The FSB received the green light for Internet surveillance: how to properly retire from Russian services and hide from the all-seeing eye. For everyone and everything. We sweep the traces in "LJ"

Recently it became known that Russia has left the list of countries with a free Internet, according to the classificationFreedom House... Partly free russian internet moved into the category of "not free". The Insider spoke with the director of one of the Russian Internet providers, which has been operating in the market for over 10 years, and learned how the FSB and the prosecutor's office are monitoring the Internet, for which they reprimanded the employee who set the bugs to Navalny and why it is not so easy to disconnect Russia from the global the Internet.


Each provider has a curator from the FSB

Since 2012, the Unified Register of Banned Sites has been operating in Russia. This is not a federal list of extremist materials, which contains a bunch of leaflets and video files that the bailiff tried to clumsily describe. The registry is a specific set of one hundred thousand addresses. The FSB does not monitor the application of bans, they are more interested in collecting new bans from the Roskomnadzor server on time. By law, providers must contact daily, but usually everyone connects once every three days. Each provider has a curator from the FSB. Even above us, although we typical example small company - 10 thousand households. An FSB officer is sitting in the area and holding a package of providers for monitoring: "I took this one, aha." He has statistics on unloading, and if you are late, then you get a call - the curator starts scolding, threatening. Familiar guys have already been fined for the fact that their admins hammered to download black lists.

The prosecutor's office, unlike the FSB, checks whether blocked resources are available. Logically, the prosecutor's office needs to apply for every provider in Moscow that does not know that another website has been banned somewhere. Recently we received a fine of 50 thousand. In 2011, we did not fulfill the supposedly such blocking, now we woke up. The prosecutor himself says: “Well, please pay! We need more cases for quarterly reporting. "

The system of using lists varies greatly - from stupid blocking of an entire resource, which is the sin of large operators, to blocking by a specific link, as we do - this, of course, is technically more difficult and more expensive. In general, if you are a user of a small operator, then you have a better chance of seeing a ban - there is less regulation at this level.

I opened access to all sites for my acquaintances - none of them will complain to the prosecutor's office. In theory, such "black services" can be done on a commercial basis.

Last summer, someone caught a panic over separatism. As a result, all materials about the federalization of Siberia were blocked. To work in manual mode used semantic analysis, that is, the search for marker words. Blocking the issuance of data at the request of markers like "Putin-terrorism-Caucasus" is already at the level of "Yandex", it does not apply to providers

We block the site only when we are sent a ruling with a link to a court ruling. But on the ground, the authorities need to work out the norm. For example, employees of the district prosecutor's office, having connected to our network, are constantly looking for what else some Khanty-Mansi court has prohibited. They do not write to Roskomnadzor, they do not demand that an already banned site be entered into the register - they immediately run to court. We must turn them off nafig!

We, of course, when we receive a claim, we block everything - we simply could not find out about this earlier, since the decision of the Khanty-Mansiysk court can only be found on its website. Already in court they ask me: "Blocked?" I say: "Yes, of course!" We go to check: the site, of course, opens - after all, the court is not connected to our network, and their provider also has no idea about the ban of the Khanty-Mansiysk court. Surprised eyes rise to me. As a result, I arrange a lecture on the Internet for the judge and the assistant prosecutor on the go. I am trying to explain that my provider cannot block the site everywhere - at most in our area. They seem to understand in words, and then continue to send summons - block it everywhere and immediately.

There is also politics in the black lists (for example, Grani and, and there is also religion. Most often, any trash is banned - nothing resonant, nothing interesting. Most often, unpopular, completely left-wing sites with long URLs and unreadable design are blocked. Recently, a database with passport data was blocked - so you can't even find anything really there.


Now all providers should have a second version of SORM [a set of technical means and measures designed to carry out operational-search measures]. For two years, we are obliged to keep the addresses of appeals. But until the SORM-2 system comes into full force, it is expensive and difficult to introduce it. Only one test of the system costs 200 thousand rubles. All work is done by several monopolists, so this is the price tag. Large providers, of course, have more resources, but they also have more customers. Massiveness greatly aggravates everything - such devices are not available to have time to write a data volume of 40 gigabits.

We also do not have a piece of iron for SORM. The authorities, of course, want to fully implement SORM-2. So far, without our knowledge, they do not know anything. Whenever what is needed - the FSB officer just calls and I personally look through our database who climbed and where.

I know an IT specialist who installed the bugs in Navalny's office. By the way, he was reprimanded for this operation.

In general, the IT market is very narrow, everyone knows everyone. For example, I know an IT specialist who installed bugs in Navalny's office. By the way, he was reprimanded for this operation - if the "bugs" were put in the passive mode of collecting information and sending data at 4 o'clock in the morning, then they could not be tracked. Who ordered them and where else they installed this is unknown to me.

"Very Tight People"

The level of law enforcement officers today is catastrophic. They are not able to use even those tools that are already there. The police perceive the IP address as a license plate and do not understand that thousands of people are walking through it.

Recently they brought a flash drive lost by an opera from a neighboring district. So there are a lot of criminal cases, hundreds of investigations. As a result, he found the owner through his Odnoklassniki account, but there, however, he was hacked. Oper was very happy: he literally kept it on a USB flash drive all his life, not even understanding what to encrypt or do backup... Or just recently I went to the police station, entered their local network. So there are viruses - just a guard! And this is without Internet access. What qualifications of employees can we talk about?

And so these employees are trying to find distributors of incorrect materials on social networks. They write from personal mailboxes on, where there are a lot of holes - there is no official mail. First comes the preamble with the number of the criminal case, then the gist: "I ask you to provide information about the user who logs into VKontakte at such a time." And it's great if they indicate the IP-address, because we have 300 users per second in VKontakte. On Facebook and Odnoklassniki, which is interesting, they never contacted. In terms of politics, our surge in requests coincided with unrest: Bolotnaya, elections. Then, five requests were sent per month - on average, a request comes in every three months.

In 80% of cases, I need to call back in order to correctly formulate a request for employees. Asking the right question is half the success of the task. We have points for cooperation - I volunteer to help draw up a technical opinion on underground gaming clubs. There, for recognition, many facts are not needed - there must be a network on all computers and access to the Internet, but the operas are used to robberies, rapes - it is difficult to delve into the computer jungle. I tried to communicate with the Eshniki [employees of the Center for Countering Extremism]. We met at a seminar on the culture of intolerance, offered to work more efficiently, but there were also very tough people there.

"The best defense is not to stick out."

Maybe then paranoia in vain? But in the last year, serious order has been actively established. It is no longer possible to stretch the network and go unnoticed. Now they began to tighten the screws, so our company refuses telephony. Previously, everything was formal, but now they demanded to put SORM on telephony. Another thing is that if the share of the white market decreases, it will be compensated by the black market. The more the official internet is cut off, the more demand for black will be.

An FSB officer will be able, without any prosecutor's sanctions, to log in on his own through the provider and see what photos the client posts, what he talks about in messengers

I fully support the idea that the villains should be sought. But in the current reality, if the system is 100% introduced, then it will be used for illegal purposes. When we switch to SORM-3, the FSB officer will be able, without any prosecutor's sanctions, to log in independently through the provider and see what photos the client posts, what he talks about in messengers.

Providers will be required to store such data for two days, that is, our entire stream of five gigabits per second, we must record somewhere for two days - the volume of the arrays will be crazy. As far as I know, SORM-3 does not yet function on the civilian Internet - it may operate at the level of the FSO or strategic facilities.

Users for the most part do not try to hide. Encryption is a fraction of a percent. You have to try hard to analyze our database to see to meet TOR [browser for anonymous connection]. In order not to get noticed, you don't need to hooligan - go to rallies or post odious oppositionists. The best defense is not to stick out, then the FSB won't be interesting either. And if you lean out, then it seems to me that everything is useless. In any case, I recommend buying a SIM card registered on Kazbek Alievich on the market, encrypting everything on your computer via PGP, connecting a VPN on your mobile phone and installing an encrypted session on Telegram, otherwise it will be useless. In principle, the FSB should have the keys to the encryption algorithms, otherwise it is illegal, but everything indicates that Telegram did not share the keys.

“Let's build our own Runet. Almost like in the DPRK "

Recently they wrote that Roskomnadzor conducted a training session to disconnect Russia from the Internet. It kind of failed because of small providers that drive unaccounted traffic. We did not notice any interruptions or disconnections, although 30% of our traffic comes from foreign providers. As there are underground oil pipelines, there is also a mass of underground cables that are not registered anywhere.

Even physically, it's not that simple with a complete shutdown. One of the most large points traffic exchange is located in Frankfurt. There are a lot of channels here, including from Russia. It is convenient - several short wires can be tied different operators... If they block channels at traffic exchange points, then only cutting off those same channels abroad, for example, to Europe, but then they will have to create a data exchange center already at their own borders.

However, all the same, "black" illegal channels will be used to that very Frankfurt. To cut everything down, you need to control everything. There are a lot of points already now, with time it becomes more and more - it is impossible to control everything, resources have been created for this. Cross-border traffic between countries is now clearly not controlled in any way. There were attempts to make single operator, who will drive the whole foreign countries, but the matter did not go beyond talk.

I think that if there really were training sessions to disconnect, it was more likely to work out a complete shutdown of the Internet in the event of tougher sanctions. It is theoretically possible that global organizations such as Domain Name Service or IP Address Distribution Services will shut down a country. Naturally, at first there will be chaos, but in a few days we will build our own Runet. Almost like in the DPRK.

Safety always comes first in any job, writes the Anonymous website.

Security means protection against harm and other unwanted consequences. Everyone in the world needs security. Even smartphones.

We use smartphones for games, calls, chats, etc., but are we thinking about security threats?

Don't panic! We will help you!

These codes will help you determine if your data is secure and if someone is monitoring your smartphone.

This combination of numbers and symbols allows you to find out if call forwarding, SMS and other messages are connected on your smartphone. Dial this code, and the screen will display the number to which the data is transferred, and the statuses for different types forwarding.

Remember: did you lend your mobile phone to strangers, even for one call? If so, there is a risk that information about your place of residence, daily routine, social circle could leak to strangers. The funds of your electronic wallet are also at risk if you use it by logging in through your mobile password.

This code shows where incoming calls and SMS are forwarded from your phone when other subscribers cannot reach you. In the best case, calls will be forwarded in voice mail format to one of the numbers of your mobile operator.

By typing this combination, you can turn off all types of call forwarding that were previously configured on your phone. The code is universal and works for all smartphones.

We highly recommend that you remember about it before traveling to another country or region: then, once you are in roaming, you will not lose money, which will no longer be charged for calls that are transferred to voice mail by default.

A code that gives information about the identification number of the phone, the so-called IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier).

Knowing the numbers of the international identifier, you can, for example, find the phone that was stolen from you: after all, the device automatically transfers its IMEI to the mobile operator's network whenever it is turned on, regardless of whether your SIM card is in the smartphone or someone else's.

Special codes:

There are also codes that allow you to track your location and find out which specific station your phone is connected to. True, for this, the mobile must be special utility - netmonitor.

To start checking, enter one of the codes:

How to use it?

Step 1:

Go to the UMTS Cell Environment tab, and from there to the UMTS RR info. You will see the values \u200b\u200bof the so-called Cell ID, that is, the numbers of the base stations located near you. Rewrite the Cell ID values.

Step 2:

Return to the main menu, go through the MM info tab in Serving PLMN. Write down the Local Area Code (LAC) values.

Step 3:

Now, knowing the two categories of codes, you can go to a special site (4th tab on the left) and, by entering data on it, determine the location on the map base stationwhere your mobile is registered.

With the help of antivirus, you can regularly check your phone for viruses and remove them.

How to protect yourself from the FSB and other spies:

1. Use instant messengers that are completely closed to outsiders: Telegram, Chare, Wickr, Signal.

2. Do not install unfamiliar programs on your phone, follow all installed applications and use multi-stage locking systems whenever possible. Do not follow suspicious links and do not charge your phone from suspicious "free" points.

3. Only yours has the right to track phones. mobile operator, and then only with your consent. Sites and applications that offer you to track the location of other people belong to hackers. Be carefull!

FSB got access to personal data of Internet users on Russian services /

Thus, the FSB officers, if they want, will find out the logins, email addresses, phone numbers, a list of contacts, friends and relatives of the user (including a citizen of Ukraine) and a lot of other information.

In this regard, UNIAN offers Ukrainians who do not agree with such total surveillance of their personal Internet space advice on how to remove them from Russian services. First of all it comes about social networks "Odnoklassniki", "Vkontakte" and "My World", postal services Yandex and Mail.Ru, as well as the Livejornal blog service (Live Journal or LJ).

Attention! The instructions below are for informational purposes only, the publication is not responsible for the actions of users.

Saying goodbye to "Vkontakte"

According to the rules of this site, users can "delete" their page ( link to delete ).

It should be borne in mind that the page can be easily restored within 7 months, and only if you do not go to the deleted page all this time, it is permanently deleted.

When deleting a page from the database, your phone number is not erased, therefore it is recommended that you first unlink your personal phone number from the page. Since 2013, it will not be possible to untie it just like that, but you can easily change this same number to another.

In addition, you need to manually delete all photos, videos, remove yourself from all groups and communities. It is also advisable to delete all your friends and all personal correspondence.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that after deleting the page, all your posts, comments, messages and "likes" will remain on other people's pages forever, and the most important thing is that all remaining entries will be signed with your name.

Therefore, before deleting in the page settings, try to change your name.

Getting rid of Odnoklassniki

To retire from social network "Odnoklassniki", you need to find the link "Regulations" at the bottom of your profile page and click on it ( direct link to the page). At the bottom of the page that opens, you will find a nondescript "Opt out of services" link.

When you click it, a window for deleting a profile will open. You will be asked for a reason. In addition, it describes the losses that you will incur if you delete your page on the social network.

If, despite this, you decide to delete your profile, then enter the password and click on the Delete button.

It should be borne in mind that it will be impossible to restore the page after deletion. If a user has deleted a page from classmates, the profile cannot be restored.

All data is automatically deleted from the database. If personal photos were uploaded to the page, after confirming "Delete forever" they will disappear.

We leave "My world" and

In order to "in one fell swoop" leave "My world" and all services (mail, blog, photo and video hosting, dating, etc.), without leaving the slightest signs of presence, you need to go through this link.

A short guide to deleting an account will open with a link to a special interface. Below the list of services, in the field "Please enter a reason:", briefly explain why you no longer need an account on the portal.

In this case, the reason must be indicated! Otherwise, the system will not accept your request for deletion.

After that, enter the password to enter your profile and click the "Delete" button.

After these manipulations, the display will show the message "Box deleted" with a list of content on services (audio and video albums, notes), which after 5 days will also be deleted from the system.

In this case, the account can be restored within 3 months from the date of deletion. You will need to go to your profile and click on the "Unblock" link. In this case, only the page can be restored, and photos and videos will be deleted forever.

Forget about Yandex

Keep in mind that by deleting a Yandex mailbox, you are destroying not only mail, but the entire account and services associated with it, including data and content, including the details of an electronic wallet created in Yandex, geographic maps with paved routes (Yandex.Maps ), files on Yandex.Disk, etc.

Yandex also warns that all letters that were stored there will be lost along with the mailbox, and new ones will never be delivered.

If you nevertheless decide to delete, it is recommended that you change your personal data in the settings before deleting it, as well as unlink your real phone number. After that, you can proceed to the removal procedure. You need to go to your mail account and open the mail settings: click on the gear icon in the upper right corner.

In the menu that opens, at the bottom there is a sentence "If necessary, you can delete your mailbox."

We sweep the traces in "LJ"

When you delete your LiveJournal account, only the blog is deleted ( link to normal delete), comments in other people's journals remain. Therefore, in order to delete a journal along with your comments, you need to bring the journal under the "suspension".

To do this, you need to do something that contradicts the rules for using the service. For example, to disclose the user's personal data (full name, credit card number, not necessarily real). If no one writes a complaint about you, then ask someone to help in this venture by complaining about you.

After that, you need to wait for a letter from the administration of the service and ignore it, and after about a week your account will be gone.

It should be remembered that all your public posts and comments will in any case remain in the cache of search engines and will be available for search. You will not be able to remove information from there on your own, but others will have to make more efforts to read the "killed" magazine.

If you notice an error, select it with the mouse and press Ctrl + Enter

Most of us have ever used free proxy servers to cheat system administrator and open any site prohibited by your company, for example, YouTube or Odnoklassniki. However, proxy servers have many drawbacks and, if desired, your traffic can be easily intercepted. It is also important that anonymous proxies are free only conditionally, that is, you will most likely have to pay for connecting to a remote SOCKS5 proxy, and free ones are all overloaded and provide a low level of anonymity.

What is TOR and what is it for

TOR proposes a further development of the idea of \u200b\u200ban anonymous proxy and provides data transmission through a whole chain of anonymous nodes, with all information encrypted. This system is called "onion" because each data packet entering the system passes through three nodes (proxy servers), which are chosen at random. Before sending, the packet is encrypted with three keys, for three nodes. After receiving the packet, the first node decrypts it with its own key and finds out the address of the next node to send the packet, the next node does the same, i.e. encryption is sequentially removed from the packet, by analogy with cleaning an onion.

TOR safety

The TOR system is completely free and has an open source source, which guarantees the absence of hidden bookmarks, any user can make sure that the program does just that and nothing more. Although no, not every user, after all, analyzing code of this size is a rather laborious task, but groups of enthusiasts can do it.

TOR is used by special services for safe exchange data with agents, editorial offices of leading newspapers use it to communicate with informants. Many organizations use the system to connect employees who are on business trips to the center. The onion routing system ensures a high level of security of transmitted data, even from the point of view of special services, and if information (for example, transferred files) is also packed in a crypto container, then the possibility of unauthorized access to data tends to zero.

Disadvantages of the system

Despite all the advantages of using this program, the Tor network cannot hide its traffic, i.e. the fact of using onion routing is quite transparent, as is the fact of exchanging packets with encrypted information. If this is a problem, you can use the traffic masking tools offered by the Tor developers. In addition, Tor cannot protect the client's computer from malware; other programs exist for this purpose. If the spyware is already installed on your PC and transmits the collected information through its channels, then using Tor will be ineffective.

Tor network nodes are located on the user's workstations, so they can be vulnerable. Potentially hostile actions can also be performed by the site that the user is accessing, Tor does not protect users from ignoring user requests and phishing attempts, and potentially unsafe sites can infect your PC with a Trojan, which, in turn, compromises data. While there is no absolute security, Tor allows you to achieve high level security and completely anonymously open any sites, avoiding the compromise of personal data. In addition to hiding personal data, the system allows you to bypass the blocking of sites at the provider level or local network your company. Install Tor browser right now and get access to resources blocked by Roskomnadzor, find out what they want to hide from you :)

After the infamous “Yarovaya package”, the FSB's intentions to decrypt all Internet traffic in real time became known. What for?

The main argument is the need to protect against terrorists, the calculation of possible dangerous criminals, prevention and prevention of offenses and sabotage. The proposal to decrypt Internet traffic from the FSB came within the framework of the variants of the "Yarovaya package"; the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Ministry of Industry and Trade also made their proposals. The details of the proposals consist in the fact that the FSB proposes to track requests by keywords (and, apparently, to replenish the "inquiry" as the attackers themselves are encrypted), and the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications propose to control the Internet traffic of those who are already under suspicion.

True, even in the case of a separate list keywords it will take a tremendous amount of resources. For example, the word “bomb” in a search engine can be hammered not only by an attacker, but also by a schoolchild giving a report on the history of the creation of Russia's nuclear shield, or in general a user is trying to find something in a search engine where the word “bomb” is used allegorically. For example, "sex bomb". Or "this is an information bomb, a sensation." Although it is clear that this problem is from the area software tools pattern recognition. Cases in which an Arabist student wrote coursework, devoted to the issues of the terrorist threat, and came under suspicion of the authorities with the appropriate measures, have already been. As well as cases of blocking sites with propaganda to fight against smoking and drug addiction, for a healthy lifestyle.

The FSB's proposal is to use, as it were, an additional filter and encryption before transmitting traffic to the user and from the user to the server, as well as analyzing traffic (both passed through an additional filter and not passed) using already used technologies that are used, for example, for filtering content according to the lists of Roskomnadzor. True, it is not difficult to bypass this filter even for the simplest web user, and in several ways. Nevertheless, the attempt, which began with the Yarovaya package, to form a mechanism of the type “no one will hide from retaliation”, will not only lead to higher communication costs and deterioration of its quality.

With the help of such technologies, it is easy to compile not only a user's profile on the network, find out his behavior, but also a psychological portrait, his preferences, hobbies, all his private life, a person's appearance, get access to all his bank accounts, salary cards, documents, perhaps even medical characteristics and so on. Essentially, the authorities will have a complete dossier on each user of the Web without costly information gathering activities.

Of course, the cost of executing the Yarovaya package is estimated at more than a trillion rubles, and the installation of special equipment at the suggestion of the FSB will also require additional and not small funds. In not the best conditions for the development and life of the country.

Will it private information under reliable protection? If it falls into the hands of an employee like the scandalous cadets of the FSB Academy in "Geliks" - it is unlikely. After all, this information is quite expensive. And there have already been precedents of information leaks and database sales.

In addition, there is the possibility of not just leaking information, but stealing information about bank accounts and other financial instruments, making appropriate changes that can harm the user. It works as follows: the decryption and encryption equipment, before sending information from the server to the user, first decrypts it and then re-encrypts it with an SSL certificate issued by a Russian certification center. However, as in the case of ordinary documents, it is possible to create a forgery of such a certificate and directly obtain all the necessary passwords and codes to access the user's personal finances. At the same time, this can be done not only by an unscrupulous employee responsible for monitoring traffic on the Web, but also by a skilled hacker.

However, this option has other disadvantages besides the already mentioned possibility of information leakage.

At first, the SSL certificate, which is planned to be used, is already being abandoned in favor of another certificate, for which neither the proposed nor a similar proposed technology for traffic control is possible.

Secondly, developers softwaremost of which is not Russian, to protect users, it may deliberately abandon SSL technologies or accelerate the transition to other means of information encryption. In this case, either the equipment will not perform its function, or the user will lose access to the Network.

Thirdly, electronic messengers are based on a different type of certificates (end-to-end), for which the proposed technology is completely unrealizable. Accordingly, they simply do not fall into the attention of the relevant authorities, although they are usually the means of communication and information exchange for attackers.

Of course, you don't even have to talk about privacy. And this will give tremendous opportunities for managing the masses of the population, for adjusting the practices of manipulating the mass consciousness, which probably justifies the possible costs of these activities. In general, the Matrix in all its glory.

The ability not only to single out general types of behavior, general groups of preferences, but also to create a huge database for each citizen of the country can lead not only to distorting ideas about reality, but to full formatting reality most convenient for managing people. In this case, the world of the film "The Matrix" will become a reality, and people will finally turn into a means of achieving the goals of the powerful.

All of the above does not deny the need to protect society from terrorism. But it has long been known: make the "diligent" God pray, and he will break his "forehead". If the defense against terrorism turns into the new kind state "racketeering", then what will get better from this?