Connecting cameras via wifi. Connecting an IP camera: diagram, configuration, instructions. Connecting power supply for ip cameras

- the most functional equipment for security systems of any configuration and scale. Their use gives an organization or an individual many advantages:

  • High image quality and resistance to interference and other electromagnetic interference;
  • Possibility to connect to an existing office computer network and application wireless technologies Wi-Fi eliminates the need for an additional indoor network;
  • The ability to connect to a local power source through network adapter or the use of PoE (Power over Ethernet) 802.3 af technology, which allows you to supply the required voltage through a normal network cable twisted pair.

Routers used on the network must support PoE technology to provide power to the cameras over the same cable.

There are several ways to organize via an IP camera:

  • Using a cable connection (directly or through a router) with the output of all information directly to a local PC, with further processing of the video signal using utilities or programs;
  • Using a Wi-Fi router and utilities that come with an IP camera or special software that significantly expands the administration capabilities;
  • Using conventional network routers via global network.

Camera connection

to the PC can be done in two ways:
  1. Directly - oblique crimping is used (cross way of distributing wires twisted pair in the connector type RJ-45);
  2. Through a router (hub, switch) - a direct type of arrangement of wires in the connector is used.

A bit of theory

To access the internal firmware of the camera, regardless of whether through the global or local area network office, you must assign a unique name to the device - an IP address. There are the following types of IP addresses:

  1. White addresses are a unique, unique code used on the Internet. It is also called a public (global) address. It can be used to gain access to the network from anywhere in the world, since global addresses are routed by providers' servers.
  2. Gray addresses - refer to the local network of the organization, they cannot be seen from the outside. There are three classes of gray address subnet:

External IP addresses are conditionally divided into static - fixedly assigned to equipment and not changing for the entire duration of the contract with the provider and dynamic - changing over time or after each new entrance to the network.

You can determine which address the provider provided by connecting the line laid by him to the PC using the following network resources:


Configuring the camera via DynamicDNS service

This method the lightest, but has several conditions for its use. First, the camera itself must support the DynamicDNS service. Secondly, the router must use a dynamic white IP address, which must be ordered from the provider for an additional fee. Then we register a unique DNS domain name on one of the sites that provide similar services, for example:


This name is written in the appropriate fields. Across certain time (depends on the caching settings of the provider) the camera will address the IP address of the local router registered in it, to the DNS resource and update the current parameters of the DDNS record.

Configuring an IP camera to the Internet directly without a router

This method is supported by many models of modern devices. For this, the cable provided by the provider is connected to the camera in the RJ-45 interface. Through a remote PC, you enter the camera firmware via the web interface at the address provided by the provider.

You can only use a white IP address to connect, this setting allows you to use only one camera, which is extremely uneconomical given the cost of the provider's services.

Connecting multiple IP cameras via a router

If you plan to connect the entire video surveillance system, consisting of several dozen cameras, then in addition to the DDNS domain settings on the camera and the presence of a white IP address, you must have a router. Configuring access of the video surveillance system to the global network consists in the following steps:

  1. Setting up Internet access;
  2. Serial connection of IP cameras to it using cables or Wi-Fi connection;
  3. You need to go to the firmware of each camera in turn and change the port value in dNS settings access. The current default value of 80 is replaced with any network-unique number between 1000 and 65000.
  4. The next important step is "port forwarding" of the router in the corresponding menu item on its firmware. (we go through the web interface using the IP address provided by the provider and assigned to the router earlier).

For many manufacturers and models of routers, the port forwarding procedure is slightly different.

Port forwarding

Redirecting traffic from the incoming port of the router to the ports of network devices is carried out using NAT technology (NAPT), most modern network devices support it.


Having entered the firmware of the router through the web interface, you must press the "Advanced settings" button. From the menu that appears, select the section " Firewall", And in it" Virtual Servers ".

Filling in the template:

  • Name - unique, but easy to identify on the network;
  • Protocol - selected from the drop-down menu, usually the most common protocols PCP / IP 4 or 6;
  • External port (start / end) - the port is specified from the information provided by the provider. Usually it is one, so the final parameter is not filled;
  • Internal port (start / end) - indicates the range selected by the user (from 10000 to 65000).
  • Internal and remote IP addresses of the server, filled in only if the user has a multi-level network using domain names. The fields are usually left blank;
  • The changes made to the settings are saved.

Most D-Link routers have ready-made presets in the firmware, information from which (range of ports for cameras and DNS name) can be transferred to external devices.


Filling in the same parameters is carried out in the menu item “Forwarding” → “Virtual servers” → “Add new”.

Fields used:

  • Service port - means an external port;
  • Internal port;
  • IP address.


Filling in the fields is done in the Internet menu, Port Forwarding tab, the fields are at the very bottom of the page:

  • Port range - you can set one, a range separated by commas or a mixed value;
  • Local address - internal address of the camera;
  • Local port - internal port of the camera;
  • Protocol - the type of connection, usually PCP / IP 4 or 6.


Access from any external resource to the configured IP camera will look like this:

HTTP: // (white address registered on the router) :( unique port number assigned to the video camera.

Thus, the camera can be connected not only from a PC, but also from a tablet, smartphone or laptop. To do this, you need to install the appropriate software... Usually it is provided on a free distribution basis by the camera manufacturer. You can download the program from the official website of the company.

For devices running Android OS, you can download the corresponding applications from the resource Play Market, and for Apple gadgets from the Apple Store resource. Naturally, unlike tablets running Windows, you have to pay for these programs.

Let's consider the possible options for connecting a wi-fi (wi-fi) surveillance camera.

1. The Wi-Fi camera works as an independent and independent device.

In this case, the archive can be written to a memory card or. The purpose of connecting a video camera is to remotely view and archive the recording. So, we have: a home Wi-Fi router with the Internet. We connect the RJ45 network connector of the camera and the computer with a wire (patch cord). Using the browser, go to our "video eye". We are looking for a section on WiFi (at different manufacturers the menu is different), we go, now we need to connect our video camera and our Wi-Fi router. In order for the device to automatically connect, we must register this: we indicate our Wi-Fi network, indicate the password for WiFi, indicate the protocol for encryption: WPA2, and do not forget to tick the box: connect automatically. Next, reboot the camera and disconnect the cable. Hooray! She is already sitting on the router wirelessly. Then we can use a tablet / phone / PC to connect to our wireless network to watch videos and control the device.

2.Connecting to a W-supported DVRi-Fi.

Video recorders with a built-in Wi-Fi module can most often be found in a ready-made set of wireless video surveillance.

Procedure for connection:

1. We connect the recorder and the computer with a wire (patch cord). In the registrar settings, set network settings: name WiFi networks and set the password to wifi.

2. We connect the video camera and the PC with a cable (patch cord). Using a browser (sometimes a disc with an application is included in the kit, in this case you can use it) we go to the web interface of our camera. We are looking for a section on Wi-Fi (the menu is different for different manufacturers), we go, now we need to connect our video camera and our Wi-Fi router so that the camera automatically connects, we must register this: we indicate our Wi-Fi network, indicate the password, indicate the protocol for encryption: WPA2, and don't forget to check the box: connect automatically. Next, restart the "video eye" and disconnect the cable.

3. We go to our registrar, and on the desired channel - add the required WiFi camera, the picture should appear.

3. Connecting a Wi-Fi camera to a DVR (without Wi-Fi) via WiFi router.

If you are choosing wireless camcorders yourself, you can easily assemble such a kit. Let's say you already have a router. What else do we need to connect? Actually, wireless wi-fi cameras and a video recorder. The recorder will be connected to the router with a patch cord (cable). And the cameras will connect to the router ( see point 1). Further, in the settings of the video recorder, we put the required video camera on the desired channel. Please note that not every WiFi camera make friends with the registrar in this way. Incompatibility was mainly observed with desktop specimens, with toy cameras. As a rule, they are designed and work as a full-fledged single product, unfortunately not very suitable for use in a video surveillance system.

4. Single, desktop Wi-Fi camera.

As a rule, such products have their own applications for a mobile device and for connecting to a computer. The archive of records in such devices is kept on a flash card. Video cameras can have a very unusual and beautiful design, have bright colors and are more suitable as a toy for adults, and not for a full-fledged video surveillance system.

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Recently, IP cameras have become frequently used in video surveillance. They do not require complex switching and allow you to view the image from any device with Internet access. However, the operation of such equipment still raises some questions, so let's figure out how to connect an IP camera.

General information

Today, almost all high-tech devices are equipped with camera modules, and network channels have become so wide that they pass high-quality video without delay.

The IP camera contains not only a device for recording an image, but also a full-fledged network server, thanks to which it is a self-sufficient device that has the ability to transmit a signal via an Internet channel.

If you know the exact address of the camera, you can easily connect to it through any browser with Internet access and get a high-quality picture. In addition, the image from the IP camera can be broadcast to the remote control and recorded on the video recorder.

The data from the camera is already digitized and sent to a central storage device. As for the picture quality, thanks to the built-in video processor, the IP-device can produce an image of any resolution. If desired, you can compress the video stream so as not to overload the channel.

One device

If you want to monitor not from a stationary remote control, but to follow what is happening through the camera from different places using the Internet, then you need static IP address, which can be obtained from the provider.

Setting up the camera begins with connecting it to a computer via the Ethernet interface using a patch cord. If the required connector is not available, you can use uSB port with adapter or Wi-Fi connection.

With your device connected to your computer, open your browser and type in address bar This is the default address for IP cameras, but it can be different, so it is better to clarify this parameter in the specification for the device.

In the interface of the video surveillance device, you need to register the IP address obtained from the provider, as well as the login and password for accessing the Internet.

Modern cameras have a built-in security system, so in the settings you can set a password to access their interface. Be sure to save any changes you made and restart the hardware.

After that, you can place the camera in the place reserved for it, connect the power supply and the provider's cable to it. Usually this completes the setup, but it is better to carefully read the instructions for specific model devices on the manufacturer's website, so as not to make a mistake; we have described the basic procedure common to all IP cameras.

Multiple devices

To connect multiple cameras at the same time, you will have to use a router (router) that will distribute the Internet channel between all devices.

The resulting static address must be assigned to the router, since it will become the main device in the chain, and through it you will configure the rest of the equipment.

Connect the provider's cable to the WAN connector of the router, and through lAN ports connect the router to the IP cameras. Calculate the number of cameras in advance and, based on the resulting value, select a router so that it has enough ports to connect devices.

But first, each camera must be configured separately by connecting to a computer via the Ethernet interface and specifying the IP address.

Remember that you need to register not the external static address provided by the provider, but the internal one. It looks like and further depending on the number of devices. Address assigned to the router.

To access specific device, open a browser and enter the provided static address and port number assigned to the camera.

For example, if your ISP gave you the address and you want to see the image from the camera assigned port 8082, enter an address like and press Enter. There should not be any spaces in the address, otherwise you will not get access to the image from the IP camera and its settings.

Connecting and configuring wireless equipment is performed in a similar way, only instead of the login and password provided by the provider, you enter the identification data from the Wi-Fi network created using the router in the IP camera interface.

Power problem

Even if the camera is wireless, you still have to deal with its power supply. It is preferable to choose devices with PoE (Power of Ethernet) technology: in this case, you can use one Ethernet cable for data transmission and power supply of the equipment.

However, there are several conditions for using PoE technology:

  • First, the router must be capable of delivering power over Ethernet, if not, you will need to use an injector to provide power.
  • Secondly, you need a special PoE cable that will provide high-quality simultaneous data transmission and power the device.

Another important parameter is the distance between the camera and the registrar-router. If it is more than 60 meters, then you will have to solve the problem with autonomous power supply.

Typically, device manufacturers state that poE technology operates at a distance of up to 100 meters, but in fact, after 60 meters, problems with data transmission begin.

Therefore, be sure to calculate the distance between devices. If it is more than 60 meters, you will have to use intermediate switches.

Using a smartphone

If you need an IP camera for a short time, and you do not want to spend money on special equipment, use a regular smartphone or tablet instead.

For modern mobile operating systems, applications have been developed that allow you to use gadgets as IP cameras.

For example, if you are using an Android device, you can find in Play Market application IP Webcam and install it on your smartphone.

However, even using special applications will not free you from solving the tasks described above: assigning a port, installing a device. It is a little easier to resolve the power situation, since the smartphone has a built-in battery that will last long enough with the display turned off.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to establish a full-fledged observation using a smartphone or tablet. Therefore, it is recommended to use specialized equipment, sharpened for performing specific task; this way you will get better quality video with good conversion capabilities.

When going to the store for an IP-camera, try to find as much information about it as possible on the Internet. Be sure to watch a sample video, preferably filmed in the conditions in which you are going to operate the equipment.

It is much easier to immediately purchase a device with an image that suits you, rather than tormenting yourself with settings that do not always give the required level of quality.

Visit several forums on video surveillance and camera selection. If you have a question, it is most likely already reviewed and resolved by other users, so do not neglect their experience.

If you are going to save the data recorded by the camera directly to the DVR, then make sure that these devices are compatible. Unfortunately, standardization in this area of \u200b\u200bhigh technologies is still poorly developed, and therefore users are often faced with the fact that equipment from different manufacturers refuses to work correctly with each other.

Try to use a wired connection whenever possible, as it is more reliable than Wi-Fi. Do not save space on storage devices - remember that one unsaved video may be the very necessary recording for which you installed the camera.

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WI FI camera NEO COOLCAM NIP-02 - detailed review, programs, setting, remote access.

I had to kill midnight to analyze the nuances of working with this camerasince the instruction was in Chinese.

I present to your attention overview chinese WI-FI cameras NIP-02.

WI FI camera capabilities

This model attracted my attention due to its low price and rather large functionality. WI-FI camera allows:

  • Connect to a wired network
  • Connect to the network by WI-FI
  • Remote camera control via software for Windows
  • Remote camera control via browser
  • Remote camera control from an Android smartphone
  • Switching on / off the "night vision" mode
  • Send photos from the camera to FTP server
  • Sending Camera Photos to Email
  • Listening to the room through the built-in microphone (audible shitty)
  • Play sound through the built-in (bullshit) or external speaker
  • Connecting external signaling devices that will trigger when motion is detected

Technical characteristics of WI-FI camera NIP-02

  • Technology: infrared camera
  • Type: IP Camera
  • Manufacturer: NEO COOLCAM
  • Sensor: CMOS
  • Model: NIP-02 OAM
  • Video compression: MJPEG (Frame-by-frame video compression method, the main feature of which is to compress each individual frame of the video stream using the JPEG image compression algorithm)
  • Video File Extension: AVI
  • Expansion graphic files: Jpg
  • Video modes: VGA (640x480) and QVGA (320x240)
  • Support for Android and IOS devices
  • Rotation speed adjustment
  • Built-in microphone
  • Built-in speaker
  • Two-way audio transmission
  • Connecting additional speakers via 3.5mm jack
  • Night vision support (manually activated)
  • Web-based management and viewing interface with browser support: IE9.0, Firefox, Google chrome, Safari, Opera (on the Webkit engine)
  • Network interfaces: Ethernet (10/100 Mbps RJ-45), WI-FI (IEEE 802.11 b / g)
  • Supported sending camera images via FTP and email
  • Support for connecting an alarm that will trigger when motion is detected
  • Minimum illumination: 0.5 lux
  • Adjust video brightness and contrast
  • Lens angle of view: 60 degrees
  • Frame rate: 15fps (VGA), 30fps (QVGA)
  • Supply voltage: 5V
  • Maximum power consumption: 5W
  • Maximum current consumption: 1 A

Contents of delivery

  • Source of power
  • Wall mount
  • Self-tapping screws - 2 pcs.
  • Connector for external alarm

Wi-FI camera setup

For the first initial setup WI-FI cameras it must be connected to the network via a cable. Your IP camera will receive via DHCP.

I must say right away that I do not recommend using the software that comes on the disk. Everything is foolishly organized there. For the initial setup, one softphone with minimal functionality, and for viewing - another .. and everything is accompanied by a bunch of errors in Chinese. In general, we managed to find a universal solution. A kind of "all-in-one" in a good implementation.

Download the OP DeviceClient program from "third-party" Chinese developers:

We launch it

Click on "Add new camera"

Click on "Search"

Click on the found camera

Enter the administrator login and password

Click on the Execute button at the top ...

Click on our camera

This program has the ability to change various settings cameras.

Demonstration of night vision mode

The camera is equipped with infrared light-emitting diodes, which enable it to obtain a black and white image in the absence of light.

For example, I'll post it in photos from one angle:

Lights on

The lighting is off. IR diodes included.

Lights and IR diodes are off.

Time lapse video

For fun, I set up sending photos from WI-FI cameras to the FTP server every 15 seconds. Then I edited a small video from the received photos.


That's probably all. The general opinion about the camera is that it is worth the money. I would like of course the image quality is better, but that's a different price. In general, I am very pleased with the camera.

In order to properly connect an IP camera, you need to have basic knowledge of local area networks (LAN). One of the main criteria for a LAN is a protocol for transmitting video signals. Different protocols are used for each network equipment (from different companies) and software. Therefore, they may not match. Before purchasing or connecting the system, make sure they are compatible (whether the camera is suitable for a DVR, router).

The most important part of setting up an IP video surveillance system is the address... Incorrect configuration can make it difficult to access the system.

Configuring IP Camera Connection

To configure the IP address, you need to connect the camera using twisted pair ( LAN cable) and power supply to a computer or laptop. If you plan to create a video surveillance system using several video cameras or plan to use them through a home router, then it makes sense to connect them simultaneously. For this it is recommended to use a special switch ( router). Otherwise, each device will have to be configured separately.

After connecting the camera, you can proceed to setting the IP address on the computer. In order to do this as quickly as possible, you need to go to the manufacturer's official website, download and install special software to configure it.

Depending on the manufacturer, the interface of the program for configuring the IP camera will differ, but the functionality will be approximately the same. We will consider connecting a camera using the software example. iVMS-4200 company Hikvision... IP cameras from this manufacturer can be connected remotely using the service HiDDNS without using a static IP address.

Automatic connection

The IP address is configured in the following sequence:

  1. Run the program and select the menu item Tool-\u003e Device Management;
  2. Select the " Server»;
  3. Click on the menu item " Encoding Device»;
  4. In chapter " Online Device"A list of equipment connected to the network will appear, from which you can select equipment for operation using the" Add to Client»;
  5. If you know the IP of the device, you can add the device to manual modeby clicking " Add Device».

IP definition via client software

Manual connection

Remote connection via HiDDNS

It is often necessary to connect an IP camera remotely, i.e. via the Internet. In this case, the IP address of the camera will constantly change, unless you specifically order a static IP address from the provider, for which an additional fee is always charged.

If you do not want to incur additional costs, you can use free service HiDDNS.

Here you can also configure microphone settings if you plan to record audio. This completes the IP camera setup. If you use cameras from the same manufacturer, then their addresses will be the same.

In order for the cameras to work correctly at the same time, each device must be assigned its own address.

How to change IP

By default, the penultimate digit of the IP address is one. It is necessary to change this value to "0" for all cameras. And also change the penultimate digit in the GateWay address to "0". If the program does not have a line where it can be changed, then we change only the IP.

The last digits of the IP address must be different... Otherwise, the equipment will conflict and cannot be accessed. Leave the first two values \u200b\u200bthe same.

Change IP it is possible not only with the help of special software, but also through web interface... In this case, each will have to be configured separately. To get into it and change the camera address, necessary:

All data for entering the web interface (login, password, ip) can be found in the device manual (supplied in the kit, an additional copy of the documentation can be found on the manufacturer's official website in the corresponding section).

Connecting to a DVR

The next step in preparing the IP camera is setting up and connecting to an NVR or NVR (Network Video recorder). The first thing to do is install in a video server for IP cameras hDD if there is no inline.

For this, the usual SATA, which is connected to a laptop or computer (for more detailed compatibility parameters, check the instructions). Procedure would be like this:

  1. Take off back cover video recorder;
  2. Find the connectors to connect hard disk, food and others;
  3. Connect all necessary wires, screw the HDD bolted to the bottom of the DVR;
  4. Replace the cover.

After setting hard disk, you can start connecting the IP cameras to the NVR. Depending on its features, the number and types of connectors available will vary. Usually this:

  • Multiple video inputs (VIDEO IN) and one video output (VIDEO OUT);
  • One audio input / output (AUDIO IN \\ OUT);
  • Multiple USB ports;
  • Connector for internet cable;
  • VGA port;
  • Power cord.

If you plan to record not only the image, but also the sound, make sure that there is a built-in microphone or a connector for its connection on the camera, the corresponding port on the DVR.

DVR setup

Connect all plugs to the recorder in sequence. Then connect the IP cameras, external monitor and turn on the power supply. After that, you can proceed with further configuration. All your actions will be displayed on the monitor. For more comfortable navigation and interface control, connect a regular USB mouse from a computer to the DVR. Do the following actions in the web interface:

Other cameras are connected in the same way.

Attention! Never connect multiple cameras to the same channel.

Connecting a microphone

As a rule, the quality of the built-in microphone is poor. It poorly picks up the audio signal, records extraneous noise and often breaks down. Therefore, even if the camera already has a built-in microphone, it is highly recommended to connect an external one. But before that, make sure you have the appropriate connector.

Connecting a microphone to a video recorder is a fairly simple task. However, many users encounter some problems in the process. To avoid this, check out procedure:

This ends the microphone connection.

Connecting the camera to a router

In order to access the camera via the Internet or a home router, you need to determine the type of your IP address, and then start the web server. Connecting to your camera via the Internet will only be possible if you have a static or dynamic external, not a local IP address. To do this, you can use special online services for checking the ip.

Thus, your IP should not be in the following ranges:–––
Otherwise, you will not be able to access the camera via the Internet or a router and you will have to contact your provider. If the IP does not match, then proceed to the next stage of configuring the router.

Let's consider the example of the program TP-LINK... First you need go to the parameters of the IP camera via the web interface and go to the " SETTING» - « BASIC» - « Network» - « Information". Here change the HTTP port number any other than 80.

Now connect to the router via the web interface (instructions on how to do this can be found on the Internet) and go to the menu “ Forwarding"(Forwarding) -" "(virtual servers). In the address bar enter - your IP address, a: 2000 - port valuethat you specified (HTTP ports, service port) for the camera and entered in the "Virtual Servers" menu to connect to the router.

As soon as you change the parameter values, you can use a special program for viewing and recording images from a computer via a router... With its help you can get 24/7 camera access.

In order to configure the utility, you must:

  1. Go to the main menu programs "Main console" - "Config" (configuration);
  2. Go to tab "Parameters of the IP camera and video server";
  3. Fill in the fields in accordance with the data used above to connect to the router.


As you can see, correctly connecting and configuring the camera is quite simple. At the same time, in the process, it is necessary to strictly observe some of the nuances. If you follow the instructions carefully, be sure to debug everything the first time.

Related Videos

How to connect and configure an IP camera to watch video through the phone. Using WPS to quickly connect to a WiFi camera. Smartphone programs with which you can watch the broadcast and control video surveillance.

Connecting the WiFi camera to the Internet

You need to connect the camera to your wireless network before enabling broadcast on your phone. Connection is performed via WiFi Protected Setup protocol or by manual data entry. Before establishing a WPS connection to the IP camera, make sure the device you are using supports this technology.

You can check the availability of the WPS function on the camera box, on the manufacturer's official website or in the instructions. WiFi Protected Setup is indicated by a two arrow icon, each pointing to the end of the other. The IP camera can have a separate quick connect button marked with this icon.

Press the button and then activate the WPS mode on the router. This is done by pressing the same button on the router (no later than 2 minutes later) or via the web interface. You can also connect a video surveillance device by entering a PIN code in the control panel of the router. The code is located on the box from the IP camera, a separate insert or among the data on the sticker at the bottom of the device.

UniFi Video App

This utility from Ubiquiti Networks is a professional tool for organizing video surveillance from your phone. Separate versions of UniFi Video are developed for different operating systems, including mobile: iOS and Android. After the initial configuration and adding the IP addresses of the cameras used, the utility provides the following options:

  • Switching between different IP cameras;
  • Displaying broadcast parameters;
  • Picture setting;
  • Change of shooting mode;
  • Pan using PTZ (Pan-tilt-zoom) technology;
  • Sound control.

Uninterrupted operation and wide functionality are the main advantages of the application. The main drawback of Ubiquiti software is the need to use a network video recorder (NVR). Therefore, this solution is more suitable for connecting video surveillance in a large house or office.

You can connect up to 50 different IP cameras to your Ubiquiti NVR system. If you plan to work with 1-2 devices, it is advisable to use solutions without an NVR. If necessary, videos can be recorded to SD card or cloud storage. This will help reduce the cost of equipment and further maintenance of the surveillance infrastructure.

It is important to know! For correct work UniFi Video version NVR controller must be at least 3.1.0.

TinyCam Monitor software

With this application on your phone, you can view the simultaneous broadcast from multiple cameras. The total number of devices that can be connected for viewing in the TinyCam interface is 16. The program also has a paid version - TinyCam Monitor Pro, which differs in a set of additional features:

  • Bi-directional audio transmission without restrictions (if the equipment supports this function);
  • Record video to SD card, FTP server or cloud storage;
  • Support for software and hardware motion sensors;
  • Work on a secure SSL protocol (encryption of received and transmitted data);
  • Sound transmission in the background;
  • Free of charge technical support from the developer;

MEyePro and MEyeProHD

These programs allow you to connect to WiFi cameras from your phone, save screenshots and video clips from the broadcast, control several devices at once. Additional controls have been added to the interface for IP cameras with PTZ support. With MEyePro you can also adjust picture and sound parameters.

Important advice! To test the utility's capabilities, use the test WiFi camera, access to which is provided by the developers. Connection details are indicated on the program pages in Google Play.

Tutorial video: Connecting an IP camera to an android or ios smartphone

Eye 4 app to control Vstarcam cameras

The best option for viewing video from Vstarcam devices on the phone is the Eye 4 utility. It allows you to integrate IP cameras into the “Smart Home” system, and not only get access to the image and sound. With the built-in functions, you can control all parameters of your video surveillance equipment.

In addition to the usual horizontal and vertical turns, Eye 4 also provides feedback with cameras that are equipped with a speaker. After pressing the "Talk" button, the mode of sound transmission to the room where the WiFi camera is installed is activated. The app also allows you to activate infrared light and even update the camera firmware from your phone remotely.

Note! Video stream recording via Eye 4 is performed only on the built-in microSD memory card. The ability to save information in the cloud is not provided.

This connection scheme will be of interest to those who do not have the ability to connect to the Internet, but want to organize round-the-clock video surveillance with video recording up to 7 days on a 32Gb microSD memory card. Connect Vstarcam IP camera with LAN cable to PC. Find among the system tray icons (icons next to the clock) the network connection icon, click on it.

In the window that appears, select "Network and Sharing Center", and in the window that opens, on the left, click on "Change adapter settings".

Select the icon for your network card, right click on it and select Properties.

Highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4) and click the Properties button again.

Set "Use the following IP address", enter the IP address and make sure that the last digit is not the same as the IP address of the camera, but the penultimate "1" is the same.

Run the IP Camera Super Client (PnP) viewer software. Add a new IP camera using the "Find" button, save the new IP camera.

After 10 sec. an image appears on the screen. Check the status of the current time as well as the microSD loop recording options. During the multi-day test, the video recording points were repeatedly changed, i.e. the camera was disconnected from the power supply and installed in a new location. Recording is carried out continuously, creating files for 15 minutes. You can view them in the "IP Camera Super Client (PnP)" program or in any alternative H.264 file viewer. There will be no sound. It is possible to record video with sound only in real time on the hard drive of your computer's HDD in the "IP Camera Super Client" program). You can download files from microSD using the program for viewing through the Web interface. How to enter Vstarcam "IP Camera Options" via Web interface?

For more comfortable work with the Vstarcam IP camera, you can connect a Wi-Fi router. Create a wireless Wi-Fi connection with the camera and access the IP camera from any available device. Multiple connected IP cameras work fine within their wireless network without the Internet. Download recorded video files via Wi-Fi so as not to connect a LAN cable. Files from microSD are downloaded slowly, 2-3 minutes. To improve the download speed, you need to stop recording to the microSD.

The use of IP cameras is popular today. They are installed in public facilities, mainly to capture various images. Each device has an internal web server, and it can fully function with Internet networks using a Wi-Fi connection, or WAN or LAN networks. Each device has its own IP address, which can be used to display video images on the screen of any personal computer that has access to the Internet. To view video images, it is not necessary to install special software, a browser is enough.

In addition to standard image transmission, some devices have additional functions:

  • sound reproduction;
  • ability to transfer voice messages through the built-in speaker;
  • installed motion sensors, night vision, etc.
  • the ability to notify by email.

Cameras are used not only for the safety of the surrounding citizens, they are also installed in various work sites, such as mines. It so happens that video surveillance serves for the cultural familiarization of people with the territory.

Since most people switched to video surveillance, the question arose seriously about how to connect an IP camera to a computer directly. Of course, users who are poorly versed in computers will not be able to connect a video camera right away, but those who communicate with a computer on “you” will certainly be able to do this.

Installing the camcorder

The IP camera is connected directly to the computer through a connection. This method of connecting an IP camera, which is powered over a twisted pair cable, is familiar to everyone, because they connect Wi-Fi routers, as well as a direct wired Internet connection, set-top boxes and many other various hardware. If it is necessary to connect two or more video surveillance devices to the computer, then the power supply of the IP camera via twisted pair occurs in the same way only with the help of a router.

Each device has its own IP address, which you definitely need to find out to connect to personal computer... there is special programs, which help to determine the IP address of each device individually. Also, usually a video camera should come with an installation disk, which contains device drivers and special programs.

After you find out the IP address, you should change it using standard or downloaded programs, since your local address must match the local network address. It is possible to change the IP address via the local network. To do this, you need to go to its properties and select the Internet protocol. In the window " IP address"Enter the updated address, and in the window" Main gate»Register the address of the video camera.

After that, access to the device can be obtained by registering its address in the browser. When you go to the device's IP address, you can immediately connect to it and see the image. This simple method is used by everyone who wants to see their own webcam from the monitor screen. In addition to the fact that it is possible to record from an IP camera to a computer, it is possible to provide a connection to a video recorder for the IP surveillance camera.

The process of connecting a camera that has a Wi-Fi interface

To accomplish this task, you must perform the following steps:

After all the actions taken, the video communication should work and be displayed in the browser of the personal computer.

To connect multiple cameras, you need router... The router has its own input for connecting to the Internet network and many inputs for connecting IP cameras. It is configured in exactly the same way, the only difference is that instead of one address, many are prescribed, since each device has its own unique address, and you need to register it to access the device. Each camera has a unique port number, and the fourth digits must be different.

How to connect an IP surveillance camera without a computer

It is also possible to use the connection without the participation of a personal computer. For this use special registrar and storage disk data, in which the recording from the IP camera is placed. All this is connected directly to the monitor and displayed on the screen.

This method is used only if the hard disk, recorder and cameras were purchased from the same manufacturer. This is feasible because different manufacturers may not be compatible with each other and therefore can cause you many problems when connecting. And it is not a fact that the connection will have a successful result.

Video surveillance via the Internet

At the moment, it is possible to view your camcorders using cloud... This will allow you to get rid of many complex settings, registering ports in the router and configuring DNNS. Cloud services easier to use, and it is also possible to purchase a video camera from them, which will already be with ready-made settings. And all that remains to be done is to create a connection to the router and download software application to your mobile device. This allows configurations to be made in minutes without using a personal computer. And also nice bonuses, for example, on the cloud service IVideon it is possible to connect several cameras for free, because you will start paying only when the number of cameras exceeds 15.

Providing power to the IP camera is the key to smooth and successful operation. It uses IP camera technology ... The PoE IP camera can directly connect to the power supply and provide uninterrupted monitoring of the site. The power supply for IP cameras provides power, sometimes it is used for connection splitterto connect the camera via poE injector for IP cameras. An injector is needed in order to connect a camera with an IP address to the unit if it does not have a PoE connection. In this case, the injector acts as a conductor. There are cameras with built-in PoE power that do not require an injector connection. Multi-channel injector uses the connection of all cameras to it and provides them with uninterrupted power due to the fact that the PoE power supply for IP cameras is connected to it.


You should not contact specialized centers for connecting IP cameras to a personal computer, because all this can be done independently by an ordinary user who knows how to operate the operating system. Connection does not require special knowledge, you can learn it in a matter of minutes. The main thing is to find the necessary information on the Internet, study the sources uninterruptible power supply, find out the type of camera, decide if you need a multi-channel injector and splitter. After the equipment is fully purchased and connected using the "twisted pair" type of wires, you can start setting up the equipment.

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I had to kill midnight to analyze the nuances of working with this camerasince the instruction was in Chinese.

I present to your attention overview chinese WI-FI cameras NIP-02.

Camera capabilities

This model attracted my attention due to its low price and rather large functionality. WI-FI camera allows:

  • Connect to a wired network
  • Connect to the network by WI-FI
  • Remote camera control via software for Windows
  • Remote camera control via browser
  • Remote camera control from an Android smartphone
  • Switching on / off the "night vision" mode
  • Sending photos from camera to FTP server
  • Sending Camera Photos to Email
  • Listening to the room through the built-in microphone (audible shitty)
  • Play sound through the built-in (bullshit) or external speaker
  • Connecting external signaling devices that will trigger when motion is detected

Technical characteristics of WI-FI camera NIP-02

  • Technology: infrared camera
  • Type: IP Camera
  • Manufacturer: NEO COOLCAM
  • Sensor: CMOS
  • Model: NIP-02 OAM
  • Video compression: MJPEG (Frame-by-frame video compression method, the main feature of which is to compress each individual frame of the video stream using the JPEG image compression algorithm)
  • Video File Extension: AVI
  • Image file extension: JPG
  • Video modes: VGA (640x480) and QVGA (320x240)
  • Support for Android and IOS devices
  • Rotation speed adjustment
  • Built-in microphone
  • Built-in speaker
  • Two-way audio transmission
  • Connecting additional speakers via 3.5mm jack
  • Night vision support (manually activated)
  • Web-based management and viewing interface with browser support: IE9.0, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera (powered by Webkit)
  • Network interfaces: Ethernet (10/100 Mbps RJ-45), WI-FI (IEEE 802.11 b / g)
  • Supported sending camera images via FTP and email
  • Support for connecting an alarm that will trigger when motion is detected
  • Minimum illumination: 0.5 lux
  • Adjust video brightness and contrast
  • Lens angle of view: 60 degrees
  • Frame rate: 15fps (VGA), 30fps (QVGA)
  • Supply voltage: 5V
  • Maximum power consumption: 5W
  • Maximum current consumption: 1 A

Contents of delivery

  • IP camera
  • Source of power
  • Wall mount
  • Self-tapping screws - 2 pcs.
  • Connector for external alarm

Wi-FI camera setup

For initial setup WI-FI cameras it must be connected to the network via a cable. Your IP camera will receive via DHCP.

I must say right away that I do not recommend using the software that comes on the disk. Everything is foolishly organized there. For the initial setup, one softphone with minimal functionality, and for viewing - another .. and everything is accompanied by a bunch of errors in Chinese. In general, we managed to find a universal solution. A kind of "all-in-one" in a good implementation.

Download the OP DeviceClient program from "third-party" Chinese developers:

We launch it

Click on "Add new camera"

Click on "Search"

Click on the found camera

Enter the administrator login and password

Click on the Execute button at the top ...

Click on our camera

This program has the ability to change various settings cameras.

Demonstration of night vision mode

The camera is equipped with infrared light-emitting diodes, which enable it to obtain a black and white image in the absence of light.

For example, I'll post it in photos from one angle:

Lights on

The lighting is off. IR diodes included.

Lights and IR diodes are off.

Time lapse video

For fun, I set up sending photos from WI-FI