What is an ip prefix. A quick overview of the paid providers of the Internet independent provider IPTV (OTT TV). On the example of equipment from Asus

IPTV is perhaps the most convenient and modern way to watch TV. Unlike standard varieties of digital TV (cable, satellite and terrestrial), IP-TV is a fully interactive service. IP television is an individual, personal network, the users of which choose their preferred content. Such networks have no limitations in terms of the number of channels. However, this is far from the only advantage of such a TV.

All users of such networks have the opportunity to watch any TV programs both on a regular TV and on a computer screen. In addition, a huge variety of additional services and opportunities. So, only IP-television makes it possible to simultaneously broadcast several channels.

High quality

IP-TV is second to none in terms of picture and sound quality. For data transmission, modern technologies are used - protocols, which allows you to get an excellent result with minimal costs.

No additional connections required

Connecting IP-television does not require any additional cables or wires from you - broadcasting takes place via an ordinary Internet cable.

Support for older TVs

Some people believe that only the most up-to-date expensive TVs support IPTV connectivity. However, it is not. Almost all manufacturers produce their own models of specialized set-top boxes, by installing which you can enjoy the use of IP-television. The cost of such a set-top box, of course, is much lower than the price of a new TV. In some models, by the way, it is already built-in (read the instructions - it is always indicated there).

Channel packages for every taste

Companies that provide a service such as IPTV to their users tend to create different channel packages that may be of interest to different people. These are both mixed packages and specialized ones - for example, a package of children's channels, sports, educational or news. Some also provide the ability to form and calculate the cost of an individual package.

How to connect IPTV?

You can buy a TV set-top box and router yourself and set them up yourself. However, these days, many Internet providers offer their customers to connect and correctly configure new equipment for a very small price. Therefore, in order to be 100% sure that everything will work correctly, it is better to entrust this task to specialists. You can connect IPTV via a router via Wi-Fi. To do this, you need to open and enable the WMM function - this is necessary to improve the quality of data transmission and prioritize traffic different types... At the same time, it is not recommended to change other settings - the system already contains the optimal parameters for WMM.

How much does IPTV cost?

The cost of connecting such a service must be specified specifically with each provider. However, it is believed that IP-TV is one of the most accessible television formats in this regard. On average, you will need to pay about 100-200 rubles for connecting and using all the capabilities of IP-television. per month. Agree: for the highest sound and the ability to choose those channels that are interesting to you, this is quite a bit.

IPTV service from the provider

More and more Russian providers, in addition to providing Internet access, offer the opportunity to watch television of the standard IPTV... Let's see what advantages we get from using this standard.

Advantages of IPTV over conventional terrestrial TV

  • No need for a TV tuner installed on your PC.
  • The ability to pause the playback of a channel for a specific time.
  • IPTV can provide additional services such as Video On Demand (VOD).

You can receive television in IPTV format in two ways - through a special set-top box, which is provided by the provider or purchased separately. Also IPTV can be played using a software player such as IP-TV Player . This application is an add-on for the popular VLC player. To display channels, specify the city and the provider providing the IPTV service. As a result, the list of channels will be loaded into the program, and you can watch the video.

Software players for IPTV playback: VLC, IPTV Player, PC Player, etc.

The most pressing problem for users when setting up IPTV via router - this is to correctly configure this standard in the web interface of the wi-fi router for smooth operation. Not all routers are suitable for this purpose.

Attention! List of routers with IPTV support you can find out by calling your ISP or by looking at the official website. Or use it.

Routers for iPTV work: 54Mbps wireless routers (G series), 150Mbps wireless routers (N series), 300Mbps wireless routers (N series) and later.

For iPTV distribution by wireless connection without a prefix (it is possible to use such a connection only when the signal is not encoded), in theory, you can use a huge number of routers, but in practice, uninterrupted operation from a router can be achieved only with an alternative firmware. Netgear WNR 3500L works stably with IPTV with tomato firmware. Asus WL520g with oleg's firmware. I draw your attention to the fact that IPTV over cable and over the air are different methods of implementing IPTV in an apartment, IPTV over the air must be able to handle your router and in order to get IPTV to work, you have to interfere with the router's firmware.

Also don't forget about coverage wireless network, someone will need to optimize the network, and someone will face "lags" and image artifacts when removing a client (PC, laptop, TV) from the router. In some cases, it becomes necessary to convert UDP multicast IPTV stream in TCP unicast. This procedure possible with a special utility UDP to HTTPthat will convert traffic. This application must be active on a PC with IPTV connected via twisted pair, but this requires a constantly active computer (server or network client), or choose a router that can perform traffic conversion (with support udpxy). In this case, the conversion of the stream will be carried out by the router.

UDP-to-HTTP Proxy designed to convert udp multicast IPTV traffic to unicast tcp (specifically http) traffic. This is useful for comfortable viewing IPTV over Wi-Fi, NAT, on PDAs, consumer players and game consoles.

IPTV via router

Often for work IPTV on a computer via a wi-fi router, you don't need to configure anything on the device itself. Update the firmware version of your device and subsequently the IPTV support on the router will be enabled automatically. You just need to select a device (router) with IPTV support ( IGMP protocol).

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) is a protocol for managing multicast data transmission in IP-based networks. IGMP used by routers to organize network devices into groups. Anyone who was looking for information on forums, more than once came across the concept multicast... IGMP is used to support streaming video, which effectively affects the implementation of IPTV streaming. Check immediately if a firewall, firewall or antivirus is blocking this protocol. Multicastusually activated by the option Enable multicast routing.

Attention! Active multicast in some models of routers, it often "clogs" the local network, especially wi-fi.

IPTV via set-top box

For IPTV operation through a set-top box, it is recommended to use the function "Bridge"... Thus, we configure LAN ports to switch mode with WAN. Plus, we get the opportunity to connect the provider's cable not to the WAN, but to the LAN port that is combined with the WAN. I note right away that not all routers support this function. For example, in TP-LINK routers, this function is present in the menu Network - Bridge (Network - Bridge), in Asus it is called Choose WAN Bridge Port etc. For the functioning of IPTV, you just need to select the LAN port, which we will use to connect IPTV set-top boxes.

For those who want to use more set-top boxes, it is possible to select two ports (For example, LAN3 and LAN4, if you have two set-top boxes). If your wi-fi router model does not support "Bridge" and there is enough support for your provider multicast (IGMP protocol), you will be able to watch IPTV through the set-top box.

In order not to look for the problem of transmitting your IP TV where it is not, check if the TV works without a router. To do this, connect your computer to the provider's cable directly. If IPTV does not show vital signs, then most likely the problem is with your provider. Contact technical support... And in the positive case of a direct connection, you should check with those. support, is there enough multicast for IP television.

For users whose router models do not support functions Bridge, but the television works intermittently (the picture "crumbles" and the sound "stutters") you should pay attention to the workload of their routers. This is especially true for those who have a high download speed, excessive load (a large number of active torrent downloads, work in DC ++, etc.). You can solve these problems by limiting the download speed, limiting the number of simultaneous connections to 50. For those who use models without support Bridge it is recommended to connect no more than one iPTV set-top boxes... If you use two (or more set-top boxes), and the router does not support Bridge functions, then you can use a regular switch. Switch must be installed in front of the router. Two IPTV set-top boxes will be connected to the switch, the cable of your provider, and the cable from the router to the WAN port.

How to set up IPTV

For instance, iPTV setup on the D-Link DIR-300 router and similar models, it comes down to installing only one checkbox in the "Enable multicast streams" item:

Personally for me, setting up IP television over a wired connection, it boiled down to several steps (for example, the Asus 520GU router):

  • You must go to the sectionWAN,after activating DHCP
  • go to tab General
  • find item IPTV STB port selection- select from the list the port to which it will be connected IPTV set-top box.
  • Push Applythat's all.

Setting up IPTV on an ASUS router

Now I will describe 2 ways to configure IPTV via RT-G32 B router

Attention! The described instructions for setting up IPTV can be used on other models. asus routers for clarity, and not only Asus in practical and theoretical applications.

1 way... Go to section LAN -\u003e Route and check the box “Enable Multicast Routing” - “Yes”. Save - "Apply".

In this case, the multicast stream for the VLC player will be broadcast to the local network without changes.

The advantages of this method:
1. None additional settings You don't need to produce a VLC player.

1. Ability to connect a computer to view IPTV only through a twisted pair (Ethernet cable).
2. The drop in the speed of the Internet connection on other computers in local network, at the time of IPTV playback.
3. Heavy load on the router.
4. Excessive multicast traffic within the network.

2 way... It is necessary to configure the “IPTV UDP Multicast to HTTP Proxy” function. Go to section LAN -\u003e Routes and put a checkmark “Enable multicast routing” - “Yes”, and in the “IPTV UDP
Multicast to HTTP Proxy ”select an arbitrary port. For example, 2323. Save changes - “Apply”.

The advantages of this method:

  1. The ability to watch IPTV on a computer via a WiFi connection.
  2. The rest of the computers on the local network do not experience a drop in speed when connected to the Internet.
  3. The router does not overload.
  4. Multicast traffic is not broadcast to the internal network, and the VLC player captures the video stream from the wifi router.


  1. You need to change the playlist for your media player.

Edits that need to be made in the VLC playlist when using the "IPTV UDP Multicast to HTTP Proxy" function:

Open the playlist in a text editor.
Find lines like - udp: // @ and delete the part I have highlighted in bold. Everything needs to be changed.
In place of the removed part udp: // @ insert - - the IP address of your wi-fi router, and 2323 - the proxy port you have selected.
The result will be the line -

What to look for when connecting IPTV :

Using IPTV set-top boxes:

Option activation ChooseWANBridgePortand selection of one or moreLAN ports of the router for connecting an IPTV set-top box.

Use for viewing IPTV PC (wired and wireless connection)

Activation of the option " Enablemulticastrouting ",which will disable filtering multicast traffic and will become active redirecting it to the internal subnet onLAN interfaces if necessary. Do not forget to allow the activity of the program for watching IPTV in the firewall.

For IPTV users using a wireless connection option to avoid "Lags" and "artifacts" need option MulticastRate (Mbps) with which you can limit the bandwidth multicast traffictransmitted to wireless interface... It is recommended to set the maximum value to avoid breaks. Wi-Fi connections on other wireless clients when browsing.

Undoubtedly, it would be foolish to think that with the advent of the Internet, the role of television has faded into the background, since most of the population watches content of interest in global network... It should be noted that this is more about watching small videos on the YouTube service, spending time in in social networks and other similar operations. But look back, because you have the misconception that almost no one watches TV now. Even in your home, except you, everyone watches TV, and you yourself glance by chance. Naturally, the convenience of the Internet cannot be denied. Let's see what the Internet has brought us and what disadvantages it has in front of television.

Users are already accustomed to good signal and excellent quality

Advantages and Disadvantages of Viewing Content on the Web

The most significant advantage of watching movies on the Internet, for example, is the lack of advertising. This applies, of course, to legal content. On third-party online resources that offer to watch a particular movie, there are advertisements everywhere that drive a person out of himself. Even these very slot machines, casinos or company commercials - all this makes a person hate the product rather than show interest. But judge for yourself, the people who created that site also need to eat and drink, and you don't want to pay for films, so get annoying advertising banners and videos. Believe it or not, by downloading a movie from the same iTunes, you will not receive any ads or anything like that.

The next plus will be the high quality of the image and sound (if the output devices support these functions). You can watch the movie in HD or FULL HD quality if your Internet speed allows it. For example, on TV you cannot enjoy such quality, even cable TV does not have all high-definition channels. It is much more pleasant to download a movie and turn it on on the big screen or watch it while lying on the bed, on your tablet or phone. In general, here everyone will find a way.

And the next property will apply to both the advantages and disadvantages. it open access to any content. On the one hand, you can watch exactly what you like or read only those articles that are of interest to you. But in this form, information runs the risk of remaining unknown, since television has its advantages in this regard. Suppose a certain TV program collects all the latest data about a particular event from all kinds of sources and presents all this in a form convenient for the viewer. For example, Fashion TV will tell about all fashion events in one report, then you don't have to search for each show separately.

The next disadvantage of watching movies on the Internet is that the connection speed does not always allow you to watch movies in high quality, and if the satellite TV has an HD channel with movies, then you can enjoy a pleasant picture and its high resolutionbecause not everyone has a high-speed connection.

What is IPTV and what is it eaten with?

IPTV is a modernized technology that provides viewing of television content via The world wide web... It turns out that you don't need additional cables, antennas, satellite dishes or other similar equipment to use this technology. All that is needed for IPTV to work is a TV or computer with Internet access. However, it should be noted that to watch IPTV you will need a special TV set-top box or an additional software for computer. This way of watching TV has a huge number of advantages:

  • Firstly, the picture and sound quality is much higher than that of conventional TV (cable, satellite). That is, you can easily watch some gorgeous movie in the highest quality (HD or FULL HD) and excellent 5.1-channel audio (Dolby Digital), and if you have a good audio system (for example, a home theater), then you will definitely satisfied.

  • Secondly, the possibility of using other Internet resources (online cinemas, games, and others). You can also create your own playlist in order not to rewind channels yourself, but to watch "with one click".
  • There is no need to carry additional wires, cables, antennas, satellite dishes, since you only need an Internet cable.

  • There are no restrictions on the number of TV channels (depending on the service provider), that is, you can connect the package you need, where there will be channels that fully meet your requirements.

  • An updated list of technologies that support IPTV. You will have new functions and services that will make watching TV even more convenient and comfortable.

  • You can record broadcast content. For example, if your favorite show is broadcast at the same time with another, which you absolutely do not want to miss, then you can easily take advantage of this wonderful function.

These are not all the advantages of IPTV Internet television over a simple cable or satellite. There are many more advantages that can be noticed when working.

Differences from regular Internet video viewing

You might be thinking about why buy IPTV when you can just watch TV on the Internet? But you must understand the difference between the two. For starters, there is a very small number of channels that broadcast their broadcasts in the public domain. Even if there is an opportunity to watch a particular channel, it will be of low quality (sometimes, if your speed is high and the site servers are not overloaded, you can watch it in a higher quality). While you are looking for a page on the Internet with the desired TV channel, your nerves, most likely, will not stand it, so you just go and turn on regular TV... Also, most often, providers provide Internet access and IPTV functions together or for a low fee.

You can also confuse IPTV with special set-top boxes that are now gaining popularity: Android TV, Smart TV, Apple TV and other similar equipment. All of them provide the ability to turn your TV into a powerful multimedia device that has huge advantages over conventional TV. However, for simple viewing of TV channels, this method will not be enough, therefore it is important to assess your needs correctly so that you will not be disappointed in your choice later.

How can you watch IPTV on your computer right now?

You can take advantage of this modern technology right now without any problem. All you need for comfortable viewing is a computer and the Internet at a speed of at least 5 Mbps. So your actions:

  1. In the search engine, find and download any application that supports IPTV (the familiar Crystal TV, Glaz.TV or any other).
  2. Pay attention to the list of supported channels and whether there are pay TV channels. For example, in Crystal TV, you need to pay a certain amount of money every month to open all channels and not see the annoying message that pops up every few minutes. After a while of such nasty behavior, the desire to watch the program completely disappears, however, the creators also need to eat and drink, so you need to respect the work of others, especially since Crystal TV offers a huge arsenal of all kinds of channels on its resource.
  3. Now you can start watching! The installation of such an application is no different from others, so there should be no difficulties. The main thing is to adhere to the instructions and prompts on the screen.


Today we got acquainted with such a wonderful modern technology as IPTV. It allows you to view television content over the Internet, which has many advantages over conventional television, so think about it, maybe it's time to keep up with the times and replace old equipment with new compact devices.

Happy viewing, dear friends! Do not forget to share your opinion in the comments.

If you are interested in modern technologies, you may have come across the concept of IPTV more than once. Let's talk in more detail about what it is.

IPTV is a new kind of television

IPTV is an abbreviation that stands for Internet Protocol Television - television over the Internet protocol. IPTV is called a new generation of television, it is one of the technologies of digital interactive TV when transferring data over the IP protocol. It is a mistake to think that IPTV is television that broadcasts over the Internet. IP in this abbreviation only means that this data transfer protocol is used, but this is not in any way connected with the Internet.

This type of television can be compared to cable, where the signal passes through the Internet cable. IPTV can be watched on a computer, set-top box, media player, sMART TVs TV, various mobile devices... Broadcasting is in MPEG2 or MPEG4.

Pros of IPTV

After installing IPTV, the user also receives a large number of additional services and services. These are various video services, various services related to the consumption of content, and much more. All of this is possible by integrating IP-based video, audio and data and services on a single technology platform.

If we compare IPTV with cable TV, then we can highlight the following advantages of the first:

  • Better picture and sound quality;
  • Interactivity - for example, you can find out data about a movie or leave your own review about it;
  • Using video sequences of two or more audio channels;
  • Timeshift (pause TV broadcast) and video-on-demand (individual video-on-demand delivery).

IPTV capabilities are extremely broad. By using it, you literally adjust the television to suit your needs and requirements. So, for example, you can create your own personal playlist. Read more about this in the article

Channel List

Can I watch TV without an antenna? A few years ago, such a question caused bewilderment, but with the advent of new technologies, the answer has changed and became positive. You don't need an antenna to connect to Internet TV, no antenna cables are required, and you don't even need a TV! You can watch your favorite TV shows on any device with a screen - a computer, laptop, tablet and even a smartphone! How does IP TV work, what is it and how to connect it quickly and cost-effectively?

What is IP TV

The most popular misconception - Internet TV - is watching TV on a computer. However, you should not confuse watching movies and TV programs online on the official websites of TV companies and all kinds of portals. Also, it is impossible to attribute to IP-TV the popular TV set-top boxes running Android devices today.

IP TV is the broadcasting of television broadcasts over the Internet protocol. The picture and sound quality with such access to TV programs is much better due to the special compression formats. In the above examples, the broadcast is always delayed, and you can watch online reports and sports programs in real time using the IP TV protocol.

If during the broadcast of ordinary television all channels are broadcast simultaneously, only the one requested by the viewer at the moment is transmitted to IP TV via the protocol. Hence - high quality with the least waste and cost.

The IPTV system includes a headend, telecommunication networks and subscriber receiving devices. Sources of content are satellite, cable or terrestrial digital television channels. The head-end equipment converts the signal into the PDU protocol and transmits it via telecommunication networks to the subscriber's equipment.

Who needs Internet TV broadcasting and why

It would seem - why connect IP TV if the house already has cable, satellite or terrestrial television? There are many reasons:

This is several times cheaper than splitting terrestrial TV into two or more TVs. Internet TV is ideal if you need to set up an additional TV receiver in the kitchen, bedroom, study, children's room, bathroom.

1. It is more than 10 times less expensive than buying a second receiver for splitting the satellite signal.
2. IP-television opens up new possibilities of choice - you do not need to pay for the entire package if you want to watch only one channel from it.
3. IP TV is ideal as an additional TV and a safety option in case of bad weather and problems with the main provider.
4. It is the most inexpensive and quick way connect the TV to broadcasting in a private house, apartment, public places.

Benefits of Internet TV

Receiving television programs via the Internet has many advantages over other types of broadcasting:

There is no need to purchase and expensive antenna installation. This is true for both permanent and temporary housing, as well as for offices, hotels, public places.

* The choice of channels is not limited to fixed packages - the user can choose any and create personal packages.
* No need to conduct additional wires - the cable through which the Internet is connected to the house (apartment) is enough.
* Low cost or absolutely free access for viewing (depends on the package of channels and the conditions of the provider).
* No interference caused by a weak signal, its reflection, bad weather (wind, thunderstorm, heavy precipitation).
* High quality image and sound.
* Access to HD channels.
* Interactive features - feedback with the viewer, voting, games, quiz.
* A wide range of additional services.
* Individual package management.
* View missed TV programs at any time.

Access to Internet TV is provided by cable TV providers, Internet providers, mobile Internet service providers.

Options for connecting TV to Internet broadcasting

You can connect IP TV to almost any TV receiver model using different ways... Modern TV models that support SMART TV technology do not need to use additional equipment and are connected directly to an Internet signal source.

There are two types of Internet TV connection to such TVs - wired and wireless. The cable connection is always more stable and minimizes interference caused by wireless transmission signal.

However, it is not always possible to lay wires invisibly, so the wireless method of connection is often chosen, which is also convenient if mobility is needed. In this case, the connection is made via a wireless router, to which the provider's cable is connected.

Most modern TV sets support two connection methods - they have a cable connector and a built-in Wi-Fi adapter. Some models are equipped with routers and can distribute a signal to other devices. If there is no built-in Wi-Fi adapter, you can connect an external one, preferably using equipment from the same manufacturer as the TV.

If the TV receiver model does not imply the possibility of a direct connection to IP TV, special set-top boxes are used to decode the signal.

In short, connecting to IP TV to a TV looks like this:

The Internet cable is connected directly to the TV receiver or through a set-top box.

1. The provider's software is installed on the SMART TV.
2. Perform network settings.
3. Tune channels according to preferences.

If you want to watch TV programs on your computer, the software is installed on your computer.

How to connect IP TV with quality guarantee

Connecting to IP TV on your own does not always lead to a clear picture and an expected list available channels... It is not enough to connect the wires correctly and turn on automatic settings, only an experienced master can fully reveal all the possibilities of IP-television

We do not persuade you to contact us, but study our services and draw conclusions.

If you have no Internet in your home, our specialists will test the signals of available providers and choose the most optimal option in terms of quality and price.

1. We will upload to the Internet different models TV sets of all manufacturers.
2. We have a huge selection of consoles - from budget to the most functional new products with wide capabilities.
3. Connect as many TVs and other devices as you need.
4. We will teach you how to use and get the most out of IP-TV and enjoy it.
5. We will select the most convenient provider, and if you don't want to pay subscription fee, let's set up free access.

Our company performs connection to IP TV in Moscow and the Moscow region. Contact us if you need better TV with a huge selection of channels:

In a city apartment;

In a country house;
in the country;
in the office or at the training center;
in the hotel rooms;
at the recreation center;
in a beauty salon, hairdresser, small boutique, clinic, shopping mall and so on.

Call now to find out the rest of the details about Internet TV and to clarify the possibility and conditions of its connection in the place you need.