Example Rambler mail. Rambler mail (login, setup, working with inboxes) and its place among other free email mailbox services. Rambler-mail - mobile version

Any email service offers the user on its website a complete list of tools for normal operation with him. Rambler is no exception. However, if you use more than one mailbox, it is much more convenient to use email clients to quickly switch between services.

Setup process mail client is not something complicated, although there are some nuances. There are different email clients, and each has its own characteristics. But before setting up the client itself:

You can start setting up the program itself.

Method 1: Microsoft Outlook

Speaking of email clients, one cannot fail to mention Outlook from the Redmond giant. It stands out for its convenience, safety and, unfortunately, a large price tag of 8,000 rubles. Which, however, does not prevent a huge number of users around the world from using it. The most current version on at the moment— MS Outlook 2016 and it is on its example that the configuration will be done.

To do this we do the following:

  • "Your Name"— user’s first and last name;
  • "Email Address"— Rambler mail address;
  • "Password"— email password;
  • "Password Retype"— Confirm the password by re-entering it.

  • In the next window, check the box "Change account settings" and click on "Next".
  • Looking for a field "Server Information". Here you need to configure:
    • "Account type""IMAP".
    • "Incoming mail server"- imap.rambler.ru.
    • "Outgoing mail server (SMTP)"- smtp.rambler.ru.
  • Click on "Finish".
  • The setup is complete, Outlook is ready to use.

    Method 2: Mozilla Thunderbird

    Mozilla's free email client is a great choice. It has a user-friendly interface and ensures the security of user data. To configure it:

    • Username.
    • Registered mail address on Rambler.
    • Rambler mail password.
  • Click on "Continue".
  • After this, you will need to select the server type that is most suitable for the user. There are only two of them:

    1. "IMAP"— all received data will be stored on the server.
    2. "POP3"— all received mail will be saved on the PC.

    After selecting the server, click "Ready". If all the data was specified correctly, Thunderbird will configure all the parameters itself.

    Method 3: The Bat!

    The Bat! no less convenient than Thunderbird, but has its drawbacks. The largest one costs 2,000 rubles per Home version. Nevertheless, it also deserves attention, fortunately there is a free demo version. To set it up:

    1. During the first launch you will be prompted to configure new profile. Here you need to enter the following data:
    • Username.
    • Rambler mailbox.
    • Mailbox password.
    • "Protocol": "IMAP or POP".
  • Click "Next".
    • "Use to receive mail": "POP".
    • "Server address": pop.rambler.ru. To check the correctness, you can click on "Check". If a message appears "Test OK", Everything is fine.

    Don’t touch the rest of the data, just click "Next". After this, you need to specify the outgoing mail parameters. Here you need to fill in the following:

    • "Server address for outgoing messages": smtp.rambler.ru. The correctness of the data can be checked as with incoming messages.
    • Place a check mark next to it "My SMTP server requires authentication".

    Similarly, do not touch other fields and click "Next". That's it for the setup The Bat! finished.

    Having configured the email client in this way, the user will receive quick access and instant notifications about new messages in Rambler mail, without having to visit the mail service website.

    04/01/2015 13:51 Rambler is an extensive selection of various servers, including not only Rambler mail, but also Rambler weather, Rambler radio, Rambler dating, Rambler cash desk. You can always watch Rambler TV or Rambler news and find out your Rambler horoscope, get a selection of all the best in the Rambler top 100 service. There is even a translator from Russian to English Rambler.

    Today we will take a closer look at perhaps the most famous of these services – Rambler Mail. Free mail Rambler has been around for about 15 years. Today it is a convenient mail service, which can be accessed even from mobile phones.

    Registration in Rambler-Post
    If you decide to create a mailbox on this server, you need to go to the website Email.rambler.ru.

    If you already have a mailbox on this service, enter your username and password to log in. If you are new to these parts and are going to open a new mailbox, click on the green “open mail” button (marked with an arrow in the figure).

    You will be taken to a registration page where you will need to enter your first and last name, as well as your desired email address. The extension does not necessarily have to be rambler.ru - the service will offer several possible extensions to choose from. If the address you want is already taken, you can try using it with a different extension.

    The next step is to come up with a password, Security Question and the answer to it. This completes the registration process, you receive an account into which you can insert your photo.

    How to check mail on Rambler
    After logging into your account, you see a page with a user-friendly interface, where on the left there is a list of mail sections, the first of which is “inbox”; you can check them by clicking this button.

    At the bottom there are two buttons with which you can change the presentation of the list of incoming letters into two columns or three. In the last version right side page shows the text of the letter you are interested in. Next to the “inbox” button there is a number indicating the number of new incoming messages that you have not yet read.

    Setting up Rambler Mail
    At the bottom of the left column there is a button with a gear, by clicking which you can enter the mail settings mode.

    Here you can add a signature to all the letters you send, change the appearance of your mail pages, and estimate the size of your mailbox. You can configure the collection of mail from your other mailboxes, the principles of filtering letters and placing them, for example, in spam or in a black list. You can configure the Rambler outgoing mail server and other settings.

    Rambler Mail – mobile version
    The mobile Rambler on the website m.rambler.ru is well-filled with news and various information, all of this is promptly updated and allows you to constantly be up to date on all the latest events. The lightweight version of mail is also convenient for viewing mail in any environment. Mobile versions exist for both push-button phones, and for smartphones, so that any user can use the mail service.

    Setting up Rambler mail in Outlook
    If you use MS program to receive and send mail Outlook Express, you need to know that the mail provider @rambler.ru can be used to work on any computer and any Internet provider.

    Having opened the MS Outlook Express program, you need to go through the options: Tools>Accounts>Mail, select your account in the list and go to>Properties. All further actions shown in the pictures:

    Here you need to click “Apply” and then “OK”, after which you can start working with mail.

    Setting up Rambler mail on iPhone

    Start setting up on iphone mail Rambler needs to go to “Settings” and select “Mail, addresses, calendars” in the menu that opens. Next, you need to click the “Add” button.

    The next window offers a list postal services, you need to scroll to the bottom, to the “Other” section.

    The next menu is “New account" On the “New” page you need to enter:
    - account name (any);
    - the address you previously registered on Rambler;
    - password to your email address;
    - any description, too.
    After filling out all the fields, click the “Forward” button. Since Rambler mail uses an IMAP server, you need to click the corresponding button.

    Fill out the fields below:
    - node name - mail.rambler.ru;
    - username is yours postal address in the form [email protected];
    - password for mail on Rambler.
    In the "Outgoing Mail Server" section, enter only "Host Name". The remaining fields are optional. Next, click “Forward” and the data check starts. If everything is fine, birds appear opposite the data. You can go to the Mail tab and check your mail.

    How to delete Rambler mail

    To delete your mail on Rambler, you must first go to your mailbox by entering your username and password. Next, click on the “Delete mailbox” button and confirm your desire when answering the system question. The mailbox will be permanently deleted, and it will be impossible to restore it and all the letters it contains. If you select the “Delete name” button, then in addition to your mailbox, you will also give up your name - the nickname will be free, and it can be used to create another mailbox.

    Rambler Mail technical support

    If you need to ask a question to Rambler Mail employees and clarify any issue regarding its operation, you can contact technical support. It is enough to contact specified address and you will receive a response from technical support specialists.

    How to recover your Rambler Mail password

    On the account login page there is an inscription “Forgot your password.” By clicking on it, you will be taken to a form where you need to enter the address of the mailbox for which you forgot the password. Next you will need to enter the captcha and click “Continue”. You will be asked the security question that you provided when registering your account. If you answer it correctly, you can enter New Password and start using your mailbox.

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. At one time, I wrote a number of reviews with my personal experiences and impressions of working with popular email services, or rather with their web interfaces:

    1. — I use it for main mailboxes, because when connecting double verification, this service is a priori the most reliable.
    2. - everything is great, and I was especially pleased with the free and functional email for the domain.
    3. - well, it’s nothing outstanding compared to the previous monsters, but nevertheless, in the new interface of this email service everything is pretty well thought out and there’s nothing to complain about.
    4. — free mail with the largest mailbox capacity of 1 TB. Otherwise, the service does not stand out in any way among its competitors.

    All three of the above services are highly stable and, importantly, contain spam cutters. In some places they work better, in others worse, but in general they do their job.

    Our hero today is Rambler mail. It appeared at the very beginning of this millennium and at one time enjoyed enormous popularity, on which, most likely, the service still operates. As you remember, it was replaced not so long ago by an engine from Yandex, and Rambler, by and large, became a large portal with a number of popular services (including mail, ratings and much more). However, their approach to this matter clearly began to change, and not for the better. But first things first...

    Login, registration and creating a mailbox in Rambler mail

    Personally, I haven’t used the Rambler mail web interface for quite a long time, because I was configured to collect mail from the mailboxes available there to the main one, correspondence from which I, in turn, read in the client from the . However, having come across a number of negative reviews about the work of this service, I decided to try out their new (for me) interface, which appeared in 2012. Actually, this article owes its appearance to the impressions that were received.

    If you don’t want to enter, but start new box, then on the same page you will find a green button "Get mail", which will help you with this unnatural desire. As you can see from the previous screenshot, there are several options for ending your future mailbox (besides the standard @rambler.ru). This, by the way, can help if the name you choose is already taken:

    At the next step, you will be asked as standard to come up with a password, select a security question and answer it (you may need this information when restoring access to your mailbox after hacking or simply losing your password). Actually, that's all. You will be congratulated on your valuable acquisition and invited to inspect your possessions.

    By analogy with or, your login and password to mailbox and for other services owned by Rambler Corporation. You can also set your photo or avatar, which will be visible to the recipients of your letters.

    It is worth noting that, unlike the competitors mentioned above, Rambler mail does not link to a number mobile phone , which reduces the safety of working with the box, it seems to me. As you understand, the argument that you have nothing valuable in your box doesn’t really work, because they practically break it on the fly, and not on order. They are hunting not only for money, but also for social network accounts and other things that can then be sold in bulk to spammers or some other “radish”.

    The appearance of the web interface is similar to some very simple email client (a program installed on your computer that collects correspondence from all your mailboxes). By the way, this is exactly what the developers suggest you do by clicking on the “Add other boxes” link located in the left column. Those. you are offered to set up the collection of mail from all other mailboxes you have (including from other services) in order to view correspondence specifically in the brainchild of the rambler.

    Quite a bold proposal in light of the fact that the bulk of criticism on Rambler mail is related to bad work spam cutters, and this, in my opinion, along with the convenience of the interface and functionality (filters, settings, etc.) is a fundamental thing when choosing the main mailbox where all correspondence will be collected. Personally, I’m still impressed with Gmail’s spam cutter, and its functionality is more advanced. high level. But this is still a matter of taste.

    In favor of this interface its simplicity and obviousness can speak. In the lower left corner you will find a couple of buttons with horizontal and vertical stripes that allow you to switch from a two-column mail view to a three-column one, when the list of letters remains open, and the contents of the letter you are interested in opens to the right in a separate area.

    In the same place, but a little to the right, you will find a button to go to the settings of your mailbox in Rambler mail (we’ll go over them a little later).

    How can you check your inbox in Rambler mail?

    There are traditionally several options.

    Web interface (your page) in Rambler Mail

    At the top are the most necessary buttons for managing and sorting incoming correspondence:

    Also important is the ability to mark individual letters. This is implemented in Rambler mail, although it is quite simple (for small volumes of correspondence it will do just fine). You can mark important letters with stars, the outline of which will be drawn opposite each letter on the right, and you can remove the “Unread” mark using the outline of the circle located on the left. To make a group mark, you can check the boxes next to them and use the drop-down menu of the “More” button located above.

    Well, in order to then set up the background highlighting of only important or unread emails, you will need to select the appropriate option from the drop-down list shown in the screenshot. To search through all letters, you can use the one located at the top. search bar. In my opinion, it would be possible to slightly improve the functionality of working with correspondence, but this option is certainly in the “couldn’t be simpler” category.

    Rambler email settings

    Let's now go over mail settings from Rambler, which are hidden behind the gear button located at the bottom of the left column.

    Actually, there are not so many of them. On the one hand, this will not scare away an inexperienced user, but they may somewhat disappoint a user more or less accustomed to comfort and convenience. However, it is what it is.

    On the first settings tab, you can set the name of the sender (and, if desired, specify a different Email to which replies will be sent), add a signature that will be added at the bottom of all letters you send, and you can also change the cover of the pages with your mail (blue is used by default texture, but you can replace it with one of a dozen background options). Well, you can also see how much free space remains in your free mailbox, which initially is not so much given compared to competitors (only 2 Giga).

    On the next tab of the Rambler Mail settings page, you can add new folders if the need arises. On the tab "Other boxes" You can, if you wish, set up the collection of mail from all your existing mailboxes in this or any other services. It will be enough just to indicate the login and password for these very boxes. If the service from which correspondence should be collected is not standard (the addresses and ports of the POP3 server are already known for them), then you will also have to indicate this data.

    IN this service emails, of course, are available filters. They live on the corresponding settings tab. They allow you to configure the processing of incoming correspondence by checking all letters for compliance with specified conditions, and if they are satisfied, perform one of the following actions on them:

    1. mark emails as read;
    2. mark as important;
    3. delete letters;
    4. move to specified folder

    There are several options for setting conditions and actions performed when they are satisfied (selected from the drop-down lists shown in the screenshot). By the way, you can set several conditions using the plus button. In general, everything is usual and quite simple, if not primitive. But there is nothing complicated and is accessible to a completely untrained user (unlike, for example, the same Gmail filters and shortcuts).

    The autoresponder tab, in my opinion, is of little use, except perhaps for the time of vacation to set up autoreplies and the deadlines when you can respond to incoming correspondence. And here is the tab "Forwarding letters" may well come in handy. As I already mentioned, many people complain about Rambler’s spam cutting, and if it really works poorly, then it makes sense to configure the forwarding of all incoming letters to another service, where spam is filtered out once or twice (the same Gmail or Yandex).

    To set up forwarding, you just need to move the checkbox to the “Enabled” area, indicate the recipient’s mailbox in the “To” field and decide whether you will save copies of forwarded letters on the Rambler service.

    Well, on the tab "Mail programs" you can find out the data for setting up receiving and sending mail through this mailbox using the client program installed on your computer (you can use both SMTP and IMAP).

    Yes, there is also the “sounds” tab, where you can activate sounds that are disabled by default, which will be played when a new letter arrives in the Inbox, as well as when sending correspondence or when a failure occurs.

    Rambler in comparison with competitors

    If everything described above (including spam cutting) works perfectly in this email service, then it can be recommended to undemanding network users who want to get the most simple and, not least important, .

    However, this service cannot provide serious competition to Gmail, Yandex Mail and even Mail.ru. The functionality is insufficient, the security issue has not been worked out, and the settings for serious work with a large volume of correspondence are clearly not enough.

    If we also take into account the mass negative reviews users on the network (here, again, you need to be selective, because when everything is satisfactory, they usually simply don’t write reviews), then the prospects for Rambler mail in the fight against competitors for the market are quite illusory. Their main task now, it seems to me, will be to retain existing clients. IMHO.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    Electronic 1st mailboxis an indispensable attribute of modern Internet- user. We have already talked about such a service as.And this time we want to tell you about such a popular service, how Rambler mail: login, mail, login in which you carry out without any problems,registration is fast and painless , password recovery in case of something is elementary, andThe interface is very convenient. And from allWe will understand these nuances right now. Welcome to Rambler.

    ambler mail: log in to mail and check incoming messages leniya

    Mail service Rambler appeared in the open spacesRuNet one of the first, and we are very pleased we'll tell you how it works Rambler mail: login to mailRambler is carried out easy and simple as from your personal computer, so and from someone else's computer and whether from a mobile device.And we will talk about all these methods in more detail.

    The first action that startsyour acquaintance with the rambler is, of course, registration.Go to the main page, With which originates mail rambler: mail, login,and all further actions will take place here:mail.rambler.ru . Now we begin the registration procedure.

    • To create your personal mail on Rambler, click on the “Registration” window.
    • Enter your information in order:
    • Name;
    • surname;
    • unique login(you can independently select the appropriate domain from the list);
    • a password consisting of at least 8 characters (including letters and numbers);
    • confirmation of your password;
    • Next comes data such as date of birth, gender, region of residence;
    • phone number(it will be useful to you in case you lose your password, as well as to confirm registration);
    • Click “Get code” and after receiving it, select the “Register” option.

    Your mailbox has been created and you can start sending emails, view your inbox, set up filters and create own folders.

    Login to Rambler mail - my page

    We have created an account with you and we have a personal rambler mail. You can log in to your mail by entering your username and password, and you can check this action immediately. Close your account by clicking the "Log Out" button. Don't forget to select " Remember email" upon exiting.

    1. For subsequent login enter your password or click “Log in using social networks”. Now you have entered your mail and can fully appreciate all its advantages and benefits. Now it's yours personal account, in which you can work at your discretion. Upload an avatar so that recipients can immediately understand that the letter came from you, come up with a signature, indicating, for example, your position or the name of your company.
    2. The choice of signature and photo for your avatar depends on the purpose for which your mail is intended. For work communications, choose a more conservative photo and formal caption. And in case of personal use, you can choose another photo with a signature. After all, Rambler is not only mail, but also news, dating, games and so on.
    3. By the way, if you need email access at all times, there is mobile version With free application and the ability to collect mail from other mailboxes. Thus, if you have rambler mail, mail allows you to log into your second email account without any problems. The main thing is to log into your personal email, do not forget to indicate the login and password that you entered during the “Registration” procedure.

    How to log into Rambler mail from someone else's computer?

    Sometimes it happens that you need to check your email outside the home or use a work colleague’s computer. If you remember the password, there will be no difficulties. Go to the official website of Rambler, select Rambler mail, login to mail is my page. After logging into your mailbox, you can check your mail, send a letter, or carry out any manipulations related to the mail service.

    1. If you lose your password, you can recover it:
    2. Select the “Remember Password” function and proceed to the two-step password recovery procedure.
    3. Enter your login and characters from the picture.
    4. To yours mobile number specified during registration, an SMS message with a code will be sent.
    5. Enter the code and create a new password.

    There is another way in which you can log into your email. without password and login. To do this, you need to log in using social networks: Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, etc. You can open your mail without specifying a password if, when setting up your profile, you linked your mailbox to another postal service or social networks. After authorization, the system will automatically redirect you to the mail server.

    Mail Rambler: login to your personal account

    We have already told you about the main ways to open mail server Rambler mail: my page, which can be accessed using a password, social networks or a password recovery service. Now we want to tell you about setting up an email client on Android.

    To get started, go to your mailbox settings and select mail programs in the tab mailbox access agreement using an email client.

    1. On your device, go to Mail - Account Settings.
    2. You will see a list of accounts in which you need to select"Other (POP3/IMAP)" (or " Add account»).
    3. Fill out the form by entering your address and email password.
    4. Enter your incoming mail settings as shown in the photo.
    5. Enter your outgoing mail settings and click Next.
    6. Write your account name, your name and click Done.
    7. If you have an iPhone, then installing rambler mail and logging into it will look a little different.
    8. Adding a new account.
    9. If there are no configured entries,open Mailand select “Other”.
    10. If you have accounts in Mail, go to “Settings”, select “Mail, addresses, calendars”, click “Add” - “Other”"New account."
    11. A form will open in which we will enter the necessary data: name, email address and password, as well as account description:rambler. Click “Next”.
    12. IN In the window that opens, indicate the settings, which can be read in the photo. Save.

    Video: login to rambler mail, settings