Internet and cable television provider. Opening a management company in the housing and communal services sector

Servicing apartment buildings without coordinating the actions of all residents is not possible. The need for periodic current and major repairs of common property, energy supply issues and implementation general management carried out by special enterprises. Such enterprises are usually called a “management company,” and many novice businessmen can open such a company.

What types of management companies are there in the housing and communal services sector?

However, not all management organizations take on the role of performing all functions to provide multi-apartment buildings. Most of them, in order to simplify their activities, specialize in one thing.

Their specialization is the main criterion for dividing management enterprises into the following types:

  1. A company that acts as an intermediary between residents and other enterprises that provide certain services. They only coordinate the work, ensure constant communications with service providers, but are not directly involved in repairs or supply of energy resources.
  2. Enterprises that provide all services themselves. They have departments dedicated to routine maintenance, cleaning, repairs, etc. The only thing is that they are intermediaries in the supply of energy resources, since suppliers basically monopolize the market.
  3. Companies that manage the common property of residents of apartment buildings. For example, management of garages, courtyards, non-residential premises, etc.

Basically, the types of management organizations are limited to the types indicated above. However, this is not a legal restriction, but only a statement of trends. Newly formed enterprises can expand the list of services provided depending on agreements with residents of the houses.

Rights and obligations

The main list of powers and responsibilities of the management organization is provided in the agreement between the residents and the management company.

The responsibilities of the management company include:

  • preparing subordinate houses for the winter and summer seasons;
  • provision utilities, including repair of pipes and electrical networks, installation of meters;
  • seasonal cosmetic repairs of entrances and facades, as well as major renovations of houses;
  • maintaining cleanliness and order in the assigned territory, garbage removal;
  • drawing up utility bills, receiving and considering applications from residents, providing certificates and documents to residents.

At the general meeting of homeowners, the amount of deductions to the management company for the services provided by it is established.

Management company structure

Depending on the size of the housing stock and the number of houses managed by the enterprise, the structure of the management company itself varies:

  1. In a common form of structural organization, the leadership role is assigned to the director of the company.
  2. For more efficient functioning, “site managers” are appointed and assigned to certain houses. Their responsibilities include monitoring workers’ compliance with safety regulations (labor protection), interaction with owners and regulatory authorities.
  3. The actual work is performed by full-time employees, but only when the entire range of services is provided by the organization itself.

The responsibilities of the director and site supervisors are very similar, but the director provides general supervision and organization, while the site supervisors are more localized.

Business plan for a management company

Of course, before starting any commercial activity, it is necessary to draw up a clearly outlined plan of action and financial investments. In the case when a management organization is created, the main points of the business plan should be:

  1. The purpose of the housing and communal services management company.
  2. Investment cost, start-up capital.
  3. Expenses.
  4. Possible risks.

Each of these points separately represents a whole range of activities.

Company objectives

The main tasks are:

  • obtaining as much profit as possible;
  • set up the profitable operation of the enterprise for permanent basis;
  • high-quality satisfaction of the needs of residents of apartment buildings.

In addition to these main goals, the founders can set other socio-economic and venture goals.

Investment cost

The amount of investment in a business in the housing and communal services sector depends on the intentions of the founders at the start of the enterprise. If they want to cover as many houses as possible from scratch, then most likely the amount of financial investment will be quite large. The minimum investment is the same as for any LLC. Today, the size of the authorized capital, when establishing an LLC, must be at least 10 thousand rubles in cash.

On average, the required investment for the normal functioning of a company in several dozen houses is 15-20 million rubles.


The costs of the future management company include:

  • rental of premises;
  • fare;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • consumables;
  • hiring staff;
  • Unexpected expenses.

Depending on the range of services provided by the company, other items may be included in expense items. Of course, you can save as much on each item as the company’s activities allow.


So how to create your own management company It may not be easy due to large financial investments, it is necessary to take into account the risks, and only then get down to business.

The main risks are related to:

  • with low profitability of such enterprises in general;
  • the need for large financial investments;
  • lack of qualified personnel;
  • pressure from the administration of the locality;
  • lack of a clear market position.

The last point is associated with drastic changes in the provisions of the legislation on the procedure for servicing apartment buildings. Everyone knows that until recently the functions of such enterprises were performed by homeowners' associations and housing (garage) cooperatives. So it is quite possible that the country’s policy in regulating business in the housing and communal services sector will change more than once.

Management company license

After the adoption of No. 255-FZ and the introduction of appropriate amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the requirements for the establishment and registration of a management company in the housing and communal services sector became much more stringent. So, in order to create a management company you need to obtain a special license.

Licensing is carried out:

  • the supervisory authority over the activities of enterprises in the housing and communal services sector of the relevant region;
  • Commission for licensing the activities of companies in the housing and communal services sector.

It is with the assistance of these two structures that the appropriate licenses are granted.

To obtain this permission to operate, you must submit an application to the supervisory authority of the relevant region.

At the same time, the following documentation from the management company must be submitted:

  • registration certificate of LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • accounting documents with the tax authority;
  • charter of LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or its notarized copy;
  • memorandum of association;
  • extract about the authorized capital;
  • decision on the appointment of a director;
  • premises rental agreement (ownership certificate);
  • technical documentation about available resources and equipment;
  • director's advanced training certificate.

The certificate is obtained after successfully passing a special exam. Without this, registration of a management company is impossible.

Requirements for housing and communal services management companies

Also, the above Law not only established licensing rules, but also certain requirements for housing and communal services management companies:

  • the activity must be carried out in the form of an LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • the company must have the necessary funds, equipment, and staff for its activities;
  • all requirements of the supervisory authority presented during the audit process must be fulfilled;
  • the company must have a stable financial position;
  • all activities must be conducted openly.

Legislation may impose other requirements on the management company of an apartment building.

Signing the contract

Agreement with managing organization signed by all residents apartment building. The signing procedure is carried out at a general meeting of residents. The entire process is recorded and acquires the status of an official document.

However, signing is preceded by preliminary agreement and discussion. After which a version of the contract is presented to the residents. To do this, you need to organize a general meeting.

Mandatory rules when concluding contracts

The management agreement for an apartment building must contain the following clauses:

  • the purpose of concluding the contract;
  • subject of the contract;
  • powers and obligations of the parties;
  • list of services provided;
  • company remuneration;
  • the procedure for making payments;
  • deadlines for regular reporting and the procedure for its submission.

A well-drafted agreement must be presented to the general meeting of residents. Each apartment owner has the right to make proposals for changes or additions to the agreement, which must be taken into account by the management company.

Creating a housing and communal services management company yourself step-by-step procedure

So, how to open a management company? To create an enterprise from scratch and operate normally, the following step-by-step procedure is necessary:

  1. Make a business plan. In this case, the market and all factors must be taken into account. It is necessary to be especially meticulous in matters of finance and expenses.
  2. It is necessary to register an LLC or individual entrepreneur. However, it would be better to register the company as an LLC, because an individual entrepreneur cannot hire people on a permanent basis, without which the normal functioning of the enterprise is not possible.
  3. Obtain a license to carry out activities. Registration with the supervisory authority must also be carried out.
  4. Find potential clients (residents of apartment buildings) and conclude agreements with them. Advertising will be an excellent assistant in this difficult task.

This step-by-step instruction is universal, but does not include problematic situations that may arise during work. Thus, profitability and the amount of profit received directly depend on the activity of the enterprise and on how many clients it has, as well as the budget. For this reason, in order to ensure a quick return on investment and receive large profits, it is necessary to create a company with as large a financial investment as possible.

Anyone who wants to start their own business in the communication services market needs to understand that they will have to work in a highly competitive environment, have “long-term” investments and not expect profit for the first 5-6 years. Ildar Nurgaleev told the BIBOSS portal about how to become a successful provider.

Where to start?

First of all, a person must have experience in this field, since the telecommunications market is technically complex, and the communications industry is very seriously checked by supervisory authorities, especially in light of the latest anti-terrorism changes in legislation.

But even after working for several years in a television company in a hired position, you will not get a complete picture of the market, since it is quite closed to prying eyes. The telecommunications market is well-established, and it is becoming more and more difficult to enter it every year. Therefore, you need to conduct serious research, especially if you are entering a large city and want to start immediately on a large scale. If the city is small, perhaps the one in which you were born, where you know many people personally, then you can try to start your own business without research, at random.

Ildar Nurgaleev

General Director of the Kazan branch of Ufanet JSC (Kazgorset)

Before we started working in Kazan in 2012, we conducted marketing research for six months. I myself studied to become a communications operator, and since 2003 I have constantly worked in the field of communications, the Internet, and television. When I came to Kazan, I already had eight years of experience, including with legislation in the field of communications.

Another important point is that you should have a team formed from the very beginning that will work with you. In a big business there is nothing to do without a team. The Kazan City Network team once worked in Bashkiria, at the Ufanet Internet provider, we grew up there and gained experience. The Kazan market is very interesting, after studying it, we decided to organize it here new company. I visited Kazan, I was delighted by its appearance, I was amazed that the city is powerful in terms of IT, there is a good school of programmers, but the provision of communication services is not at the proper level in terms of service, accessibility, and speed. Any major city could be a place we could come to. But Kazan residents had not only the desire, but also the opportunity to receive best services communications.

The target audience will be both individuals and legal entities. Everyone needs the Internet, many need television. The main thing is to understand what you will give to each category of clients and why they will choose your services. However, at the initial stage you can focus only on one segment - provide only television services, only the Internet or only telephony.

Investment size

To enter a city with a population of 400 thousand people, you will need at least 500 million rubles. But these funds are designed only for entry: for the construction of networks, renting a data center, renting an office. You must understand that the investment will pay off for a long time - at least 5-6 years. You can reach point zero in two years. Everything will depend on the team, on how you can manage the money. For two years, you will only have to invest in the business without expecting a return. Invest in expenses for technical development, rent, employee salaries.

Our company upon entering the marketand your accountbuiltunderground cable duct . Kilometer laying costlabout 1,5 million rubles.

To understand how high competition is in the market, it is enough to see how many companies in the city provide similar services. The main competitive advantage today can only be quality. Naturally, in order to work efficiently, you will need additional expenses.

Ildar Nurgaleev

General Director of the Kazan branch of Ufanet JSC (Kazgorset)

Where to look for funds for startup? It all depends on the person. What outlets, contacts and experiences do you have? You can take out a loan from a bank, but you will need collateral and a strong business plan, and the money will be very expensive. It is best to find partners, investors who will invest in opening a company and will support it until it reaches point zero.

The majority of operating expenses are employee salaries. The network must be maintained around the clock, so many professional employees and highly qualified process engineers are required. You can optimize costs by delving into the topic of lean manufacturing. The hero of our article advises studying the famous book on this topic by Jeffrey Liker, “The Tao of Toyota. 14 principles of management of the world's leading company." He also recommends books by the renowned Edward Deming, an American scientist, statistician and management consultant.

Step-by-step instruction

From the very beginning, you will have to establish relationships with contractors and suppliers. Firstly, to build a network, it needs to be produced and installed. That is, you need to contact manufacturers network equipment, materials for construction. You will also need to cooperate with higher-level providers who sell Internet to telecommunications companies, as well as with TV channels and broadcasters. You will also most likely need to rent equipment from the data center and maintain a relationship with the owner of the space and equipment.

Ildar Nurgaleev

General Director of the Kazan branch of Ufanet JSC (Kazgorset)

But still, you yourself should already have some experience and understanding of technology and the market. When we started, I already had experience, I had contact with almost all suppliers and understood who I would work with. There were many offers, we considered everything, and even, as far as I remember, in 2012 we refused the services of a large supplier in favor of a newcomer and we were not disappointed. We also proceeded by trial and error: we try a test batch of equipment, see how it was installed, what kind of technical support we provided.

Ildar Nurgaleev

General Director of the Kazan branch of Ufanet JSC (Kazgorset)

What kind of personnel is needed for the job? Firstly, those who will build and determine the logic of the network (technicians, engineers). Secondly, those who will sell the company's services. It is difficult to say how many people are needed - it all depends on what city you started the business in and with what investments. In principle, you can start with the nearest team - 2-3 people. If you aim to serve individuals, then you will need more people in your sales department. If there are legal entities, then fewer sales people will be needed, but they should be more professional. The hero of our article advises: the fewer people on staff working with papers at the initial stage, the better; the more people outsourced - managers, lawyers, accountants - the better. But it all depends on your ambitions. If you plan to service 20-30 thousand apartments in six months, then you need a lot of employees.

Ildar Nurgaleev

General Director of the Kazan branch of Ufanet JSC (Kazgorset)

From the very beginning, we set a goal to recruit 500 people into the company. Candidates undergo a strict selection process. This applies to vacancies at any level. At the first stage, the person is interviewed by a team - me, the head of the department, a HR specialist and one of the heads of the related service. After each meeting, we discuss the candidate’s details together. Then comes the probationary period.

When recruiting employees, the first thing I pay attention to is that the person must want to work. Personal qualities and knowledge are important. Knowledge is easy to test. And personal qualities... I’ll say a terrible thing, but we trust our feelings - how much we liked the person. During the second stage, we compare our sensations.

We attract employees to work for our company through their attitude towards people and clients. Our motto: friends are always with you. Quality approach: You can work late to provide better service to the client. If the employee is not satisfied with this, we part ways. But most often, employees understand that they are treated exactly the same as clients. This is also expressed in openness: any employee can come to my office with a question.

When organizing your company's work, consider three points. First, network maintenance must be around the clock. For this we need people who will carry out emergency and scheduled night work. Secondly, sales managers should work with clients at those hours when it is most convenient for them: in the evening on weekdays, on weekends. Third, for office workers you can choose any convenient schedule - from 8 to 17 or from 9 to 18.

Ildar Nurgaleev believes that the traditional monetary system of discounts does not work in this type of business. It makes sense to provide clients with some types of services, technical assistance, and assistance in repairing gadgets and computers for free. For example, Kazgorset has created its own service club, where all clients have access to a list of free additional services.

Where is the best place to open? For this type of business, location does not play an important role. If the network is built on your own data center, then it is best to locate the office in the same data center. If the data center is rented, then the office can be located anywhere, but it is desirable that in this place it is possible to connect to your own network so that you can use its capacities outside of another operator. At the same time, client areas and sales offices are best located in areas with high traffic.

There are no supernatural requirements for office space. It may be small, especially considering the fact that you can outsource employees for “cold” and “hot” calls. The hero of our article recommends renting office space - then you won’t have a headache with installation fire alarm in accordance with current legislation, etc.

If you are building your own data center, then you will have to meet a number of requirements prescribed by law. But in the case of rent, all this has already been taken into account by the owner of the data center.


To start working, you need to obtain a license through Roskomnadzor, an inspection and regulatory body in the communications industry. Moreover, a separate license is issued for each service: Internet - two, cable television - several. Then you need to prepare the data center for operation and obtain approval from Roskomnadzor specialists. The next step is that the prepared communication network must pass the FSB inspection. Without acceptance of the communication network by the FSB, Roskomnadzor will not sign the act. The network must comply with technical regulations prescribed in regulations and laws. The main law regulating this industry is the Federal Law “On Communications”.

Obtaining a license will take about a month. The amount of time to prepare the network and obtain other permissions depends on your efficiency. On average we can talk about six months.

Rumors circulating among people about the “super profitability” of management companies involved in the housing and communal services sector are greatly exaggerated. If you do not take into account “crime”, then it is difficult to make honest money in this business. However, according to statistics, in 29 regions of the country there is a positive balance in the activities of management companies.


The advantage of the housing and communal services market is stability; it is “doomed” to exist forever. There are 36,000 organizations operating in this sector of the economy, of which 16,000 are companies involved in the management of apartment buildings (MKD). The amount of payments collected annually from the population for housing and communal services reaches 1.3 trillion. rubles Large cash flows, the ability to flexibly manipulate them, and the ease of forecasting demand are attractive factors for business. However, there is not much competition in this market. Why? How to open a management company in the housing and communal services sector, and what kind of profitability can you expect? To understand this, consider:

  • what the management company is, its activities;
  • how can you get control of an apartment building;
  • procedure for opening a management company and necessary documents;
  • what is required to obtain a license;
  • profitability of business in the housing and communal services sector.

Interesting. In Russia, the collection rate of payments for housing and communal services is 95% (from 94 to 96 - according to various sources). In the US, the same figure barely reaches 40%. In our country, the cost of utilities in an average family in 2014 was 3,132 rubles (according to RIA Rating calculations), in the USA - 157.5 dollars, that is, 5,686 rubles at the exchange rate as of March 2014.

What is the Criminal Code, what does it do?

To express the essence in simple words, then the management company is a commercial organization that, under an agreement with the residents of an apartment building, assumes responsibilities for its sanitary and technical maintenance. At the same time, it acts as an intermediary between consumers and suppliers of water, heat, and electricity. The company can independently calculate their consumption by issuing a receipt to apartment owners, or enter into an agreement with some payment center.

She charges a fee for her services, and here we need to specifically distinguish between two types of services (two cash flows):

  1. The money collected from residents for centralized utilities is transferred to the suppliers of these resources. Tariffs are set by the state and do not depend on the management company. The same applies to payments for major repairs, which are sent to a centralized regional fund. However, the company receives significant funds for temporary use, some of which are not always transferred to their intended purpose in a timely manner.

    Despite the fact that the collection of payments from the population for housing and communal services reaches 95%, about 80% reaches suppliers. In this regard, a bill from the Ministry of Construction is being considered, which may be adopted in the near future. It provides for direct payment to centralized service providers without the participation of management companies. Sberbank has already launched a RIC (settlement center), through which money will be transferred to their accounts. It is expected that this will eliminate the possibility of misuse of consumer funds.

  2. The management company receives payment for the maintenance and ongoing repairs of common areas. This concept includes a very large list of works, which is described in detail in regulatory documents. These include ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of engineering and technical communications, cleaning and washing common areas, lighting, landscaping of the courtyard area, routine repairs, and so on. Tariffs for these services are set by decision of the meeting of residents and on the basis of the estimate submitted by the management company. In reality, if it was not possible to organize it (?), or there was no quorum, the management company establishes them in agreement with the municipality.

Since January 2016, the removal of solid waste (household waste), which was previously included in maintenance payments, has been classified as a utility service. This work will be done regional operators, selected by competition, and tariffs are set by local authorities.


  1. Resolution No. 290, dated 04/03/2013 “On the minimum list of services and works..., the procedure for their provision and implementation”;
  2. Resolution No. 491, dated August 13, 2006 “On approval of rules for the maintenance of common property...”.

How a management company is selected

If an entrepreneur is determined to create a management company, it is necessary, first of all, to ensure the future “front of work”. In other words, you need to know in advance which houses it will serve. This can be done in one of two ways:

  1. negotiate directly with the residents of the apartment complex.
  2. win a lot at an auction or competition.

There is a third way - not for everyone. It is widely practiced by large construction companies. From the moment the house is put into operation, until the residents choose a management company, the building is transferred to the maintenance of a subsidiary management company of the developer. Thus, almost all new buildings are “captured” from the very beginning, and these are the most profitable properties.

In the first case, the method of managing the house and the management company is chosen by the residents at a general meeting, and the protocol must be signed by at least 50% of the owners (in proportion to the available area). To enlist their support, a lot of propaganda work will have to be carried out, and even one person can initiate the meeting - but from among the owners of the premises in the house. The decision of the meeting and other documents must be executed flawlessly in order to avoid subsequent litigation.

The second way is to take part in an open competition to select a management company, which the administration is obliged to conduct in relation to houses where residents have not resolved the issue on their own. Information about its conduct is published in the public domain. It is posted on the government auction website (Fig. 2). It is not difficult to guess that the majority of residential buildings that end up there are from dilapidated or rather worn-out stock.

The situation with management companies is completely different by region. There are examples when in the region in one of the cities (numbering about 600 thousand people), there are 3 large companies, and in another - 300 companies. For those who are satisfied with local working conditions, we present a general algorithm for organizing a business in the housing and communal services sector.


  1. Section VIII of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “Management ... of houses.”
  2. Law No. 185-FZ, July 21, 2007 “On the Fund for Assistance to Housing and Communal Services Reform.”

Step-by-step procedure for opening a company

  1. Order or draw up a detailed business plan - it is vital for organizing this complex enterprise.
  2. Create an enterprise in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, if it already exists - supplement the types of activities according to OKVED, make changes to the Statutory Documents.
  3. Pass a qualification exam on knowledge of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents in the field of housing and communal services.
  4. Obtain a license to open a management company in the housing and communal services sector.
  5. Equip the premises, form staff, purchase equipment.
  6. Conclude an agreement with residents, accept technical documentation.
  7. Formalize contractual relationships with service providers and begin work.
  8. Create a website with disclosure of information about the management company, enter information into the Housing and Communal Services GIS.

The difficulty in organizing a business is obtaining a license; we will consider this procedure in detail.

According to the Ministry of Construction, 15 - 20% of existing management companies have not received licenses. By the end of 2017, experts predict that up to 35% of companies will leave the market

Obtaining a license, conditions and requirements

Licensing of companies managing apartment buildings was introduced in 2015, which actually means the transfer of such activities to a professional basis. Licenses are issued by the State Housing Inspectorate; the Regulations for the provision of this service have been approved in each subject of the federation; they are published on the official website of the Administration and the State Portal. It is issued indefinitely, but is valid only in one region.

Conditions for obtaining a license:

  1. the applicant is registered as an entrepreneur in Russia; foreign companies are not allowed to manage;
  2. the director of the enterprise has a qualification certificate for the right to manage apartment buildings;
  3. there is no outstanding (unexpunged) conviction for economic crimes;
  4. the applicant is not included in the register of disqualified persons, and the company is not included in the list of revoked licenses.

If the organization is already operating:

  1. a concluded agreement on the management of apartment buildings that meets the requirements (Parts 2 - 6 of Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation);
  2. information about the company is posted in information system Internet (on our own website, GIS Housing and Communal Services).

The commission's decision is issued within 45 days, during which all information and registers are checked. The list of copies of documents that confirm the compliance of the future licensee differs slightly in different regions, so you need to navigate the Regulations of your region. The state fee for a license is 30,000 rubles. A qualification certificate is issued to an official after passing a special exam, its validity period is 5 years, it becomes invalid in case of disqualification. The computer test contains 100 questions, and you must answer 86 of them correctly in 2 hours. The exam is taken free of charge.


  1. Section X of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “Licensing of activities for managing ... a house”;
  2. Regulations “On licensing of business activities...”;
  3. Information disclosure standard ... in the field of management of apartment buildings (Regulation No. 731, 09/23/2010);
  4. Law No. 209-FZ, July 21, 2014 “On the state information system...”;
  5. Order No. 74/114/pr (section 10) “On... placement of information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services.”

Business profitability: how do management companies make money?

Official statistics show low profitability of management companies: from 5 to 10%. This is one of the reasons why private business is reluctant to enter this area. The main working capital of the management company consists of payments for maintenance services and current repairs. Tariffs for them are agreed upon with residents, and it is not easy to increase them. If they nevertheless pass a law excluding management companies from the chain of payment for utility services to suppliers, there will be nothing to redistribute. In fact, many “house managers” take out loans from suppliers while in chronic debt.

Additional sources of income for management companies:

  1. savings on maintenance work compared to the cost included in the tariffs (services of “guest workers”, wholesale purchases of construction and repair materials);
  2. leasing of non-residential space and part of the courtyard area, advertising space;
  3. provision of additional services to residents of the building (concierge, security, parking, apartment renovations, installation of water meters, etc.);
  4. carrying out part of the work included in the payment for mandatory services under the contract through your LLC (own organizations on a subcontract);
  5. introduction of energy-saving technologies, intermediation fees.

Expenses consist of:

  1. for the execution of work under the contract (current repairs, engineering work, cleaning);
  2. office maintenance, purchasing tools, Supplies, software, payment for payment center services);
  3. formation of the wage fund (director, accountant, cleaners, janitors);
  4. payment of income taxes and VAT;

The eternal headache of the management company is the chronic receivables of residents. It can only be recovered through court, which is very time-consuming and not very effective. In fairness, it must be said that management companies also actively exploit both the illiteracy of consumers and the passivity in defending their rights. There is a direct dependence of profit growth on the number of houses serviced: many practitioners believe that a business can be profitable only if there are at least 5 houses in service.


The specific nature of the activity of managing apartment buildings leaves few opportunities for small businesses. This is due not so much to the size of the investment as to the difficulty of building relationships with resource supply organizations and city authorities. A wide field of activity in the housing and communal services sector for small businesses is the provision of subcontracted services. These are major and current repairs, household services, maintenance of utilities, installation of video surveillance systems, intercoms, security, landscaping, landscaping, garbage removal. A good solution for a novice entrepreneur would be a housing and communal services franchise - as an opportunity to run a business without special legal, financial and economic training. However, there are still few offers on the market, and most are related not to management, but to the provision of services under a contract.

Despite the large number of provider companies in Russia, the business of providing Internet services is promising. Entrepreneurs can invest money profitably by creating their own company, since the number of Internet users is steadily increasing every day.

The market for providing Internet services is expanding and needs new providers. This is primarily due to the fact that in many regions new settlements are being built, entire neighborhoods are being populated, and many businesses are opening. Newcomers will have to connect homes, manufacturing, trading and government enterprises. Let's talk about how to become an Internet provider from scratch, and about the features of this niche.

Pros and cons of working as an Internet provider

Before opening his own provider company, a businessman should understand the positive aspects of creating such an organization and be aware of its negative aspects. How relevant is business in this niche today? Last year alone, the demand for the services of provider companies increased by 25% compared to previous periods. This suggests that the number of potential clients is actively growing. The advantages of maintaining a provider organization include:

  • a large number of populated areas not covered by provider companies;
  • high business profitability;
  • stable operation of the enterprise;
  • possibility of adjusting tariffs for services;
  • connecting a large number of clients, subject to the provision of high-quality service.

Providers also have certain problems, newbies should also be aware of them. First of all, we should highlight the need for large start-up investments to open a business. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that the procedure for obtaining certificates and licenses is quite lengthy and complicated.

In addition, the activities of providers directly depend on laws that largely limit their work. Nevertheless, in the telecommunications market, it is among provider companies that the most dynamic development is observed. In just a few years of active work, many enterprises achieve very decent profits, and every year its size only increases. As for the providers themselves, they can be local and federal, while in the vast majority of large and small cities their number can vary within several dozen.

How to become an Internet provider from scratch?

Let's look at the main stages in more detail.

Business registration

To begin commercial activities providing Internet access services, a businessman needs to register his company with the Federal Tax Service. Let us note right away that in this case it will not be possible to register an individual entrepreneurship, since work is only possible as a legal entity (LLC).

What are the benefits of opening a limited liability company? An entrepreneur will be able to quickly prepare documents and work according to the simplified tax system. Moreover, all owners of the company are responsible for its activities exclusively within the authorized capital, so in the event of bankruptcy, businessmen lose practically nothing.

When registering a company, you need to indicate OKVED codes. The following are suitable for the provider:

  • 61.1 – “Activities in the field of communications based on wired technologies”;
  • 61.10.3 – “Activities for the provision of data transmission services and access services to the information and communication network Internet”;
  • 61.90 – “Other activities in the field of telecommunications.”

It is also necessary to develop the Charter of the organization indicating its full and abbreviated name. It is also worth including information about the founders of the provider company, the rights and obligations of its participants, as well as the size of the authorized capital.

When the enterprise is registered, you will need to open a bank account, make a seal and design a communication center. The created company should be registered with the pension and social insurance funds. To install the equipment and begin work, you need to obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate, the SES and local authorities.

Obtaining a license

Companies operating in the field of providing provider services, communications and radio broadcasting must have the appropriate license. To obtain permits, entrepreneurs need to contact Roskomnadzor. You can do this by submitting a request through the State Services portal (here you can also find out other information), by independently visiting a Roskomnadzor office, or by sending a package of papers by registered mail. As a rule, consideration of a request and registration of a permit is carried out within 1.5 months.

Important: Entrepreneurs who want to organize a provider company or should contact the Federal State Budgetary Institution MIR IT. This is necessary to pass the mandatory examination of the communication center project. To develop it in accordance with regulatory requirements, you should contact design organizations. The cost of such services ranges from 40 thousand rubles.

Selecting a room

To locate the facilities of a provider company, it is not at all necessary to rent expensive space in the central points of the city. For this, you can find a suitable place in residential areas or even in an industrial zone. It is advisable to initially find a room of 100 m².

Please note that providers are allowed to install equipment in basements and attics. If you plan to rent space, the owner of the real estate must submit permission to organize and equip a communications center there. The entrepreneur also needs to contact Rospozhnadzor and the SES to obtain the appropriate permits, since such companies are subject to increased requirements. For example, the premises must be provided with properly functioning communications (electrical networks, air conditioning systems). In addition, according to safety rules, electrical equipment will have to be grounded, otherwise the state supervision will not approve the opening of the company. Renting premises costs from 100 thousand rubles monthly.

Equipment purchase

To become an Internet provider in a village or large locality, a businessman needs to purchase the appropriate technical equipment. To ensure uninterrupted access to the Internet, it is recommended to purchase modern, high-performance equipment.

This task should be entrusted to people who are well versed in network equipment issues, otherwise the risk of significant cost overruns increases (this is also worth remembering for those who, for example, want to become a professional, because in order not to lose money due to lack of experience, it is better to transfer it to trust management to an experienced trader). Purchasing equipment is a significant part of a young company's expenses.

From the right choice The equipment depends on the number of connected subscribers and the quality of the services provided. Approximate list of equipment:

  • assembly cabinets for equipment installation;
  • servers;
  • equipment racks;
  • administrative panel;
  • network switches;
  • split systems.

To equip the service and office premises of the provider company, it is necessary to purchase furniture, computers and office equipment. In order for the organization’s employees to do their work, it will be necessary to purchase professional tools that are used to connect subscribers, a large number of cables for various purposes and spare parts.

It is quite difficult to predict the exact cost of equipment, since it depends on the prices of the manufacturers' products and the number of expected subscribers. On average, organizing the work of a provider can cost about 1 million rubles. In addition, round-the-clock security of server equipment and the organization as a whole should be ensured. For this reason, it is better to conclude a cooperation agreement with the relevant agency.

It is worth choosing a security company so that its specialists can connect a video tracking system and organize an observation post. One-time expenses for these events will amount to about 300 thousand rubles.


To ensure proper operation of the company, it is necessary to invite experienced specialists to the staff. Future employees must have a higher specialized education and an understanding of the mechanisms of operation of provider organizations. It is imperative to find a managing manager who will manage the staff and monitor the implementation of assigned tasks. An administrator and an accountant will also be required. Approximate staff of the provider company:

  • director (managing manager) – 50 thousand rubles;
  • administrator – 35 thousand rubles;
  • administrative assistant (2 people) – 40 thousand rubles;
  • programmer (webmaster) – 40 thousand rubles;
  • support operator (4 people) – 60 thousand rubles;
  • network equipment installer (4 people) – 100 thousand rubles.

Thus, the cost of paying staff will be 325 thousand rubles monthly. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to hire a cleaner, but it’s better to enter into an agreement with an outsourcing company that will provide employees cheaper.

Promotion of services

You should find out about the new provider organization maximum amount people in the locality where it is expected to open. Without professional promotion, it will be almost impossible to achieve serious results. For this reason, it is better to contact an advertising agency. Specialists will develop an effective marketing plan for promoting the provider and will be able to correctly implement it.

To begin with, it is recommended to use the possibilities of broadcasting advertising on local television and radio channels. It also wouldn’t hurt to submit advertisements in the city’s printed newspaper. You can also order services for advertising on billboards and other information platforms in the city. Distributing leaflets, flyers and booklets in places with high foot traffic has a good effect.

To attract interest target audience, the provider must have its own website in Global network. It should contain information about the activities of the organization, contact details, a list of services and tariffs for various packages for subscribers. We still need to create communities in in social networks and link them to the company portal. It is advisable to come up with all kinds of promotions, bonuses, sweepstakes (for example, a month of free use of services will be a win) and other incentives.

The management of the provider company should independently visit city enterprises in order to offer their services. To do this, it is necessary to study the needs of the target audience, create a unique selling proposition and develop flexible system discounts Also, thanks to you, a large number of potential clients will learn about you. It is important to remember that such a marketing move is only possible if High Quality services provided. Capital investments in the advertising campaign will amount to about 300 thousand rubles. In the future, this amount will vary within 50 thousand rubles monthly.

How to become an Internet provider - financial plan

Before starting any business, it is recommended to create a financial plan. Such calculations allow you to find out the amount of capital investment in the project, the mandatory costs of its maintenance and possible profit. Let's make approximate calculations of the initial investments that are necessary to open a provider company. This:

  • registration of an enterprise – 18 thousand rubles;
  • obtaining a license – 30 thousand rubles;
  • development of design documentation – 40 thousand rubles;
  • examination – 23 thousand rubles;
  • rental of premises (minimum for 1 year) – 1.2 million rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​1.3 million rubles;
  • implementation of a marketing campaign – 300 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses – 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, capital investments will amount to 2.961 million rubles. The amount of mandatory monthly expenses should also be calculated. These include:

  • employee salary – 335 thousand rubles;
  • tax deductions – 50 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of components – 70 thousand rubles;
  • conducting an advertising campaign – 50 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses – 20 thousand rubles.

Total - the amount of mandatory monthly payments is 555 thousand rubles. As for the estimated profit of the enterprise, it depends on the number of connected subscribers and the region. Let's give the average data for the work of providers: if there are 1000 active clients, the organization's income will be on average 690 thousand rubles per month. Payback of the project is possible after 1 year of work.

Important: We have provided only approximate costs for organizing a provider company. They did not take into account the costs of purchasing licensed software. This issue should be agreed upon with the webmasters who will be involved in computer support.

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Note that when proper organization A provider company can quickly recruit a large number of regular subscribers. Before starting a business, you need to conduct detailed analysis competitor market, which will allow you to understand in which direction you need to develop to ensure stable earnings for the enterprise.

An Internet provider today is understood as an organization that carries out intermediary activities between providers that have more than high level, and direct users of the Internet. In fact, such a company is a wholesale buyer of traffic, which is subsequently resold at retail to end users.

In Russia, the provision of Internet access today is classified as communication services, which entails difficulties associated with the mandatory obtaining of a license from the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, coordination of projects and certification of the equipment used. The specifics of the activity also presuppose the implementation of such activities only in the status legal entity, that is, LLC, CJSC or OJSC. Self-registration of a legal entity and obtaining the appropriate license may take some time. long term, therefore, it is recommended to contact a consulting company, whose specialists will provide support services in the preparation of all necessary documentation.

In general, the range of services provided by Internet providers is quite wide and may include:

  1. Providing broadband, dial-up and wireless Internet access;
  2. Formation of private corporate networks;
  3. Provision of services cellular communication;
  4. Connection digital television;
  5. Placing the client’s equipment on its own territory;
  6. Providing servers for rent.

Initially, Internet providers in Russia provided many related services, more typical of companies developing websites and online stores. Often, providers also provided hosting for developed sites, but today the main trend is the provision of cellular communication services, digital television and, of course, the provision of wireless network access.

It is worth noting that previously a good option for doing business was to create a local network within an apartment building. However, with the popularization of wireless access, this option has become less interesting for users and, naturally, for companies. A technical problem with home local networks was the speed limit when connecting a large number of users. Also, this business had little opportunity to scale and compete with large companies that offered more profitable Internet connection options.

Towards risks of this business It is worth attributing a strong dependence on the following factors:

  • Power outage;
  • Channel failure;
  • Changes in legislation, in particular regarding the processing of personal data.