Commissioning of information systems into commercial operation regulations. Consulting in the field of information technology (IT consulting). Managing the introduction of an information system into commercial operation and developing its regulations

Certificate of acceptance for trial operation is formed based on the results of preliminary tests and includes: conclusions drawn from the results of comprehensive tests; tasks for trial operation.

Working period of the commission

This section of the acceptance certificate provides the start and end dates of the acceptance committee’s work to conduct preliminary tests.

The start of testing is November 1, 2010.
The end of testing is December 31, 2010.
The total duration of testing is 44 working days.

Name of the customer organization, executing organization and co-executing organization

The names of the organizations participating in the testing and those who drew up the certificate of acceptance of the information system for trial operation are given.

The customer organization is JSC "Customer".
The executing organization is CJSC "Implementer".
Co-executing organization – Co-executor LLC (if any).

Composition of AIS functions accepted for trial operation

The composition of AIS functions accepted for trial operation is listed. Functions can be transferred both system-wide and across subsystems. The functions are taken from the section "Requirements for functions performed by the system" of the technical specifications for creating an information system.

List of components of technical, software, information and organizational support checked during trial operation

This section of the acceptance certificate contains a list of tests carried out during trial operation. The list of tests is taken from the "Scope of tests" section of the Test Program.

During trial operation, the tests presented in the table below are subject to testing.

List of documents presented to the commission

This section of the acceptance certificate contains a list of documents provided to the commission necessary for trial operation.

Instructions for creating and maintaining a database (data set), version 1 dated September 12, 2010.
- User Manual, version 1 dated September 14, 2010.
- ...

Assessment of compliance of the adopted AIS with the technical specifications

An assessment of the compliance of the adopted AIS with the technical specifications is provided.

Based on the results of preliminary tests, the System meets the requirements presented in the document: "". Version 1.0.

Main results of acceptance into trial operation

This section of the acceptance certificate lists the main results obtained from the trial operation of the information system.

Based on the results of the trial operation, the following main results should be obtained:
- The system is operational;
- Subsystems of the System – interact;
- The system meets the requirements of the document “Technical specifications for the creation of an automated system”. Version 1.0.;
- All characteristics to be assessed are within acceptable limits.

Commission decision to accept AIS for trial operation

The decision of the commission on the possibility or impossibility of accepting the information system for trial operation is given.

Kovtun M.V. October 2010.

3) a description of the operator’s actions when working with programs (rules for launching programs, work order, actions in possible non-standard situations, etc.).

Test case description includes description:

1) functions and parameters software, checked by a test example;

2) composition technical means necessary to test the software using this example;

3) input information;

4) results of running programs based on test case data;

5) operator actions when checking the program on a test example;

6) test results (control standard) of programs using a test example.

Procedure for transferring software documentation

All programs and instructions, tested by the developer on a test example, are handed over to the customer under a certificate certifying their acceptance for trial operation.

The software, instructions and descriptions of algorithms handed over to the customer must meet the requirements for the composition and content of the detailed design of the information system. Programs recorded on magnetic media are transferred to the customer. The customer provides the developer with magnetic media and computer time necessary for putting programs into trial operation and duplicating them (if necessary).

Acceptance of a set of tasks (subsystems) for trial operation involves solving a test case by specially trained customer personnel in the presence of developer representatives, followed by analysis of the results. By mutual agreement, the test case can be performed by the developer in the presence of the customer.

Based on the acceptance results, a software acceptance certificate for trial operation is signed. Discovered

Developer errors in programs and technical documentation are eliminated during the commissioning process.

Organizational and administrative documentation

For the main work carried out at the “Detailed Design” stage, the following organizational and administrative documentation is drawn up:

1) order to carry out work at the stage in accordance with the schedule organizational and technical measures;

2) schedule of joint work between the contractor and the customer;

3) act of verification on test examples and acceptance of work programs into trial operation;

4) act of readiness of regulatory and reference documentation;

5) the act of carrying out organizational and technical measures to prepare the enterprise for the implementation of the information system.

5.5. Putting the information system into operation

Commissioning of the information system and its individual elements is a process of gradual transition from existing methods management to automated control methods.

Commissioning of the information system is organized and carried out by the customer with the participation of the developer and co-executing organizations. Interaction between customer organizations, developers and co-executors is carried out on the basis of contractual terms and a schedule for putting the information system into commercial operation.

Commissioning is carried out in stages, starting from the stage of development of the technical project, as the working documentation is ready and the technical means are put into operation, ensuring the implementation of queues or information system objects capable of independent functioning.

You should begin putting the information system into operation if you have:

1) executed documents on the implementation of the action plan for the preparation of the facility;

2) working documentation for the implementation of a dedicated queue or information system as a whole;

3) trained personnel providing preparation for commissioning

operation and operation of a dedicated information system queue;

4) technical means of the information system accepted for operation, ensuring the functioning of the implemented sets of tasks.

Organization of work


1) trial operation of individual tasks and their complexes;

2) acceptance of task complexes for commercial operation;

3) carrying out acceptance tests;

4) acceptance of the system for commercial operation.

The composition and order of work are determined by the agreed commissioning schedules, which indicate the composition and timing of the following work:

1) for the construction, installation, commissioning and testing of information system objects from the moment of receipt of working documentation until the objects are put into commercial operation;

2) for carrying out trial operation and acceptance testing of task sets;

3) to ensure the transition from existing management methods

To methods provided for by the information system design.

At the stage “Putting the information system into operation”

the customer is obliged:

1) terminate execution organizational and technical measures to prepare the enterprise for the implementation of the information system and formalize them with acts;

2) ensure that the enterprise personnel comply with job and technological instructions;

3) put into operation the technical means necessary for the implemented technological process data processing;

4) issue an order with a schedule for conducting trial operation of the information system and analyze, together with the developer, the results of trial operation;

5) complete the trial operation of the complexes of tasks included in the information system and their acceptance for commercial operation;

6) make changes to the organizational structure of the enterprise in accordance with the information system project;

7) develop a draft order on the composition of the acceptance committee;

8) develop and coordinate with the developer a draft program acceptance tests;

9) organize the work of the acceptance committee, provide it with the required documentation and test the information system;

10) check the effectiveness of the implemented solutions in industrial operation conditions and, based on the results of the analysis of the functioning of the system, develop recommendations for its further development.

At the stage “Putting the information system into operation”

the developer is obliged:

1) adjust technical documentation based on the results of trial operation of the information system;

2) take part in the development of a draft program for acceptance testing of the information system;

3) provide methodological guidance and take part in putting tasks (sets of tasks) into commercial operation;

4) participate in the work of the commission for acceptance of the information system into commercial operation.

The procedure for conducting trial operation

Beginning of trial operation of tasks (sets of tasks), terms of operation and composition of the acceptance committee specific task or subsystems are determined by an order issued by the customer and agreed upon with the developer. Attached to the order is the agreement agreed with

the developer is a trial operation program, which defines the conditions for testing sets of tasks, the procedure for checking technical means when solving sets of problems (subsystems) and the procedure for eliminating deficiencies identified during trial operation.

Additional customer requirements that arise during trial operation and are not provided for in the technical specifications and technical design do not constitute grounds for a negative assessment of the results of trial operation and can be satisfied by additional agreement within the agreed time frame.

If the results of the trial operation of the tasks (subsystems) are positive, a bilateral act on their acceptance for commercial operation is drawn up.

After the information system has been accepted for commercial operation, the customer bears responsibility for its functioning within the scope of the accepted sets of tasks and tools.

Initial and reporting documents for testing information system software

Joint tests are carried out by a customer commission, which includes the development manager and some leading developers. The testing commission is guided by the following documents:

1) technical specifications for the creation of an information system approved by the customer and agreed with the developer;

2) current state and industry standards for software design and testing and technical documentation;

3) test program for all technical requirements

4) test methods for each section of the requirements of the technical specifications.

Test program, methods of their conduct and evaluation

The results are developed jointly by the customer and the developer and must be agreed upon and approved. They contain clarifications of the requirements of the technical specifications for a given system and must guarantee their correct verification. System documentation should

fully comply with the programs being tested, ensure that the system is understandable by maintenance personnel, and also provide the ability to develop and modernize programs to increase the duration of their life cycle.

Test program is a plan for conducting a series of experiments. It is developed from the position of minimizing the amount of testing while ensuring the reliability of the results obtained is specified and agreed upon with the customer. For this purpose, the sequence and scope of each testing during the testing process are determined to verify compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications when minimum costs. It can be especially difficult to select a set of stressful system operating situations under which testing should be carried out. Test program should contain the following clearly defined sections:

1) test object, its purpose and a list of the main documents that determined its development;

2) the purpose of the tests, indicating the main requirements of the technical specifications to be verified, and restrictions on testing;

3) actually test program, containing a check of the completeness of the developed system in accordance with the technical specifications and a test plan for checking the functioning of programs for all sections of the technical specifications and additional requirements formalized by separate solutions;

4) test methods, unambiguously defining all the concepts of the characteristics being tested, testing conditions, tools used for testing, methods for processing and evaluating test results for each section of the test program.

Large volume of heterogeneous data obtained during testing

software, and variety possible ways their processing, interpretation and evaluation lead to the fact that the most important factors to process test results they become methods for processing and evaluating results. In accordance with test methods, automation equipment must ensure completeness of characteristics checks for each section of methods and development

inspection protocols for items of the test program. The complexity of software and the close relationship between its various characteristics lead to the need for careful formulation of all test conditions and parameter values ​​​​at which the test must be performed.

Test results are recorded in protocols , which usually contain the following sections:

1) the purpose of testing and the section of the requirements of the technical specifications according to which the test is carried out;

2) indication of the methods in accordance with which the tests were carried out, processing and evaluation of the results;

3) testing conditions and characteristics of the initial

4) generalized test results with their assessment for compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications and other governing documents;

5) conclusions about test results and the degree of compliance of the created software with a certain section of the requirements of the technical specifications.

The protocols for the entire program are summarized in an act, resulting in

a conclusion is made about the system’s compliance with the customer’s requirements and whether the work is completed with a positive or negative result. If all requirements of the technical specification are fully met, the customer is obliged to accept the system and the work is considered completed.

However, as already noted, for complex software packages it is difficult to initial stages design to provide and correctly formulate all the requirements of the technical specifications. Therefore, during debugging and testing, it is often revealed that some requirements of the technical specifications are not met and sometimes even fundamentally cannot be fulfilled even with the most conscientious attitude to this on the part of the developer. In this case it is necessary collaboration the customer and the developer in search of a compromise solution when completing tests and drawing up a conclusion. Some shortcomings of the program complex during the testing process are only registered and recorded in terms of eliminating the commission’s comments,

who carried out the tests. This plan is an annex to the test results report and allows you to separate subsequent improvements from direct tests.

The procedure for carrying out acceptance tests

The customer is responsible for organizing and conducting acceptance into commercial operation. Acceptance of the information system for commercial operation is carried out upon completion of the customer's acceptance of all sets of tasks (subsystems) for commercial operation.

Tasks, sets of tasks (subsystems) and technical means of the information system that are not provided for in the technical specifications, but implemented by the customer independently, can be included in the complex of the information system being delivered only in agreement with the developer and after appropriate changes have been made to the technical specifications for the creation of the information system.

At the request of the customer or developer, representatives of subcontractors may be involved in the acceptance of the information system.

The customer presents the information system to the acceptance committee. In addition to the members of the commission, experts on certain issues of creation may be involved in the acceptance process with the right of an advisory vote. information systems. The customer is obliged to ensure normal working conditions for the commission in accordance with the adopted information system acceptance program. To promptly resolve organizational issues that arise during the acceptance of the information system, by order of the head of the developer organization, a responsible representative from the developer organization is allocated.

The customer, together with the developer, prepares a draft program for testing and acceptance of the information system and submits it to the acceptance committee for review and approval. The program indicates: the name of the information system being submitted, the directive documents on the basis of which the system was developed (if any), the composition of the acceptance committee and the number of the order for its appointment, purpose, objects, volume, location and

sequence of tests, methods of testing and evaluation of results.

The customer prepares together with the developer and transfers the following documents for temporary use to the commission:

1) orders, instructions, plans, contracts providing for the creation of an information system;

2) technical and economic justification, terms of reference, technical design, detailed design of the information system;

3) acts of consideration and approval of the technical design;

4) bilateral acts of the customer and the developer on the delivery of tasks, sets of tasks (subsystems), devices and their complexes into commercial operation in accordance with the approved technical specifications.

The acceptance committee provides:

1) checking documentation and functioning of the information system;

2) organizing working groups and distributing responsibilities among commission members to check individual subsystems;

3) checking the calculation of the economic efficiency of the created information system;

4) organizing workshops and preparing information system acceptance certificates.

Checking operating conditions and operating modes of technical

information system tools is carried out simultaneously with checking the functioning of complexes of tasks (subsystems). The preparedness of the personnel responsible for the operation of the information system is determined in accordance with the training program and job descriptions included in the working project. The results of the inspection are discussed at work meetings and documented in minutes.

The final stage of the commission’s work is the drawing up of an act, which indicates:

1) composition of the commission, positions and places of work of commission members;

2) term (date) of system acceptance;

3) the composition of performers (organizations, enterprises) who took part in the creation of the information system;

4) grounds for acceptance (orders, instructions and

5) list of presented information system documentation

And assessment of its compliance with current regulatory and technical documents;

6) compliance of actually completed and implemented work with technical specifications;

7) readiness of all types of support and structural divisions of the customer for the implementation and operation of the information system;

8) information about the effectiveness of the information system (comparison of existing or expected actual data on the volume and sources of savings obtained with calculated data);

9) conclusions of the commission on the possibility of accepting the information system;

The acceptance certificate in five copies is signed by the chairman and all members of the commission. The date of putting the information system into operation is the date of signing the act by the commission.

6. Information systems development team

Since the creation of a modern information system is complex process, requiring the joint efforts of a large number of different specialists, the formation of a team involved in the design, development and implementation of an information system is becoming very important in modern conditions.

Organization of a team and distribution of work among specialists can be carried out according to several principles:

1) based on the distribution of system analysis (algorithmization) and program development among different teams;

Home / Wires and cables

GOST 34.601-90

Group P87





Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Automated systems. Stages of development

MKS 35.080
OKSTU 0034

Date of introduction 1992-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards dated December 29, 1990 N 3469

3. INSTEAD GOST 24.601-86, GOST 24.602-86


Item number, application

GOST 19.101-77

Appendix 1

GOST 34.201-89

Appendix 1

6*. REISSUE. July 2009
*Numbering corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

This standard applies to automated systems(AS) used in various types of activities (research, design, management, etc.), including their combinations created in organizations, associations and enterprises (hereinafter referred to as organizations).

The standard establishes the stages and stages of creating an AS.

Appendix 1 shows the content of work at each stage.



1.1. The process of creating an AS is a set of works ordered in time, interconnected, combined into stages and stages, the implementation of which is necessary and sufficient to create an AS that meets the specified requirements.

1.2. The stages and phases of creating an AS are distinguished as parts of the creation process for reasons of rational planning and organization of work ending with a given result.

1.3. Work on the development of the AS is carried out according to the stages and steps used to create the AS.

1.4. The composition and rules for performing work at the stages and stages established by this standard are determined in the relevant documentation of organizations involved in the creation of specific types of nuclear power plants.

The list of organizations involved in the creation of nuclear power plants is given in Appendix 2.


2.1. The stages and stages of creating an AS are generally shown in the table.

Stages of work

1.1. Inspection of the facility and justification for the need to create a nuclear power plant

1.2. Formation of user requirements for speakers

1.3. Preparation of a report on the work performed and an application for the development of an AS (tactical and technical specifications)

2. Development of the AC concept

2.1. Studying the object

2.2. Carrying out the necessary research work

2.3. Development of AC concept options and selection of an AC concept option that meets user requirements

2.4. Drawing up a report on the work performed

3. Terms of reference

3.1. Development and approval of technical specifications for the creation of nuclear power plants

4. Draft design

4.1. Development of preliminary design solutions for the system and its parts

4.2. Development of documentation for the speaker system and its parts

5.1. Development of design solutions for the system and its parts

5.2. Development of documentation for the speaker system and its parts

5.3. Development and execution of documentation for the supply of products for completing the NPP and (or) technical requirements (technical specifications) for their development

5.4. Development of design tasks in adjacent parts of the automation facility project

6. Working documentation

6.1. Development of working documentation for the system and its parts

6.2. Development or adaptation of programs

7. Commissioning

7.1. Preparing the automation object for putting the NPP into operation

7.2. Personnel training

7.3. Complete set of speakers supplied with products (software and hardware, software and hardware systems, information products)

7.4. Construction and installation works

7.6. Carrying out preliminary tests

7.7. Conducting trial operation

7.8. Carrying out acceptance tests

8. AC support

8.1. Carrying out work in accordance with warranty obligations

8.2. Post-warranty service

2.2. The stages and milestones performed by organizations participating in the creation of nuclear power plants are established in contracts and technical specifications based on this standard.

It is allowed to exclude the “Sketch Design” stage and individual stages of work at all stages, and combine the “Technical Design” and “Working Documentation” stages into one “Technical Detailed Design” stage. Depending on the specifics of the AS being created and the conditions for their creation, it is allowed to carry out individual stages of work before the completion of previous stages, parallel execution of work stages, or the inclusion of new stages of work.

APPENDIX 1 (for reference). CONTENT OF WORK


1. At stage 1.1 “Inspection of the facility and justification of the need to create an NPP”, in the general case, the following is carried out:

Collection of data about the automation object and the types of activities carried out;

Assessing the quality of functioning of the facility and the types of activities carried out, identifying problems that can be solved using automation tools;

Assessment (technical, economic, social, etc.) of the feasibility of creating an NPP.

2. At stage 1.2 “Formation of user requirements for speakers” the following is carried out:

Preparation of initial data for the formation of requirements for the automated system (characteristics of the automation object, description of the requirements for the system, limitations on acceptable costs for development, commissioning and operation, the effect expected from the system, conditions for the creation and operation of the system);

Formulation and registration of user requirements for speakers.

3. At stage 1.3 “Completing a report on the work performed and an application for the development of an AS (tactical and technical specifications)”, a report on the work performed at this stage and an application for the development of an AS (tactical and technical specifications) or another document replacing it are completed with similar content.

4. At stages 2.1 “Study of the object” and 2.2 “Carrying out the necessary research work,” the development organization conducts a detailed study of the automation object and the necessary research work (R&D) related to finding ways and assessing the possibility of implementing user requirements, draws up and approve research reports.

5. At stage 2.3 “Development of options for the AS concept and selection of an option for the AS concept that meets the user’s requirements”, in the general case, alternative options for the concept of the AS being created and plans for their implementation are developed; assessment of the necessary resources for their implementation and maintenance; assessing the advantages and disadvantages of each option; comparison of user requirements and characteristics of the proposed system and selection of the optimal option; determining the procedure for assessing the quality and conditions for accepting the system; assessment of the effects obtained from the system.

6. At stage 2.4 “Preparing a report on the work performed”, prepare and draw up a report containing a description of the work performed at the stage, a description and justification of the proposed version of the system concept.

7. At stage 3.1 “Development and approval of technical specifications for the creation of a nuclear power plant,” the development, execution, coordination and approval of technical specifications for the nuclear power plant and, if necessary, technical specifications for parts of the nuclear power plant are carried out.

8. At stage 4.1 “Development of preliminary design solutions for the system and its parts” the following are determined: the functions of the AS; functions of subsystems, their goals and effects; composition of task complexes and individual tasks; concepts information base, its enlarged structure; database management system functions; compound computing system; functions and parameters of the main software.

9. At stage 5.1 “Development of design solutions for the system and its parts”, they ensure the development of general solutions for the system and its parts, the functional-algorithmic structure of the system, the functions of personnel and organizational structure, the structure of technical means, algorithms for solving problems and the languages ​​used , on organizing and maintaining an information base, a system of classification and coding of information, on software.

10. At stages 4.2 and 5.2 “Development of documentation for the NPP and its parts”, the development, execution, coordination and approval of documentation is carried out to the extent necessary to describe the full set of design decisions taken and sufficient for the further implementation of work on the creation of the NPP. Types of documents - according to GOST 34.201.

11. At stage 5.3 “Development and execution of documentation for the supply of products for completing the NPP and (or) technical requirements (technical specifications) for their development” the following is carried out: preparation and execution of documentation for the supply of products for completing the NPP; determination of technical requirements and drawing up technical specifications for the development of products that are not mass-produced.

12. At stage 5.4 “Development of design assignments in adjacent parts of the automation facility project,” the development, execution, coordination and approval of design assignments in adjacent parts of the automation facility project are carried out for construction, electrical, sanitary and other preparatory work related to creation of AS.

13. At stage 6.1 “Development of working documentation for the system and its parts,” working documentation is developed containing all necessary and sufficient information to ensure the implementation of work on putting the NPP into operation and its operation, as well as to maintain the level performance characteristics(quality) of the system in accordance with the adopted design decisions, its design, coordination and approval. Types of documents - according to GOST 34.201.

14. At stage 6.2 “Development or adaptation of programs”, programs and software of the system are developed, selection, adaptation and (or) linking of purchased software, development of program documentation in accordance with GOST 19.101.

15. At stage 7.1 “Preparation of the automation object for putting the NPP into operation”, work is carried out on the organizational preparation of the automation object for putting the NPP into operation, including: implementation of design solutions for the organizational structure of the NPP; providing departments of the management facility with instructional and methodological materials; implementation of information classifiers.

16. At stage 7.2 “Personnel training”, personnel are trained and their ability to ensure the functioning of the plant is checked.

17. At the stage “Completing the speakers with supplied products”, they ensure the receipt of serial and individual production components, materials and installation products. Incoming quality control is carried out.

18. At stage 7.4 “Construction and installation work” the following is carried out: work on the construction of specialized buildings (premises) to accommodate technical equipment and NPP personnel; construction of cable channels; performing work on the installation of technical equipment and communication lines; testing of installed technical equipment; delivery of technical equipment for commissioning.

19. At stage 7.5 “Commissioning”, they carry out autonomous adjustment of hardware and software, loading information into the database and checking the system for maintaining it; comprehensive setup of all system tools.

20. At stage 7.6 “Conducting preliminary tests” the following is carried out:

Testing the speakers for operability and compliance with technical specifications in accordance with the program and methodology of preliminary tests;

Troubleshooting and making changes to the NPP documentation, including operational documentation in accordance with the test report;

Drawing up a certificate of acceptance of the NPP for trial operation.

21. At stage 7.7 “Conducting trial operation” the following is carried out: trial operation of the NPP; analysis of the results of trial operation of the NPP; modification (if necessary) of the AS software; additional adjustment (if necessary) of technical equipment of the NPP; execution of a certificate of completion of trial operation.

22. At stage 7.8 “Conducting acceptance tests” the following is carried out:

Tests for compliance with technical specifications in accordance with the acceptance testing program and methodology;

Analysis of AS test results and elimination of deficiencies identified during testing;

Drawing up a certificate of acceptance of the AS for permanent operation.

23. At stage 8.1 “Performing work in accordance with warranty obligations”, work is carried out to eliminate deficiencies identified during the operation of the NPP during the established warranty periods, and to make the necessary changes to the documentation for the NPP.

24. At stage 8.2 “Post-warranty service” work is carried out on:

Analysis of the functioning of the system;

Identification of deviations of the actual operational characteristics of the NPP from the design values;

Determining the reasons for these deviations;

Eliminate identified deficiencies and ensure stability of NPP operational characteristics;

Making the necessary changes to the documentation for the speakers.



1. The customer organization (user) for which the NPP is being created and which provides financing, acceptance of work and operation of the NPP, as well as the implementation of individual work on the creation of the NPP;

2. A development organization that carries out work on the creation of the AS, providing the customer with a set of scientific and technical services at different stages and stages of creation, as well as developing and supplying various software and hardware for the AS;

3. A supplier organization that manufactures and supplies software and hardware to the order of the developer or customer;

4. Organization-general designer of the automation facility;

5. Organizations-designers of various parts of the automation facility project for carrying out construction, electrical, sanitary and other preparatory work related to the creation of the nuclear power plant;

6. Construction, installation, commissioning and other organizations.


1. Depending on the conditions for creating the NPP, various combinations of functions of the customer, developer, supplier and other organizations involved in the creation of the NPP are possible.

2. The stages and phases of the work they perform to create the AS are determined on the basis of this standard.

Electronic document text
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official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2009

Why, in principle, are they needed when designing?

It turns out that GOSTs help the designer himself.

The main problem with design is the lack of design itself. There are some scraps of thoughts and desires, but without forming them into some kind of holistic picture. This is typical for both beginners and system administrators and beginning systems engineers. There is a certain spontaneity of thinking. By the way, this is also typical for many customers. But they are in a slightly more advantageous position than the performers.

An interesting question arises: who needs all these explanatory notes, technical specifications, etc.? And here’s an interesting answer we get: 85% of documentation is necessary for the performer. The remaining 15% is needed by the customer for some common understanding what's happening. But the contractor must clearly define both the boundaries of the project and the signs of its implementation. The contractor must be able to protect himself from the chaotic thinking of the customer.

So, let's turn to the developer's GOSTs. We have two main ones: GOST 34th series and GOST 19th series. The 34th series relates to the development of automated systems, and the 19th to software development.
We will talk about GOST 34th series.

There are many different GOSTs in the 34th series. We will be interested in only a few of them. Namely:

1. GOST 34.003-90 Information technology. A set of standards for automated systems. Terms and definitions
2. GOST 34.601-90 Information technology. A set of standards for automated systems. Automated systems. Stages of creation
3. GOST 34.602-89 Information technology. A set of standards for automated systems. Terms of reference for the creation of an automated system
4. GOST 34.603-92 Information technology. Types of testing of automated systems
5. GOST 34.201-89 Information technology. A set of standards for automated systems. Types, completeness and designation of documents when creating automated systems
6. RD 50-34.698-90 Automated systems. Requirements for the content of documents.

GOSTs are somewhat similar in their hierarchical structure to the catalogue. For example, like this Active Directory. It is likely that if you write documentation strictly following GOSTs, then cross-references will allow you to familiarize yourself with a huge number of documents. But what is most important in GOSTs is a clear model “from the general to the specific”. Starting with general phrases, we will get to the very last RJ45 in the system.

And now in more detail. The main GOST, around which there is the so-called. dance is GOST 34.601-90 (Stages of creation). Let's take a closer look at this document.

This is the structure that greets us in this document. What's so great about this? The remarkable thing about this is that we see almost the full life cycle of an automated system. Why almost? Because there is no such stage as decommissioning and disposal. But we don’t really need this. For now, the existing stages are more than enough. Moreover, the recycling stage is considered in one of the other GOSTs, but this is beyond the scope of this article.

As I said above, GOSTs contain cross-references. And to go further in our reasoning, we will take a little look at GOST 34.003-90 (Terms and definitions). It is interested in the definition of an automated system. This is important because we still need to have an idea of ​​what we are going to create.

GOST 34.003-90 in the definition of an automated system tells us the following: automated system; AS: A system consisting of personnel and a set of automation tools for their activities, implementing information technology to perform established functions. Those. in other words, the AC consists of

1. Personnel
2. complex of funds
3. some activity to be automated.

We will also check with GOST 34.003-90

1. a set of automation tools for an automated system; KSA AS: The totality of all components of the AS, with the exception of people
2. user of the automated system; AC user: A person participating in the functioning of the AC or using the results of its functioning
3. operating personnel of the automated system; NPP operating personnel
4. automated system component; component AC: Part of the AC, identified by a certain characteristic or set of characteristics and considered as a whole

So what do we get? But it turns out that we felt some foundation under our feet on which we will rely. We know what the automated system consists of and have clarified that there are two types of personnel: user and operational. And we logically deduce that the component AC, selected according to a certain characteristic, will be t.s. “hardware” and “software”, to put it simply. And the combination of software + hardware will be a complex of automation equipment.

This means that if a customer, for example, says “Install Exchange for me,” then this will not be an AS for one simple reason: at least in such a task there is no type of automated activity. Or maybe the customer doesn’t need Exchange at all. Or maybe he doesn’t need Exchange at all. This means that an inspection of the automation object is required. This means the first stage of GOST 34.601-90 begins (Stages of creation). “Formation of requirements for speakers”

At this stage, GOST requires us to complete several steps. If we translate this into human language, then we must determine whether it is necessary to develop anything at all. Is it advisable from different points of view. In general, assess the need to begin work. The result of the work at this stage is a report that records the result.

Once we have decided with the customer that there are sufficient grounds for development, we can move on to the next stage, “Development of the AC concept.”

In the concept, we need to study the object where implementation is required. If in the first stage we were looking for the reason for creating the speaker system in general (based only on business goals, GOST was simply written when such words were not used), then at the second stage we need to find possible options that meet the customer’s requirements. For example, if a customer wants a mail system, then this can be implemented on Exchange, Postfix, or anything else. With its pros, cons and development options. A general examination of the facility is carried out and labor costs are preliminarily estimated. We, as performers, are also looking for the most optimal option for ourselves.
After we come to a certain consensus with the customer about which solution option suits him in general terms the most, we move on to, dare I say it, the most important point of the project “Technical Specifications”

The technical specification, if you look at the definition of GOST 34.602-89, is the main document that defines the requirements and procedure for creating (development or modernization - then creation) of an automated system, in accordance with which the development of the AS is carried out and its acceptance upon commissioning.

The technical specification is such an important document that a personal GOST is dedicated to it. Now we will not dwell on this in detail. I will only note that for the correct formation of technical specifications, it is necessary that the stages of GOST 34.601-90 “Formation of requirements for NPP” and “Development of the NPP concept” be completed. The accuracy and correctness of the creation of technical specifications depends on the quality of execution of these stages.

Date of introduction from 01.07.1987

This standard applies to automated systems (AS) used in various types activities (research, design, management), including their combinations (research - design - management, design - management), created in organizations, associations and enterprises (hereinafter referred to as organizations).

The standard establishes the stages and stages of the creation and development of AS and the main results of work at each stage.

The standard does not apply to the procedure for developing components used in nuclear power plants.

The procedure for developing supplied systems of automation equipment, hardware, software, etc. is determined by the standards of the system for the development and supply of products and equipment for production, operating in the department of the customer.

The reference book annex provides explanations and some terms used in the standard.


1.1. The creation (development) of an AS is a set of works, ordered in time, mutually related, combined into stages and stages, the implementation of which is necessary and sufficient to create an AS that meets the specified requirements.

1.2. The composition, content and procedure for performing work at the stages and phases established by this standard are determined in the normative and technical documentation for the creation of an NPP of the corresponding type.


2.1. The stages and stages of work are shown in the table.

StagesStages of work
1. Research and justification for the creation of the AS 1.1. Inspection (data collection and analysis) of an automated object, including collection of information about foreign and domestic analogues
1.2. Development and registration of requirements for the system (feasibility study, tactical and technical specifications, application)
2. Terms of reference 2.1. Research work*
2.2. Development of preliminary design
2.3. Development of technical specifications for the NPP as a whole and, if necessary, specific technical specifications for NPP subsystems
3. Draft design 3.1. Development of preliminary decisions on the selected AS option and individual types of support
4. Technical design 4.1. Development of final decisions on system-wide issues, including on AS structures (functional, organizational); procedures (tasks) implemented by the system; process of system operation and, if necessary, issuing specific technical specifications for the development of types of NPP support or types of NPP subsystem support
4.2. Development of solutions for organizational support, including the development of an action plan to prepare for the implementation of AS
4.3. Development of solutions for technical support
4.4. Development or selection of algorithms for automated activities
4.5. Development of solutions for information support
4.6. Development of solutions for linguistic support
4.7. Development of software solutions
4.8. Development of solutions for methodological support
4.9. Development of design and estimate construction documentation
4.10. Coordination of decisions on connections between types of support and development of system-wide documentation for the AS as a whole
4.11. Drawing up custom documentation for supplied components and automation equipment systems or technical specifications for their development
5. Working documentation 5.1. Development of working documentation for information support
5.2. Development of working documentation for organizational support
5.3. Development of working documentation for methodological support
5.4. Development of working documentation for linguistic support
5.5. Development or adaptation of programs and program documentation
5.6. Development of documentation for technical means of one-time production
5.7. Development of design and estimate construction documentation
6. Manufacturing of non-serial components of a complex of automation equipment (CAS) 6.1. Manufacturing of KSA components
6.2. Autonomous debugging and testing of KSA components
7. Commissioning 7.1. Preparing the organization for putting the system into operation, training user personnel *
7.2. Construction and installation work *
7.3. Complete set of speakers * supplied automation equipment complexes, hardware, software, etc.
7.4. Commissioning * (comprehensive debugging of automated control systems)
7.5. Conducting trial operation of the NPP
7.6. Conducting acceptance tests (state, interdepartmental or departmental)
7.7. Elimination of comments identified during testing of speakers
7.8. Acceptance of NPPs for commercial operation (introduction of NPPs)

*Stages may be performed at previous stages depending on the specific development conditions.

2.2. The composition, sequence and timing of the implementation of the stages and stages of work performed during the creation (development) of the AS are established in the technical specifications for the creation (development) of the system from the number of stages and stages given in the table.

2.3. The application of the put into operation AS at similar facilities is carried out by using ready-made design solutions of the developed system and mass-produced components (complexes of automation equipment, software, hardware, etc.) products.

The decision on the possibility of using the AS is made by the commission during acceptance tests of the system.

2.4. When creating (developing) an NPP, the mandatory stages are: “Technical specifications”, “Technical design”, “Detailed documentation” and “Put into operation”.

For simple systems and systems developed using standard design solutions, the “Technical Design” and “Working Documentation” stages are combined into one.

2.5. The required steps when creating an AS are: 1.2; 2.3; 4.1-4.5; 4.7; 4.9 - 4.11; 5.1; 5.2; 5.5; 7.1; 7.3 - 7.5; 7.6 and 7.8.

2.6. It is allowed to carry out research work (stage 2.1) at the stage “Research and justification for the creation of nuclear power plants”, and, if necessary, at other stages.


3.1. The result of the stage “Research and justification for the creation of a nuclear power plant” is a scientific and technical report, tactical and technical specifications, a feasibility study or an application for the creation of a nuclear power plant.

3.2. The result of completing the “Technical specifications” stage is the technical specifications for the creation of the AS.

3.3. The result of the “Sketch Design” stage is a preliminary design.

3.4. The result of work performed at the “Technical Design” stage is a technical design.

3.5. The result of the work at the “Working documentation” stage is a set of working documentation for the plant.

3.6. The result of the work performed at the stage “Manufacture of non-serial components of the automated control system” are components of the automated control system that have passed tests in the prescribed manner.

3.7. The result of the work at the “Commissioning” stage is the acceptance of the NPP for commercial operation.

3.9. Development (modernization) or decommissioning of the system is carried out on the basis of decisions made based on the results of an operational analysis.




Automated system A system consisting of an interconnected set of organizational units (or a team of specialists) and a set of activity automation tools that implement automated functions for individual types of activities - research, management, testing, etc., or their combinations.
Components for speakers The supplied part of the system, which is a component or an interconnected set of components (complex) of one or more types of support, developed in accordance with current regulatory and technical documents, passed state, interdepartmental or departmental tests, accepted for production, manufactured according to the approved specification in the prescribed manner technology adopted by the technical control (standard control) service of the manufacturer's (supplier's) organization. AC components are products for industrial and technical purposes.
Methodological support for AS Documents that reflect the user’s interaction with a set of automation tools, including a description of the system and subsystems, methodology (technology) for performing automated activities, user instructions
Organizational support for the AS Documents (regulations, job descriptions, staffing schedules, qualification requirements, etc.), establishing the organizational structure, functions and procedure for the interaction of departments with each other during the operation of the plant, including instructions to personnel
AC component An element of one of the types of support (technical, software, information, etc.) that performs specific function in the AC subsystem and ensuring its operation

The process of creating an AS is a set of works ordered in time, interconnected, combined into stages and phases, the implementation of which is necessary and sufficient to create an AS that meets the specified requirements.

The stages and phases of creating an AS are distinguished as parts of the creation process for reasons of rational planning and organization of work ending with a given result.

Work on the development of the AS is carried out according to the stages and steps used to create the AS.

The composition and rules for performing work at the stages and stages established by this standard are determined in the relevant documentation of organizations involved in the creation of specific types of nuclear power plants.

Stages and stages of work

1. Formation of requirements for speakers

1.1. Inspection of the facility and justification of the need to create an NPP.

1.2. Formation of user requirements for speakers.

1.3. Preparation of a report on the work performed and an application for the development of an AS (tactical and technical specifications)

2. Development of the AC concept.

2.1. Studying the object.

2.2. Carrying out the necessary research work.

2.3. Development of variants of the speaker concept that meets user requirements.

2.4. Drawing up a report on the work performed.

3. Technical specifications.

Development and approval of technical specifications for the creation of nuclear power plants.

4. Draft design.

4.1. Development of preliminary design solutions for the system and its parts.

4.2. Development of documentation for the speaker system and its parts.

5. Technical design.

5.1. Development of design solutions for the system and its parts.

5.2. Development of documentation for the speaker system and its parts.

5.3. Development and execution of documentation for the supply of products for completing the NPP and (or) technical requirements (technical specifications) for their development.

5.4. Development of design tasks in adjacent parts of the automation facility project.

6. Working documentation.

6.1. Development of working documentation for the system and its parts.

6.2. Development or adaptation of programs.

7. Commissioning.

7.1. Preparing the automation facility for putting the plant into operation.

7.2. Personnel training.

7.3. Complete set of speakers with supplied products (software and hardware, software and hardware systems, information products).

7.4. Construction and installation works.

7.5. Commissioning works.

7.6. Conducting preliminary tests.

7.7. Conducting trial operation.

7.8. Conducting acceptance tests.

8. AC support

8.1. Carrying out work in accordance with warranty obligations.

8.2. Post-warranty service.

GOST 34.602-89 "Technical specifications for the creation of an automated system"


1.1. The technical specification for the NPP is the main document that defines the requirements and procedure for creating (development or modernization - then creation) of an automated system, in accordance with which the NPP is developed and accepted upon commissioning.

1.2. Specifications for the NPP are developed for the system as a whole, intended to operate independently or as part of another system.

1.3. Requirements for speakers to the extent established by this standard may be included in the design assignment again created object automation. In this case, technical specifications for the nuclear power plant are not developed.

1.4. The requirements included in the technical specifications for nuclear power plants must correspond to the current level of development of science and technology and not be inferior to similar requirements imposed on the best modern domestic and foreign analogues. The requirements specified in the technical specifications for the NPP should not limit the system developer in the search and implementation of the most effective technical, technical, economic and other solutions.

1.5. Technical specifications for nuclear power plants are developed on the basis of initial data, including those contained in the final documentation of the stage “Research and justification for the creation of nuclear power plants”, established by GOST 24.601.

1.6. The technical specifications for AS include only those requirements that complement the requirements for systems of a given type (ACS, CAD, ASNI, etc.) contained in the current normative and technical documentation, and are determined by the specifics of the specific object for which the system is being created.

1.7. Changes to the technical specifications for the NPP are formalized by an addition or a protocol signed by the customer and developer. The addition or the specified protocol is an integral part of the technical specifications for the NPP. On the title page of the technical specification for the speaker there should be the entry “Valid from...”.


2.1. The technical specification for the NPP contains the following sections, which can be divided into subsections:

2) the purpose and goals of the creation (development) of the system;

3) characteristics of automation objects;

4) system requirements;

5) composition and content of work to create the system;

6) the procedure for control and acceptance of the system;

7) requirements for the composition and content of work to prepare the automation object for putting the system into operation;

8) documentation requirements;

9) sources of development.

Applications may be included in the technical specifications for the speakers.

GOST 34.603-92 "Types of tests"


1.1. Testing of the NPP is carried out at the “Commissioning” stage in accordance with GOST 34.601 in order to verify compliance of the NPP being created with the requirements of the technical specifications (TOR).

1.2. AS testing is a process of checking the performance of specified system functions, determining and verifying compliance with the requirements of technical specifications for the quantitative and (or) qualitative characteristics of the system, identifying and eliminating deficiencies in the system’s operations and in the developed documentation.

1.3. The following main types of tests are established for AS:

a) preliminary;

1) autonomous;

2) complex.

b) trial operation;

Trial operation is carried out in accordance with the program, which indicates:

1) conditions and procedure for the functioning of parts of the NPP and the NPP as a whole;

2) the duration of trial operation, sufficient to verify the correct functioning of the NPP when performing each function of the system and the readiness of personnel to work under operating conditions of the NPP;

3) the procedure for eliminating deficiencies identified during trial operation.

c) acceptance.

Acceptance tests are carried out in accordance with the program, which indicates:

1) a list of objects allocated in the system for testing and a list of requirements that the objects must meet (with reference to the points of the technical specifications);

2) acceptance criteria for the system and its parts;

3) conditions and timing of testing;

4) means for testing;

5) names of persons responsible for testing;

6) testing methods and processing of their results;

7) list of documentation to be drawn up.

Features of NGOs. Characteristics of control objects.

NGO structure. Levels and management systems of NGOs.

Features of VT in NGOs:

1) Territorial distribution of NGO, VT and NPP facilities.

2) Continuous or discrete-continuous nature of technological processes.

3) Difficult climatic operating conditions and high fire hazard.

4) Low-skilled service personnel.

5) Enterprises in the industry are city-forming.

Enlarged diagram of the relationship between technological complexes of oil and gas production facilities:

Stages of development. Sequence of metasystem transitions:

70s - centralized systems for collecting and processing information based on ES-computers: KIVC\RIVC.

80s - microprocessor technology, new tools (decentralized) appear: SM-computer, TECHNIK, MicroDat.

90s – cluster system, many relatively autonomous subsystems: PC.

2000 – client-server technologies, technologies artificial intelligence, foreign technical solutions.

Nowadays NGOs high level development.

Proprietary concepts and solutions for NGO automation:

1) ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) – automated control system, automated enterprise resource management system.

2) EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) – AS for managing production capacities and assets.

3) MES (Manufacturing Execution System) – automated control system, operational production management system.

4) SCADA – automated process control system, automated process control system.

PLC – program logic controllers.

DCS – distributed control systems.

The AS is implemented as a sequence of information related functions, tasks or procedures performed in an automated (interactive) or automatic manner.

Automated technological complexes- a set of technological and software tools necessary for a certain type of production and production processes.

4) development of optimal technological modes;

5) calculation of the necessary material resources and their optimal distribution - equipment;

6) maintaining the maximum balance and analyzing unit costs;

7) analysis of downtime of technological equipment and accounting of losses;

8) automated processing of research results and technological information;

9) management of maintenance and repair of process equipment.

On upper level problem solving is aimed at supporting decision-making by specialists in changing operating conditions of the enterprise.

Solving these problems is aimed at supporting decision-making at the enterprise (Medium level).

Functionality at the workshop level:

1) collection of information by automation systems of technological objects;

2) creation and maintenance of a database;

3) generation and transmission of information at the enterprise level;

4) monitoring the condition of equipment in technological modes;

5) operational calculations of the effectiveness of the event;

6) diagnostics of the operation of technological equipment and technical automation equipment;

7) maintaining reporting and planning documents.

Solving these problems is aimed at implementing the decisions made in the changing operating conditions of the enterprise’s workshops.

Requirements for self-propelled guns at different levels of NGOs. (drawing)

Technology object level:

(Lower level)

1) collection of information from sensors and automation systems according to regulations;

2) automatic processing and storage of primary information;

3) automatic control and regulation of technical objects (setting regulations);

4) dialogue with the operator technologist;

5) ensuring control of security parameters.

Basic principles for building AS at different levels of the enterprise:

1) Invariance of the performance of functions at each level of control in relation to the number and types of technological objects: the system can be adjusted to the specific technical objects of the open and complemented by new functions. Tree of object types => tree of specific objects.

2) Intellectualization of technical and software programs through automation of personnel.

3) Standardization, guaranteed compatibility of the device and software programs and, as a result, reduction in the costs of their operation.

4) The architecture of the complex of those means should ensure the implementation of various configuration systems managed with radial, ring and mixed communication channels, including via wired and radio channels.

Types of AS support. Problems, models and means of integrating automated control systems into NGOs

In general, automated systems consist of software and hardware complexes (PTK), software and methodological complexes (PMK) and technical components. Software and information support.

AS is a set of mutually agreed components and complexes of software, hardware and information support, developed, manufactured and supplied as products for industrial and technical purposes. The joint functioning and interaction of the complexes is carried out on the basis of computer networks.

AS software is a set of programs on storage media with program documentation in accordance with GOST 19.101.

Technical Support AS is a set of means for implementing control actions, means for receiving, inputting, preparing, converting, processing, storing registration, displaying, using and transmitting data with design documentation in accordance with GOST 2.102 and operational documentation in accordance with GOST 2.601.

Information Support of AS - a set of system-oriented data describing the dictionary of basic descriptions adopted in the system (classifiers, standard models, automation elements, documentation formats) and updated status data information model automation objects (control object, design) at all stages of the life cycle.

Organizational and methodological support for the AS is a set of documents that define the organizational structure of the facility and the automation system, activities under the operating conditions of the system, and forms for presenting the results of activities.

AS software is a set of mathematical methods, models and information processing algorithms used in the operation of the system.

Linguistic support is a set of language tools for constructing and combining information units of KSA.

GOST 24.208-80 Requirements for the content of documents at the “Commissioning” stage

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated May 14, 1980 No. 2101, the introduction date was established

from 01/01/1981

This standard applies to technical documentation for automated control systems (ACS) of all types, developed for all levels of management (except for national ones), and establishes requirements for the content of documents developed at the “Commissioning” stage in accordance with the requirements of GOST 24.101-80


1.1. Documents developed at the “Commissioning” stage are classified as acceptance documentation for the automated control system.

1.2. When drawing up documents for parts of the automated control system, the content of the documents is limited to the framework of the corresponding part of the automated control system.

1.3. Depending on the purpose and specific features of the created automated control systems, it is allowed to include them in documents additional information, the content requirements for which are not established by this standard.


2.1. Certificate of completion of work

2.1.1. The document is intended to record the fact of completion of a separate work when creating an automated control system.

2.1.2. The document does not apply to construction, installation and commissioning works.

2.1.3. The document must contain:

  • name of the completed work(s);
  • a list of representatives of the developer organization and the customer organization who drew up the act;
  • date of completion of work;
  • name of the document(s) on the basis of which the work was carried out;
  • main results of the completed work;
  • conclusion about the results of the completed work.

2.2. Certificate of acceptance for trial operation

2.2.1. The document is intended to record the completion of the commissioning of the automated control system as a whole or its parts into trial operation.

2.2.2. The document must contain:

  • name of the automated control system (or part thereof) accepted for trial operation and the corresponding control object;
  • the composition of the acceptance committee and the basis for its work (name, number and date of approval of the document on the basis of which the commission was created);
  • the composition of the functions of the automated control system (or its part) accepted for trial operation;
  • a list of components of technical, software, information and organizational support tested during trial operation;
  • main results of acceptance into trial operation;
  • decision of the commission to accept the automated control system for trial operation.

2.3. Certificate of acceptance for industrial operation

2.3.1. The document is intended to record the fact of putting the automated control system (or part thereof) into commercial operation.

2.3.2. The document must contain:

  • name of the control object and the automated control system (or part thereof) accepted for commercial operation;
  • information about the status of the acceptance committee (state, interdepartmental, departmental), its composition and the basis for its work;
  • period of the commission's work;
  • name of the developer organization, co-executing organization and customer organization;
  • name of the document on the basis of which the automated control system was developed;
  • the composition of the functions of the automated control system (or its part) accepted for commercial operation;
  • a list of components of technical, software, information and organizational support accepted for commercial operation;
  • list of documents presented to the commission;
  • conclusion on the results of trial operation of the automated control system;
  • assessment of compliance of the adopted automated control system with the technical specifications for its creation;
  • brief characteristics and the main results of the work performed to create an automated control system;
  • assessment of the scientific and technical level of the automated control system (based on design data) * ;
  • assessment of economic efficiency from the implementation of automated control systems (based on design data) * ;
  • decision of the commission;
  • recommendations of the commission for further development of the system *.
* Mandatory only when accepting the automated control system as a whole.

2.3.3. The “Certificate of Acceptance for Industrial Operation” is accompanied by a program and test reports, minutes of commission meetings, certificates of acceptance into industrial operation of previously accepted parts of the automated control system, and a list of technical means that the commission used when accepting the automated control system. At the discretion of the commission, it is allowed to include additional documents in the application.

2.4. Work schedule

2.4.1. The document establishes a list of works, deadlines and performers of work related to the creation of works.

2.4.2. The document for each work included in the list must contain:

  • title of work;
  • start and end date of work;
  • name of the unit participating in the work;
  • name and position of the responsible executor;
  • formula for presenting work results.

2.5. Work order

2.5.1. Depending on the stage of work on creating an automated control system, the following types of documents have been established:

  • order on the readiness of the management facility for construction and installation work;
  • order on the readiness of the control facility to carry out adjustment work;
  • order to begin trial operation of the automated control system (its parts);
  • order to put into commercial operation the automated control system (its parts).

2.5.2. The document “Order on the readiness of the management facility for construction and installation work” must contain:

  • message about the readiness of the management facility for construction and installation work;
  • determination of the construction and installation zone;
  • procedure for admission to work;
  • a list of representatives of the customer organization responsible for the work and safety of the installed equipment;
  • list of responsible representatives of construction and installation organizations performing the work.

2.5.3. The document “Order on the readiness of the control object to carry out adjustment work” must contain:

  • message about the readiness of the control object to carry out adjustment work;
  • list of technical equipment of the automated control system to be adjusted;
  • instructions on the procedure for carrying out adjustment work;
  • procedure for admission to commissioning work;
  • a list of representatives of the customer organization responsible for the commissioning work;
  • list of responsible representatives of organizations performing commissioning work;
  • instructions on the procedure for eliminating installation errors and the persons responsible for performing this work.

2.5.4. The document “Order on the start of trial operation of the automated control system (its parts)” must contain:

  • name of the automated control system as a whole or its parts undergoing trial operation;
  • timing of trial operation;
  • a list of officials of the customer organization and the developer organization responsible for conducting trial operation;
  • list of departments of the customer organization participating in the trial operation.

2.5.5. The document “Order on putting into commercial operation the automated control system (its parts)” must contain:

  • the composition of the functions of the automated control system or its parts, hardware and software accepted for commercial operation;
  • a list of officials and a list of divisions of the customer organization responsible for the operation of the automated control system;
  • procedure and timing for introducing new forms of documents (if necessary);
  • the procedure and timing for transferring first-time employees to work under the operating conditions of the automated control system.

2.6. Order on the composition of the acceptance committee

The document must contain:

  • name of the adopted automated control system as a whole or its parts;
  • information about the composition of the commission;
  • basis for organizing the commission;
  • name of the customer organization;
  • name of the developer organization, co-executing organizations;
  • purpose and goals of the commission;
  • start and end dates of the commission's work;
  • instructions on the form for completing the work of the commission.

2.7. Work program

2.7.1. Depending on the content of the work, the following types of documents are established:

  • test program;
  • pilot operation program;
  • work program of the acceptance committee.

2.7.2. The document “Test Program” is intended to determine the procedure and scope of preliminary tests when transferring into trial operation and acceptance tests when transferring automated control systems into commercial operation.

The document must contain:

  • the composition of the functions of the automated control system as a whole or its parts to be tested, with reference to the paragraphs of the “Terms of Reference” for the creation of the automatic control system;
  • a list of components of technical, software, information and organizational support that are subject to testing;
  • procedure for testing individual components of the automated control system and individual functions of the automated control system;
  • conditions and timing of testing;
  • the procedure for registering tests and identified deficiencies;
  • the procedure for eliminating deficiencies and making necessary changes to the technical documentation;
  • instructions on the form of presentation of test results.

2.7.2. The document “Trial Operation Program” is intended to determine the procedure and scope of trial operation.

The document must contain:

  • the composition of the functions of the automated control system and its parts subject to trial operation, with reference to the clauses of the technical specifications for the creation of the automatic control system;
  • a list of components of technical, software, information and organizational support that are subject to trial operation;
  • procedure for personnel actions during trial operation of automated control system elements and individual functional subsystems;
  • conditions and timing of trial operation;
  • the procedure for recording the results of trial operation and identified deficiencies;
  • the procedure for eliminating identified deficiencies and making changes to technical documentation;
  • instructions on the form for presenting the results of trial operation.

2.7.2. The document “Work Program of the Acceptance Committee” is intended to determine the procedure for accepting the automated control system for commercial operation. The composition and content of the document are determined according to regulatory and technical documents approved in the given industry.

2.8. Test report

2.8.1. The document is intended to record the results of preliminary tests when transferring the automated control system as a whole or its parts into trial or industrial operation.

2.8.2. The document must contain:

  • name of the test object;
  • list of officials who conducted the test;
  • purpose of testing;
  • information about the duration of the tests;
  • a list of items of the technical specifications for the creation of an automated control system, for compliance with which tests were carried out;
  • list of items of the “Test Program” for which tests were carried out;
  • information on the results of observations of the correct functioning of the automated control system;
  • information about failures, malfunctions and emergency situations that arose during testing;
  • information about adjustments to the parameters of the test object and technical documentation.

2.9. Agreement protocol

2.9.1. The document is intended to coordinate deviations from previously adopted and approved design decisions, when during the trial operation of the automated control system as a whole or its parts, the need for their adjustment was revealed.

2.9.2. The document must contain:

  • a list of considered deviations indicating the document, deviations from the requirements of which are subject to approval;
  • list of officials who compiled the protocol;
  • justification of accepted deviations from design decisions;
  • a list of agreed deviations and deadlines for making necessary changes to the technical documentation.

Reissue. May 1986

Commissioning of the information system consists of the following stages:

  • 1) commissioning of technical equipment into trial operation;
  • 2) commissioning of software into trial operation;
  • 3)training and certification of personnel;
  • 4) conducting trial operation of all components and the system as a whole;
  • 5) commissioning and signing of work acceptance certificates.

The information system we have developed has the following minimum requirements to the technical characteristics of hardware and software:

  • - single-core processor with a frequency of 2 GHz;
  • - operational DDR memory- 512 MB;
  • -video card - any modern one will do;
  • -1 GB of hard disk space;
  • -monitor, keyboard, mouse;
  • -installed operating room Windows system 98/XP/Vista/Seven.

Since at OJSC "Kirovenergosbyt" at the moment There are similar databases (our database is a synthesis of 2 existing databases), then special training for personnel during implementation new base no data required.

After being entered into the enterprise database, it is completely ready for use.

Operation of the information system

In this work, an attempt was made to simplify the work of users as much as possible using the information system “Accounting for work with clients” of OJSC “Kirovenergosbyt”. Since the application is replete with tables, it was necessary to develop a convenient system for navigation, search, adding and deleting records, and generating reports.

Despite the fact that the application does not require powerful technical characteristics from the computer on which it will be used, the application should not contain an abundance of side elements.

When you launch the “Customer Accounting” program, a form will appear that prompts you to start working with the data of Kirovenergosbyt OJSC.

If you need information about the debtors of Kirovenergosbyt OJSC, then click on “Debtors”. Will open new form“Debtors”, with which you can find, add, change or delete the desired parameter.

When you click the “Change” button, after first clicking on the desired row in the table and changing its data, the changes in the data of the specified row will be recorded in the table. If you want to add new data to the table, then enter new data in the specified fields. Then click the “Add” button and new information will appear in the database. In the “Search” field, you can find the information you need by one or more parameters by entering data and clicking the “Search” button. Also, by highlighting a line in the table and clicking the “Delete” button, the desired one and all data about it will be deleted from your list. If you want to return to the original form, click “Exit”.

On main form, there are also buttons that provide access to data about suppliers (“Suppliers”), about contracts (“Agreements”), about employees (“Employees”), about consumers (“Consumers”). All opened forms also contain buttons “Add”, “Change”, “Delete”, “Search”, “Report”, “Exit”.

If you want to exit the program, then on the main form you must click the “Exit” button.

The program introduces restrictions on changing the interface, on user access to the “Add”, “Change”, “Delete” buttons, checking whether the entered data corresponds to the parameters of the tables, checking for the most complete data entry.

Prospects for the development of the information system

On at this stage The information system we have created is able to take into account work with clients of OJSC Kirovenergosbyt, with its suppliers, and allocate the Company’s debtors into a separate category, which simplifies the work of finding them. When creating this information system, an attempt was made to combine 2 currently existing databases, taking into account separately debtors and all consumers of the Company.

In the future, new capabilities may be added to it for creating notifications and warnings for debtors, accounting for services provided in accordance with the contract, accounting elements, the ability to integrate data into 1C: Enterprise, etc.