Reset network settings. I want the latest version of Google Chrome

Today we will try to deal with one of the most mysterious and incomprehensible problems, when pages load very long and slowly in a browser on a computer or laptop. And if you think about it, the reason is immediately clear - slow Internet. When very low speed Internet connection, it is clear that sites will load slowly. Especially heavy sites with a lot of images and other elements. But no, the problem with slow page loading occurs for users with a good connection speed. When checking the speed, the result is good, files and torrents are loaded quickly, and the pages in the browser are in no hurry to open.

According to my observations, the problem with the speed of loading sites is observed in all browsers: Yandex Browser, Google chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and of course in Internet Explorer.

The problem is ambiguous, since it is not clear how slowly sites open, through which browser, which specific sites, what kind of Internet and what speed the user has, how it works on another device, when the problem appeared, etc. There are very, very many nuances. Which, if desired and necessary, you can describe in the comments to this article. And I will try to give you a more specific answer. Well, below in this article I will talk about the obvious and not so much the reasons and solutions to this problem.

What to try and check first:

  • If the problem has just appeared, then restart your computer and router (if any).
  • I also recommend the first thing. See download speed. If, for example, there is less than 1 Mbps, then it is clear why sites load slowly. Although, everything here is very, very individual and ambiguous. The very concept of "slow" is different for everyone.
  • Try to open sites through a different browser. For example, through microsoft standard Edge, or Internet Explorer (they are usually not littered, as no one uses them).
  • Try to figure out if the problem is in your browser, computer, router, or internet connection. There are many options for finding out quickly. For example, let's try another browser. We check how sites are opened on another device through a router. You can connect the Internet directly to your computer.

Another such moment: if you have an old and slow computer, or a laptop, then the problem may be this. He just can't handle it.

Slow loading of sites in the browser due to low internet speed

I decided to consider this option first. Since the connection speed directly affects the speed with which pages on the Internet will open. It is possible that for some reason the speed of your Internet connection has dropped significantly. For example, some problem with the provider, in your router, interference (if we are talking about Wi-Fi networks) etc.

You can check the connection speed on the website Link to more detailed instructions I gave above. You can take measurements with different devices, and by connecting the Internet directly to a computer or laptop. Without a router, if you have one.

For example, now I am writing this article via a 3G modem (which is connected to a router, which in turn distributes the Internet to other devices) and this is my speed:

And what can I say, my sites open really slowly. True, it could be even worse. But I think that even with 10 Mbps, the pages in the browser should load instantly.

Basically, this problem is faced by users who connect to the Internet via 3G / 4G modems. The speed on 3G / 4G networks can be very good, but it is very dependent on the congestion base station and on the signal strength. If the modem, or the phone catches poorly, then the speed will be low. I'm not talking about 2G networks (GPRS, EDGE), everything is very slow there.

Conclusions: if the connection speed is good, but there is a problem with the loading speed of sites, then see this article further. If the speed is low, then you need to solve this problem. Again, if you have the Internet via a 3G / 4G modem, then you can set it up for the best reception, raise it higher, buy an antenna. If you have standard connection: cable is a router, and the speed is low only over Wi-Fi, then see the article. If even with a direct connection of the cable to the computer, the speed during verification does not correspond to the one promised by the provider, you can safely call the support of your Internet provider and find out this issue.

What to do if pages open for a long time with good internet speed

Further we will consider solutions that can only help if you have a normal Internet connection speed. Well, let's say 3 Mbps (download) and higher. If your check shows, for example, 50 Mbps, and the sites barely open, then the solutions described below should help in solving this problem.

Some options:

  • Slow loading sites due to overflowing cache and browser cookies. Unnecessary additions. Full drive C.
  • Viruses, malware.
  • Problems with network settings.
  • Slow DNS servers.
  • Unnecessary programs that load the network and the computer. Antiviruses.
  • Slow VPN Server (if you are using a VPN)?

Now more details 🙂

We clear the cache, browser cookies, check add-ons and free space of the C drive

1 First go to "My Computer", or just "Computer" in Windows 10 and see if it is full local disk C. When it is full, the bar turns red. And if it is full, then it needs to be cleaned: delete, or move unnecessary files from the desktop and the "Documents" folder. Delete unnecessary programs, or clean it with CCleaner, which I will discuss below. 2 Next, you need to clear the cache and preferably also the cookies of the browser you are using, and in which sites are slowly opening. If you have Opera, then you are in luck :), as I wrote detailed instructions:.

Important! If you clear only the cache, then nothing bad will happen. But, if you clear cookies, passwords, and autofill form data, then most likely you will have to re-enter the sites (enter passwords).

In all bruisers, everything is about the same. For example, in Google Chrome. You need to open the menu, "Additional tools" - "Delete data on viewed pages". Next, select "Images and files in the cache" and "Cookies" and clear them. Will not forget to select the "all time" item. You can try clearing only the cache first.

In almost any browser, you can open a window with clearing the history by pressing "Ctrl + Shift + Del". And then we just select the items that need to be cleared.

3 Now in almost every browser (Opera, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser) you can install extensions (add-ons). And it's not uncommon for these extensions to slow down the browser a lot. Especially, such as VPNs, various Internet "accelerators", blockers, etc.

Need to check the list installed extensions (add-ons) in your browser. Opera does it like this:

Disable unnecessary extensions. Or turn everything off to check.

Also check if you have accidentally turned on "Turbo" mode in your browser (which often slows down rather than speeds up your downloads), or .

4 To clean all browsers, the most windows systems and the registry, or startup management, you can use separate programs. I recommend CCleaner. Free of charge (can be easily downloaded from the Internet), in Russian and simple.

First, select the items that need to be cleaned, run the "Analysis", and then clean the found garbage. I use this program myself. Just watch carefully. If you are not sure, then do not check the box. You can safely clean the "Internet cache".

Slow loading sites due to viruses

It is definitely not superfluous to check your computer for viruses and other malware... If you have an antivirus installed and it is being updated, then run a system scan. You can also check your computer with anti-virus utilities. For example: AVZ, Dr.Web CureIt !, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, Malwarebytes.

it free utilities... They don't install, they just start up and check your computer. Found threats can be removed.

Reset network settings

It is possible that the same viruses introduced some of their parameters into the network windows settings... And because of this, there were problems with slow loading of pages on the Internet. In order not to search for these parameters manually, I advise you to do it much easier. Reset network settings to the factory.

Depending on your Internet connection, after resetting the settings, you may need to reconfigure the connection to the provider, or connect to a Wi-Fi network.

Resetting is very simple. I wrote separate articles on these topics:

  • Instructions for Windows 10:
  • Instructions for Windows 7, 8, 10:

IN command line as an administrator, just run a few commands and restart your computer.

Remember to restart your computer after this procedure.

DNS servers can slow down the loading of sites in the browser

DNS is responsible for ensuring that the site addresses we are used to (from letters) are converted to IP addresses (from numbers). And if the server that is responsible for this conversion is slow and buggy, then sites can take a long time to load. As a rule, everyone uses the provider's DNS servers. But, you can change them to others.

Programs and antivirus

If you have any antivirus installed, then try disabling it for a while. Or disable the firewall built into it. Most likely it checks every page you open in the browser and checks very slowly.

Further, with regard to programs. I will introduce programs such as torrent clients, various programs for downloading from the Internet, downloading various films, etc. different programs to speed up the Internet, optimize Windows, etc. They usually always start with Windows and hide in the notification bar. Close all unnecessary ones, remove them from startup (you can use the same cCleaner program) ... There are many instructions on the Internet for managing startup in Windows. We have an article on a slightly different topic.

We close, disable, delete all unnecessary things. Not only can all these programs slow down the loading of pages, but they also take resources in operating system and the computer runs slower.

Maybe the problem is with the VPN (if installed)?

And the connection through the VPN server can be very slow. Especially if it is free VPN... But even a paid service can often slow down. Even if you used the Internet through a VPN, and everything worked well, the server through which you connect may fail at any time, or many users connect through it, and it simply cannot cope with the load. The loading speed of sites through such a server will be very slow.

Decision: most often, in the settings of the program, or the browser extension, you can change the server (to another country)... If that doesn't work, then turn off the VPN completely. Close the connection and close the program. Disable the extension in your browser. After that, everything should open normally.


I tried to consider all the reasons known to me at the moment, due to which there are problems with the speed of loading sites. I am sure there are other solutions to this problem. If you know what else could be the case, or solved this problem in another way, then tell us about it in the comments. I will gladly add useful information to the article, and everyone will say Thank you!

Of course, you can ask questions about the topic. Only I have one request, in the description of your problem, write the results of checking the speed of your Internet connection. Or attach a screenshot to the comment (we have such an opportunity).

The Google Chrome browser is quite fast, but over time it starts to slow down noticeably. All sorts of "smart" advice or "life hacks", as representatives of the creative class say today, such as " disable all extensions»Usually have an efficiency near zero. Absolute and also in Kelvin.

Today we will speed up the Chrome browser in an adult way and so that the difference in the speed of opening pages will become noticeable visually. For this we use a rather old but very powerful caching trick often mutable files in the computer memory. And Chrome has quite a lot of these files, moreover, not all of them are "junk", temporary, that is, they must be saved from loading to loading. Therefore, we will have to provide for this.

This advice will help you if your computer has 4 - 8 GB memory. With smaller volumes, it is better not to do what is described here.

Well, let's get started ...

Inserting a disk into memory

For work, we need a so-called RAM Disk, that is, special programwhich part random access memory your computer will make a very, very fast disk. I recommend this program here:

Download and install on behalf of the Computer Administrator.

After installation, launch the RAMDisk Configuration Utility program and immediately turn on the Advanced item in the View menu.

Disk Size: 1024 Mb

On the Load / Save tab, set

ImageFile: C: \\ RAMDisk.img

Load Disk at Startup

Save Disk Image at Shutdown

If you open Explorer now, you will see that you have a new 1 GB disk. For example, with the letter D: or E :. Find it and create a Google folder in it.

Installing a very important utility

Before proceeding further, we need the very important Link Shell Extension utility, which allows working with Windows with so-called symbolic links. It is symbolic links that we need to "deceive" google browser Chrome. But first, find out which system you have is 32-bit or 64-bit. This can be done by pressing the + [X] buttons and selecting the System item.

Download the required version and install. To check the installation, simply click on any file or folder in the explorer right click and you should see a menu item like this. Do NOT press it yet!

If you do not have such an item, then call your nearest friend " you_the_the_programmer”And show him the article, let him do what is written here.

Move your Chrome working folder to a new drive

First you need to CLOSE the Chrome browser, all windows. Moreover, look in the notification area (where the clock is) and look for the Chrome icon there. If so, close it!

Now open TWO conductors and place them next to each other. In the first, open your new drive, the same one that you installed earlier, and open the Google folder you created (if not, create it). And in the second, type (or copy and paste) the following address (percentages are required):

% localappdata% \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data

Find the Default folder there and COPY it to a new drive, to the Google folder.

Now, RENDER THE OLD FOLDER to Default.old (which is in User Data).

And then the magic begins. Right-click on the Default folder on the new disk and select "Remember Link Source". If there is no such item, return everything back and urgently call you_the_the_programmer!

Place as -\u003e Junction link:

It should look like this:

Happened? Fine! Launch Google Chrome and open any site. Just fasten your seat belts first, otherwise your head may spin from this speed!

Google Chrome (Google Chrome) - popular and fast browser from google with open source code... A high-speed web browser provides the user with stability and security for the Internet, while having a simple and efficient interface.


The Google Chrome browser has a simple and intuitive interface that has hardly changed since the program was released. The main element of minimalist design is the address bar (Omnibox). It is easy and effective to use Omnibox - you can enter the website address in the same address bar or immediately search query.

Google Chrome - Unmatched speed for websites and applications! Google

Tab management

Managing tabs in the Google Chrome browser is very easy - you can open, hold, drag and create new windows from them. Each tab in Chrome exists as a separate process, and if a page suddenly hangs on one of the tabs, then the entire Google Chrome browser will remain functional.


Another advantage of the Google Chrome browser is account synchronization. If the user uses his account in e-mail Gmail, the program automatically syncs categories (options, themes, plugins and bookmarks, fields auto fill), and each can be disabled.

Google Chrome is a simple, fast and secure web browser! Google

Work speed

Chrome launches quickly and loads pages just as quickly. Google Chrome is based on the open source WebKit system developed by Apple, as well as the JavaScript V8 system, which provides high-speed operation and opening of Internet pages and web applications.


Google Chrome has built-in phishing and malware protection to keep you as safe as possible from online threats. The browser supports incognito mode. Pages that are viewed in this mode will not appear in the browser history, not in the search history, and will not leave traces in cookies, they are automatically deleted when the user closes this window. Automatic auto-update downloads the most recent fixes.

Download Google Chrome Latest Version

Free Download Google Chrome 2018 - browser in Russian and enjoy great surfing on the net. Our site keeps track of all software updates so that you have the latest version of Google Chrome.

You can download Google Chrome for free in Russian in just a few steps - simply and quickly. By the way, it is these characteristics that primarily distinguish the web browser, which will be discussed. Important, but not the only benefits of the program.

Let's talk about this - let's talk directly about the benefits that you will get if you decide to update and download the latest version of the Google Chrome browser. The developer is commendable, and there really is a lot to talk about.

Google Chrome browser: advantages

  • Speed. When the workflow is connected to the Internet, the importance of speed is difficult to overestimate. In this regard, the Internet browser Google Chrome, developed on the basis of the WebKit engine, certainly pleases. Just a few seconds and it is running! The same can be safely said about running web applications of varying complexity. Web pages open instantly. If you have far from the only tab open, this will not affect the speed of work. What can not be said, for example, about - to make sure that separate processes for each and in Chrome reduce the load much more than in latest browser, just go to the task manager.
  • Convenience. We have already emphasized that it is not only fast, but also very user-friendly browser. Actually, the program owes its popularity largely to this. The most simplified interface does not distract from work - you are completely focused on the content. The address bar serves as a search engine, as in. It is enough to enter a search query into the address bar of the browser, and you will not only receive hints and additions to queries, with the search enabled, the page you need will start loading automatically.
  • Safety. You can download Google Chrome for free and without registration, while being 100% sure that you have installed a browser that is safe for your system. Whenever there is any threat from malicious or suspicious software from the outside, the program informs you about it. The level of protection is also increased thanks to the isolated environment. In addition, it regularly checks for updates, which further enhances the security level.
  • Incognito mode. Don't want to save your browsing history - easy! And if you have not a single account registered in Google mail, in Chrome it is very convenient to use incognito mode to check mail, without logging out and remembering the password every time.
  • Expansion. Downloading Google Chrome for Windows 7 for free means getting a number of useful extensions. Comfortable reading sites, SEO analysis, viewing the weather, posting an article to Facebook or Twitter (and such a fast synchronization is important to many today!), Etc.
  • Topics. You can install Chrome and just admire its beauty. Setting this parameter takes only a couple of minutes, you can install either someone else's theme or create your own.

Instant page translation, fast access to any of your bookmarks at the entrance, a useful plugin that is always in front of you - you can list for a long time. Look again at the listed benefits and assess their significance for yourself.

I want the latest version of Google Chrome

We will be glad if we helped you choose a browser. You don't have to search for a torrent right now to download the installer - you can do it right here and right now. Download and just a few minutes to install! Need portable latest version - no problem.

Use only good software... Google Chrome knows how to access the Internet quickly and easily!