Where to remove the password for Windows 7. If you suddenly forgot your Windows password: Break the password! Selection and decryption of passwords

A password is the foundation of security for any system, and it helps to lock your computer from third parties trying to use it. By neglecting safety, you consciously assume all possible consequences of your actions. It often happens that it is too annoying to enter a password, especially when you are the sole owner of the computer. So how to remove the password when entering windows 7?

Before removing it, let's take a look at the merits of such a system.

In order to achieve the desired result, it is not necessary to remove your password set to account, there is an option to create new account.

Thanks to such actions, you can:

  1. Be protected from unwanted computer use;
  2. Log into an unsecured account;
  3. Protect your PC from malicious actions of certain viruses that cannot be performed without the required access level.

Such an alternative exists, and within the framework of this article we will briefly consider it, read in more detail in the next publication. But first, we will perform actions related to the immediate topic of the article. To achieve the desired result, you will need administrator access and, of course, a write password during the procedure.

Disable Windows 7 login password requirement

1. Open the line "Run", here administrative rights will come in handy, without them you will not get access, press Win + R;

3. You will be taken to the "User Accounts" window, below are all previously created user accounts, select the one you need and uncheck the "Require username and password" checkbox;

4. After that apply the specified changes, you will be asked to enter the old password to confirm these actions.

How to speed up your work laptop windows 7?

There is also another method, which is almost identical to the previous one, except that it does not need to use the command line to find the account settings window.

The method also differs in that you do not remove the requirement to enter a password before starting the system, but delete the password, thereby removing the need to ask for it.

How do I remove my password?

The starting requirements are the same, access to the administrator account and password required account.

1. Most in an accessible way to get to the desired menu is to click on the picture that represents your avatar. In the current account, to do this, open "Start" and click on the picture, go directly to step 3;

2. This paragraph has the right to life, because in some versions of themes used from third-party developers, there is no such window, you should follow a different path:

  • Click on the windows sign in the lower left corner, "Start" should open, select the "Control Panel" option;
  • Find, often at the bottom, "User Accounts" and click on it.

3. Go to the "Delete your password" tab;

4. Enter it in an empty line and click "Remove password";

Another similar option may be: instead of deleting the code (point 3), go to "Change your password", enter the old password, and leave the space for the new one empty, so there will be no password.

Sometimes the option does not work completely, your computer asks for a password anyway when you log in, but allows you to access your account by simply pressing Enter, without a password. If you have this problem, then use the first method by disabling windows function responsible for requiring a password when entering the system.

Creating a windows 7 account

1. Open the account settings menu, as we did just now, and click "Manage another account";

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2. You will see a window with accounts that already exist, and at the bottom the button "Create an account" is what you need;

3. 2 parameters are required: name and its type, normal or administrator access;

4. After all, click on "Create account" and you can use it.

Now, if you click the button that is slightly to the left of "Shutdown" in the "Start" menu, you will see a list of possible options for shutting down the system, you need to click "Change user" and switch between them if necessary. When you start your computer, you can go directly to the newly created entry.

We already have a description of many functions on our site that are relevant and useful for the user, so we will not dwell on this, but it is important to understand the differences between all methods. In the first case, you completely delete the password, in the second, you set it to empty, and in the third, you simply create a new account without a password, and leave the Administrator protected.

You need to understand that the most important system commands can only be executed on behalf of the Administrator.

However, you can create another account with administrator rights, so that they will have equal rights to access and edit content. Be careful not to give them without the proper level of trust, as this will make your computer more vulnerable. If you still have questions on the topic "How to remove the password when entering windows 7?", You can ask them in the comments

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Forgot your password to log into windows 7? No problem! This article will help you reset it!

Good day, dear readers and again Trishkin Denis is in touch.

AT latest versions operating systems from Microsoft for security purposes, it is possible to set a password to enter the workspace. If this tool is no longer relevant, you can turn it off. I will tell you how to remove the password in windows 7 in several ways. After all, it gets boring to constantly enter secret characters sooner or later. This is especially irrelevant when only one person works at the computer.

Why do I need a password? (Back to content)

Many users store information on their computer that only they should have access to. If only one person uses the device, this is not a problem. But in the case when another can approach him, certain difficulties may arise.

Windows provides special tool, which restricts access to data by setting a private key. For example, parents often use this tool so that their children cannot see the content they are not entitled to. In addition, this way you can protect yourself from changing personal settings.

Disable password (back to contents)

There are several ways to turn off the key entry to the entrance. Each of them assumes that you are the owner of the account to be updated. The first means that the password is known and the user has administrator rights.

It allows you to quickly deal with this problem:

That's all. Now when you start the system, you will not be prompted to enter the secret key.

Important! At the same time, if you change your account or go to the lock screen, you will still need to enter the password.

You can remove the annoying function using standard menu "User accounts". True, in this way, not a shutdown will occur, but a complete removal. Despite this, Password will not be prompted under any circumstances, even after waking up from hibernation.

To turn off the protection tool, do the following:

That's it, now the system will not ask "stupid questions" regarding security from this area. Here you can also create a secret combination of symbols.

Interesting to know! Experts recommend that when installing the key, enter upper and lower case letters in different languages \u200b\u200band also add numbers. In this case, the length must be at least six characters. Only in this variant can at least some security be guaranteed.

Reset network key (back to contents)

Probably all computer users know what a network is. It is a connection between two or more devices, which allows information to be exchanged. The younger generation is familiar with this concept, since it is possible to play games together through this method.

But what if after connecting the machines, the network password entry window appears? Moreover, if it does not exist, confirming an empty string will not lead to the desired result.

The fact is that new security tools are provided in windows 7, and therefore it is necessary to comply with several conditions for entering at once:

    Using the classic setting on all devices.

If all this is done, then you will not need to enter secret characters.

Resetting admin password (back to contents)

Sometimes there are situations when, under some circumstances, you simply forgot the password with which you can get to the desktop, and indeed get access to personal data. This often happens when the user is constantly working on several devices. And if passwords are not written anywhere on them, then it is quite possible to confuse them.

There are several solutions. The first thing you can do is spend some time on the selection. Also, just remove the system from your computer and install a new one. But in this case, the data that was on the system disk will be lost. And it's not a fact that they can be restored, although there are methods.

But there are more safe way - bypass, which I want to tell you about. To do this, you need an installation disk or a USB flash drive with windows. It is important to note that the operating system must be exactly the same. For example, if the Ultimate version is installed, then the same on the portable device.

So, if everything is found and prepared, you can proceed:

After the work done, the command line will appear during OS boot. This is where we can change the password. To do this, enter the "net user user password" line. We confirm the action. Example command: "net user admin 1111".

In this way we changed the password for the "admin" user to "1111". Now in the offered window, enter our cherished numbers and wait for the download.

Reset password via SAM file (back to contents)

There are many ways to bypass login security. Despite this, they all only change the information that is stored in the SAM file. It is in it that all the necessary data is indicated that relate to the User-Password bundles.

It should be noted that this file does not have a special extension. The point is that it is a registry component. It can be found in the "windows \\ system32 \\ config" folder located on the system drive.

It is also important to note that this method is considered one of the most difficult. Nevertheless, I consider it necessary to tell it to you. For work we need special program... Moreover, each step must be performed with extreme caution, because this can radically change the whole process.

We will be using Active password changer. In addition, we need a blank USB stick.

So, to remove the password prompt, you need:

If everything goes as it should, no problems should arise in the future, since only the components we need change in the system area.

The only drawback is that some are relatively old motherboards may not support starting from portable memory. In this case, you can use a plastic disc.

Well, as you can see, there are several different waysallowing you to remove or change the account password. Moreover, they are absolutely simple, you don't even need to watch the video. By following clearly everything according to the instructions, everyone will be able to open access to the necessary information.

I hope everyone will find an option here that will help to cope with the problem. Subscribe and tell your friends about me!


How to remove the password when entering windows 7.8 and others?

Good time friends! Yesterday I was asked in the mail, but how to remove the password when entering windows 7 or 8? Well, as usual, I decided to write an article about this and tell you the same thing. In order to secure the use of Windows 7, the user is able to enable password entry at startup. If you no longer need this option, you can cancel the mandatory filling of the password field. So, first you need to select an account that will be automatically loaded upon activation of the PC. Along with this, administrator rights are required. Let's take a closer look at how to do this.

In order to remove the password when entering windows, first enter a special directive in the command line.

  1. To do this, press the key combination "Win + R", after which you will see a window for entering commands. You should also enter "control userpasswords2" here and confirm your intentions by clicking on the "OK" button.

Turn off the mandatory password entry.

  1. You will see a control window where you can manipulate accounts in every possible way. We choose desired user, which will be activated automatically, then uncheck the box "Require name entry ..." and click on the "OK" button.

We confirm our actions.

  1. In the displayed window, the account will be loaded by default when the PC is turned on. In addition, if she already has a password, then you must enter it. It will be saved and in automatic mode will be entered when the OS is activated. If you wish, you can completely remove it.

On a note! I want to tell you something friends, to receive my articles directly to your mail - you just need to enter your email address at the end of the article in the window and then confirm the subscription in the sandbox. I will also be grateful if you read articles on how to reduce the brightness of the screen on a computer or how to turn off sleep mode in Windows 7. I also told you how to permanently delete a VKontakte page and how to turn on bluetooth on a laptop.

On this I have all my friends, I hope you now know how to remove the password when entering windows 7 or 8. If something did not work out for you, you can write to me in the comments and I will definitely help everyone. Do not forget to put likes, as well as say thank you in the comments from VKontakte. All only positive emotions for the next month)))

From Uv. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky


How to put a password on windows, remove it and reset it if you suddenly forget

Please note that you must use a local account to complete most of the instructions in this article. windows entry with administrator rights.

How to put a password on a windows computer

If other people have access to your computer, it is wise to password protect windows. This way your settings and data will be safe: without special knowledge, no one can view or change them. windows will ask for a password when you turn on your computer, when you change your account, or after waking up from hibernation.

How to put a password on windows 10

  1. Open the section "Start" → "Settings" (the icon in the form of a gear) → "Accounts" → "Login Options".
  2. Click Add under Password.
  3. Fill in the fields as prompted by the system and click "Finish".

How to put a password on windows 8.1, 8

  1. In the right side panel, click Settings (the gear-shaped icon) → Change computer settings. In the menu of the window that opens, select "Accounts" (or "Users"), and then "Login Options".
  2. Click on the "Create Password" button.
  3. Fill in the fields, click Next and Finish.

How to put a password on windows 7, Vista, XP

  1. Open "Start" → "Control Panel" → "User Accounts".
  2. Select the required account and click "Create password" or immediately click "Create password for your account".
  3. Fill in the fields using the system prompts and click on the "Create password" button.

How to remove the password when entering windows of any version

If outsiders do not have physical access to your computer, it may be better to disable protection. This will eliminate the need to enter a password each time the system starts.

  1. Use the windows + R keyboard shortcut and type netplwiz (or control userpasswords2 if the first command does not work) at the command prompt. Hit Enter.
  2. In the window that opens, select in the list the account for which you want to remove the password, and uncheck the box next to the item "Require username and password to be entered". Click OK.
  3. Enter the password, confirm it and click OK.

windows will stop asking for a password only when the computer is turned on. But if you lock the screen ( windows keys + L), log out or the computer enters sleep mode, the display will still ask for a password.

If the "Require username and password" option is unavailable or you want to remove the windows password rather than disable it, try another method for more advanced users.

To do this, open the Account Management section using one of the instructions at the beginning of this article.

If the open section says that you are using a Microsoft online profile (login by email and password), disable it. Then use the system prompts to create a local profile, but leave the password fields blank in the process.

After disconnecting the account Microsoft system stop syncing your settings and files across computers. Some applications may refuse to work.

If the local profile is initially active in the account management menu, then simply change the current password, leaving the fields for the new password blank.

When you delete an old password, the system will never ask you for it until you add a new one.

How to remove a password when waking up from sleep mode

If you disable the password prompt when starting windows, the system may still ask for it on wakeup. But you can deactivate this feature separately using these instructions.

How to remove password when waking up windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 and Vista

  1. In the search bar in windows, enter "Power supply" and click on the link found to the section with the same name. Or find it manually through the "Control Panel".
  2. Click "Prompt for a password on wakeup", then "Change settings that are currently unavailable" and check the box next to "Do not prompt for a password."
  3. Save your changes.

How to remove the password when waking up windows XP

  1. Open the section "Control Panel" → "Power Options".
  2. In the window that appears, open the "Advanced" tab and uncheck the box next to the "Prompt for a password when exiting standby mode" item.
  3. Save your changes.

How to reset password on windows of any version

If you have forgotten your password and cannot log into the local windows administrator profile, you do not need to reinstall the OS. There is an easier way out: reset password protection. To do this, you will need another computer, a USB stick and free utility to reset your password.

Create a bootable USB drive on another PC

  1. Download the Lazesoft Recover My Password installer to any accessible computer.
  2. Run the downloaded file and complete the installation.
  3. Connect the USB flash drive to your computer. If necessary, make a copy of the files stored on it, as all information will have to be deleted.
  4. Open Lazesoft Recover My Password, click Burn Bootable CD / USB Disk Now! and create bootable USB drive using the program prompts.

Boot your computer with a USB stick

  1. Insert the prepared USB drive into the computer for which you forgot the password.
  2. Turn on (or restart) the PC and, as soon as it starts to boot, press the go to bIOS settings... Usually this is F2, F8, F9 or F12 - depending on the hardware manufacturer. Most often, the desired key is displayed on the screen during bIOS boot.
  3. While in the BIOS menu, go to the Boot section if the system did not redirect you there right away.
  4. In the Boot section, place the USB flash drive in the first place in the list of devices that appears on the screen. If you don't know how to do this, take a look around - there should be clues about management nearby.
  5. Save your changes.

If the BIOS is also protected by a password that you do not know, then you cannot reset the password. windows protection with Lazesoft Recover My Password.

Many home computers do not need a password to access the system. The password can be set as you wish or as required. The fact is that when installing Windows 7, it is allegedly necessary to enter a password, but in general this procedure can be skipped by clicking on the "Next" button.

How to remove password in Windows 7

It is a matter of a couple of minutes to cancel the password entry in Windows 7 at login. For this you need:

  1. Log in with an administrator account. If there is only one account, then, in fact, it is the administrator.
  2. Open "Control Panel".
  3. Go to the User Accounts and Family Safety page if you have selected the default category display for tools. If you have selected large or small icons, you can go directly to the User Accounts page.
  4. In the "User accounts" block, find and click on the link "Change Windows password".

In order not to go to the "Control Panel" and not search in it required pages, you can use search Windows... For this you need:

  1. Click on the "Start" button.
  2. Above the button, find a field for entering text.
  3. Enter the word "password".
  4. Find and click on "Change Windows password" in the search results.
  5. Click on "Delete your password".
  6. Enter the current password and click "Delete Password".

There is another way that does not require entering the old password. To use it to remove the password in Windows 7, you need:

  1. Click on the "Start" button, and there - on the "Run" button. You can use the keyboard shortcut Win + R.
  2. Enter "control userpasswords2" without quotes and click "OK".
  3. Uncheck "Require username and password" and click "OK".
  4. In the window that appears, do not enter anything and click "OK".

How to do it in others windows versionswritten in the article.

Choose a convenient method for yourself and remove the password. If you suddenly forget your password, because of which you cannot log in, it will be difficult to access it, especially for an inexperienced user.

Many users, in order to protect their information from prying eyes, set an administrator password for their windows account. Some people, for various reasons, forget the set security code and to reset windows password carry out the procedure for reinstalling the entire system. And as you know, this business takes a relatively long time.

There may also be problems with saving required files, because we cannot enter the system, and when installing windows, as we know, local disk on which the operating system will be installed must be formatted. Well, of course, you can always find a simpler solution to the problem, this is exactly what this article will discuss and you will learn how reset windows password 7 without resorting to reinstallation.

The only complication is that we need an installation disc or a flash drive to work in the command line. If you do not have either one or the other at hand, you can always use your neighbor's computer to download the image and burn it to a disk or flash drive.

How to reset windows 7 password if forgotten

A loophole for resetting password protection in windows 7 turned out to be Sticky Keys mode, which is invoked by pressing a key five times ShiftThis is exactly what will help us bypass the security code we forgot. The essence of the procedure is that when you call the sticking mode, a command line window will open in which we need to work. And how to do this, read below.

First you need to boot from installation disk or a flash drive. In the first window, click Next.

In the next window, we are interested in the system restore item, click on it.

If you have several operating systems installed, all available ones will be shown in the list, select the one you need and move on.

In the system recovery options window, open the command line.

We enter the command:

  • copy D: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ sethc.exe D: \\and press enter.

sethc.exe - file causing sticking mode by pressing the key five times shift.

This command is used to copy of this file to the root of the drive (D: \\) (on the system it is the drive (C: \\)).

  • copy D: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ cmd.exe D: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ sethc.exe

cmd.exe - the file responsible for calling the command line.

With this command, we replace the sethc.exe file with cmd.exe. Confirm the changes by entering the key "y".

In the password entry window, call the command line by pressing the key five times shift.

We enter the command: net user Andrey 54321 and confirm it by pressing enter.

  • net user - user selection function.
  • Andrew - account name (enter your own).
  • 54321 is the new password.

After successfully completing the procedure, enter the changed password and rejoice.

Replace the command line back with sticky keys

If you are not interested in sticking, you can leave it as it is. To return a call to this mode, read on.

As you can see in the picture below, using the commands entered above, the file sethc.exe moved to the root of the disk. And in system folder system32, it has been replaced with the command line. Now we need to move it back. You can try just transferring it to system32and delete the false file located there. But it may not be possible to do this, due to the insufficient number of rights. Therefore, we will use the command line.

We open the start menu, in the search we enter cmd andrun the found file as administrator .

We enter the command:

  • copy C: \\ sethc.exe C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ sethc.exe

Press enter and confirm with " y". If everything is done correctly when you press the key five times shiftagain, the sticking mode will open .

ABOUTgive your opinion about this article, and of course ask your questions if something suddenly went wrong with you.

Thank you for attention!

If you cannot log in to Windows 7 due to the fact that you forgot or lost your account password, then this article will help you. It lists all effective ways delete, reset or replace the password of any account (even an administrator) in the "seven" and recommendations are given on how to protect yourself in case the password is lost in the future. All the described ways to unblock a user account are absolutely safe if you follow the instructions and do everything carefully.

How to reset a forgotten password using Ophcrack

Ophcrack - a unique utility that allows you to restore access to any account in Windows 7 in just a few minutes. Moreover, it works in any edition of the OS, starting with XP, and can function from a bootable USB-stick. The mechanism of the program is somewhat different from the algorithms for guessing passwords of similar applications and includes several components:

  • lM-hash algorithm - passwords in Windows 7 are stored in this format, the number of characters of which does not exceed 15 pieces;
  • rainbow tables - a mechanism designed to recover encrypted passwords by using hashes from complex process their reverse decryption.

The program can also unlock complex passwords by extracting them from registry files with subsequent decryption using completely new methods of data processing, due to which the load on hardware resources is small, and the selection speed increases by orders of magnitude.

Using a bootable flash drive with Ophcrack

The algorithm below is relevant for computers that cannot be accessed by the following reasons:

  • the password for one account has been lost, but there are no other accounts;
  • it is not possible to access any user profiles on this computer.

If you are faced with a similar case, you will have to execute instruction, which boils down to the following: create a bootable USB drive based on a special version of Ophcrack and boot from this media to restore access to the account. In more detail, this instruction looks like this:

For inexperienced users, it is recommended to select the first (graphical) mode of OphCrack operation: Ophcrack Graphic mode... But it should be borne in mind that in the graphical mode the program may not start, and the text mode works flawlessly, although it requires certain skills in handling console programs.

If we consider working in a program with an interface in more detail in the next section, then we will dwell on using its console version in more detail. Although the only feature here is the absence of windows and buttons. After launching the console version of the utility, it will automatically determine passwords for all accounts and display them in the " Results».

Remove password from Windows

What to do if you forgot password for the administrator account? The program will also help here Ophcrackbut in the presence of network connection to download it. Consider the sequence of actions:

After a few seconds or minutes, depending on the complexity of the combination of characters in the password, it will be displayed in the " NT Pwd».

We use system recovery tools

What to do, if no access to the Internet and another computer, but do you need to log into your account? Solve the problem will help bootable USB stick or diskcontaining the distribution operating system Windows 7 used on the computer.

In this case, resetting the Windows 7 administrator password is as follows.

  1. We connect the boot drive of the same edition of the "seven" as installed on the PC.
  2. Reboot your PC.
  3. We call boot menu computer / laptop. This can be done using the F2, F9, F11 keys or another one specified in the manual for motherboard or on the BIOS boot screen.
  4. In the list of available devices, select the target USB drive to start the computer from.
  5. Press any key to boot from the selected media.
  6. Select the language of the system installed on the computer, and then click the Next button.
  7. Click the link « » in the window with the Install button to launch the Windows 7 Resume Tools.
  8. In the parameters, select the command line to call the tool for executing system commands.
  9. In the window that appears, enter the regedit command and execute it using the Enter key. This will open the classic registry editor window.
  10. In this window, as in file manager with the display of directories in the form of a tree, go to the HKLM section.
  11. Through the main menu, call the command "" located in the menu " File».
  12. Select the file “ config» - « SYSTEM"That does not have an extension.
  13. Set any file name without using Cyrillic characters and confirm it by pressing the enter button.
  14. Go to the bush " HKLM"-" entered_bust_name "- Setup.
  15. Double click to open the key editing menu " CmdLine».
  16. As the parameter value, enter “ cmd.exe"To run the command line before booting Windows 7.
  17. In the same way, set the value " Setup Type"Equal" 2 ».
  18. Select a new bush in HKLM.
  19. We call the command “ Unload the bush"Located in the menu item" File».
  20. We reboot the computer, as a result of which the command line will appear.
  21. In the command line, enter a command of the form net user username password and execute it with the Enter key. After that, the command line can be closed.

In this way, forgotten password It is easy to restore as many times as you like, but using the proposed method on other people's computers will not work due to the fact that changing the password is required when gaining access to any of the accounts.

Create a flash drive for instant password reset for a specific account

If you do not want to repeat the situation with a forgotten password, it is better to make a diskette to reset it. By a floppy disk we mean a USB flash drive, because the use of floppy disks and disks has not been relevant in recent years.

As a consequence, the master will form boot diskrequired to unlock the account, the password for which was lost.

Now, if for some reason you cannot log into Windows 7, click the Reset password button, insert the created disk or USB flash drive and follow the instructions. which boil down to clicking Next.

After reinstalling the system, changing the password, or creating a new account, the password reset disk will have to be recreated.

Knowing how to reset the Windows 7 administrator password and having a flash drive with a key file, a forgotten password will no longer be a problem.

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Unlike Windows 10, where you can reset your account ID over the Internet, Windows 7 only has local accounts that are not tied to the Internet. In this article, we will describe the methods of how to reset the password on Windows 7. Standard password reset methods require the use of pre-recorded reset data on a floppy disk or USB flash drive, we will not consider them, since almost no one makes a password backup. Unlike most articles where you need to perform actions with the registry or enter long commands into the command line, we will describe it in simpler and easier ways. These methods are suitable for any computer and will also be relevant on a laptop (preferably with Secure Boot).

How to reset the password of a user account on a Windows 7 computer if you have access to the system

Option 1, for example, you have 2 accounts on your computer with administrator rights, you have lost access to one of them. Main feature is the Administrator's rights on the account with which the recovery will be performed. If you do not have Administrator rights, go to the next option.

Follow these steps:

  • Try to enter your profile with a new password (or without it).

As we can see, there is nothing complicated, but if there is no access to the system it complicates a little this situation, so let's move on to the next option.

How to recover password on Windows 7 computer without access to the system

Option 2, to access the command line, we need to access the system data, but we cannot log on to the system, so we need the Windows installation media (Windows 7, 8 or 10 no difference) Live CD to access the environment recovery.
Previously, there was a way to perform a restore without installation media, but the problem was fixed with system updates. Only a small part of users have such an opportunity, so we will not consider it.


  • Boot from the installation media or Live CD

  • Choosing System Restore

  • We open Command line
  • We are greeted by the command line sent to X: \\ Sources - this is the data from the installation media. Type notepad and press Enter to access system data.
  • Notepad will open, where you need to click File - Open

  • Explorer will open, where we need to set the File type - All files and go to system disk, in the case of the example, this is the drive marked with the letter D

  • We go through Windows - System32 and you need to do the following: Find the files cmd (Command line) and osk (On-screen keyboard) and rename them as follows - osk - osk.old and cmd - osk. Thus, we will replace the On-Screen Keyboard with the Command Line, which can be called through the login window.

  • We reboot the computer and get to the login screen. In the lower left corner, click on the Accessibility button and put a tick on the Enter text without keyboard ( screen keyboard) and click OK.
  • The Command Prompt window will open.

  • Now we repeat the points from the previous version:
Net user [name]

Net user [name] ""

How to reset Windows 7 administrator password

On Windows, it is possible to enable the built-in administrator account with the following command:

Net user Administrator / active: yes

This command can be entered at point 10 of the 2nd stage, then, in addition to the user profile, the Administrator profile will also appear.

In some cases, it may already be with a given password. Therefore, if you were wondering how to recover the administrator password for Windows 7, then the following commands will help you:

Net user Administrator (Administrator for English version)

Net user Administrator (Administrator for English version) ""

Have a great day!