how to charge an iPhone without charging does not yet have a complete answer. Of course, some attempts by developers to change the principle of “life support” of the phone were successful. It goes without saying that the standard memory will undergo dramatic changes in the near future. The problem of “expedient universality” already has several fundamentally different solutions. However, today it is not yet possible to “globally decouple” mobile units from commonly used power outlets. However, how to charge an iPhone or other “brainchild” of the electronics industry when there is no access to the “benefits of civilization” is already a realistic reality. But the low efficiency (efficiency) of the developed and, by the way, mass-produced devices and at the same time the not thoroughly thought out “mechanism” for supplying a certain charge power somewhat distances it from being a full-fledged alternative to a 220 W source or another rating of the generally accepted standard of centralized electrification. As a result, we are seeing an ever-increasing need for and genuine interest from manufacturers... It is these facts that are pushing developers to find the most appropriate technological solutions.

Review of the most effective methods of “energy refueling” without using a standard power supply

Method No. 1

Perhaps, let's start with the most basic, but not always accessible, option for powering a mobile device. Perhaps you don't know how to charge your iPhone from your computer. Therefore, let's look at this charging method, which, as you understand, involves using a laptop, tablet or device equipped with If the operating level of the battery has become critical, and your device is “tired” of warning about it - the screen blinked and went out, you need to connect it to any available device that has the required port. Thanks to this, you will be able to answer the question of how to charge an iPhone without charging with a practical action.

Not demanding method No. 2

Today you can buy a charging case. That is, the design feature of such a device will be the presence of a built-in battery, the capacity of which varies from 1500 to 3200 mAh. This allows you to use the phone for quite a long time without recharging. A convenient case is not only ergonomic and aesthetically attractive. The in-demand device will help to effectively solve the problem of how to charge an iPhone without charging, and will also provide shockproof properties to the device. Moreover, protection against mechanical damage to the back of the iPhone is guaranteed in any version of the charging case. The indicator on the front panel of the device shows the battery level, thanks to which the user can always visually determine the level of performance of the auxiliary battery.

Not quite an easy way #3

Of course, iQ technology - a definitely innovative option for wireless charging - helps to effectively “refill” the battery capacity without the difficult moment caused by connecting a 30-pin connector to the connector. The question of how to charge an iPhone without charging will no longer express unrealistic hopes. At the same time, the comfortable method greatly facilitates many operational tasks, and in particular, it is the most gentle way to restore the electrical potential of the battery. Since wear and damage to the contact pad of the iPhone is a natural inevitability due to intensive use of the phone, as a result of which the device often has to be recharged. The attractive design of the module, which is an intermediary element between the charging station and the battery of the mobile device, is mounted on the back of the gadget, and the installation process is not complicated and does not require special tools or installation skills. On the market, these are products that are presented in a variety of designs. The color, texture and material of the “intermediate device” are available to the user to suit almost any preference. The only disadvantage of such a memory can be considered the necessarily accompanying process of “upgrading” the device, which increases the “waist” of the smartphone by several millimeters. However, sometimes the question of how to charge an iPhone is resolved not only in this way...

Improved method No. 4

Today, the iQi Mobile project presents a slightly improved version of the new power standard. Despite the “freshness of the idea,” an ever-increasing trend of consumer demand is visible in the market for goods for mobile devices. The qualitatively modified charger, which has received wide recognition in user circles, allows for wireless “filling” of electricity into the phone’s battery. The main advantage of the new product is a critically reduced induction plate (receiver). The problem of how to charge an iPhone without charging and without “disfiguring” the design is becoming completely solvable. After all, the thickness of the additionally installed element is only 0.5-1.5 mm and is practically invisible under a thin layer of silicone frame. This fact sets iQi Mobile apart from previously implemented wireless power standards. The connection condition can be considered important: a flexible connection to the Lightning port does not in any way complicate the user’s subsequent actions, primarily related to the use of the 30-pin Iphone port. Agree, this greatly simplifies many moments of mandatory access to the sometimes extremely necessary system connector of a mobile unit.

Several arguments in favor of wireless storage

  • No mechanical connection torque (direct contact).
  • Possibility of safe operation in unfavorable environments (moisture, dampness).
  • Ease of use (mostly).

A little about the disadvantages

  • Cost, size and weight are increasing.
  • The time parameter of the useful action of electrical energy significantly exceeds the standard version (taking into account the efficiency of the original charger).
  • It is not possible to use the phone while the battery is charging.

Summing up, or Energy prospects for iPhone

You know how to charge your device from a computer. But what do you do when you're camping or find yourself in a situation where there are no standard power sources available? Today, there are devices on the market that can charge mobile devices using alternative methods of generating electricity. These are original technological solutions in the form of converting devices that convert mechanical, thermal, kinetic, magnetic and other types of energy into the voltage and current required by your device. Of course, there are many more disadvantages and shortcomings in the available devices than we would like. Price, weight, dimensions and other disadvantages hinder the path to achieving absolute perfection. But time passes and technology develops...

The battery has been considered the weakest link in the iPhone for many years. Under average load, it can keep the device offline for no more than a day, after which the gadget will be completely discharged. You may not be familiar with this problem only if you use it to make 2-3 calls a day with an average duration of 3-4 minutes.

Of course, Apple's proprietary charger ensures that the battery returns to full capacity within 1 hour, but if you go on a long trip, finding an outlet in time is a real challenge.

In order to renew the battery charge, you can use various energy sources: from computer USB ports to special cases. The choice depends on your preferences and available means.

How to charge iPhone without charging while on the road?

It is worth noting in advance that if you use a non-original charger or charging methods not approved by Apple, you risk damaging your smartphone or even getting injured.

Charging iPhone via USB connector of computer or car radio

To do this, you will need a standard USB cable for your phone (30-pin for older models and Lightning for all models starting with iPhone 5). Using it, you can charge your smartphone from any computer, laptop or tablet that has a USB connector. You only need to connect the cable to your mobile phone and computer, after which charging will begin almost immediately. In addition, if your car has a car radio with a USB connector for connecting flash drives, you can use it to recharge the device.

How to charge an iPhone without charging using iQi Mobile?

iQi Mobile is a small (thinner and smaller than a plastic card) external antenna designed to receive electricity from a Qi standard wireless charger. It is attached to the outside of the back cover of the smartphone using adhesive tape, and then connected to the Lightning connector. After this, the device is put on Silicone Case or an overlay that hides this “design”.

To start charging, just place the back of the iPhone on the surface of a special stand that supports the Qi standard.

Charging an iPhone using an external battery

You can use any manufacturer if you purchase a universal external battery. It is equipped with a USB port for connecting a charging cable and will allow you to “resurrect” your smartphone as quickly as possible. In addition, there are special cases for the iPhone with a built-in battery (such as the Juice Tank Helium). It is enough to put this accessory on your smartphone so that it can extend the “life” of the device by almost 2 times.

The downside of most smartphones is that they run out of battery quickly. Unfortunately, Apple devices are no exception, so many users naturally have a question: how to charge an iPhone without charging. Is this possible in principle? Unlikely, but you can make a little effort and significantly extend its battery life by using third-party charging devices.

We'll tell you how to make your gadget work longer and look at the process of repairing a broken charger for Apple phones.

Many smartphone owners are concerned about the problem that they quickly discharge

How to charge an iPhone without using a special device?

There are several ways:

  • You can make up for the lack of energy using a USB cable - just connect your device to your computer, laptop, tablet and any other energy source through it.

Charging via USB

  • Using an external battery or powerbank - such devices can recharge your iPhone several times to a maximum of one cycle of its own energy reserve. External batteries are also charged via the network and are an excellent option for those who need to frequently recharge their gadget. They take up little space and are produced by many manufacturers - be careful when choosing, do not save too much on them.

  • Cases with built-in batteries. If you don't like carrying a separate device with you like in the previous case, you can buy a case that can charge your iPhone. It also needs to be “filled” with energy first, and when you are on the road, the case can provide several days of operation for the gadget. Note that this result, of course, depends on the battery capacity of the device itself.

Case with built-in battery

And, of course, many will find such a device an even better solution than an external battery, since the case additionally performs another main function - it protects the device from damage and scratches.

  • Solar panels. They are somewhat reminiscent of a power bank, but they do not need to be charged using electricity. All you need to do is connect your phone to the battery, place it in a sunny place and wait a bit. This is very convenient, especially in summer and spring, when the days are longer and the sun shines stronger. In addition, this option the better, that you do not need to pre-charge the battery - solar energy will be an excellent solution when you cannot connect to other sources.

Solar panels

  • Fire-powered devices. Yes, you can charge your battery using real fire. For this, there are special blocks that convert heat into electrical energy. True, they are not as effective as other means, but in extreme cases they will save the phone from completely turning off.

Fire-powered devices

  • In the same way, there are wind generator devices that can restore charge using the wind. If there is no wind, you can compensate for it by running, or use the device while walking or cycling. True, it will take 5–6 hours to fully charge.

Wind generator

It is worth noting that in the future, chargers in the form of a power supply with a cable may disappear, because plates for wireless power supply will become more common. Why? This way you can better protect the charging connector, which quickly deteriorates due to constant use of the cable.

What to do if you don’t have all these funds?

In this case, use the following recommendations:

  • If you're near a shopping center, try looking for chargers in the rest areas or stores there. In addition, mobile operator centers should have network cables for most brands of phones by default.
  • You can go to service center and ask to charge the phone - even if they want money for the service, it will not cost much.
  • There are special charging terminals - they are installed in the same entertainment complexes and are also inexpensive.
  • When charging your iPhone, turn on airplane mode - with this method of operation, all communication modules that consume the most battery power are deactivated, and you will replenish your energy much faster.

How to fix iPhone charger?

If your iPhone charger is broken and you are confident in your abilities and capabilities, try to fix it yourself. To do this, do the following:

  • Trim the plastic shell on the end of the charger so as not to touch its insides. We are talking about the thicker end of the charger.
  • Cut the cable where it breaks.
  • Remove the protective winding to have access to the 3 thin wires, which should also be visible from the plug.
  • Remove the insulation from all wires, but so as not to damage the metal core.
  • Connect all the wires together by color and wrap them with electrical tape.
  • The electrical tape must be applied so that there are no bare wires left.
  • If desired, buy heat shrink and put it on the part of the wires that you repaired.

After all of the above, you will know how to charge an iPhone without the main device. We recommend that you purchase one of the recharging devices to be able to always stay connected. And, of course, you can always try to fix the network device yourself - as you can see, there is nothing too difficult about it.

You recognize this situation: after leaving for another city or traveling, you suddenly remembered that your iPhone charger was left lying on the coffee table at home. The situation, naturally, is not a pleasant one, because without a gadget in our time, it’s like being without hands. Due to the fact that the battery does not last forever, you need to think about how to charge iPhone 5 without charging.

It’s good when there is a person nearby who could borrow his charger, or there is a service charger somewhere nearby apple center. But fate rarely gives such gifts. It would be strange not to start with the simplest - USB port. Surprisingly, for some users even this information may be a revelation. If you have an iPhone charging cable (without a power supply) and a laptop/PC at hand, you can quickly and easily charge your phone. You just need to plug the cord into the USB connector and wait for the treasured hundred percent of the battery.

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How to charge an iPhone without a cord using alternative power sources

The problem of a forgotten charger at home can be easily solved with the help of alternative sources nutrition. You can replenish the required battery supply using external batteries. Portable storage devices have firmly established themselves in the market for essential and everyday goods. This small box, which can be ordered/purchased in an online store, is capable of delivering four full charges to your favorite smartphone. The choice of device depends on the capacity reserve expressed in mAh value, additional functions (flashlight), and design.

Thanks to portable battery You can forget about the dying battery for several days, although the charging process will take a little longer. Simply connect the accessory to the mobile cord and press the “turn on” button. A wide selection of these devices on the market allows you to buy them inexpensively - the price ranges from 500 to 5,000 rubles, depending on the capacity. As an alternative, inventors have come up with several other types of additional power sources:

  1. From solar battery. In the catalogs of online stores around the world you can already find these simple devices at affordable price. They look like external batteries with only one exception - they need to be placed in a place where there is direct sunlight and the phone will be able to stay afloat for another for a long time. Thanks to this method, you can quickly solve the following question: how to charge an iPhone without charging.
  2. From the fire. An unusual device whose job is to convert thermal energy into electrical energy. Special braziers are placed on the fire, a cable is connected to them, and the phone begins to quickly dial up interest. This charging method is ideal for hikers and those who don’t know how to charge an iPhone 5s without charging in nature.

Wireless charging for iPhone iQi Mobile

Recently, the gadget market has been replenished with another new product - wireless charging iQi Mobile for Apple iPhone, selling at prices from 1,200 to 3,000 rubles. The principle of operation is very simple - electromagnetic energy is used, acting inductively on a special battery attached to the phone. It sounds complicated, but in reality everything couldn’t be simpler: this is a thin plate 0.5 mm thick, which fits under any case and is connected to the smartphone connector with a lighting cable. After this, the iPhone is placed on a special docking station and charged wirelessly.

iPhone charging case

A special battery case has become a very popular product of our time, after putting it on the iPhone begins to rapidly replenish the battery capacity. The device has a capacity of 2200 mAh, which is enough to extend the life of the smartphone by a good 1.5-2 days. An important point is to take care of charging the case itself in advance, otherwise it will only turn into containment and, I would like to note, very weighty. The design of the accessory is laconic - one “turn on” button and an indicator panel displaying the remaining battery. The cost of the gadget is reasonable – it sells for between 800 and 2,000 rubles.

What to do if the iPhone does not charge from the original charger

A lot of people face a similar problem. The original wire, produced by a large American company, can break for various reasons. This could be incorrect handling, ordinary technical problems, inoperability of the connector on the phone itself, and much more. Let's consider solutions in cases where the standard factory charger does not charge the iPhone:

  1. A mistake in software. Sometimes malfunctions occur in the program that sends signals to a special charging controller (chip). If the software is in a “frozen” state, then the phone will not be able to recognize that the current has already flowed. There is a simple solution - simultaneously press and hold the Home and Power buttons on your iPhone for about 30 seconds before the reboot begins. After this, the smartphone should start charging.
  2. The port that helps charge the smartphone is dirty. Common problem, which occurs among those people who like to carry a mobile phone in their pocket. Debris particles fall into the lighting hole and prevent the flow of current. The solution is simple - take a simple toothpick and use it to get out the dirt, and then blow it thoroughly. That's it, you can connect/charge.
  3. USB port problem. If you don’t know how to charge an iPhone without charging and are using a cord connected to a PC or laptop, then you need to check all inputs for functionality. The problem is solved this way: just plug the wire into another USB port or use a regular 220V plug - you can charge.
  4. There is a fault in the cable. It happens that when the wire is connected, the phone does not show any signs. This means that somewhere in the cord there is a break that can only be repaired by a specialist. The best solution is to buy a new iPhone charger.

Find out how to transfer photos from iPhone to computer.

Charging your phone with another charger

If none of the methods described above turned out to be useful, then there is only one option left, which is better to resort to as a last resort - connect the iPhone battery directly to other chargers. It should be noted right away that using this method is dangerous for both the person and the device, which will have to be opened in any case. Take precautions - carry out the operation with rubber gloves, do not touch bare wires with your skin. Scheme of how to charge iPhone 4 without charging (original):

  1. Disassemble the iPhone and disconnect the battery.
  2. Take any charging device, cut off the connector to connect to the phone.
  3. Connect two exposed wires of different colors in series to the contacts on the battery, which has polarity indicators (blue to +, red to -).
  4. Press the wires tightly and secure with electrical tape.
  5. If you did everything correctly, then when you turn on the iPhone, it will show signs of life.

Find out more ways to charge your phone without charging.

Video: how to charge an iPhone without charging

How to charge an iPhone without charging at home. Charging an iPhone without USB - high technology news on the site"

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