Windows 10 does not see the 5GHz network. Which channel should you choose? - yes, any of the four available

I bought a Tp-link Archer C20i router today to test it and write a few setup instructions. One is dual-band, broadcasts a Wi-Fi network at 2.4 GHz, and 5GHz. I turned it on, and found that the laptop and my phone did not see the Wi-Fi network, which was broadcast at 5 GHz. But the iPad mini 2 had no problems detecting this network and connecting to it. New meizu phone M2 Note also saw the new network without any problems.

Everything here is very simple and straightforward. Not all devices can connect to Wi-Fi networks that operate at 5 GHz. The adapter built into the laptop simply does not support these networks. Since dual-band routers have appeared relatively recently, only new devices can work in these networks. And if you decide to switch to the 5 GHz frequency, then you need to make sure that your devices support it. True, dual-band routers broadcast two Wi-Fi networks, at 5 and 2.4 GHz. Therefore, devices that do not support the new frequency will be able to connect to the usual wireless network.

Briefly about Wi-Fi networks at 5 GHz, the main advantage is that this frequency is more free and there is less interference. There are simply places where it is simply impossible to use 2.4 GHz, due to the large number of networks and interference. And it doesn't even always save. The disadvantage is the shorter range of Wi-Fi network coverage, compared to the 2.4 GHz frequency.

So I decided to make a small note and explain why some devices do not see Wi-Fi networks at the new frequency, and how to find out if your laptop or other device supports the 5 GHz band.

One important point. If support is indicated in the characteristics of the device, then it definitely knows how to work with networks in the 5 GHz range. But if only 802.11a / b / g / is indicated there n, this does not mean that there is no support for the new frequency, since the 5 GHz frequency works with the 802.11n and 802.11ac standards.

How do I know if my laptop supports 5 GHz Wi-Fi?

First of all, look at the characteristics of your laptop, preferably on the official website. If it says support for 802.11ac, dual-band Wi-Fi, or it just says 5 GHz, then everything is fine.

You can also go to the device manager, and open the tab Network adapters, press right click mouse on the Wireless adapter, and select Properties. Next, go to the Advanced tab, and there should be information on 5 GHz support.

The very inscription "Dual Band" in the name of the Wi-Fi adapter indicates that there is support for networks in two bands.

On my laptop, there is no such support, and there is no information on this in the device manager.

And if you turned on a dual-band router, and the laptop sees only one network, then it is clear that there is no support for networks at a frequency of 5 GHz.

Wi-Fi 5GHz support on smartphones and tablets

As for mobile devices, all information on wireless modules is indicated in the specifications. If it says support for 802.11ac, dual-band, or 5 GHz, then everything is supported and will work.

What if there is no 5 GHz support?

Just connect to 2.4 GHz networks. And if you just need to switch to a new frequency, and the laptop does not support it, then in this case you can buy an external USB Wi-Fi adapter that supports 5 GHz. I wrote more about these adapters. True, such a solution is possible only for laptops, and stationary computers... If you have mobile device, then you have to measure yourself.

The new frequency has no special and serious advantages. And the transition to new standards will happen automatically over time, even unnoticed by us. As I wrote above, the exception is places where it is simply impossible to use wireless Internet at 2.4 GHz, due to the large amount of interference.

If the device supports 5 GHz networks but cannot see them

If you are convinced that your adapter, laptop, or mobile device supports 5 GHz networks, but does not see them, you can try experimenting with the channel settings and channel width of the Wi-Fi network itself. You can change these parameters in the router settings in the section with the wireless network settings. Try, for example, to set the channel width to 40 MHz, and some static channel from the list. Just don't set the channel too high. You can put the 36th. Or leave the channel on auto, and change only the channel width. I showed it on the example of a router from TP-Link.

After changing the settings, do not forget to save the parameters and reboot the router.

Hello, Happy New Year 2017 everyone!

Appeared at me lenovo laptop , model - IdeaPad 700-15isk. The declared characteristics say that it has a WiFi adapter that supports the 802.11AC standard. The adapter model is Realtek 8821AE Wireless LAN 802.11ac PCI-E NIC.

In general, I turned on the laptop, set up a 5GHz WiFi network on the router, checked that the network works on a phone that can connect to a 5GHz network, and the laptop completely refused to see this network. At the same time, in the properties of the adapter it is possible to select a range, but even if it is hard to set the adapter to operate at a frequency of 5GHz, the network still did not want to be displayed in any way in the properties of the WiFi connection. By the way, the laptop was preinstalled with Windows 10, with update 1607.

I tried to install different versions of drivers for this network card: some different versions I tried to install from the Lenovo website, tried to remove them completely and left the native Windows drivers, nothing helped.

As a result, I decided to reinstall Windows, installed not the most recent, release from the 15th year. And lo and behold! I saw a 5GHz band, and the connection was carried out according to the AC standard. I immediately tried to install the drivers from the site - 5GHz disappeared again. Deleted - appeared.

After that, I updated Windows to 1607, and again WiFi AC - not visible ...

As a result, I realized that there was a problem with the new drivers for this adapter, I tried to slip the driver that was not in the updated Windows (version 2023.4.115.2015) - and again everything worked as it should. The situation by the way is very similar to the situation with the Hamachi vpn status error

In general, to change the driver to the old one:

If you have Lenovo drivers installed for this WiFi card, uninstall them from Control Panel, Programs and Features.

Buy this laptop.

As you know, some models of routers (of the new ones, mostly) support the mysterious 5ghz wifi, that is, the same "5 GHz Wi-Fi", which seems to automatically mean not only a "faster" Internet, but also a more stable connection.

In fact, this is approximately how it is (although not always), but now it is not about that. And then how to find out if your laptop supports this very 5ghz wifi, and if so, how to turn it on.

The fact is that, unlike the usual and familiar to all users "wi-fay" (when it is enough just to select the name of the router and enter the password), 5ghz wifi, figuratively speaking, is simply not given into the hands, and to turn it on, you need Tighten your favorite brain muscle.

But better in order.

how to know if your router supports 5ghz wifi?

This is in case you don't really know how many range your router is, 1 or 2, and if it supports 5 GHz WiFi at all. Since if it does not support it, and another suitable one is not yet available, then there is no need to rush to turn on 5 GHz in a laptop. So, we find the packaging or user manual of the router and read its brief specification. Or open the router settings directly from the laptop and get acquainted with the Wi-Fi parameters.

By the way, since you have already found these settings, you can slightly correct something. The fact is that, by the way, in some 2-band routers the same SSID is registered (a unique network name that distinguishes one wi-Fi network from the other) for both 2.4GHz and 5 GHz. If this is found, then it will not be superfluous to change it so that in the future it would be easier to find the corresponding network even from a laptop, even from a tablet or smartphone.

what Wi-Fi standards work at 5GHz?

802.11a, 802.11n and 802.11ac work at 5GHz, 802.11n is optional. And since most of the current routers are just models of the 802.11n standard, we have to clarify whether the device available at hand provides support for 5 ghz wifi. In addition, not every router that supports 2ghz and 5ghz wifi can work in both bands simultaneously. So, if yours is also one of those, then it is possible that it is better not to run 5ghz wifi with it.

After all, if in some of your mobile devices that you use every day, support for 5ghz wifi is also not provided (and many models still do not provide it), then switching the router to 5GHz is not entirely advisable. Of course, modern dual-band routers usually don't have such problems. But there are problems with devices connected to them, which can lose contact with each other, and then unnecessary confusion turns out. When, for example, an iPhone 7 connected to a home network at 5GHz suddenly stops seeing your MacBook, which is connected to the same network and through the same router at 2.4GHz.

how to find out if your laptop supports 5ghz wifi?

This is also not easy. The most accessible way for an ordinary user is to go to " device Manager " (across " Control Panel") And in the tab" Network adapters »Find the exact name of the laptop's built-in WiFi adapter. Then you can google the detailed specification of this device by its name. If you subtract that the laptop's WiFi adapter supports 802.11a and 802.11ac, then it definitely supports 5ghz wifi.

There is another option:

at " Device manager "Right-click on the name of the WiFi adapter, in the menu that appears, select" Properties ", Go to the" Additionally "And in the list of properties we are looking for a mention of 5GHz. If the option to switch to 5ghz wifi mode could not be found, then either it is not supported in your laptop at all, or there is a fact that there is an incorrect WiFi adapter driver (it also happens).

However, if you really need 5ghz wifi, then the issue is guaranteed to be solved by purchasing external WiFi adapter... Such a device is inexpensive and allows you to do without all the fuss described above.

By the way, about the vanity. As we know, work related to data recovery, replacement of components, removal malware, installation and configuration operating system etc. performed faster and more efficiently by qualified specialists. In this regard, knowledgeable people advise you to be extremely careful about choosing a company whose employees you can entrust your laptop. - this is in case or when you need a reputable workshop specializing in the repair and maintenance of any laptop. Not prevent.

Surely you have heard somewhere, or read, or yourself when wiFi setup faced with such a concept as 5GHz, or 5GHz (gigahertz) in Russian translation. What is it, WiFi 5 GHz and is it worth using it on a router? First, let's define what Wi-Fi is all about? In fact, nothing new - it's just data transmission via radio signal. And 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz is the frequency range at which this signal is broadcast. If you make a short excursion into history wireless technologies, then we will find out where it all began.

What is WiFi 5GHz?

A small excursion into history:

  • The history of widespread use of Wi-Fi dates back to 2000, when the 802.11b standard appeared. Devices supporting it operated at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and provided data transfer at a speed of no more than 11 Mbit / s.
  • The next step was the appearance in 2002 of devices with a new 5 GHz band and new speed - as much as 54 Mbps. As you can imagine, at that time it was a clear breakthrough
  • But 2003 became more successful in the development of WiFi, when the 802.11g standard appeared, combining the features of the two previous ones - the more affordable 2.4 GHz frequency and a high, by that standards, speed of up to 54 Mbps.

Why is it only now that WiFi 5GHz has begun to attract so much attention, although it has existed for a very long time?

The fact is that it was the 2.4 range that began to develop actively because of its greater availability. The speed began to grow, more and more new routers and other network devices were released. Technologies began to develop that made it possible to broadcast information via Wireless from one gadget to another, routers began to work with printers, scanners, mobile operators etc. etc.

To put it simply, WiFi has become ubiquitous, the load on this range has increased greatly, and as a result, the speed and stability of work due to the many simultaneously operating networks began to fall.

It was then that the developers remembered the good old 5GHz - today devices that support the 802.11n and 802.11ac standards work in this range. It is the latter that provides the maximum speed of the wireless connection.

WiFi 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz - what's the difference in practice?

Yes, hardware that supports this standard, is more expensive, but not much. In addition to the high speed, the advantages of wifi 5 GHz include the fact that at the moment almost no one uses it, which means there is no interference. It is enough to look at the number of simultaneously operating networks in the access zone from my apartment.

2.4 GHz

5 GHz

Conditions for use 5 GHZ

In order to start using 5GHz Wi-Fi, it is enough to comply with two conditions:

  • Buy a dual band router
  • The devices from which you will connect to it must support 5GHz.

How to choose a router to work with WiFi at a frequency of 5 GHz?

Surely, after reading this place and making sure of the benefits of using WiFi at a frequency of 5 GHz, you have a question about choosing a router. Of course, I can recommend you several inexpensive models, but there is one BUT! In my practice - and I had a lot of such routers in my hands - I was convinced that cheap routers and adapters supporting this range, as a rule, work very unstable if they broadcast a signal at the same time at 5 and 2.4 GHz. If you do not have all laptops, phones, TV boxes and other dual-band devices, then it is better to spend a little more money, but immediately buy a good universal router.

Now, according to the models - from inexpensive and at the same time quite good I can note. Of the more expensive, I can recommend the line routers Zyxel Keenetic with 5 GHz support and TP-Link Archer.

If you want stability and quality, which you do not mind spending money on, then take a look at the Apple Airport line. You can find it cheaper with hands on Yulia or Avito - that's exactly what I did. But keep in mind that all sorts of chips, such as a network media server or 3G / 4G Internet, will not be supported, or they will only work with gadgets from the same company.

How to connect laptop to 5 GHz WiFi?

At first glance, the second one is more difficult - you won't change all the computer equipment in the house. But in fact, all smartphones released in the last 3-4 years support wifi 5 GHz. For example, I can connect without any problems from my iPhone 5S, which was released back in 2013.

It is harder to change a computer or laptop, but there are no problems here either. We just go to the digital store and buy to it USB adapter with support for the 5 GHz band. They also work in dual bands, so you can connect to 2.4 GHz as well. a separate article is devoted, but in short, it is advisable to choose a model of the same manufacturer as the router. Although, in principle, all standards are universal and will work with anyone - it's just a matter of taste. Again, there is no point in recommending something by brands, take not the most expensive and not the cheapest branded adapter in the middle price category - reviews are also full on our website.

For a stationary PC, an even better option would be to purchase a PCI adapter that connects to motherboard - the antennas from it will be brought out from behind the case.

To go to new standard TV can be purchased for an inexpensive set-top box on Android.

How to enable WiFi 5GHz on a Xiaomi router?

In continuation of the topic, we will consider the function of setting the range of the wireless signal on routers, and start with Xiaomi Router 3. This is the older model in the line, so it is a sin not to be dual-band. By the way, her younger brother Xiaomi Mi Mini also supported 5GHz, but I did not recommend it to you for the simple reason that it is also not devoid of the drawback that I mentioned - when working at two frequencies at once, it was very buggy.

The Xiaomi WiFi range is configured in the "Settings - WiFi" section

The very first item is the Dual Band Wi-Fi mode switch. By default, the Xiaomi router will only work at 2.4 GHz. To distribute the Internet in two bands at once, activate this toggle switch.

And wait about 30 seconds for the router to reboot

After that, two networks in different ranges will become available for connection at once. However, there are two disadvantages - I don't know how much it is for end user critical, but nevertheless:

  1. As you can see from the screenshot, only 2.4 GHz can be left to work separately - 5 GHz can only be activated in conjunction with 2.4.
  2. Another disadvantage is that all connection data (password and encryption type) will be the same for both networks. Only WiFi channels can be set separately. In the same way, with a separate item it is possible to hide two networks at once, making them invisible at the same time.

This results in one interesting feature - with the simultaneous operation of two ranges, the device from which you are going to connect to the router will see only one available signal... And then, depending on the quality of communication and support for the 5 GHz band, he will choose which one he needs to join at the moment.

On the one hand, the developers apparently thought that this was not bad for a mass user - no need to bother with which network to connect to - the smartphone or laptop will choose the best option. On the other hand, it is not clear on what basis he will choose these networks and at what point he will switch between them. I still prefer it when I control the whole process and know exactly in what range which device is working at the moment.

5GHz on Apple Airport Router

Now let's talk about one of the most expensive dual-band models - Apple Airport. Buy a modern cool router for 8000 rubles and not use it software full program it would be silly. The inclusion of the 5G standard will help eliminate the problem with the congestion of wifi channels, thereby increasing the speed of the Internet and the stability of the operation of your wireless network in general. By default when quick setup only one 2.4 GHz network is activated. But to enable a more modern and faster wireless signal, there is still something to be done.

We launch the Airport Utility program on the computer and enter the "Manual Settings"

Open the "Wireless" tab and click on the "Wireless Network Options" button

Here we activate the checkbox "5G" and set a name for new network wifi. Password and encryption type will be copied from the main 2.4G network

We save the settings with the "Update" button and enjoy a more stable and high-speed signal.

As you can see, there are many advantages of wifi in the 5GHz range, and at the same time there is nothing difficult to start using it. If you have any questions, I will answer in the comments!

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One of the main reasons why Wi-Fi is the most widely used wireless standard today is because it is fast, reliable, and very easy to use.

When the first commercial Wi-Fi devices began to appear in the late 90s of the last century, most users could choose between two main versions of the IEEE 802.11 protocol: a and b. Since the second was more affordable from a price point of view, it gradually became a mass standard. And since it uses the 2.4 GHz frequency band to transmit information, a significant portion of Wi-Fi devices today rely on it.

In the early days of the mobile revolution, this was not a big problem, as most homes rarely had more than one or two Wi-Fi devices. However, the situation has changed dramatically over the past decade. Today our houses and apartments are "densely populated" with laptops, tablets, mobile phones, digital cameras, and most of them rely on the good old 2.4 GHz band. Moreover, a number of household electrical appliances such as microwave ovens and many peripherals, such as wireless mice and keyboards also use this frequency range. The next most common wireless consumer standard, Bluetooth, is also based on it.

The more devices use the same frequency for communication at the same time, the more they interfere with each other. The cause of this phenomenon is called "interference", which degrades the signal quality and leads to connection problems and slower data transfer rates.

In an attempt to solve this wifi problem The Alliance (a commercial organization that tests and certifies equipment to the 802.11 series) has introduced a new frequency range of 5 GHz. It first became part of the n-version of the protocol, but was introduced as an option. In other words, a certified 802.11n device can operate either only in the 2.4 GHz band, or it can be dual-band, i.e. support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz.

However, since latest version standard - ac - all certified devices must only support the new frequency band, which means any wireless product bearing the 802.11ac designation must use the 5 GHz operating band.

Why you should start using 5 GHz Wi-Fi

Since it is relatively recent (the 802.11n revision was officially introduced in 2009), the 5GHz band is still relatively little used. This means that even in the "overpopulated" wireless devices home or office use of the 5 GHz band guarantees minimum interference and maximum quality (speed plus stability) Wi-Fi connections.

Of course, both devices to be linked must support such communication. In other words, support the corresponding version of the 802.11 standard that provides 5GHz communication should be like a wireless router used for broadcast Wifi signaland Wi-Fi module devices.

How do I know if my device supports 5 GHz?

To do this, it is usually enough to read the operating manual of the router or check the model specifications on the manufacturer's official website. In addition, if a router offers support for 5 GHz, then this will be clearly stated on its packaging or case - this feature is new and very important, so the manufacturer is unlikely to be too lazy to mention it.

Alternatively, you can open the router settings panel and check the supported frequencies there. This is usually done by typing a specific address in the browser. To enter the parameter panel, you also need to know the access name and password. As a rule, all manufacturers use a combination of admin and admin, respectively, or admin and password as the default login and password.

Here is a short list of the standard combinations used to enter the panel wi-Fi control routers from popular manufacturers:

Address:, login: admin, password: Admin

Address:, login: admin, password: admin

Adr eu:, login: admin, password: Admin

Address:, login: admin, password: password

But even if the 5 GHz band is supported by the router, in order to take advantage of it, your device's wireless module must also support it.

Again, you can find out by reading the list of technical data in the official documentation or on the web page of your device, and if you have a laptop or tablet with Windows, just open the "Control Panel" and then "Device Manager", expand the section "Network adapters", find in it wireless adapter and go to its properties. In the Advanced tab you will find the information you are interested in.

As you can see in the image above, in our specific example laptop asus The GL552J has an Intel Dual Band Wireless-N adapter that supports and works with two Wi-Fi frequencies: 2.4 and 5 GHz.

Features of using the 5 GHz band

In order to take full advantage of the 5GHz bandwidth, it is important to have a so-called "dual-band" router. Devices of this class usually use the n-version of the 802.11 protocol, and most importantly, they offer the ability to simultaneously transmit a signal both in the widely used and massive 2.4 GHz band and in the new 5 GHz. That is, they provide backward compatibility with older Wi-Fi devices. If your router only supports 5GHz, then any 2.4GHz compatible device simply won't be able to work with it.

But what if the router supports 5GHz but the laptop / tablet doesn't? In such cases, you can purchase an additional Wi-Fi adapter. Fortunately, such devices are not very expensive, and most are extremely compact. The only inconvenience with using such an adapter is that it will take up one of your computer's USB ports.

Have a great day!