How to use Password Boss password saver? How to use KeePass - Automatic insertion of login and password How to use KeePass - Automatic insertion of login and password

Today we will consider a situation that many computer users have already encountered and/or may still encounter. Namely, what to do if you forgot the password to turn on your computer. This can happen to anyone. You can also forget or lose a note with a password in no time. Especially when this password often has to be changed, as some users do (for example, mothers trying to limit the time their children spend on the computer).

So, today we’ll look at one of the ways effective solution this problem. Of course there are many methods resetting or recovering (or hacking) a forgotten Windows login password or user unlock. Gradually I will add descriptions and others.

This method is distinguished by its versatility. That is, this method Resetting a forgotten computer password is suitable for various operating systems Windows systems : 2000, XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003, Server 2008, etc.

Let's use the utility.

Accordingly, in the first case we write the image file to disk (read how to burn an iso image to disk), in the second case we create bootable USB flash drive(in this case, we simply copy all the files in their archive to a clean flash drive). Choose which option is more convenient for you.

After this is done, we insert our disk or flash drive into the computer (we need to boot from one of these media) and turn it on. If it still starts for you operating system and asks to enter forgotten password, which means you’ll have to do a little more magic to launch the utility from a disk/flash drive. Read how to boot from external media.

If such a picture appears on the screen, it means that everything was done correctly, and you were able to load Offline NT Password and Registry editor from the disk/flash drive.

Click Enter and wait. Now the program prompts us to select the partition on which the operating system is installed (in other words, where we will reset the password). The disk is selected by entering the desired number. The screen tells us how much at the moment The program sees the partitions and what sizes they have. Actually, this is the only information available to us here about the sections, so we can only rely on it. But don't worry, if you select the wrong partition by mistake, the utility will simply not be able to erase the password, and you will return to this menu, where you can enter a different partition number and try again.

In my case, two partitions are displayed: 1 - 10.7 GB, 2 - 5490 MB. If you remember how big yours was Local disk C , then choose a partition with a similar size. I select section 1. I enter a number from the keyboard 1 and press Enter .

Next you need to specify the directory where the file is located SAM(storing the registry branch). The program itself offers us a default directory ( Windows/System32/config ), where this file is usually located. We agree, click Enter .

Next, we are asked to choose what action we want to perform. Enter the number 1 , which corresponds to password reset (Password reset), and press Enter .

The next step is to also choose the desired action. Enter the number 1 - change accounts and passwords (Edit user data and passwords ). Click Enter .

A sign appears in front of us, which lists all usernames (Username) and them identifiers (RID) . The program prompts you to enter a username from the list for which you want to reset the password. The program immediately offered me Admin- It is on this account that I want to erase the password. So I just click Enter .

Retreat. You, of course, can enter a different username, but it’s probably better to unlock the administrator account, and only then change the passwords for everyone who needs it.

If your username is written in Russian, then it is normal that it will not be reflected due to the Cyrillic alphabet. In this case, instead of the username, indicate it RID in the following form: 0xRID. That is, in my case: 0x01f4. Click Enter .

Now the program offers us the following options for action for the selected account: 1 - clear the password, 2 - change the password, 3 - make the user an administrator, 4 - unlock the account, q - exit and return to selecting the account. Enter 1 and press Enter .

Password removed! The job is done, all that remains is to exit the application. Enter exclamation mark and click Enter .

Enter q and click Enter .

We confirm the changes have been made. Enter y and press Enter .

We refuse to continue working in Offline NT Password and Registry editor and enter n , then click Enter .

We remove the disk from the wire or the flash drive from the usb socket, restart the computer and enjoy the result. Windows login password has been reset!

Naturally, the article is intended to help those who really forgot my password and would have had no other choice but to reinstall the system. Under no circumstances does the information provided cannot be used for any harmful purposes.

Life is much easier for users with iCloud Keychain - they can . In applications, the entire process happens automatically. Because Face ID scans automatically, you don't even have to tap anything. Now users with the 1Password and LastPass apps can do the same.

New APIs are available that allow you to connect LastPass to the standard password autofill system. You can automatically insert logins and passwords from saved sites. However, this only applies to autofill passwords. If this is your first time logging into a new site, you will be prompted to save your LastPass login information. In addition, in iOS 12 you can use two password managers at the same time.

The process will be the same for both applications. For instructions we will use LastPass.

  • Download: LastPass (free)
  • Download: 1Password (free)

How to add third-party managers to SettingsiOS 12

First, you need to make sure that your password manager supports autofill. LastPass and 1Password have already been updated for iOS 12, so we recommend choosing them.

Step 1: Open Settings -> Passwords and accounts -> Autofill passwords and enable the function.

Step 2: Check the box next to the LastPass (or other password manager) option. LastPass will prompt you to disable iCloud Keychain, but you don't have to.

That's it, LastPass password autofill was enabled. Now open the LastPass app, sign up for it, and save all your data for the sites you use most often. To add data, click the "+" icon.

How to autofill passwords viaLastPass or 1Password

Step 1: Open an app or site for which you've already saved data in LastPass (or another password manager).

Step 2: Click on the login field and a suggestion will appear above the keyboard with data auto-fill.

Step 3: If the data does not appear, click on the key icon. The LastPass app will open with a list of saved logins. You can select the one you need from there, and the data will be filled in automatically.

That's all. Now you can easily autofill passwords using LastPass or 1Password!

Passwords play a fairly important role in our digital lives. They protect our accounts on social networks, cloud storage, postal services. We hide important data and content behind passwords. Accordingly, we are concerned about the strength of passwords and their resistance to hacking. In this article, we will share tips for creating strong passwords and tell you how to store them.

An indisputable fact is that any password can be hacked. The only question is time and money. If access to your information brings good income to attackers, they will get it. Here you can both complicate and significantly simplify this task for them. It's all about the password, of course. More specifically, in its complexity. According to statistics, most crackers do not complicate their work with complex password guessing methods. They take combinations that are easy to guess. The same merciless statistics say that 10% of all currently existing passwords can be guessed in 4 attempts.

You can check the strength of your password by visiting the Microsoft Security Center secure page.

Things to avoid when choosing passwords:

  • You should not use banal and common passwords, for example “ password», « 12345678 ", or " qwerty" Each password must be unique.
  • Do not use one password for all services (mail, social networks, forums).
  • Do not use events and dates from your life for passwords that anyone can find out.
  • Do not use meaningful words and phrases as passwords.
  • Don't use online generators passwords if they are located in an unprotected area of ​​the Internet.

Finding out if a generator is safe is easy. All services with an address like http://website. A secure connection will have an address of the form https://website.

How to create passwords correctly

A correct (read complex) password can make life much more difficult for cyber criminals. To do this, you need to follow certain simple rules:

  • Passwords should be unforgettable. When choosing between Password And Jfhru195ki1@_) give preference to the second. Any password with a semantic load is unsafe.
  • Use all available characters, upper case, and transliteration. Password G@h0kM!# much more reliable than usual gfhjkm
  • Use acronyms. Take any phrase you can remember. Create a password from the first letters of each word, leave all punctuation marks, and supplement it with one or two symbols.

The simplest acronym password: “May the Force be with you, Luke” is converted into MtFbwy,L

  • Regardless of the method of creation, the password must be no shorter than 8 characters. If you use letters, numbers, and case in an 8-character password, you will get 218 trillion possible options. This means that hackers will have to try very hard to find such a password.

If you are too lazy to come up with passwords yourself, entrust this task to the generator. This is a proven resource that can generate passwords of any complexity and length.

How to properly store passwords

Okay, you have come up with or generated for yourself several dozen complex passwords for all services. It's good if you have absolute memory and can remember these character sets with precision. Otherwise, you risk forgetting, if not all, then at least half of your passwords. Of course, you can write down all your passwords on a piece of paper and always carry it with you, but it is much more convenient and safer to use electronic password managers.

Password managers- these are services that store all your confidential information in encrypted form on remote servers, or in a local protected folder. Information is encrypted, as a rule, using the method AES with a key length of 256 bits. To access the data, you must enter a master password. You come up with it yourself, and this is the only password you now need to remember.

Password managers integrates into your web browser for more comfortable work. Also most of them have mobile applications for smartphones and tablets on iOS and Android. This way, your data is available to you from any device. As an example, we will give the three most popular password managers, and you choose which one you like best.


Great free manager open source passwords. Open access guarantees that the application is safe, because everyone can download the source code and check it. KeePass stores all information locally on your computer, protected by a master password. It is possible to configure synchronization of the bath database via Dropbox to all your devices. A mandatory option is the presence of a built-in password generator. The program is available on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS, Android, Blackberry, and translated into Russian.

Download KeePass from the official website ( for free)


LastPass is a shareware password manager. It stores the entire database on its secure servers. At the same time, the company guarantees that your data is not accessible to anyone except you. Cloud storage is convenient. that you can access passwords and other confidential information from anywhere in the world. Password generator available. The application works under Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android, and is installed absolutely free. Convention is as follows: if you want to use LastPass on your computer and smartphone at the same time, and even with synchronization, you will have to buy a subscription to the program. True, she is not expensive - only $12 per year.

Download LastPass from the official website ( for free)


The most advanced and powerful personal data manager. In addition to such standard features like password storage and synchronization, password generator, and encryption, 1Password can store your data credit cards, documents, private notes. There is support for multiple safes that can be opened for public access to your loved ones. The application is available on Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android. For mobile devices 1Password is free. For computers you need to purchase a license. The cost is not the lowest, but the capabilities of the application are worth every hryvnia.

Download 1Password from the official website ( $49,99 )

Password Safe is an excellent password manager for Windows platform. It can effectively save time, effort and privacy of your data.

As you can see, the increasing complexity and diversity of our digital lives and the growing threat from malware(viruses, trojans, spyware) add up to real problems associated with the need to use complex passwords, which in most cases are difficult to remember in large quantities, without writing them down on scraps of paper, in text files, and so on.

Using some kind of password organization and management tool is the only suitable solution to the problem. Good manager passwords, and Password Safe is just like that, copes with the problem of remembering hundreds of strong passwords in no time, and allows you to conveniently and safely store all passwords in one safe place for all our pages with authorization on various sites ( social media, mail, games, online stores, etc.).

Password Safe password manager was created by Bruce Schneier and Counterpane Labs for users working in Windows environment. This program is free, and I’m especially pleased that it has a Russian-language interface. To download it, click on the link:

Password Safe allows you to conveniently manage your passwords by easily and quickly creating, saving, organizing, autofilling passwords into authorization forms using a password policy. Creating and saving your usernames and passwords is just a few clicks away.

Installing the program

The installation process for the program is simple, and most users do not need to select custom configuration options during installation. You may wish to change the "Installation Type" during installation, and in some cases the user may wish to use the "Portable" option, which allows the use of a separate USB device Flash for storing passwords, and not to use Windows registry. In most cases, you can get by with the standard installation option.

When you open Password Safe, the Password for container window appears with fields that can be used to access previously created passwords. If the program is opened for the first time, then there is no password database yet; you need to create it. To start this process you need to click on the button:

New container

You will be prompted with a dialog box asking you to select a name for new base password data.

I recommend changing the path where this password database will be saved. By default, this is drive C, it is advisable to specify not system disk, let it be drive D, F or G, as in my case. After entering the name and specifying the new location, click on the button:

The Set Container Password dialog box appears. Come up with strong password, which will consist of letters, numbers and other symbols. In other words, the more complex the password, the more secure your password database will be.

Where to save this one password for all other passwords? You need to decide this yourself. If you want, hide it in text file under an inconspicuous name, or write it down on a piece of paper and put it away on the table. The main thing is not to lose it, otherwise access to your passwords will be irretrievably lost.

After entering your password, click on the button:

If, when entering a password, the Password Safe program warns you that you are entering a simple password, then you should heed the advice and set something more complex.

After entering the password for the password database, a window will open with a row of buttons located at the top and an empty white area, which represents the password database itself, which is present moment empty. Active program menu buttons have a bright color, inactive ones are gray. To get a hint about what commands a particular button performs, hover your mouse cursor over it.

After the Password Safe password manager has been installed, a password database has been created (it is still empty) and a password has been set for it, all that remains is to enter all the passwords into it, organize them into categories and learn how to use this manager effectively.

Entering and organizing passwords in Password Safe

Click on the button that looks like a sheet with a green circle in the lower right corner:

Add element

Before creating your first password in your first database, you must set a password generation policy. To do this, click on:

Password Policy

By default, random password data generation is simplified and does not generate strong passwords. Considering that the whole point of using a password manager is to create strong passwords and to save the user the headache of remembering them and entering them into the authorization form, it is advisable to change the default settings for reliability.

By default, Password Safe generates an eight-character password, which is extremely insufficient for solving security problems. To correct this flaw, you need to take three simple steps:

  1. Select Override Policy;
  2. Set the password length to at least 20;
  3. Turn on the Symbols flag.

Now go back to the tab:


In it you can create New Password according to the newly configured policy.

Password Safe is convenient because it organizes passwords according to a simple hierarchical principle, which allows the user to classify them into name groups, for example, passwords for mail, online stores, social networks, game servers, etc.

To set up a group, enter the group name in the field:


Set the title in the field:


It allows you to determine what the password refers to. It is advisable to use a term that is easily recognizable in relation to what the password belongs to, such as "Mail" if this element will store the password to your email on

Username and Password


Insert into this field a link to the authorization page for this resource, for example, the authorization form on the website is on the main page, so you can specify a link to home page This allows you to go to this resource in a couple of clicks and automate the process of entering data into the form. How to organize this will be described below.

Email and Notes

These fields are not required. You can add additional information to your notes, such as a response to security question etc.

In general, it’s a good idea to use the automatic password generation button, thanks to the previously overridden password creation policy, the output is a good, crypto-resistant password, which will take a lot of time to crack.

Unfortunately, many authorization systems do not check the level of password strength, which leads to users being limited to the simplest combinations, familiar and easy to enter. And this is evil. In another couple of years, password requirements will increase and become mandatory. Passwords made from letters and numbers will forever go out of use, and 20-character passwords will become commonplace, and password managers will become a necessity.

After all the required fields have been filled in, all you have to do is click on the button:

The first element to login to postal service was created. In the same way, you can set elements with strong passwords for Yandex Mail, Gmail, etc. Create groups and place elements in them for authorization to any web resources.

Automation of the process of entering login and password into the form

It remains to automate the process of entering data (login and password) stored in the Password Safe manager. To do this, open the tab:


And select the tab:


In the autodial section, you need to correct the autodial string, which is set by default:

Where u is the Login or Name field, t is the tab character that moves the cursor to the next field, p is the password field and n is the carriage return to new line(enter button). With this standard layout, autofill does not work on most forms. Something needs to be added, namely another tab character t, the resulting line will be like this:

Autofill is now available for most forms.

In order to use it, go to the authorization page; to do this, in the Password Safe program, click on the Follow the link button, which looks like a globe. The program will open the link that is specified in this element, in my case it is:

place the mouse cursor in the Name (login) field on the authorization page that opens and in the main window of the Password Safe program select the element:


After which the login and password will be automatically entered into the form fields. You don't have to do anything, Password Safe will do everything for you. Isn't this happiness!

There is another more interesting way to open a page and enter login data into it on autopilot. To do this, in the main window of the Password Safe program, select an element and call:

context menu

right-click, in the window that opens, select the command:

If you do not use autodialer, you can simply click on an element in the Password Safe program and the password will automatically be placed on the clipboard. Now all that remains is to paste it into the Password field in the authorization form.

If you want to change the password or set other parameters for the element, then context menu select command:

The program will open a window that is already familiar to you.

To summarize the above, I would like to say that the use of such programs significantly saves time on routine actions that millions of people do every day in front of their monitor screens.

Password Safe is a convenient tool that is easy to use, as reliable as a Bastion safe, smart as a professor, has a Russian interface and is free.

We have reviewed with you the most used commands, which are enough to know to work with this program, but if you want to learn more, then for additional information see Password Safe help.

Greetings, dear visitor to the Penserman blog.

This time we'll talk about storing passwords. We will also learn how to install the Pasword Safe program and work with it. You've probably already got yourself an email account (if not, then first read how to do it in the topic: "") and spend a lot of time on the Internet, which means you've probably managed to acquire a lot of logins and passwords from various sites that need to be stored somehow.

Someone solves this situation without much thought - they use the same combinations on all sites. But this cannot be called a reasonable solution, since there can be no talk of anything here. Some people keep a special notebook for this, but nowadays computer technology it's simply indecent. Many people create a separate folder on their computer desktop to store passwords - it’s convenient to copy and paste, but again security suffers. And as it happens, sometimes it’s not easy to come up with one!

Password Safe program and its advantages

I really like this wonderful program. You don’t need to come up with anything yourself - it generates any combination of symbols itself. There is no need for a notepad - everything is right there on the computer, but not in a regular folder, but in a special storage in an encrypted file, access to which is provided after entering the master password. So you only need to remember it in order to enter the database. You don’t have to enter the letters either; just drag and drop or copy.

I will list the main positive qualities:

  • the program is free and absolutely free, source code open;
  • Russified, which is also important for us;
  • easy to use, as it is aimed at performing only one function;
  • degree of safety on high level: The original version was developed and written by Bruce Schneier, an expert in the field of cryptography.

Download and install Password Safe

So, let's start installing it. But first, let’s download it from the official website. Click on the next word: -> . Everything there is in English, of course, but I think you can look at the big green rectangle and click on it.

With or without it, the program will still download. By analogy, but simpler, we install our Pasword Safe program. The only point in the “Components of the installed program” window is to select a language and check the box there, but with “Autorun” you can remove it, I think this is unnecessary. Picture below:

Setup and main points in operation

I hope it was not difficult for you to install this program. Now let's see how to work with it. Click on the icon and launch it. First we get here:

Click on “New” - we will create a container for storage. A window opens where we are asked to specify the file name:

If you wish, you can change what is indicated by the arrows, click “Save”. We see the following:

Here we come up with a password. You can use the built-in keyboard. Click "OK" and get into our storage:

In the top picture, select “Edit” and in the drop-down menu click “Add element”, the window shown below appears and we begin to work.

We fill it out approximately according to this principle:

Then click on “Create”, “Show”, if you didn’t like the password - again “Create”, “Show”, if you liked it - “OK”.

By the way, if you don’t like the set of characters created by default, you can click on “Password Policy” in the window shown above and then redefine it at your discretion. The picture below shows the procedure in numbers. On a yellow background - everything that can be changed:

This is what our container will look like after filling:

How to use and about backups

In order to enter, for example, the Odnoklassniki website, you need to perform the operations shown in the bottom picture. Points 3 and 4 are performed by simple dragging (select a picture, click on left button and without letting go we lead to where shown and only then release the button).

Further, I think there is no need to explain. There's nothing complicated there. Experiment and you will figure it out. And a few more words. For example, I store the master password on a memory card, which I insert into . This may seem unnecessary to you, but decide for yourself.

Another point is that not all sites allow you to simply drag and drop your login and password (the image of a man and a key) to insert them. In this case, double-click with the left mouse button on the selected element, it will appear in the clipboard (that is, copied), and then paste it wherever you need. Yes, and don’t forget to do it periodically backups bases password storage:

Click on “Manage” and select “Create a backup” in the drop-down menu, where you can also “Restore from backup”. It is better to store backups in several places. For example, on a memory card, flash drive and computer.

That's all. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. I will certainly answer them.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the Penserman blog.