What's included in Google. How to properly download the latest version of Google Play Services on Android. Features and functions of Google Play Services on Android

Today we will analyze 10 little-known, but useful and very interesting services from Google.

Google is an Internet giant, and for some it is the most beloved Internet company in the world. Many cannot live without its services, such as Gmail, Google drive, Translate, and most importantly search. Let's take a look at such Internet projects of this company, which are narrowly focused. Some of the lesser-known services are made as an experiment, while others are just for fun.

Interesting little-known services from Google

Of course, the Internet giant Google has much more projects than many people know, and among them there are many worthy of attention of the widest audience.

Google mars

Google has already photographed all of our land and you can see it in the Google Earth service. But, also few people know that together with NASO Google made a project called Google mars where you can see a map of Mars, pictures of the entire planet, you can view various objects, canyons, craters - whatever you want. It will be useful to anyone interested in astronomy.

Google Body Browser

Following Google Body Browser Is the most voracious resource on your computer. It was created in conjunction with the Zygote Body company and is needed in order to show the structure of the human body. It remains for Google to completely visualize it to the point that you see the skin, muscles, bones, various organs and even nerve endings, the entire circulatory system.

The project will be useful both for students who study medicine and for ordinary users to play with the possibilities, and this is where Google decided to show one of the first versions of WebGL, a library for creating 3D graphics inside the browser.

Google Cultural Institute

If you are a lover of art and culture, then the following project was created especially for you. Google Cultural Institute Is a project that consists of 3 parts.

  • The first part is the Art Project, which will show works of art from all over the world and you do not need to spend a lot of money to visit various museums. Everything can be found here. All works of large museums in the world have been digitized and you can see in great detail many of the paintings of these museums.

  • The second part is called “Historic Moments”, here you can plunge into history. Here you can watch various episodes from the very beginning of 1950 to the present day.
  • The third part of the World Wonders project will show you the most interesting places on earth. Including, according to Google, it could be Pompeii, Ren-le-Chateau, and even Jerossima. All of this is here, it can be part of this project. So if you don't have the money for that. to organize a trip to the most interesting places on the planet, you can safely use this service.

Google Music Timeline

A complex project in technical terms, but in terms of visualization google Music Timeline service is just amazing and very interesting. But what does he do? Through this service, you can see the popularity of various genres, from 1950 to the present day.

You just hover the mouse over the genre you are interested in and you will see which albums, in which years were very popular and by clicking on the album, Google will send you directly to Google play music so that you spend your money buying that album and downloading it to your smartphone. Thanks to this application, you can not only explore the genres of yesteryear, but also find new creations in the music industry.

The next service is called reCaptcha ... Everyone is familiar with the terrible obscure clumsy words that you need to constantly enter in order for the site to recognize that you are not a robot. This project is actually very useful. What does he do?

The idea behind this project is to help people digitize old manuscripts by introducing these scary words. Considering that every day users guess about two hundred million words that cannot be recognized by machine recognition, their contribution turns out to be quite significant. So we hope that now you will not despise these terrible clumsy words, but will help to digitize old records.

Google Trends

This interesting service will be useful and interesting to many people, as it shows all the trends of this year. Google Trends shows what people are most often looking for in search, how often, who and where they are looking, Google collects all this here and you can view it all.

You can also enter your requests here, for example, if we enter the name of a famous smartphone here, then you will see how often people searched for this particular model, when this request was at its peak, in which country. Thus, you can analyze any trends that you are only interested in.

Google helpouts

very cool and designed to help people with any problems. This is where you can get advice and advice from a specialist in your field. A lot of people post courses here. For example, if you go to the "games" category, you can see that there are even Chinese people who can teach you how to play League of Legends for free.

All you need to do is open a course, read about it and make an appointment with this high-ranking specialist. After that with using google Helpouts, he will teach you the course, and then you can leave feedback.

Google sky

Google Sky service quite ancient, but will be useful for lovers of astronomy. Here you will be shown various galaxies, constellations, stars and actually everything that famous astronomers talk about and not only. So those who are into astronomy are welcome to the Google Sky service.

Google Consumer Barometer

Service Google Consumer Barometer will make it clear that your big brother is following you and Google, together with another large company, created a service called Consumer Barometer. The point of this service is to take a huge pile of data that the company has collected for analysis and provide it in a convenient form.

This is how you can find out what percentage of people are using.

What can be done here? For example, by clicking on the "Browser" button, you can see how many users are connected to the Internet. If you look there, you can understand that, for example, 85% of the population of Canada is connected to the Internet, and the population of Ukraine is 53%.

If you go to the "Data Map" section you can compare different data. For example, we can look at the percentage of phone users under the age of 40 located in Europe, in a specific country. We press Graph, Google analyzes everything for us, builds a graph.

Google Our Mobile Planet

The last service named Our Mobile Planet , is related to the statistics of mobile devices. It was merged with the Consumer Barometer, because following the old link http://think.withgoogle.com/mobilepla ... a redirect to the consumerbarometer.com page is triggered. It allows you to create a chart of mobile users in different countries. For example, we can select Korea and Ukraine, and select what we want to compare between these countries. We can also choose the frequency of use mobile internet and produce comparative analysis.

Interestingly, there are quite interesting statistics on the actions of telephone users here. For example, choose the frequency of use social media... You can choose year, age, gender of users, whatever. The service will show all statistics in detail.

So, here we have sorted out the most little-known services Google. We hope you find these resources interesting, useful, or just fun and help pass the time.

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Google Play services) is one of those tools that works completely unnoticed. However, if he suddenly does not appear on Android device, apps won't be able to update, and you won't be able to use modern features like contact sync or GPS navigation.

Perhaps Google Play Services is the most necessary and useful tool for Android, because without it no service can function normally. This platform is the link between Google products and your applications. So make sure you have the most recent version of this product today.

If you recently purchased a device, there is nothing to worry about, because new smartphones and tablets already contain all the components you need to work. But if your trusty gadget has been serving for a long time and has gone through many tests with you, be sure to update the platform. It's actually very simple to do this, just download Google Play Services and install them on your device. The file is provided in the usual apk format and is unpacked similarly to other ordinary applications. In the event of an update, the mobile program itself will offer to replace existing components with newer ones.

What is the tool for?:

  • Google Services Authentication
  • Correct work with Google accounts
  • Updating and downloading new applications from the Play Store
  • Synchronizing contacts and tabs in the Chrome browser
  • Access to obtaining geolocation data, simply a GPS navigator
  • Ability to use modern features such as energy saving and privacy of personal information
  • Thanks to the correct operation of Google Play services, games will become faster offline and more realistic
  • Applications can even stop working without this tool.

Thus, it is important not only to take care of the availability mobile program, but also the most recent version of it. The application does not have an interface, you do not need to configure or adjust anything. All that is required of you google installation Play Services for Android or updating them. Your device's system will take care of the rest. You can check the relevance of the tool in the Menu section by going to the Settings item, and then Applications. Select the required line and view the information about the mobile program.

Download Google Play Services (Latest Version) free for android you can follow the link below.

Android 2.3+

Android 5.0+

Android 6.0+

Google Play Services is one of those tools that works completely invisibly. However, if it suddenly does not appear on your Android device, the applications will not be able to update, and you will also not be able to use such modern functions as contact synchronization or GPS navigation.

Perhaps, Google Play Services is the most necessary and useful tool for Android, because without it no service can function normally. This platform is the link between Google products and your applications. So make sure you have the most recent version of this product today. If you recently purchased a device, there is nothing to worry about yet, because new smartphones and tablets already contain all the necessary components to work. But if your trusty gadget has been serving for a long time and has gone through many tests with you, be sure to update the platform. To do this, in fact, is very simple, enough download Google Play Services and install them on your device. The file is provided in the usual apk format and is unpacked similarly to other ordinary applications. In the event of an update, the mobile program itself will offer to replace existing components with newer ones.

What is the tool for:

  • Google Services Authentication
  • Correct work with Google accounts
  • Updating and downloading new applications from the Play Store
  • Synchronizing contacts and tabs in the Chrome browser
  • Access to obtaining geolocation data, simply a GPS navigator
  • Ability to use modern features such as energy saving and privacy of personal information
  • Thanks to the correct operation of Google Play services, games will become faster offline and more realistic
  • Applications can even stop working without this tool.

    Thus, it is important not only to take care of the availability of a mobile program, but also the most recent version of it. The application does not have an interface, you do not need to configure or adjust anything. All you need to do is install Google Play Services for Androidor updating them. Your device's system will take care of the rest. You can check the relevance of the tool in the Menu section by going to the Settings item, and then Applications. Select the required line and view the information about the mobile program.

  • Google Play Services are mainly used to update all downloaded Google apps and mobile apps from. This component makes it possible to provide quality work key functionssuch as authentication to all Google services, syncing your contacts, and free and unlimited access to new privacy settings and energy saving services that use your location data. You can yourself download google play services free in APK format.

    Thanks to Google Play services, working with applications and games on your Android device becomes much more convenient, as well as significantly accelerating offline search, all maps become much more realistic. Google Play services, until recently, were unstable, some users of devices based on Android complained that the services of the Google family consume a lot of battery resources. To eliminate this error, the developers took a minimum of time and now the services are economical with your charge and now, the Google Play service no longer has any drawbacks.

    Due to the fact that the service supports new APIs, the service will simplify the life of all application developers, and also provide them with the opportunity to use extensive new tools for creating functional and multiplayer games. Optimized Google Play Services will improve your Google+ experience. Now it is convenient function auto-filling when entering texts, as well as the ability to synchronize contact lists from your mobile device from google contacts+ and with Gmail. If you encounter a device when installing services, you can see the solution to the problem.

    The new version will bring smartphone users only a pleasant experience of their work and you will not regret choosing Google Play Services. Download the application for your Android, you can completely free of charge on our website, which does not require from you exhausting registration or sending a large number of SMS messages.

    Already, millions of users did not wait for analog updates and downloaded Google Play Services, thereby completely transforming their work into Google and optimizing all processes in the device. The program can be run on your mobile phone or tablet, in manual mode using programs Total Commander, ES Explorer, Solid Explorer and in automatic mode... You are guaranteed to be satisfied work of Google Play, because make all other services work properly.

    Google Play Services - with this program you can update other programs from the Google Play Service. This application organizes the work of all basic functions, such as authentication in Google services and full synchronization of existing contacts, as well as full access to all sorts of privacy options and better services that save your android's energy using location data. Google Play services will significantly speed up searches required programs, even offline. Google Play services are mainly required to regularly update all downloaded google programs and smartphone products from the Google Play store. This kind of component ensures the good and smooth functioning of basic features, such as synchronization in all Google services.

    Thanks to these services, working with programs and game applications on the device becomes much easier, and the search speed in offline format is significantly increased, all maps take on a realistic look. The service, not so long ago, could boast of its unstable work, some users wrote complaints that Google Play services spend a lot of battery power in their work. To date, services are very effective in treating the resources of a smartphone and now, there are no shortcomings in the application.

    Due to the fact that the service has support for a new Service API, this greatly simplified the life of software and game developers, and also gave them the opportunity to use new tools for writing multiplayer games in their work. Optimized for smartphones of any version, Google Play Services will also improve the experience with Google+. There is now a practical auto-fill function when typing text data, as well as synchronization of your phone contacts with those of the Google+ service.

    There is also a minus in this product. Since after downloading and installing the service, synchronization begins with all possible programs and games (except for malicious software), then after removing the service, some applications may fail in functioning, up to a complete failure in work. But in addition to the above-described disadvantage, the service did not have any drawbacks and it is more than covered by the advantages. To install, you need to do a couple of clicks in the main menu, and after authorization, everything will start working. Everything google settings Play is very simple, thanks to them your interaction with your smartphone will be as convenient as possible.