How to get a list of programs installed on your computer. Remote removal of programs using WMI List of installed programs over the network

How to get a list installed programs on the Windows operating system? You can get a list of programs installed on your computer in several ways.

In this article we will look at three different ways: Using the command line, Windows PowerShell, and CCleaner programs. The list of installed programs will be saved on your computer in a text file.

You can view the list of installed programs directly in the Windows operating system. You can also view this list of installed programs using optimizer or uninstaller programs (you will see all installed applications in the program window).

A complete list of installed programs may be needed for the following purposes: for installation necessary programs, after installing (reinstalling) the Windows operating system, after purchasing a new computer, in order not to forget to install all the necessary applications, to identify unwanted software, which penetrated the computer without the user’s knowledge.

How to view a list of installed programs using the command line

Go to the Start menu, run command line as administrator, and then type the following command:

Depending on what you want: look in the command line interpreter window for a list installed applications, or save a list of installed programs on your computer as a text file, run the appropriate commands.

To view a list of programs, enter the following command:

Product get name,version

After entering the appropriate command, do not forget to press the “Enter” key. Wait a little, because the list of installed applications will not be generated instantly. You will see a list of installed programs in the form of a table.

To save a list of programs on your computer, enter the command:

/output:C:\appsfile.txt product get name,version

The table displays the program name and application version number.

Please note that in this command, saving the text file “appsfile” to drive “C” is selected. You can select another drive on your computer to save the file in "TXT" format.

How to List Installed Programs Using Windows PowerShell

On Windows 10, or Windows 8, type “powershell” (without quotes) into the search field. Next click right click mouse over Windows PowerShell, and then click on “Run as administrator”.

In the Windows PowerShell window, enter the command to display a list of installed programs:

Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table –AutoSize

Then press the "Enter" key.

If you want to immediately get a list of installed programs in a text file, enter this command:

Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table -AutoSize > C:\apps-list.txt

Press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.

In this command, saving the “apps-list” file in “TXT” format on drive “C” is selected.

In the table you will see: the application name and program version.

To save a list of applications received from Windows Store, run the following command in PowerShell:

Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName | Format-Table -AutoSize > C:\store-apps-list.txt

How to save a list of installed programs in CCleaner

In the window that opens, select a location to save the text file. By default, the saved file is named "install".

The file contains the following information about programs: program name, publisher, installation date, size, version.

Conclusions of the article

If necessary, the user can get a list of programs installed on the computer running the operating system Windows system. The list of installed programs can be saved on your computer as a text file using the command line, Windows PowerShell, or CCleaner.

Hello, dear readers! Some of you may have wondered how to remove a program from remote computer . The average user most likely does not need this, but system administrator some local network this may be needed.

There are many ways to remove and install software on remote computers. various solutions And software. In this article we will look at solving this issue based on built-in Windows tools.

It will help us remove programs on remote machines Windows Management Instrumentation or more simply put WMI. Translated into Russian this is Windows Management Instrumentation.

How to start wmi

Wmi is launched from the command line. You can open the command line from "Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt", or simply press the "WIN + R" keys, the "Run" window will open in which in the "open" field type "cmd" and click "OK" ".

In the command line window that opens, type the command wmic and press "Enter":

So we launched console utility to interact with the WMI framework on a local or remote computer. Now using the query language WMI Query Language(WQL) you can execute various WMI commands.

For example, we get all list of installed software on the remote computer. To do this, run the following query:

/node:(computer name) product get name

Where instead of (computer name) we substitute the name of the remote and local machine, from which you need to get a list of installed programs. It is better to enclose the computer name in quotation marks. We press "Enter", wait some time to collect information and get something like the following picture:

How to uninstall a program using WMI?

You can remove the program using the following request:

/node:(computer name) product where name=(program name) call uninstall

Where instead of (computer name) we insert the name of the computer from which the program will be removed, and instead of (program name) the name of the program to be removed as in the resulting list of software.

For example, we need to remove " Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010". Then the request will look something like this:

/node:(home2) product where name="Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010" call uninstall

Press “Enter” and respond to the request for an offer to remove the program Y:

wmic:root\cli>/node:"tep-ws000010" product where name="Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010" call uninstall
Execute (\\TEP-WS000010\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Product.IdentifyingNumber="(90140000-0011—0000-1000-0000000FF1CE)",Name="Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010",Version="14.0.4763.1000") -> Uninstall() (Y/N/?)? Y

After attempting to delete, a message will be displayed informing you of the results. If the deletion is successful, the message will look like this:

Method execution successful.
Out Parameters:
instance of __PARAMETERS
ReturnValue = 0;

That's all! See you in the next issues!

How to get a list of installed programs in the Windows operating system? You can get a list of programs installed on your computer in several ways.

In this article we will look at three different methods: using the command line, Windows PowerShell, and CCleaner. The list of installed programs will be saved on your computer in a text file.

You can view the list of installed programs directly in the Windows operating system. You can also view this list of installed programs using optimizer or uninstaller programs (you will see all installed applications in the program window).

A complete list of installed programs may be needed for the following purposes: to install the necessary programs, after installing (reinstalling) the Windows operating system, after purchasing a new computer in order to remember to install all the necessary applications, to identify unwanted software that has entered the computer without user knowledge.

How to view a list of installed programs using the command line

Go to the Start menu, run Command Prompt as an administrator, and then type the following command:

Depending on what you want: to view a list of installed applications in the command line interpreter window, or to save a list of installed programs on your computer as a text file, run the appropriate commands.

To view a list of programs, enter the following command:

Product get name,version

After entering the appropriate command, do not forget to press the “Enter” key. Wait a little, because the list of installed applications will not be generated instantly. You will see a list of installed programs in the form of a table.

To save a list of programs on your computer, enter the command:

/output:C:\appsfile.txt product get name,version

The table displays the program name and application version number.

Please note that in this command, saving the text file “appsfile” to drive “C” is selected. You can select another drive on your computer to save the file in "TXT" format.

How to List Installed Programs Using Windows PowerShell

On Windows 10, or Windows 8, type “powershell” (without quotes) into the search field. Next, right-click on Windows PowerShell, and then click on “Run as administrator.”

In the Windows PowerShell window, enter the command to display a list of installed programs:

Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table –AutoSize

Then press the "Enter" key.

If you want to immediately get a list of installed programs in a text file, enter this command:

Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table -AutoSize > C:\apps-list.txt

Press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.

In this command, saving the “apps-list” file in “TXT” format on drive “C” is selected.

In the table you will see: the application name and program version.

To save a list of applications received from the Windows Store, run the following command in PowerShell:

Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName | Format-Table -AutoSize > C:\store-apps-list.txt

How to save a list of installed programs in CCleaner

In the window that opens, select a location to save the text file. By default, the saved file is named "install".

The file contains the following information about programs: program name, publisher, installation date, size, version.


If necessary, the user can get a list of programs installed on the computer running operating system Windows. The list of installed programs can be saved on your computer as a text file using the command line, Windows PowerShell, or CCleaner.

I think that all our readers have faced the need Windows reinstallation. Sometimes this happens due to critical errors and problems that have arisen, sometimes it is caused by an upgrade, sometimes it is dictated by the desire to reset all the junk accumulated in the system and start computer life with a “clean slate”. Immediately after installation new system you bet necessary drivers And system components, and then proceed to restore the familiar software environment. For this task, a pre-compiled list of applications will be very useful to you, especially if it contains several dozen items. Now we will learn how to compose it (without pen and paper! :).

Method 1. Use the command line

Open the Start menu and enter the word “cmd” into the search bar. Right-click on the found element and select in context menu Run as administrator. In Windows 8, it’s about the same, but instead of Start, press the Win button on your keyboard.

Enter two commands in sequence:

WMIC product get name,version

After a short wait, you will see in the window a list of all programs installed on your system.

/output:D:\installedapps.txt product get name,version

Now all you have to do is open file manager drive D (you can, of course, specify a different save path) and you will see there text file installedapps.txt with a list of all installed programs .

Method 2. CCleaner

For those users who, as a child, were frightened by the black and white command line, there is an easier method, but it requires an additional program. Its role will be played by the popular CCleaner utility, which is installed on almost any computer. In addition, this method allows you to generate more full list your software.

Open CCleaner and go to Service. Here you will see a complete list of programs and you only need to click the button Save report in the lower right corner to save it to a text file.

After this, you need to select a save path and file name. The list created in this way contains more information than the one generated using the command line, since it contains information about the publisher, size and installation date.

Sometimes there is a need to obtain a list of all programs installed on the system. Of course, you can open the folder with installed programs and look by the names of the folders, but this is an irrational way, since programs are installed not only there.

You can open the Control Panel and look for their names in the Add or Remove Programs section. But this path is also not optimal and accurate, since some programs do not register their data in the registry, by which they can be deleted.

And the method of manually compiling a list is not very convenient. In Windows, there are several ways to get a list of installed programs, and you don't have to remember them - you can save the list to a file.

Getting a list of installed programs using CCleaner

I have already written about the wonderful CCleaner utility, with which you can maintain system performance by promptly deleting unnecessary data. This program provides the ability to obtain a list of programs installed on the system: you need to go to the uninstall programs section and save a report on installed programs.

The program creates a list of installed programs, which, in addition to the name, indicates the program version, size and installation date. The list is saved as a text file.

Using built-in Windows features

You can get a list of programs installed on the system without using third party programs using only built-in features. To do this, you need to open the command line and enter two commands in a row:

WMIC product get name,version

After thinking for a couple of seconds, the system will display a list of programs installed in it.

/output:C:\Temp\installedapps.txt product get name,version

By opening the file specified in the command, you will see a list of programs installed on Windows.