Top proxy servers, the best inexpensive proxies for Vkontakte, Instagram and other social networks. Where to get good and free proxies on the Internet What are proxies for?

Currently, the issue of censorship and anonymity of users both in any media and on the Internet in general has become quite acute in Russia. Politicians want to control everyone and always. So, if you speak out against the authorities on forums, blogs, comments, then you may be found by your IP address. Using loud words (such as extremism or terrorism), officials are increasingly tightening censorship. And ordinary citizens suffer from this. But there are still ways to protect your anonymity and freedom of speech from the encroachments of officials, one of them is proxy servers.

What is a proxy

A proxy server is a remote computer, a kind of intermediary between a subscriber and the Internet. If you connect to the network through a proxy, then all your requests and responses to them go through the proxy server, where data is cached.

This is how an Internet connection through a proxy server looks like

All computers connected to the Internet are assigned a unique IP address. It is through the IP addresses that all site ratings, counters, statistics, etc. work. After all, you can get information about how many unique users access the Web from a particular region, city, what information they are looking for, where a particular computer is located, and much more. That is why many Internet users today talk about anonymity, looking for ways to protect their personal information. One way to do this is to connect using a proxy server.

What are proxies for?

Proxy servers are used to:

  1. connect computers of the local network to the Internet;
  2. connect to Internet resources anonymously - some proxies partially hide information about the user, others completely hide data, others distort information, provide false data
  3. bypass access restrictions - in some cases, the user is banned on a specific resource - he can enter the site or unsubscribe using a proxy server, because they are usually banned by their IP address. In some countries, users are legally imposed restrictions, so they can freely surf the Internet only through a proxy. There are also other restrictions that can be circumvented by using a proxy server;
  4. reduce traffic consumption - when connecting through a proxy, data is cached, so the user downloads information (movies, software, music, even just goes to sites) not from the Internet, but from the cache. Therefore, no traffic is consumed. It's like downloading information from another PC;
  5. increase the download speed - thanks to all the same caching, the web user receives data faster, since not a complete download occurs, but only rewriting from one computer to another;
  6. protect the local network from external users - in the proxy settings, you can specify that computers on the local network connect to the Internet only through a proxy server, and external computers do not see individual network users at all, but only the proxy server itself.

And this is how several computers connect to the Internet through a proxy server

The most common reasons for accessing proxy servers are to use a local network and to bypass restrictions. In case of local area networks it is beneficial for consumers to connect through a proxy, because it is both protection, and higher speed, and cheap traffic. But connecting to a proxy while restricting users gives them almost the only opportunity to use the information they need. In many non-free countries there are filters that restrict the surfing of citizens, so you have to use foreign proxies. There is also a slightly different limitation, when resources (mainly foreign) block the access of IP addresses from developing countries to their information partially or completely. Those. only a user from the USA, a number of European countries, etc. can enter the site or some of its sections. Filters are based on IP address. You can bypass this limitation by connecting to a foreign proxy server, the IP of which the filters will pass.

How to use anonymous proxy server

To connect, you need to enter the menu "Service" - "Internet Options" in your browser. Next, find the "Connection" tab and click the "Network settings" button in it. A window will open where in the "Proxy server" area specify "Use a Proxy server", fill in the "Address" and "Port" fields. For example, for proxy, specify the address, port 80.

After that, you can safely save the data and work.

Top 10 best free anonymous proxies

There are a number of companies that provide access to proxy servers (paid or free). When connected, you can configure everything to suit any requirement. But if you want to minimize costs, then use one of the free anonymous proxy servers.

In order to help you navigate this issue, we provide lists of Russian and foreign free anonymous proxy servers.

The best free anonymous proxies in Russia: (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, hides the IP address, but allows you to determine the use of the proxy) (HTTP proxy, hides the IP address, but allows you to determine the use of the proxy)

The best free anonymous proxies in the world: (USA, HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (USA, HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (USA, HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (Germany, HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (UK, HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (UK, HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity)

When you browse web pages, you leave traces - the IP address of a computer by which you can determine its location. Even if you are not worried that the special services are watching you, it is still sometimes inconvenient to have a real IP address. Sites block for residents of specific countries, so until you change the computer address, you won't be able to open such pages.

The easiest way to change the address is to use proxy servers. Immediately, we note that the question of where to get good and free proxies does not arise now not from searchers of prohibited content, but from all users. Site owners set geoblocks, decent pages are blocked along with real violators simply because they have the same IP address, and the blocking technology is imperfect.

Where to get good and free proxies

Proxy server lists

Free servers quickly become unavailable due to excessive load or get banned, so you have to constantly look for new points. Here are some sites that provide proxy lists:


In any search engine, you can easily find a dozen more similar resources. Somewhere you can buy a proxy: several thousand addresses at once or one IP, which only you will have. There are a lot of options, so in a second after search query you will have the "left" IP address on hand.

Adding a proxy

So, the address is there, it remains to add it to the connection settings in order to deceive the provider. I'll show you how this is done using the example of Google Chrome:

If you are using a local connection to access the network (that is, you have a router), then click the "Network Settings" button. If you have a connection remote access, then click on the "Settings" button above. In the window that appears, uncheck the automatic detection and check the "Use a proxy server" box. Enter the found address and click "OK".

Close your browser settings and go to to make sure that your location is now being detected incorrectly. If you see the correct data (provider, location), try to register another server in the settings.

FriGate app

At some point, I got tired of manually registering proxies, and I thought about how to automate this process. There are different options: customize VPN network and forget about the fact that some sites can be blocked, used or other projects based on onion routing.

But then I found comfortable and free way continue to use your usual browser and go to web resources, which for some reason turned out to be closed to users from Russia, - installed the friGate extension. Supplement available in stores chrome extensions, Opera and Mozilla Firefox.

The main advantage of friGate is that this extension independently determines the availability of the site. If it is not possible to enter the page, then the application automatically selects a proxy, and this happens much faster than I explain.

As far as performance is concerned, unlike free public servers, friGate uses dedicated proxies, the load between which is evenly distributed. Accordingly, there are no interruptions in work, and you do not have to urgently look for new addresses to open a blocked page.

The extension determines the availability of not all sites in a row, but only those that are on its list. The preset list of web pages is enough for me, which already includes 181 portals. If you want to add pages where friGate should run, create a new list:

The added site will be displayed at the bottom in the list. You can control it: change the add-on mode, disable or remove it from the list. You can create several lists or place the necessary addresses in one list - there are no restrictions. Besides friGate, there are other extensions that offer similar functionality: Zenmate, Browsec, Hola.

It is also recommended to register the data of Google DNS servers on the computer. This will help to avoid disruptions in work, which Russian providers (especially small companies), and will bypass primitive locks. Google provides access to public servers for free.

In response to your unwillingness to learn and put into practice elementary things, no one is obliged to do THIS for you. Considering that your "shop" does not have an affiliate program, I do not see any waste of my time on an unknown Supplier. With this approach from you, I'm afraid the quality of your proxies will be at the same school level. I will be glad for your clients if I am mistaken. If you did not want to add your own tariffs for free, I offered you an alternative, according to the market law. If I don't know how to draw, I hire freelancers, the same for other services. My business was to offer, yours to refuse! I believe that a one-time payment for placing on the site in 500 rubles is a profitable deal for you, especially if you do not have an affiliate program. I signed up on one small forum for 1,500 rubles per month on payments from an affiliate program via a proxy, but you regretted 500 rubles one time, moreover, that you could do everything yourself and for free

Of course, not enough - so far only 1 page in the Yandex index in total. In the future, for those who do not want to add their tariffs to the site on their own for FREE, the fee will be many times more and mathematically justified according to statistics in the system. For those who have time, desire and, most importantly, KNOWLEDGE, an easy and free way to our catalog is always open

They made a terrible laugh about the 500 rubles budget for SEO. Everything is clear with you. I have no more questions.

Oh, how we spoke. The quality of my proxies is higher at the level of many providers here, this is evidenced by the reviews in my topic and here and on other forums. And what kind of "at the same school level"? I am 27 years old, do you think I am a schoolboy? affiliate program there is, but it is unofficial. For it is not clear which supplier?)) YES it is you who is not clear who is here! Have you created a website on a template that is empty and not promoted, brought in those who are secured and think that you have become the coolest website and have a lot of targeted content on it?

500 rubles for one tariff on a site where a couple of people visit a day? You're delusional, my friend!

I'm glad you laughed, though I didn't understand why. Yes, for 500 rubles you can get a good initial exhaust in the form of a reference mass and an increase in positions in the PS. If you didn't know about it, who is to blame for you?

I wonder who will order the addition of a tariff from you even more expensive?)) Not all website tariffs, but only one? What are the benefits of your service today for suppliers? 10-20 unique a day? One review a week or less?

Yuri, if you personally do not understand something and do not want to understand, this does not mean that the resource needs to be bypassed. I repeat - the url of each proxy package must be UNIQUE, that's all. I offered you 2 solutions, and the option with utm tags is beneficial to you, but you didn’t want to, because, apparently, your level of knowledge was unable to master such a small but very important thing in analytics as utm tags. The second option, I suggested simply stupidly writing url like - you could not master this either. Sadness, sadness, what to say ...

Actually, no one dragged you by force. I draw your attention to the fact that you yourself were the first to contact us about adding you as a Supplier to the site. Why it is impossible to add a direct link, explained above - the link must be UNIQUE on the site, that's all! Moreover, all your troubles started from the moment

That is, from your unwillingness and laziness, and so on.

My level of knowledge, mom, don't worry! I have articles in analytical magazines and web services (F.A.Q., manuals, texts), I have a startup and I myself am a freelancer with 6 years of work experience and hundreds of positive reviews in the field of SMM and content. Who are you? I just don't understand why Utm-tags should be mandatory, this is nonsense. And if I don't need it ?? Study and do it anyway? Rave! I couldn't handle it, I just didn't want to! Why do I need all these freaks and dances with a tambourine? And so I spent time on correspondence with you and on adding one tariff. As for the problems, you set them up for me with your fucking tags! You impose your analytics system, which others may not need.

Using a proxy -an extremely necessary moment when working with programs for social networks Vkontakte, Instagram,as well as any others, for example, if you use several accounts at the same time ... In this article we will analyze the top three best services for the issuance of high-quality and inexpensive proxy servers.

Top 3 services for issuing proxy servers

The best, in our opinion, service for issuing anonymous private proxies is PROXY6 , here you can buy them at a price of 3.6 rubles for a period from 3 days to 3 months, of course, such a small price concerns IPv6 (unfortunately, Vkontakte no longer supports them), for IPv4 (they support Vkontakte) prices will be higher and you can take them for a period of 1 to 3 months. Further extension of the period is possible through your personal account.
The pluses include:
1) Convenient replenished personal account with full automation, you can buy all servers in it. After purchase, all proxies will be displayed in it and can be renewed in the future.
2) For a year of working with the service, there was only one fall and it lasted no more than 15 minutes.
3) High speed of proxy servers.
4) Good service, support responds quickly and to the point.
5) In your personal account, you can at any time switch from HTTPS to SOCKS5.
6) A very large selection of countries for proxies. You can also request countries that are not on the list through the service support.

Earlier there were problems with connecting to servers, not the first time passed. However, recently, this has not been observed.

Proxy-sale service

We give the third place to Proxy-sale... We will not lay out the service in detail, because in general it has only one plus in comparison with competitors.
You can purchase both IPv4 and IPv6, use protocols HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS5, the quality of the proxies are good, that is, there is a general point here. However, there is no personal account, and, accordingly, all the benefits that it gives, the entire purchase takes place in direct connection with the service, and this is a waste of time. The only plus is the possibility of bulk purchases of proxies for a long period at a reduced price.
Few people, in our opinion, will satisfy the service, but under specific tasks it can be helpful.

Finally, we want to warn you against using public proxy servers when working with programs for social networks, practice shows that you will fly into blocking faster than if you worked from one personal ip-address. Competently assess your goals and make decisions based on them which servers you should use to avoid risks.

We will tell you how to access blocked resources using free proxy sites.

In addition, the phrase "proxy sites" is one of the most frequently asked for search key phrases... Many people search for a list of proxy servers to access blocked sites:

The situation when you need to access a blocked site may be familiar to you. I myself have recently encountered a similar situation. In my school youTube networks blocked by the administrator, and I urgently needed to watch one video. I am sure you have also experienced similar cases.

But what if you want to access the blocked site? In the world modern technologies nothing is impossible. Don't let anyone tell you what you should do.

The solution to this problem is to access blocked resources using one of the free proxy servers. They also help to visit Internet resources anonymously. By going through a proxy to the site, you can watch YouTube videos that are blocked for your country or region. Now, you want to know where to find a list of free proxy servers? Below are the 20 best free proxy sites.

Using them is pretty simple. Just enter the blocked url in the dedicated box and you will be taken there via the webpage generated by the proxy.

Let's say you want to visit YouTube. To do this, you need to enter in the URL field on the proxy home page. It will display YouTube for you. Youtube, in turn, will "think" that the server is visiting the platform, not you. This guarantees safety.

There are many fake / fake proxy servers ( some of them even contain malicious software ), so we bring you a list of the best secure proxy servers.

20 best free proxy servers / proxy sites


Filterbypass ranks first on our list of proxy sites. This site is very easy to use and completely free. On home page there is a field to enter a url that needs to be accessed. In addition, you can configure several additional parameters: whether to enable Javascript and cookies, whether to use an encrypted connection, etc. After clicking on the “ surf”The desired site opens in a new window. This site displays few advertisements, no pop-ups and no adult ads. This service always meets my needs and that is why I recommend it in the first place.

This is another great proxy server. Its interface impressed me the first time I visited the site. It has an attractive appearancethat looks like professional sites. This proxy provides the ability to use multiple servers in the US and Europe. The site displays few ads and no pop-ups. Besides, it is the best anonymous proxy server. It also provides the ability to manage your cookie settings.

3. has an eye-pleasing interface. The home page has a field for entering a URL. After pressing the “ proxy options”You can configure several parameters: type of encryption, whether to allow execution of scripts on the client side or not, etc. Like the previous two, this service does not overload users with advertisements and it is very easy to enter the site through a proxy server. ranks fourth on our list of free proxy servers due to its reliability. Although it doesn't have a very pretty design, this service characterized by high reliability, it always gives the right results. The window for entering the URL is located on the main page, you can configure the same parameters as on the previous sites. However, this proxy displays pop-ups and is annoying.

Looks like a directory of free proxy servers around the world. On his home page, he provides details on proxies, how they work, and why you should use them. The sidebar lists the known proxy servers. The user can choose any of them. This makes the first site I would visit if I wanted to find a good proxy server.

The only paid proxy server on our list. You might be wondering why I included it on the list. If you are looking for a professional service and are willing to pay for it, Proxify is the best option. The service provides a free three-day trial version. There are three pricing plans: Proxify basic ( for personal use), Proxify Pro ( for commercial use) and SwitchProxy ( professional use, support for multiple systems at the same time).

Another great free proxy server. His website has a minimal design but works great. The main page contains a field for entering a URL and a list of available IP addresses, as well as their locations to choose from. In addition, the proxy site provides interested clients with anonymous private proxies for a fixed fee.

Has a very simple interface. Most of its home page is occupied by advertisements. However, the service is very efficient. It also allows you to configure various options such as disabling script execution and encrypted data transmission. This is one of my favorite proxy servers and I use it quite often.


It has a simple black design, the main page contains proxy information and a field for entering a URL. The service also provides the ability to disable cookies, scripts and open the site through a proxy.

It is a directory of proxy servers. lists all working proxy servers around the world. User interface the service has a nice blue design.


Another free proxy site. Personally, I go to YouTube through this proxy and it works great. Although it hosts some pretty annoying ads, the server speed is quite fast. We recommend using it after enabling Ad Blocker. Otherwise, it can impair surfing as there are a lot of ads on the site.


This is a proxy server with responsive design and high speed. There are not many ads on it, and it will not affect the interaction experience when browsing the site through a proxy.


One of the fastest proxy servers. The only thing I don't like is that it's free tariff plan does not include secure data transmission ( HTTPS). To do this, you need to get a VIP membership.


An excellent proxy server that does not place annoying ads. I used it to visit some YouTube and Google and it worked great. Its main advantages are its relatively high speed and the absence of annoying ads. So if you are looking for a free and fast proxy server with minimal ads, this proxy is for you.


Completely free proxy site. I tried to go to YouTube through it, and the site loaded pretty quickly. The only thing that annoyed me was the language in which the main page was opened. In my opinion, it was Dutch by default. However, you can change it in YouTube settings and set it to English.

4everyproxy provides a list of partner proxies that are completely secure and easy to use. This is one of the best proxy servers on our list. The only thing that bothered me a little was the amount of ads on the pages of the site. Due to the large number of ads, the page sometimes stops responding. Although it is possible to use this proxy by enabling Ad Blocker.


Free proxy server with good parameters. It's fast, with a few ads displayed in the header of the site with little or no impact on the user experience. Thus, it is quite simple to use. In addition, unlike other proxy servers, it allows you to save the adaptive functions of the loaded pages.


Not a bad online proxy site. Only 2-3 advertisements are displayed on the home page. After you go to any site, ads are removed completely. This is one of the best proxy servers. In addition, it is characterized by almost lightning speed.