Automated dispatch control system. Organization of dispatch service and its functions Dispatcher information system is created

Software for maintaining a mnemonic diagram and electronic log of an energy facility

Control room information system- an integral part of the Modus software package. It is based on the application maintaining a mnemonic diagram and electronic journal dispatcher.

Software for maintaining a mnemonic diagram and electronic journal, together with a set of extensions described in sections Integration with databases, Working with telemechanics data and other extensions, amounts to Dispatch information system.

The operation of the program is based on operator control operational scheme energy facility, presented in graphical form (mnemonic diagram). The operator makes changes to the circuit in accordance with changes in the state of the power facility. It is possible to connect a system for collecting telemetric information, as well as a telecontrol system, in this case the program acquires the capabilities described in the section Working with telemechanics data.

The electronic log is filled out automatically in accordance with changes in the operational scheme.
The software is focused on maintaining diagrams of any level - PES, RES, urban electrical networks, power supply diagrams for industrial enterprises, power systems, substations, electrical diagrams of stations, relay protection and automation equipment, SDTU devices.
The software is especially useful in those enterprises where there are large power supply circuits with a relatively small amount of telemechanics. First of all, these are city networks, distribution networks, and industrial enterprises.

This application was previously called Electronic Journal, and before that Operational Journal. Currently, these names are not used, since they do not accurately convey the main purpose of the program.

Mnemonic diagram management software

Main features:

  • Allows you to keep track of switching on both the primary (switching devices) and secondary (state of relay protection and automation) circuits;
  • Provides verification of the admissibility of performing operations based on switching rules in electrical installations;
  • Allows you to carry out switching according to forms or switching programs, or operationally;
  • Allows you to keep records of the location of fire safety equipment, repair crews, repair work sites, accident sites, installed portable protective grounding;
  • Allows you to display energy facilities on diagrams
  • It has developed means of printing circuit states (normal, operational, at a given point in time), provides search and selection of circuit elements on the circuit according to a number of criteria;
  • Provides printing of the Electronic Journal and generation of reports based on the data contained in it.

Log service functions

  • Examples of magazine samples:
     - from the moment the operator registers in the system;
     - from the operator’s previous registration in the system;
     - changes in the operational scheme for a specified period of time;
     - associated with the difference between the operational scheme and the normal one;
     - emergency switching;
     - installed/removed portable groundings, switched on/off contact points.
  • Display of de-energized and grounded areas
  • Export selections as files.
  • Quick transition between journal entries, diagram elements and items in switching forms.
  • Showing deviations of the state of the operational scheme from the normal scheme and from the state at the time of the last shift.
  • Printing and displaying object mimic diagrams
  • In a state at the specified point in time
  • In the current state of the operational scheme
  • In normal circuit condition
  • Display of equipment that is faulty, de-energized, disconnected, unused, etc.
  • Display of chains of cable and overhead lines and transformer substations included in the feeder
  • Displaying in the tooltip the PS, the feeding center and the RP from which the feeder is powered
  • Diagnosis of incorrectly powered feeders
  • Ability to view the current state of the diagram and log by other users on the network.

Schema service functions

  • Displaying the sample result directly on the diagram.
  • Viewing data associated with circuit elements (for example, passport or calculation data) from databases available to the customer. A standard mechanism for connecting such databases is built into the software.
  • Configuring the display of the diagram “on the fly” (without redrawing) in accordance with the standards adopted at the enterprise or the operator’s preferences.
  • Automatic arrangement of line directions from the supply center to the consumer
  • Automatic formation and illumination of normal (according to normal current divisions) and current (at a certain point in time) feeders.
  • The complex provides a multi-page system of transitions from a general network diagram to a geographic map of the area.

Performed organizational and technological tasks:

  • Approval of the normal scheme and permission of users to work.
  • Acceptance (handing over) of shifts by the operational personnel of the facility, transmission of information on the shift.
  • Maintaining an operational plan, maintaining an electronic journal.
  • Using a system for preparing and recording the execution of standard and one-time switching forms and switching programs.
  • Maintaining a list of current tasks.

Types of journal entries

    Actions with objects - fixing switchings, setting the removal of operational current/blocking, setting the removal of protections, etc.

    Acknowledgment of telesignals and messages about exceeding setting values.

    Verification actions, results of walk-throughs and inspections.

    Negotiations between operational personnel, orders.

    Arrangement and accounting of field and repair teams at destinations.

    Installation/removal of mobile elements - portable grounding, poster, looping, etc.

  • Marking accident sites.

Editor of operational tasks

As part of the mnemonic diagram and electronic journal management software, the “Operational Tasks Editor” program has been implemented. It is designed to monitor the status of operational tasks at the dispatcher’s workplace.

The software allows you to:

    Drawing up operational tasks by performing operations on an electronic layout of a power facility.

    Checking the operational task using a mnemonic diagram (layout) with control of the correct execution of operations:

      switching on energized grounding blades;

      disconnecting disconnectors under load;

      control of operational blocking;

      showing on the diagram in dotted lines the disconnected electrical sections of the circuit, etc.

    Marks of execution of operations in operational tasks, which ensures control over the real state of active operational tasks.

    Quick access and switching between active tasks.

    Saving the active task to a file and loading from the file in an up-to-date state.

    Possibility of viewing mnemonic diagrams of power facilities.

    Possibility of printing an operational task in the form of a switching form of a standard form.

    Drawing up regular switching forms and working with them.

    Preparation and storage of a database of standard switching forms.

    Checking the possibility of executing a standard switching form in the current state of the power facility circuit.

    Creating regular switching forms based on standard forms in electronic form and working on them.

The program provides control over the status of several simultaneously executed operational tasks. The dispatcher can switch between them in the list of operational tasks window. The operational task editor is integrated with the Mnemonic Diagram and Electronic Journal software application.

Additional journals included in DIS

Starting from version 5.20, the DIS includes a number of additional journals:

  • Changes in the consumer power supply,
  • Technological violations,
  • Consumer requests,
  • Equipment defects...

Data from additional logs are stored in the EZh database and contain information about the parameters and time of the event, the power facility, an explanatory part, and data about the person who made the entry:
The developed magazines are fully integrated with electrical diagram. An automatic transition from a journal entry to a schema element and back is provided. It is also possible to operate journals without a schema.
All journals allow you to generate reports in Word format

Power supply change log
The power source change log allows you to keep track of changes in the power supply to consumers.

Power supply change log form

Logbook of technological violations
The log of technological violations (TN) records:

  • Time of occurrence of TN
  • Object of occurrence of TN
  • Number of de-energized transformer substations, substations, healthcare facilities, heat supply
  • Power off
  • Time to eliminate the VT putting the facility into operation

Report data on de-energized subscribers is generated automatically based on pre-prepared subscriber directories and analysis of the current network configuration.

Technological violation log form

Technological violation log form

Log of consumer requests for power failures.
To organize the process of registering consumer applications in the DIS, a corresponding module has been developed that allows you to record information about a complete or partial loss of power supply, using corporate information systems created at enterprises.

Consumer Application Log Form

Consumer applications log form

Log of defects and problems with equipment and the progress of their elimination
A module for recording defects and equipment problems has been developed, fully integrated with the electrical circuit. At the same time, an automatic transition from a record to a circuit element and back is ensured.
The module provides the ability to select records by:

  • the planned date for eliminating the defect (indicating a specific date or indicating a period),
  • department responsible for eliminating the defect,
  • all defects that have not been eliminated, defects for which the period for elimination has expired;

The module allows you to reschedule defect elimination.

Defect log form

Defect log entry form

Security and legal aspects

All changes are entered into the log on behalf of the dispatcher who took over the shift. Forgery and retroactive modification of entries in the electronic journal are excluded. To insure against software failures, it is possible to maintain a hard copy (print) simultaneously with recording entries in the journal.

Connection of telesignaling / remote control

The dispatch information system can be considered as an integral part of the OIC (top level), which implements support for operational switching and has ample opportunities integration.

The software includes the ability to receive teleinformation and telemetering, as well as telecontrol of energy facilities through an industrial software interface OPC. This software interface is supported by many modern remote control systems, as well as OIC/SCADA systems.

The exchange of such complexes is carried out without additional programming. In the case of using information from systems that do not support OPC, docking can be carried out on a contractual basis by the Modus developers or another contractor (the best option is usually to develop an appropriate OPC server).

Thus, the software package can be considered as an integral part of the OIC (upper level), which implements support for operational switching.

Basic provisions

The main goal of the construction of EASDKiU is to reduce budget subsidies for payment by the population and public sector enterprises of consumed energy resources (heat, water and electricity) through the introduction of objective accounting of energy consumption.

In addition, the Unified Automated System of Dispatch Control and Urban Management is being created as a tool for solving the following tasks:

Improving the quality of operational accounting, planning and distribution of energy resources in the city;

Improving the control system over the use of energy resources in the city;

Construction of a unified information and telecommunication space in the interests of the Municipal Services Complex as an integral part of the Citywide Information System and the unification of existing ones on its basis information resources;

Creation of an automated system for integrated dispatch of engineering equipment of buildings and structures;

Creation of an objective settlement system between consumers and energy suppliers.

Analysis of the state of existing automated dispatch control systems for engineering equipment of buildings and structures

The automated dispatch control system (ASDU) for the engineering equipment of buildings and structures is the main element of the lower level of the city energy consumption management system (GSUPE) and provides monitoring functions for the engineering equipment of buildings and structures.

IN present moment There are no city-level management systems.

Company "Infort" proposes to consider the possibility of cooperation on the creation of an automated control system. Carry out work to replace the existing obsolete ODS equipment used in the control rooms of housing and communal services departments. Design and build a system that will implement the collection and processing of information on energy consumption; emergency signaling engineering systems, ensure the creation of a dispatch CALL center with control objects, which will thus allow collecting grassroots information, making prompt and adequate decisions on the spot and transmitting relevant information according to affiliation.

Company "Infort" has high competence in creating and protecting geographically distributed systems and will happily apply his knowledge to improve the efficiency and security of urban management systems.

The first step in the matter of possible cooperation, we propose to conduct an audit of all engineering systems in order to identify potential external and internal threats and plan work to create Unified automated system for dispatch control and urban management.

Description of EASDKiU

Structure of EASDKiU

The main elements of EASDKiU are:

  • distributed information system for dispatch control and management of housing and communal services (RIS);
  • telecommunication subsystem based on combining elements of automated control systems;
  • information and settlement subsystem that ensures settlements between subjects of housing and communal services.

EASDKiU is built in accordance with the requirements of the seven-level reference model of open systems interaction (ISO/OSI), which ensures the interaction of heterogeneous information and telecommunication systems based on standard interfaces and protocols that meet international recommendations.

Telecommunication system EASDKiU must ensure the following basic requirements are met:

  • comply with the hierarchical principle of constructing the EASDKiU information system and provide the necessary interfaces and gateways to networks of other functional purposes in accordance with the development project of the Citywide Information System;
  • provide:

Optimal throughput with the possibility of its expansion for channels connecting various elements of EASDKiU, depending on the tasks being solved and the volume of information flows;

Synchronization of distributed EASDKiU databases;

High degree of survivability, security, noise immunity and reliability of communication channels with a sufficient degree of redundancy;

Optimal combination of various data transfer protocols with guaranteed delivery at each of the hierarchical levels of the EASDKiU system;

  • have developed network monitoring and management tools;
  • provide for the possibility of round-the-clock continuous operation of all elements of the EASDKiU system.

Distributed information system

Functions and composition of RIS

RIS is designed to perform the following functions:

  • collection of information about the current values ​​of indicators of measuring devices that are part of the home network of an automated dispatch control system (ADCS);
  • passing values technical characteristics, technological parameters and state of engineering systems from home recorders to peripheral database servers;
  • remote control equipment;
  • automated control of engineering systems parameters;
  • accumulation and storage of readings from commercial energy metering devices;
  • ensuring the protection of transmitted information from the possibility of interception or distortion by third parties;
  • servicing requests from RIS clients accessing the database;
  • ensuring the protection of RIS information resources from the possibility of unauthorized access.

The system is a software and hardware complex and consists of the following components:

  • a complex for collecting primary information, consisting of automated control systems and engineering equipment of buildings and structures, which represent a set of home networks and must interact with other elements of the RIS using home recorders;
  • a database complex for supervisory control and management, which should consist of a central database server and peripheral database servers;
  • RIS client complex - a set of systems authorized by RIS database servers that must execute applications that make requests to this database;
  • telecommunication system combining elements of RIS.

RIS topology and architecture

The RIS topology corresponds to the principles of constructing a centralized system, and its architecture satisfies the following requirements.

RIS is a 3-stage hierarchical structure, which has upper level there is a central RIS database server, below there are peripheral database servers, and at the lower level there are home registrars. All other RIS clients interact exclusively with the CSDB. At the same time, RIS clients do not have the opportunity to change the information contained in the database either on the CSDB or on the PSDB.

The RIS is designed in such a way that the occurrence of several emergency situations does not lead to system overload. In the event of failure of communication and power lines, individual components of the system are able to operate in offline mode independent of the rest of the system equipment.

RIS is capable of automatically reconfiguring its structures in the event of failure of individual components of the EASDKiU.

At the same time, the structure and topology of the RIS at the telecommunications level are tied to the architecture and meet certain topology requirements. In particular, the access network contains nodes of two levels: primary and secondary, which house equipment serving the corresponding network levels. At the same time, neither the locations of the RIS equipment nor the locations of the users' workstations are tied to the architecture.

The primary nodes host database servers and telecommunications equipment that ensure the interaction of databases with each other. transport network.

Secondary nodes house data collection points from the “cluster” of houses and telecommunications equipment that provides communication with the database server.

Home telecommunications nodes are located in houses, which connect the equipment of the home ADCS network with secondary nodes.

Thanks to the connection between database servers and RIS clients via the transport network, a distributed city database is formed, which should quite easily solve the issues of protecting databases from catastrophic impacts of both natural and anthropogenic origin.

Data exchange at all levels of interaction with channel-forming equipment of the network is carried out using open protocols equipped with elements of cryptographic protection against unauthorized access to information.

Telecommunication system

The EASDKiU telecommunication system serves to combine all its elements and contains two levels: a transport network and an access network.

The transport network is built on the basis of a single fiber-optic cable backbone network using digital fiber-optic equipment that meets the latest European standards and is designed for high-quality transmission of digital streams to nodes of the transport network.

The access network delivers digital streams to subscribers. The peculiarity of this network is that it is being built as a multifunctional broadband network, potentially capable of providing the user with a wide range of telecommunications services.

Automated dispatch control system

Prerequisites for creating the concept

The complex of engineering support systems for facilities includes power supply systems, ventilation and air conditioning systems (including technological ones), and fire protection systems. Engineering systems, in principle, require highly qualified service.

When automating engineering systems, it is obvious that it is necessary unified system monitoring and management of the entire engineering complex. Firstly, any equipment can fail, and therefore it will take time to restore it. In addition, it is necessary not only to reduce the response time to emerging incidents, but also to be able to prevent failures and failures in the operation of systems, always know what is happening with the equipment at the site and receive proactive messages.

Previously, the situation was like this: a response occurred only after a series of calls from the site, or, even worse, calls came after a series of incompetent actions by service personnel, which subsequently led to serious problems with the equipment. The second important prerequisite for the implementation of a control system is the impossibility of assigning a corresponding specialist to each type of equipment: ensuring the presence of a highly qualified electrician, air conditioner or other service employee, especially if these facilities are located in remote parts of the country.

The monitoring system, the second component, records information about the condition of the object and equipment and presents it in a form convenient for the operator. The main functionality of the system is control and monitoring of the operation of all engineering systems located at the facilities.

Any SCADA system integrated with the system can act as a monitoring system maintenance and repairs.

Composition of ASDU

Automated dispatch control system(ASDU) with engineering equipment of buildings and structures unites buildings within one GEP and ensures the following functions:

Accumulation, storage and transmission to a higher level (to the access server) of readings from commercial energy metering devices;

Control of engineering equipment of buildings and structures;

Remote control of engineering systems equipment;

Automated control of engineering systems parameters.

ASDU consists from the automated workstation (AWS) of the control room control center and home network equipment.

Home network equipment The ASDU is designed to collect, process and transmit information over the network about the state of the building's engineering equipment and contains concentrators and a home recorder, connected by a home network.

Hubs serve to collect information from primary measuring transducers (sensors) and control actuators and are located in places where sensors are compactly located (house heating unit, electrical room, elevator machine room, attic, basement, entrance of a residential building without an elevator). There are respectively four types of concentrators.

The concentrator for the electrical panel provides the ability to connect an automated system for commercial metering of residential electricity consumption (ASKUE BP) via the power network.

Duplex loudspeaker communication between the dispatcher and the premises is carried out using intercoms that are connected to hubs. Calling the dispatcher from the premises is carried out by pressing the corresponding button on the intercom. In addition, an electromechanical lock can be opened through the intercom at the dispatcher’s command.

House registrar is designed to control home network equipment and its connection with the EASDKiU access server and ensures the functioning of the EASDKiU home level.

Household recorders, modems and hubs are installed in locked metal cabinets in rooms that ensure their safety. The room where the ASDU equipment is installed is equipped with means to prevent unauthorized access (lock and unauthorized access control sensors).

The equipment of the home network of ASDU is made in a vandal-proof design, making it extremely difficult to open it without authorization.

The equipment of the ASDU home network provides protection measures against acts of sabotage in the form of attempts to open the information coding system, falsify information about payment and use of services.

In information terms, the ADCS consists of the following subsystems.

1. Engineering equipment control subsystem, which indicates the current state of engineering equipment, signals its abnormal condition and characterizes the quality of the services provided (energy resources).

Monitoring the presence of phases in the electrical switchboard ASU.

Central heating and hot water supply:

Water flow in forward and return pipelines;

Temperature in forward and return pipelines;

Outside air temperature;

Pressure in forward and return pipelines;

Automated telecontrol of heat and hot water consumption.

Cold water supply:


Cold water consumption;

Condition of circulation pumps;

Automated telecontrol of cold water flow (cold water booster pump).

Elevator condition monitoring:

Parameters according to the list of signals controlled by the equipment of JSC "MOSOTIS";

Elevator failure (generalized parameter based on the results of self-monitoring of the control station).

Duplex loudspeaker communication of the dispatcher (at the same time capable of solving the problems of the entrance intercom) with:

Electrical switchboards;

Thermal units;

Elevator cabins and machine rooms;

Premises for the duty shift of the power distribution station;

The entrance door to the control room;

Concierge premises or entrance to the entrance;

Remote control of the entrance door to the control room.

Remote activation of lighting in the entrances of houses, in front of entrance doors and yard lighting.

Monitoring and remote control of the start-up of sewage drainage pumps.

2. Subsystem for commercial accounting of energy resources, which provides collection of information about household consumption. (ASDU equipment allows using simple meters to keep track of energy consumption at any number of tariffs.)


For home needs;

Elevator maintenance at home;

Total consumption of the residential sector.

For central heating;

For hot water supply.

Hot water.

Cold water.

3. Subsystem for access control to technical premises, which ensures the physical safety of ASDU equipment, signaling the penetration of all technical rooms (attics, roofs, basements, elevator machine rooms, ventilation rooms, electrical switchboards, power distribution points rooms, etc.).

In addition, this subsystem provides additional security for automated control system equipment by signaling the opening of locked metal cabinets in which the equipment is mounted.

4. Fire, gas and emergency safety subsystem, which signals the status of the sensors of the corresponding subsystems in all technical rooms and units, including:

Fire alarm;

Monitoring the condition of the home fire alarm and smoke removal system;

Ambient temperature control;

Monitoring the state of ventilation (supply or exhaust);

Alarm about gas contamination in basements;

Basement flood alarm

Elevator dispatching complex

There is a complex for dispatching the city's elevators and utilities. In accordance with global trends, for communication with EASDKiU we use wireless GSM telephony canons, which allowed us to solve the main problems:

  • reduce the number of control panels to one for the entire city, assigning up to 400 elevators to each dispatcher;
  • get rid of a large number of expensive and unreliable cable connections;
  • Along with connecting undispatched elevators to EASDKiU, the equipment can be used to replace outdated dispatch systems;
  • due to the ease of mastering the basic principles of working with equipment, reduce the influence of the fact that initial stage implementation of equipment there is no required qualification of personnel

In addition to all of the above, the system is ideal for quick dispatch of elevators under individual business contracts, for 2-3 entrances, as well as for connecting detached houses to the EASDKiU, the provision of wire communications to which is difficult for objective reasons.

The elevator dispatch complex can consist of two main inseparable modules:

  • dispatch stations, which are installed on each controlled elevator and
  • dispatcher software complex, which is used to diagnose and control the condition of the elevator.

One dispatch station is connected to the elevator control station using only 12-15 conductors 2-3 m long. In the EDC premises, each dispatcher works on his own computer, to which a GSM modem is connected.

Main features:

  • User authorization.
  • Displaying objects.
  • Displays a list of channels belonging to the selected object.
  • Displaying the location of objects on the map.
  • Displaying graphs of changes in analog channel values.
  • Displaying object graphs, displaying graphs of analog channels selected for display.
  • User management.
  • Department management.
  • Manage settings.
  • Report configuration.
  • Adding objects.
  • Changing objects.
  • Deleting objects.
  • Search for objects.
  • View the user event log.
  • View the object update log.
  • View the service event log, add, change, save service events.
  • View, add, change, delete an object's passport.
  • Handing over the shift.
  • Adding objects to the station polling schedule, on the selected day of the week and at a predetermined time.
  • Managing the station polling schedule.
  • Sending SMS to the site.
  • Sending a command to the station.
  • Management of stations (objects).
  • Help about the program with the ability to save as a file, as well as general information about the company and product.

Work of EASDKiU

For example, the police department will receive information about attempts to penetrate into the technical premises of buildings and structures, and at the same time the ASDU dispatcher establishes voice communication with the duty officer of the district police department

The fire safety system for technical premises was constructed similarly. Information about fires in any places equipped with fire sensors will be sent to the GREP automated workplace monitor and at the same time to the district fire department.

Information about flooding remains at the GREP level, since such faults are eliminated by the GREP. But if necessary, this information can be transmitted to upper levels to collect incident statistics in the structures of the district, district or city. For example, Vodokanal will receive information about cold water flow and pressure at the house inlet, and emergency service Vodokanal - information about the pressure drop at the inlet of the house and about the flooding of basements.

Lenenergo will receive information about house meter readings, voltage readings by phase, and the Lenenergo emergency service will receive information about phase loss.

Thus, we see that EASDKiU is not only a network manager at the GREP automated workplace level, but at the same time is an administrator of the entire transport network - it distributes information in a generalized (required) form to all higher-level organizations. However, if necessary, the operator of a higher organization can request any information from a lower level.

EASDKiU will allow the Municipal Services Complex to control the activities of public utilities, starting from GREP and DEZ, and suppliers utilities.

To do this, all departments of the Municipal Economy Complex and city prefectures must receive a volume of information necessary and sufficient for control at the appropriate levels. This information can be received in aggregate form or in real time. In general, the question of what functions to assign to EASDKiU should be decided jointly with the services that will control the work of the Municipal Services Complex..

Ways to develop the system

EASDKiU contains great opportunities for further development.

1. A new city-wide communication service can be deployed - video conferencing between city structures at any level: Departments of Municipal Municipal Administration, City Hall - prefectures, prefectures - prefectures, prefectures - territorial departments etc.

2. EASDKiU can be used to create automated systems management of city life support, for example, city flows of energy resources (electricity, water, heat, gas), environmental monitoring, etc.

3. The next step in using the unique properties of EASDKiU to manage urban management systems will be the transition from collecting and recording information about household energy consumption to creating an automated system for collecting and accounting for utilities consumed by each tenant, and dispatching apartment engineering equipment. This subsystem will be based on the ASDU infrastructure, implement algorithms for diagnosing the condition and controlling apartment engineering equipment and will provide the individual subscriber with computerized security and fire alarm and access control systems, starting from the simplest entrance intercom and ending with television surveillance systems. Display of information about the state of engineering equipment of apartments will be carried out in control rooms of the lower level. The introduction of a system of residential accounting and control of energy resources will allow the consumer to pay only for what he has consumed and not pay for unproductive losses during the transportation of energy resources from the producer to the consumer.

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The development of an IS for a taxi dispatch service is carried out using the example of the compiled catalog of a taxi dispatch service. The catalog will show cars, their drivers, customers, dates of orders, order fulfillment, order cost, order addresses.

1. Subject area

The area of ​​consideration is the activities of taxi service dispatchers, who must:

Maintain a list of clients in which the card number, last name and first name are entered, home address and mobile phone.

A list of cars in which you enter the car number, car make, car license plate, car driver.

A list of orders in which the order code, order date, car number, card number, order amount, order status are entered.

A list of drivers, in which the driver’s last name, first name, and length of service are entered.

2. Statement of the problem

The development of process models is illustrated by the example of creating the Taxi Dispatch Service database.

Modeling of system elements.

IDEF0 diagrams

DFD Charts

3. Conceptual requirements

To design the database, the universal design method ER method (entity-relationship method) was chosen. When using this method, it is necessary, first of all, to create an ER model that reflects the relationships between entities of a given subject area. Next, based on the ER diagram, databases are built.

Entities are conceptual requirements that must be taken into account when developing a database: catalogs of clients, orders, cars, drivers.


To create a database, it is necessary to uncover the essence of the conceptual requirements and normalize them. Table normalization is a sequential change in the structure of the table until it satisfies the requirements of the last form of normalization.

I normal form

A table is in first normal form if and only when none of the fields contains more than one value and any key.field is not empty.

We reveal the essence of conceptual requirements:

Cars (Car Number, Car Brand, State Number of Car, Driver).

Client (Card Number, Last Name, First Name, Home Address, Phone Number).

Order (Order Code, Order Date, Order Time, Car Number, Card Number, Order Amount, Order Status).

Driver (Last name, first name, length of service).

II normal form

A table is in second normal form if it satisfies the requirements of first normal form and all its fields that are not included in the primary key have a full functional dependence on the primary key:

Table 1 - Car

Table 2 - Orders

Table 3 - Clients

III normal form

A table is in third normal form if it satisfies the requirements of second normal form and none of its non-key fields is functionally dependent on any other non-key field:

Figure 3 - Car table

Figure 4 - Orders table

Figure 5 - Clients table

Figure 6 - Driver table

4. Block diagram

Based on the third normal form, we create a structural diagram of the Taxi Dispatch Service database.

Creating a database structural diagram.

Enter the data schema: Working with Databases tab.

On the toolbar, click “Data Schema”.

Figure 7

Window with a list of tables

Double click on the table name to add tables to the field

Figure 8

Establish a relationship between tables

Figure 9

5. Work order

First, let's create a database by clicking "File - New - New base data." Set the database name, save location, and click Create.

Figure 10

Now we set the table structure.

On the Home tab, select the “Design” mode.

Figure 11

Save the table under the selected name.

Figure 12

Create a table in the designer window.

Figure 13

6. Creating Tables in Design View

Click “Create table in design mode.”

Enter a field name.

Select data type.

Set the primary key by clicking on the “Key” button on the toolbar, after placing the cursor on the field to the left of the desired name (the key field must be in the first place in the list of fields).

Set the name of the closing table after entering all the required fields and their types.

The tables are built in a similar way:



Creating a relationship between tables.

Click on the “Data Schema” icon on the toolbar to open the data schema.

From the additional “Add Tables” window that appears, click on the required table names and click on the “Add” button.

Merge key fields of tables: by clicking the mouse, select a field in one of the tables that will be combined in the field of the same name in another table, and, holding down the mouse, drag this field onto the field to be joined. Release the mouse, and the “Change connections” window will open indicating the fields of the corresponding tables to be connected and the type of connection of these fields: “one-to-one”, “one-to-many”:

If the connection type is one-to-one, check the data integrity checkbox and click OK.

With the one-to-many type of communication.

Ensuring data integrity.

Cascade update of related fields.

Cascade deletion of related fields.

Click OK.

As a result, we have a diagram of connections between the tables of the Taxi Dispatch Service database.

7. Creating Forms

Go to the Create tab. Click on the “Form” button on the panel at the top. A form is created to fill out. Save the form under the name “Input Form”. Save. Click right click mouse over the name of the form and select “Form Mode”. Or in the “Creation” tab, select “Form Wizard”:

8. Creating queries

taxi database constructor

Types of requests:

Simple query - creating a query from specific fields.

Cross-Query - Create a query that displays data in a compact format, similar to a spreadsheet.

Duplicate Records - Create a query to find duplicate records in a simple table or query.

Non-Subordinate Records - Create a query to find records that do not match any records in the subordinate table.

Simple request

On the Create tab, in the Queries group, click Query Wizard.

Figure 14

In the dialog box New request Select the Simple Query option and click OK.

Figure 15

Figure 16

In the Tables and Queries group, select the table that contains the data you need. Note that you can use another query as the data source. Once you select a table, its fields appear in the Available Fields area.

9. Crossrequest

On the Create tab, in the Other group, click Query Builder.

Figure 17

In the Add Table dialog box, double-click each table or query that you want to use as record sources.

Add the fields you want to use to the Selected Fields list, and then click Next. Now you should set the grouping criteria used to divide your rows into columns

Add the fields you want to use to the Selected Fields list, and then click Next. Now you need to set the grouping criteria used to divide your rows into columns. At this point, you can select one field.

Select the field to group the columns and click Next. The last step is to select the calculation you want to perform to get your results. Select the field to calculate and then the function to calculate the summary data.

10. Generating reports

In order to create a report, you need to go to the “Creation” tab and select “Report”

Reports can be created using:

Report designer.

Report Wizards.

And manually.

In our database, a report is created using the Report Wizard. You need to click on “Report Wizard”. A window will open.

Figure 18

We transfer the available fields one by one by clicking the “>” button.

To transfer all fields at once, click the “>>” button

Figure 19

In the next window you can distribute grouping levels.

In the next step, you can select the type of report layout, as well as select portrait or landscape orientation.

You can attach stickers to the report. You can also create a blank report.

At the end of the database creation, an overall report should be created that includes all the fields.


The development of a taxi dispatch service process model was carried out using the example of compiling a taxi dispatch service catalogue.

The taxi dispatch service catalog shows the cars of their drivers, clients, dates of orders, order fulfillment, order cost, order addresses.


1. Gvozdeva V.A., Lavrentieva I.Yu., fundamentals of building automated information systems - Moscow, Publishing House Forum - INFRA - M, 2007. - 320 p.

2. Fufaev D.E., Fufaev D.E. Development and operation of automated information systems - Moscow, Academy Publishing Center, 2010. - 304 p.

3. Gagarina L.G., Kiselev D.V., E.L. Fedotova. Development and operation of automated information systems - Moscow, Publishing House Forum - INFRA - M, 2009. -384p.

4. Dimov Yu.V. Metrology, Standardization and Certification - Peter, 2005

5. Pirogov V.Yu. Information systems and databases: organization and design: textbook. Manual - SPB.BVH- St. Petersburg, 2009. -528 p.

6. Kharitonova I.A., Mikheeva V.D. MicrosoftAccess 2000 - St. Petersburg. : BVH-Petersburg, 1999. - 1088 p.

7. Maksimov N.V. and others. Modern information technologies. Textbook-M: “FORUM”: INFRA-M, 2011.

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2.1 SCADA systems: general concepts and structure.

Dispatching ensures coordinated operation of individual parts of the managed object in order to increase technical and economic indicators, rhythm of work, best use production facilities, control to prevent emergency situations. The system allows you to keep operational records of energy consumption and control the parameters of engineering equipment.

When the equipment is located without permanent maintenance personnel or in another remote location, it becomes necessary remote control and control from a central control center. It is also necessary to maintain records of the condition of the equipment, deviations from the norm of its parameters with the possibility of further archiving and viewing data for any period of time.

Control systems that allow the implementation of remote monitoring and control functions are called building management systems or dispatch systems.

The following systems are subject to dispatching:

Power supply and electric lighting;

Fire fighting equipment and fire extinguishing devices;

Ventilation and air conditioning;

Heating and hot water supply;

Sewerage and drainage systems;

Gas distribution points and stations.

It should be noted that the dispatch system is a superstructure over local automation, since the main tasks of managing engineering

equipment will be performed regardless of the operation of the system


Connections between system elements can be made according to the most different technologies, using various types of communication interfaces - both wired and wireless.

A significant advantage of dispatch systems is the support of several communication interfaces (protocols), and in cases of joint use with equipment from other manufacturers, there is the possibility of further expansion of the system without being tied to specific equipment.

It is often necessary that information about events that require attention and

quick response of service personnel, reached, in addition to the control center, persons who directly service the system, who do not always have access to personal computer. In this case, in addition to transmitting data to the control center, information via SMS can be transmitted directly to a mobile phone.

A full-fledged dispatch system usually immediately includes a dispatch server - a specially dedicated computer on which the SCADA system is installed.

SCADA is an acronym for Supervisory Control Data Acguistion. SCADA is software that performs following functions:

Collection of data on the condition of engineering equipment from controllers of local automation panels;

Storage and display of information about the operation of equipment for the entire period of its operation;

Notifying service personnel about events requiring attention via e-mail, SMS or fax;

Access to control and management of equipment via the facility’s local network, via the Internet, etc.

A dispatch server with a SCADA system installed on it is often called the “top level”.

The SCADA system has the ability to expand/merge with other control systems.

2.2 Functional structure of SCADA.

Remote terminal units (RTU). Communication channels (CS). Control towers (MTUs). Operating systems. Application software. Central control point.

SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition is the main and currently remains the most promising method of automated control of complex dynamic systems (processes) in vital and critical areas from the point of view of safety and reliability. It is on the principles of dispatch control that large automated systems are built in industry and energy, transport, space and military fields, and in various government agencies.

Over the past 10-15 years, interest in the problems of building highly efficient and highly reliable dispatch control and data collection systems has sharply increased abroad. On the one hand, this is due to significant progress in the field computer technology, software and telecommunications, which increases the capabilities and expands the scope of application of automated systems. On the other hand, development information technology, an increase in the degree of automation and redistribution of functions between a person and equipment has exacerbated the problem of interaction between a human operator and a control system. Investigation and analysis of the majority of accidents and incidents in aviation, land and water transport, industry and energy, some of which led to catastrophic consequences, showed that while in the 60s human error was the original cause of only 20% of incidents (80%, accordingly, due to technological malfunctions and failures), then in the 90s the share of the human factor increased to 80%, and, due to the constant improvement of technology and increased reliability of electronic equipment and machines, this share may increase further (Fig. 1)

Fig.1. Trends in the causes of accidents in complex automated systems

The main reason for such trends is the old traditional approach to the construction of complex automated control systems, which is often used today: a focus primarily on the use of the latest technical (technological) achievements, the desire to increase the degree of automation and functionality of the system and, at the same time, , underestimation of the need to build an effective human-machine interface (HMI Human-Machine Interface), i.e. user (operator) oriented interface. It is no coincidence that specifically for the last 15 years, i.e. the period of emergence of powerful, compact and inexpensive computing facilities, there was a peak in research in the United States on human factor problems in control systems, including optimization of the architecture and HMI interface of supervisory control and data acquisition systems.

The study of materials on the problems of building effective and reliable dispatch control systems showed the need to use a new approach when developing such systems: human-centered design (or top-down, top-down), i.e. focus primarily on the human operator (dispatcher) and his tasks, instead of the traditional and widely used hardware-centered (or bottom-up, bottom-up), in which, when building a system, the main attention was paid to the selection and development technical means(hardware and software). The use of a new approach in real space and aviation developments and comparative tests of systems at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), USA, confirmed its effectiveness, allowing to increase the productivity of operators, reduce procedural errors by an order of magnitude and reduce critical (non-correctable) errors to zero. ) operator errors.

SCADA is the process of collecting real-time information from remote points (objects) for processing, analysis and possible management of remote objects. The requirement for real-time processing is due to the need to deliver (issue) all necessary events (messages) and data to the central interface of the operator (dispatcher). At the same time, the concept of real time differs for different SCADA systems.

As a prototype modern systems SCADA in the early stages of development of automated control systems were telemetry and alarm systems.

All modern SCADA systems include three main structural components (see Fig. 2) Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) - a remote terminal that processes the task (control) in real time. The range of its implementations is wide from primitive sensors that collect information from an object to specialized multiprocessor fault-tolerant computing systems that process information and control in hard real time. Its specific implementation is determined by the specific application. The use of low-level information processing devices allows reducing the requirements for bandwidth communication channels with the central control center.

Rice. 2. Main structural components of the SCADA system

Master Terminal Unit (MTU), Master Station (MS) control center (main terminal); carries out data processing and management high level, as a rule, in soft (quasi-) real time; One of the main functions is to provide an interface between the human operator and the system (HMI, MMI). Depending on the specific system, MTU can be implemented in a wide variety of forms from a single computer with additional devices connections to communication channels to large computing systems (mainframes) and/or integrated into local network workstations and servers. As a rule, when constructing an MTU, various methods are used to increase the reliability and security of the system.

Communication System (CS) is a communication system (communication channels) required for transmitting data from remote points (objects, terminals) to the central interface of the operator-dispatcher and transmitting control signals to the RTU (or a remote object, depending on the specific design of the system).

Functional structure of SCADA

There are two types of control of remote objects in SCADA: automatic and initiated by the system operator.

Sheridan (Fig. 3) identified four main functional components of supervisory control and data collection systems: a human operator, a computer interacting with a person, a computer interacting with a task (object), a task (control object), and also identified five functions of a human operator in the system dispatcher control and characterized them as a set of nested loops in which the operator.

Rice. 3. Main structural components of SCADA systems

Plans what next steps need to be taken; teaches (programs) computer system for subsequent actions; monitors the results of (semi-)automatic operation of the system; intervenes in the process in the event of critical events when the automation cannot cope, or if it is necessary to adjust (adjust) process parameters; learns while working (gains experience).

This representation of SCADA was the basis for the development of modern methodologies for building effective dispatch systems.

2.3 Features of SCADA as a management process

Areas of application of SCADA systems

The main areas of application of dispatch control systems (according to foreign sources) are:

Electricity transmission and distribution management;

Industrial production;

Electricity production;

Water intake, water treatment and distribution;

Production, transportation and distribution of oil and gas;

Transport management (all types of transport: air, metro, railway, road, water);


Military area.

Currently, in developed foreign countries there is a real rise in the introduction of new and modernization of existing automated control systems in various sectors of the economy; In the vast majority of cases, these systems are built on the principle of supervisory control and data collection. It is characteristic that in the industrial sphere (in the manufacturing and mining industries, energy, etc.) the modernization of existing production facilities with new generation SCADA systems is most often mentioned.

Local control system

A local system is a set of equipment that is designed for local (local) management, protection, control, monitoring, collection and transmission of technological parameters of engineering equipment.

Local systems are completely independent systems and can operate in their own cycle without interaction with “top-level” systems.

The system consists of the following components:


Local controller/controllers;

Executive devices.

Sensors are designed to provide controllers with the necessary information about the condition of equipment. There are two types of sensors: discrete (relay), which can only transmit information of the type “Normal”, “Deviation”, and analog - which transmit the current value of the parameter. The local controller is a universal tool for processing and analyzing information from sensors, and managing, monitoring and storing information about the state of equipment. The controllers used can be either freely configurable, in which specific schemes for application and work with engineering equipment are already prescribed, or freely programmable, in which it is possible to program any algorithm for the operation of the device.

The main task of actuators is to control/change the operating parameters of engineering equipment. According to their purpose, actuators can be either regulating or protective.

Central control center

The Central Dispatch Center (hereinafter referred to as the CCC) is a hardware and software complex that performs the functions of collecting, processing and transmitting all the necessary information for the safe and reliable operation of facilities on which local systems are installed.

The Central Dispatch Center is intended for:

1. Prevention and remote identification of the cause of an accident or failure.

Dispatching allows you to prevent an emergency or damage to installed equipment. If the parameters of the process equipment go beyond the parameters, the system will promptly respond to the deviation and, depending on the degree of priority of the accident, will transmit to the control center a message about the deviation of the parameter with the ability to block the failed elements or turn them off. If an accident does happen, the operational team goes to the scene of the incident already knowing what happened and why, with necessary tool, spare parts, components. Ultimately, this will affect the speed of troubleshooting.

2. Assisting service personnel in making operational decisions.

Dispatching allows you to avoid hasty actions by personnel and remotely accurately plan a set of operational activities of station personnel before the arrival of the service team.

3. Minimizing the influence of the human factor in an emergency. If triggered alarm Personnel often take hasty actions to prevent an accident, and if the cause is not correctly identified, this can lead to serious consequences and long-term disruption.

4. Accounting for consumed energy resources. The complex is designed for recording, archiving and transmitting information in real time about the consumption of natural gas, heat, cold and hot water and electricity. EXO4 is dispatch system software. EXO4 has a graphical user interface. All settings and commands are performed using the keyboard and mouse.

The software is supplied only together with the corresponding hardware key, which is designed in the form of a USB key or a board that is inserted into a free PCI slot on the computer.

EXO4 and the EXO system perform the following functions:

Dynamic visualization of objects and processes;

Management and monitoring of objects;

Remote reading of alarms and data;

Multi-user system with authorization and control structure

by users;

Event registration and management;

Tracking accidents and conditions (4 levels of emergency priorities);

Creation of reports and reports on accidents and malfunctions;

Confirmation, blocking and unblocking of emergency messages;

Sound and visual support of emergency messages;

Redirecting alarm messages to one or more printers in

depending on time and (or) event;

Construction of graphs and trends (points) in real time;

Data and archiving management;

Network communication using client-server technology and support for various



Temporary programs;

Multi-window interface;

Database management;

Support wired and wireless devices data transmission;

Automatic transition to winter and summer time;

System synchronization.

The user is provided with a convenient, intuitive graphical interface. Management and visualization of all engineering equipment can occur both using mnemonic diagrams and with the help of animation, graphs, using photographs and histograms.

Communication lines

The concept of communication lines refers to systems for transmitting and receiving information using various technical means.

Depending on the method of information transmission, wired landline communications are distinguished (by transmitting information packets over telephone lines) and mobile radio communication (via radio signal).

Wired telephone services are provided by both state-owned companies and some commercial operators.

When using wired communications, the optimal solution is to use secure communication channels, also called VPN channels. Information transmitted through such channels is encoded with special hardware and cannot be used by third-party users. It is also possible to protect channels by using communication only between channel endpoints. There are three connection options: using a dedicated Ethernet line or a broadband ADSL connection (using the Internet) and via a dial-up telephone connection using telephone modems. Each of the above options depends on technical feasibility operator in a particular region.

Mobile radio services are provided exclusively by commercial Operators. Data transmission methods are similar to wired transmission with the only difference being that instead of dial-up connections, base stations service operator. At the same time, it is possible to order a certain amount of received and transmitted information per calendar month or pay upon use for each month of service provision.

When choosing a communication service provider, you need to know whether the operator has complete set permits and licenses for all types of activities carried out, and also has certificates of conformity for all supplied systems and communications equipment.

2.4 Trends in the development of technical means of dispatch control systems

General trends

Progress in the field of information technology has led to the development of all 3 main structural components of the dispatch control and data acquisition systems RTU, MTU, CS, which has significantly increased their capabilities; Thus, the number of controlled remote points in a modern SCADA system can reach 100,000.

The main trend in the development of technical means (hardware and software) of SCADA is migration towards completely open systems. The open architecture allows you to independently select different system components from various manufacturers; as a result, increased functionality, easier maintenance and reduced cost of SCADA systems.

Remote Terminal Units (RTU)

The main trend in the development of remote terminals is increasing processing speed and increasing their intellectual capabilities. Modern terminals are built on the basis of microprocessor technology, operate under the control of real-time operating systems, are, if necessary, combined into a network, and interact directly or through a network with intelligent electronic sensors of the controlled object and upper-level computers.

The specific RTU implementation depends on the application. These can be specialized (on-board) computers, including multiprocessor systems, ordinary microcomputers or personal computers (PC); for industrial and transport systems, there are two competing directions in RTU technology: industrial (industrial) PCs and programmable logic controllers (in Russian translation the term industrial controllers is often used) PLC.

Industrial computers are, as a rule, software compatible with conventional commercial PC machines, but adapted for harsh operating conditions, literally for installation in production, workshops, gas compressor stations, etc. Adaptation applies not only to design, but also to architecture and circuitry, since changes in ambient temperature lead to drift electrical parameters. As interface devices with the control object, these systems are equipped with additional expansion cards (adapters), of which there is a wide variety on the market from various manufacturers (as well as the suppliers of industrial PCs themselves). As operating system in industrial PCs operating as remote terminals, Windows NT is increasingly being used, including various extensions real-time, specially designed for this operating system (see below for more details).

Industrial controllers (PLC) are specialized computing devices designed to control processes (objects) in real time. Industrial controllers have a computing core and input/output modules that receive information (signals) from sensors, switches, converters, other devices and controllers, and control a process or object by issuing control signals to actuators, valves, switches and other actuators. Modern PLCs are often networked (RS-485, Ethernet, various types industrial tires), and software, developed for them, allow them to be programmed and controlled in a form convenient for the operator through a computer located at the top level of the SCADA system, the dispatch control unit (MTU). PLC market research showed that the most developed architecture, software And functionality Controllers from Siemens, Fanuc Automation (General Electric), Allen-Bradley (Rockwell), and Mitsubishi have controllers. Also of interest are the products of CONTROL MICROSYSTEMS, industrial controllers for monitoring and control systems for oil and gas fields, pipelines, electrical substations, urban water supply, wastewater treatment, and environmental pollution control.

A lot of materials and research on industrial automation are devoted to the competition between the two areas of PC and PLC; Each of the authors provides a large number of arguments for and against each direction. However, a major trend can be identified: where increased reliability and hard real-time control are required, PLCs are used. This primarily concerns applications in life support systems (for example, water supply, electricity), transport systems, energy and industrial enterprises posing an increased environmental hazard. Examples include the use of Simatic (Siemens) PLCs to control the power supply of a monorail in Germany, or the use of Allen-Bradley (Rockwell) controllers to modernize the outdated emergency ventilation and air conditioning control system at Plutonium Plant 4 at Los Alamos. PLC hardware allows you to effectively build fault-tolerant systems for critical applications based on multiple redundancies. Industrial PCs are used primarily in less critical areas (for example, in the automotive industry, modernization of production by General Motors), although there are examples of more critical applications (Warsaw metro, train control). According to experts, building PLC-based systems is usually a less expensive option compared to industrial computers.

Technological monitoring of production processes

More details

Designed for continuous monitoring of all parameters technological processes, characterizing the current state of production, in real time. The objects of monitoring are technological installations, tanks, warehouses, metering units, production lines, etc. The main task of technological monitoring is to convey the state of all technological and production processes as accurately as possible.

Planning and accounting for the movement of raw materials and semi-finished products

More details

Designed for planning and accounting for movements of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products. As part of solving the problem of movement planning, the following is implemented: integration with subsystems for planning, acceptance of raw materials and shipment of finished products; calculation of the movement operations plan; forecasting the condition of tank farms and warehouses; analysis of planned and actually completed operations of the movement of oil and petroleum products. As part of solving the problem of accounting for movement, the following is implemented: operational accounting of the receipt of raw materials; operational accounting of directions and flows of transfer of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products; operational accounting of the amount of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products in tank farms and warehouses of the enterprise.

Monitoring compliance with technological regulations

More details

Designed for continuous monitoring of compliance with technological regulations for conducting processes at production facilities. The subsystem performs the following functions: setting a set manually and/or based on archived data of technological modes for a selected technological object; visualization and issuance of alarm messages; generation of specialized reports and summaries on violations of technological regimes.

Monitoring the condition of process equipment

More details

Designed for continuous monitoring and forecasting of the actual state of process equipment. To achieve this, the subsystem allows you to automate the processes of: monitoring equipment operation/downtime; accounting and analysis of downtime; accounting for equipment operating hours; calculation of key performance indicators; integration with specialized systems diagnostics

Monitoring key indicators

More details

Designed for calculation and real-time control of key indicators of actual production performance based on quality, technology and energy data: operational control of the implementation of production plans; real-time calculation of technical and economic indicators for each process and object; in-depth analysis of production processes.

Production dispatch reporting

More details

Designed for automated generation of a complete set of reports, reports, summaries containing information about the state of the production process. The generation of dispatch reports is carried out with any discreteness, all reports are updated within 24 hours with the specified discreteness. Examples of reports: mode sheet; summary report on the work of the plant; remains for parks; change in balances of raw materials, semi-finished products, goods; deviation from plan; any specialized free-form reports.