How to properly install Windows XP from disk. Installing Windows XP is a BIOS installation process. Divide the disk into partitions

Preparing the distribution disc is the first step in installing Windows XP. If you already have such a disk on hand, you can skip this step, but if you downloaded the system image from the Internet to iSO format - required with special programs (Nero Burning ROM, UltraISO and similar) burn it to CD or DVD.

The Windows XP bootable ISO file is a complete system image that contains a complete set of installation data. It does not require any preliminary preparation, but is transferred to the CD unchanged.

Let's consider the process of burning the Windows distribution kit to DVD using UltraISO as an example.

  • Run the application.
  • Press the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl" + "O" and open ISO- windows imagethat you have prepared for transferring to disc.
  • Click on the "Burn CD Image" icon in the toolbar at the top or press the F7 key.

  • Place in optical drive blank or rewritable DVD.
  • Make sure the distribution you need is selected in the Burn Image window. Check the "Check" option if you want the disc quality to be checked after burning. Choose a suitable write speed. Even if your laser drive can write at its maximum speed, we recommend choosing medium or low. This will ensure good readability of your disk by any, including old drives.
  • The rewritable disc must first be erased by clicking on the button of the same name, and you can immediately start writing to the blank disc by clicking “Burn”.

After 20 - 30 minutes, depending on the speed of the drive, preparation installation disk will be finished. You can proceed to the next stage.

How to install Windows XP from disc in the traditional way

Traditional installation is a common system installation process that requires active user input. Most often, Windows XP is installed in the traditional way.

At this stage, we have already prepared everything you need. In order to install Windows from a disk, we only need the disk itself and a computer with an optical drive, on which the system will be installed. If there is no drive, you can use an external one that connects to the USB port.

BIOS setup

To boot your computer from a CD or DVD, you need to bIOS settings Setup to make the CD-ROM drive the first boot device. To do this, enter the settings menu by pressing the dedicated key (Del, F2 - F12, etc.) immediately after starting the computer. Which one - you can read at the bottom of the splash screen motherboard (displayed on the screen almost immediately after turning on the PC).

After entering the settings, go to the “Boot” or “Advanced BIOS Features” tab - in older versions of Award BIOS. Use the arrow keys to select the laser drive from the list of devices. In our example, it is designated as CD-ROM Drive, but sometimes only hardware models are listed in this list.

After selection desired device press F10 (option to exit BIOS menu and save settings).

Boot from disk and installation process of Windows XP

  • Place the laser disc into the drive and restart your PC. System installation starts with booting windows files XP in computer RAM.

  • Then Windows will greet you and offer to continue the installation, exit the program, or restore itself using the Recovery Console. The second and third points do not suit us.

  • Next - the choice of hard disk space for system partition... Press "C", which means "Create section".

  • Let's determine the size of the future drive C. In our example, it is the maximum, but you can set any size, preferably at least 10 Gb.

  • Now let's look at the list of hard disk partitions and agree to press Enter to install Windows into one of them.

  • Let's format new section in NTFS (quick formatting is fine for us).

  • And let's wait while the installer copies the distribution files to disk.

  • After copying is complete, the computer will restart.

  • The next boot of Windows XP will no longer be done from CD or DVD, but from the hard drive. This means that the system bootloader has been successfully created and is working correctly.

  • From now on, our participation will be required again. Here we will have to specify the default system language, our location and additional languages, if needed (although language packs can be installed later).

  • Next - your name and organization. The name is required, the organization can be skipped.

  • Entering the serial number of the Windows distribution kit during the installation process is voluntary. You can always enter it later.

  • You also need to enter your computer name and administrator password now. The name will be prompted by default, but you can change it. The password can be left blank.

  • The date, time and time zone are also set at this stage.

  • We will not assign special network parameters, let them remain with us by default.

  • Let the name of the working group remain as it is. You can always change it after installation.

  • This completes the installation. Next, the screen will be configured and one or more user accounts will be created, the first of which will be assigned by the computer administrator. You will also be prompted to activate Windows XP right now.

But now almost everything is really. There are only a few settings left - and the system is ready to go.

Automatic installation of Windows XP

Create an answer file using Windows

Agree, to install the system for about an hour without leaving your computer and constantly clicking "Next", anyone will get bored. To simplify this work for those who have to do this often and for a long time, they came up with a way windows installations without user intervention. To do this, a script is created in advance — an answer file that contains all the information the installer needs.

It's time for us to figure out how to create such scenarios. The Windows XP distribution includes a utility Setupmgr.exewhich is in the archive deploy.cabstored in the SUPPORTTOOLS folder on the installation disk. Let's extract this utility from the disk and run it.

  • The Installation Manager wizard will help us create the answer file. With its help, we can either create a new or modify an existing script. Since we do not have any blanks, we will select “Create”.

  • We will leave the installation type by default - “automatic installation”.

  • Product version - Windows XP Professional.

  • User Interaction - “Fully Automatic Installation” (unless we plan to change the parameters in the answer file).

  • Next, select "Install from CD".

  • Let's accept the license agreement and move on to filling out the same forms and fields that we filled out when we installed Windows from disk. First window: “Name and Organization”.

  • Screen options. They can be left as default (use the Windows defaults).

  • Timezone.

  • Serial number (required!). Without introducing serial number here, you will not be able to continue building the answer file and installing the system.

  • The names of the computers on which Windows XP will automatically install using this scenario.

  • And also: administrator password, network components, name of the workgroup or domain, which will include this PC, telephone country and city code, locales, language support, initial parameters Internet Explorer, Windows installation folder, printers and a number of other settings - in separate windows of the program.

Upon completion of the wizard, a file will be created unattend.txt- this is our script, thanks to which we can install Windows XP completely automatically.

If you will be installing from a CD, you will need to rename unattend.txt to winnt.sif.

After you create a response file, you can add your own commands to the file, which you can learn more about in this article.

That, perhaps, is all. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in installing Windows XP in a script without your own active participation. It remains to save the resulting file in the i386 folder of the distribution disk - in the same place where winnt32.exe is located - windows installer.

If your PC is equipped with a floppy drive, you can place the answer file in the root directory of the floppy disk and insert it into your computer during system setup. In this case, the installer will have priority to execute the script from the floppy disk, even if there is another one on the CD, in the i386 folder.

Automation of installation by alternative means

Windows' native toolkit is not the only one-click installation tool. There are third-party applications for this, for example, Advanced Windows Unattended Installer... Create scripts with this simple and free software much faster and easier than windows tools... The only drawback of Advanced Windows Unattended Installer is the lack of a Russian-language interface.

To use this tool to create a disk that allows you to automatically install on windows computer XP, you only need to do three steps:

  • Copy the contents of the Windows distribution to a separate folder or mount its ISO image to a virtual drive.

As everyone knows, to work with a computer, we need an operating system that eventually becomes unusable due to viruses, garbage and other factors. Many people think that it is better to contact a professional for reinstallation, but I suggest you step by step instructions Windows XP installation. After studying which you will have no doubt that you can install Windows XP yourself.

Why do I have to reinstall Windows?
According to statistics, even with good protection of your computer from viruses and careful handling, you still have to reinstall Windows xp every three years. "Garbage" that accumulates in the system is sometimes the remnants of uninstalling programs and games where settings, configuration files and others are contained system files old application. Many programs make entries in the registry, and after deletion, the entry remains "live" in the system. It also happens that the computer hangs and it is not possible to "revive" it and the conclusion suggests itself: you need to install new windows xp.

Configuring your computer to boot from disc.
Usually, when the computer boots up, the motherboard splash screen appears for a moment, then the post check goes on and we see the "Windows XP" greeting. To install, we do not need to run Windows itself, but we need to start the disk with our windows xp image. To do this, go to Bios. To enter Bios, press the DEL or F1 key when turning on the computer. (On laptops, F1, F2, F3, DEL, Ctrl + Alt + Esc are used. If more than one combination does not fit, then you need to look at the office site how to enter bios).

Most often there are only two types of bios:

1. Phoenix AwardBIOS.
If you have exactly this version, then you need to do the following: enter the Advanced BIOS Features section, select First Boot Device and assign the value to CD-ROM. Then press the F10 key (to save the settings and exit) and in the dialog box that appears, select Yes.

2. American Megatrends BIOS.
In this version, the background will be gray and the sections will be written in the line above. First you need to enter the Boot section, then the Boot Device Priority subsection and select your CD-ROM drive in the 1st Boot Device item. And just like in Phoenix AwardBIOS, press the F10 key and confirm Yes.
This completes the computer setup.

Launch windows installer.
The first step is to insert the Windows disk into the drive and restart the computer. On the dark screen we will see the inscription "Press any key to boot from CD", which means - press any key to boot the disc, which we do. This inscription is displayed for no more than five seconds, so you need to immediately press any key. If you do not have time, then you should restart the computer and press the key again.

On the monitor, we will see that the windows installation has gone. Don't get involved unless you want to install a special RAID or SCSI driver. In this case, press the F6 key.

Next, we will be asked:
1. Start installing windows xp (Enter key)
2. Restore Windows (Key R)
3. Exit the installer (F3 key)

We press Enter and the license agreement appears, to agree and continue the installation press F8. Next, you need to select a hard disk partition on which the installation will be performed. If the disk is new and there is only an unallocated area on it, you need to create a partition (key C), specify the required size in it.

We will also be offered formatting hard disk fast and normal. Formatting is best done as normal with the ntfs filesystem. After all, the long-awaited installation of windows xp will finally go, upon completion the computer will reboot itself and a window will appear with the inscription "Press any key to boot from CD", this time we do not press anything!

A window will appear in which nothing needs to be changed, but in the next one we must enter the Name and Organization.

It may seem strange to someone that in 2014 I am writing an article on installing such an old operating system. But as practice shows, people still often contact me with a request to install Windows XP. Moreover, only in search engine Yandex over the past month was introduced more than 30,000 requests for "installing windows xp", which indicates the continued popularity of this version of Windows. And this is not surprising. There are many users who have become so accustomed to this operating system over the years that they don't want to explore new ones. They are satisfied with everything, because under Windows XP you can also while away hours in games, the Internet, and various applications. It's a matter of habit, what can I say here 😉 There are also many people who own old computers. They simply have no choice, even if they wanted to install something fresh.

I will go directly to the essence of the article. To begin with, I strongly recommend that you read my notes "" and "". Also, if you put pirated version Windows, you need to write down the product key, without which the installation will be impossible. The key can be viewed on the site where the Windows image was downloaded, in the distribution description. Another key can be in one of text files image. Some pirated Windows builds show you the key at the very beginning of the Windows installation. For licensed Windows, the key can be found on the sticker of the original disc box.

If you already have a bootable USB flash drive or disk, and in the BIOS you were able to set the computer to boot from the appropriate device, then you can start installing Windows. Insert bootable USB drive in usb port computer or CD / DVD disc into the optical drive, restart the computer. If you install the system from a disk, then a white inscription should appear on a black screen with the text "Press any key to boot from CD ...". Immediately press any key to get into the Windows Installer. If you install Windows from a bootable USB flash drive, then you may have boot menuwhere you must select the phrase "Windows 2000 / xp / 2003 setup" or " Installing Windows XP "(depends on the method with which you created the bootable USB flash drive), press Enter. Next, select the 1st line with the text "First part of Windows XP setup from partition 0", press Enter again. Windows Installer should start ( blue screen with the name "Install Windows"). We wait for a while, do not touch anything. When the screen with the text "Welcome to the Installer" appears, press the Enter key.

Next, you will be forced to read the license 🙂 Press the F8 key on your keyboard. A screen appears where you have to choose which logical drive you will install Windows (disk with letter C is recommended), press Enter. Attention, all information from the selected disk will be destroyed! If instead of logical disks you have “Unallocated area” displayed, you will have to create disks manually. Press the C key and assign the volume of the future system disk (preferably at least 50,000 MB), confirm the selection with the Enter key.

In the next window, select "Format the partition in nTFS system", Enter again. After formatting, the process of copying Windows files to the hard drive begins. Wait for the computer to shutdown and reboot. After rebooting, it is advisable to go into the BIOS and set your hard disk as a boot device (just as you set your USB flash drive or optical drive as a boot device).

The Windows installation process begins. You just watch until the computer asks you to interfere with the installation process. In the "Regional and Language Standards" window, leave everything by default, if you have the same as in the picture below (if not, then select the country and language manually), click "Next". In the window "Program ownership settings" write what you want in the "Name" line, "Next" again.

In the next window, enter the product key (I wrote about it at the beginning of the article), click the "Next" button. The next window with the time and date settings, change the time zone and date, if necessary.

In the next two windows, you do not have to change anything, just click "Next".

You can go for coffee or tea, Windows installation will continue without your participation. All that remains is to perform the basic setup at the end of the installation. Do as shown in the pictures below.

As a result, a window with screen parameters will appear, just click "OK" and then "OK" again. The worker is loading windows table XP. You did it! It remains only and.

Best regards, Alexander Molchanov

It usually takes up to 2 hours to install Windows XP. Installation can be done from disk and from a flash drive. If you want to install Windows XP from a flash drive, you

So, to install from disk, insert it into your floppy drive and restart your PC. You will need to put in the bios boot from the floppy drive, or call the boot menu, (Boot menu is a function that allows you to choose from which device to boot the computer. (Floppy drive, HDD (hard disk), portable hard drive, flash drive, etc.) On each PC, the boot menu call may differ, so press the f8, f9 keys in turn , f10, f11, f12) unless disabled in bios.

You can find out how to enter bios, turn on the boot menu there or set the computer to boot from a floppy drive or flash drive

If you write everything in one article on how to enable the boot menu or install boot from various devices, it will turn out to be very extensive, so I just made links. If a person can do all this, this information is useless to him.

Installation begins.

After the PC has seen and spun the disc, you will see Press any key to boot from CD press the space bar. If you missed this message, restart your computer and start over.

Please select automatic installation Windows. The mouse does not work during installation. Use the keyboard. After loading the system files, the following window will appear:

Then choose fast format NTFS

Formatting will begin, then copying the new files, and after completing, the computer should restart.

Now you need to boot not from the disk that is in the drive, but from the hard disk. When the Press any key to boot from CD entry appears again, ignore it. And if you set the boot from the HDD after the floppy drive in bios, then it should start loading windows as when turning on the PC normally, then the following window will appear:

Also, a little further, windows may appear with the requirement to enter license key, computer name and password, etc. (IN different versions XP everything is different) We enter all this and wait for the installation to complete. After the installation is complete, the PC will reboot, again you need to boot from the HDD and you will see the desktop after a while:

After installing Windows.

Next, you need to install drivers for correct work Windows if they haven't installed themselves. In order to see if all the drivers are in place, click the Start menu and right click click on my computer and select Management. A window will appear where we press Device Manager.

As you can see in the picture above, I have not all drivers installed. If you have disks with drivers that come with your computer / laptop, put firewood from them. When there are no such disks, I use a wonderful driver program Pack Solution.

Download it from the Internet, then run it and check the Expert mode checkbox on the left in the column. If there is no column, click the Expand button at the top right. Select the drivers you need to install, scroll down the list and there will be an Install button. After installation, restart your computer. Also, you can additionally look at the "" section and select what you need there. Almost all articles describe in detail how to install firewood.

Windows XP installation is complete.

Below you can watch a video detailing the installation of Windows XP from a disk. Good luck!

Windows XP and today remains one of the most popular operating systems... Users appreciate it for its reliability and ability to work on weak old hardware. Step by step installation windows systems XP is a fairly quick and cumbersome process. Below is a detailed description of it.

Preparing the computer for installing a new OS

The easiest way to install Windows XP is from the installation disc. If, instead of reading data from it, the system started loading the old OS or a black screen appeared that did not respond to button presses, then you just need to go into the BIOS and make the appropriate settings:

  1. Open the section Advansed BIOS Features or BIOS / Boot Device Priority;
  2. Select First Boot Devise;
  3. In the list that opens, select the CDROM value or the name of your drive;
  4. Save the result by pressing the F10 key and restart your PC.

Note that there are a lot of BIOS versions for laptops today, so the described steps in the case of installing the OS on a laptop may be somewhat different.

Go directly to the installation

The first window is a blue screen. It is at this stage that step by step installation software for installing Windows XP on a SCSI (high speed disk) or RAID array. To do this, you need to press F6, after which the installation of the corresponding drivers will begin. But in most cases, users install the system on a regular hDD, for which no intervention in the installation process is required at this stage, you just need to wait for the next welcome screen.

  1. Install Windows XP. The standard choice in most cases is to install the system from scratch or restore the old one. A convenient graphical interface is used.
  2. System recovery using the console. This is the choice of professional users and craftsmen - restoration is performed from command line using DOS commands. Wherein complete reinstallation the system is not produced.

Then the system proceeds to search for previously installed OS versions. If any were found, the list will be displayed on this screen below, the menu will offer options for subsequent actions:

  • reestablish old windows XP;
  • install a new copy of the OS.

In the first case, you can use earlier installed applications... Only system files will be replaced, and the installation will be complete. The second option involves a complete rearrangement of the system.

No list will appear, not only if you install Windows XP on an "empty" computer, but also if the previously installed system has a different edition or service pack.

The most crucial moment of installation

The next installation point is perhaps the most important, and it should be done thoughtfully and carefully. You will need to define a system partition and allocate disk space in such a way that virtual diskallocated for the system, there was enough space for it to function.

Of course, both the system and your personal data can use the same partition equal to the entire space hard disk, but such an organization is guaranteed to create many problems in the future.

Divide the disk into partitions

If you are installing Windows XP on a completely new disk, then you will have to distribute partitions yourself, since this step-by-step procedure has never been done before. In the window that appears, the size of the unallocated area will be indicated - it will match the size of the entire hard disk.

Here you need to create a so-called. the system partition is the one where the OS will be installed. To do this, you need to specify its size in megabytes (1 GB is equal to 1024 MB) and press "Enter" on the keyboard. After that, you will again return to the window in which the partition of the hard disk is performed. The created section will already be displayed on a separate line with the assignment of a Latin letter (usually C).

You should not save on the size of the system partition - the stability of the system will depend on it. The minimum space for installing Windows XP is 20 GB, but it is better to allocate it not 20, but 40, or even all 60 GB.

Similarly, from the remaining unallocated area, we create other sections for personal data, however, you should not get carried away with the quantity - in this case, files and folders big size will be distributed less efficiently, and section navigation will become more confusing.

Formatting the system partition

Next, you will need to select a partition for installing the system (in our case, drive C) and press the "Enter" key. A window will open prompting you to format the partition.
Choose fast formatting in NFTS system (FAT is obsolete). After completing the formatting, the process of installing the system files will start.
The most difficult stage of the installation has been completed.

By the way, if the disk that you partitioned is not formatted, then you can carry out this procedure with each of the created partitions for personal data even after the installation of Windows XP is completed using standard means.

If you are rearranging the system and the disk is already partitioned, then you just need to select the partition with the system to reinstall, format it and start the installation process. If you decide to format the rest of the sections, then all information on them will be lost.

Finishing installation

After the system files have been copied, the computer will restart and the installation will continue.

Determine the initial parameters: