Login to my email. Yandex mail: login to my page. Registration and login to mail using login and password (how to open and log into Yandex mail). Mail to Mail ru registration and login

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue the conversation about the most popular services, and next up is - Mail.ru Mail. I won’t say that he is a generator of promising ideas and innovations in ensuring the convenience of working with correspondence, but he is a leader in this market in RuNet and this alone deserves respect.

In addition, over the past year and a half, the Mail.ru email development team has significantly expanded and they have managed to implement almost everything useful from competitors’ tools.

We have also added convenient viewing of photos and office documents attached to letters directly in the web interface, mobile versions and applications, language support, correspondence collector, new interface, virus protection and much more.

Although they don’t have that yet high level(two-step authorization using cell phone number and trusted computers), and there is no similar service yet, but most Mail.ru Mail users all this is either not necessary, or they never bothered with it at all. Therefore, I offer you an excursion into the possibilities and nuances of this free service, and you will decide for yourself whether to use it or not.

History of creation and current position of Mail.ru mail

It dates back to as far back as 1998 (not much later than that). True, then the project was called Port.ru and implied the development of a free engine postal service for its subsequent sale abroad (not everyone knew then). However, due to a combination of circumstances, this project was tested in our RuNet on the Mail.ru domain and in the very first months of its existence showed phenomenal results in the growth of the number of users.

As can be seen from the screenshot, it was then proposed to use Yandex to search the Internet on the Port.ru portal. Then, after moving to a new domain, the owners began to offer their users, while simultaneously developing their own, to which they plan to completely switch in the near future (or have already switched).

Actually, to be surprised at the monstrous popularity of mailboxes from mail.ru It’s not worth it, because at that time Gmail and YaPochta did not exist at all, but there were only bourgeois projects ( and ), which at that time did not pamper the user with support for the Russian language. New Product I liked the Russian-language interface and the number of registered mailboxes began to grow exponentially.

My first account was also registered on Mail, because at that time a similar service from Yandex had just appeared (2000) and had not yet gained the necessary popularity, and there were still several years to wait before the appearance of Gmail. There were no particular problems with its operation (it still hasn’t been hacked), and after some time, having become firmly hooked on Google’s brainchild, I simply set up redirection from my first mailbox to a new one in Gmail. Until recently, I didn’t even go into the Mail.ru mail interface.

As a person keenly interested in everything new and promising, I quickly switched to Gmail when it was still in its beta testing stage (registration was only possible by invitation). However, the majority of users of this system remained faithful to it (it works and is fine) and this is the general trend in the development of this market. Beginners have to rely mainly on the influx of new users, and not on poaching audiences from competitors.

That is why mail service Mail.ru almost until 2011 did not develop much, resting on the laurels of popularity gained in previous years, when competition was very weak. However, the gap between their capabilities and the capabilities of their competitors grew more and more, and they even began to think about moving.

The owners became worried and decided to invest in the development of the service in order to completely keep up with their competitors. The development team was increased threefold, and in a year and a half, everything that I briefly listed at the beginning of the article was produced. As a result, on this moment the situation has stabilized and shares of mail giants in RuNet frozen in approximately the following positions:

  1. Email Mail.ru - 25 million users
  2. The brainchild of Yandex - 16 million
  3. Still alive - 4 lamas
  4. Gmail - about the same

In the global ranking, Mail's email service occupies a modest fifth position, but this is still an impressive result, especially considering that more than two-thirds of this giant's audience is concentrated in Russia:

At the moment, about 400 million mailboxes are registered on Mail.ru, 100 of which can be called active (they log in and check their correspondence at least once every three months). And out of this hundred, a full fifth are accounts whose owners delete mail every day. Monstrous volumes - about three to four thousand letters pass through their data centers in just one second.

At this point, the excursion into the history and reasons stimulating the development of Mail.ru email can be considered complete. It's time to move on directly to the description of registration, login, settings and opportunities that this box provides to its users.

Registering a mailbox in Mail.ru (creating an account)

So, let's start, according to tradition, by registering the box and logging into it. Everything here is simple and straightforward. Go to the registration page and enter your first and last name, as well as the desired Email address, or rather its beginning, because there will be only four ending options (@mail.ru, @list.ru, @bk.ru or @inbox.ru):

Please note that in this way you not only create an E-mail in mail.ru, but also get access to all other services of this mega-portal (in fact, a universal account).

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here. However, many thousands of mailboxes are hacked precisely because of the task simple passwords, which are easy to remember, but at the same time easy to pick up (by brute force, for example). There is a misconception that since there is nothing to steal from you, then no one will break it.

There will be, because it exists whole line reasons why hacking mailboxes is still relevant and is in demand:

  1. Absolutely any mailbox is valuable to a hacker, because it can then be sold, along with a bunch of others, to spammers who need them to send messages in millions of copies. If you want to help spammers and get your Mail.ru account blocked, set your password to QWERTY or 123456. Hacking in this and the two subsequent cases is carried out automatically by using a database of the most popular combinations or dictionaries.
  2. In a broken box inadvertently ( in an automatic way) it will be possible to find data from your accounts on social networks, monetary systems, data for accessing websites and other things necessary in the life of a hacker, which can then be sold wholesale or retail (or monetized yourself).

    Even if you can’t find the passwords for these useful things, you can always request their recovery, and in most cases the accounts will be linked again to this same hacked Email.

  3. You may be blackmailed into returning the mailbox or the confidential data stored in it. There are a lot of options, and in this case there will usually be one payment method - paid SMS.
  4. Well, in the rarest case, you will be broken purposefully at the request of ill-wishers or competitors. In this case, only a really strong password and its recovery using an SMS message that will be sent to the cell phone number specified during registration can help.

I hope that these arguments have convinced you of the need create a complex password when registering with Mail.ru. Another thing is that it’s not so easy to come up with, let alone remember.

This is where it comes to the rescue. A cool program that will generate a complex combination for you and remember it. The main thing is not to forget the password from Kipas itself, and it will store all the others (it’s a good idea to make a backup of the encrypted database with passwords in several places for greater reliability - I personally store it in).

I also strongly advise you not to be shy indicate your cell number when registering with Mail.ru-mail, because this will make recovering a lost password a trivial matter (otherwise you will have to fill out the appropriate form for a long time and tediously or write to support - [email protected]), and taking away your account is almost impossible.

If there are compelling arguments not to do this, then you will have to click on the link “I don’t have mobile phone"and come up with it the old fashioned way Secret Question and the answer to it, which, by the way, can easily be broken through if an attacker starts digging into your social networks or other places where you could leave information about yourself.

Again, social engineering (or a simple scam) should not be discounted when by E-mail or in the same social networks they can unobtrusively ask you in an innocent form for the answer to your secret question or slip a fake letter supposedly from a mail service with a link to a fake site that will be exactly like the Mail.ru login form, except for the URL in address bar browser.

The conclusion that follows from this is that you only need to access the website of the mail service using a link from your browser bookmarks or search results.

If you specified your cell phone number at the second registration step, then after clicking the “Register” button, you will receive an SMS on your mobile phone with a confirmation code, which you will need to enter in the window that opens:

After this, you will be taken to the page of your newly created mailbox and will find several messages from the development team there. Actually, that's all. All that remains is to understand the current capabilities of [email protected] and see what can be configured there to make reading and writing letters, opening attachment files and doing other things easier and more convenient.

Login to Mail.ru-mail - folders, inboxes, filters and...

As I have already mentioned more than once, this service has existed for a very long time and many users have accumulated several mailboxes that were created at different times and for different purposes. You can, of course, assign forwarding or collect letters into one from all the others (we’ll talk about this below), so as not to log in and out of your account every time.

However, not so long ago the mountain itself approached Magomed, namely, it appeared multiple entry option to your accounts on Mail.ru. Let's say that first you log into one of your accounts as usual:

Then you can click on the name of your E-mail in the upper right corner of the window and click on “Add Mailbox"to implement entrance to another mailbox of yours:

After successfully logging into your second account, you can now quickly switch between them by simply clicking on your Email (at the top of the window on the right) and selecting the desired option (or logging into another mailbox of yours on Mail.ru):

It turned out to be quite convenient, although it may not be useful to everyone. But now let's talk about the atmosphere itself and...

Their new interface turned out to be quite laconic and not at all overloaded. The left column displays a list of your folders (initially there will be only five of them - Inbox, Sent Items, Drafts, Spam and Trash, but you are free to add as many as you like) and a couple of fairly convenient filters that allow you to show only unread or only flagged messages:

What seemed inconvenient to me was that the “Settings” button is hidden in the “More” drop-down list and I can’t find it right away (although it is duplicated in the right top corner window). When viewing a list of letters in your Inbox (or any other folder), you will see it before the sender's name avatar, or the first letter stylized as it from his name.

Don't you like it? No problem - from the “View” drop-down list, select the “Compact” option and the extra graphics will disappear.

Messages from the list in Mail.ru can be moved between folders using the “Move” button at the bottom and top of the window, or by simply dragging with the mouse while holding down the left button. If you need to move several messages, simply select them with checkboxes. They are first deleted into the Recycle Bin, which can be cleared when you log out of your account, depending on the settings you have made. By the way, there is an opportunity, if necessary, along with all its contents.

It is possible to use Hotkeys. For example, the combination Ctrl keys and the left or right arrow will allow you to move between previous and subsequent messages when viewing them, and the Delete key will send the message you are viewing to the Trash.

All modern email services use a spam cutter, and almost everywhere it does not work perfectly - it either lets through spam or classifies perfectly decent letters as spam. The second option, of course, is much more dangerous. In Mail.ru, spam cutting works quite well, but in addition to it there is the possibility of manual filtering.

Mark spam messages with a checkmark in your Inbox or any other folder (except the Spam folder) and click on one of the “This is spam” buttons located at the top or bottom:

It is clear that from time to time you will still have to look through the “Spam” folder for lost letters, and whenever you find them there, do not be lazy to check the box next to each of them and use the “Not Spam” button. In this way, spam cutting will learn and make fewer mistakes when filtering correspondence.

I liked the way email tagging is organized in the new Mail.ru electronic interface. Many people use the unread filter, both on desktop email programs and in the web interface. But it’s not always possible to quickly make a message read or unread.

Here it was implemented extremely simply - move the mouse cursor over the letter and you will see an outline of an orange circle in front of it, click on which you mark the message as unread(it will be highlighted in bold in the list and will have an orange circle in front of it):

Second fast way to mark letters in Mail.ru mail organized using checkboxes. All unread and flagged messages can be viewed using the appropriate filters located in the left column. Simple, but tasteful.

As I already mentioned, you are free to add as many new folders to your electronic interface as your heart desires. To do this, just click on the “Customize folders” link in the left column under the list of existing ones. As a result, the settings window will open, where you will need to click on the button located at the top "Add folder":

In the window that opens, you can give the folder a name, define its hierarchy (on upper level or embedded in any other existing one), prohibit the removal of mail from it by stationary programs and even set a password for it, which may not be superfluous to increase security or when several people work with one account (for example, a corporate one).

Tepericha about filters in the mailbox from Mail.ru- where would we be without them? Actually, they don’t offer us anything beyond outstanding (either it’s a Gmail thing), but the whole thing is extremely clear upon first acquaintance.

Find “Settings” in the upper right corner of the window and go to the “Filters and forwarding” section. There will be only one “Add filter” button, but from it context menu It will be possible to bring to light the “Create forwarding” option. However, for now we are talking about filters, so we just press the button.

As a result, the filter creation wizard will open, which is quite simple and logical. First you need create conditions, upon fulfillment or non-fulfillment of which (the words “contains” or “does not contain” before the fields with conditions) it will be necessary to take some action. Conditions can be applied to such email attributes as the sender (the “from” field), the recipient, the subject of the message, its size, etc.

When writing conditions in Mail.ru mail, you can use the asterisk symbol “*” to replace any number of characters, as well as the vertical stick sign “|”, which replaces the logical operator “or”, allowing you to combine several possible options.

There can be as many conditions as you like, and the action will be performed either when at least one of them is met (the option at the bottom of the screenshot is “if one of the conditions is met”), or when all the conditions are met (the option is “if all the conditions are met”).

Next we should explain to the electronic interface, what action should be taken when “bingo” appears according to the conditions specified just above. The most common option would probably be to move a letter that satisfies the conditions to some folder created specifically for this:

You may want to flag or even delete this email. In addition, you will have the opportunity to forward this correspondence to another electronic mailbox (in fact, this will be a forwarding option, which is not always implemented, but only by condition), and also respond to it with a pre-prepared “stamp” or apply some other one to it. some kind of filter (create a cascade).

It would probably be correct to include the contents of the “Spam” folder in the run through the filters, because messages that are not at all spam can also randomly end up there. On the other hand, you can limit the filtering area to a separate folder, which you can select from a drop-down list. Well, then click on the “Save” button and enjoy the work of the created algorithm.

It will appear in the “Filters and forwarding” settings section, where you can quickly turn it on or off as needed. There you can configure and forward emails from your mailbox to Mail.ru to your other email in popular email services. To do this, just select the “Create forwarding” option:

In the window that opens, indicate the Email address where you want to forward all correspondence from this mailbox, and click on “Save”. After this, on your page with filters and forwardings will appear new line, but it will be highlighted in red, meaning that all this equipment is not involved until you follow the “Confirm” link and enter the one that came to Email forwarding code:

When you confirm everything, your correspondence will be sent directly, immediately after arriving at your Mail.ru mailbox, to the address specified in the forwarding settings.

Other settings and options for email Mail

Although it is not the most sophisticated of all existing ones, some of its capabilities are worth paying attention to. Let me try to put this in the form of a list with common name— what else is good about email from Mail.ru:

  1. The developers take pride in what they provide dimensionless mailbox, which initially has dimensions of 10 GB. When you fill it up, you will be given another two gigabytes of living space each time.
  2. They also talk about the unlimited size of attachments, but here they are definitely lying, because only files less than 25 MB will be transferred and stored on mail servers, and if this limit is exceeded, attachments will already be stored on the servers of the [email protected] service. This means that after a month they will be deleted, and the size of one attached object still cannot be more than 1 GB.
    1. But there is also good news regarding attachments to letters(sent and received in Mail.ru mailboxes):

      When you receive a message with attachments, you can directly in the list click on the paperclip and see their full list indicating the size (weight). When you hover your mouse over photo files, you will see their thumbnails next to them:

      If you click on any attachment file, a new window will open in which you can scroll through them all, and see pictures and office documents in full. For those objects that cannot be viewed, a “Download” link will appear.

    2. If open email with attachments in the Mail.ru electronic interface, then at the bottom you will find previews of all attached files; the ability to display them in list or tile form; and also get the opportunity to download each object individually or all together in one archive, which will significantly increase speed and convenience:

      As I already mentioned, when you click on some file types, they can be view directly in the mail web interface without downloading to your computer. This will be true for presentations, office documents (Word, Excel, Power Point), photographs and music.

      If the file is an archive, then the Mail.ru interface will allow you to read the list of objects contained in it, which, if desired, can even be downloaded separately:

    3. What’s noteworthy is that all attachment files that have ever been attached to letters can be viewed separately, and if you wish, you can filter only attachments of a certain type by selecting from top menu "Files", and in the left panel selecting their type:

      When you create a message in the mail.ru web interface, then to attach files the corresponding button will be in front of your eyes. Although you can just drag and drop with the mouse necessary files into the browser window. But this is not the main thing.

      From my own experience, I know that most users, when sending photos, don’t really bother with their weight and size, and modern cameras produce simply monstrous resolutions. Most of us don’t like to use it, even if it allows it, or don’t know how.

      This creates inconvenience for users mobile internet and, more importantly, creates an increased load, requires big place for storage from the servers of Mail.ru itself. Therefore, thinking first of all about their loved ones, they gave you and me a rather useful, in my opinion, opportunity automatic photo cropping when attaching them to a letter:

      On the larger side they will leave 800 pixels, which can reduce the weight of the photo by an order of magnitude without affecting its quality when viewed on a monitor screen. You will only need to decide on pruning once, and in the future it will be done without any questions. Well, another little bonus - when you move the mouse cursor to the attached photo you can turn it, which again will allow you not to bother with photo editors.

  3. There is support in mail from Mail.ru design themes for the electronic interface (at the very bottom of the window is the “Topics” link), which, in fact, is already the norm for this type of service. But there is also the possibility formatting letters using a fairly large set of templates (the “Style” drop-down list in the upper right part of the form for writing a new message). This can be useful when writing congratulatory or other special letters:

    A little to the left there is a block of buttons for carrying out the typed text, it or in several other languages ​​that mail.ru-mail supports, as well as for express checking it for errors. It won't be redundant.

  4. All messages and attachments in Mail.ru pass through virus check with the help of Kasperych, and all links included in letters are analyzed for reliability using the WOT service, which I already mentioned in the description.
  5. Some may like the ability to activate and configure free SMS sending to your mobile phone when messages arrive in a specific folder of your email. All this is connected in the settings (there is a link to them at the top of the window on the right) in the SMS notifications section:

  6. If I'm not mistaken, this system did not previously have correspondence collector from mailboxes of other popular services (Gmail, Yandex mail, etc.), but there was only the possibility of sending correspondence to them. So, now such an opportunity has arisen. It is available from the settings in the “Mail from other mailboxes” section:

  7. Well, lastly, I would like to recommend going to the password and security settings to indicate your mobile number, if you haven’t already, or at least enter an additional E-mail, which will allow you to quickly recover a lost or stolen password. With static, it will also be possible to bind to this IP:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Mail.ru– the most popular Internet postal service in the CIS. The resource also includes thematic news sections, social media, messenger and search engine. Nice mailbox interface and easy setup allows him to bypass similar Google services and Yandex.

Mail.ru service portal - Home page


When registering, we indicate personal data, a phone number to restore access, if the password is lost or forgotten, we select which of the service domains your mailbox will be located on -

  • mail.ru;
  • list.ru;
  • bk.ru;
  • inbox.ru.

When specifying the mailbox name, you can view which name options the service has generated for you as a hint. You can choose one of the proposed options or enter your own.

Registration form: Be sure to indicate your phone number by first selecting your country of residence.

You can have several mailboxes at once and connect them to one, not necessarily just mail.ru. This way you can view all your mail from one account. To do this, go to the top panel “More => Settings => Mail from other mailboxes” and add already registered email accounts:

  • Yahoo
  • Gmail
  • Yandex
  • Outlook, etc.

Just click the “Add Mailbox” button and enter your email address


To make your mailbox unique, you can select a ready-made theme in the tab on the top panel, which is called “Themes”. Choose and install, try and reinstall as much as your heart desires.

You can choose any theme or color as the background.

There is one more aspect of the letter design that it is advisable to customize - this is your signature at the bottom of the letter. This is what the recipient usually sees at the end like “Sincerely, Ivan Ivanov.” This can be written in “More => Settings =>Name and signature” and the signature will be automatically added to every letter.

You can use your original signature if you are not conducting official correspondence.

You can also configure how the response will be sent - together with the contents of the received letter or without - “More => Settings => Working with emails”. Just leave or uncheck the “Sending emails” section. There are many more useful parameters that make working with the box easier:

  1. Adding new contacts to the Address Book.
  2. Displaying incoming emails in a folder.
  3. Grouping of letters.

As you can see, in this tab you can create, delete, edit and clean folders.

Working with folders

For better organization mail sometimes requires additional folders. You can create a new one by clicking on the list of folders right click mice. It can become an archive, a subfolder of an existing folder, store important information and be password protected, or serve for separate correspondence.

Can be used to create a blacklist.

Mail.ru mail settings are not at all complicated. You may also be interested in the Notifications and Autoresponder tabs. You can configure them yourself.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. This article was written for those who are just starting out and have decided to master such a thing as email. This thing is very convenient and useful (despite the dominance of messengers like , as well as social networks).

In the bourgeoisie, “post” is most often called Email or E-mail (from Electronic Mail), but in RuNet many different terms are used, for example (in descending order of popularity):

  1. Email
  2. Email
  3. Email
  4. Email
  5. Email
  6. Email
  7. Email

I don’t speak English well, and it’s difficult to answer which version of transliteration from English into Russian is closest to the truth. Therefore, in the further narration I will use them more or less evenly, so as not to “offend anyone.”

Today we will talk about basic things:

  1. Which free email service should you choose to create your email account?
  2. What will your email address be? How can you protect the “posta” from the encroachments of the “radishes”?
  3. How to register? What to indicate and what not to indicate?
  4. How to enter your mailbox(es) and what not to do?
  5. How to get to “my page” (inbox) after logging into Email?
  6. What settings should be made to make using the new Email convenient and painless?

At the end I will invite you to vote for the email service you are on. at this stage preferred to others. In the comments you can justify your choice so that it would be easier for other readers to make their choice. As an “experienced” person, I advise you to pay attention when choosing to such important characteristics as ease of learning, available functionality, operational safety, amount of space for storing mail and the effectiveness of the email service in combating spam emails.

Which free email service should you choose?

Let's start right away by choosing a free service where you can. And I think you already know about this (and if you don’t know, then use the link). There really aren’t that many options for choosing a mail service, especially if we consider only the major players in this market. I have already written about almost all of them in some detail and I hope that these publications will help you quickly navigate the jungle of the new mail interface for you.

However, I want to make a reservation right away. If you need to get a box for just a few minutes (for example, to register somewhere), then you can use one of the many, which I also wrote about in some detail (read that material at the link provided). Such services do not require registration and often even allow you to send messages anonymously, so that you cannot be identified later by your return address. If you don’t need it, then at least you will know that it is possible and, a priori, there is no need to pay for it.

Let me bring list of the most popular in RuNet Email services :

  1. Gmail(you can log in to your mail and register) - Google mail, which I personally have used since its inception (2005). The service is advanced, reliable, safe, with good spam cutting and a sophisticated interface, which is why it is not always possible to master it completely right away. Therefore, I advise you to use my explanations in the article about. You are allocated 15 GB for mail disk space(read).
  2. Yandex Mail(you can log in to your email and register) - a very good product from a well-known brand in RuNet. The “mail” interface is simple and clear, but at the same time quite functional, so in order not to miss anything, check out my publication on this topic -. Recently they have seriously improved security and improved spam filtering. From 10 to 20 GB are allocated for storing messages.
  3. Mail.ru(you will find the inbox folder, and you can create a new email address) - the oldest free email service in RuNet. Just a few years ago it was seriously redesigned and now it fully meets all the criteria described above (simplicity, functionality, security and anti-spam). However, there are nuances, so I advise you to read the manual. You are provided with as much as 25 GB for free use.
  4. Rambler mail(you can log in and create a new email account) - this service used to compete with the players mentioned above, but lately it has fallen far behind them in all major indicators. You can read it, but I personally don’t recommend starting a box there. And you will have only 2 GB of free disk space at your disposal.
  5. Outlook.com(“my page” with inbox lives, and registration of a new email is possible) - this “mail” service was previously called HotMail and was the first to provide the opportunity for ordinary mortals to get an email address at their disposal for free. If Hotmail caused a lot of complaints from users, then the completely redesigned Outlut.com was “completely wow” (for details, see the article -). Depending on the situation, you have the opportunity to get from 5 to 25 GB of disk space for free.
  6. Yahoo Mail(login to Email is located, and create new box Can ). Despite the fantastic 1 TB free space, in all other respects it has nothing special to boast about - read about the new interface. It seriously falls short of Gmail, but those who need a lot of space, but don’t need bells and whistles, can easily get themselves an Email on this service.
  7. - relatively new service, which only came out of beta in 2015. Its main feature is the ability to encrypt sent messages and attachments. It goes without saying that this increases the security of correspondence by an order of magnitude. Proton Mile has free plan, but there is not enough space for mail there and if you need more, you will have to pay a little.

I hope that the information provided (including links to my publications) will help you make the right and informed choice. This is very important, but it is also worth considering a number of details when registering, choosing an email address, when logging into mail, which can seriously affect security and affect your overall impression of .

Registration and selection of Email address

The registration itself in the above email services is quite similar. However, it is worth paying special attention to the one that you specify when creating an Email box. Why is this so important?

  1. Well, firstly, the login in our case will act as your Email in the future. You will probably be providing it to someone and even dictating it, so you should make sure that it is easy to pronounce and, if possible, not too long. Unfortunately, there are times when you could easily register a box with the name [email protected](), have already passed a long time ago.

    The fact is that on every mail service every registered Email is unique and must not be repeated under any circumstances (meaning only for a given host, i.e. the ending next after the @). If you select a name already used by someone, you will be asked to choose something else (for example, add something like date of birth or age at the end). It’s almost impossible to get a beautiful, concise and easy-to-pronounce email at your disposal now, but it’s still worth striving for.

    If you desperately need a beautiful Email, then you can either find some not very popular mail service (conceived without any guarantees), where few people register, or attach as many beautiful names for mailboxes as you like to it. However, it would be better to connect the mailboxes created in this way to some popular and powerful mail services.

    So, for example, it is free, but this service is paid (but in some cases, “the game will cost the candle”).. Again, it is not so easy to register Domain name like Petrov in the ru zone, but you can look for something suitable (maybe in other domain zones type net, som or regional). Read the article for details -.

  2. Secondly, it is important to also activate all the free ones available on the service Remedies from unauthorized access to your mailbox. Why bother so much if you won’t have “anything like that” stored in your mailboxes, and “who needs your mail” anyway?

    You need it, and not specifically your mail, but the contents of any mailbox that can be accessed by guessing a password (easy combinations are selected in seconds by publicly available software) or some slightly more advanced methods. From there, they will automatically pull out all the data from your accounts on social networks, systems, other services of the same brand (for example, Yandex, Google and Mail.ru use one pair of login and password to enter the vast majority of their services), as well as others useful things that can then be sold very profitably to spammers and other “radishes”.

    Remember, only one box out of a million hacked ones was broken “on demand”, and all the rest are broken “on the fly”, but after you lose access to your accounts on social networks (without the possibility of restoring them), after the theft of your electronic money() and other troubles for you from the fact that they did not break you specifically, but everyone in a row, will not make it any easier.

    Therefore, immediately cut it on your nose - there is never too much security, just as it is never superfluous. If the free email service you use has a new feature that increases security (confirming access to Email via SMS notifications, restricting access by IP, etc.), then don’t be too lazy to figure it all out (at least with the help of the above articles ) and start using.

Logging into your inbox or how not to log into your email

Actually, I listed the addresses for entering the mail a little higher and it would seem that what else can be said? But there is something to be said, and this will again concern security. The fact is that even having a very complex password does not guarantee the security of your postal items. Often, attackers use social engineering to achieve their goal. For example, I was scammed in a similar way not long ago - they sent me a letter telling me I had to do it so that it wouldn’t be blocked. I did it and ended up losing some of the funds placed there.

A similar approach can be used to gain access to your Email. (fishing). They throw bait in the form of a cleverly written letter (there is a massive email newsletter, for example, among users of some free email service), the content of which is designed to cause users to perform certain actions. You and I, like a fish, swallow this hook, follow the link from the letter to a fake (fake) site and enter there the login and password from your email that the hacker needs so much. That’s it, after this we are deprived of a heap of everything we need to live in the Internet space.

To prevent the above situation from becoming a reality for you, you need to clearly fulfill one condition - Login to your email account only from your browser bookmarks, or (at worst) by finding an email service via Yandex or Google. But under no circumstances should you follow links from sent letters, even if the URL of the link seems correct to you, because you should not rely on it - only one character can be changed in it, and it will be a completely different site, although outwardly completely similar to original(). They will rob you of you there and won’t even ask you your name.

The main thing is not to accidentally fall into the bait of phishers (fishermen), who replace the sites you need with their fakes, and without seeing the catch, you tell them your login and password through the login form. This applies not only to logging into Email, but also to any other services that require authorization (entering a login and password).

Therefore, create the appropriate tab in your browser to access your inbox (“my page”) in your chosen Email service. You can also fix browser tabs (right-click on the tab and select “fix”), and even create a shortcut on the desktop great solution. Just forget about logging into your mailbox or other service from emails. This is a little more difficult than clicking on a link from an email, but it is 100% safe. Take care of your Email from a young age.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Mail.Ru Group LLC (usually just Mail.Ru) is a Russian Internet company founded in 1998 as a postal service. IN currently the company is the largest portal in the Russian-language segment of the Internet. According to the American marketing company comScore, in 2018 Mail.ru websites have largest audience in Russia and among the Russian-speaking population of the CIS countries.

On service sites many registered Russian Internet users. Mail.Ru Group LLC is one of the five largest Internet companies (by the number of pages viewed). Mail.Ru controls the 3 largest and most popular Russian-language social networks:

  • In contact with
  • Classmates
  • My world

Main page mail ru

Interface home page simple and completely understandable for a Russian-speaking user. The page is visually divided into 8 main blocks:

  1. Email access
  2. Popular mail.ru projects
  3. News
  4. Personalized menu
  5. Popular games of the portal
  6. Advertising
  7. Mail ru search engine string
  8. All service projects

IN first block the user gets access to the mailbox and all company services. Here you can send a request to reset your password or create a mailbox.

In demand and in demand frequent updates mail ru projects collected in block 2. All of the company's products are accessed using the menu line at the top of the window.

The News tab, which is automatically updated, contains news that is relevant in the current region. To view other categories news, the tabs “in the world”, “sports”, “Lady”, etc. are used.

Right third allocated contextual advertising and the screensaver of one of the popular mail ru games.

Surfing the Internet is carried out with using a search engine mail.ru. The search bar constantly changes the most frequently used queries at the current time. The “Pictures”, “Videos”, “Applications” tabs help narrow down the request. The “Answers” ​​link leads to the “Answers” ​​service. Mail.ru". Users ask questions that interest them from different areas of life, and exchange information from personal experience.

Displayed below current weather in the user's city, weather forecast, exchange rates and daily horoscope.

My page on the portal

To enter the so-called “My Page” in the “email” field you need to enter your email address and select a domain from the drop-down list.

In addition to @mail.ru, the following are available, equivalent to the main one domains:

  • @inbox.ru
  • @list.ru
  • @bk.ru

The user fills in the “password” field. Opens Personal Area client. Default user goes to the tab“Letters” to the “Inbox” folder, where all received messages are stored, which are displayed on the right half of the page. They usually check right away new mail. Unread letters are highlighted in color.

Above the list of letters are presented control buttons. At the request of the owner of the box:

  • Deletes a message
  • Highlights all read/unread emails
  • Removes/adds selection
  • Moves a message to another folder
  • Forwards to another recipient
  • Marks required messages
  • Moves to archive

Actions can be combined, i.e. first select several letters, then send them to the archive or delete them. Deleting emails is reversible; they can be restored from the Trash folder if it has not been emptied.

Interface and hotkeys

Navigation and management of letters is carried out using “hot keys”:

Key combination Action
+S Find all emails from the sender
+C Add sender to address book
+L Create filter
+P Print
+? Call up a list of all hotkeys
G then
I Go to Inbox
D Go to Drafts
S Go to Sent
L Go to “Flagged”
+A Select/deselect all emails
+S Save draft
+Enter to send a letter
  • “Inbox”, where the user ends up when entering his mailbox;
  • “Sent” – correspondence sent by the owner of the mailbox;
  • “Drafts”, where unfinished messages are stored;
  • For letters received a long time ago, an “archive” folder is provided;
  • “Spam”, where advertising materials are sent;
  • “Trash” is a temporary storage for deleted messages.

The “Write a letter” button is responsible for generating a new message.

From the last two folders, the user regularly deletes unnecessary messages, for which the “clear” inscription is provided next to it.

Mail ru services

Tab " Contacts"is an address book that lists all the addresses with which the owner of the mailbox has had correspondence. Tab " Files» contains all documents sent to the email address. Paragraph " More» allows you to change appearance and design, contains information and mail news.

The top line contains access to mail.ru projects as a registered user. All services are provided free of charge, however certain functions may be available for a fee.

My world and Odnoklassniki– large social networks of the Russian-speaking population. Having created a page, the user searches for new and old friends, exchanges text, voice and video messages with them, downloads and listens to music and video materials, joins communities of interests, and participates in online games with other network users.

Tab " News» opens a selection of categorized news of global and regional significance. Photo and video reports are available,

« Search» brings you to the mail.ru search engine page, where you can enter a query and get a list of relevant pages.

Tab " All projects» provides access to full list available to the user company developments.

Mail.Ru offers a variety of useful and interesting services, the interface of which is simple and clear. Ease of use and variability provide the company with popularity and customer trust.

The my page section is entered through the main website - mail.ru

From here you can immediately get to the following sections:

  • My world
  • Email
  • Classmates

To get to your email, click on the text “Mail”:

After which a list of your latest correspondence will open:

After checking your inbox, you can also send a message, delete unnecessary ones, and perform other actions in your email inbox.

Recover mail ru password

If for some reason you do not remember your mail.ru password or have lost it, or maybe you have been hacked, then there is a way out, if you indicated and confirmed your phone number during registration, then you can recover your password in just a couple of steps, or additional mail , if you didn’t indicate your phone number or email, then it will be a little more difficult to do, but it’s still possible, the main thing is to enter the data when registering and don’t forget it, because you will need it during recovery. (You can save the data in a notepad and store it on your computer or flash drive). Now we do as I write to you and look at the pictures. First, go to the entrance to your mailbox and click on “Forgot your password”:

Now indicate the email to which you lost access (Password) and click restore:

If you did not specify a telephone number (Additional email) during registration, or, for example, if you had Two-Factor Authentication installed in your email, then you will have to recover your password according to the standard scheme, just enter the data that you entered when registering your account and click “Submit” (In some In cases, mail ru support may request additional data) and wait for a response to the email you specified when sending your data, picture below:

If you indicated a telephone number (Additional email) during registration, then literally in a couple of steps you will recover the password to your mail.ru mailbox, instead of the form that you see in the picture above, there will be this form if you indicated an additional email:

Enter the captcha and click restore. An email will be sent to your additional email address that you specified during registration to reset your password. Now if you indicated your phone number during registration, you will see this form:

Well, everything is generally simple here, your phone number will be indicated here, which you indicated during registration, enter the captcha and click “Receive code via SMS”. You will receive a password recovery code on your phone, after entering it you will be prompted to enter New Password to your mail and after which you can safely access it.