What does the Twitter homepage look like. What is Twitter and why is it needed. Video: How to get back an account banned by Twitter

Twitter is an American service for the exchange of information between users from all over the world. Twitter is somewhat different from the rest social networks... Our article is devoted to these differences.

  1. The purpose of the application. Twitter is designed to convey your views to other people, not one-on-one.
  2. A way of expressing thoughts. Twitter assumes short and capacious statements (tweets), not long texts.
  3. The ability to retweet - repost interesting messages from a user to his friends. Subscribers of your friends will see it.
  4. Dating sites were the prototype of other social networks, news feeds were the prototype of Twitter.

Incredible possibilities

Many are registered on Twitter - presidents of countries, famous cultural and political figures, popular actors and musicians. The most valuable thing is that their accounts are pages real peopleunlike dozens of fake celebrity social media pages. Anyone on Twitter can follow the person of interest and read the tweets in the first person.

Interesting people's thoughts can be retweeted and shared with subscribers. It turns out that Twitter is an ideal platform for PR of any ideas. They also use microblogging to drive traffic to the site.

Variety of roles

Every Twitter user can become:

What are people writing about on Twitter?

Twitter audience in Russia and abroad

The number of registered users on Twitter is less than in Contact and Facebook. But the audience is showing constant growth. Today, about 48-49 million people are registered on Twitter, and by 2018 statisticians predict 65 million users.

The number of active users in Russia is 11.6 million, of which 48% are women, 52% are men. Twitter is a social network for young people. Most of Twitter's regulars are people under the age of 30, residents of large cities (from 500 thousand).

In early 2012, Twitter launched a redesigned version of the site, making sharing and finding information easier than ever.

Home and Profile Pages

The images below show elements of the home page and Twitter profile page. Descriptions of the marked items are given below the image.

1. Top navigation bar

To navigate Twitter, you'll use the top bar. Use the Home, Notifications, Direct Messages, and # In Course tabs.

2. Search bar

Use the search bar to find other Twitter users or search for current trends.

3. Your profile icon

Click on your profile icon to edit the page, change parameters account and much more.

4. Tweet button

Click on the Tweet button to write a new tweet.

5. Field for entering a new tweet.

Same as the Tweet button.

6. Quick view

Click on your name to view your profile page. You can also view some quick statistics:

  • Tweets: The number of your tweets all time.
  • Followers: The total number of people you follow.
  • Followers: The total number of your followers.

7. Ribbon

The feed displays the latest posts from people you follow.

8. Close-minded

Here you will see a list of suggested users based on your interests.

Many novice users are wondering why you need Twitter. Social networks around the world are developing very quickly. In just a few years, a large number of various sites have appeared on the Internet. Each has its own pros and cons. Some are for casual communication, some are primarily for exchange text information... What about the Twitter page? Why do users need it?


What page are you talking about? The thing is, Twitter is a generation. It has won the hearts of many users. It itself represents a somewhat non-standard "social network" that allows you to send small text messages, SMS, photos over the Internet.

In general, the word twitt in translation from English means "to chat" or "tweet". The main advantage (or feature) of the site is that all information on the user's page is located in open access... Why is Twitter needed? To conduct your microblogging and share short messages!

Distinctive features

Each social network has its own advantages and disadvantages. What makes the site under study stand out from the rest? The point is that it does not look like the usual social networks. Why do you need Twitter and how to use it? To understand this, first you need to decide how good the proposed resource is. To judge this characteristic will help distinctive features "social networks".

Among them, at the moment, there are:

  1. Fast messaging and notification of new information to subscribers. Here, publications are spreading faster than on all other social networks.
  2. All posted materials are open to users who have their own Twitter account.
  3. You can make a so-called "tweet" in an instant. Such mobility delights users. You don't need to write posts for a long time. You can share messages and information almost anytime, anywhere.
  4. Fashion is another advantage. It is fashionable to be a Twitter user now. Therefore, many are interested in this social network and use it, even if in fact there is no urgent need for it.

Perhaps these are all the main advantages that can only be identified. What else is important to know about this social network? How to use it?

Twitter Rules

Why is Twitter needed? To communicate! There are some rules for understanding the principle of publishing so-called "tweets". In fact, everything is very simple.

First of all, the user must register (about the registration principles a little later). After that, he will have his own account. It takes a few minutes to complete your profile. Further, a person can log in to the proposed social network at any time, and then leave a short message in his microblog.

Remember that people can write a variety of posts. You don't have to be limited to words only. Additionally, the "tweets" are inserted:

  • images (most often);
  • links to various sites;
  • photographs (even just taken);
  • event announcements;
  • video.

Accordingly, you can make Twitter interesting, varied and engaging. What elements should be familiar to every user who plans to create a page in the studied social network?


Now it is clear why you need Twitter, and what you can do if you have an account on this site. There are some terms to help you get comfortable with this social network.

"Tweet" is the first concept to be aware of. This is the name for short messages that are left in the studied social network. "Tweets" - posts in the microblog.

"Follower" is a subscriber. He represents a user who has a Twitter account. A person subscribes to the page and sees news from a particular user in his update feed.

Twitter Rules

Regardless of the version of Twitter (there are mobile and regular), the social network has a number of its own rules that will have to be followed. It is and about the peculiarities of registration, as well as the use of the page, and about the behavior towards users.

What items are required? In the vastness of the microblogging being studied, you will have to adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is forbidden to impersonate another person. A user who decided to create a "fake" page (fake) may be permanently blocked.
  2. Private information of third parties, as well as their personal files (for example, photographs) cannot be published. This is a violation of the law not only in Russia, but also in other countries.
  3. Calls for violence and rebellion, as well as threats, are prohibited. Applies to both own "tweets" and "retweets".
  4. No copyright infringement. Criminal liability is not excluded.

What else is important to know? Some are interested in how to communicate correctly with their subscribers. There are no clear rules in this regard. But users, especially successful ones, offer their own method of behavior.

How to deal with followers

There are certain rules of etiquette recommended on Twitter. Or, as they say, behavior. The point is that, in principle, there are no restrictions on this social network - it is important not to publish threats, insults and calls for violence.

But you need to communicate with followers somehow. What do successful users recommend? Among the basic rules of communication are:

  1. Respect for culture and etiquette. It is recommended to thank subscribers for "retweets". Also, you need to pay attention to those who read the user's account.
  2. It is worth doing "retweets" when the message is liked. No need to be shy, it is for such publications that the studied social network was invented.
  3. A lot of "tweets" in a short time is bad. It is recommended to refrain from this phenomenon. It is better to publish posts regularly, with small pauses.
  4. Spam and social media ads are discouraged. On Twitter, this rule also applies.

There are no more restrictions and essential tips. Maybe update Twitter regularly. Some users register here just because it's trendy and then forget about their account. You won't be able to collect many followers this way.

About registration

Now you should pay attention to the registration process. This is a mandatory item that allows you to access site resources. On the Twitter page, registration will take only a few minutes. It is important to remember that one user cannot have a huge number of accounts. One person - one profile.

  • username;
  • phone for binding;
  • email;
  • invented password on the English keyboard.

You do not need to indicate both mobile and mail. One thing is enough. The second option is most often chosen. Then you can register several profiles, but preferably under different names. Only one account can be linked to one phone number or mail.

After filling out the previously indicated fields (all of them are required), you need to confirm your profile on the Twitter website. Registration will be completed after entering the confirmation code or clicking on the link that came by email.


That's all, nothing else is needed. It remains only to fill out your profile, put an avatar and save the changes. Twitter is ready to go! If you have problems downloading data, you can use a special application for phones - Mobile Twitter. It allows you to quickly manage your social network account with maximum comfort.

Should I register here? It is recommended to use this page if the user likes to share latest news and events from his life. Why is Twitter needed? To exchange just short messages. You should not create an account here if the person is not used to constant communication.

Probably not worth explaining what role social networks play in modern information world... Providing Internet users with the opportunity to virtually communicate with each other, and thus find like-minded people in their hobbies and hobbies, are provided by many electronic Internet platforms. Twitter - one of them. We will understand in more detail what Twitter is and why it is needed, how to register on this popular microblogging service and become popular among network users.

What is Twitter and how to use it

Electronic Internet Platform Twitter ( tweet - "tweet", "chat") allows users to share small, concise messages with each other. The system appeared in 2006 and is now the leader among miniblogging systems... Let's note two features that distinguish the service from its competitors:

  1. Multiplicity... The account owner can send a message up to 140 characters.
  2. Relevance. Quick way receive or distribute information of various kinds in real time.

How do I use Twitter? First things first you need register in the system , and only then try to send your first tweet.

  • Sending a tweet from a mobile app... At the top of the application, you can see a small feather that opens (when you click on it) send tweet window.
  • Sending a tweet from a site... You can send in two ways: by clicking on the pen, as described for mobile applications, and directly start writing in the line below the avatar.

One tweet can contain:

  1. Message - 140 characters.
  2. Hashtag - designate a message by type or topic.
  3. User login - mention of one or another participant in the message.
  4. Link to any site.
  5. Photo - up to four, initially prepared images.

At the end, press " Send message"And a message will appear not only on your pagebut also on the feed of your readers.

What is Twitter for

There is no single answer to what Twitter is for. It all depends on what goals are set. But first of all, of course, the creation of this platform was based on simple human communication.

Consider the qualifications of Tweeters:

  1. Reader (follower)... People who are tired of looking for useful information on the net. Rationalism and brevity of news allows them to save a lot of time. In their actions, they are passive, and only track the events they need. They never write tweets, or it happens very rarely.
  2. Communication (twipple)... Such a tweeter not only gets the information he needs, but also communicates with other Twitter users. These are his own tweets - in which he expresses his opinion and thoughts, as well as retweets of messages left by other members.
  3. Business... Millions registered on the service attract businesses to Twitter. Some tweets may be purely promotional.

What does it mean to tweet on Twitter

Tweets on Twitter are small messages that don't exceed 140 characters. Do you want to inform the whole world about an important event? We write the text and click in the lower part of the right corner the button " Tweet ".

What tweeters usually write:

Many sites have social media buttons on their pages. Like an interesting article - let your subscribers know. By clicking on the button with the image of a bird and the inscription "Tweet", a link to the resource you like will appear on your feed.

What does it mean to retweet on Twitter

Retweet- place on your tape records taken from another tweeter. In order to do this action, you need to go to another user's page, and hover the mouse cursor over two green arrows located below the message. By clicking on the "Retweet" button that appears, this entry will appear on your tape.

The more interesting you are to readers, the higher the number of users who will retweet from your page.

This immediately found its application in all kinds of services that track the number of retweets made by followers and create a rating for the popularity of tweeters.

Twitter Dictionary

From the experience of many novice Twitter users, we can conclude that before registering in this system, it would not hurt to familiarize yourself with specific terms. This will not only help you quickly adapt to the new environment, but also protect you from ridiculous mistakes.

Below a complete list of terms related to Twitter:

  • Tweet(post) - messages written by you.
  • Retweet - posts you quoted from other pages.
  • Follower - the person who subscribed to updates from another tweeter.
  • Hashtags - tags, written in Latin characters, and allowing you to find all messages of a topic of interest.
  • Tape - the page that contains tweets and retweets.
  • Twiple - an active Twitter user who leaves at least a couple of dozen tweets every day.
  • Tweeters - common name users who love and use Twitter.

  1. The invented tweet limit of 140 characters is explained by the ability to send one message using an SMS message.
  2. The idea for the platform was invented by three employees of the company Odeo during lunch, which took place in the city park.
  3. The top three tweets are USA, Japan and Brazil. The billionth tweet was published 3 years after the launch of the service.
  4. The record, which is almost 7,000 tweets per second, was recorded on January 1, 2009 at 00:00:04 hours in Japan, during the New Year's celebration.
  5. Around the world, about 1.1 million tweeters are registered every day, which is 14 accounts per second.

Having learned what Twitter is and why you need it, you can safely register in this popular microblogging system. Traditional social networks have long ago set the teeth on edge, and an unusual communication service allows you not only to find new friends, but also to show off your brevity when composing short messages.

The constantly growing number of registrations shows that Twitter is fashionable, efficient and convenient.

Video: Everything About Twitter

Social networks are the most visited Internet services, not counting search engines... Twitter stands apart from popular portals such as Facebook, VKontakte and Instagram. If you are not yet a user of it, then, for sure, you are asking the same question as your “colleagues”: “What is Twitter and why is it needed?”. By the way, this is a good question. And we will try to answer it in the most detailed and accessible way.

About the history of appearance

Have you noticed that most of the inventions were originally created for use in a very narrow circle of people? So, for example, it was with the same Facebook. A similar situation happened with Twitter. In 2006, Odeo launched a small research project codenamed "twttr". The essence of the service boiled down to the exchange of short messages within the company. At the same time, the participants of this network had to answer a fairly simple question: "What are you doing now?"

Jack Dorsey became the main developer of the project. He was the owner of the first ever Twitter tweet, dated March 26, 2006. There was a short phrase in the message “just setting up my twttr” (“just setting up my twttr”). In July of the same year, the public version of the service was launched. And in April 2007, the social network became owned by the eponymous company Twitter Inc..

Breakthrough Twitter like powerful service for communication came to the annual SXSW festival in 2007. On the day of the festival, the number of tweets increased threefold, and the social network itself received extremely positive reviews from critics. As a result, the number of users of the service began to grow exponentially. Naturally, at first, people needed minimal instructions to understand how to interact within the portal. Fortunately, the interface was immediately intuitive, and the problem of misunderstanding was quickly resolved.

During its existence, Twitter has received several notable updates regarding both the interface and the algorithm of work. Versions have been created for mobile devices, as well as individual clients for using the service on a computer.

The number of registered users at the time of this writing exceeded one billion and amounted to 1.3 billion accounts. The service's profit, according to an estimate for 2015, was $ 521 million.

What is Twitter

History is history, but a specific question brought you here: “What is Twitter for in general? What kind of social network is this? " After all, it really does not visually look like the services we are used to for virtual communication. There are no photo albums, no questionnaire, and even the admins do not force to write their real names - you can introduce yourself as anyone, even as a brick from house number three on Bloshinnaya Street.

Actually, Twitter is visually a long feed of posts from users you follow. The funny thing about posts is that their length was originally limited to 140 characters. And only in 2017, the Twitter management finally introduced the ability to write texts up to 280 characters into the service. By the way, the users themselves were somewhat upset by this update: after all, for 10 years the main feature of the social network was the need to fit their thoughts into these short 140 characters. It was annoying at times, but definitely gave the service some charm.

As for the user interaction, it is based on the following concepts:

  • Follower, he is a subscriber. User who subscribed to your page. You can follow other users, i.e. subscribe to their pages on social networks.
  • Tweet. This is the post itself.
  • Retweet. Publishing another user's tweet on your page, keeping the original source.
  • Comment. He's a reply. In Russian speaking, a reply to a tweet.
  • LS, or direct. These are private messages - communication between two users in a private chat.
  • Trends. These are the hot topics that are being written about the most at the moment.
  • Hashtags. Subscriptions to posts, allowing you to quickly find information on a topic of interest.

Your Newsfeed is actually formed from tweets posted by users you follow. Posts are displayed in chronological order. However, some time ago, tweets began to appear at the top of the Feed, which, in the opinion of the system that analyzes your activity, may be of most interest to you.

Thus, Twitter is a microblogging based on the principle of subscriptions. We will tell you about why this service is needed in the next section of the article.

What is Twitter for

Since Twitter is positioned as a social network, then, accordingly, its main goal is to create conditions for users to communicate. Logical question: "How to communicate on Twitter if it is so different from VK or FB?" It's simple. First, you also have access to private messages, i.e. direct. Secondly, the main communication is based on commenting on the posted tweets of other users. Sometimes there are so many answers to one entry that you even start to get confused.

But, of course, communication is only part of the possibilities. In fact, the service is used for other purposes as well:

  • Tracking / broadcasting news;
  • Creating a blog for profit;
  • Advertising.

Oftentimes, people start using Twitter to keep up with the latest news. It is through this service that people around the world quickly publish important information, whether it be a minor accident on the next street or a significant political event. Given the small volume of the post, the information is provided in a concise form, which allows you to get mostly facts.

Twitter's second purpose is to create a commercial blog. This is not the primary goal of the social network, but cunning users quickly learned how to make a profit. In fact, you create a microblog, fill it with interesting content and promote yourself. And then, according to the standard scheme of modern social networks, you get the opportunity to earn money through advertising.

And by the way, about advertising. Many brands make their mark through this popular service. Of course, Twitter is a stretch for specific advertising posts - it's still better to turn to standard social networks, such as VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. However, Twitter microblogs can also work if they are routed correctly. This is because useful or interesting information is quickly shared on Twitter. But here, of course, you need to hook up followers, existing and potential, and competently promote your account.

We hope we were able to clearly explain how to use Twitter and what it is for. Still have questions? Comments are always open - ask!