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It often happens that some hard disk is running out of space, while the other has plenty of it. Usually you run out of space on the C drive, because the least amount of memory is allocated for it initially when installing the OS. So what is the solution to this situation?

Let's consider two absolutely safe ways.

Method number 1

If you have Windows 7 or 8 operating system on your PC, then everything is as easy as shelling pears for you. You can use the standard Disk Management utility, which is used to change and view partitions hard disk.

Method number 2

If you are still running XP, or even worse Vista, then you need special programs. Personally, I advise - Acronis Disk Director or Partition Magic.

Now let's go through each method in more detail.

In the first case, the procedure is as follows:

Right-click (right mouse button) on the Computer icon on the desktop, go to Control in the context menu. A window opens, we find and run the utility - Disk Management.

Next, let's assume the most common case when we will "expand" drive C at the expense of drive D. To do this, find drive D in the window, right-click and select - Shrink volume. A window will open where you will need to specify the size of memory that we want to transfer to the system drive. We drive it in the paragraph - Compressed space size (MB).

After that, a free area of \u200b\u200bmemory will appear on our hard drive, which we can transfer to any other disk, in our case, the C drive. To do this, further press the RMB on it and select - Expand volume. The Volume Expansion Wizard will open. In its window, select the expandable volume (disk) and the amount of space to add, click on and voila - after a short wait, we get disk C with an increased amount of memory. Well, after such manipulations with the hard disk, be sure to restart the computer.

The second method shouldn't scare you, in fact it is even easier. The only thing you first need to download and install on your computer acronis program Disk Director. I recommend it, as it has great functionality, allows you to make OS backups and hard drives and many other disk operations. But more on that later. In the meantime, we are interested in increasing the C drive at the expense of the D drive.

After installation, we launch the program, a fairly understandable program interface opens, in which all the disks of our PC are displayed. To enlarge the C drive, click on it and select in "Operations" - Resize the volume. After that, in a new window that opens, put a checkmark in front of the items - Add unallocated space to the volume and Take free space from other disks. At the window with percentages, choose how much space we want to borrow from other disks. After all the changes, click - OK. After that, as in the first case, the system will ask you to reboot for the changes to take effect.

In both cases, you will get the same result and no longer worry about running out of space on your drives.

I hope my article was useful for you and will help you when you need it!

If the operating system is running out of memory, it's time to think about how to increase the size of the disk (C :). Over time, the OS "grows" - new programs appear in it, updates are downloaded. There is less and less free space in the partition, even if you install all the utilities in a different volume. You can clean the system disk from junk files or resize it. And for this you do not need to format the hard drive or reinstall Windows.

The characteristics of the HDD itself do not change. You only redistribute existing resources between logical drives... Physical memory remains the same. If you want to expand it too, you will have to purchase a new hard drive.

Do not expand the partition if there is still free space on it. If something goes wrong when resizing, you will lose all your data.

In the process of work, unnecessary information "settles" in the system. These are the files left over from remote applications , outdated cache, registry entries that don't lead anywhere and don't belong to anything. Apart from each other, they do not weigh much. But in the aggregate, they strongly clog the system and take up a large amount of memory. You can clean the OS from garbage and free up space for the needs of Windows.

  • Click right click mouse on the disk icon.
  • Item "Properties".
  • General tab.
  • Cleaning button.

Click on "Cleanup"

  • Check the boxes next to necessary items ... Better to delete the "Temporary Files". You can also erase "Thumbnails" - these are previews ("thumbnails") of images and videos. With them, you see not an ordinary icon, but a picture or frame. But the cache can store thumbnails of drawings that you no longer need. Therefore, feel free to erase all previews if it takes up extra space. As soon as you open a folder with pictures or photos, new thumbnails for icons are loaded into the cache.

We put a tick next to the necessary files

  • You can also use programs to remove garbage. For example, CCleaner will do.

And a few more tips:

  • Do not install resource-intensive programs on the system drive. Use other sections to download games, editors, multimedia programs.
  • Don't put videos, photos, archives in subdirectories (C :). Transfer your personal data to another place.
  • Don't litter your desktop with shortcuts and folders.

Cleaning the OS does not change the size of the system disk. But this will increase the amount of data that can theoretically fit on it.

When do you need to expand the disk?

If Windows has enough resources to work, you don't need to touch anything. Extending logical partitions manually is risky. If you do something wrong, the system will stop loading. Resize the system directory only as a last resort. For instance:

  • Little space was initially allocated for Windows. When “slicing” volumes, we did not calculate how much memory is needed for stable operation.
  • You cleaned the OS from garbage, deleted unnecessary data, moved your files to another partition, but it didn't help. Free space in system partition fills up too quickly, because various updates, extensions, additions are constantly installed.

Computer management

Here's how to increase memory on the C drive without third-party utilities:

  • Click right click mouse on the "My Computer" icon.
  • Item "Management". Administrator rights are required to open this menu.
  • Expand the list of "Storage Devices". It's on the left side of the window.
  • Select the sub-item "Disk Management".

Find and run Disk Management

  • Right-click on the system partition.
  • You need the Expand Volume line to increase the size. If this item is not active, then additional volume is needed.
  • To get it, right-click on any other disk that has free space.
  • Select "Shrink Volume".
  • Specify the number of megabytes that you want to "transfer" to (C :).
  • Confirm the action and wait while the system shrinks the partition.
  • You now have unallocated memory. And the "Expand Volume" option will be active.
  • The computer may restart several times to complete the operation. Do not interrupt the process or turn off your PC.

Do not touch the System Reserved object. Do not change disk labels ("letters") and paths to them. Do not make active a partition on which the OS is not installed.

Third party utilities

You can resize volumes using special programs. They are called "Partition Managers". They have a simple interface. You don't need any special skills to work with them. But all the same, such utilities must be used carefully. If you do something wrong, you can, in general, remove all volumes and erase the data.

Almost all of these applications have a similar interface. Therefore, for other programs, the algorithm of actions will be the same.

Acronis Disk Director window

Here's how to increase disk space (C :) using Acronis Disk Director:

  1. Install this utility. You can download it on the official Acronis website. It is paid, but a demo download is available. Also in world wide web there are "hacked" versions of the program.
  2. Run it. A window with a list of logical partitions will open.
  3. Right-click on the volume you want to expand.
  4. Item "Resize". It is the first in the context menu list.
  5. Check the boxes "Add unallocated space" and "Take from other volumes".
  6. In the "Leave free space on volume (%)" counter, specify what percentage of memory to leave in the partition. This value depends on general parameters hard drive and local disk that you are squeezing. If you set 80%, 20% of the volume (D :) will be added to the system partition. Don't overdo it. Don't drag all free resources to (C :). So you will have nowhere to put your personal data.
  7. In the "Size" field, specify the desired size of the system volume.
  8. Click OK. The settings window will close.
  9. In the program itself, click on "Apply Pending Operations".
  10. The utility will prepare and check everything. After you click "Continue", the computer will restart (possibly more than once). Disk space will be redistributed during system startup. Do not turn off the PC, do not unplug the power cord, otherwise you will lose data from the partitions.

After fully loading, you will see that the volume (C :) has increased.

You can also do this: free up space by compressing one volume, and add this "ownerless" memory to another.

Aomei Partition Assistant

Here's how to increase the size of the disk (C :) with help Aomei Partition Assistant:

  • Download and install the program. You can find it at Discover home page resource global network and go to the "DOWNLOAD" tab. Standard ("Standard") license of the utility is distributed free of charge.
  • Run it. A list of available volumes will open.
  • First you need to shrink the disk (D :) to free up some space. Right-click on it and select "Modify".

  • Reduce the size of the section. To do this, specify a numerical value or move the slider that shows how much memory is allocated.

Changing the size of the disk (C :)

  • Now change the drive (C :) just like (D :). Just don't shrink, expand the volume.
  • After configuring and allocating memory, click the "Apply" button in the main window of the utility.
  • The computer may restart several times. Do not turn it off, even if the process is delayed.

There is no Russian language in the program (although you can find versions with an amateur translation on the net). But using it is as simple as the previous utilities. It works on both Windows and Linux.

MiniTool Partition Wizard window

  • Download the application from, install and run. A list of volumes will appear.
  • Free up memory first. Right click on the disk (D :) (or any other, if it is not reserved by the system).
  • Item "Move / Resize". A window for changing the volume will open.
  • You can manually prescribe values \u200b\u200bor adjust the slider.

  • In the "Unallocated Space After" field, specify the size of the disk you want to get as a result (if you compress the volume, the amount of megabytes will be less than the original).
  • Confirm the action.
  • Do the same for the (C :) drive. Allocate free memory to it.
  • The slider should be adjacent to the left side of the window. If there is a "gap" between it and the border, there will be problems with loading the OS.
  • Confirm again.
  • Click the "Apply" button. She is in the left upper corner main application window.
  • Wait while the program reallocates resources between volumes. Do not turn off your computer.

How do I resize a disk while installing Windows?

If you are installing or reinstalling Windows, you can change the size of the system disk right during initialization. But this will not save the system parameters, design, programs and other data. It is better to back up important information.

  • Start Windows from CD or USB stick.
  • When it comes to choosing the type of installation, click on " Complete installation ". A list of sections will open.

We choose " Complete installation»

  • Don't touch volumes that you don't know anything about. Most likely, there is important system data. Only work with familiar (C:) and (D :).
  • Select the one you want to resize.
  • Click on the "Disk Setup" link.
  • And then on the "Expand" button.
  • You must have unallocated memory to use it. To create it, you can delete one of the partitions that do not belong to the OS. Then add required volume to the system drive. And from the remaining resources to form a new top.

The option will be relevant:

  • If this is the first time installing Windows.
  • If you decide to "start over" and format your hard drive.

In the first case, there is no irrecoverable data on the computer; in the second, it should not be there.

You have learned several ways to increase the (C :) drive. But don't do it for no reason. If the system needs free space for virtualization, paging file, storage backups and recovery points, it makes sense to resize the primary volume. But if everything works fine, and there is still enough memory in the section, it is better not to touch anything.

Which section manager would you recommend?

If the operating system is already installed. Friends, this article can be successfully applied if you have an operating system Windows XP, Windows 7.

  • In this article, we will apply paid program Acronis Disk Director, but the same operation can be done and free programs : and, in the end, you can choose what you work with. By the way, if you have the operating system Windows 7, you can not resort to any programs.

So, here we will be using Acronis Disk Director. Resort to the help of this program, split if necessary hDD into several partitions, or you need to resize a partition. You can also use this program to find and restore a deleted partition. There are a lot of articles on our site describing how to work with this program, you can find them. In our case, we have broken the wrong hDD into partitions during installation operating system.

  • Acronis Disk Director can be installed directly in Windows, but many users work with boot disk programs, so fewer errors. can be created in the most acronis program Disk Director.
  • Acronis Disk Director belongs to disk partitions managers, which means that while working with the program there is a risk of accidentally deleting all partitions of the hard disk if you suddenly do something wrong.
    Therefore, before working with the Acronis Disk Director program, I recommend making a backup of all partitions of your hard disk. It's very simple. Any user, regardless of work experience with a computer, simply must be able to create a backup of the operating system and, if necessary, deploy it back.
    These detailed articles will help you master the indispensable operating system recovery tools. These tools will help you restore your operating system in any case.

It so happened that when working at a computer, the user is accustomed to having a divided hard drive into two partitions D: / and C: /. Where the folder with the system is stored on one, and various media files are stored on the other, such as photos, music, films, etc. But, sooner or later, everyone who works on the Windows operating system has probably come across such a situation when it was necessary to increase the size of disk C at the expense of disk D, due to lack of free space.

Usually, this disc is filled due to the fact that there is an excess of installed on the computer various programs and games. Also, this space fills up with incredible speed if the user only saves all possible files on the desktop. Another reason for filling up free space is temporary files from the Internet and. As a result, due to lack of space on the system partition, you cannot download anything from the Internet and you cannot even run more than one program.

A few suggestions below you will find detailed instructions About, how can I increase the C drive through different waysstarting from third party software and ending with the LiveCD, which I think a lot of people already know about with. Of course, we will in no way forget to consider increasing the size of the C drive using the standard windows utilities, entitled "".

Before we get down to work, I would like to point out some nuances.

  • We will increase the size of the C drive at the expense of the D drive. Therefore, make sure that you have enough free space on the local drive D: /;
  • Unfortunately, increase your C drive space with standard program disk management will not work without data loss, so be extremely careful so that you do not have to manually later;
  • All the tips that I will describe below apply to absolutely all major operating systems, windows family (7/8/10 );

So we free up disk space, from which we will bite off a piece and proceed to the practical part of the instructions on how to increase the C drive at the expense of D.

Increasing Disk Space With Aomei Partition Assistant

First, we will use a program that is distributed free of charge and will help us increase the size of the C drive, directly from the Windows working environment. But, before using it, of course, you need to download and install it on your computer. There is nothing to explain, I think you can handle it with a bang.

The main thing during the download is not to forget to change the installed language to Russian.

Having launched the program, its interface should open in front of you, with various windows in which complete information about the hard disk and about all the partitions into which it is divided will be displayed.

Since we came here in order to increase the size of the C drive, taking the free space from D, we perform the following steps in order.

If you just resize the disks without hitting the apply button at the end, you won't get the expected result. After completion, the computer will reboot several times and you will get on system disk the additional space that you indicated earlier.

We increase the space on the system disk using Disk Director.

The next option is also not bad, but it is not entirely convenient, because in order to implement it, we will have to and then boot from it.

Perhaps you ask, if it is so complicated, why am I showing it? Hmm, there are actually a lot of reasons, for example, you need to increase the size of the C drive at the expense of the D drive, but when using various programs, a message constantly appears that the system cannot lock the drive to complete the operation. So, in such cases, LiveCD with the Disk Director program can help us out.

So, who does not have such a disc yet, you can download the one that I use: Link. Next, just write it down to any disc, as a simple image and.

In the loaded LiveCD, we find the Disk Director icon on the desktop and launch the program. An interface will appear that is very similar to the working environment of the program we have considered just above.

To increase the size of the C drive, perform the following actions:

  1. In the top panel, click on the icon that will launch the window to increase free disk space;
  2. In the dialog box that appears, select the partition to which we want to add free space and click " Further»;
  3. In the next step, we will be required to select a partition due to which we will add free space;
  4. Further, the wizard for increasing free space will ask you to specify the size of the expanded partition using the slider, in our case it is drive C. Having moved the slider as you need, click " Further", to continue;
  5. Before starting the process, the program will definitely show you the structure of the newly created partitions and ask you to press the button " To complete»;
  6. Now, to apply all the changes, click on the checkbox;
  7. A list of activities that have been scheduled appears. After reviewing them, click on "" to start executing all processes to increase the size of the C drive;
  8. The conversion will take several minutes, although the procedure itself may take even an hour depending on the size of the hard disk;
  9. After the program finishes, we restart the computer and check whether Disk Director has coped with its task;

Maybe this method is not the most convenient due to the fact that you need to create a new disk, but it is not effective for me than others, and will always help out in situations where programs from the operating environment of the system simply cannot cope.

Increasing disk space C with Disk Management

And finally, as I promised, let's see how you can increase drive C with drive D using your own Windows resources. Those who decided to use this method, I hope you have not forgotten that it has one rather serious drawback in that when the partition increases, your personal data will be deleted from the disk " D". Therefore, I recommend using this option only on new machines and on clean hard drives.

If you still intend to use this particular method, then we call the window " Execute"By clicking" Windows + R"And there we execute the command .

A window of the utility we need will open, in which all drives that are connected to the computer will be displayed. In the same place, you will see separately your sections C and D, and several hidden boot sectors, by the way, which I recommend not to touch in any way, so that later you do not have to restore the system.

Now, having selected the section with the letter D, right-click on it and press, "". Doing this will delete both the disk itself andto and all the data stored on it, therefore, do not forget to save them somewhere else, for example on a USB flash drive.

In the next step, we go to the C drive and in the same way call context menu, but this time we choose “ Expand volume ...". A window will appear where you will need to specify the size of the added free space. Immediately, all the space that we freed up by removing the D drive will be displayed, but since we do not want to take everything, but only a small part, we indicate the number we need, for example 4000MB.

Attention!!! If the disk that you want to enlarge will have a button “ Expand volume», I recommend using the first or second option.

By increasing the size of the C disk at the expense of D, we return our donor back to its normal form. To do this, click on the unallocated space with the right button and select the first line “ Create simple volume"And then follow the instructions to perform actions, which will recommend utility. It will be formatted and assigned a volume letter, after which you can use it as before.

In this article, I have not tried to show you different programsthat do the same thing, here I wanted to tell you about three ways that can help you in completely different situations. For example, you can use the first option during normal operation of the system, the second in case of some kind of breakdown, and the third in the case of a new computer, you do not have to download anything, but you can quickly do everything using Disk Management, spending only 5 minutes.

How to increase drive C with drive D in Windows 7, 8.1, 10

The issue of free space on the system drive C is very acute for many users. It so happens that during the operation of the operating system, even if you do not upload anything to the C drive, there is not much free space.

This is due to the fact that periodically your antivirus, as well as the operating system itself, is updated. Browser caches also eat up free space.

Of course, you can constantly uninstall updates, clear browsers' caches, transfer the paging file from the system disk, so that free space appears on the system disk.

But all this is only a temporary solution to the problem. It can be radically solved only by increasing the size of disk C. And this can be done at the expense of free space on disk D. How to bite off a piece of it.

In this article, you will learn how to increase the size of the c drive with the d drive in windows 7 without losing data, and also without installing additional programs.

The process of flipping space from drive D to drive C

First, it opens computer control. To do this, right-click on the "Computer" icon on the desktop or in the "Start" menu and select "Control" in the menu that opens.

We go into computer management

In the window that opens at the bottom left, select "Disk Management".

Disk management

Here you will see all your local drives. Free space can be added to drive C by nibbling off the adjacent drive to the right. In most cases, this is drive D.

To do this without losing data, you need to transfer as much information as possible from drive D to other local drives, if any. If they are not, then it does not matter. We will make do with what we have.

If possible, remove anything from drive D that you don't really need or can easily recover. The point is to make the D drive as much free space as possible.

Once you have done this, right-click on it and select "Shrink Volume".

Shrink disk D by the amount that we want to attach to disk C

A window will appear in which you need to specify how much space you need to "bite off" from disk D. But it should be borne in mind that this is not the volume that will be further attached to disk C. This is the volume of your disk D after "biting off" free space from it.

The calculation is as follows. For example, the D disk is 150 GB. You want to transfer them to the C 50 GB drive. So you need to compress it by 100 GB. This will be your D drive in the future, and what remains (50 GB) will be attached to the C drive.

We indicate the amount of space to compress in megabytes. (100 GB should be specified as 100,000 MB) and click the "Compress" button.

The following picture will be displayed:

Unaligned area. This is your new D drive

A free unallocated area will appear behind disk D. Right-click on it and select "Create Simple Volume". In the window that appears, click "Next" three times, and then "Finish", without changing any parameters.

After that, a new one will appear behind the D drive. local disk... On it you need to copy everything important that was left on the D drive before starting this whole procedure.

New disc created

Once the D drive is cleared of important files in the "Disk Management" window, right-click on it and select "Delete volume ..". In the warning window that appears, click "Yes".

After copying everything important from the D drive, delete it

An unallocated area will appear in front of the C drive, which we will attach to it.

Unallocated area in front of drive C

To do this, right-click on drive C and select "Expand Volume".

Attaching the unallocated area to drive C

Lastly, you just have to change the letter of your new disk to the letter D. To do this, right-click on it and select "Change the drive letter or path to the disk .." in the window that opens, click "Change", select a letter from the list and in all the appearing windows press "Yes" ("OK").

Specify the size of the compression in megabytes

How to increase the size of the C driveif the operating system is already installed. Friends, this article can be successfully applied if you have an operating system Windows XP, Windows 7.

  • In this article, we will use the paid Acronis Disk Director program, but the same operation can be done and free programs: and, in the end, you can choose what you work with. By the way, if you have the operating system Windows 7, you can not resort to any programs.

So, here we will be using Acronis Disk Director. They resort to using this program, if it is necessary to divide the hard disk into several partitions, or you need to resize any partition. You can also use this program to find and restore a deleted partition. There are a lot of articles on our site describing how to work with this program, you can find them. In our case, we incorrectly partitioned the hard disk when installing the operating system.

  • Acronis Disk Director can be installed directly in Windows, but many users work with boot disk programs, so fewer errors. can be created in the Acronis Disk Director itself.
  • Acronis Disk Director belongs to disk partitions managers, which means that while working with the program there is a risk of accidentally deleting all partitions of the hard disk if you suddenly do something wrong.
    Therefore, before working with the Acronis Disk Director program, I recommend making a backup of all partitions of your hard disk. It's very simple. Any user, regardless of work experience with a computer, simply must be able to create a backup of the operating system and, if necessary, deploy it back.
    These detailed articles will help you master the indispensable operating system recovery tools. These tools will help you restore your operating system in any case.

When windows installation The XP disk (C :), on which we have the operating system installed, turned out to be only 20.8 GB in size, and the disk (D :) turned out to be large at 90.98 GB. Let's correct our mistake and increase the disk space (C :) at the expense of the disk (D :), we will make them almost equal, all our files will naturally remain intact, we will do this using special program Acronis Disk Director 11, website, you can download a free demo version. This program is very serious, with skillful use it can help, and with inept use you will lose all your data, but I think you can do without it.

If something doesn't work out for you, check out the article: -, where all your possible mistakes, during this operation.

How to increase space on the C drive

  1. The first thing we will do is reduce the disk partition (D :) and we will have unallocated space
  2. The second is to attach the unallocated space to disk (C :).

In general, for the future, it is better for you to perform the operation on partitioning the hard disk in, immediately before the installation itself.

So here is our drive (C :), total volume 20.8 GB

Disk management

We launch our program

Hover the mouse over the disk (D :) and right-click once (select it), then resize the volume

We change the size of the selected volume (D :) downward so that the unallocated space is in front of the volume (D :), set it to 34 GB, then we add the free space to the disk (C :) and the two volumes will become approximately the same size.

We expose 34 GB and click OK

Our program works with you in a pending operation mode and all the changes we made will take effect when you click the button Apply pending operations


As we can see, there is a free space (Not used) of 34 GB. It's the turn to increase the size of the disk (C :), select it and click Resize volume

We increase the volume size to 54.81 GB or to the maximum and put a tick in the item Add unallocated space to volume

In the main window of the program, click Apply pending operations, a reboot request appears, continue and reboot

Before starting the operating system, we see the work of the program.

Windows boots, go to disk management and see an enlarged disk (C :)

Attention: Friends, if someone in the process of working with the Acronis Disk Director program, after allocating free space at the expense of the disk (D :), this very space will disappear into nowhere and the disk (C :) does not increase in size, and the disk ( D :) will become smaller, then firstly, this article will help you or check out these two small instructions.

How does this happen?

For example, if we take our case, then initially we had
disk (C :) is only 20.8 GB in size and
disk (D :) with a size of 90.98 GB.
In the Acronis Disk Director program, we pinch off 34 GB from the disk (D :), then attach this space to the disk (C:). After this operation, the disk (C:) should be 54 GB, and the disk (D:) is 56 GB.
In fact, we get the disk (C:) the same as it was 20.8 GB, and the disk (D :) is 56 GB. In other words, the disconnected space from the (D :) drive of 34 GB is going nowhere.
In this case, once again you need to boot into the Acronis Disk Director program and pinch off a small space from the disk (C:), about 1 GB and leave it unallocated, then press the button Apply pending operations... After rebooting, enter the "Disk Management" of the operating system and expand the C: drive due to this unallocated space, the missing gigabytes will also be attached to the drive (C:)

Another instruction from our reader:

ATTENTION, can anyone help my advice. I also wanted to increase the "C" drive, and also suffered with the loss of GB. One thing helped: I tore off a small piece from "disk D" (100 MB) once more and left them as "not busy". After restarting the computer, I went to "My Computer" -\u003e "Disk Management" and there I already added these 100 MB to the "C drive" (function: Expand the volume). Then he admired his missing GB.